Sports holiday dad mom I'm in elementary school. Scenario of a sports holiday in elementary school: “Dad, mom, I am a sports family

Goals and objectives:

  1. Improving the health of children and their parents.
  2. Raising a love for physical culture and sports, a sense of friendship.
  3. Promotion of healthy lifestyles.
  4. Determination of the strongest team.

Location: gym.

Equipment and inventory:

Stopwatch, whistle, tape measure, racks (flags or skittles), balls (basketball, volleyball, football, tennis), balloons, jump ropes, hoops, bags, rope.

Non-standard equipment:

Wooden bricks, wooden pole walkers (height 15 cm; diameter 13-15 cm, a hole is drilled in the upper part and a rope is stretched (length of the rope is 2 meters), wooden gymnastic sticks.

Decor: slogans-posters: “If you want to be strong, run!”, “If you want to be beautiful, run!”, “If you want to be smart, run!”, “Sport is health”, “Sport is success”, “Sport is friendship ”, “Sport is the strongest of all”, “There is no greater victory than victory over oneself”.

Musical accompaniment: sports march.


Teams-families participate in the amount of three people - father, mother and child - team captain.


    The winner is awarded a medal, certificate and prize.

    Winners are awarded with certificates and sweet prizes.

    Families can be awarded in the following categories:

The course of the holiday

To the sounds of a sports march, the teams enter the sports hall and line up in front of the jury.

Lead I

Please, dear guests, please!
Fun and joy to you!
We have been waiting for you for a long time
We can't start the holiday without you.
We have something for everyone: both a word and a place!

(teams take their places)

Lead II

Hello! Hello! Hello!
Today here in the gym
We are a sport, skill is compatible.
We are this glorious holiday with you
Dedicated to great games.

Lead I

We see friendly faces here
Sports spirit we feel around
Everyone here has the heart of an Olympian
Here everyone is a friend to sports and art.

Lead II

He will win the competition
Who is smart, smart and strong
Show all your skills
Who is hardened in spirit and body.

Lead I

O sport, dear!
Through life with you
Be friends with us always
God bless for many more years!
Fills us with the joy of movement.
The heart beats more cheerfully in the chest!
And the sports victory of the moment
Complementing the smiles of friends.

Lead II

And sport helps us to learn
After all, health is the foundation of everything.
Who walks through life with sports
He can go far.
O sport, dear!
Through life with you
Be friends with us always
God bless for many more years!

Lead I

It's nice to say things like that
Meeting your guests at the door
We are so glad to see you dear guests.
So glad...

Lead II

Let me open our family all-around championship "Dad, mom, I am a sports family!" And introduce the teams of participants in our competitions.

Lead I

dads(take a step forward)

Here they are in front of us - slightly peppy, taut in places and even in some ways invincible, but in what exactly - we will find out later ( Dads take their places).

Lead II

mothers(take a step forward)

They are always in shape. Constant training makes itself felt: stove, shopping, weeding, washing, cleaning. And even the annual respite on March 8 does not unsettle them. And we are sure that today they will set the tone for their teams. (mothers take a step back).

Lead I

And finally captains commands! (children take a step forward)

It was they who, from the cradle, for many years tempered with constant training and united their parents in a friendly team, setting themselves new tasks: hard in learning, easy in battle.

Lead II

1 team ( Name)
Team captain

2 team ( Name)
Team captain

3 team ( Name)
Team captain

Lead I

Victory is on the shoulder of the brave, great success awaits
Who, without flinching, if necessary, will join the battle one for all.
Let the jury follow the entire course of the battle without a miss
Whoever is friendlier will win the battle.
Cause time, hour fun. Commands the word is yours

(wishes to rivals, say teams)

Lead II

Introducing the panel of judges organizer of extracurricular activities, physical education teachers, representatives of the parent committee, school council).

Sports part of the holiday

Lead I

1 contest

Warming up is very important for athletes, as you can see both the strengths and weaknesses of the opponent.
And our competition “Fun crossing”

The first to speak are the popes. On the pillars pass the distance. Return ( also on pillars). And pass the baton to moms. Moms: move on 3 wooden bricks, moving them one by one, but at the same time standing on them ( don't go to the floor). They reach the flags, pick up 3 bricks and run back. The team captain is next. The child uses two hoops to cross - jumps from one hoop to another.

Lead II

2 contest

It's good that there are games in the world,
In which the joy of movement with the ball.
The ball unites us on the planet
And sets our hearts on fire.
After the first task
Listen carefully
Second test.

(Families location behind the common start line)

Dads start first: they circle the racks with a soccer ball to the flag and return in the same way. Moms start second: they perform knocking in a straight line ( volleyball) ball to the rack and back. Children start third: dribbling a basketball ( it is necessary, just like dads, to circle the skittles or racks). And finish back.

Lead I

In the second competition, all teams demonstrated excellent possession of the ball and good physical preparation. And now we will hold the third competition.

3 contest

Here's a harder task
Get smarter and harder.
For you to go forward
You need to guide the balloon.

Dads, moving forward to the rack, knock out a balloon with a gymnastic stick and back in the same way ( the result is determined by the first one who ran to the finish line). Moms tie a balloon to their leg, the second leg is free. Standing in a circle on the whistle, they begin to step on each other on the ball ( whoever has the ball left intact, that mother won).

Lead II

I see from the side
Teams in technology are equal.
I want to take a quick look
Whose captains are smarter.

Balls are laid out on the floor (the number is not limited). Team captains must land on the balloons so that they burst. Whoever pops the most balls wins. After the competition, all burst balloons are given to the jury for counting.

Lead I

4 contest

Basketball excitement
I love to experience.
Joys and sorrows
For me it's like a blessing.
Captivated by the beauty of the game
I will support the fighting spirit.
I admire the craftsmanship.
Oh! I love basketball!

Lead II

4th view - send to the ring
You need a basketball.
Only the accuracy of the hands and the accuracy of the eyes
Allows you to hit more than once.

Lead I

Dads put the child on their shoulders. Mom is serving a basketball. The child must hit the basketball hoop with a throw. 90 seconds per game number of hits counted).
(this competition can be performed simultaneously by two or more teams, depending on the presence of basketball hoops).

Lead II

You hit well
Deftly controlled with the ball.
You didn't waste your time.
Trained hard.

Lead I

While the panel of judges is summing up the results for four competitions, there is an advertising break.
(a cheerleading group from one of the teams shows their dance)

Lead II

The results for four contests have been summed up. The word is given to the panel of judges.

Lead I

We continue our family all-around competitions.

Lead II

5 competition

What a miracle - lope yes lope!
Look, the bag is off!
Hey, grab it, catch it
Grab the bag!

Lead I

Teams are built at the starting line in a column and, at the whistle, each member of the team for distillation jumps in a bag to the rack and returns in the same way, passes the baton to the next participant.

Lead II

The sack competition is over.

6 competition

Choose jumps to your liking -
Height or length
And jog left, right
Break the silence of space.
If you swing too hard
Pushed off faster
So the jump was a success
You fly bolder

Lead I

Now you ( commands) must demonstrate their jumping abilities, such physical qualities as agility, speed, flexibility. The success of your teams will depend on your personal results.

"Long jump from a place."

All teams are built in a column one at a time in random order at a common start line. The first numbers jump in length from a place, pushing off with two legs at the same time. The measurement is made on the heels of the first touch of the floor. The second number jumps from where the first one landed, and so on. The places of the teams are determined by the range of the marks of the last ( 3rd) participants.

Lead II

The teams jumped perfectly, setting a high tone for us with the competition. Today, everyone is worthy of the highest praise, all teams have shown solidarity and the will to win. But in all competitions there is someone better. Now let's ask the panel of judges to sum up the results of the six past competitions.
(one member of the panel of judges announces the results)

Lead I

7 competition

Relay teams are invited.

1. Running with a baton ( performed by the whole family).

2. Running with a gymnastic stick ( dads start running on top of a stick, run to the counter, run around, come back, pick up mom, then the child).

3. "Cuttlefish" ( emphasis with arms and legs, back parallel to the floor, move arms forward).

4. Carrying a “big” tennis ball to the mark and throwing the ball at the target.

5. Relay “All at once” - teams run simultaneously in full squads. Participants hold hands or stand in a column, take the belt) run to the counter, run around it and return to the finish line.

The team will have lunch, the participants of which, without disengaging their hands, will be the first to take their original position. The places of the teams are determined by the order of finishing.

Lead II

Well done! Well done!
Run fast - it's familiar to everyone,
They did a great job with the relay.
You conquered us all here
You have shown strength of mind.

While the panel of judges sums up the results of the competition, while our teams take a breath, rest, and we'll see how the fans cheer for their team.

Lead I

Now the fans have a task. Support your team. One fan from each team.

8 competition

And the girls through the rope,
You need to jump for half a minute.
To make them jump more fun
Let's support them with clapping together.

Lead II

Skipping rope, who does not know it,
She helps us grow.
I invite you to jump
And I turn on my stopwatch.

(one girl from the team jumps with a rope at the same time. The number of jumps in 30 seconds is counted. The participant with the most jumps wins.)

Lead I

You gracefully jumped so
As if butterflies fluttered.

Thanks a lot to the fans.
(the best jumper receives a sweet prize or diploma)

Lead II

9 contest

sports competition -
It's the same drawing.
After all, an athlete, he is like an artist,
His world of emotions is complex.
Sports wonderful moments
They are looking for embodiment in colors.
And my friends, now!
It's time to draw for you!

Lead II

I invite “families” to take part in another “Guess what is drawn” contest.
(participants of the competition receive two sheets with drawings depicting part of the sports equipment. Need to draw it)

Lead I

What wonderful artists you are.

10 contest

Yes, very nice work
And you can see they are gloriously tired.
However, what else to think
So that without falls and without noise.
Aha! There is good fun
She will please you.

Lead II

We have one game
You'll like her
Come out to the site
Line up in order.
Dad, mom and kids
We call on the rope.

Lead I

I ask you to start
Test the rope for strength.

(teams compete in tug of war).

Lead II

The last type of competition
We have completed and now
The result of all our competitions,
Let the judges bring it to us.

Lead I

(teams for summing up the results of the holiday are built in the center of the gym)

And here we summarize
Whatever they were
Let sports roads
Your days are filled with health.

Lead II

May youth, friendship, sport and peace
They always walk with us.
Whom the world of sports swirled
He looks friendly.
Today we have become stronger.
Today we have become more friendly.

Lead I

Today there are no losers
There are simply the best of the best.
May there be light in every heart of friendship,
Will ignite the deeds of a good ray.

Lead I

For summing up the floor is given to the jury.
(the results in the team standings of the sports festival are announced, the awarding ceremony is held)

Lead I

Thank you and goodbye!
Until we meet again at the gym.
Combine sport and knowledge
And warm your soul with kind light.

Lead II

Thank you all for your attention
For enthusiasm and ringing laughter.
For the fire of competition
Ensure success.
Now it's time to say goodbye
Our speech will be short.
We say goodbye to everyone
Until happy new meetings!

The script of the sports festival

“Dad, mom, I am sports Family".

Before the start of the holiday, music is played.

Look at us

There's a whole class here

Nearby are moms and dads.

Dads abandoned sofas

Moms threw pots

And the costumes are on!

Everyone wants to compete

joke and laugh

Show strength, dexterity,

And prove your skill!

We are all happy with this meeting.

Gathered not for a reward,

We need to meet more often

May we all live in harmony!


We have gathered here to compete in strength and agility, speed and endurance. And we also gathered in order to get to know each other better and make friends with each other, to see what our children can do and what their parents can do.

And it doesn't matter who wins this competition, the main thing is that we feel the atmosphere of the holiday. Let the motto of our meeting today be simple words: “Inseparable friends - sports, parents and children

inseparable friends

There is in the world.

Inseparable friends -

It's sports and kids!

Sports come to our school

Relay fun.

Growing up in the class change

Our glorious record holders.

We are a great, friendly class,

We have all sports!

We love air, sun, work,

Good things are going!

Any of us will tell you:

Being an athlete is very cool!

Dedicate every hour

Sports, every minute!

inseparable friends

There is in the world.

Inseparable friends -

Sports, parents and children!

The holiday has already begun, but it is necessary to get acquainted with the participants.Frankly, every child would like to see their parents on the playground today. But not all parents decided to take this step. Who are they - those families who, having overcome embarrassment, agreed to participate in our competition.

- Meet our courageous, seasoned, athleticdad! Not everyone can withstand the overload of traditional men's triathlon: football, newspaper and sofa. But they don't give up. Here they are all in front of us - slightly peppy, in places taut, in some places collected, but not defeated, and even in some ways invincible, but in what exactly - we will find out later.

- And now they're coming outmothers! They are always in shape. Constant training in women's triathlon makes itself felt: stove, shopping, laundry. And we are sure that today they will set the tone for their teams in the competition. Because it is known that the family rests on three pillars: Woman, Woman and again Woman!

- And finally, the team captains are ourschildren! It was they who, from the cradle, for many years tempered with constant training and united their parents in a friendly team, setting more and more new tasks for them, constantly increasing the load. But it is not in vain that they say: hard in learning, easy in battle.


1. The sports family comes first

dad........., Mother............. Andteam captain

Your team name and your motto...

2. Sports honor of the familywill defend dad........, Mother........... and team captain

Please, introduce yourself …

3. And here is another team in which everyone loves sports. This is family

Dad........... , Motherand captain

4. Meet the family team ______________________

So, are the teams ready? (READY!)

Fans, are you ready? (READY!)

Who is missing?

Jury presentation

Competitions today will be judged by:

Judge: To have a competition

You need an experienced judge.

This, apparently, is a calling -

Of course, I will be the judge!

Let the jury the whole course of the battle

Track without a hitch.

Who will be friendlier

He will win in battle!

1 Competition "Charging" (Synchronicity)

Before any competition, you need to warm up, prepare the body for physical exertion, stretch all the muscles, everything is as it should be for serious athletes.

The first relay race is an important relay race,

Each family will show morning exercises.

All teams with musical accompaniment

perform a complex of morning exercises - 2 min.

The jury evaluates each team.

2 Competition "Running" (quickness)

Running is very different

But always so beautiful

Fast, slow and medium

obstacle course, hurdling,

And the one who wins

Who is not far behind.

Only passion, hard work

They will lead you to victory.

The conditions of this competition are as follows - the captains run, climb into the hoops, reach the line of the end of the sports ground. They run back to the starting line. Then the parents take over from them.

Mom is not up to playing with balls, she runs around in the kitchen. Get your tool - a tray.

Tray run

Players are given a tray with a cup of water on it. All team members run back and forth. The one who spills as little water as possible wins.

And for our dads, we have prepared the following task

You need to pass the ball around the chips, run to the start line and return back with the ball in your hands.

The competition is over, our esteemed jury is summing up.

3 Competition "Accuracy"

Everyone knows, everyone understands

What a pleasure to be healthy.

Just need to know

How to become healthy!

Well, friends!

We can't relax!

The spirit was transferred -

Contest number three!

- The whole team takes part in this competition.

Team captains open this competition. They are givenballs- knock down as many pins as possible

Then mothers take over. They must throwbasketballAdd to cart.

Dads will be the last to show us accuracy and dexterity in this competition. They need to score in the goalsoccer ball.

4 Competition "Ingenuity, strength"

Now we're going on a hike. Let's get into the swamp

Leading.Pass through the swamp

Everyone can!

But how to get through

Don't get your feet wet?

merry laughter,

Striving for victory

Will help you

And it guarantees success!


All members of family teams participate in this competition, and it is called "Child Transportation". We remember that the family went on a multi-day trip, and on the way the child was so tired that he could not go further. The task of the father and mother is to transfer the child to a certain distance with clasped hands and return to the place. We will call this type of transport "daddymobile". Whose daddymobile will come to the finish line first?

If the child has fallen, you will have to linger, pick him up and continue on your way.

Jury evaluation

Game with fans

Strength is, of course, good, but the mind is BETTER!

5 Competition (Mind, creativity)


There are two lanes on the snow

Two foxes were surprised.

One came closer

Someone was running here ... (skiing)

Who will catch up with me on the ice?

We are running races.

And it’s not horses that carry me, but shiny ... (skates).

They gave me a riddle:

What are these miracles?

Handlebar, saddle and two pedals,

Two shiny wheels.

The riddle has an answer

This is my ... (bike)

Who can "saddle a horse" but not make him move? (Gymnast.)

Even in extreme heat with gloves, does he play the game? (Boxer.)

Which athlete can't do without a ring? (Paratrooper.)

Master of sports, but without a stick he is more helpless than an old woman? (Hockey player.)


Each family is invited to prepare for 3 minutes and show a specific sport in static or dynamic postures. The task of the jury is to guess the sport.

Collect the phrase

- For the next competition to help the teams, we invite

2 people from support groups.

Teams are now invitedcollect the phrase from the letters: “Give victory!”This competition requires a sharp eye, resourcefulness and quick reaction.

- Two people from the support group hold a stretched cord, and the teams look for the necessary letters on the floor and clamp the letters on the cord with clothespins. The team that collected the phrase the fastestGive Victory!will bring points to his team.

So, we ask the teams to take their places.

Attention, let's start...

Game with spectators(while the words VICTORY hang)

We have gathered for a fun sports festival, and each team needs what?

That's right, Victory. After each phrase, one letter is lost from this word. Be careful and complete the sentences correctly.

A ship is sailing on the sea - "Victory".

It's time for the sailors to have lunch.

But they got in trouble.

They've lost food.

Sailors in a panic? - Yes.

What are they screaming? - A!!!

This is how I ask you to meet our participants

The final

Attention! Attention! Our families are amazing people.

Today they showed: composure, dexterity, intelligence, perseverance, resourcefulness and the desire to win.

RESULTS of the competition. Rewarding.

Do not be afraid, people, of rain and cold!

Visit the stadium more often

who has been friends with sports since childhood,

always healthy, handsome and dexterous, and strong.

Well, now, for now, the jury is working, we invite everyone to sing a song together

Pour cold water on

If you want to be healthy.

The sun, air and water are more useful to us -

They always help us from diseases.

From all diseases it is more useful for us

Sun, air and water!

Temper if you want to be healthy

Try to forget about the doctors

Pour cold water on

If you want to be healthy.

Scenario of a sports festival for primary school students "Dad, mom, I am a sports family!"

Goals and objectives of the sports and entertainment festival
1. To promote the harmonization of family relationships through joint physical education and sports.
2. Involvement of parents in joint work with the school to preserve and improve the health of children.
3. Involving students in physical education and sports.
4. Organization of healthy leisure.
5. Develop motor skills and abilities.
6 . Contribute to the education of perseverance, a sense of mutual assistance, collectivism.
1. In advance, familiarize the participants of the event with the conditions for holding the holiday.
2. Give recommendations on preparing homework.
3. Instruct about safety precautions during the holiday.
4. When forming teams, take into account the age of the participants.
5. Decorate the colorful exterior of the hall.
6. Prepare inventory, equipment, audio and video equipment (ICT) in advance.
7. To acquaint the judging team with the rules of judging, the correct execution of the technique of other competitions.
Participant activities
1. Children and parents jointly perform tasks and competitions, trying to make them as good as possible, faster and more friendly.
2. Children, parents, class teacher prepare homework: name, motto, team emblem.
Holiday program
Presenter: Good afternoon, dear friends! Dear guests, fans, true sports fans, connoisseurs of beauty and health! We are pleased to welcome you to our sports and entertainment program "Sports Family". We have gathered here to measure strength and agility, speed and endurance. But this is not the main thing in our meeting. We gathered to get to know each other better and make friends, to see what our children can do and what our parents can do. The word is given ... (our competition will begin with a warm-up)
Presenter: And now we will introduce the audience and the jury to the families that will take part in the competition
Dad - (name, where he works, what he works for)
Mom - (name, where she works, what she works for)
Son (daughter) - (name where he studies)
Emblem, name, motto
(teams line up, the leader gives them parting words)
Host: Dear participants!
To win in our games
You need to be fast, dexterous, brave
Don't hide behind your back
And do not be afraid of opponents!
It's not easy to win, of course.
But fight for every point
Good luck and forward to victory!
Today our competitions are judged by:
(representation by the jury of 3 persons)
Presenter: Well, then, let's start the competition. So we start the competition. I explain the conditions of the warm-up relay race
1 Relay "Shuttle run"
There are 3 racks on the platform. The first participant - a child - runs to the first rack, runs around it and passes the baton to mom, mom runs around the rack located a little further than the first, passes the baton to dad, dad runs around the farthest rack and comes back.
2 Relay "Ball in a circle"
The family, holding hands, must go the entire length of the hall and back, keeping the ball inside the circle with their feet. If the ball rolls out of the circle, dad picks it up (mother and child are standing still at this time) and continue the task, which is performed “back and forth”.
3 Relay "Ball in a hoop"
The child starts first, holding the hoop in his hand, the ball in the hoop on the floor. The child rolls the ball with a hoop to the finish line and passes the baton back to mom, mom has two balls in the hoop, having reached the finish line and back, she passes the baton to dad, dad has three balls in the hoop. The team that rolls three balls with a hoop first to the finish line wins.
4 Relay "Fishing"
On the floor in the "lake" (hoop) are objects. Team - dad (rod) + child (hook) become around the "lake". Dad holds the child by the legs, and on command they begin to get one item at a time, passing it to mom. The team that catches the most fish wins.
5 Relay "Crossing"
On a signal, the family gets up, in full force, on a gymnastic mat, and moving the second mat forward in front of them, they cross onto it. Thus, the team gets to the post (leaving the checkmate), runs around from the right side and comes back.
6 Relay "Hockey players"
Dad brings the ball to the rack with a stick, runs around from the right side and returns, continuing to drive the ball back with a stick. She passes the baton to her mother, the mother rolls a basketball across the floor to the rack, runs around it and returns with the ball in her hands, passing the baton to the child, the child leads the tennis ball with a gymnastic stick to the rack and back.
7 Relay "Gorka"
In the middle of the site, a "slide" of mats is laid out. On a signal, the participants take turns rushing to the “hill”, crawling over it and, having run around it, come back.
8 Relay "Make a proverb"
On a signal, dads run to the hoop, taking the words written on the cards, run back and the family makes up a proverb from the words. The team that made up the proverb runs to the leader and loudly voices it.

9 Relay “Cleanliness is the key to health”
Participants in turn (child, mother, father) run to the mark, collect three complex figures, return, passing the baton.
10 Relay "Castle"
Participants in turn run to the lying hoop, take one object at a time, lay out the "Castle" in height until the structure collapses or the objects run out. The team that has the highest "Castle" and does not fall wins.
Presenter: And so our holiday came to an end. The floor is given to the jury.

Presenter: You competed for glory
Winners by right
Worthy of praise and rewards
And we are happy to give you prizes.
Thank you for your participation
Here are some souvenirs for you!
In a healthy body healthy mind.
Sun, air and water are our best friends.
Walking is a long life.
He who is strong in body is rich in deed.
Those who play sports gain strength.
Without posture and the horse is a cow.

Anya Eremeeva
Scenario of the sports festival "Dad, mom, I am a sports family!"

Target: the formation of a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle


1. Formation of interest in joint activities among parents and children;

2. Creation of conditions for the development in children of such physical qualities as endurance, speed, dexterity reaction force;

3. Strengthening cohesion in family.

preliminary work: teams should think over their name and motto, learning poems by children.

Equipment: clubs, balloons, hoops, balls, chairs, skittles, running bags.

Location: gym

Event progress

(The song "If you want to be healthy" sounds)

Leading. Hello dear guests! We are starting our family sports holiday in which our wonderful nimble children and their beloved parents will take part. Meet our teams. (Sounds like sports march, includes teams that participate and sit on benches)

Leading. Is everyone gathered?

Is everyone healthy?

Ready to run and play?

Well then pull up

Don't yawn and don't be lazy

Get to the workout!

Hello our teams! We are glad that you decided to take part in our sports festival, after all, physical education is useful, and doubly fun physical education. Warm-up for parents children:

Hands to the sides and down

Everyone sat down and got up.

Both girls and boys

Everyone ran in a hurry

(Perform with parents)

Make us much stronger

Exercise will help!

Even in the darkest morning

Physical education makes us happy!

And, of course, very important

So that everyone does a warm-up!

Child 1. Sport - is life. It's ease of movement.

Sport earns respect from all.

Sport propels everyone up and forward.

Vivacity, health he all gives.

Everyone who is active and who is not lazy,

Can co sports are easy to make friends.

Leading. We completed the warm-up, now the teams should introduce themselves

1 team: Extreme. Motto: We will infect everyone with enthusiasm.

2 team: Arrow. Motto:

Like an arrow we will run

You can't keep up with us!

3 team: Lightning. Motto:

We'll flash like lightning

We win - we take prizes!

While the teams are preparing, we will introduce the jury, and now we are starting the first relay race "Merry Family". In this relay race, dads start first. At the signal of the pope, they run to the landmark, run around it and return back. They take their mother by the hand and, together with their mother, run to the landmark, without disengaging their hands, run around it, return, take the child’s hand and all together run to the landmark and back. During the run, you can not dissolve your hands. The team that finishes the competition first and does not break the rules wins.

The jury sums up the results of the first relay race

Leading. A moment of rest (puzzles)

He doesn't want to lie down.

If you drop it, it will jump.

Throw again - rushes gallop.

Well, of course it is. (ball)

Who is the projectile sporty twists,

He will be very slim soon (hoop)

Team praise. Well, we are moving on to the next relay race with a balloon - "The Well". On a signal, the child leads the balloon with a stick. Near the landmark, without the help of hands, he drives the ball into the bucket. Then he takes the ball with his hands and runs back, passing the baton to the next participant, or rather to his mother. Mother does the same thing, and then dads do the same thing. The team that finishes the fastest and does not break the rules wins. At the whistle of the leader, the competition of teams begins. (cheerful music plays, after the end the results are summed up)

Leading. Well, the next relay is known to everyone, and this relay is a sack race. Participants one after another must jump in the bag to the landmark and return to the team in the same way. (cheerful music plays, after the end the results are summed up)

Child 2. The ball jumped and jumped,

And then he ran away

Rolled down the path

And didn't turn back

I looked for him everywhere

And then I got tired of looking

I wept bitterly

Where is the ball hiding?

I'll call my mother for help

Let me help you find

Maybe rolled into a hole

I need to get him.

"Funny ball". Children roll the ball between landmarks, mothers jump with the ball between their knees, fathers lead the ball, hit it on the floor. (cheerful music plays, after the end the results for all competitions are summed up, the leading team is determined). Leader praise.

Leading. "Naughty chair." The children run and sit on the chair, then the mothers run around the chair, then the fathers run after the child, pick him up and carry him back. (cheerful music plays, after the end the results are summed up

Leading. Well, the last relay has a very interesting name "Space flights". Dad has a gymnastic hoop in his hands. On a signal, he puts it on his belt and runs forward, runs around the landmark, returns to the column and, together with his mother, does the same in one hoop. A child then joins them and they do "Spaceflight" together. wins family, the participants of which will quickly return to their original position. (cheerful music plays, after the end the results are summed up)

Leading. Announce the results and award the teams with certificates and prizes, certificates are awarded to each family(1st, 2nd, 3rd place).

Leading: And in conclusion, I really want to say to you:

Russian athletes

Everywhere ahead.

Shine their medals

And the stars on my chest.

All stars and medals

They conquered

But everything our athletes

Everything started in childhood.

To the music "Come on, Russia!" All participants holiday pass the circle of honor around the hall and go to the group. General photo.

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The script of the sports festival

"Dad, mom, I am a sports family!"

Goals and objectives:

    formation of a healthy lifestyle for families of schoolchildren;

    education of physical culture and moral cohesion of the family;

    development of sports and motor skills in children and adults;

    strengthening relationships between school and family;

    fostering a sense of collectivism, empathy;

Equipment: rubber balls, basketballs, jump ropes, hoops, skittles; gymnastic benches, racks.

Venue: small sports hall.


Family teams consisting of father, mother and child are allowed to participate in the competition.

Holiday progress:

Leading: Good afternoon dear friends! We sincerely welcome you to our holiday "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family!"

We all know perfectly well how useful it is to do physical education, how it is necessary to harden, do exercises, be in the air, but how difficult it is sometimes to overpower yourself, get up early, do a few exercises, pour cold water over ... We postpone all this for “later”. And what if we do it together, with the whole family?

Today, our close-knit families will set an example of how important it is to engage in physical education with the whole family.

So, participants of the family sports festival “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family” are invited to the sports ground!

(Teams come out to the soundtrack "March of the Knights"):

And now I present to you our jury, which will closely monitor the success of our teams.

Chief Judge: (submission)

Jury members: (performance)

Leading: There are laws in sport, and our athletes must swear to uphold them.


The honor of the team is to defend and justify the trust.

Well, if we lose, still do not lose heart.

We swear!

Help mom and dad - where to hold, and where to push,

And don't trip your opponents for anything.

We swear!

And for the fans - to sit and cheer so diligently:

Stomp, clap and whistle, but it's not cool to make noise.

We swear!


In sports way, friends!

We start the competition with...

1. Presentation of commands . (name, motto)

2. Fast feet

The participants of each team are built behind the common start line in a column one by one, in the hands of the guides relay baton. On a signal, the guide in the column runs out from behind the starting line, runs in a straight line to the turntable, runs around it, returns to his team and passes the baton to the next participant, and he himself stands at the end of his team.

3. Space flights

Each family is built behind a common starting line in a column one at a time, headed by dad, and the last one is a child. A turntable is installed in front of each column at a distance of 15 m. Dad has a gymnastic hoop in his hands. On a signal, he puts it on his belt and runs forward, runs around the bar, returns to the column and, together with his mother, does the same in the same hoop. Then a child joins them and they go on a "space flight" together. The winner is the family whose members quickly return to their original position.

4. "Papamamabil". And again, all team members participate in the competition. The competition is called Let's imagine that the whole family went on a multi-day hike. On the way, the child twisted his leg. He needs a breather. The task of the participants is to move it a certain distance with clasped hands and return it to its place. This vehicle is called papamamabil.

5. Competition "Cross the swamp » each participant is given 2 sheets of paper - bumps. You have to go through the bumps.

6. "Shopping" competition for mothers and their children. On a skipping rope to overcome a given distance.

7. "Gymnastics" - a competition for mothers: at the signal of the mother, they roll the hoop forward to the turning cone; having bypassed the cone, they move back, rotating the hoop on the belt. The team whose mother finished the relay first wins.

8. Penguin Run : the child, holding a volleyball ball between his knees, jumps to the turning cone, runs around it, passes the ball to dad, then mom. If the ball is lost, pick it up and continue the competition. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

9. "In the kitchen." Relay race with balloon and racket.

10. "Tunnel". Participants overcome obstacles through hoops.

The jury sums up.

The competition is a quiz for fans.

Leading: And for the fans, questions of a sports quiz are offered.

Dear viewers, I propose to play the game "Say a word":

Get up early in the morning

Jump, run, push up.

For health, order

All people need …(charger).

Who does morning exercises?

Do you want to break the record?

So it will help you …(sport).

Who is involved in the sports sections?

Clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass.

Feet go down the road

And two wheels are running.

The riddle has an answer:

This is my …(bike)!

Where can you ride a bike?

Who will catch up with me on the ice?

We are racing.

And it's not the horses that carry me,

And shiny …(skates).

Who can skate?

To become a great athlete

There is a lot to know.

Skill will help you here,

And of course, …(training)

Throw it into the river - it does not sink,

You hit the wall - he does not moan,

You will throw on the ground,

He will fly up. (ball)

I took two oak bars,

Two iron rails.

I filled the bars on the bars.

Where is the snow? Ready :.. (sled)

I can't feel my legs for joy,

I'm flying down the snowy hill.

The sport became dearer and closer to me.

Who helped me with this? (skis).

Rushing like a bullet I'm forward

Only the ice creaks

And the lights flicker.

Who carries me ? (skates).

1. Yes, guys, I have

Two silver horses

I drive both

What kind of horses do I have?

2. When spring takes its toll,

And the brooks run ringing,

I jump over it

And she - through me.

3. Two birch horses

They carry me through the snow.

These red horses

And they are called …(skis).

4. I am from the palms

I'm flying in the palm of my hand -

lie still

I don't want to! (ball)

Leading: Our sports holiday "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family" has come to an end. Let's welcome once again our friendly, sporting families. Today they proved that the most important thing in a family is mutual understanding, mutual assistance, the ability to rejoice all together.

Today we joked and played.

We became even closer to each other.

So smile more often

And do not part with sports!

Leading: All the best to you in life and health, wealth, peace and warmth.

A family warmed by love is always reliable and strong.

So that your union is only a joy,

So that the children are near you,

To you, friendly and athletic, let's just say:

"Be healthy, have a good hour!"

The floor is given to the jury.

Announcement of the results of the competition, awarding the winners.