Words for handing money cake. Congratulations to the gift of money

Congratulations to a wedding is not an easy performance for an invited guest. Not everyone can voice funny wedding greetings wittily and beautifully. And everyone wants to be known as an original with such a banal, but, of course, necessary gift. Several interesting options for congratulations can help anyone with this.

Money can be handed over not only directly in banknotes. The option of investing in cash investments is quite interesting. Even if it will be only one percent of the shares of a holding company for the production of chairs or cars, the fact that the money is in business and the newlyweds can be real shareholders will surprise and delight everyone.

Money can be given to you
The case is also to instruct
You follow the profit
Don't miss out on promotions!
Here's a puzzle - business for you
And an increase in money!

Such a gift will be both money and a fun investment, who knows, what if the securities will captivate the newlyweds and really raise material wealth in the newly-made family?

Money can be presented beautifully. Well-known portraits, which are ordered in various techniques, can also be laid out ... with coins. They also have color and shade. Yes, such a gift will be difficult to use without destroying it. On the other hand, the value of a family portrait will only increase due to the amount of material used, and literally. The execution of such a mosaic-puzzle portrait from coins can be either entrusted to the artist, or you can try to perform it yourself. Accompaniment can be like this:

I want to give you money
Not a bag or even a bunch.
The bank account is also past.
I will voice this option:
You ... your family portrait, mind you,
It's real money, you know.
But please, even in difficult times ...
You ... do not pick it!
Hold your nose higher like a ruble
And do not frown your pennies like that.
Shine a smile on the top ten
With a commemorative coin at the neck.

Money is a thing that comes and goes, so why not associate it with movement. Gift of a vehicle, decoration with banknotes and funny congratulations to newlyweds - what could be more fun? For example, skis! A fairly flat surface may well be decorated with bills of various denominations. But, of course, so that they can be detached. And it doesn't matter if the wedding is not at all in winter. You can play with a gift in different ways, and at the same time introduce the bride and groom to a healthy lifestyle:

Let in winter or summer
I will remind you of this
You need to do sports
And of course, temper!
Two of you - and two skis
So forward on them to fate!
On a rich road
A little bit stuck to them
Where is the bill, where is the two!
Money sticks to you everywhere!
So that drifts of coins
So that all the signs of wealth
Do not pass, do not pass
Your ways are covered with money!
Well, you enjoy
Yes, go skiing!

The option with the presentation of money can be beaten like ... a big wash. You can also arrange a competition. Who will "launder money" more. Two basins, and a clothesline with a bright ribbon in the middle and a sign "Peak of Wealth" or any other appropriate in meaning. The bride and groom take one bill at a time and hang the money up to dry. Whoever gets to the tape in the middle faster will manage the family budget. Congratulations can be applied like this:

Hey guys don't hesitate
Get ready as soon as possible!
We will replenish the budget
We are with you for many years!
They washed you money,
But there are a lot of them and hardly
They should have time to drain,
Yes, hang up, place!

You can also present money in the form of one expensive coin. Often their release is dedicated to a specific event. Or maybe the coin will be made of platinum or gold. Then you can put it in a huge box, and after taking it out, you can voice the following congratulations:

Eh, I can't give
A great gift for you ...
Only here is a coin
I will present you ...
Denomination it to you
I won't say right away.
Secretly on a piece of paper
I'll write the number!
Let it be small
But made entirely of gold (platinum)
Will be in your bank
She first.
So like Scrooge McDuckie
Early-early morning
You are in the pool of such coins
Dive to the bottom!

Original congratulations for a wedding with the presentation of money will not take much time in preparation, if you approach the idea of ​​donation in a very unusual way. For example, money can be presented by a magician from a top hat! It is necessary to arrange banknotes in a tape in advance - it is not so difficult to make money out of film and insert into pockets of various denominations. Or simply secure them with paper clips on a colorful ribbon. Then, after congratulations in verse, you can invite a previously prepared artist to perform:

Tricks with a budget
Yes, now about it!
We will be very public
Cool to surprise!
Watch your hands
Ears and feet:
Your budget is everywhere
Let's get it!

The simplest trick with getting coins "from the nose" or "from the ear" is also important here. Moreover, if desired, the artist can teach you how to do this trick. Well, in the finale, instead of a rabbit from a hat, you can get a ribbon of money.

The best gift is a book. They do not argue with the classics, but presenting a book with banknotes is also original and non-standard. Let it be a self-made book "History of the development of the budget" or "Diary of the growth of a family bank." Where on each page, in addition to the ascending note attached, there will also be a wish to use it. In the preface of such a book, you can write a congratulation:

I am as the author of this book
I won't show you a fig,
Neither the dollar rate, nor the euro,
But I can tell you boldly:
Read this book,
What to spend where - to know!
And if you want - save!
And give to grandchildren ... so be it.

Everyone knows a funny picture from the Internet, where bills of the thousandth denomination are placed as a tear-off calendar. If you know how to do needlework, it will not be difficult to arrange such a calendar for at least a month. Money pockets can be made of paper, transparent material, or simply attached to real calendar sheets.

Here is a piece of paper for every day!
So that my husband can spend
So that the wife can spend.
There is enough money for a family!
Tear it off and waste it soon
But no more than a leaf a day!

Ideas for giving money can be found everywhere. Based on events, individual characteristics of the young couple and the theme of the wedding. The main thing is that the process of fantasy is captivating, and congratulations come to mind by themselves and cause unexpected surprise not only among the guests, but also the original - the congratulatory one.

What is the best gift
We couldn't decide for a long time
And after much debate, it suddenly dawned on us,
After all, we can give you money.

For the GIRL, beloved,
I will give a pot
To cook porridge for her husband,
With the words "I love!"

Everything in life matters:
Shopping, budget, fun!
On the wedding day - we give money,
A choice.

Congratulations on your wedding day,
We are happy to hand over the money!
So that it grows all the time,
Your family capital!

We came to the celebration
Look at the soul kinship,
On a happy long journey
Newlyweds to unfasten!

On your wedding day, allow me to give
Envelope for you with crispy bills.
Of course, you can't buy happiness with them.
But you can really rest.

And for the groom (NAME),
Also has its own idea,
We hand you a hammer
So that you know a lot about repairs!

And also there is a general surprise,
We hand it over to you for an encore,
Pot for future kids
For girls and boys!

Well, for the mother-in-law, we give a rolling pin,
So that she knew hardening in pies!

And we give my aunt a brick,
To build a big house!

Mother-in-law here's a frying pan
To always have pancakes!

Absolutely everyone knows -
There is never a lot of money!
Therefore I give an envelope
With a sum of money to you.

Well, besides congratulations,
So that to your surprise,
We give you gifts,
And congratulations with all our hearts:

It's hard for young spouses to please
We want to give money on the wedding day!
Choose whatever you like,
What is necessary is pleasant and fashionable.

An invitation to a wedding celebration is associated with thoughts of gifts. If you are familiar with the newlyweds, then you know what to present them as a surprise. But there are situations when nothing comes to mind, then an envelope with money "hurries" to the rescue.

Usually, most of the invited guests go to the wedding with this present, so that your envelope does not get lost among others and is remembered by the newlyweds, you should be creative in its presentation. So, congratulations to the wedding, cool options with the presentation of money - further. Options for delicious and spicy tomatoes with garlic inside for the winter, recipes.

If you think that brevity is the sister of talent, then accompany the presentation of a beautiful envelope as a congratulation for the wedding (cool with the presentation of money) with short rhymes.

You are at the beginning of the journey, on the doorstep,
And your dream comes true.
May the road be easy and smooth
Let only hearts beat nearby.

We will present you with an envelope,
But what is not declassified in it.
Then look inside.
When the minute appears.

Thinking and deciding for so long
What will come in handy for your couple.
And then they realized that they themselves
Decide how to congratulate yourself!

Happy wedding day, great day
I want to congratulate you personally.
I don’t give pots or brooms,
And a useful paper envelope!

Congratulations to you guys
I am very glad to your wedding!
I won't torment you for a long time
And give a bed, dishes.

You know what you need
For my friendly family.
So indulge yourself
You are a keepsake of me!

Take a gift from me
And dispose of it yourself.
Nothing comes for free
So be stingy for the joy!

This is not an empty envelope,
Your desire is hidden in it!
There is no secret -
You live well with money

You can dress up with them,
Buy furniture and cruise.
Several of these envelopes
Increase optimism!

Money can be given to you
The case is also to instruct
You follow the profit
Don't miss out on promotions!
Here's a puzzle - business for you
And an increase in money!

Such a gift will be both money and a fun investment, who knows, what if the securities will captivate the newlyweds and really raise material wealth in the newly-made family?

Hey guys don't hesitate
Get ready as soon as possible!
We will replenish the budget
We are with you for many years!
They washed you money,
But there are a lot of them and hardly
They should have time to drain,
Yes, hang up, place!

You can also present money in the form of one expensive coin. Often their release is dedicated to a specific event. Or maybe the coin will be made of platinum or gold. Then you can put it in a huge box, and after taking it out, you can voice the following congratulations:

Tricks with a budget
Yes, now about it!
We will be very public
Cool to surprise!
Watch your hands
Ears and feet:
Your budget is everywhere
Let's get it!

Here is a piece of paper for every day!
So that my husband can spend
So that the wife can spend.
There is enough money for a family!
Tear it off and waste it soon
But no more than a leaf a day!

Ideas for giving money can be found everywhere. Based on events, individual characteristics of the young couple and the theme of the wedding. The main thing is that the process of fantasy is captivating, and congratulations come to mind by themselves and cause unexpected surprise not only among the guests, but also the original - the congratulatory one.

You can give money in different ways and for anything. We'll look at several options. And you yourself choose which one suits you.

Option one - money for family life and for children.

The fourth option is gifts and money.
In this option, they first give comic gifts, which are accompanied by poetry, and then money is handed over. Everything is fun and interesting.

Humorous wedding greetings with gifts and money

Cool congratulations on the wedding. Parting words to young people for a happy family life

Vladimir Gorai-Boretsky

A lot has been drunk today,
And mountains eaten food.
Today the wedding was celebrated
Under the leadership of the toastmaster.
Thanks for a fun holiday
I'll tell you young people.
May your life be wonderful
Let there be a place for courage.

May your union be strong!
And your bonds are inviolable.
Carry a common load through life
Today you have decided together.
Let the kids be full of the house
Warms your souls
Let love in your hearts
Never fades away!

Cool congratulations on the wedding

Hymen did not eat, did not sleep -
Forged the marriage bonds,
He tried, he groaned,
I wanted to please you!

To your marriage union
Distinguished by the strength of bonds
Hymen, family god
Worked as hard as I could!

In the marriage alloy he put
And patience and strength,
A lot of joy and happiness
Understanding, participation.

And also - hope, faith
And trust beyond measure,
Joint plans and works,
Interesting adventures.

For a wedding with the presentation of money, in which there is no place for triviality.

Magic casket

In order to give money beautifully, they are packed in a special box - a chest. You can do it yourself, buy it ready-made, or use the help of the consultants of gift shops, who will build such a thing in just five minutes.

In order to make a small chest yourself, you will need:

accessories for decoration.

Use cardboard and tape to make a box. The size can be arbitrary. Most often used as decoration are beads, embroidery, ribbons, openwork fabric, buttons. It all depends solely on the imagination of the donor. If embroidery was chosen as a decoration, it is easy to "engrave" the initials of the newlyweds on the lid.

Finely cut colored paper is placed on the bottom of the box in order to obtain the "nest" effect. On top of it they put money, small balls, beads and any other accessories that are only suitable for decorating the casket. Ornaments can be presented in the same way.
Some cool congratulations for a wedding in prose with the presentation of money are attached to the finished casket, be sure to indicate the initials of the donor in it and tie the box with an elegant satin ribbon.

Money carpet

If there is clearly no desire to give money in an ordinary white envelope with the guest's initials, you should pay attention to such an unusual presentation idea as a money carpet.

In order to build this structure, you will need:

satin ribbon;
polyethylene film.

The size of the cardboard base is meter by meter. The film is fixed to the cardboard with tape. Then they glue the tape in such a way that something like a frame is obtained. Then the cardboard is drawn into small rectangles. They must be equal to the size of the bill.

From bills of different names on the carpet, it is easy to fold various symbols, for example, hearts or the initials of the newlyweds. For this, let's say, 100 ruble bills are used, and the rug itself will be made of 50 ruble bills.

An alternative presentation option implies the ability to dilute real bills with counterfeit ones in order to make the carpet bigger. However, in this case, it is worthwhile to warn the bride and groom about this in advance. Otherwise, the newlyweds can spend their honeymoon not somewhere abroad, but in the cell of the nearest police station.

In addition to the money present, you should definitely prepare at least a short but cool wedding congratulations with the presentation of money, wishing the young to have such a rug in every room of their family nest.

Bouquet of balloons

Having decided to give money to loved ones for a wedding, you can do it in a more than original way by making a money bouquet of balloons. To do this, you will need to purchase the balls, sequins and beautiful ribbons yourself. The number of balls must be equal to the number of banknotes. The balls are placed bills twisted into a tube. Also, sprinkle glitter or confetti inside each ball. Then they are filled with helium. A ribbon is attached to each ball, and then they are all fastened into one bouquet.

Together with congratulations, it is worth giving a bouquet of flowers, tying a postcard to it with a wish to live a long and happy life together.

Banknote cake

A cool wedding congratulation with the presentation of money in the form of a cake is an unusual present that the newlyweds will definitely like, regardless of the amount of money donated. That is just the idea of ​​such a gift.

It is not necessary to bake the cake. It is easy to build a fake out of cardboard. This will require three boxes. They can be either oval or square. The only condition is that the boxes must be hollow inside and differ from each other in size (from larger to smaller).

Banknotes are attached to the side of the boxes. For fastening, it is quite logical to use paper clips, since when attaching them to tape, removing the bills without damaging them will be quite problematic. From above, each tier is tied with a satin ribbon. At the very top, you can install a young figurine or a ring.

How to give money in an original way using an umbrella?

“The main thing is the weather in the house” - Larisa Dolina sang in one well-known song, once popular in the 90s of the last century. There is some right in the words of the singer. Especially when it comes to a young married couple who have just crossed one of the main pages in their life.

Young people who once were no one to each other got married. Now they will have to experience both joy and adversity together. The guests may well protect the newlyweds from the latter by giving them a wonderful umbrella.

In order to make such a gift, you need four simple things:

paper clips and thread.

To make the gift look really festive, you can pick up an umbrella with a themed pattern. For example, it can be an image of a couple in love, balloons, hearts and rings. Having chosen the basis for the gift, it remains only to decorate it with money.

To do this, the umbrella is opened and threads are tied to the knitting needles. Paper clips are attached to the threads, and bills are already hung on them. The amount depends solely on the financial capabilities of the donor. To make the structure look more voluminous, it is necessary to change the bills into smaller ones and hang them as "thickly" as possible. Then the umbrella is closed and packed back.

In addition to the umbrella, it is advisable to prepare a cool greeting for the wedding with the presentation of money, wishing the young to meet less adversity in life, and if they do, then endure them bravely, and most importantly, supporting each other.

Origami from money

Before you fold an elegant car or heart from a five-thousandth bill, you will have to sweat a lot. Hardly anyone succeeds in making origami the first time. But if there is still enough time before the wedding, it will not be difficult to build such a present with your own hands.

The finished figurine is placed in a box and beautifully packaged. You can also make several origami - one for the groom and the other for the bride, by presenting them in different boxes. In this case, one figure should be made in the form of a shirt, and the other in the form of a dress. Newlyweds will surely enjoy such a gift.

It is quite logical to prepare verbal congratulations along with the gift, or to make a video postcard, involving some other guests in the work on it. This present will be appreciated no less than origami from a bill. Sooner or later, the money will have to be spent anyway, but the video will remain. A cool video congratulation for the wedding with the presentation of money will not leave anyone indifferent.

Cash "cabbage" in the bank

Another rather creative way of donating money is to present it in a bank. It is advisable to purchase such a container, which is usually used as interior decoration. Ordinary pickle cans are indispensable here. The container should have a tight-fitting lid with a small handle. It will be convenient to hang a postcard with the donor's initials on it. A postcard can be made either with your own hand or purchased ready-made in a gift store, by yourself choosing a design, congratulation and font size.

In order for the gift to turn out to be more weighty, some bills should be exchanged and more trifles should be poured into the jar. In addition, on top of the container, if desired, attach a plate with the inscription "cabbage". It can also be decorated with a beautiful fabric or gift paper wrapped around it.

An alternative way of giving money at the bank is sweet medicine. In a traditional present, as a rule, sweet sweets or medicines are used instead of real pills. Wishing to present such a wedding gift, it is enough to add a certain amount to it and attach a postcard with wishes. The donor does not even have to invent and manufacture anything with his own hands. The basis for this can be purchased at any candy store.

In order for more bills to fit into the jar, they will need to be twisted into thin tubes. As for the text of a cool wedding congratulation with the presentation of money in the bank, it can be a comic postcard with an emphasis on cabbage, which the common people call money, or an emphasis on sweet medicine. In this case, the gift can be presented in the form of an attending physician or sexual nurse. The couple will definitely appreciate such a creative approach to congratulations from close friends or relatives.

Today is your magic day
Even a shadow sparkles with happiness.
The bride is as gentle as a fairy
The groom immediately melts at a glance.

Let us congratulate you,
To say - you will have all the class!
Give you a money envelope,
And contribute to your budget.

To live happily, beautifully,
The soul sparkled with positive.
And every day was full of happiness
And bad weather did not touch you.

On the wedding day - a very important holiday -
We decided to give you
A simple set of paper bills,
So that you can implement
Your hopes and ideas.
Let this small capital
Fill up the money bag
To take your family boat
Start in a serious, big life,
Where happiness and success await you,
So that it sounded in the apartment soon
You have a perky childish laugh!

For a wedding as a gift
Please accept the envelope.
Envelope without stamps,
But take a look inside!

What lies inside
It will definitely be suitable.
It won't run away
And good for a lot!

To the family budget
You will accept this contribution.
There are many coins
For a pleasant cost!

Congratulations to you guys
Became husband and wife
And now these bills -
My glorious gift from my heart.

Let them replenish the budget,
Let them bring your goal closer
May there always be enough funds for you
For caviar and a cocktail.

A gift from me
You will take to the wedding,
To family account
Put the money in.

For son and daughter
Let the interest run
Accumulate and multiply
Rubles, euros and cents.

My gift is money
Let it become a magnet
Let the wallet be
Stuffed with banknotes.

Wish money
They loved your family,
So that you are more valuable than money
They appreciated their love.

Happy holiday to you young people.
Happy wedding day.
Here, accept the first contribution
To the family estate.

Or on a fun holiday
Or just a binge
The main thing is that the result
Was helpful and nice.

May the gift be a joy
Let it bring you closer to your dream
Live richly and happily
I wish the family!

Bride and groom, congratulations!
Let your life be a wonderful song!
The time has come today, the hour has come,
Think about your joint budget.

We give you starting capital,
We wish you to make every effort
So that he attracts money to your family,
So that it becomes the beginning of prosperity!

I give money for the wedding
I know they will come in handy
So that you study with a budget
To dispose of theirs.

There is never a lot of money
Everyone knows this
And so the gift
Necessary mine and important.

I wish that in the family
The wallet was shared
To make money in himself
Collected more.

May you not buy happiness with them,
But I want to wish you
So that you know how to spend money
And they were able to multiply.

What to present for newlyweds?
For a long time, probably not a secret,
What to young husbands and wives
An envelope is given with the money!

Spend them for what you
It will definitely give you pleasure!
I bring you closer to your dreams
By making a replenishment to the treasury!

Congratulations young
Accept the money in the budget,
On your desires
Collect the bag quickly.

May there always be abundance
And let the bills rustle
And your eyes are with happiness
And great love is burning.

Wedding gifts are an individual thing. Someone is very familiar with the bride and groom, and gives them a useful electrical appliance in everyday life, tickets to the resort, jewelry and so on. Well, someone almost for the first time was at the wedding of their friends, and the only reasonable option for a gift is money. The newlyweds already know exactly what to spend.

If you decide to buy a useful gift for your friends' wedding, our article will acquaint you with wonderful ideas. Well, if you are going to give money, recommendations on how to do this will also come in handy!

How to give money for a wedding in an original way

Usually, money for a wedding is given in an envelope, but simply handing it over with the words “Congratulations to you” is somehow not sincere and banal. Such a responsible procedure should be approached in an original way.

Here are some unusual ideas on how to donate money for a wedding.

A money album is a great way to present money to the bride and groom. Instead of the usual photographs, bills of different denominations are sorted in such an album. To make the gift creative, add a congratulatory poem to each sheet, for example:

  1. Don't have a cool vacuum cleaner?
    From us on a hundred from the nose!
  2. For the kitchen, we will give a steward,
    That is enough for a ladle.
  3. For a foreign car
    We'll give you some money.

If each poem is illustrated with appropriate pictures, the bride and groom will only accept such an original gift with a smile and gratitude.

The banknote tree is also a popular wedding gift today. You can use a living plant, such as a dollar tree, on which bills of the desired denomination are neatly placed. Such a living tree will grow in a new family, and prosperity will never leave the house of the bride and groom.

A cash wedding gift can also be made in the shape of a sailboat, for example.

A bouquet for a bride is one of the main accessories at a wedding, so why not give a real money bouquet. Agree, this is a very original version.

A money cake, a money umbrella, a ball filled with money, a chest with money - see how else it is unusual to give money for a wedding.

Poems for gifts (money) for a wedding

The newlyweds hear all day, and if the time has come for you to congratulate the bride and groom, the original poems for money as a gift will be very impressive.

Here are some ideas for wedding money poems for those who give young people an envelope with bills or a gift of money:

  1. We wish you to become happier and richer
    At least a hundred times!
    May good luck accompany you in life,
    The process will start immediately, now!

    May there be happiness and success
    Steps confidently!
    May it bear fruit all year round
    Money tree for you!

  2. Let it not be too late and not early
    You will be magically lucky!
    Let the pockets bulge
    The purse is bursting at the seams!

    Let the income be large cash
    Poured in bulk:
    To the mountains or to the pyramids
    Right up to Antarctica itself!

  3. The postcard is rolled up in an envelope,
    What's inside? Check it out!
    Yes there are "bucks", yo is mine,
    To you for a happy life!
  4. 4. Everything in life matters:
    Shopping, budget, fun!
    On the wedding day - we give money,
    And the choice of a gift is yours!
  5. There is a marriage certificate
    It contains the seal of the native registry office.
    We give you, newlyweds,
    Congratulations and bucks!
  6. For such a beautiful couple
    Let's raise a glass now!
    To start family life
    We donate start-up capital!
  7. It's hard for young spouses to please
    We want to give money on the wedding day!
    Choose whatever you like,
    What is necessary, pleasant and fashionable!

Envelope for wedding money

Most often, money envelopes are bought in souvenir shops. But if you have imagination and desire, you can make such an envelope very unusual by decorating it in a special way, or simply by making it yourself.

We suggest you make a gorgeous envelope for your wedding money yourself using one of our ideas.

As a decor for decorating a money envelope for a wedding, use flowers from satin ribbons, silk details, tulle, openwork fabrics and lace, all kinds of beads, for example, large and small pearls, cardboard cutouts in the shape of a heart, angels, doves, and so on. In addition, if you want to make an original envelope, the value of which will not be less than the content, use miniature silver or gold rings - such decoration will add sophistication to the envelope.

A wedding money envelope may not be the usual white color with modern decorations. Creative retro versions are welcomed by modern newlyweds. Variations on a nautical, romantic, passionate or cartoon theme will also spice up the holiday. The envelope can be made in the form of a letter with a princely seal, for example.

Another creative idea is a message from the unknown aunt of the groom or bride in Paris itself. The shape of the envelope may then be optionally a standard rectangular shape.

Here are some more templates. They will come in handy for making a beautiful wedding envelope.

And finally, look at what a pretty envelope is obtained from fabric, for example, felt.

Original wedding gifts are not always trinkets, money can also be presented in unexpected ways. Now you know how to give money for a wedding so that your present will delight.