How much water should a pregnant woman drink: the drinking regime of the expectant mother. How much water should all pregnant women drink per day

What kind of symptoms do pregnant women not find in themselves: accumulation of gases (flatulence), cravings for salty and sweet, capriciousness, tearfulness, nausea and increased pigmentation. But thirst during pregnancy is not a sign of future motherhood.

However, it can become an integral part of his companion. This factor cannot be ignored, and first you need to find out the reasons for the increased need for fluid in the body.

Why do you always want to drink during pregnancy

Experts believe that there are two types of factors that cause intense thirst during pregnancy: chronic diseases and pathological conditions, as well as normal physiological processes:

  • it must be remembered that all metabolic processes and biochemical reactions in the body occur through fluid. During pregnancy, these phenomena become more frequent, the woman's body experiences increased stress and spends more energy. Hence the increased need for drinking;
  • due to the accelerated metabolism, the kidneys have to work in an enhanced mode “without days off”, it is not surprising that a woman is very thirsty during pregnancy, and a feeling of thirst accompanies her day and night;
  • against the background of a constant increase in the amount of amniotic fluid, the body of the expectant mother suffers significant moisture losses, so you have to drink a lot and often;
  • if a pregnant woman has undergone a change in taste preferences, and the amount of salty foods has increased in her diet, the body tries to remove excess salt. Naturally, you have to drink more water to make it easier for the kidneys to work;
  • due to the activation of the hematopoietic system, which prevents the formation of blood clots, the accumulation of fluid automatically increases in the vascular system, which is the cause of severe thirst during pregnancy.

Also, the need for water may arise due to some disease. For example, diabetes mellitus, viral infection, bronchial diseases or disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

By the way, blood sugar levels in pregnant women are often elevated. If this fate befell you, you should consult with your doctor about the diet.

Sometimes a woman is constantly thirsty during pregnancy for a reason reduced hemoglobin. If you have anemia, it is not surprising that the body requires a lot of water.

There are situations when at a later date there are edema, but thirst during pregnancy only intensifies. It would seem that it is worth limiting fluid intake, but no - the body needs water even more than before. The fact is that an actively growing fetus takes a lot of protein from the mother, “eats” muscle mass.

To reduce swelling in this case and prevent blood clots, you can give up fast carbohydrates - pastries, sugar, sweets, instead increasing the intake of proteins and foods containing protein.

If you are constantly thirsty, especially at night, share your concerns with your doctor. Sometimes thirst signals such a serious illness as preeclampsia, so let the specialist for safety net prescribe additional tests.

As you can see, the reasons why you may be tormented by intense thirst during pregnancy are pretty clear. Now let's figure out what drinks you can satisfy it with.

Faithful helpers in the fight against thirst

Naturally, if you are very thirsty during pregnancy, then you need to fight thirst, and not endure it. Fortunately, the range of drinks is quite wide:

  1. Water. Of course, the first and most true is simple clean water. Not only does it best satisfy thirst, but there are no contraindications to it;
  2. Mineral. You need to be careful with this drink. It is better to refuse medicinal waters, but the dining room can be consumed within reasonable limits. In this case, it is better to choose mineral water without gas, so as not to burden the intestines. It is also worth paying attention to the composition and make sure that this water is mineralized in a natural way, and not by an artificial method;
  3. Juices. Of course, drinks made from fresh vegetables and fruits are good for expectant mothers and their babies. But you should approach the choice of juices with all responsibility, because their abuse is fraught with various complications. First of all, try to eliminate juices in packages or bottles from your diet. Product manufacturers often do not disdain sweeteners, flavors and preservatives. There will be no benefit from such a drink at all. Also note that exotic juices such as pineapple or mango are made from fruits that have undergone long-term transportation and storage, not always in favorable conditions. It is advisable to drink nectars of domestic production, grown in the CIS apples, cherries, plums, carrots. But it is best to drink a drink from freshly squeezed berries or fruits, prepared with your own hands. To do this, you need to choose on the market (but not in the supermarket) not too beautiful raw materials - in this, as a rule, there are no pesticides and nitrates. But do not forget that from sweet juices, thirst during pregnancy can only increase. Therefore, dilute them with water 1:1 and consume in moderation;
  4. Morses. Perfectly helps to cope with thirst fresh fruit drink from cranberries or lingonberries;
  5. Teas and decoctions. Both black and green teas contain significant amounts of caffeine, so they are on the list of questionable drinks for pregnant women. But if you can’t refuse them at all, choose varieties carefully, do not abuse additives that can cause allergies, and the strength of the drink. It is best to drink tea no more than 2 times a day, giving up sugar in favor of honey. And if possible, even switch to rosehip decoctions, dried fruit compote (uzvar), jelly, chamomile or mint tea.

For a pregnant woman in drinking, as in everything, moderation is important. Drink no more than two liters of fluid per day and be healthy!

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From this article you will learn:

  • Why is water important during pregnancy?
  • How much water should a pregnant woman drink for the proper development of the fetus
  • How the level of drinking water consumption differs in different trimesters of pregnancy
  • What kind of water is good for a future mother to drink
  • How to increase your drinking water intake
  • How to eliminate puffiness during pregnancy

Pregnancy can hardly be called an easy period in a woman's life. This time is also characterized by the joyful expectation of the baby, and problems with well-being. It is important for a future mother to eat right and drink regularly. The last question deserves special attention. The need for fluid in pregnant women increases, but excess drinking can lead to edema. From this article, you will find out how much water a pregnant woman should drink so as not to harm herself and her unborn child?

Why is it important for pregnant women to drink water?

In order for a woman's body to function normally during pregnancy, it is necessary to drink at least two liters of water during the day. At the same time, 1.5 liters of water is excreted through the kidneys, and the remaining 0.5 liters - through breathing and through the skin.

During pregnancy, the volume of blood circulating in a woman's body increases by 50–60 %. Thanks to this, a full supply of nutrients to the developing fetus is ensured. Since blood is 80% water, drinking enough fluids is of paramount importance for pregnant women.

Pregnant women need to drink plenty of water to prevent urinary tract infections. Such diseases are caused by physiological changes that occur in the body during the period of bearing a child. With an increase in the amount of water consumed, urinary excretion also increases. Due to this, the bacteria are washed out before they provoke any inflammation.

Fluid is required for the formation of amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid is 99% water. From the 25th week, its amount increases weekly by 50 ml, and by the 37th week, the volume of amniotic fluid reaches about one liter.

The optimal drinking regime helps the body of a pregnant woman to cope with fluid retention. Due to the increase in blood volume, in a small puffiness in the second half of pregnancy there is nothing to worry about. However, swelling can be too pronounced, complicating the usual life of the expectant mother. Drinking enough water improves its circulation in the body of a pregnant woman. Excess salt is also removed, contributing to fluid retention.

Talking about how much water a pregnant woman should drink, let's dwell on the reasons why expectant mothers need to drink plenty of water. Among them are the following:

  • reducing the risk of constipation;
  • prevention of hemorrhoids;
  • maintaining the softness and elasticity of the skin;
  • cleansing the body of a woman and fetus from toxins;
  • normalization of thermoregulation processes.

How much water should you drink in the first trimester

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most important period when the laying and formation of all systems and organs of the fetus takes place. The task of a pregnant woman is to provide the unborn baby with the necessary amount of fluid, nutrients and oxygen.

How much water should a pregnant woman drink in the first trimester? Per day, taking into account physiological losses, it is recommended to drink about 2.5–2.7 liters of fluid.

Water demand may increase due to the following factors:

  • hot season, accompanied by increased sweating;
  • increased body temperature;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • toxicosis.

Toxicosis in pregnant women may be accompanied by vomiting and signs of dehydration. In this case, to correct the water and electrolyte balance, you must consult a doctor. In severe forms of this condition, when a pregnant woman cannot drink on her own, the liquid is injected into the body intravenously.

How much water should you drink in the second trimester

If we talk about how much water a pregnant woman should drink in the second trimester, then this period is characterized by a slight decrease in the amount of fluid consumed. Many, starting from the second trimester, notice the manifestations of puffiness:

  • pits that remain if you press on the lower leg;
  • problems when putting on and taking off rings;
  • pastosity of the face;
  • a sharp and significant increase in body weight.

excess fluid, which is used by a pregnant woman in the second trimester, leaving the vascular bed, is retained in the tissues of the body. However, it is also not recommended to limit drinking too much.

How much water should a pregnant woman drink during this period? In the second trimester, the metabolism of the fetus increases significantly, and therefore the amount of waste products that must be excreted from the body increases. Accordingly, the internal organs of a pregnant woman are subjected to greater stress: kidneys, heart, lungs and liver. If you do not drink enough water, then there will be problems with cleansing the blood of harmful substances.

How much water should you drink in the third trimester

In the third trimester of pregnancy, women need to strictly control the amount of water consumed. Recommended fix in the diary, the amount of fluid drunk and excreted during the day.

There is ambiguous opinion about how much water a pregnant woman should drink in the third trimester. Previously, doctors advised limiting the drinking regimen to 1.5 liters of water in order to prevent the occurrence of edema. To date, experts adhere to a different point of view - it is not liquid that needs to be limited, but salt. This means that the usual menu needs to be revised even before pregnancy. Salt, which enters the body of a pregnant woman at the same time as food, retains fluid in the tissues outside the vascular bed. Therefore, an effective preventive measure would be to reduce the amount of this particular element in the diet.

What water should pregnant women drink

During the period of gestation and feeding, a woman needs high-quality water. It is important that the liquid is:

  • Pure. The water should not contain impurities and foreign substances (heavy metal salts, bacteria and microorganisms, etc.).
  • Bottled spring or mineral.
  • Non-carbonated.

Pure water intended for drinking by pregnant women does not need to be boiled. High temperature is detrimental to the substances and minerals contained in it.

In addition to the question of how much water a pregnant woman should drink, it is also important what liquid she can drink, and which one should be avoided. Let's dwell on these points in more detail.

  1. Tap water.

It is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women to drink tap water, as it does not bring any health benefits. The liquid that flows in the city water supply system can only conditionally be called drinking. It may contain lead or other heavy metals, which is fraught with serious negative consequences for the fetus. And if there are alternative options, you should not drink such water.

Studies have shown that tap water contains over 2,000 foreign chemicals. We are talking about phenols, manganese, aluminum, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, chromium and oil derivatives. Drinking water should not contain such impurities.

The table below contains average values, which may vary from region to region. However, it clearly shows that these indications do not correspond to the normative documentation.

Filtration of tap water will not help to purify it of impurities by 100%. Therefore, even before the onset of pregnancy, it is better to start drinking spring, artesian, additionally purified water.

  1. Boiled tap water.

Tap water is disinfected by adding chlorine to it. During boiling, it does not evaporate and interacts with other chemical elements contained in the water. Accordingly, boiled tap water should not be drunk by pregnant women. .

  1. Purified tap water.

Purified water is water that has passed through a filter. At home, most often used for this are pitcher charcoal filters, faucet nozzles and filters installed under the sink.

Such filters purify water from impurities contained in it, including chlorine, and some from harmful bacteria. Filter cartridges must be replaced with new ones in accordance with the instructions. If we talk about jug devices, then such a replacement should be done at least once a month. Otherwise, there will be no effect from their use.

The poor quality of tap water in Russia is the reason for the short service life of imported cleaning mechanisms. Therefore, for some regions it is more profitable to buy bottled water.

With the help of membrane filters, it is possible to purify water not only from harmful impurities, but also from the mineral salts and other important microelements contained in it, which ensure the normal functioning of the body of pregnant women. Such purification makes the liquid empty, carrying absolutely no benefit to a person. To enrich its composition, you can use a mineralizer.

  1. Healing mineral water.

How much mineral water should a pregnant woman drink? Do you need it in the diet of the expectant mother? Due to the high salt content, such a liquid should be drunk only if there are certain indications, observing the dosage recommended by the attending physician.

Healthy pregnant women should not drink medicinal mineral water, as it can provoke the development of gastritis and salt deposition.

  1. Baby water.

Should a pregnant woman drink baby water, which can be bought in bottles of different sizes? There will be no harm from drinking baby water. However, it should be borne in mind that the minerals and other microelements contained in it are calculated in quantity for the needs of the child's body. Their content is much lower than in ordinary liquid, which means that the benefits of its use will be less. It is also extremely difficult to understand how much baby water a pregnant woman should drink per day.

  1. Sparkling water.

How much should a pregnant woman drink sparkling water, and will it be harmful? Doctors are of the opinion that the use of carbonated drinks for women in the position is contraindicated. Carbon dioxide, which is part of the composition, entering the body can disrupt the normal functioning of the digestive system. The accumulation of bubbles in the stomach and intestines provokes such unpleasant phenomena as heartburn, belching, intestinal colic, flatulence or constipation.

Drinking carbonated water can exacerbate chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in pregnant women. It is not recommended to drink such a liquid during breastfeeding.

  1. oxygenated water.

Every second pregnant woman has a diagnosis of fetal hypoxia on her chart, which means intrauterine lack of oxygen for the baby. Therefore, doctors in antenatal clinics recommend expectant mothers to spend more time outdoors. This is not so easy to do in big cities. To cope with the problem of lack of oxygen will help the use of oxygenated (oxygenated) water. This is the liquid that a pregnant woman should drink.

Oxygenated water perfectly tones, reduces the symptoms of toxicosis, improves immunity, stabilizes blood pressure, improves heart function, reduces blood sugar levels, normalizes weight and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs.

The oxygenated water that a pregnant woman should drink is sold both in regular supermarkets and in pharmacies. The liquid is produced by oxygenating ordinary spring or artesian water under high pressure. It should be drunk within 15-20 minutes after opening the package, until all the oxygen has left it.

  1. Mineral bottled water.

And how much should a pregnant woman drink mineral table water? This is what should be included in the daily diet. For bottling, drinking liquid of the first and highest category is used. This speaks to its purity and health benefits. The category means the saturation of water with minerals and useful microelements. Bottled table mineral water does not contain impurities, and therefore it can be used not only by pregnant women, but by the whole family.

The sources of really good drinking bottled water are artesian wells, melted glaciers or mountain reservoirs.

Natural drinking water is characterized by a special taste, different not only from ordinary tap water, but also from filtered water. At first, it may seem strange and unusual. This taste of liquid from natural sources, remote from urban pollution, gives oxygen.

The main advantage of drinking bottled water is a long shelf life. Moreover, it is achieved not due to preservatives and impurities, but due to the high quality of the liquid and the useful components contained in it.

We can talk about the absolute safety of bottled water. It is this liquid that a pregnant woman should drink, but it is suitable for use not only by adults, but also by children. It can not only quench thirst, but also prepare first and second courses from it.

When buying table mineral water, be sure to pay attention to the composition. Avoid water that is artificially rich in minerals. This means that additional substances have been added to ordinary tap water. Before making a purchase, you should carefully read the label. Most of the water that is delivered to the home is ordinary (tap) purified water.

How to drink water while pregnant

How much water should a pregnant woman drink a day? With the beginning of the second trimester, the amount of fluid intake should be slightly reduced. Water is replaced with juicy fruits or dairy products, which effectively reduce the feeling of thirst.

To determine how many liters of water a pregnant woman should drink in each trimester is the task of a gynecologist. However, in addition to the amount of liquid drunk, expectant mothers should pay attention to the correctness of its use. During pregnancy, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. It is important to drink water in small sips, wetting your lips with it. So the feeling of thirst will pass faster, but at the same time it will not be possible to drink too much liquid.
  2. You can drink water during meals, because dry foods, irritating the taste buds, cause a feeling of thirst.
  3. To get a faster reaction of the brain centers responsible for thirst, you need to drink water at the right temperature, depending on the time of year. In winter, it is better to drink liquid at room temperature, in summer - drinks, the temperature of which will be + 10 ... + 12 ° С.

Thirst should not be tolerated, as this negatively affects both the health of the unborn baby and the well-being of the pregnant woman. With the right drinking regimen, you can minimize the risks that are possible during pregnancy.

How to deal with puffiness during pregnancy?

It is not always possible to avoid edema by limiting salt and correcting the amount of water consumed. If swelling occurs, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, and also use the following recommendations:

  1. Do not neglect special creams to reduce puffiness.
  2. You can take a foot bath with cool water, and then lie down with your feet above head level.
  3. It also helps to massage the feet, both performed independently and, for example, by a spouse.
  4. Before the birth of a child, it is worth refusing to wear rings.

Do not forget that any medicine can be taken only after consulting a doctor. This also applies to diuretics. The use of the drug creates a risk for the development of the baby, lubricates the clinical picture of pregnancy and disrupts the electrolyte balance in the body of the expectant mother.

Tips for pregnant women to increase their water intake

How can a pregnant woman drink water to increase her fluid intake? Each time you need to take a large cup or glass so that you can drink a little more. It is recommended to drink eight glasses of liquid daily, mostly plain water.

  • To give the water a more pleasant taste, you can add a lemon slice or a small amount of juice to it.
  • Don't drink a lot of water before meals as this can reduce your appetite.
  • Carry a bottle of water with you at all times.
  • Spread your fluid intake evenly, drinking a glass of water every couple of hours.
  • You should not consume large amounts of carbonated and / or caffeinated drinks, as they have diuretic properties.
  • With swelling and pastosity, pregnant women should drink more water. This will lead to the removal of excess fluid.
  • Pay attention to healthy sources of water such as fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol during pregnancy.

If the water quality leaves much to be desired…

The problem of dirty water in the house can be partially solved by installing a high-quality filter, but in such systems it is periodically necessary to replace components, because it directly depends on how well the drinking liquid will be cleaned.

At the same time, the question remains: how to ensure that our workplace or a child at school has the best quality water? The best solution is to buy it with delivery.

The Iceberg company offers favorable conditions for servicing its customers:

  • free delivery of water to your home or office: buyers pay only the cost of the goods;
  • wells from which our water is drawn have registration documents in the State Water Cadastre of the Russian Federation;
  • for the extraction and bottling of water, advanced technologies are used, which helps to preserve and increase its quality and natural purity;
  • we also sell modern water coolers and other equipment manufactured by well-known European brands, taking into account existing quality standards. The sizes of pumps and racks for bottles vary, allowing you to install devices even in small rooms;
  • delivery of drinking water to your home or office is carried out at the lowest price, thanks to constant promotions from our company;
  • along with water, you can purchase disposable tableware, tea, coffee and other auxiliary products.

Clean water is valuable, but it should not be worth its weight in gold. Our mission is to provide every home and workplace with high-quality drinking water, so we have prepared the most favorable conditions for our customers.

The total amount of water in our body depends on age and physique. The older a person is, the less water is contained in his organs. If at birth we are 75% water, then after 50 years - only 55%.
Water is not a nutrient, but it is necessary for the normal functioning of all human systems and organs. Taking into account the total share in body weight, muscle tissue occupies the first place in terms of fluid content, which accounts for more than 50% of the total body fluid. In second place, surprisingly, is the skeleton containing 12% fluid. The third place is occupied by relatively “wet” skin. And only the fourth place, less than 5% of the total volume of body fluid, is occupied by the "liquid organ" - blood.
Water is the universal solvent; this is important for the normalization of salt metabolism. The absorption of salts in the intestines is possible due to the fact that they are dissolved in water. Also, due to this property, water “absorbs” toxins (in case of bacterial and viral infections), toxic substances (in case of food poisoning, ingestion of harmful substances, such as salts of heavy metals, etc.).
Some substances, such as acids and alkalis, not only dissolve in water, but also decompose into ions containing hydrogen. Thus, the acid-base balance is regulated, the so-called pH - an indicator of the concentration of hydrogen ions in tissues and organs. Acid-base balance, in turn, ensures the normal rate of metabolism, biochemical reactions, and tissue repair.
Water takes an active part in heat exchange, delivers salts (chlorides, sulfides, carbonates, phosphates) and microelements (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, silicon, iodine, iron and others) to the body.
Also, a normal amount of water provides the necessary viscosity and fluidity of the blood, which prevents it from thickening and reducing the amount of plasma. Thanks to this, a constant blood pressure is maintained, and blood can pass through the smallest vessels.


Every day, the body of an adult who has a sedentary job, at a temperature of 18-22 degrees, loses water in the amount of 2.5-3.0 liters. In the process of breathing, about 0.5 liters are lost, with sweating - about the same amount, 1.5-2.0 liters are excreted in urine and feces. During intracellular metabolism, approximately 1.5 liters of so-called metabolic water are also formed, and the remaining one and a half liters must be replenished by properly organizing the drinking regimen. In a pregnant woman, the daily loss of fluid is greater, since during this period the load on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems increases (the frequency of respiratory movements and heart rate increases). In addition, body weight changes, which leads to more intense sweating and, of course, to a more intensive metabolism in the cells.
But along with this, the amount of fluid contained in the body also increases: the volume of circulating blood and lymph increases, by the end of pregnancy the volume of amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid) reaches 1.5 liters.
Given all the changes that occur during pregnancy, it is especially important for a woman to observe the correct drinking regimen.


First and second trimester of pregnancy. Given the development of the fetus, during the first half of pregnancy, a woman needs 2-2.5 liters of fluid. Remember that “liquid” means not only water, but also liquid first courses, liquid sauces; this also includes the water contained in vegetables and fruits. It should be borne in mind that in the first trimester of pregnancy (the first 12 weeks), toxicosis often develops; most often it is manifested by nausea and vomiting. During vomiting, a woman loses fluid that needs to be replenished. Therefore, it is recommended to drink a glass of water in the morning with the addition of the juice of half a lemon. If vomiting becomes uncontrollable, then you need to see a doctor. In this case, the woman is given intravenous drip therapy, transfused with saline, glucose solutions. These measures allow you to replenish the volume of fluid and avoid dehydration.

Second and third trimesters of pregnancy. After 20 weeks, the circulation rate increases by about 40%. The heart, kidneys and other organs of a pregnant woman at this time work hard and require a more intense blood supply. The number of heartbeats increases, the metabolic rate increases. There is a fairly large amount of fluid in the body, however, the volume of excreted fluid also increases. During this period, a significant load falls on the kidneys - they secrete a much larger amount of fluid than outside of pregnancy. Even a healthy woman may experience slight swelling. And in more severe cases, dropsy of pregnant women (pronounced edema), preeclampsia (edema accompanied by an increase in blood pressure) may develop. If the work of the kidneys is disturbed, then protein begins to be excreted in the urine, less often - glucose, the amount of excreted salts and trace elements increases. All organs and tissues of the body suffer from this. In this situation, it is no longer enough to simply limit the amount of fluid consumed and special treatment is required.
In this regard, from the 20th-22nd week of pregnancy, the amount of fluid consumed should be limited to 1.5 liters per day (including first courses, vegetables, fruits). It is also necessary to reduce the amount of salt to 5 g per day: it has the property of retaining fluid in the body and contributes to the development of edema.

In the normal course of pregnancy after 30 weeks, the amount of fluid consumed should be limited to 1.2 liters. If the pregnancy proceeds with any complications, the attending physician himself sets the woman's drinking regimen, based on blood and urine tests, determining the severity of edema or a tendency to them.
In any case, the drinking regimen is individual for each pregnant woman.


Try to drink slowly, in small sips. The center of the brain that responds to fluid replenishment “works” in the same way as the saturation center: the response to the signal about fluid replenishment will follow only after some time. Therefore, if you drink quickly and in large sips, the body simply does not have time to respond to this and for some time you will still want to drink. If you drink slowly, you will quench your thirst faster and with less liquid.
Drinking a small amount of liquid with meals is beneficial: proportionate mixing of food with liquid helps to improve digestion. You will also be less thirsty after eating.
The temperature of drinks in the cold season should be at room temperature, and in the hot season - cool, as this will speed up the cooling process of the body. But very cold drinks, even in summer, should be avoided.
During an uncomplicated pregnancy, in summer the volume of fluid consumed can be increased by 150-200 ml.
For the daily diet of a pregnant woman, dairy and sour-milk products, such as yogurt, kefir, can be recommended - 1-2 glasses per day; a glass of freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juice; instead of the usual coffee and tea - an infusion of rose hips, hawthorn. The use of non-carbonated or purified bottled mineral water is recommended (but only with low mineralization - 1-2 g / l).

The human body constantly needs to replenish fluid reserves, because water is contained in all its tissues and cells, even in bones and tooth enamel. It is necessary for the normal functioning of all organs and systems, and therefore the lack of fluid in the body immediately affects our health and well-being.

Needless to say, for a pregnant woman, the value of water increases many times! However, expectant mothers often hear from various sources that fluid intake should be limited during pregnancy. If a woman is used to drinking, as expected, 2-3 liters of water per day, and especially if she is carrying a child in the hot season, then this issue arises even more acutely.

How much and what exactly you can drink at different stages of pregnancy - the answer to this question is best to look for with your doctor. But still, many recommendations will be fair for all pregnant women.

How much should pregnant women drink per day

The habit of drinking 8-10 glasses of purified water daily will serve you well. If you have not practiced such a drinking regimen before, now you need to work it out. Already from the first weeks of pregnancy, the amount of fluid in the woman's body begins to increase, and this will continue until the very end of the term.

The volume of circulating blood increases, amniotic fluid is formed, fluids are exchanged between the body of the mother and the child - all metabolic reactions become noticeably more active during this period. Therefore, the need for fluid in a pregnant woman increases dramatically.

Doctors say that a woman in position should drink as much as she needs, that is, as much as her body requires. But if you are not used to drinking plain water at all, then you should learn this already in the first trimester, and a little later we will talk more about this.

With an increase in the duration of pregnancy, the water-salt metabolism in the body of the expectant mother will occur somewhat differently than in the first weeks of gestation. In particular, a supply of fluid will begin to naturally accumulate, which is necessary to make up for its deficiency in the postpartum period. After all, in the process of childbirth, the mother loses a lot of blood and sweat. Another lion's share of moisture comes out through the lungs during more intense than usual breathing. For this, as well as for a number of other reasons, there is a risk of edema formation during pregnancy, especially in the later stages. That is why, starting from the 20th week of the term, many doctors “put” their wards on a “drinking” diet, limiting their daily amount of fluid intake.

Meanwhile, in recent years, experts are increasingly adhering to the point of view that drinking enough water does not provoke edema and related problems. Complications can arise from the abuse of pregnant salt, and therefore it must be excluded from the diet in late pregnancy or reduced to a minimum. Restriction of the drinking regime, as a rule, is prescribed only in individual cases for medical reasons.

Few of us know that many health problems during this period can be avoided or significantly improved by simply satisfying the body's need for fluid. We are talking about conditions such as heartburn, constipation, inflammation in the urinary tract, migraines, hypertension, nausea, fatigue and weakness, irritability, dryness and itching of the skin, weak immunity, and even varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

How much can you drink carbonated water, green and mint tea, rosehip, chamomile during pregnancy

About one and a half liters of fluid is normally excreted from the body of a pregnant woman along with urine per day. Part of the moisture is lost with sweat: pregnant women usually sweat more, and in the hot season, sweating naturally increases even more. Some women have a strong salivation. In addition, air circulation in the process of breathing also occurs using the moisture in the body. I mean, you definitely need to drink. But many expectant mothers are constantly thirsty, and they worry about whether it is possible to drink a lot.

It should be noted that the question of “what” can be drunk by pregnant women is no less important than “how much”. Because many drinks that are familiar to us carry great harm: they contain a large amount of synthetic components, sugar, and also increase the feeling of thirst and at the same time remove useful mineral salts from the body, including calcium and potassium, and prevent the absorption of vitamins, provoke heartburn. All carbonated drinks (including mineral water), strong coffee and tea, industrial juices have such properties. If you want to drink delicious, then berry juice is perfect for this (ideally from lingonberries or cranberries), unsweetened compote of dried fruits or berries, herbal tea (you can use lemon and honey if you are not allergic to these products). However, with herbs during pregnancy, you must be extremely careful. Not all of them are safe for the expectant mother and child, and therefore it is better not to mix several plants with each other, but to prepare one-component drinks, having previously studied the contraindications for taking one or another herbal remedy.

Many expectant mothers love to quench their thirst and relieve nausea with mint, ginger, chamomile, and rosehip tea. If you normally tolerate such foods and plants, then a cup or two of tea a day is unlikely to be harmful, especially if you alternate between different decoctions.

And yet, if we talk about drinking as a source of healing moisture for the body, then only water can perform this function, and even then - not all.

How much water can pregnant women drink

In various sources, you can find recommendations to replace part of the fluid consumed in late pregnancy with fresh vegetables and fruits, soups, and milk drinks. But this is only partly true. Clean fresh water is vital for every person, and even more so for a woman bearing a child. And no drink or product can replace it! Only living water is able to saturate our cells with healing moisture, restoring the water balance in the body and supporting the vital activity of all organs.

We are talking about raw water that has undergone high-quality purification, that is, from which all potentially dangerous pathogenic microorganisms have been removed, but in which all mineral salts necessary for humans have been preserved. Neither distilled nor boiled water, which most of us drink, meets these requirements. But it is this water that benefits the body and it is this water that cannot be replaced by anything else.

However, no matter what water you drink, it is always better than anything else. And if the doctor does not prohibit, then you should not limit yourself to such a drink at any time.

And therefore, even in the late stages of pregnancy, if it proceeds without complications, you need to drink so much so as not to feel thirsty, but, of course, you should not abuse it. Do not forget that by the end of the term, the fetus is already decently increasing in size (and it is almost entirely composed of moisture); the amount of amniotic fluid increases, and they are constantly updated (every 3 hours!). Therefore, the lack of fluid in the body of a woman in the third trimester can be dangerous. That's why you definitely need to drink! However, there are some tips to keep in mind on how to drink "correctly".

Our body can absorb no more than 70-100 ml of water at a time, so the entire daily volume must be distributed throughout the day and not immediately drunk in large portions. Develop the healthy habit of taking several small sips at short intervals, keeping your lips and mouth well moist. It is best to drink water between meals, not with meals.

A few hours before bedtime, you need to limit fluid intake so as not to burden the kidneys, which should rest at night, especially since frequent urination at night already annoys pregnant women.

It is especially important to drink a lot in the first trimester of pregnancy - during the laying and formation of the fetus. A woman weighing 50 kg should drink 2 liters of water per day, at 60 kg - 300 ml more, with a weight of 70 kg - 2.5 liters, 80 kg of body weight should account for 3 liters of water per day.

Do not forget that all substances are better absorbed by the body together with water, and therefore the vitamins and tablets that the doctor will prescribe for you during this period should be taken with a sufficient amount.

If you like to drink coffee and tea during pregnancy, then for each cup of such a drink, you need to add another 1-2 glasses of water to the main volume. With diarrhea, vomiting, profuse sweating and other causes of dehydration, you should drink more, respectively. By the way, whether your body has enough water can be easily checked at home: collect your urine in a transparent container and evaluate the concentration of its color: dark, saturated in color urine indicates a fluid deficiency.

And one more tip: study the topic of quality water. Perhaps this is the primary factor on which our health depends, because all our cells and tissues need water, children and adults need water, we not only drink, but also cook food using it. Therefore, the quality of drinking water is of great importance, the importance of which we often underestimate.

Drink water - and be healthy!

Especially for - Ekaterina Vlasenko

Doctors often recommend limiting fluid intake to prevent swelling. Expectant mothers should take this advice seriously. How much water to drink during pregnancy per day? What should pregnant women drink? How to reduce the load on the kidneys? More on this in the article below.

The role of water in the body of a pregnant woman

Water is the basis of all life. During pregnancy, the entire development of the child occurs in the aquatic environment. From the moment of fusion of germ cells until birth, the fetus is surrounded by amniotic fluid. Without it, the development of the baby is impossible.

Functions of water in the body of a future mother:

  • participates in the process of blood circulation of the mother and child;
  • the formation of amniotic fluid;
  • provides skin elasticity, preventing the development of stretch marks;
  • participates in maintaining the health of joints and ligaments;
  • normalizes stool and prevents constipation;
  • takes part in cleansing the body and removing toxins.

Often pregnant women forget about the importance of this substance. As a rule, expectant mothers focus their attention on the use of sufficient amounts and minerals, forgetting about water.

Lack of fluid can cause serious malformations of the child during pregnancy.

However, excessive water consumption is also undesirable. A large amount of fluid drunk can cause the development of edema and impaired kidney function.

Norms of fluid intake during pregnancy

In the first 12 weeks of the perinatal period, there are no restrictions on the amount of water consumed. However, you should follow the recommendations of nutrition experts and drink at least 8-9 glasses of clean water per day (about 2 liters).

With the correct development of pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, you can not reduce the amount of fluid consumed.

If the expectant mother has pathologies of the excretory system or edema begins to appear, the use should be limited.

Starting from the 28th week of the perinatal period, it is not recommended to drink a lot of water. This is due to the fact that even with a healthy pregnancy, the growing fetus compresses the internal organs.

The volume of blood that needs to be filtered by the kidneys increases significantly. Consequently, the additional volume of fluid only increases the load on the kidneys and edema often occurs in women.

Features of fluid intake

Having heard recommendations from a doctor on fluid restriction, expectant mothers often ask the question “Why can’t you drink a lot of water during pregnancy?”. There is a main reason - diseases and disorders in the functioning of the organs of the excretory system, which entail the appearance of edema.

It is important for expectant mothers to be registered and monitored in the antenatal clinic. The doctor leading the pregnancy can detect the problem in a timely manner and adjust the methods to eliminate it.

Kidney pathologies and edema require a reduction in the daily intake of water and other fluids. For diagnosable diseases, the volume of water after the 20th week of the gestational period should not exceed 1.5 liters per day.

Women with pathologies of the kidneys and urinary system, as well as with cardiovascular diseases, are recommended to be regularly examined and tested.

In the acute course of the disease or very severe edema, the expectant mother is recommended to undergo treatment in a hospital.

Diary for a pregnant woman in case of edema

Edema is a very disturbing symptom. Often they signal the development (late toxicosis). In this condition, the kidneys of a pregnant woman cannot cope with the increased load. This condition is fraught with negative consequences for the woman and the child.

If edema is suspected, pregnant women are advised to keep a special diary. It is necessary to record the amount of water that was drunk per day.

In addition, a woman should be weighed daily and. This will help to timely notice serious violations in the excretory system.

Keeping a pregnancy diary will allow you to control your health all the time, and, consequently, the health of the child.

How to drink fluids during pregnancy

To prevent edema, it is necessary to drink water according to the recommendations of doctors and nutritionists.

Rules for drinking water in the perinatal period:

  • the entire volume of liquid should be evenly distributed throughout the day;
  • the interval between drinking water should be 1.5-2 hours;
  • you need to drink water in small sips;
  • It is recommended that you always carry a small bottle of pure non-carbonated water with you.

The daily norm of water for expectant mothers is approximately 2 liters. You can not drink 1.5 of them in the morning, and distribute the rest of the volume for the day.

The recommended daily amount should be divided into equal volumes and drunk at regular intervals.

Future mothers should always have water with them. This will prevent the possibility of drinking too much water in case of extreme thirst.

Small sips and a slow pace of swallowing give time for the signal about the intake of water to reach the brain, which signals that the water balance in the body is adequately replenished.

Not all drinks are good for women who are expecting a baby. All doctors and nutritionists are unanimous in their opinion about what pregnant women should drink;

  • drinking water should be clean, without additional impurities in the form of flavors and flavors;
  • categorically it is impossible to drink water from the tap;
  • it is undesirable to drink soda, the presence of carbon dioxide in such water negatively affects the well-being of the mother and child.

Water should be the main drink for a pregnant woman. In addition to it, you can include the following drinks in your diet:

  • compotes from fresh and dry fruits without added sugar;
  • juices (no more than 1 glass per day);
  • fruit infusions;
  • decoctions of herbs;
  • decoction of rose hips;
  • fruit drinks.

What should be limited and why

Future mothers need to be attentive not only to nutrition, but also to fluid intake. Not all drinks are good for a developing baby. Reduce or avoid the following beverages altogether:

  • alcoholic and alcohol-containing drinks (including non-alcoholic beer);
  • coffee;
  • green tea;
  • Black tea;
  • sweet soda and artificial lemonades;
  • canned compotes.

Coffee and tea contain caffeine in large quantities. It excites the nervous system and can cause premature birth or miscarriage. Doctors recommend completely abandoning these drinks during the period of bearing a child.

Sweet carbonated drinks do not bring any benefit to the body of a pregnant woman. This is a source of extra calories.

Water during pregnancy plays an important role in the development of the baby. Without it, no biological process takes place. But even drinking water should be done with caution.

The phrase of a woman “drink a lot of water” during pregnancy is an alarm signal. This can signal problems in the functioning of the kidneys and excretory system.

Interesting video: features of fluid intake during pregnancy