Family education systems in different countries. The most unusual responsibilities of children around the world. England: the duty to contain emotions

In every corner of the planet, parents love their children equally. But education is carried out in each country in its own way, in accordance with the mentality, lifestyle and traditions. What is the difference between the principles of raising children in different countries?


The family, for any inhabitant of America, is sacred. There is no separation of male and female responsibilities. Dad sits with children, mom provides for the family - it is quite normal.

Children are an object of adoration and admiration. School and kindergarten holidays are events traditionally attended by the whole family.

Children are given complete freedom of action quite early on - this is how they are taught to be independent. If the child wants to roll out in the mud, mom will not be hysterical, and dad will not pull off his belt. Because everyone is entitled to their mistakes and experiences.

Grandchildren rarely see their grandparents - as a rule, they live in other states.

Right to privacy. Americans require compliance with this rule even from babies. Children sleep in separate rooms from their parents, and no matter how much the kid would like to drink some water at night or hide from ghosts in the warm parental bed, dad and mom cannot be touched. And no one will run to the crib every five minutes either. The lifestyle that the parents had before giving birth continues after. A child is not a reason to refuse noisy parties and meetings with friends, to which they take the baby with them and, despite his protest roar, give each guest a hold.

The main motto of pediatric medicine is “Don't panic”. Examination of a newborn baby may well be accompanied by a short - "wonderful baby!" and weighing. As for further observation by doctors, the key factor for the doctor is the appearance of the baby. Looks great? Means healthy. Americans do not go into unnecessary details, wondering whether this medicine prescribed by the doctor is harmful. If the doctor ordered it, then that is how it should be. Mom will not dig the global network in search of drug side effects and forum reviews.

American dads and mums are calm and always exudes optimism. Daily exploits and fanaticism in raising children is not about them. They will not give up their desires and needs even to please children. Therefore, American mothers have enough strength for a second, third child, and so on. A child is always in the first place for an American, but the universe will not revolve around him.


In England, it is customary to educate a child with high self-esteem from early childhood. Children are praised for any, even the smallest, achievements. The main thing is for the child to feel confident in himself. Only in this way, according to the British, he will be able to grow up as a self-sufficient person who can make decisions in difficult situations.

No self-respecting English mother will reprimand someone else's child. Even kindergarten and kindergarten teachers have a rare patience for toddlers. They do their best not to comment or scold children.

If the child is capricious, then they try to switch his attention to the game. The main thing is to raise free and liberated people from children without complexes and prejudices.

They conduct long conversations with older children, trying to explain to what consequences one or another of their behavior can lead. The school also encourages the child to show individuality. Each student has his own approach.

The child is free to make decisions - where to study, what additional activities to attend. At home, the child is allocated his own room from the cradle. Growing up, he decides for himself when to clean up there, and adults cannot enter their child without asking.


The attitude towards children in this country is reverent. Even if the kid broke something or broke something in the store, no one will scold him for it - rather, they will politely ask if he was scared. Despite the fact that women in Ireland prefer to give birth at a fairly mature age, there are many children in families - often four or five. It is interesting that in this country there are no orphanages at all: there will certainly be a foster family for all orphans.


The Italian family is, first of all, a clan. Even the most distant, most worthless relative is a family member whom the family will not abandon. In Italy, the birth of a baby is an event for everyone. Even for the "seventh water on jelly". A child is a gift from heaven, an angel. Everyone will noisily admire the baby, pamper him to the maximum, throw sweets and toys.

Italian kids grow up in total control, but at the same time in an atmosphere of permissiveness. As a result, they grow up unrestrained, hot-tempered and overly emotional. Children are allowed everything. They can make noise, disobey their elders, fool around and eat, leaving stains on clothes and tablecloths. Children, according to Italians, should be children. Therefore, self-indulgence, standing on the head and disobedience are normal. Parents spend a lot of time with kids, but they are not annoyed with excessive care.

Considering that children do not know the word "no" and are generally not familiar with any prohibitions, they grow up to be absolutely liberated and artistic people. Italians are considered the most passionate and charming people, they do not tolerate criticism and do not change their habits.


The family in France is strong and unshakable. So much so that children, even after thirty years old, are in no hurry to leave their parents. Therefore, there is some truth in French infantilism and lack of initiative. Of course, French mothers are not attached to their children from morning to night - they have time to devote time to both the child and the husband, and work, and personal affairs.

Babies go to kindergarten quite early - mothers are in a hurry to return to work within a couple of months after giving birth. Career and self-realization are very important things for a French woman. As a rule, kids have to learn independence at an early age, entertaining themselves in all sorts of ways. As a result, children grow up very quickly.

Raising with a whip is not practiced in France. Although the French mother, as a very emotional woman, can scream at the child. For the most part, the atmosphere in which children grow up is friendly. But the main prohibitions - on fights, quarrels, whims and disobedience - are known to them from the cradle. Therefore, children easily join new teams.

At a difficult age, prohibitions persist, but the illusion of freedom is created so that the child can show his independence.

In preschool, the rules are strict. For example, a child of a non-working French woman will not be allowed to eat in the common dining room, but will be sent home to eat.

French grandparents don't babysit with their grandchildren - they live their own lives. Although sometimes they can take their grandchildren, for example, to the section.


In Germany, children are born quite late, usually after thirty, when both parents already have a good career, and their social status is stable. They approach the birth of children with the thoroughness characteristic of the nation - for example, they begin to look for a nanny even before the child is born.

Children stay at home until three years old, after which they begin once a week to attend the so-called play group, where they learn to communicate with their peers. Only then are they sent to kindergarten for a full day.

The main feature of education in Germany is concern for the safety and protection of young citizens. Not only can parents not punish their children, but even raising their voices is discouraged. Here, education is a dialogue. The child has the right to hear the reason why the parents want to punish him and express their opinion about the situation.


The upbringing of children, however, like many other issues, is treated ambiguously here. On the one hand, Austrian parents are considered to be some of the strictest in the world. On the other hand, it is here that more money is spent annually on buying toys for a child than in any other European country.


“Children should grow up free” - this is the main rule of this country. Children are allowed absolutely everything, as long as it does not threaten their health. Let them build, break, run and make noise from morning to evening - no one will say a word. Learning should also be joyful and enjoyable. Children go to school almost lightly: they only take sandwiches with them, and they are given everything they need for classes directly at the lesson.


Turkish children are mainly raised by mothers before school. Few people send their children to kindergartens, especially since there are no state kindergartens in the country in principle, and not everyone can afford private ones. But the main thing is that it is so accepted here that women usually do not work, but take care of children.

The centuries-old traditions are still strong in Turkey. Educational games and preschool education are also not common. It is believed that children will receive all the necessary knowledge at school, and it is better to have fun at home. Therefore, the guys play with toys and have fun as they can. Usually children are not bored, because there are usually several of them in the family.

By the way, from an early age, children are taught to help each other. Brothers and sisters grow up friendly and close-knit. The main goal of upbringing is to teach children to help each other, to come to the rescue, in a word, to feel like a family. This is largely why families in Turkey are so strong.

By the way, children grow up early. Already at the age of 13, they have their own responsibilities. Girls help their mother, boys help their father. At the same time, it is customary in families that older children help take care of the younger ones, sometimes performing the same function as our grandparents.


The mother or grandmother takes care of the child; if everyone is busy, there are many state gardens, but nannies are rarely invited. Girls are taught from an early age to housekeeping and help around the house. A boy must grow up strong and courageous, his mission in life is to be a Man. The family always has a very trusting relationship, and little Cubans, as a rule, do not have any secrets from their parents.


"The best teacher is personal experience." Parents do not seek to protect the child from falls, abrasions or other troubles: he will get up himself, shake himself off, then run further. They, of course, tell the kid that some actions are dangerous, and some are indecent, but the child ultimately makes his choice himself.

Parents in Thailand are confident that children should learn everything from their own experience. They, of course, explain to the child what consequences this or that action can lead to, but the little person makes an independent choice.


The Japanese parenting system is built on contrast. A child is treated very differently depending on his age. Until the age of five, everything is permissible for a baby. Even if he paints furniture with a felt-tip pen or lies in a puddle on the street, his parents will not scold him. Adults try to indulge all the whims of the baby and fulfill all his wishes.

They treat children 6-14 years old in a completely different way. At this time, the child learns what Japanese strictness is. They begin to educate him in the style: any word of the parents is the law.

The school places very high demands on children and expects complete obedience. It is at this age that the world-famous high working capacity of the Japanese, hard work, obedience and strict observance of social norms, rules and laws, is laid.

The upbringing of boys and girls during this time is also different. In Japan, it is believed that a man does not need to be able to cook, but instead needs to gain as much knowledge as possible. As a result, after school, it is customary for boys to be sent to various circles and sports sections. For girls, this is not necessary, and they often go home after school. But mothers teach them the basics of housekeeping.

From the age of 15, the child begins to be treated on an equal footing, considering him to be an independent and full-fledged person.


In neighboring China, on the contrary, boys and girls are raised in the same way. In Chinese families, there is no division into male and female duties either. Women often work a lot, while men calmly do any work around the house. They are taught this from childhood. The upbringing system in China is pretty simple. Rigid obedience is at the forefront.

The main features of the Chinese family are cohesion, the secondary role of women in the home, and the indisputable authority of their elders. Given the overcrowded country, a family in China cannot afford more than one baby. Based on this situation, children grow up capricious and spoiled. But only up to a certain age. Starting from kindergarten, all indulgences cease, and the education of a tough character begins.

The Chinese instill love for work, discipline, humility and ambition in children from the cradle. Babies are sent to kindergartens early - sometimes from three months. There they exist according to the norms accepted in the collectives. The rigidity of the regime has its advantages: the Chinese child eats and sleeps only on schedule, starts going to the potty early, grows exceptionally obedient and never goes beyond the established rules.

Only parents decide which sections and circles the child will go to after school, which toys he will play and how to spend his leisure time. Chinese children rarely hear praise.

On vacation, a Chinese girl can sit for hours without leaving her place, while other children stand on their heads and smash furniture. He unquestioningly fulfills all the orders of his mother and never scandals.

Breastfeeding of children stops from the moment the baby becomes able to independently carry the spoon to the mouth.

The diligent development of children begins at an early age. Chinese parents do not regret their efforts and money for the comprehensive development of the child and the search for talent. If such a talent is found, then its development will be carried out daily and harshly. Until the child achieves good results.

If the baby's teeth are teething, the Chinese mom will not rush to the pharmacy for pain relievers - she will patiently wait for the teeth to erupt.


From an early age, children literally grow up on their own, on the street, learning social and other skills from their peers or older children. But every child has his own criterion of "good and evil": we must try not to commit acts that can upset the parents.


Hindus actually start raising their children from birth. The main thing that is taught here is patience and the ability to live in harmony with yourself and the world around you.

Parents try to instill in their child a good attitude not only towards people. Here they teach to respect nature, animals and plants. They bring into the minds of children: do no harm. Therefore, it is not customary for Indian children to beat dogs or destroy birds' nests.

A very important quality is self-control. Children are taught from an early age to restrain their emotions, suppress anger and irritability. In schools, they do not shout at the students, and parents, no matter how tired they come home, will never take out their irritation on the children and will not raise their voices, even if they have played a trick.

In particular, because of this upbringing, young people are quite calm about the fact that their parents choose the bride or groom. Sometimes young people do not see each other until the wedding. From an early age, children are taught the importance of family values, prepared for marriage.

In short, the education system in India is based on preparing a person to create a strong family. Education and career fade into the background. By the way, patience and calmness are taught even at school. They teach yoga, hold meditation lessons and even tell you how to smile properly. As a result, children in India look happy and cheerful, although many live below the poverty line.

The planet is home to a huge number of nations and peoples that are completely different from each other. The traditions of raising children in different countries depend on religious, ideological, historical and other factors. What traditions of raising children exist among different nations?

Germans are in no hurry to have children under the age of thirty, until they achieve significant success in their careers. If a married couple decided on this crucial step, it means that they will approach it with all seriousness. Very often they begin to look for a nanny in advance, even before the child was born.

Traditionally, all children in Germany under three years old stay at home. An older child is taken once a week to a "play group" so that he gains experience in communicating with peers, and then they are sent to a kindergarten.

French women send their babies to kindergarten very early. They are afraid of losing their qualifications at work and believe that children develop faster in the children's team. In France, a child almost from birth spends the whole day, first in a nursery, then in a kindergarten, then at school. French children grow up quickly and become independent. They go to school themselves, buy the necessary school supplies in the store. Grandchildren communicate with grandmothers only on vacation.

In Italy, on the contrary, it is customary to often leave children with relatives, especially with grandparents. People turn to kindergarten only if there is no family member. In Italy, great importance is attached to regular family dinners and celebrations with a large number of invited relatives.

Great Britain is famous for its strict upbringing. The childhood of a little Englishman is filled with a mass of requirements that are aimed at the formation of purely English traditional habits, attitudes and characteristics of character and behavior in society. From a young age, children are taught to restrain the expression of their emotions. Parents show their love with restraint, but this does not mean at all that they love them less than representatives of other nations.

Americans usually have two or three children, believing that it will be difficult for one child to grow up in the adult world. Americans take their children with them everywhere; often children come with their parents to parties. Many public institutions provide rooms where you can change clothes and feed your baby.

A Japanese child under five is allowed to do everything. They never scold him for pranks, do not beat him and pamper him in every possible way. Beginning in high school, attitudes towards children become more rigid. A clear regulation of behavior prevails and the division of children according to their abilities and competition among peers is encouraged.

Different countries have different views on the upbringing of the younger generation. The more exotic the country, the more original the parents' approach. In Africa, women attach children to themselves with a long piece of cloth and carry them with them everywhere. The emergence of European wheelchairs is met with violent protest among admirers of age-old traditions.

The process of raising children from different countries largely depends on the culture of a particular nation. In Islamic countries, it is believed that it is necessary to be the right example for your child yourself. Here, special attention is paid not so much to punishment as to the encouragement of good deeds.

There are no standard approaches to childcare on our planet. Puerto Ricans quietly leave babies in the care of older siblings who are under five years old. In Hong Kong, a mother will not trust her child even to the most experienced nanny.

In the West, babies cry as often as they do around the world, but longer than in some countries. If an American baby cries, they will pick him up in an average of a minute and calm him down, and if an African baby cries, respond to his cry in about ten seconds and put it to the breast. In countries like Bali, babies are fed on demand without a schedule.

Western guidelines suggest not putting children to bed during the day, so that they get tired and fall asleep easily in the evening. In other countries, this technique is not supported. In most Chinese and Japanese families, young children sleep with their parents. It is believed that this way children sleep better and do not suffer from nightmares.
The process of raising children from different countries gives different results. In Nigeria, among 2-year-olds, 90 percent can wash, 75 percent can shop, and 39 percent can wash their plates. In the United States, it is believed that by the age of two, a child should be rolling a car on wheels.

A huge number of books are devoted to the traditions of raising children in different countries, but not a single encyclopedia will answer the question: how to raise a child correctly. Representatives of each culture consider their methods to be the only correct ones and sincerely want to raise a worthy generation to replace themselves.

Elizaveta Lavrova | 6.08.2015 | 863

Elizaveta Lavrova 08/06/2015 863

I will talk about what methods of raising children are used in different countries. You will be extremely surprised!

Each family has its own approach to raising a child. What can we say about other states. Each nation is raising its future generation based on traditional values ​​and mentality.

Let's consider the most striking, in my opinion, examples.

Raising children in English

The British have their own view of the upbringing of the younger generation, very aristocratic and restrained. Parents from early childhood see a full-fledged personality in a child and respect his interests.

If the kid has painted the wall in the living room, most likely, he will not be scolded, but praised, appreciated by artistic impulses. Lack of criticism has a positive effect on the formation of a sense of self-confidence. There are practically no problems with low self-esteem among young Englishmen (and even among adults).

Guilty children are punished extremely humanely. No belts, peas and house arrests. Parents are trying to negotiate with the child, and the most severe corporal punishment is a slap on the butt.

In schools, children are taught not only the exact sciences and the humanities, but also compassion through charity. Various events are regularly held in educational institutions, during which little ones can donate a small amount to those who need help.

Every Englishman dreams that his child has a strong, hardened character, perseverance. At the same time, it is important for parents that the child has good manners and a sense of compassion for people.

Raising children in Japanese

The Japanese have a very interesting approach to parenting. Until the age of 5, the baby is not prohibited from anything: he does whatever he wants (within reason, of course). They don't punish him, they don't scold him, they practically don't say the word "no".

After 5 years, the child's life changes dramatically: now the interests of society and the people around him come to the fore (life outside the micro-group dooms the child to the fate of an eternal outcast). At school, children always stick together, constantly play team games, sing in the choir. Children should not only monitor their own successes, but also control their comrades, pointing out their mistakes.

Every Japanese child literally idolizes a mother. It is the fear that a loved one will be upset that keeps him from pranks. By the way, in Japan only the mother looks after the child. Japanese women do not have the habit of shifting responsibilities onto grandparents.

The Japanese parenting system is aimed at ensuring that the child grows up as an organized person who respects the laws of their country. And, of course, he treated his parents with great respect throughout his life.

German parenting

German parents strive to do everything so that their children do not waste time and grow up as disciplined as possible. They do not allow violations of the regime, do not allow children to watch TV, and the children spend their free time engaged in self-development: they draw, sculpt, sing, and read.

Parents must teach their children the basics of time management: they give them beautiful diaries, where they must write down their affairs for a day or even a week. Planning also concerns the budget: the presence of a piggy bank and the issuance of pocket money are required.

The German people are distinguished by their particular thrift, precision, punctuality. It is these qualities of character that the Germans want to form in their children in the first place.

Perhaps these upbringing systems are alien to the Russian person - they seem excessively strict or, conversely, too free. In any case, you can try to adopt some foreign parenting methods that will help raise your child as a worthy person. Only parents should make this decision.

Humanity, independence and individuality - these main principles of pedagogy are the same for all countries of the world. But each nation brings its own meaning to the concepts and places different accents. Let's look from the outside and compare: maybe we have a lot to learn.

Complete freedom: parenting in Norway and Sweden

In the Scandinavian countries, parents give their children complete freedom. The child decides for himself what to play or what to do. Nobody will force him to go to bed at lunchtime, as, for example, Belarusian parents adhere to. Scandinavians do not have a strict day regimen and the main thing they strive for in raising children is the development of their creative abilities. Teaching sessions in kindergartens and primary schools are conducted mainly in a playful way.

Raising your voice to the baby, and even more so spanking, is categorically impossible. If social services notice this parental behavior, the child will be removed from the family. Scandinavian children know their rights from an early age and can sue for being rude to them.

Scandinavians pay great attention to the physical development of children and health. In their opinion, natural products and fresh air are the main basis for raising a baby. Therefore, any games in nature are warmly welcomed, because it strengthens the immune system.

Russian mom talks about the differences between upbringing in Russia and Sweden

Independence from adults: parenting in France

French parents teach their child independence and discipline from early childhood. Most likely, you will not see a mother in this country, running on the heels of a one-year-old baby, so that God forbid he does not fall. The French watch over the safety of children, but do not prevent them from exploring the world on their own. The independence of the child is more important to them than close contact with him. Parents value their personal time and try to enroll their children in all kinds of circles to do work or self-development. And yes, dearly beloved grandmothers in France will not babysit their grandchildren: this is the business of the parents themselves.

Russian mom's perspective on French upbringing

German education: discipline and responsibility

The upbringing of children in Germany is based on rigor and order. Parents set certain rules: for example, children should not watch TV for a long time or play on the computer until late. From an early age, the child is taught to be responsible for his actions and to be independent. German parents are very mobile. A nursing baby in your arms will not be an obstacle to going to a cafe or park. The baby is taken with them or left with the nanny. From the age of three, children go to the kindergarten, where they are taught not letters and numbers, but the rules of behavior in society and discipline.

Young mother ponders why German children are so obedient

The "permissive style" of parenting in Spain

The Spaniards pamper their children, praise and refuse them anything. They do not blush with shame and do not scold their child for hysteria and screams in the store, but quite calmly react to it. No one drives children to sleep at 11 o'clock in the morning and does not prohibit them from sitting on their tablets. The connection in the Spanish family is quite strong: adults try to spend all their free time with children. Despite such a free and soft form of upbringing, the responsibilities of parents in Spain are clearly spelled out in the law. Child abuse and psychological pressure can be fraught with deprivation of parental rights.

Russian dad, who has lived in Spain for 17 years, shares the peculiarities of local upbringing

Do not flaunt emotions: how children are raised in England

From an early age, the British teach their children manners and restraint. To become a real lady or gentleman, a child needs to learn to control their emotions. This is considered the main indicator of good breeding. Therefore, English children in mannerisms may slightly resemble small adults.

Ukrainian by birth lives in London and shares the secrets of raising the British

Everything is possible under 5: parenting in Japan

Until the age of five, they try not to restrict children in anything. The Japanese believe that the child needs freedom at this time. But if suddenly the child behaved ugly and violated etiquette, then he can be reprimanded for a bad deed, explaining why this should not be done. It is important for the Japanese to teach children to respect adults and the traditions of their state.

Japanese upbringing through the eyes of blogger Ilona

Raising Geniuses: Raising Children in China

Education in China is focused on the intellectual development of children. To this end, parents are trying to enroll kids in all kinds of circles and sections. According to the Chinese, the child must constantly do something useful that will develop him. Moreover, they teach both daughters and sons to hammer nails or water flowers in the same way.

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Kindness and friendliness: qualities that bring up in children in India

Most of the upbringing in India is done by mothers. They teach children to be polite, benevolent, respect elders and protect nature. Indian parents are very patient and do not yell at their children or panic about their whims. They try to educate by their own example, to explain situations and emotions.

Time-out technique: how children are raised in America

Democratic values ​​greatly influence the parenting system in America. In most cases, the child is free in his choice and no one puts pressure on him. American families are considered to be strong and close-knit, built on trust. Often mothers become housewives and devote their time to children until they go to elementary school. And they are in no hurry to teach the child to write and count, because they will teach all this in elementary school. Otherwise, working mothers can pay for babysitting or kindergarten and continue their career.

We talked about the peculiarities of upbringing in different countries according to the prevailing stereotypes and opinions of mothers living abroad. Yes, this process largely depends on the mentality, traditions and culture of the people. But one must also understand that individual factors also influence family relationships: education, personal characteristics and upbringing of the parents themselves. We hope you have found educational tips for yourself that will help you organize your children. Which parenting style is closer to you?

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