Types and breeds of domestic decorative rats. Decorative house rats

Decorative rodents have been living with humans for a long time. Different breeds of rats, or rather their varieties, differ in the shape of the head and body, the structure of the coat and color. Exotic species require special care as they are more vulnerable. It is worth figuring out what kind of decorative rats there are.

Consider rat breeds with photographs and names, and make sure that the fixed mutations are very diverse, for every taste.

According to the type of addition, there are 3 types of rats. The standard is rodents of the usual look. They have an elongated body, they have a long hairless tail of about 20 cm. Like wild relatives, such rats can weigh up to 0.5 kg and reach 24 cm in length. Rodents have round ears at the crown and an elongated muzzle. The fur of the animals fits snugly to the body, it is smooth and shiny.

The most familiar look in standard rats

- another variety differs from the standards by the ears. They are located not on the top of the head, but on the sides of the head, like the elephant of the same name in the cartoon. Dumbo's ears are large and open; a slight bend of the upper part of the auricle is allowed. Due to the location of the ears, the head appears wider. The nape of these rodents may be slightly convex. The back of the rat is wider, so the body shape can be slightly pear-shaped.

The round ears of the dumbo domestic rat give it a special charm.

Manx - a rat without a tail - has been singled out as a separate species. A rodent's tail is needed for body cooling and balancing. A high proportion of tailless rats have problems with the hind legs and genitourinary system. The birth of pups is associated with the risk of unviable litter. Sometimes, under the guise of Manx, sellers slip ordinary rat pups with their tails amputated after birth. The body of a tailless rat is not elongated, as in the standards, but in the form of a pear.

The Manx breed of domestic rats is fraught with many unpleasant surprises

Important: A tailless rat is a potential disabled person, and self-respecting communities do not seek to maintain this genetic branch.

Domestic rat breeds by coat type

Domestic rodents are also divided according to the type of wool. The fur of animals can be short, long, curly, etc. There are bald pets and rodents, whose fur coat is bald, and this is the norm.


Rats with "Standard" -type hair are distinguished by short, smooth and glossy hair.

Coat type "Standard" is smooth and short hair in rats


Long-haired rats differ from the standard in their longer hair.

Sphinx (hairless) rats

Down on the head, legs and groin is allowed. Rodents usually have pink wrinkled skin, but there are individuals with dark spots. The vibrissae of this variety are shorter than those of the standards and can curl.

The breed of decorative sphinx rats must be protected from both cold and overheating.

Downy (fuzz)

Downy rats look like sphinxes, but the gene for "hairy" rats works there. Fuzz skin is covered with fluff - no guard hair. The hairs on the muzzle and lower body are longer. The vibrissae are short and curled. Unlike sphinxes, more “dressed” individuals are appreciated in downy animals. Fuzzy is more resistant to external factors than sphinxes, it is easier to breed them. However, thin down does not always protect against overheating or cooling, so pets need special attention.

The fuzz rat species has a delicate fluff - not too full-fledged "clothing"

Satin (satin)

Satin or satin rats are distinguished by their thin, shiny coat. The shine of the fur coat makes the animals attractive. Due to the thin coat, the fur hairs appear visually longer. In satins, the coat can be short, as in the standards. Long hair does not define this variety: not every long-haired rat is satin.

Satin or satin rat covered with fine shiny hair

Rex (curly)

The fur coat is similar to the fur of the cat breed of the same name - it is tough and curly. Elastic curls do not appear immediately. In rat pups, the curls have not yet formed, and the hairs can stick out in different directions. This makes the kids look disheveled. According to the breed standard, the coat should be uniform, without bald spots. The animals have short curled whiskers. In other respects, rexes are similar to standards.

Rex rat kids sometimes look disheveled

Double Rex

Such rats are born when mom and dad are carriers of the "curly" gene. The wool of such animals is unusual. There are areas of fluff and hard guard hair on the skin. Another feature is molting. Since childhood, the rat pups lose their hair, and the skin becomes like a patchwork quilt. Patches of hair alternate with bald patches. Later, the hair grows on bald areas and falls out on the “hairy” ones. Double Rexes are not officially recognized as a species.

Double Rex rats have skin covered with bald patches

Wavy or corduroy varieties of decorative rats

Corduroy rats have curly or wavy hair. On some individuals, it looks like bird feathers. Unlike rex, velvetines have a soft coat. This is due to fewer guard hairs. The undercoat of such rodents is dense, without bald spots. Vibrissae are long, slightly wavy, often with curled tips.

The wavy coat of the velveteen rat variety is soft to the touch

Breeds of decorative rats by color

It is customary to divide the colors of rats into several groups.


The name of the group speaks for itself. All hairs of the animal are the same color and are evenly colored from root to tip. Rodents of the following colors belong to uniform colors:

  • black;

  • blue in different versions;

  • mink;

  • platinum;

  • beige;

  • caramel;

  • chocolate, etc.

Such as caramel and chocolate are not even standardized. Rats come in other colors.


In ticked colors, the hair is not uniform in color. It is, as it were, divided into sections painted in different colors. In this case, the guard hairs are monochromatic. Wild rats belong to the ticked group - agouti color. At the base of the back, the hairs are dark gray, yellow and orange shades are higher, the guard hairs are black.

Wild relatives of decorative rats have ticked agouti color

Agouti can be blue, platinum and amber. In blue, the coat changes from light gray to brown with light blue guard hairs. Platinum goes from light blue to cream. Amber has a transition from light orange to silvery beige.

Among the ticked type there are also red representatives of ornamental rodents.

The fawn color is distinguished by a bright orange color. The base of the hair is gray or blue, but then there is a rich red hue. Blotches of silvery guard hairs do not change the overall picture. The ticked group also includes various pearl colors of rodents.


Silver color is determined if the number of white - silvery hairs is equal to the number of uniform hairs. The fur coat of the animal should sparkle. If there are few white hairs, then this effect will not be. There may be a different color at the end of the white hair, this is allowed. The main thing is that the white wool is in sufficient quantity and mixed with a uniform tone to create shine.

A decorative rat is classified as a silver color if its skin is shiny


The color is a combination of two primary colors. The combined type includes Siamese and Himalayan colors, Burmese and Burmese colors. English version of the name Point (point). Darker points follow the main color.

Combined color assumes a combination of 2 colors

Selected species of rats

There is a group of certain types of rodents.

: it is almost impossible to get them at home. In addition to white hair, they are distinguished by red eyes, due to the lack of pigmentation. As laboratory animals, albinos are human-oriented. The owners believe that this breed of rat is the smartest and kindest. Rodents:

  • rarely bite;
  • love to play with a person;
  • learn the necessary skills easily.

Albinos are resourceful, and a simple latch on the cage is no obstacle for them. Animals are sensitive to their relatives, they know how to empathize with them.

The albino rat breed can be called the most tame

This type of decorative rat lives less than its relatives, on average, 1.5 years. Rodents are not too resistant to adverse environmental conditions.


Animals with different eyes are a mutation that is not passed on to the next generation: the discordance gene is recessive. You can achieve cubs with such a feature after systematic breeding work. As a rule, one eye in a rodent is pink and the other is black or ruby. The more contrast in the color of the eyes, the more valuable the animal is. The odd-eyed individuals can be in a fur coat of any color and texture.

Variety of rats - odd-eyed is valued for pronounced eye contrast

It was named so for its similarity in color with a Spitz-like dog. The characteristic mask on the face in the form of an inverted V is present in both rats and dogs. Rodents differ from their counterparts in that they change their coat color all their lives. This complicates the choice of a thoroughbred animal: it is not known what color the adult rat will become. There are two types of Badger and Bandad. In one case - Banger - dark wool covers the entire back, leaving the belly light, in the other - Bandad - the animal has only a dark hood. Babies are born one color and fade begins at 4-6 months. The color of salt and pepper is appreciated in the breed.

Pure white spots are unacceptable. Another feature is the color of the eyes, they cannot be black. Variants from red to ruby ​​are possible.

A variety of decorative husky rats discolors with age.

Mosaic and tricolor

It is generally accepted that tricolor rats do not exist, but rare cases refute this. Typically, there is a leading color that goes with white. In the history of rat science, at least twice in the hands of a breeder, a rat of 3 colors was found.

One of the famous rats was born in 2002 in Alaska. It was a male named Solaris. He did not pass on his unique colors to either children or grandchildren. Another case, when a three-color girl with a champagne-colored hood, along which black spots walked, was accidentally acquired at the Bird Market. She was named Dusty Mouse or Syabu-Syabu.

One of several famous mosaic rats Syabu Syabu or Dusty Mouse

Mastomis or natal rats

Mastomis have nothing to do with rats, even they belong to the Mouse family and to a separate genus of Mastomis. Scientists could not immediately determine the family, so the rodents traveled from rats to mice. These inhabitants of Africa live next to humans. They were imported recently, so there is not much information on them. Outwardly, they look like both mice and rats. Rodents reach 17 cm in size with their tail and weigh about 80 g. Thus, they are larger than a mouse, but smaller than a rat. They have few colors: ticked agouti with black eyes and argent (amber) lightened with pink eyes. The animals are nocturnal, live in flocks. Mastomis are bouncy creatures, this must be taken into account when keeping at home.

Mastomis look like rats and mice at the same time

Video: varieties of decorative rats

Species and breeds of decorative domestic rats

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Many people at the mention of the word "rat" disdainfully wrinkle their nose and flinch, but only when it comes to it. Today, rats are becoming popular pets, especially in those conditions when living space is limited. This animal conquers its owners with high mental abilities, amazing memory, cunning and the ability to perform complex tricks. We will talk about the secrets of caring for and keeping rats at home further.


For many centuries, relations have been established between humanity and these, but they have not always been warm. So, in the Middle Ages, rats contributed to the spread of violent plague epidemics, so they were exterminated.

In the last century, rodents began to be used for laboratory research, and only in the last few decades people have chosen rats as their pets.

Did you know? Rats have truly amazing physical abilities: these relatively small animals are able to move at speeds of up to 10 km / h, in a state of stress or aggression, they can jump up to 2 meters in height and swim huge distances (the set record is 29 km). If necessary, the animal can cover a distance of up to 50 km during the day.

The size of males on average ranges from 400-500 grams, especially large individuals can reach 800 grams, which is rare. Females weigh less - from 200 to 500 grams.

The character of boys and girls is different: males show more calmness and complaisance. They can be picked up and caressed without any problems. Girls are more active, restless, playful. But in general, rats are rather calm and affectionate animals that will happily bask in the owner's arms.

Some features of the behavior of decorative rats:

  1. Rats are very fond of communication and attention, but loneliness is hard to endure. If you do not have the opportunity to spend enough time with your pet, you can buy a pair for him: they will be very funny to play and fool around. By the way, to express gratitude for the company, rodents can lick the owner's hair, fingers, clothes. These gestures remind them of maternal care and affection.
  2. In a state of anxiety, fear, excitement, rodents can click their teeth. If the animal is very excited or frightened, it may hiss, the hair on the back at the same time stands on end. In this state, the rat can attack the frightening object.
  3. If you keep several of these animals together, you can observe the formation of a hierarchy between them in the form of a small fight. At the same time, there is no question of serious bloodshed - "showdowns" are reduced to quiet squeals, sniffing and symbolic struggle. But if you notice that the rats are fighting with cruelty, they need to be divided into different cages.

Important!Under natural conditions, rats live only in a flock, so even an ornamental animal is in vital need of communication with fellows. If you want to get a rat, you need to immediately take 2-3 same-sex pets, otherwise the animal will feel extremely bad alone.

Decorative rat breeds

Decorative rats differ in color, coat length, anatomical features. But rats do not have breeds, only varieties can be distinguished, among which:

On the basis of the shade of the fur coat, decorative rats are divided into the following types:
  1. Uniform. They are characterized by a monochromatic coat.
  2. Combined. The coat can be painted in several shades.
  3. Ticked ones. Each individual hair is dyed 2-3 colors.
  4. Silvery. There are two basic tones in the coat color: white and silver.

Life span

In general, decorative rats do not differ in a special life expectancy: on average, it is 2-3 years. Long-livers are individuals who have lived up to 4 years. However, an exceptional case has been documented when a decorative rodent was able to live for more than 7 years.

How long decorative rats live at home is largely determined by such factors:

  • animal diet;
  • accommodations;
  • health status, timely appeal for veterinary care;
  • the presence of pregnancy in the female;
  • living a rat alone or in the company of other rodents.

Important!Breeding domestic rats is a very difficult process, which is often fatal for the female. For successful breeding, you need to select only the strongest and healthiest individuals of a strictly defined age: up to 8 months. In most cases, the female gives birth to many pups, and she herself may die.

Keeping decorative rats at home

Despite the compact size of the pet, it does not mean at all that caring for a decorative rat can be neglected. Like any pet, a domestic rat needs a certain diet, a place of residence, besides, it is worth considering the presence of other pets before starting a pet.

When purchasing a rat, you need to immediately think about where it will live. The only correct answer is. For one individual, the size of the cage should be at least 30 * 50 * 40 cm, if the number of animals is greater, then the size of the dwelling increases. Interestingly, it is better for males to choose wider cages, and girls - taller.

Do not overload the cage with multi-storey structures in the hope that it will be more interesting for the rat. Better to build hammocks inside, put a couple of ladders, a wheel or a swing. The cage must have a bedding: for example, from sawdust (not coniferous wood!), You can also use corn or wood litter for cats or special for rodents.

As a budget option, you can take white paper, but not newspapers - rodents can be poisoned with toxic paint! The cage in which the animals live should be cleaned regularly, cleaned and the filler changed as necessary.
A prerequisite for the correct keeping of decorative rats at home is regular walking. When walking, remember a few important rules:

  • remove all valuable small things in inaccessible places;
  • many house rats like to chew and ruin the wires, so make sure that the charger, headphones and other components of equipment are not unattended;
  • make sure all small animals are out of reach. So, these rodents are capable of attacking smaller rodents of other families, are able to climb in, show aggression towards smaller animals.
With proper upbringing, there is a chance that the rodent will make friends with the family and, but it is not worth it to settle rodents under one roof.

Important!Males and females must live exclusively in separate cells, otherwise uncontrolled reproduction and numerous offspring are guaranteed! You also need to walk different-sex animals at different times.

For a full-fledged existence, a pet needs to be provided with a balanced, competent. What can be given to decorative rats:

  • vegetables(zucchini, pumpkin, beets, zucchini, carrots, cucumbers, bell peppers);
  • greens(basil, cilantro, onion, parsley, lettuce, celery, dill);
  • fruits and berries(apricots, pineapples, cherries, melons, strawberries, apples, plums, peaches);
  • combined grain feed(millet, barley, oats, buckwheat, rice);
  • gammarus, seafood(boiled);
  • dairy products(cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cream);
  • meat products(rabbit meat, poultry), including offal, but only boiled;
  • chicken eggs and fish(boiled).
On the basis of the listed products, it is quite possible to compose a varied diet for a rodent at home. But with all the diversity, there are categories of harmful and dangerous products for the animal.

So, what is forbidden to feed a decorative rat:

  • sausage and other ready-made meat products (they contain a lot of spices and additives);
  • bacon and meat delicacies;
  • dairy products should be avoided sour cream, butter and condensed milk... Regular milk should be given with caution, as it may be intolerant;
  • it is better to extract from fruits and vegetables bones... They are poorly digested and may contain substances harmful to the animal;
  • citrus prohibited in the diet of rodents;
  • some fruit should be given with care and not overdo it: bananas, grapes, avocados, pears, kiwi. Some of them are too high in calories, while others contribute to gas formation;
  • dried fruits must come in very limited quantities;
  • beans, beans and peas strongly stimulate gas formation, so they should be excluded from the diet;
  • vegetables should be avoided turnips, radishes and cabbage all kinds;
  • potato you must first heat it;
  • it is strictly forbidden to give shop sweets, jams, honey, pastries.

The frequency of feeding depends on the age of the rats: young individuals can be fed 3-4 times a day; for adults, two feedings are enough in the morning and evening hours. The pet must have a drinking bowl, the water in which is changed daily. It is also helpful to place a stone in the cage to replenish calcium stores.

Did you know?Rodents have teeth that grow throughout their lives, so it is imperative for them to regularly grind them on hard and tough objects.

Many people ask a similar question, because it is much more common to see or next to oneself. However, rats are no less wonderful pets, they are very smart, affectionate, they will always be glad to your attention. Caring for these animals is somewhat easier than for larger animals. However, keep in mind that some animals, due to their temperament, can engage in domestic sabotage.

Did you know?Rats are extremely fertile: one pair of animals can reproduceoffspring,reaching up to 150-160 rat pups per year! In addition, these rodents have a gene that protects them from STDs.


Success will depend not only on your patience and skills, but also on the nature of the animal: some pets will be happy to make contact, others will be more introverted and calm, and this cannot be changed in any way. These rodents are excellent at learning the following tricks:

  • remember the name;
  • can come when called;
  • stand on their hind legs;
  • return to the cage on command;
  • will be able to run on the ladder on command;
  • master your other commands and tricks.
It is best to use the reward of tasty food (not candy) for training. It is extremely important to teach the rat to return to the house on command, otherwise, due to the agility of the animal, it may be difficult for you to catch it throughout the apartment.

But remember that this animal is not capable of mastering too complex tricks and commands, you will need a lot of strength, patience and perseverance to teach the rodent the simplest things.

Health and disease

Decorative rats are susceptible to many diseases of various organs and systems. If you notice such alarming symptoms in your pet as redness around the eyes and nose, discharge from the ears, lethargy, changes in the coat - these can be manifestations of dangerous ailments, and only a veterinarian should treat them.

Decorative rats and mice are easy to care for and maintain, they easily and with pleasure go to communicate with humans, therefore it is not surprising that these rodents are gaining more and more popularity as pets.

We know very little about the time of the appearance of the first domestic animals; there is practically no confirmed information about them. Neither legends nor chronicles have survived about that period in the life of mankind when we were able to tame wild animals. It is believed that already in the Stone Age, ancient people had domesticated animals, the ancestors of today's domestic animals. The time when man received modern domestic animals remains unknown to science, and the formation of today's domestic animals as a species is also unknown.

Scientists assume that every domestic animal has its own wild progenitor. Archaeological excavations carried out on the ruins of ancient human settlements are proof of this. During the excavations, bones belonging to domestic animals of the ancient world were found. So it can be argued that even in such a distant era in the life of mankind, we were accompanied by domesticated animals. Today there are species of domestic animals that are no longer found in the wild.

Many of today's wild animals are man-made feral animals. For example, take America or Australia as clear evidence of this theory. Almost all domestic animals were brought to these continents from Europe. These animals have found fertile ground for life and development. An example of this is the hare or rabbit in Australia. Due to the fact that there are no natural predators dangerous for this species on this continent, they multiplied in huge numbers and went wild. Since all rabbits were domesticated and brought by Europeans for their needs. Therefore, we can say with confidence that more than half of wild domesticated animals are former pets. For example, wild city cats and dogs.

Be that as it may, the question of the origin of domestic animals should be considered open. As for our pets. Then, with the first confirmation in the annals and legends, we meet a dog and a cat. In Egypt, the cat was a sacred animal, and dogs were actively used in the ancient era by mankind. There is a lot of evidence for this. In Europe, the cat appeared in its mass after the crusade, but firmly and quickly occupied the niche of a pet and a hunter of mice. Before them, Europeans used different animals to catch mice, for example weasel or geneta.

Domestic animals are divided into two different types.

The first type of domestic animal is farm animals that directly benefit humans. Meat, wool, fur and many other useful things, goods, as well as used by us for food. But they do not live with a person directly in the same room.

The second type is animal pets (companions), which we see every day in our houses or apartments. They brighten up our leisure, entertain us and give us pleasure. And most of them for practical purposes are almost useless in the modern world, for example, hamsters, guinea pigs, parrots and many others.

Animals of the same species can often refer to both species, both farm animals and pets. A prime example of this, rabbits and ferrets keep them at home as pets, but also bred for meat and fur. Also, some pet waste can be used, for example, the wool of cats and dogs for knitting various items or as insulation. For example, dog hair belts.

Many doctors note the positive effect of pets on human health and well-being. We can notice that many families that keep some animals at home note that these animals create coziness, calm down, relieve stress.

This encyclopedia was created by us to help pet lovers. We hope that our encyclopedia will help you in choosing and caring for a pet.

If you have interesting observations of the behavior of your pet or have a desire, share information about some pet. Either you have a nursery, a veterinary clinic, or a hotel for animals near your home, write to us about them at the address so that we can add this information to the database on our website.

First curly rats I saw it at the poultry market when I was looking for a rat. It’s only now that I know that there were “wrong” ones on the market. rats varieties rex (curly). They looked like they were stained with something sticky - the fur was tousled and looked like icicles. Fortunately good curly rats look very different. They are pleasant not only to look, but also to the touch.

Rat rex. In males, the coat looks coarser than in females.

Curly, as it turned out, there are not only dogs and cats, but also rats... In addition, they are divided into several varieties, which I will tell you about today.

Rex rats ... These rats have a curly coat that is slightly tougher than the standard coat. It is dimmer. Outwardly, it looks more interesting than ordinary wool, and this "captivates" beginners, in particular. Rex curls should be tight and firm to the touch. The mustaches and vibrises of the Rex are "shaggy". They are curly and stick out in different directions. In males, the coat is stiffer and often resembles a dish brush. The Rex should not have guard hairs, and the undercoat falls out over time. For this reason, Rex hair can thin out with age.

Ilford rats are a velveteen species. Owner and photographer - Tatiana Mansurova. http://vk.com/club24464059

Very similar to the Rex. Sometimes, even upon closer examination, you may not see the difference. But still it is.

Tivokka. My beloved man. Varieties of velveteen. Ilford's son, owner and photographer Tatyana Mansurova. http://vk.com/club24464059

Velveteen wool lays down in waves when it forms curls in a rex. The main difference can be seen in the quality of the wool - the Rex, ideally, should not have guard hairs, from which it will be more curly. In velvetine, on the contrary, the coat has both guard hair and a good undercoat. She looks more shaggy than that of a Rex, and is longer. The mustache is also different. They are straight and curved towards the ends.

Double Rex. My Lyulya with my brother. Garik has bald patches on his neck. Photo by Tatiana Gorodnina.

He double kinky... These rats are born when both parents are Rex. As I said, rex hair falls out with age. So, have double-rex rats it falls out since childhood. And it does not just fall out once, but it drops out and grows during the whole life.

Double Rex might look like this.

It looks like bald spots, so they seem sick and are often abandoned due to ignorance. Although personally I really like these horror stories (I call them so loving). The coat of doubles (in those places where it is) is shorter than that of others rats... At times, they feel plush to the touch.

Sometimes Double Rex have less hair than bald spots.

Rats with curly hair may be very different from what I wrote here. This happens due to poor breeding. But the quality of the wool does not affect the rat itself, its lifestyle and character. If you have never stroked a curly rat, then do it as soon as possible. You will get only the most positive feelings!

The smartest and cunning member of the rodent family is the rat. Very often in humans, these animals are associated with dirty basement rodents. But in fact, these animals have long become popular pets, in some countries there are even rat exhibitions, at which a qualified jury is present and diplomas are issued.

What's the difference?

Differences between decorative and wild rodents:

  • Appearance. Decorative rats have a variety of colors and more weight.
  • Behavior. Pets are empaths to some extent, able to feel the mood of their fellows and even people. They prefer the safety of the flock to their own, in most cases they do not bite the owner, even if he causes inconvenience.
  • Lifestyle. In the wild, rats are nocturnal animals; at home, they crawl out into the light.
  • Long life. Obviously, with good care, a rodent at home will live a longer and healthier life than a savage.

Many people want to have a pet, but either the size of the apartment does not allow, or there is not enough time for maintenance. In this case, a decorative rat is a great option. There are several main breeds of decorative rats.

Decorative breeds

Different breeds can differ in size, color, eye color.

The main types of decorative rats:


Professional trainers claim that rats are some of the easiest animals to train. They are highly intelligent and attentive. By the way, in this decorative rats lose to their wild relatives. This is due to the fact that the second caste has to use many times more cunning to survive. In domesticated breeds, intelligence is independent of the decorative rat species.

Nutrition and care

You can feed the rat with grain feeds that are sold in stores (check the expiration date before buying). You can give fruits and vegetables, dandelion and plantain leaves, nuts (useful for grinding teeth), boiled chicken bones. Meat can be included in the diet, but in small quantities and "on holidays", that is, rarely, no more than 1 time per week. It will be enough to feed twice a day.

The diet should also contain vegetables and fruits, out of season they can be replaced with dried fruits, this is a very tasty and healthy delicacy for any rodent.

A drinker with fresh drinking water should always be present in the cage. You need to change it at least once a day, while checking the functionality of the drinker (sometimes the tube becomes clogged and the flow of water stops).

The cage must be chosen so that the animal has a place to roam, and equip it with various ladders and accessories. The more active your pet is, the healthier it will be.

Large sawdust is usually used as a filler (small sawdust can get into the eyes and irritate mucous membranes).

You need to do the cleaning at least once a week, change the filler daily otherwise an unpleasant odor will be present.

Remember to put a mineral stone in your rodent's cage to provide your pet rat with the calcium it needs.

One or two?

Decorative rats are social animals, and it can be boring for them to be alone in a cage. They easily get along with their fellows and even share food with each other. Some can even easily get along with any other rodent, but you should not plant them, for example, with rabbits, because the rabbit's nutrition may not be suitable for an omnivorous pet, which will entail problems with the gastrointestinal tract.