Harmful Ingredients in Shampoos You Should Know! The composition of a good shampoo - useful, harmful and useless components

If you notice that you have to wash your hair more often after using shampoo, most likely you have chosen the wrong shampoo. Here you will learn about the most harmful components of shampoos and their consequences. When a person is faced with choosing a cosmetic product, he is guided by the advertisements he sees and the opinions of his friends, pays great attention to the colorful packaging and brand promotion, but this is not enough to buy a good and safe shampoo. The quality of a product can be seen in its composition. The structure of detergents contains a variety of hazardous components that, when accumulated in the body, are harmful.

Harmful ingredients in shampoos

The list of the most commonly found harmful components in shampoos includes:

  • parabens;
  • LS and SLES;
  • silicone;
  • formaldehyde;
  • aluminum salts;
  • diethanolamine or triethanolamine;
  • propylene glycol.


Parabens in regular hair shampoo can negatively affect the body's production of testosterone. Testosterone is responsible for the proper functioning of the male reproductive system. If there are any changes in the level of this hormone, then the normal operation of the system is disrupted.


Experts do not say that all silicones that are part of the shampoo are harmful, but many should be avoided. Silicone makes hair heavier, simplifying styling, but it has a negative effect on the body as a whole, and it is impossible to determine the type of silicone on your own by reading only the composition.


It is a carcinogen that cosmetics manufacturers still use as a preservative. It has been proven that this substance is toxic and affects directly human genetics. Formaldehyde gradually destroys vision, negatively affects the respiratory and nervous system, and the skin.

aluminum salts may cause breast cancer.

Diethanolamine or triethanolamine

Substances that contribute to the fact that the shampoo lathers well. But along with this, they contain ammonia. If ammonia is exposed to human skin for a long time, then this toxic substance causes severe allergies, eyes begin to dry, skin and hair become dry.

propylene glycol or polyethylene glycol

In many shampoos, as well as other cosmetics with a liquid consistency, you can find this substance in the composition. They cause allergies and hives, with sensitive skin can lead to eczema.

Sodium lauryl sulfate(SLS)

Another chemical that is widely used by modern industry in the manufacture of soaps and shampoos. Thanks to this additive, the products foam perfectly. But the results of studies, the largest of which were conducted back in the late 80s, show that this substance causes skin irritation.

The dangers of trendy shampoos for health

In order to see which shampoos contain harmful substances, it is enough to go to any cosmetics store and pay attention to relatively cheap, but well-advertised brands. Despite the fact that manufacturers indicate on the packaging of these products a phrase that is very beneficial for their business, such as “Restores the hair structure”, “Nourishes from the very roots”, etc., in fact, almost all of these shampoos contain dangerous component number 1, namely Sodium Lauryl Sulphate.

SLS comes second on the list of ingredients in most shampoos. Being a detergent and an excellent foaming agent, it is a cheap and easy to use ingredient. Thanks to Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, one drop of the product is enough to get rich foam. Many buyers believe that the amount of foam formed determines the quality of the product to some extent, but this is far from the case.

With frequent use of shampoos with sodium lauryl sulfate, the condition of the curls may worsen and excessive hair loss may occur. On the one hand, the aggressive effect is to some extent muted by some emollient shampoo ingredients, but due to the toxicity of Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, many consumers have begun to pay attention to sulfate-free products.

When choosing a shampoo, do you believe the loud promises of manufacturers? Not worth it!

Even if the product makes the hair soft, elastic and silky, this does not negate the possible harm to health.

What dangerous shampoo ingredients masquerade as friendly or neutral?

Hair shampoo is one of the most popular and best-selling products in the Russian Federation. Even if a person adheres to minimalism in personal care, this remedy will certainly be found on his shelf in the bathroom.

It is generally accepted that shampoos are harmless to our body, because all samples are dermatologically tested and clinically tested. But, nevertheless, they still contain dangerous substances. They are hidden under incomprehensible letter designations, they can hide behind the wording "perfumery composition", "perfume" or "preservative".

The category of especially dangerous includes those that can lead to limited skin functions, disruption of the integrity of the cover, dermatological and oncological diseases, and affect the hormonal background. What substances are we talking about? And why are they still present in shampoos?

No successful brand will release a new product to the market until it has been tested for safety. Specialists determine microbiological indicators, look for toxic elements (lead, mercury, arsenic), determine the mass fraction of chlorides and the toxicity index of the product. If all indicators are normal - the tool has the right to exist.

But troubles lie in wait where they are not usually expected. Even a proven product can be harmful to health if it comes into contact with the scalp and hair for longer than indicated on the label. Or if we are talking about the cumulative effect - the regular use of cosmetics with potentially dangerous compounds.

Therefore, checking the list of shampoo ingredients is a good idea. After all, true beauty is impossible without good health.

Only not this! What components in the shampoo do not belong?

If your product from a couple of drops in the palm of your hand turns into an unusually thick and lush foam, you can assume the presence of this component. It is introduced into shampoos so that the texture is dense and thick, and when lathered, the product lathers well. It would seem that there is a benefit! The shampoo is economical to use. But there is also an alarming moment!

According to scientists, Cocamide MEA is a toxic substance. Experiments conducted by researchers from America have shown that cocamide causes cancer in animals. After lengthy litigation, it was recognized as dangerous and banned from being included in cosmetics manufactured in the United States.

Sodium lauryl sulfate and Sodium laureth sulfate

Sodium lauryl sulfate is considered ideal by the creators of hair cosmetics. This cheap substance is a wetting agent involved in the process of foam formation. Almost no liquid soap, shower gel or foam, shampoo can do without it.

Meanwhile, this substance is in the lead in the lists of the most irritating surfactants, the list of which is very long. Sodium lauryl sulfate is responsible for the appearance of dryness and irritation of the skin, can lead to allergies and disruption of the integrity of the skin. Therefore, manufacturers "insure" themselves - "balance" surfactants with components that have the ability to reduce the likelihood of irritation.

As for Sodium laureth sulfate, it is less irritating to the skin, its irritation index is in the range from mild to medium. But to call this substance safe is definitely impossible.

On a note!

Approximately 95% of detergents in the Russian Federation contain SLS. They are most often indicated at the beginning of the list of ingredients. The accumulation of sulfates in the body can lead to cancer, ovarian dysfunction, alopecia (hair loss), eye diseases.

If after applying the product you feel dryness and tightness of the skin, most likely this is the effect of SLS. Sulfates can erode the lipid mantle of the skin, reducing the ability of the epidermis to retain moisture.

It is a popular preservative known for its ability to kill fungus and harmful microflora. It can often be found in the composition of shampoos against seborrhea.

According to some reports, almost 18% of this substance is formaldehyde, the action of which is fraught with DNA destruction and lung cancer. But at the same time, there is evidence that at low concentrations of DMDM ​​hydantoin is safe.

So, in the USA its concentration in shampoos cannot exceed 0.2%, and in the European Union 0.6%. The danger is that you will never know what percentage of dimethylimidazolidine is in your shampoo.

sodium chloride

To the consumer, this substance is known as table salt. In shampoos, it is used as a preservative and thickener. If the concentration of the substance is low, everything is fine - the product is completely safe. But if it exceeds the permissible norm, it can cause dryness and itching of the scalp.

Beauty fact!

You should not buy shampoos with Sodium chloride in the composition if you have a sensitive scalp or regularly perform a keratin hair straightening procedure. In the latter case, the effect will be very short-lived.

This substance is in demand not only in the beauty industry, but also in areas that have nothing to do with it. For example, in industry - in the processing of wood. In shampoo, organic alkali is used to neutralize acids, which is necessary to improve the properties of a cosmetic product.

Scientists warn that preparations with this substance can cause irritation of the scalp, lead to severe allergic reactions. In addition, they destroy everything useful that is in the structure of the hair, for example, keratin. As a result, the curls become dry, brittle and lifeless.


This is one of the forms of silicone, which is used not only in shampoos, but also in face creams, including children's cosmetics. Dimethicone is needed in order to prevent moisture loss from the skin, to reduce the feeling of oiliness that occurs after applying certain products. And although this component is considered relatively safe, there is a lot of evidence pointing to the opposite.

Doctors have described cases of acne after applying cosmetics with dimethicone. In addition, there is evidence that silicones clog pores, restrict skin respiration, irritate hair follicles, and may contribute to hair loss. Trichologists and dermatologists advise avoiding shampoos and conditioners with this component in their composition.

Thus, on the shampoo label, perfume compositions are indicated that provide the product with a pleasant aroma. Robert Dorin, a certified hair transplant surgeon claims that if you break down one fragrance into its individual components, in the simplest composition there will be several dozen chemicals. And complex aromas can consist of more than 3 thousand components!

However, most aromatic substances are strong irritants. And some can even provoke a disorder of the nervous system.

A traffic light for the safety of ingredients in shampoos for your hair. Let's figure out what manufacturers like to use in the composition of shampoos and which of these components should be unconditionally given a red light because of their harm.

The topic of our last publication was, today we will deal with external effects on the hair and determine which shampoos with which ingredients are not allowed to be in our bathroom.

Almost all women, when choosing a hair wash, are based on their experience or the advice of a friend, rely on a brand or price category. Although the main factor for choosing should be its composition.

All substances that make up the shampoo are written in English or Russian, depending on the country of production. We divide these substances into 3 groups according to the harmfulness of the content.

Red group or avoid it

Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Ethylparaben, Butylparaben

One of the most harmful ingredients in shampoo is parabens. They are used primarily as preservatives and to thicken detergents. These substances are very toxic and are easily absorbed into the scalp. Once in the body, parabens mimic estrogen. The correct shampoo does not contain these substances and has a No paraben label on the label.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES)

According to dermatologists, a shampoo should contain no or very low levels of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES). These are foaming agents. Manufacturers "love" to add them to all detergents because of their low cost. They are harmful primarily because they cause itching and dermatitis of the scalp, and also make the hair thinner. In addition to cosmetics, these substances are used in industry for washing engines and cleaning metal products from corrosion.

The concentration of these two components should not exceed 1%. But, unfortunately, the concentration on the labels of hair products is not written.

Ammonium laureth sulfate

Another bad ingredient. It is a surfactant that has a high degree of penetration into the skin. It is a carcinogen and causes allergic reactions.

Sodium Xylenesulfonate

This is another surfactant that causes allergies and damage to the epidermis, and this threatens, first of all, with the destruction of the hair follicle.

DMDM hydantoin or formalin

A very toxic substance. It is irritating to the eyes, skin and even the respiratory tract. In addition, it has the ability to dissolve beneficial substances in the composition of the shampoo.

Yellow group or cautious but possible

Tetrasodium EDTA, Triethanolamine, and all types of DEA and TEA

They are used as emulsifiers and for foaming. Cause damage to the structure of the hair and scalp. But these substances cause less damage to hair than SLS or SLES.


There are also controversial ingredients, such as: Dimethicone, Amodimethicone, Polydimethylsiloxane,Cyclomethicone, Cetyl dimethicone or more simply silicone. Concerning this substance opinions were divided. On the one hand, silicone "clogs" the hair and prevents the penetration of useful components, and also makes the hair thinner and more brittle. And on the other hand, it is he who gives shine after washing, and also makes the hair more manageable when styling.

Green group or you can't do without them


This substance moisturizes the hair and gives it shine. But shampoo with glycerin is better not to use in dry climates, as it absorbs moisture from the external environment. And in the absence of moisture in the air, it begins to absorb it from the hair and makes them dry.
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synthetic preservative. It has antioxidant properties and washes well.
Citric Acid or citric acid is an excellent antiseptic. It is also a substance that normalizes the pH balance. But it is useful for people with dry or normal hair type.

When choosing a shampoo, you should carefully study the label. In addition to the useful icons of pH balance and No paraben, you should pay attention to the composition. And the less it contains, the stronger and healthier they not only look, but are.

What is harmful and what is good for our hair? Are shampoos with sulfates really an absolute evil, and oils are a blessing for our hair? Do we need balms and hair dryers with ionizers? We could tell fortunes on coffee grounds, but instead we decided to get the opinion of a person who really understands all these subtleties. Namely, a chemist!

So, our questions are answered Anastasia Shchelkunova, Master of Chemistry in the direction of chemical technology of biologically active compounds . Anastasia is currently involved in the introduction of a drug for the diagnosis of malignant tumors. We took her out for a moment to ask questions about hair care that many girls care about.

Question 1. Everyone around is talking about which Lauryl Sulfate is harmful, but it is added literally everywhere: both in shampoos and shower gels. Why is it harmful to skin and hair?

Sodium lauryl sulfate is known to be a surfactant. Basically, the surface of our skin is contaminated with fat secreted by the sweat and sebaceous glands. Fat does not dissolve in water, so washing without the help of special tools will not work.

The surfactant molecule is an amphiphilic compound, that is, it has both hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties. In simple terms, such molecules are able to interact with both water and non-polar molecules (such as fat). If you do not go into abstruse details, then, in fact, the process of shampooing is the following: surfactant molecules interact with head fat, capture it, and then we safely wash it all off with water.

As for the issue of harm, then everything is ambiguous. At the global level, sodium lauryl sulfate is not carcinogenic and embryotoxic, therefore it will not lead to serious diseases and will not spoil heredity. At the household level, it naturally has an irritating effect, and the magnitude of this action depends on the individual characteristics of each person. Someone will react with a strong allergy, someone will not notice. The lower the surfactant concentration and the shorter the exposure time, the better and safer.

From myself: a smaller shampoo, with a 5 ruble coin, lather and rinse with plenty of water. And I personally refused shower gels and use simple soap.

Question 2. Are sulfate-free shampoos healthier than sulfate-free shampoos? or is it bullshit?

The issue of sulfates has been around for a long time. Again, there is no clear answer here. In any case, you need to understand that any shampoo is a mixture of chemical compounds. And if there are no sulfates in some, then there is something else. And you don't know what suits your skin.

From myself: I personally don’t have sulfate-free shampoos at all, my hair looks bad, although I can’t say: I didn’t use all the products I have)))

Question 3. It turns out that washing your hair with household shampoo every day is a priori harmful?

Well, you can wash your hair every day, but the question is, is it necessary? If the hair is not greasy, then it is quite normal in a day. But if the hair is greasy by the end of the day, then this is not very good. It's better to see a doctor. And, of course, use a specialized shampoo, since mass-produced, let's call them that way, shampoos will clog pores even more.

IN survey 4. Does lifestyle affect hair health? For example, here we are city dwellers, we have exhausts here, and the water is hard, but in the villages our hair will be better?

Of course lifestyle has an effect. And the environment is affected. Because the body works as a single system, if there is a failure somewhere, then it is reflected in the appearance in the first place. But do not forget that it is impossible to increase the amount of hair by certain means. Only quality.

Question 5. Tips for softening water. We have very hard water, should we install filters?

Hard water does affect the scalp and therefore the hair. There are also filters against hardness, if it is expensive, you can use boiled water.

Question 6. I can't believe that oils are added to shampoos and hair conditioners. But on my shampoos everywhere in the composition at the very end of the list is Japanese camellia oil. Was it really added to it?

As for adding oils to care products, whether they are in it or not, this is solely a matter of the manufacturer's conscience. But if there is, it is clearly synthetic, since it is simply impossible to use natural oils at the current scale of production. Is that in elite cosmetics and then, not a fact.

Question 7. The mysterious word "extract". What is it and what is it eaten with?

The same goes for the word,extract,. All that is in detergents, and care products too, are synthetic extracts. According to the properties, a substance obtained synthetically should not differ from natural. We buy vitamins in autumn and spring, they are also artificially obtained, and not isolated from vegetables and fruits. There is no unequivocal opinion on this matter.

Question 8. What can you say, as a chemist, about the benefits of vegetable oils for hair?

Purely theoretically, oils act favorably on both the scalp and hair. Oils create a film on the hair that helps retain water, nourishing the skin. However, there are many subtleties here. First, as I said, most of the oils we buy are synthetic. Secondly, when using this or that oil, it is worth considering the characteristics of your body. And thirdly, the correct use of oils is important. They should be used on a clean head, separately from purchased shampoos and masks, because, after all, this is chemistry, and no one will say how substances can react. And oils have the peculiarity of dragging dirt into the pores, so first we clean them, then oil, then cleansing again.

From myself: the best friends of hair so far, as far as I know, are eggs, bread, kefir, herbal decoctions.

In general, there is such a doctor, a trichologist. If there is trouble with the hair, you need to go to him and figure out what is the reason. To treat hair, like skin, it is necessary from the inside.

Question 9. What gives the use of balm?

Now the choice of shampoos is so great that the balm cannot be considered as a kind of marketing ploy. All shampoos are formulated with different pH values, and the balm works to neutralize the action of the shampoo. Let's just say that if the shampoo has an alkaline environment, then after using it, the hair scales remain open. It is necessary to close these scales, remove the remnants of shampoo from the hair. You can rinse your head with a solution of lemon in water or use a conditioner balm. The same goes for acidic shampoos. Each company produces shampoo according to its own formula: the composition may be the same, but the ratio and concentration of the 'ingredients' are different, hence one brand shampoo is suitable for someone, someone else.

Question 10. Shampoo for oily hair, for dry hair - what is the difference between them? By composition? And this beast is especially interesting: “Shampoo for oily hair at the roots and dry at the tips”

By the way, even the Internet is not capable of explaining the beast for both fat and dry people. I think it's a marketing ploy, or is it just an ingeniously smart shampoo that determines the type of hair and acts on the basis of its analysis)))))

Question 11. It is interesting to hear your opinion about hair dryers with ionizers - is it a scam? And if not, how do they work?

Hairdryer with ionizer… I think it really works. The dryer itself is bad for your hair. It overheats them, dries them, and since the hair is essentially a protein, exposure to high temperatures is detrimental to it. In addition, hair is able to accumulate positive charges, which is why it becomes electrified. The ion flow helps to solve these problems: thanks to the negatively charged ions, moisture drops are crushed and absorbed by the hair, and do not evaporate. As a result, we have hair protection from overheating. Also, due to ionization, the hair is less electrified.

Question 12. Is it true that products for colored hair help to “keep” the color from the hair? Or is it a marketing ploy?

I think that shampoos for colored hair really wash the color out of the hair less. Or maybe even fix it.

© Interviewed by Yulia Safonova

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In fact, it is not difficult to prove, but large chemical and cosmetic corporations are doing their best to convince their consumers of the opposite. Laboratory studies are one-sided and clearly lobbied by the manufacturers of hair care products themselves, which means that such evidence cannot be considered independent and impartial. The main emphasis in the production of most cosmetics and hair care products is on the consumer's ignorance of the basic properties of certain components that make up the product.

Synthetic Additives

Now on the shelves of stores it is almost impossible to find natural cosmetics that do not contain synthetic additives. Moreover, each produced on an industrial scale contains less and less components of natural origin. This is done ostensibly out of good intentions, but the benefits of such drugs are often comparable to. So, let's take a closer look at the shampoo label and talk about the properties of the substances that make up shampoos.


A product of coconut oil processing, often up to 40% of the volume of the shampoo. The substance destroys protein bonds, and therefore perfectly removes fat from the surface of the scalp. In addition, it makes it difficult to heal wounds on the skin and causes irreparable damage to the mucous membranes of the eyes and contributes to the development of cataracts. It can accumulate in the internal organs and interfere with their normal functioning.


It differs from the previous substance in that it contains ether, which means it causes even more harm to health.


According to recent studies, propylene glycol can cause dystrophic changes in the liver and kidneys. In large doses, it is comparable to poisons that affect blood vessels and blood plasma.


Synthetic aromatic substances that are part-time neurotoxins. May cause severe allergic reactions.

In addition to the above substances, the composition of shampoos and other hair care products often includes aluminum, talc, butane, butyl, methyl, ethyl, sodium fluoride, a wide variety of dyes and flavors. Almost all of them have a pronounced toxic effect, but are used in small doses, and therefore the body has time to get used to their effects, but accumulating in the tissues, they still gradually destroy it from the inside.

What shampoo to choose?

When choosing a shampoo, try to give preference to natural,. Carefully pay attention to the composition of the purchased product, if possible, avoid the above substances. Give your preference to shampoos based on soap root or other natural ingredients.

Love yourself, use natural cosmetics!

Watch a short video about the dangers of shampoos.