How much water to drink during pregnancy. Video: super food for pregnant women. How drinking plenty of fluids affects the quality of amniotic fluid

For the normal functioning of all organs, a person needs to drink at least two liters of water per day. During pregnancy the need for fluid increases. Some women replace the water with mineral water. This drink is extremely beneficial for the body, but much depends on its variety and quality.

    The benefits and harms of mineral water

    Mineral water is drinking water extracted from natural sources and retaining its natural chemical composition. It is collected under conditions that preserve the original purity. Water composition depends on its variety. Mineral water can include combinations of the following elements:

    • chlorine;
    • bicarbonate;
    • sodium;
    • sulfate;
    • calcium;
    • magnesium;

    When choosing a drink, you should pay attention to its quality. Preference should be given to trusted sellers. It is recommended to purchase mineral water at a pharmacy or from official manufacturers... The amount of mineral salts in the composition determines the purpose of using the water. According to the level of their concentration, the following types are distinguished:

    • medical;
    • canteen;
    • medical dining room.

    Medicinal mineral water contains increased salt levels... It is used exclusively for medicinal purposes, in moderate dosage. Medicinal table water is considered universal. It contains up to 10 grams of mineral salts. Dining mineral water suitable for daily use, since the amount of salts in its composition does not exceed 1 gram.

    Mineral water very useful for the body. It is quickly absorbed in the stomach, improving the digestion process. It is used to treat and prevent certain diseases. The benefits of the drink are as follows:

    • normalization of blood pressure;
    • support for kidney and heart function;
    • improvement thyroid function;
    • strengthening teeth and bones;
    • prevention and elimination of anemia;
    • normalization of the nervous system;
    • participation in metabolism;
    • positive impact on blood clotting.

    PECULIARITIES! The beneficial properties of water artificially enriched with minerals are much lower. Drinks from natural sources should be preferred.

    Correct use of mineral water eliminates the possibility of negative effects as a result of admission. The daily dose should not exceed 2 glasses of the drink per day. The total duration of admission is 2 weeks. Mineral water abuse can cause an oversaturation of the body with useful elements. The number of positive properties in this case is reduced.

    Is it possible for pregnant women?

    Drinking mineral water during pregnancy is not prohibited. Table drink best suited for these purposes. It effectively quenches thirst and eliminates oxygen deficiency. Mineral water saves many pregnant women from toxicosis and improves mood. With a strong deficiency of nutrients, healing mineral water is indicated.

    REFERENCE! Oxinogenic water strengthens the immune system of the expectant mother and prevents fetal hypoxia.


    During pregnancy from consumption sparkling water should be discarded. It causes heartburn, bloating and the main symptoms of toxicosis. If you purchased mineral sparkling water by mistake, you can release gas, for a while, leaving the container without a lid. The liquid will turn into non-carbonated after about 2 hours of settling.

    IMPORTANT! During pregnancy, you should not drink sugary soda. It has no positive health effects.


    Still mineral water is considered the most beneficial during pregnancy. It does not irritate the intestines and does not lead to negative consequences. The main feature of the drink is considered participation in cellular metabolism... Still water significantly strengthens the immune system and health of the unborn child.


    Reception of mineral water is carried out with caution in case of violation of the stool. It is strictly forbidden to drink a drink in case of gastrointestinal diseases, accompanied by inflammatory process or bleeding. With gallstone disease, the use of a mineral drink can worsen the condition. It is also not recommended to drink mineral water in postoperative period.

    ON A NOTE! For inhalation, the most suitable are mineral waters with a low alkali content.

    The use of mineral water is a good way to effectively and without consequences to cope with certain ailments. But the effect will only be achieved subject to dosage... Mineral water is very different from ordinary water, so you need to use it with caution during pregnancy.

Scientists drew attention to an indicative fact: the more mineral water (within reasonable limits!) A woman consumes, preparing for conception and expecting a child, the healthier she will be. The average Austrian woman consumes 72 liters a year (3 months before pregnancy plus another 9 months), a French woman - 80 liters, a German woman - 93 liters, an Italian - 116 liters. Alas, our expectant mothers drink 50 times less mineral water, preferring to quench their thirst with water flowing from the tap.

According to the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, from 50 to 70% of women expecting a child use substandard drinking water. According to domestic sanitary doctors, the liquid flowing in our pipes is conditionally drinkable (if you really want to, you can drink, but better not, especially during pregnancy). After all, no matter how you clean it, you still can't remove all the impurities.

Chemists counted more than 2,100 (!) Connections in the water supply system, and specialists from the Moscow Research Institute of Hygiene named after V.I. F.F. Erisman found in 80% of water samples a clear excess of iron, 49% - organic substances, 32% - phenols, 11-14% - lead and arsenic, 8-11% - oil products, 5% - formaldehyde, caprolactam and cyclohexanol, as well as mercury, molybdenum, cadmium, nickel and chromium, which are not supposed to be contained in drinking water.

Siberian scientists say: from 7.7 to 41% of diseases of young children are somehow associated with poor-quality water that their mothers drank during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The problem of improving the nation's health would be solved in the next 2-3 years if we all switched to ecologically clean water.

The developments of the staff of the Institute of Balneology testify: in a number of properties such water surpasses milk, which is traditionally given as “harmful” to those who come into contact with hazardous substances.

Your actions.

To give birth to a healthy baby, at least six months before conception (!), Switch to water obtained from artesian wells and additionally purified industrially. However, if you haven't guessed before, it's not too late to do it now.

Can pregnant women drink filtered water?

Even the best imported filter will not purify water from all toxic substances. Due to the low quality of the contents of domestic water pipelines, foreign purification devices for home use develop their resource 3 times faster than the period specified in the warranty card.

No matter how sophisticated and multi-stage kitchen purifier you buy, it will certainly lose in the competition with a mini-plant that brings mineral water to the required condition. And the original quality of the liquid from the tap cannot be compared with that obtained from an underground source!

Other ways to improve water quality at home do not hold water at all. Take boiling. It really disinfects tap water and speeds up the evaporation of chlorine. However, when heated, it manages to violently react with organic microparticles, forming the notorious organochlorine compounds, literally poisoning your life.

Some of us are trying to freeze harmful impurities. The special crystalline structure of ice leaves no room for foreign particles - both harmful and useful, in particular, mineral salts that are so necessary for the body.

According to the World Health Organization, a tenth of the daily requirement for macro- and microelements, the expectant mother should fulfill at the expense of drinking water. And, as a rule, it is not possible to separate a cloudy cloud of foreign substances concentrating inside ice cubes from unclouded areas. To do this, you would have to carefully chop off each piece, spending a lot of time. Simply freezing the water and melting it will not accomplish anything.

About quality

It happens that firms save on cleaning by pouring water into the container directly from the source. To check its quality, unscrew the cap and leave the bottle for a few days. If its bottom starts to be gradually covered with green mud, like the smooth surface of the ancient pond where the tortoise Tortila lived, do not buy it again!

How much to drink for a pregnant woman

In the body of the pregnant woman and the baby growing in her tummy, metabolic processes are actively going on. They could never have come true without water. In order to maintain the metabolism at the proper level and in a timely manner to remove the end products of metabolism (waste products) through the kidneys and intestines, our body needs an uninterrupted water supply.

The norm is 8 glasses of liquid in small portions during the day, and in the heat, with toxicosis in the first months of pregnancy, fever or indigestion, the need for life-giving moisture increases. Exceptions are late toxicosis, edema and kidney pathology, requiring a special drinking regimen (it will be determined by the doctor).

They also limit themselves to drinking in the last months before childbirth. Rule of thumb: excrete as much liquid as you get with drinks and food. The permissible difference is 200-300 ml, no more!

If Mommy doesn't have enough water

What happens in the female body when it is not provided with sufficient fluid?

  • The skin becomes dry, loses its elasticity, and becomes covered with wrinkles.
  • Absent-mindedness, irritability, and increased fatigue appear.
  • Due to the decrease in immunity, the susceptibility to infections increases, which pose a huge threat to the unborn baby: in your position you need to be doubly protected from them!
  • Constipation occurs (the tendency to them during pregnancy already increases), stones are formed in the gallbladder and kidneys.
  • The blood becomes more viscous and thicker, the process of blood clots is accelerated, the veins suffer - the load on them is increasing every month.
  • The normal metabolism is disrupted, as a result of which excess fat is deposited in the subcutaneous tissue.
  • The release of cells and tissues from the end products of metabolism becomes difficult - the internal environment is "slagged", the most vulnerable organs begin to fail: now this is especially inappropriate!
  • Due to the lack of a "universal solvent" necessary for the biochemical reactions that accompany cell division, genetic mutations occur, and the risk of cancer increases.

What mineral water should a pregnant woman drink?

What mineral water should a pregnant woman drink? Certainly not "Essentuki" and "Borjomi": there are too many mineral salts in them! These are medicinal waters - they heal the sick, but they can make the healthy sick. Filling your thirst with medicinal mineral water is like satisfying your hunger with an effervescent drug: you can get gastritis, kidney stones, etc. Such water is taken strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

For daily use, table mineral water with a low degree of mineralization is ideal. There are very few salts in it - just like in a regular tap water. But unlike tap liquids, bottled mineral water is environmentally friendly: no active chlorine, heavy metals and other harmful impurities. On it and stop the choice.

Your actions

Check the label before purchasing water. Do not take artificially mineralized one!

The fact is that some manufacturers work with ordinary tap water: they purify it, remove excess salts, and then add exactly as much as needed. It tastes like a real mineral water, but the body cannot be fooled!

Any artificial water is similar to natural only in terms of its salt composition. The unique superstructure of natural water cannot be duplicated! Mineral waters are born in the bowels of our planet in conditions that cannot be artificially reproduced.

High pressure, lack of sunlight, special temperature, contact of water with various rocks and rare minerals of the earth's crust. Acting as a natural filter, stretching hundreds of meters into the depths of the earth: where is a modest kitchen filter to it!

Give oxygen

Today, the problem of intrauterine hypoxia - oxygen starvation of the fetus is especially acute. It is getting stronger. If the expectant mother walks a little, suffers from toxicosis, is sick, lives in a big city, where there is less life-giving gas in the air than in the countryside, but there is a lot of car exhaust.

Fortunately, you can breathe not only through the lungs: oxygen is perfectly absorbed by the digestive system from oxygenated mineral water - drink it during pregnancy!

Such water works wonders: it increases vitality, reduces the manifestations of toxicosis, and activates the immune system. Stabilizes blood pressure, facilitates the work of the heart. Reduces blood sugar levels, helps burn excess fat, improves well-being, the functioning of internal organs and skin condition.

After all, why were strong and healthy babies always born in the Caucasus, women carried them easily, and after childbirth retained a slender figure? They just drank oxygen-enriched water from alpine springs for 9 months!


Why shouldn't pregnant women raise their hands up?

Previously, it was believed that in this position, the fetus is in danger of entwining the neck with the umbilical cord and suffocation. This is not true. The raised arms of a pregnant woman cannot in any way provoke the entanglement of the child in the umbilical cord.

However, modern research has found that the position of a pregnant woman with her arms raised up is still unfavorable for the fetus. The hand-up position becomes dangerous for both mother and baby from the 2nd trimester pregnancy... If a woman stands motionless in this position for a long time, the amount of oxygen supplied with the blood to the child decreases. Hypoxia occurs - oxygen deficiency, which has a detrimental effect on the baby's brain cells.

The brain of the most pregnant woman in this position of the body also receives less oxygen than it needs. This can result in fainting and falling to the floor. This, of course, is absolutely useless for either the mother or the child.

In addition, a prolonged stay of a pregnant woman in a pose with raised arms can lead to premature discharge of amniotic fluid, and therefore, to premature birth.

But this does not mean that a pregnant woman should not raise her hands at all. Only a static load (motionless standing) is dangerous. And the dynamic load (gymnastics, hanging clothes) with the normal course of pregnancy is quite acceptable. The load with a short-term raising of hands does not affect the health of the unborn child at all, does not cause hypoxia.

Can pregnant women drink coffee?

Pregnant women should not drink coffee because of the caffeine it contains. Caffeine is a substance that increases blood pressure and makes heart rate faster. At the same time, caffeine causes excitement in the nervous system.

If these changes in the body are easily tolerated by a healthy adult woman, then they are completely undesirable for a pregnant woman. An increase in blood pressure in a pregnant woman can lead to such a sad result as spontaneous abortion (miscarriage).

In addition, the caffeine contained in a drunk cup of coffee easily crosses the placenta and has an effect on the fetus, causing an overload of the still immature systems (cardiovascular and nervous). How this impact will subsequently affect the development of the born child is difficult to predict.

Therefore, if the expectant mother cares about the health of her expected baby, she should give up coffee. As a last resort, sometimes (not every day!) You can afford one cup of your favorite drink. But it is much healthier to drink clean water and fresh, natural juices.

Why shouldn't pregnant women cut or dye their hair?

A popular omen that prohibits cutting hair for pregnant women is based on the belief that hair stores the vitality of a person. If a pregnant woman cuts her hair, her vitality will weaken, and the child will be born dead or premature. This is superstition.

But in fact, during pregnancy, the changed hormonal background greatly changes the structure of the hair. Hair begins to behave unpredictably: it can become naughty, start curling, or vice versa, straighten. Hairdressers are well aware that the hair of pregnant women is difficult to dye, perm, and after a haircut they do not want to fit into their hair.

If a woman carrying a child does not want to be upset about an unsuccessful haircut, then it is better for her to refuse this event. If an unexpected change in your image does not spoil your mood, go ahead and cut your hair. It will not take away your vitality.

Why shouldn't pregnant women be nervous?

Pregnant women should not be nervous so as not to have a negative effect on the development of the fetal nervous system. In the body of a pregnant woman experiencing such feelings as fear, irritation, depression, anger, an increased amount of adrenaline is produced, and the hormonal background also changes. Moreover, the release of adrenaline and hormones also occurs with strong positive emotions.

For the unborn child, all these experiences of the mother are extremely harmful. After all, all the substances produced during stress enter the immature body with the mother's blood, causing undesirable consequences. In the initial period of pregnancy, stress can cause the development of malformations of the baby's cardiovascular and nervous systems. Severe stress can even lead to miscarriage.

In the second half of pregnancy, when the nervous system of the fetus is already sufficiently developed, negative emotions of the mother can lead to the fact that the child is born highly excitable, tearful, irritable. Subsequently, such children may suffer from headaches, insomnia, dizziness.

In addition, stress hormones, saturating the amniotic fluid, displace oxygen from it. And the lack of oxygen (hypoxia) is extremely unfavorable for the brain cells of the unborn child.

Therefore, doctors advise expectant mothers to lead a calm, measured life, avoiding both negative and strong positive emotions. How can this be achieved? Indeed, during pregnancy, the emotionality and excitability of a woman increases!

You need to carefully plan such a daily routine in which there will be enough time for sleep, walks, rest, contemplation of things pleasant for a woman. Books for reading, films and TV shows for viewing should be chosen those that create a bright, joyful, calm mood. Meetings with overly emotional acquaintances and girlfriends are best avoided. Of course, it is impossible to completely protect yourself from experiences in unpredictable everyday circumstances. And yet, pregnant women need to try to be less nervous, at least partially eliminating negative emotions from their lives.

Are grapes good for pregnant women?

With all the beneficial properties of grapes, doctors recommend that pregnant women exclude this product from their diet. Grapes are poorly digested, causing gas in the intestines and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Suppose the expectant mother, adoring grapes, can easily endure these troubles. But after all, the baby in her womb will also suffer from the cramps in the intestines! Why, before birth, subject him to suffering?

In addition, grapes are a very high-calorie product that causes rapid growth of the fetus (and complications are always possible in the process of giving birth to a large baby) and excessive weight gain for the mother. For this reason, a month before giving birth, doctors insist on limiting any sweets in the diet. Grapes must be completely eliminated.

Why shouldn't pregnant women wear high heels?

Wearing shoes with high heels (i.e. heels higher than 3 - 4 cm) causes an increased load on the lumbar spine and ligaments of the legs in a pregnant woman. The muscles of the legs and pelvis are overly tense: after all, a woman's weight is increasing every day. The muscles of the uterus are also tense, its tone increases - which means there is a risk of miscarriage.

Another danger of high heels during pregnancy is the development of varicose veins in the legs later (maybe after a few years).

However, shoes with completely flat soles, without heels, also do not help relieve the leg muscles, ligaments and veins. Such shoes can cause the development of flat feet.

Shoes with a heel height of 2 to 4 cm are optimal for wearing during pregnancy.

Can pregnant women take a bath or go to the bathhouse?

Pregnant women can and should take a bath. But the water in the bath should be warm, or slightly cool - 36-38 o. Do not take a hot bath. Immersion in hot water is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, rush of blood to the skin and internal organs, including the uterus. There is a risk of termination of pregnancy. After all, a hot bath has long been a well-known, albeit unsafe, popular way to cause a miscarriage during an unwanted pregnancy.

But if pregnancy is desired, and you want to give birth to a healthy baby, give up hot water procedures, including hot foot baths. Splash on your health in cool water - it will not harm you or your unborn child.

The same is the case with a visit to the bathhouse. High air temperature in the bath, especially in the steam room, is a risk factor for miscarriage or premature birth. It is especially dangerous to visit the bathhouse in the first and third trimesters. And if the pregnancy is proceeding with some complications, you should forget about the bath.

But swimming in the cool water of the pool is very useful. But here, too, you should remember about safety measures: there must be someone next to a pregnant woman while bathing who can provide assistance if necessary.

Why shouldn't pregnant women drink carbonated water?

Drinking soda water is not recommended for pregnant women for several reasons:
1. Carbon dioxide contained in carbonated water increases the concentration of gases in the intestines - flatulence develops. The intestines are bursting with gases from the inside, there are pains in the abdomen, heartburn is possible. The same phenomena occur in the intestines of the fetus.
2. Drinking carbonated beverages helps to eliminate calcium from the body. And the consumption of calcium in the body of a pregnant woman is already increased: it is needed for the formation of the bone and cardiovascular system of the fetus. Calcium is also necessary for the normal functioning of the mother's body. Therefore, its additional waste associated with drinking carbonated water can lead to the development of osteoporosis - excessive fragility and fragility of bones.

3. The composition of carbonated water is also unfavorable for a pregnant woman's body: carbonated water is mainly produced on the basis of natural mineral waters rich in chlorides (chlorine compounds). And chlorides cause fluid retention in the body, as a result of which edema develops.

Why shouldn't pregnant women be denied, quarreled with them or offend them?

The popular belief that one cannot deny anything to pregnant women, offend them or quarrel with them is based only on the fact that anxiety, stress, negative emotions are contraindicated for pregnant women. And quarrels and resentments, refusal of any request, no doubt, will cause a woman to release adrenaline and stress hormones, which will adversely affect the development of the fetus.

Are mushrooms good for pregnancy?

Although mushrooms are a valuable food product containing a large amount of vitamins, protein, trace elements, etc., doctors recommend eliminating mushrooms from the diet of pregnant women. This prohibition has three serious reasons:
1. Mushrooms are a very difficult product for digestion, and they cannot be called easily digestible. And in the fetus, mushrooms eaten by the mother can disrupt the activity of the immature gastrointestinal tract.
2. Mushrooms are obligate allergens, i.e. to foods that often cause allergic reactions. Eating them for food by a pregnant woman can form an allergic mood in the developing body of the fetus.
3. The most compelling reason is that most people don't know much about mushrooms. Among the mass of good mushrooms collected with your own hands, and even more so bought on the market, there may well be a poisonous mushroom. Eating food made from these mushrooms will cause unpredictable consequences. And if a pale toadstool lurks in the mass of mushrooms, the outcome is the same - the death of both the mother and the unborn child.

Can pregnant women eat chocolate?

Chocolate is a very nutritious food product that promotes the production of so-called pleasure hormones (endorphins) in the human body. Unfortunately, delight in chocolate is contraindicated for pregnant women.

Due to the content of cocoa butter and cocoa powder in chocolate, this product is an obligate allergen, moreover, aggressive. Under its influence, the readiness of the organism of the growing fetus for allergic reactions is formed. Therefore, for the sake of the health of the unborn child, a pregnant woman needs to show willpower and give up chocolate.

Why shouldn't pregnant women eat spicy foods such as garlic?

Spicy foods containing large amounts of pepper, vinegar and other herbs or spices are always thirsty. You always want to drink them with water, and at the same time you drink a lot of water. The kidneys cannot cope with the increased load, and edema occurs.

In addition, spicy foods are an increased strain on the liver and gallbladder. Fans of "spicy" food often suffer from cholecystitis.

During pregnancy, all the problems that arise in the body of the expectant mother, as in a mirror, are reflected in the immature, growing body of the fetus. His kidneys and liver are similarly affected by the substances contained in spicy foods. Allergic mood also rises.

Throughout pregnancy, the daily intake of water is at least 2 liters. You need to drink water in small portions, but often enough.

In hot weather, with early toxicosis, with any illness of a pregnant woman, the need for water increases. The hotter it is outside (and in the house), the higher the patient's body temperature, the more water she needs to drink. Water deficiency leads to a decrease in the immunity of both the pregnant woman herself and the unborn child.

Drinking plenty of fluids by itself cannot cause either the appearance of edema or an increase in pressure. The only negative point with drinking plenty of water is the elimination of a large amount of salts from the body. Therefore, in the heat, it is recommended to drink slightly salted water, or slightly acidified with apple cider vinegar. These recommendations apply not only to pregnant women, but in general to all people.

And swelling and an increase in blood pressure are the result of heart, kidney or vascular diseases.

Can I drink milk during pregnancy?

Milk should not be drunk only by pregnant women who are allergic to dairy products. Everyone else can and should drink milk: after all, it is a source of calcium, which is necessary for building the skeletal system of the fetus. It is especially important to consume enough milk in the third trimester.

Of course, it is best for pregnant women to drink whole, natural cow's milk. But, unfortunately, this is only available to women in rural areas. The townspeople have to be content with pasteurized milk. It is undesirable for pregnant women to drink powdered milk.

The body absorbs milk better in the morning. Pregnant women are recommended to drink it in the morning, on an empty stomach. But it is undesirable to drink any food with milk: it suppresses the secretion of gastric juice.

You can also drink milkshakes: a mixture of milk with vegetable or fruit juice. In this form, milk is absorbed much better.

Why shouldn't pregnant women lift weights?

By lifting weights, a pregnant woman runs the risk of causing herself a miscarriage or premature birth. This is due to the fact that when weights are lifted, intra-abdominal pressure increases - and hence the pressure on the uterus.

The body of a pregnant woman is in the process of restructuring, aimed at facilitating childbirth: the cartilage (especially the pelvic) acquires a loose structure; the bones of the skeleton become more fragile (calcium is partially washed out from them).

In this state, lifting weights is simply dangerous. Of course, maybe everything will work out, but is it worth the risk? You can damage your own spine, which is already subjected to increased stress during pregnancy, which increases daily.

But what if you need to carry, for example, purchases, and there is no one to help?

  • Do not buy too much: it is not recommended to lift a pregnant woman more than 3 kg.
  • Divide the purchases into two bags so that both hands are evenly loaded.
  • Do not under any circumstances try to jerk a heavy load. Sit down slightly, bending your legs, and lift the load in such a way that the load is not on your back, but on your legs and arms.
  • A special prenatal bandage helps to reduce the load on the spine.

Is it okay to have sex during pregnancy?

There is no categorical prohibition on having sex during pregnancy. It all depends on the state of health of the woman. If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, there is no toxicosis, the woman's health is good - having sex is not only permissible, but also useful.

Sexual intercourse is accompanied by the release in the body of both partners of endorphins - "hormones of happiness" or "hormones of pleasure." These hormones are passed through the bloodstream to the unborn child, having a beneficial effect on his development.

You can have sex at any stage of pregnancy, if the general condition of the woman and her psychological attitude allow. You just need to choose positions in which both partners feel comfortable, and the pressure on the abdomen is minimized.
However, there are also contraindications to sex during pregnancy. These include conditions such as:

  • pregnancy with a risk of miscarriage;
  • spontaneous termination of previous pregnancies;
  • the birth of premature babies by a woman from previous pregnancies;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • the woman has

All of our fabrics are composed of water. Without it, the normal life of the body is impossible. Deficiency of moisture affects the state of health, and its long-term lack of moisture permanently incapacitates the body. During pregnancy, it is equally important to maintain fluid balance, because the fetus is also included in the water circulation system.

What is water for during pregnancy?

Many expectant mothers complain of a deterioration in their health from the first weeks. Their blood pressure decreases, and a venous mesh appears on the legs. However, not all women know that these problems could be avoided by providing the required amount of fluid in the body. And against the background of its deficiency in the body of a pregnant woman, metabolic processes are disturbed and intoxication increases. After all, the female body is not sufficiently cleansed of metabolic products. This fluid deficiency is manifested by irritability, loss of elasticity of the skin, its dryness, and decreased immunity. Medicines that a woman takes at this time are absorbed better with a sufficient amount of fluid in the body. We are talking about taking vitamins, including. Therefore, all expectant mothers should drink water in the right amount, do not forget about it every day.

It should be noted that our body is always easier to adapt to lack than to excess. This also applies to the amount of liquid. For an ordinary healthy person, excess water does not pose a danger. But for the body of a pregnant woman it carries a certain threat and burden. Excess water in her body poses a risk of edema formation. After all, the kidneys during the period of bearing a child experience a double load. They work in an enhanced mode, and this is one of the reasons for the appearance of excess weight in a pregnant woman. This is most dangerous in the last trimester of bearing a baby. And if such a weakened state of the kidneys and edema appear before childbirth, then this can cause complications in their process.

In the last months of bearing a child, a woman should limit the flow of water into the body.

What is the water intake rate for pregnant women?

The role of life-giving moisture is great in the early stages of pregnancy, when cells are actively dividing and growing, all organs of the baby are laid. It is recommended that fluid intake during this period be correlated with body weight. So, with a weight of 50 kilograms, a woman should drink on average up to 2 liters of clean water per day. If the weight reaches 60 kg, then the liquid rate is 2.3 liters; at 70 kg - 2.5 liters; at 80 kg - up to 3 liters. It should be borne in mind that in hot weather and at elevated body temperature, the need for a pregnant woman in water increases. It also increases with. But already from the second trimester of the term, the amount of fluid consumed should be gradually reduced. You need to drink so much so as not to feel thirsty. But also do not abuse water and drinks. If kidney problems appear during this period, the doctor will individually establish the rate of fluid intake per day.

From the third trimester, you need to strictly monitor the drinking regime. But it is equally important to limit salt intake in the last months of pregnancy. Without this, puffiness cannot be prevented, because it is salt that retains water in the body of the expectant mother. It is necessary to limit it in the diet gradually. If a woman can completely abandon salt, then it will not be necessary to reduce the amount of water she drinks per day. But not every woman will make such sacrifices.

The expectant mother should know that in the last months of gestation, the amniotic fluid is updated 8 times a day. For this process to occur normally, you need a good water reserve. Many obstetricians and gynecologists advise replacing a glass of water with a juicy fruit or vegetable in the third trimester.

By the way, some health conditions of expectant mothers prohibit fluid restriction. We are talking about pyelonephritis and urolithiasis.

A woman should make the right decision about the amount of water consumed per day in conjunction with her supervising doctor. But any expectant mother can herself assess whether she consumes enough water per day. You should do a home dehydration test by collecting a portion of your urine and assessing its color. If it is very light and transparent, it means that the body is not experiencing a fluid deficit. When the urine is dark or saturated, then the woman needs to drink more.

In this article, we will consider how much to drink during pregnancy, and why to do it. We will also consider what is better to drink and what is better to abstain from.

Why do pregnant women need to drink?

I think that no one argues with the fact that not only pregnant women need to drink, but everyone in general. But, pregnant women need to monitor the amount and quality of fluid they drink. Let's consider why this is so.

  • In the early stages, drinking plenty of fluids reduces the manifestations of pregnant women.
  • Drinking just the right amount of fluid "dilutes" the foods you eat. For example, there is a well-known recommendation that you need to eat more fiber to prevent constipation. But only in combination with a sufficient amount of liquid does it give the result - regular painless stools. As a result, there is less likelihood of complications such as hemorrhoids. More details can be found in the article.
  • The body of a pregnant woman needs fluid to form an additional volume of blood, plasma,.
  • Maintaining the elasticity and tone of the skin, prevention of overdrying of the skin.
  • Free elimination of waste substances and toxins from the body.
  • If you drink enough fluids, nutrients are not washed out of the body.
  • A sufficient volume of liquid allows urine not to stagnate, to be of the desired composition and consistency, thereby protecting a pregnant woman from the development of pathogens.

How much should you drink during pregnancy, what is the reason.

In the first half of pregnancy, until about the 20th week (4-5 months), it is recommended to drink more, and only the lower norm is relevant. That is, it is advisable to drink at least 2 liters a day. More is possible, as the volume of blood in your body increases, amniotic fluid is formed - these processes all require fluid.

In the second half of pregnancy, starting from the 20th week, the body's mode of operation is rebuilt. Now your kidneys work specifically to retain fluid, and sodium salts (they retain fluid). Thus, the fluid intake regime changes. The upper norm is now important. Drink no more than 1-1.5 liters per day. At the same time, it is highly recommended to limit salt intake, and it is better to refuse it altogether. Because, without salt restriction, it will be simply impossible physically to reduce the amount of fluid you drink. It must be remembered that salt is found not only directly in the salt that we add to food. All ready-made products (cheeses, meat products, some seasoning sets, etc.) contain salt. Hence the common recommendation not to eat salty, spicy, fatty, fried foods. These foods cause additional thirst, you have to drink more, the kidneys retain salt and water, which leads to fluid retention and swelling.

The appearance of edema, what to do?

It is very important to monitor the appearance of edema. They should definitely be noticed. The easiest way is to simply look in the mirror regularly in the morning. And do not deceive yourself that “I’m just a pregnant girl, it happens to everyone,” or “I just haven’t washed my face yet.” Swelling is visible immediately.

From about week 20 onwards, it is very helpful to control fluid intake and excretion. Record how much you drank (and ate juicy foods) and how much came out in the urine. In this case, it is completely unnecessary to "measure the outgoing urine with a measuring cup", as is often recommended in various sources. Not the most pleasant procedure, it seems to me that you will start going to the toilet less often if you need to measure something every time. It's easier to start a quality bathroom scale and weigh yourself before and after urinating. And write it down. If you see that less was taken out than drunk, then the liquid accumulates inside. The reasons for this, and what to do about it, are in the part below.

Another sign of fluid retention (internal edema) can be abrupt. Starting around week 20, a woman can begin to gain weight rapidly. In most cases, this is due precisely to the fact that excess fluid accumulates in the body. The increase can be 0.5-2 kg per day, at a rate of 350 g per week. At the same time, the recommendations "eat less" are not of any benefit, since it is not about food (unless, of course, you really overeat). The reason is salt and water. You can perform a simple check in one day. In general, do not eat foods containing salt for one day. And at the same time, on the same day, arrange a fasting diet. The most common options: kefir, apple.

  • Kefirnaya. Drink 1.5-2 liters of low-fat kefir per day.
  • Apple. 1.5-2 kg of apples are eaten per day.

As a rule, the weight goes away per day (1-2 kg). And this is not at all due to the fact that you refused to eat. The reason is that salt does not enter the body and excess water leaves. Read the article about, maybe you are eating something wrong.

It is important not only to eat healthy foods in the last months, but also to eat very fractionally and as healthy as possible in the early stages. Therefore, you should choose and buy in Mom's Store for pregnant and lactating women, which you can take with you to the hospital or eat after the birth of the baby.

Note 1. Return of food and cosmetic products is only possible with undamaged packaging.

Note 2. There are, of course, cases when a sharp weight gain at this time is associated with obesity, or with certain endocrine problems, but, as a rule, in such cases, weight gain begins almost at the beginning of pregnancy, and not at the 20th week, and is "immediately visible" to the doctor.

You can read more about internal edema and gestosis in the second half of pregnancy in the article. The article on the link also describes how to take fluids for complications such as pyelonephritis. In short, with pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, it is impossible to limit fluid intake (in the second half, starting from the 20th week), since it is necessary that the urine is not too concentrated, does not linger in the kidneys, so that the speed of its movement is normal.

Attention! If the edema does not go away (1-2 days maximum), then you should definitely consult a doctor, since complications with edema develop very quickly.

What not to drink during pregnancy, why?

Some drinks during pregnancy are harmful, or not at all. They can be divided into three types. Some retain water in the body, others, on the contrary, have a dehydrating effect, and still others simply harm the child. Let's take a closer look.

What is the best drink during pregnancy?

  • Water. Still mineral is best. It is possible (and useful) to add a little lemon to the water.
  • Natural juices. One glass a day is enough. You can mix different fruits, you can add pulp (this will add fiber to your diet).
  • Compotes (sugar free). Compote made from sweet fruits is already sweet, even without added sugar.
  • Dried fruit infusions, no sugar. Dried fruits are poured with boiling water and infused in a thermos overnight.
  • Cranberry, lingonberry fruit drinks.
  • Decoctions of currant leaves, lingonberry leaves. On the recommendation of a doctor, renal fees.

Important! Be sure to follow your drinking regime if you have one.

Remember, you shouldn't be thirsty. Always carry a small bottle of water with you.

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