The rhyme about flowers. Short statements and beautiful phrases about flowers without reason. Frames of flowers will collect in a bouquet ...

Flowers and Angels - Heavenly Creation ...
Flowers are similar to the angels winged,
And angels like white flowers
Decent admiration, fees.
They are not waiting for letters and payback
Heaven, they are divinely clean.

In the world of colors so warm and cool,
A whole bouquet of flavors and sounds ...
Each flower - he is in his own elegant ...
In the form of exquisite festive cups.

In the world of colors I wanted to stay,
Become the heroine of stories and fairy tales,
So that beauty is admired every day,
Merge with harmony of light and paints.

Flowers are clean, beautiful and innocent,
And give the strength to tide and beauty.
And I feel a special excitement,
When I see this value in reality!

Flower - Hope and Otrada,
And the incarnation of everything
About Rose! Queen Garden!
Your indisputable magic!
I am looking for my ideal everywhere I
And in the execution of a dream,
Slightly embarrassed and worried.
I give women flowers.
One is the radiance of mimosa,
Other - elegance of orchids,
But the queen is only roses!
Master of my soul.
Let them never touched tears
Her wonderful chela
I want to be forever, like a rose,
She was magical.

Each petal is pleased with ...
Smell, slightly audor, but so native!
Happiness with you next ... wanders, do not scare ...
White tulips - fabulous dreams ...

Hello, cute my flower,
Forests Guest Spring!
How beautiful you bloomed
Here in solitude!
The breeze smiles
And with you plays
Sun all day you
Cheerfully cares!

Blue forget-me-not
This is the memory of flowers,
Someone's feats saints
Someone bright dreams ...

How do you fit this white color.
Light on white - a miracle of miracles ...
A fabulous bouquet shines for you,
As if somewhere near the meadow, river and forest ...

Flowers give us a customer,
And awaken inspiration
As a symbol of pure beauty,
After all, it is very difficult without a dream!

And remains firmly with us
All that is associated with flowers,
Paints of stars were dissolved in them,
And the world of love without flour and tears!

White tulips in a vase near the window ...
They love you alone ...
... in the evening I will look at the window of the moon -
She nodded tulips that spring came ...

There is a special beauty in the colors,
Able to melt on the heart they ice
And crying immediately was missing,
And plans for 10 years in advance!
Look, joy heart fills,
And tenderness like a kitten sticking
But they are forgotten by male,
And ashamed somehow to remind them.

The effect of rays and warmth
The soul in the stem woke up young
There are strong sheets on it.
And mustache, and, gently flourishing,
Last minute revealed flowers,
As if on Pir, the bowl of golden,
All full of wine; And each sheet
Heartbeen gentle was radiant.

I will come to myself
Amazing bouquet,
So that you are every minute
I remembered me.
Blue forget-me-nots -
Unusual flowers:
Let them completely babies -
They have a miracle of beauty.
Take care of my gift,
Take care called fate.
Let the flower are not too peasant -
In it, my love for you.

How cool in more often fir!
I carry flowers in an oakha ...
Belogol dandelion,
Do you feel good in the forest?

Autumn Astra Barbed Alarm
In September, unwittingly burns.
And it seems, quite a bit -
And again winter cold will come.
But believe in colors! They remind
About bright paints of the gloomy sometimes
And the triumph of love proclaimed
Over white impassive winter.

Only dispelled fog,
Opened the eyes of tulip,
Sun smiled cute
And said: "And I woke up!
What is beautiful here!
Just a miracle! Just Divo!
And what a beautiful me,
Like a shark dawn! "

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Quotes and aphorisms 13.06.2018

Dear readers, today I would like to talk to you about what is certainly able to make our life brighter and more colorful. Of course, these are flowers. They attended a person's life from time immemorial. Initially, people just admired wild flowers, sometimes used them in food, often worshiped them, identifying them with the gods.

Then the time came when people appreciated their beauty, began to grow them independently, no feast could do without flowers, they became the most popular gift and the way to express their feelings. Their full role of their role and says in our selection of quotes and aphorisms about flowers.

Flowers - a symbol of life itself. They, like people, are born, live and dying. But for his short life, they have time to bring us so much joy just from contemplating their beauty, fragility and perfection. How beautiful it says about this in aphorism and quotes about the colors!

Flowers - symbol of life

"In fast fading petals of a flower more than life than in the cargo millennial granite blocks."

Ludwig Andreas background Firebach

"Flowers, like people, at good generous and, to people, tenderness giving, they bloom, heated hearts, like small, warm fires."

Jean Kirimize

"People give flowers, because the present meaning of love is laid in colors. One who tries to master the flower will see how fading his beauty. But the one who will just look at the flower in his field will always be with him. Because he is somewhat in the evening, with the sunset, with a smell of wet earth and clouds on the horizon. "

Paulo Coelho

"Flowers are the best of all that the Lord created, but forgot to endorse the soul."

Henry Ward Becher

"Only flowers live in real. Live the days countdown so desperately flowering, as if they understood the speed of life better than people. "

"Oh, how many of them in the fields! But each blooms in his own way - which is the highest feat of the flower! "

Matsuo Basey

"Where flowers are degenerated, a person cannot live."

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

"The colors are not everyday life, they are always dressed festive."

Malcolm de Shazal

"No matter how much we talk about the emptiness of life, sometimes only one flower is enough to dissuade us."

Anatole France

"I would prefer to be a flower that can only bloom once and dies than being a tree that will never bloom. I would prefer to be sparking, which burns like a diamond only one moment and disappears, rather than be the light that does not illuminate the path to anyone ... "

Diana del Berflor

"The inhabitants of the planet, where there are no colors, would have decided that on earth, where flowers at every step, we probably go crazy with joy."

Iris Murdoch

About colors with meaning

Flowers always inspired people of art and creativity. They meet us on the canvases of famous artists, live in the eternal music of great musicians, are waiting for us on the pages of the best books. And often they are designed not just to be decorated with the work, with their help the authors want to convey their thoughts and feelings to us. From the legendary children's book of Saint-Exupery "Little Prince" you can learn a great set of quotes about flowers with the meaning that adults will make us firmly think about their wisdom.

"If you love the flower - the only thing anymore is no one of many millions of stars, this is pretty: you look at the sky and feel happy. And you say yourself: "Somewhere there live my flower ..."

"The plant, and is afraid of drafts ... very strange," thought the little prince about Rose. What is the difficult character of this flower. "

"" On your planet, "a small prince" said, "people grow five thousand roses in the same garden ... and they do not find what they are looking for ...
"Don't find," I agreed.
- But what they are looking for, can be found in the same rose ... "

"Favorite flower is, first of all, a refusal of all other colors. Otherwise, he will not seem fine. "

"Your rose is so expensive to you because you gave her all your days."

"- Why do you need spikes? - Spikes do not need anything, the flowers produce them simply from anger. - I do not believe you! Flowers are weak. And ingenuous. And they try to give themselves courage. They think: if they have spikes, they are all afraid ... "

"There are good seeds of good, useful herbs and harmful seeds of bad, weed grass. But the seeds are invisible. They sleep deep underground, until one of them do not want to wake up. Then it starts the sprout; It grows and stretches to the sun, first so cute, harmless. If it is a future radish or a pink bush, let him grow on health. But if it is some kind of bad grass, you need to pull it out with the root, as soon as you find out. "

"" In vain I listened to her, "he said trustingly once. - Never listen to what colors say. We just need to look at them and breathe their aroma. My flower drank all my planet with the fragrance, and I did not know him to rejoice. "

"I didn't understand anything then! It was necessary to judge not according to words, but on affairs. She gave me her fragrance, illuminated my life. I should not have run. For these miserable hectares and tricks, I had to guess tenderness. Flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young, I have not been able to love yet. "

Beautiful flower language

Flowers are the most suitable metaphor to the description of any event, feelings, character of a person. And every flower has its own role in this. Wildflowers with their natural natural beauty are often associated with tenderness, innocence, infertility, harmony. Luxurious exotic flowers - symbol of refinement and sophistication. It is not for nothing that there is even a language of colors where each flower is given its place, and with the help of a bouquet you can write a whole message. In aphorisms and quotations about the flowers are so deep and accurately stated about their magic beauty.

"Orchid, beautiful, like seven mortal sins."

Oscar Wilde

"How to tell, what kind of edelweiss flowers? In general, they are similar to small stars, closed on the throat in white fur, so as not to frozen from the touch of ice. "

Konstantin Powesty

"Daisy can tell her that you love her, but to prove it, orchids are needed."

"Lily of the Almighty Lord created on the third day, early in the morning, when he was overwhelmed with the most beautiful ideas."

Michael Jefferson Brown

"Roses instill love for nature, and spikes are respect."

Anton Ligov

"The hillock at the road itself. To change the replaced rainbow - azaleas in the light of the sunset

poet Japan Bas

"Bind of my window is more pleased with me than the metaphysics of books."

Walt Wheatman

"Weed is a flower that no one loves."

Ella Wheeler Wilcox

"Didn't I understand forgetcoming: After all, I feel sometimes feeling when I meet forget-me, but say how many petals in it, I will not say."

Mikhail Svtain

"I love roses very much, I think even that they are alive. I'm talking to them. When I leave, they start bored. I come - Poland, is a proper, and they smile at me. "

Vladimir Tolokonnikov

"Chrysanthemum - the last chord in the autumn symphony of paints - has long been conquered the whole world for a long time ..."

"Gerani's risers have grown to the window sills, as if the Russian souls have increased."

Sergey Krasik

"The violets in the mountains sprouted through the stone."

Tennessee Williams

"Roses smell professionally"

Stanislav Hezhi Lz

"Light bells were growing in the valley: creamy, similar to tiny lanterns, fragile and smooth, they met very rarely, and they had so much magic that, finding such a miracle, the child was happy and proud of the whole day."

John Steinbeck

Give flowers to flowers

There is a statement that all women look like flowers. We are all so different, but every one is beautiful in its own way. Maybe this is what explains women's love for flowers? Some of the fair sex representatives do not like cut ready-made bouquets, they prefer to admire growing colors, but in any case, I did not have to meet a single woman, absolutely indifferent to this miracle of nature. Therefore, dear men, no matter how incomprehensible is the meaning of such an impractical gift, just accept the fact that women love ... flowers. It is accurate and talked to reflect in quotes and aphorisms about flowers and girls.

"Flowers do not solve all problems. But they are a good start. "

"Girls remember not donated roses for a long time."

"You noticed how beautiful a woman is in hand with a bouquet?"

Vladimir Khol

"Women as flowers ... Someone blooms released a short time, and someone passes from age to age, while maintaining beauty and fragrance for many years from the moment of dissolve and flowering to the saddest hour of petals."

"Never there is a lot of toys for children and flowers for women"

"It's a little bouquet of roses: they still require the man to change water in a vase."

Yanush Gaudin

"Give flowers to girls! To, looking at perfection and happiness, happiness experienced bliss, you bowed over beauty ... "

"About flowers and women can be said one - extraterrestrial beauty."

"I do not believe to girls who say that indifferent to flowers. They just did not receive them from their favorite men. "

"Flowers in the city - like lipstick in a girl: with a drop of color you look more interesting."

lady Berd Johnson

"She passed through life with a huge bouquet of flowers, carefully scattering them to the right and left. Everyone received such a flower, considered himself a future owner of the whole bouquet, and many misunderstandings arose on this basis. "

Fazil Iskander

"Do you want to know how to be if you did something wrong? I answer, baby: Never ask for forgiveness. Do not say anything. Send flowers. Without letters. Only flowers. They cover everything. Even the graves. "

Erich Maria Remarque

"Every woman is a flower. As you care for her, so it blooms. "

Beautiful about beautiful

About colors can be said infinitely. Just imagine what boring and sulfur would be our life if there was no nature in her amazing miracle. Their beauty and fragrance are able to raise the mood, give joy and decorate our life with one of its existence. For me, the best decoration of the bedroom will always be a bouquet of flowers, which I will see, barely opening my eyes in the morning. I bring to your attention a selection of beautiful quotes and aphorisms about flowers.

"Flowers are some material fluids that people can exchange among themselves."

Olga Shelest

"The earth laughs in flowers."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

"The beauty of the flower is in one flower."

Japanese folk wisdom

"To live, you need the sun, freedom and a small flower."

Hans Christian Andersen

"Art is an incessant attempt to compete with the beauty of flowers - and always unsuccessfully."

Mark Shagal

"Flowers are free beauty in nature."

Immanuel Kant

"Flowers can be bowed to our side, but they say with heaven and God."

Henry Ward Becher

"All flowers are coquettes, especially those whose names are written through a dash ... the more thoughts in the title, the flirtattail flower. Flowers with one dash - black-eyed Susan; Nadya-robe; Muscier-musky - throw one quick look at you and wipe your eyes; With two hypisms - a century-no-forget, Fleur de-Foxes will look even. Flowers with three and more hyphens are flirting with you throughout the garden and even after they cut them and disappear into the vase. It is time-in-bed-and-noon puts there clearly not for sleep. "

Willard Espi

"Fragrances are a feeling of flowers."

Heinrich Heine

"On colors can be said that these are paints of the world ..."

"Outping flower petals, you do not get his beauty."

"Dark clouds turn into heavenly flowers when light kisses them."

"Of course, I could do without flowers, but they help me keep respect for themselves, for they argue that I do not bust the hands and legs of everyday concerns. They are evidence of my freedom. "

Rabindranat Tagore

"Tulips from the blood of kings grow on green carpets of the Kings, violets from the dust of beauty grow, from the captivating moles between the eyebrows."

Omar Khayam

"Stretching hands to the stars, people often forget about the colors under their feet."

Jeremy Bentham

"Hearts are like flowers," they cannot be opened by force, they must reveal themselves. "

Louise May Olkott

About the colors just so ...

Remember the wonderful and kind Soviet cartoon, where a bouquet of flowers of animals gave each other just like that? And he instantly improved the mood of the one who received him so much that they began to hum. When I look at it, I catch myself thinking that I myself remember that the unexpected feeling of joy from the spontaneous sign of attention. Here, it seems, and not at all rarely get flowers as a gift, but how it is always nice! In quotations about the colors without a reason, all my thoughts are accurately described.

"I love unexpected bouquets! When he comes with a bouquet "Just so" and says: "Such beautiful! I saw them in the shop window and immediately thought about you. " This is it ... Women's happiness for two. "

Venedict Nemov

"Dear, your favorite men, hurry to give us flowers for no reason! Rather, the reason you will always find if you come to the bouquet to a sweet ... "

Natalia Ryadskaya

"Previously, she never gave flowers without reason. She felt at that moment as if she was presented with the whole world. "

"Still, it's nicely getting flowers so simple, unexpectedly, when you think that this is a simple day, and not a holiday at all, and here in the morning, having received a bouquet of flowers, right away how much the mood rises, you shine all day."

"A simple chamomile, presented simply, will say much more than a larger rose, presented on his birthday."

"Flowers bring the greatest joy when donated not to a calendar holiday, but ... just like that!"

"Among the worries and fuss, give women flowers!"

Andrei Dementev

"Give women flowers!
And even if there is no reason
Give women flowers,
Like real men. "

Anatoly Burov

Flowers accompany us all our lives. They give them a mother who gave birth to a baby, a huge bouquet of Astra - an indispensable attribute of the first grader, for the first time crushing the school threshold, and the wedding bouquet is the pride of the bride. The beauty of flowers is also in the fact that they are magically beautiful not only in luxurious bouquets. As beautiful field and garden flowers: Gentle daisies, fragile valley, perky cornflowers, fire-red poppies - not to list all. Let in your life will be as many colors as possible! After all, flowers are a trouble-free way to raise the mood and get the charge of beauty and harmony.


In the trotted trail
It is worth open.
Strong stem yes spikes -
Here is his defense. If you captivate well done,
Will fight to the end!

E. Serov

Native edges

Rainted edges ...
Birch buttvolnaya.
My favorite,
Worth how white candle,
She looks around:
Her rod nods ripe
She is bowed to the meadow. Krug is so nice,
Wherever you see
Above Lake Tikhonechko
Kamyshes pegs. Floating with a protocate narrow
Ducklings ... love russian russian,
Khrand, my reader!

E. Serov


Scared in appearance -
Captures passersby.
The collapse is lying. But it is easy to cope with such a pinch:
Extliver - and then with the end!

E. Serov

Why are you, rye, golden?

The breeze asked, fleeing:
- Why are you, Rye, Golden?
And in response, the spikelets rustle:
- Golden hands are growing!

E. Serov

My cactus

Winter pink sun
Kitten black in the snow,
Trees poor go:
They roll the wind on the run.
And hidden in the greenhouse
Green cactus my grown
And touched - rolling sharper,
What winter wind and frost.

Mines jasmine

In a sad hour.
and an endless hour
Mines are different with us,
And white jasmine
Also, mines do. Sanate
Checky merge.
The sun rises -
Kostik smiles. Handy jasmine roam
Everything buzzes and goes.
This, in my opinion,
Jasmine himself laughs! Cloud-conspirator
Drive wind garden
Here Jasmine will shook
It can be seen from the annoyance. The dollar charges long -
Skisnet bush jasmine
Nothing pleases
Tears are so falling! Winds will be curtsy with clouds,
Evening will come out.
Here Jasmine is thoughtful.
Silent and serious. And the magic is jasmine -
That jasmine when we sleep.

E. Serov

Little doctor

Who coughed the heels?
Come, guys!
The plantain will help
Plantain will cure:
He has a sheet -
Doctor with marigolds!

E. Serov

We decided to play hide and seek
In the meadow, as always.
As soon as possible,
Spare who is where! Here is the already driving Valya
I began to count to one hundred.
I look: worried
All good places. Help for Oak Anya,
Olya disappeared under the bush.
And managed the ditch of Vanya
Quickly grab Clear. I am going to go now?
I can hardly hide!
I began to quickly look around ...
Here! High grass! If I go to her,
Valya will definitely not find.
If only right next
Before it does not pass! In the thicket, I jumped famously
Place chosen is happy.
And from there with a wild cry
Immediately jumped back. I am very puzzled:
I, without hiding, roar.
Chose very unsuccessful
I am cunning grass. I remember it alive,
He learned about:
Firmly know that nettle
How the covering is not coming!


Cyrete flourished in the meadow.
Here is the family of heroes! Sturches, statics and blush,
The brothers-giads stood.
Nice chose outfit -
Flame jackets burn!

E. Serov

Ivan da Maria

Friends - gentle with harsh,
Friends - Yellow with Lilov,
In the meadows, by glades
Friends of Marya with Ivan. Love without deception:
Without a friend, without Ivan,
Live and marry will not
And he will warm

E. Serov

Umbrella (Borshevik)

Rain, rain drizzles,
All wet glade.
- Where can I hide? -
Butterfly-beyanka. -Umbrella! You never find it!
Hiding under an umbrella.
Evil wind, gloomy rain,
Come, well, touch-ka!

E. Serov

Green country

I love to wander
According to the green country.
Here are friends to start
I really like me. On surprises much
Silent people
And for what gives
Nothing takes. In that country - grace
Amazing light.
I wish us to solve:
What is the main secret here? Ploy-ka with me
In this glorious life
And with a green country
Forever applied.

E. Serov


St. John's wad beasts,
He is not terrible at all.
Svetolyubor he is soon
Stars decorated. Intellight the elk will rise,
Hares are killed:
"Finally managed
To the stars touch! "Walk to the summer day, -
Clear gentle flame
Shine to us with you
Zverkoy stars.

E. Serov

On the lawn near the house
Dorming Pink Drame. Cold, disassembled
Talked from sleep ...
If Dremo came across
So, spring ended.

E. Serov

Good Giant

I walk along the lawn -
Giant in panties and in T-shirt,
From above clear me is visible
All green country. Here snail-good gnomic
On himself pulls the house,
Here is an apartment for the beetle -
The hole of the old hemp. Here is a high-rise house -
Ants cotton in it
Here is a daisy flower -
In it live bugs. This small country
The whole circle is populated! If I, Giant,
I want
Like a dashy hurricane
Fuck! All at home I can
All residents in the meadow
Must! If I want…
Just I do not want!
I am a good giant!

E. Serov


In the park with my mother we walk
And Herbarium collect:
Here is a birch leaf,
Here is a quirky flower.

Bright red cabin leaf,
The needles of green trees.
Oak went huge
Nearby Roughly found.

Sink between business
And feed the protein.
Here is a crow on a bitch,
Shouter woodpecker upstairs.

Here is the rowan bangs scarlet, -
And take it to herbarium.
We have time to go home
Walked "with a bang"!

A. Paroshos

Where is the daisies?

You are familiar with the reary,
With this gentle great?
She says the chamomile:
- It's hard for me to stand, the poor thing! Slowly pick up,
Chamomile in the range:
- I am a weak babe,
Support me, neighbor! Do not help, of course, shame.
Yes, daisies are not visible!
In the meadow, metabolism,
Swarve the films.

E. Serov

Buzina complains

Buzina spoke to Osinka:
- What am I worse than a neighbor ripper?
They say that we are very similar
I'm hunted by clusters too!
It is said that I am very beautiful
And fate I have unhappy. I, Ryubinke, all the birds fly away,
And sing
and whistle
and eat
From me and black crows
Spread in different directions. Here Osinka laughed in response:
- You told everything businessly,
Yes forgot about the smallest
Forgot that you are poisonous!

E. Serov

Poems about plants reveal the value of rich living vegetation, in bright colors describing all the versatility and the charm of the harmless component of nature.

Walk in the meadows and in the forest

The magnificent covers of the development and useful crops wakes the large territories of our country. The poems describe a huge number of types of live plants. Each of them contributes its special contribution to the appearance of fields and meadows. Many blooming varieties decorate space with a rainbow combination. Walking along a velvet-colored field blanket, you can meet such representatives as a familiar chamomile, curly, like a thread, reary, bluish clover and yellow flowers of the Donok. Each plant is particularly described in the rhymed lines. And how much joy gives a meeting with forest and meadow berries! And it is also impossible to call this immense species wealth by an ordinary green meadow, because the greens here are exactly as many as other colors. In addition, not only the appearance pleases the poet, reader and just a connoisseur of nature. Any plant has its own characteristic smell, and edible species are their specific tastes. A pleasant fragrance, with whom they come across in the forest and drunk any traveler, and sweet forest berries and mushrooms brought by travelers home help to feel the full taste of nature.

Grassy cover is only a small part of what the poems describe the plants. Many trees and shrubs fill the rich forest kingdoms. Mixed, coniferous and deciduous forests are famous for rich variety of tree species. Each tree or shrub differ in different properties. The height of the forest layer is heterogeneous. It ranges from low to the huge representatives of the Forest Batyushki. The leaves and seeds in different plants are unequal, so the quatrains reveal the image of each tree, describing its individuality in its own way.

Useful plants

In addition to beauty, plants give people an indispensable benefit. Poems about the plants will tell about how vital to appreciate what nature gives and maintain its wealth in unshakable equilibrium. Rows are instructive. At such a time when a person in finding his own benefit, so irresponsibly belongs to the world around the world, these verses will help to grow a conscientious generation, which will be concerned about the natural dimens. There are many rare and endangered species. They must also be saved. By destroying the most important elements of natural unity, a person inflicts him irreparable damage. Rows will teach kids rationally use natural resources from small years.

Any plant highlights a large amount of oxygen into the air, which we breathe and absorb harmful gases. Trees are used as building materials, fuel and for decorative art. Many herbs and tree breeds are universal healers and are used in everyday life and medicine. The poem is interesting to tell about how the plantain will be able to cure the cut, and birch juice will increase immunity.

Poems about plants can be attributed to cognitive children's works. They will complement the world of the child's biological knowledge and bring a rich contribution to its moral potential.


Daisies in the garden bloomed.
Very low - at the earth itself.
As if threw a rug at the feet.
But I could not step on it.

Peony bloomed on the garden
And surprised Krasov,
It is all covered with dew -
On us looks sneaking.


May, warmth and soon summer.
Everything is dressed in the greens.
Like a fiery fountain -
The tulip is revealed.


How to make three hundred umbrellas? -
I asked my boy's boy.
She answered him:
- Bake on the dandelion.

Only the sun will take up -
Mac in the garden will bloom.
The flower goes down.
Watch - and the flower
More on two petals.
E. Feyebend


White dandelion
Launch here!
Take my ball,
Give your parachute!
A. Psyn

On the window in such a year
Disamed geranium.
Round leaf
Lush flowers
Even very good -
So decided soaps.
N. Nishchev


Dandelion! What J.
You look like a cloud.
Scary even look:
No matter how much cloud is blown away!

Why bloated flower? "-
The boy asks the mother.
- because we flower
Not lazy to water.
F. Troitsky

The very first, the thinnest,
There is a flower with a gentle.
How hi drops call,
Called snowdrop.
V. Nishchev

M. Blinnikova

Only the sun was bright,
But still not hot.
Multicolored sundress
Dresses our tulip.

Among the velvet leaves
On the window, you only look,
Disabled the bunch of flowers
Krasno Maiden Geran.

Butterflies, blue and yellow, and white
A lot on flowerbed flower village.
Themselves learn them without tip
These are flowers - pansies

By showing all the fences,
Write tops your patterns
Get to the Moon
Multicolored belly

His particles give the flowers,
In the garden, the sun scattered glare.
Like lights, sparkle here and there:
In the morning, scarlet ... cloves.

There is a big and lush flower.
Snowflakes or cherry color.
The aroma is thick. It
Called ... Peony.

Coloring bright, lush thick hat:
Sorry only three flowers - in the hands of an oakcha.
Sometimes autumn, as if an important gentleman,
I was lying in the garden. My luxury ... Georgine.

In a dense garden, where autumn leaves
Did not regret gold at all
Again dismissed, give us joy,
Bouquets of bright, lush ... chrysanthemums.

I'm behind the village, on the pond,
Flowers magic found.
On water stroit, like baskets,
Believes tender ... pita.

N. Agoshova

Above the bushes of the hum stands
Here for the bees, the table covers:
Aromat all day
Manits tender lilac.


Disruptions Vasileuk
With fringe petal,
Like a blue light,
Warms view flower.

V. Kosovo

Our sunflower, like the sun.
We are glad to yellow petals.
Watch seeds in April
And wink to us.

N. Neheeva

Black-eyed sunflowers
Golden eyelashes
All day look at the sun,
Having fun bolding with birds.

Drop of the Sun, and around
Blue cilia circle.
Looks intently and sensitive
Straight into the soul of forget-me-not.

Flowers and Angels - Heavenly Creation ...
Flowers are similar to the angels winged,
And angels like white flowers
Decent admiration, fees.
They are not waiting for letters and payback
Heaven, they are divinely clean.

Flowers like people on good generous
And, generously tenderness to people giving
They bloom, heated hearts,
Like small warm bolsters.

Hello, cute my flower,
Forests Guest Spring!
How beautiful you bloomed
Here in solitude!
The breeze smiles
And with you plays
Sun all day you
Cheerfully cares!

Ground Stars - White Flowers:
Cloves, asters, chrysanthemums,
They, similar to the antennas,
Fragile bridges for luminaries.

Admire bright beauty
And the petals of the celestial cloth.
Their harmonious simplicity

Flowers are clean, beautiful and innocent,
And give the strength to tide and beauty.
And I feel a special excitement,
When I see this value in reality!

Poems about flowers short beautiful

Give women flowers,
Give women smiles,
Give women dreams
Farewell to women mistakes
Give women love,
Give women good luck
Let him boil in veins,
And let them cry from happiness.

In the world of colors warm and cool,
A whole bouquet of flavors and sounds ...
Each flower - he is in his own elegant ...
In the form of exquisite festive cups.
In the world of colors I wanted to stay,
Become the heroine of stories and fairy tales,
So that beauty is admired every day,
Merge with harmony of color and paints.

Blue forget-me-not
This is the memory of flowers,
Someone's feats saints
Someone bright dreams ...

Whole glade blue,
No end She has no edge -
It's in the field, with the wind argue,
The day welcomes chicory.
We are a zaZureno-bare,
Silvery wave
Mashaws published: "Wait!
Ile do not see?
Friend I am yours!
Admire the fields
This is your birth! "

Flowers last mile
Luxury firstborn fields.
They are sad dreams
Lively awaken in us.
So sometimes separations hour
Lively sweet date.

Soul Poems about Colors Short Beautiful

Flowers on a naked mountainside,
Where for flowers and no place
As if abandoned from the balcony
And scattered bouquet.

They lie in the dust road,
Barely live wonders ...
They collect them carefully
And raise - in heaven.

Fragrances Color I will collect in a bouquet,
I will get lost the most generosity of mature summer
And I will not look for questions about questions,
Only the soul to the edge will fill with the light ...

Bouquet of lilac on the table ...
Already spring enters the summer.
And we bathe in warm
And caressing sunlight.
On such days of the year - trifle,
Life beats a fountain meal.
Bouquet of Lilac - Like Sign
Spring, love and new power!

Ground Stars - White Flowers:
Cloves, asters, chrysanthemums,
They, similar to the antennas,
Fragile bridges for luminaries.

Admire bright beauty
And the petals of the celestial cloth.
Their harmonious simplicity
Touching gently to them.

O. Lily, gentle, Blautean,
As if wobban from white fog,
As if manna came to us from the sky
Always beautiful and always welcome!

Azales prostrated
Your name is your beauty
Ah, to what their dresses are sought -
Purple with rolling gold
And we look no power to look
And as they, we want to dress.