Is Coca-Cola harmful to children? Doctor Komarovsky answers. How toddlers cope with air travel

We were crying. Moreover, what then - in childhood, what now, the death of Mufasa still remains one of the saddest moments in the animation universe. What about White Beam? Sobbing? Do your children cry over cartoons?

The crumb sits in front of the screen and sniffles, watching how Carlson flies away, or how Bambi is left without a mother. And so I want to protect the child from unnecessary tears, turn it off, because he is sad. But is it worth doing? Is it useful or harmful for children to watch cartoons if their plot makes them cry? We share the opinion of psychologists and the comments of parents who are “for” and “against” such squelching views.

"Thick-skinned" and "thin-skinned"

Of course, the decision mostly depends on the age of the child. If the baby is not yet 3 years old, and he cries when someone quarrels on the screen, then it is better not to show him such moments. The child's psyche is very fragile, and the baby may not yet fully understand what is happening. At this time, one cannot even be sure for sure why he is crying: does he feel sorry for the hero, is he scared, or is he just tired of bright pictures? Therefore, up to 3 years old, it is definitely worth protecting babies from such shocks.

At the age of 3 to 5-7 years, children already begin to form their perception of the world, compare themselves with the heroes and worry about them. At this time, children are already beginning to divide into "thick-skinned" and "thin-skinned". Even the death of Mufasa will not penetrate the thick-skinned babies, they will just look, draw their conclusions and look further. But this does not mean that the child did not take this scene to heart. Talk to your baby, discuss what you saw to be sure that the episode was correctly understood and interpreted.

And as for the "thin-skinned" children - here it is already worth taking a closer look. If a baby watches a cartoon for the first time and cries over a sad moment, everything is in order. This sympathy, empathy is the right reaction to what is happening. It's another matter if the baby cries and asks to turn on the cartoon over and over again (and cries all the time when watching). Most likely the child was too strongly affected by this episode, try to understand the reason and talk about it. And if you are convinced that the child is just a fan of this cartoon and there are no other reasons for revising, put up with tears.

If the baby is crying not over a sad episode, but over the moment where something is not so exciting - the characters argue, something breaks or someone called someone - you should also discuss this with the child. Such moments should not cause a violent reaction, since this is the norm of life, the child needs to learn to cope with such experiences. Over time, tears from such episodes should go away, children will gain the necessary degree of "thick skin" in order to calmly endure them. Do not force babies to watch if they do not want to, but also do not turn off the TV if they suddenly start crying.

Get in the habit of watching and discussing cartoons together. If the child cried in front of you, ask if he wants to watch the cartoon further? Would you like to rewind a sad moment? Maybe he wants to turn off the TV? Listen to his opinion. If the child is hysterical, but wants to continue watching, offer him a break, distract him with something tasty or interesting. And if after a while he wants to inspect, sit down to inspect.

Don't confuse tears of pity with tears of fear. If the baby cries because the cat is left alone in the forest, this is empathy. And if the baby is crying because it is dark in this forest and the wolves - this is already fear. And in this case, the child must be reassured and, possibly, protected from the frightening episode.

Of course, these are just general tips. In fact, everything depends on you and your child, his psychological readiness and sentimentality. Better cry over cartoons than over real life, right?

And now let's read the comments of parents from the forums, which, in case of tears when watching, turn off or, on the contrary, leave the cartoon.

No tears

“I just don’t show my cartoons. I remember myself crying over some cartoons as a child, I don’t want my daughter to experience the same negative emotions. ”

“I would not want a child to have so many strong emotions in relation to cartoon characters. I myself am very compassionate, my daughter is also emotional, but I do not want additional experiences for her on such occasions. we carefully select cartoons. from Disney were watched by several, although I was afraid that I might take it too close to my heart. but no, the preview went smoothly. and was not frightened, and did not cry. "

“My daughter is not crying. If I had cried, I would not have included such cartoons. "

“It seems to me that this is not useful for a small child, the time will come in adolescence, when already“ the body requires ”. And the kid can get overwhelmed, he can get scared of a situation of some kind and transfer it to himself. "

“Ask the child himself if he wants these emotions. I know from myself that this seems to be not bad, but I categorically do not want to cry over a film, book or article. I have a headache attack and in general I feel sorry for myself. Accordingly, I avoid, for example, on May 9 I don't watch TV and I don't go to the city. "

It is good

"Yes, sometimes. If not to tears, then experiences and frustrations may be present. I consider it normal, and even teaching and educating. Empathy is not the worst flaw in our wonderful world. "

“Crying over a book, at a play, and in early childhood over a cartoon is normal, good and soulful. I would be surprised by the opposite, cynical attitude - well, Simba's dad died, and okay. "

“My daughter did not watch sad and touching cartoons. And over the books sobbing, sometimes avidly. 8 years. I do not shield her from such emotions. In my opinion, these are “good” tears, the ability to sympathize, empathize is not the worst quality ”.

“Of course, Simba is drawn, and his dad Mufasa is too. But in life, too, children are left without parents. And if a child cannot feel how painful it is, what a horror it is - there is only one baby in the world - it would surprise me in my children. If for them the loss of their parents would not have been a terrible grief, I would have been very surprised. All cartoony plots have something in common with life. "

“I think that such emotions are necessary for children. This is an opportunity to teach a child to sympathize and empathize, and not be indifferent. But any film or cartoon must still be age-appropriate. It seems to me that emotions, like muscles, develop only by “training”. The only thing is, I would not want the child to cry with fear. Somewhere like that. "

“It's great if a child cries after watching a movie or reading a book. It’s scary if they leave him indifferent. I’m not afraid of my child’s tears from empathy for the heroes, I’m even more happy, no matter how strange it sounds ... ”.

“My daughter does not cry, of course, but empathizes, gets upset. Such cartoons as The Ugly Duckling, Losharik, etc. We watch, discuss, disassemble ... I think it's good. "

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Ice cream for a child is not only harm, but also good. © Thinkstock

To give or not to give ice cream to a child? When to start pampering your baby with this delicacy? These questions plague many parents.

An unambiguous answer to the question "Can a child be given ice cream?" does not exist, because all children are different, with their own characteristics of the body. site I learned all the pros and cons of ice cream for a child.

Why should you give ice cream to children?

Evgeny Komarovsky claims that milk is the only product that contains a lot of calcium. That is why the child should drink up to 1 liter of milk per day. It is clear that milk alone from day to day will disgust a child. Ice cream can be a good substitute.

Tatiana Borovik, head of the nutritional department for healthy and sick children of the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, claims that ice cream, like a dairy product, contains all the components of milk - milk protein, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.

Moreover, all dairy components in ice cream are in a homogenized form (fat globules in ice cream are 2 microns in size). Therefore, ice cream is very easy to digest.

Ice cream is sweet, and sweetness improves mood because it stimulates the production of serotonin. The easily digestible carbohydrates of ice cream are healthy food for the brain, which is very important for schoolchildren. Ice cream is also easy to satisfy your hunger.

In addition, ice cream is a hardening for a baby's throat. But it is important to give it little by little, with a small spoon, so that there is more benefit than harm.

Why is ice cream bad for children?

Dr. Komarovsky rightly notes that ice cream is a junk food that children often eat between meals. It is especially harmful for teeth and appetite.

© Thinkstock It certainly doesn't hurt a child to have ice cream for dessert after dinner.

But it is important that the child ate ice cream no more often than 2-3 times a week, because it contributes to the development of caries.

After ice cream, as after any sweets, the child should rinse his mouth with plain water, or better, brush his teeth.

Who is not allowed ice cream?

If the child has problems with the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, duodenitis, gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, enterocolitis), biliary tract diseases, cholecystitis, ice cream - taboo.

It is clear that ice cream is not the best choice for overweight children. And even popsicles are not a solution, because, oddly enough, it contains more sugar than regular milk ice cream.

Allergy to proteins in cow's milk also prevents a child from enjoying ice cream. You should also be careful to give ice cream to children who often get sore throats, tonsillitis, and pharyngitis. Although, of course, it is necessary to temper the baby's neck.

It is also better for a child with bad teeth and caries not to eat a lot of ice cream. With diabetes, you can only eat special types of diabetic ice cream.

What is the best ice cream for kids?

© Thinkstock Of course, it's best to get yourself an ice cream maker and cook it yourself. Although it is possible without this modern device.

If it so happens that the child demands ice cream here and now, then it is better to buy the simplest ice cream without additives and dyes.

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Say what you like, but air travel is a rather uncomfortable thing. Often, adults are not very fond of flying on airplanes, and for a small child, air travel in general can be a real challenge. Although, on the other hand, it may happen that the kid on the plane will like it, he will look at the clouds with delight through the window and ask you to fly with him more often. And to find out for sure, you have to try to fly with your child!

Is it harmful for children to fly on an airplane?

Perhaps it will not be possible to give an unambiguous answer to this question. In most cases, if the child is healthy, air travel is quite acceptable, although it will still be useful to consult a pediatrician before the flight. If the baby suffers from any diseases, it is worth planning flights with extreme caution. And, of course, you must definitely take with you all the medicines prescribed by the doctor, and, preferably, along with the prescription.

How do children carry the plane?

Children, as well as adults, are divided into two categories. Someone is afraid (or simply does not like) to fly. Others perceive flights as normal. If earlier you did not have the opportunity to check which of these groups your little traveler belongs to, then you will need to prepare for a flight on an airplane with a child, and the baby must be properly adjusted.

Before starting the trip, as calmly as possible and tell him in detail about the upcoming flight, try to prepare him for all stages of the journey. Then he will not be frightened or confused in the new environment. After all, the impression of the very first flight, very possibly, will affect the further attitude of the kid to travel by air.

Than the flight threatens the baby and how to deal with it?

You also need to be prepared for the fact that during the flight the child may feel some discomfort. However, many adults are familiar with these "enemies of air travelers" firsthand:

  • Nausea. It is children who are most often rocked in transport. This is due to the fact that the baby's vestibular apparatus is not yet fully formed, and it is difficult for him to deal with the loads during the flight. Usually tired and sleepy kids are sick. Well, and also those who had a hearty meal before the flight. Just in case, take an apple or a bag of sour candies on the flight. Also, with nausea, you should breathe deeply and drink water in small sips.
  • Congestion in the ears. Many people on the plane get stuffy ears due to pressure drops during climb and descent, this also happens with children. Explain to your child that swallowing is helpful for ear pain. A baby can simply be given a breast, bottle or pacifier, an older child can be offered a drink or sucking on lollipop. Alternatively, you can plug your ears with earplugs or cotton swabs.
  • Toothache may also occur during air travel. Carious teeth at a high altitude and with sudden changes in pressure can hurt so much that a strong pain reliever is needed. So, prudent parents need to stock up on proven medicine for severe pain. Although, of course, the best and easiest way is to just take the child to the dentist before the trip and heal all the teeth.

What else parents need to know

Be that as it may, a child on the plane (especially a one-year-old) is all the same additional chores for the parents. Therefore, even if your child tolerates travel well, you need to prepare for the flight.

  • Think in advance what you need to take on the plane. The set for children of different ages is different;
  • When buying a ticket, especially for long distances, make sure that the food that will be served on board is suitable for your child, otherwise the "snack" must be taken with you.
  • Clarify all possible nuances with the documents and rules of the airline;
  • The kid needs to be explained in advance that you will not fly right away - at the airport you will have to go through a rather tedious check-in procedure, and then wait for the departure for a while. Take care of entertainment for your son or daughter during this time - take a small book or toy with you, of course, the best is a new one. Then the child will have something to do with himself at the airport.
  • Just before you fly with your child, discuss everything again. Remind how everything will happen, ask if he is ready. But what parents should not do in any case is to share their own worries with the baby! Do not tell your child about your fear, do not discuss it with other adults in the presence of the baby, otherwise he will definitely start to be afraid with you. Try to talk about everything calmly, tell what awaits you at the end of the path. Enjoy the upcoming journey with your baby.
  • And yet, upon registration, warn the airport staff that you are flying with a child. Even if this is indicated in the tickets, it is better to further focus on this fact, often passengers with children are assigned seats at the beginning of the cabin - there is more room there.
  • If you are sending a child alone unaccompanied, you definitely need to take into account all the nuances and notify the airline.


Of course, a book, a toy, a tasty candy, and a new "cartoon" on the screen of a portable DVD-player will be able to brighten up the flight time for a little passenger. But the main condition for a comfortable trip for him will be calmness, attention and care from his parents.

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Ps. This also applies to boys! It's just that there are more girls here ;-)

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"Doctor! Your opinion is very interesting. I live in Europe, and it amazes me that everyone here believes that Coca-Cola is not harmful, everyone drinks it always, and even claims that it helps when the stomach hurts. What do you think about it?"

E.O. Komarovsky answers:

Judging by their life expectancy and their infant mortality, Coca-Cola does not really affect them ... Immediately, I note that there is no particular desire to write about Coca-Cola - first of all, because any mention of the trademark will immediately cause a stream letters. If you say that this is good, then you have bought Coca-Cola, if you say badly, it means that you have sold either Pepsi-Cola or lemonade in general.

Nevertheless, I see absolutely nothing wrong with Coca-Cola. Except for one thing: a huge amount of sugar. The child receives concentrated energy in the form of easily digestible carbohydrates and this energy must be spent. It is clear that the safe use of Coca-Cola (like any other sugary drink) requires two preconditions: first, the absence of excess weight and, second, the availability of opportunities for physical activity.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

During illness, in the presence of dehydration, with the development of an acetonemic state, in the absence of opportunities for adequate nutrition, the child will not be bothered by "concentrated energy in the form of easily digestible carbohydrates." Of course, oral rehydration is more effective and safer. But if the child refuses to drink this useful powder, but he agrees to Coca-Cola! So why not ...

And it turns out that for a child with an elevated level of acetone, a timely drunk glass of Coca-Cola may well be a medicine that will avoid a hospital and droppers. You just need to strain yourself, read about this very acetone and figure out what's what. In general, do not go too far. Create the conditions for children to play sports and have Coca-Cola drinks for themselves. And the parents are needed to limit the child's "want" to adult common sense.

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Now everything is aimed at making life easier for a person and making it more comfortable. Therefore, it is not surprising that the list of products intended for babies is becoming more and more extensive every year. And diapers on this list occupy almost the first place, causing a number of objections from supporters of gauze rags and other improvised devices.

Since the final answer to the question, do you need diapers, is still not given, then we will try, if not to prove their benefits, then at least to refute their harm.

Diapers and their purpose

Before we talk about what role do diapers play and how wearing them affects the future future of the child, you should understand what they are. In accordance with GOST R 52557-2011, this is a multilayer sanitary and hygienic product intended for single use.

Exists standards that establish strict requirements for the required number of layers, for the quality of materials, for sizes and for their absorbent properties. All this obliges manufacturers to produce high-quality and safe products for children's hygiene, which:

  • protect the child from leaks;
  • absorb and hold feces;
  • allow you to move freely.

In general, diapers fulfill all the functions that gauze once folded in several layers did. Only they provide much higher protection, it is much more convenient for the child to move around in them, and the mother has to spend less time washing.

  • you need to change the diaper as it is filled (on average, every 3 hours);
  • if the baby pooped, the diaper needs to be changed;
  • the child needs to be washed regularly and take breaks when changing diapers (the minimum recommended time is 15 minutes, but the longer the break, the better);
  • in case of allergic reactions, cystitis and other genitourinary diseases, diapers should not be worn.

Note! In the article How often to change a baby's diaper? Recommendations on the correct frequency of diaper replacement are described in detail.

Failure to follow the basic rules of wearing and changing diapers can lead to a number of complications.

But you need to understand that the same rules apply to those parents who prefer to use the means at hand, because a child's stay in a wet cloth for a long time can easily provoke the same cystitis.

Therefore, only one thing can be said with certainty: it is harmful not to change diapers when necessary!

Diapers and fertility in boys

Many women who have given birth to boys fear that their son will become infertile due to diapers, which supposedly raise the temperature of the testicles, interfere with their normal development and affect the quality of sperm.

Indeed, in adult men, the quality of sperm decreases due to an increase in the temperature of the testicles, but in newborns things are different, because only after 7 years do boys have spermatocytes, and full-fledged sperm are formed only by 10 years or later.

So no reason talk about the fact that diapers can affect the quality of sperm, which will appear only towards puberty.

Often there are frightening facts indicating that the temperature of the scrotum in boys in diapers rises to + 45 ° C. But in gauze diapers, the scrotum heats up to + 34.9 ° C, and in ordinary diapers - up to 36 ° C.

That is, the temperature is really higher, but the difference is not so great as to sound the alarm. And even in an adult man, such an increase in temperature cannot provoke a deterioration in the quality of sperm, and there is nothing to say about infertility.

Diapers and pot

The grandparents of a newborn baby often tell young parents that because of diapers, the baby later learns to potty. That is why they recommend using diapers and completely abandon diapers, which, in their opinion, are a real problem on the path of development and maturation of the toddler.

But only parents have the right to decide whether or not to put on a diaper on your child, and you shouldn't be afraid of such fairy tales, because any child psychologist and pediatrician will say that the process of potty training is influenced not by diapers, but by moms and dads.

Of course, if you keep the baby in diapers all the time, do not let him get wet and do not talk about the pot, then it will be difficult for the little one to learn how to control the process of defecation and go to the toilet himself.

Millions of parents around the world, without giving up diapers, have taught their children to potty without any problems. A speed up this process it is possible if:

  • from the very morning, as soon as the child wakes up, plant it on a pot so that he has developed the habit of writing not in the diaper, but in a specially designated place;
  • put on a baby diaper only for sleep or while walking on the street, at home, dress him in panties and tights;
  • do not change clothes immediately after the child has wet them, and let him walk in wet underwear;
  • never do not scold the child for dirty pants, but at the same time do not forget to explain the fact that all adult children piss and poop in a pot, and not in pants;
  • do not forget every time praise the little one, if he managed to go to the pot on his own.

Important! Parents should understand that every child develops in different ways, and if some babies sit quietly on the potty from eight months, this does not mean at all that your little one will be ready for this at the same age. In no case should a baby be forced to sit on a potty and scold him for failures, because psychologists have proven that psychologically and physiologically, children mature for this only by the age of two (more precisely, at the age of 18 to 30 months). And before that, they have no idea why they are planted on this object and forced to sit on it.

From all of the above, only one conclusion can be drawn: the link between the baby and the potty is not the diapers, but the parents! Therefore, it depends only on mom and dad at what age their baby will understand that it is time for him to learn how to go to the toilet on his own.

Diapers and crooked legs

Diaper bias is often due to the fact that some people have found a connection between the curvature of the legs in young children and the wearing of diapers.

Of course, this is not at all the case, and the evenness of the legs is affected by:

  • heredity;
  • insufficient intake of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other elements important for the formation of bone tissue;
  • digestive problems, due to which the absorption of the same calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D and magnesium decreases;
  • the desire of parents to put the baby on his feet as early as possible.

Important! Overuse of the walker and the strong encouragement to stand and walk early when the skeleton has not yet formed, leads to a large vertical load and, in turn, to the curvature of the legs.

Also, sometimes people find a connection between dysplasia of the hip joints and diapers. But all this is from insufficient knowledge of the causes of this type of dysplasia, and meanwhile it is a congenital, not acquired problem, which means that diapers cannot lead to its appearance.

Dysplasia of the hip joints is a pathology that can occur due to:

  • heredity;
  • incorrect position of the femoral head relative to the acetabulum;
  • the close position of a large fetus in the womb and lack of water;
  • gynecological diseases of the mother (uterine fibroids impedes the intrauterine movement of the child).

For your information, dislocation of the hip joints further aggravates tight swaddling, which means that diapers with such a diagnosis not only do no harm, but are even indicated for wearing, since the child's movements are not embarrassed by anything and one can freely engage in therapeutic exercises.

Is it bad for your baby to wear a diaper?? You yourself must answer this question, but you definitely do not need to be afraid of infertility, crooked legs, problems with urination, because diapers can affect these moments in the same way as breastfeeding can affect your child's future school performance.