A conspiracy to study and high grades. How to read a conspiracy for good child studies

They are able not only to provide knowledge, but also to tire the child. And so that his interest in learning will disappear altogether. And even to other matters. As a result, the grades will decrease. Accordingly, it will not work to enter a higher educational institution. What prospects in life then can we talk about? Conspiracies for good studies will help prevent this. With the help of them, children will achieve excellent success, they will be lucky even during exams. Due to this, it will be possible to reduce fatigue, restore his interest in life, in each of its manifestations.

Benefits of conspiracies and prayers

What conspiracies for good study can be used? The most common are those that increase the child's interest in acquiring new knowledge. And the quality of teaching in such a situation will not play a special role. With the help of the ceremony and prayers, you can stimulate him to search for answers to those questions that arise. He will start reading books, looking for materials on the Internet.

In addition, conspiracies for good study will help in improving abstract thinking and creativity. All this will help to reveal talents in the child. In order to cope with inattention, absent-mindedness, such conspiracies for good study, which involve the use of church candles, are suitable. They are the most simple and effective. What need to do?

Performing the rite

You will need 3 hairs of the child and the same amount that have passed the ceremony of consecration. The conspiracy should be done at midnight when the family is sleeping. This is the main condition for this ritual. If you want your child to do well, you need to put the candles on the floor, light them one at a time, and burn the child's hair. It is necessary to say the following words: “The first is knowledge. The second is attention. The third is perseverance. As the fire burns brightly, so the mind of my child flares up. And love wakes up to learning. Tomorrow he will wake up as a new man! "

Rites revealing talent

Not only conspiracies, it is also popular in studies. A ritual is also often used to help uncover new talents. This requires the use of holy water. Additional ingredients are also required. For the ceremony you need salt (3 pinches), the same amount of ash, a sharp knife and a glass beaker without edges. What do you need to do when all the ingredients are collected?

The conspiracy for the child's good studies, for his success, must be pronounced at midnight. To do this, you need to sprinkle salt and ash on the table. Take a knife and draw a cross, being careful not to cut the surface. Luck will be achieved if you can find three large coals and a crystal of salt each. Throw them into a glass, into which you will first need to pour holy water. At the same time, one should say the words: “Thoughts are smart and quick, gather together in the head of the servant of God (the name of your child), and teach him wise things, but never leave him and help him become a big man! Amen!"

Confidence Can Be Gained Through Prayer

You can read conspiracies and prayers for good studies, which will help build confidence and attitude. In order for your child to study diligently, in the evening before going to bed, read the words that are dedicated to his patron saint. At night you can read the prayer "Our Father" to Saint Tatiana. All this is required to be done in a whisper, being at the child's bed.

Some conspiracies must be read before important events.

There are specific conspiracies for doing well in school. They must be used immediately before a significant event. For example, before an exam. Due to this, the child's luck will significantly increase. You can also tell him about the rituals that students use. And they like to hide textbooks and notebooks under their pillows, coins under their left heels. You can often hear their screams from the window, accompanied by the waving of the student books. Such measures can serve the child well. He will tune in properly and cast aside all existing doubts.

You can advise him to read a strong conspiracy for good performance in school. This should be done at night. With the help of the prayers described above, he will be able to clear his mind from negative emotions, from fear, which creates significant obstacles on his path to excellent marks.

Rite of passage using textbooks

Those conspiracies for good studies for a schoolchild are very popular, in which a textbook or synopsis with the presented materials takes part. The child will be able to achieve success if you use not only such a paper source, but also a few hairs from his head. What need to do?

At midnight, two consecrated candles should be placed on the table. A paper source must be placed between them. It must be opened on the page on which the information necessary for memorization is located. It is worth putting a hair on it. Burn the rest. Thus it is necessary to pronounce the words “The book is smart! Tell your secrets to God's servant (your child's name). A strict teacher! Do not judge too harshly the servant of God (name of your child), Lord Jesus and Mother of God! Have mercy on your humble slave (name of your child). Give him knowledge and joy! "

What needs to be done to achieve success in sports?

It may require not only a conspiracy for a good study of a son or daughter. There are also rituals that help in athletic performance. It is recommended to perform them before the competition. And they will only help if the child has talents in this area. What rite of passage will help bring good luck in sports competitions?

The conspiracy is recommended to be pronounced on a small icon, which depicts the patron saint of a son or daughter. It will need to be sewn into the lining of the clothes in which the child will perform. Can be put in an inner pocket. However, in this case, it may fall out during the competition. It will be great if the icon lays there for at least a year. To do this, you will need to wash your clothes yourself, since you should not find them.

Conspiracy text

You must say the following words: “Fast as a doe, strong as a bear, agile as a falcon, vigilant, like an owl, and (your child's name) will overcome everyone! Have mercy, Lord, your servants, help them in good endeavors! Amen!" When your son or daughter has achieved some success, it should be reinforced. Accordingly, the conspiracy should be pronounced every month using the same icon. You should also visit the church, read prayers praising the patron saint of the child. If this is not done, then there may be a variety of and not entirely pleasant consequences from playing sports. For example, injury or setbacks, followed by negative attitudes.

Mom and kids have the strongest bond.

It is necessary to highlight the factor that the closest person should read this conspiracy. The best option is to use such witchcraft by the mother. The strongest bond will be established between her and her child. In such a situation, the result will be achieved almost one hundred percent. But if the father reads the conspiracy, then a positive effect can be achieved through the application of great efforts and prolonged use of magic. Not to mention the rest of the relatives.


In this review, the most popular conspiracies, prayers and rituals were considered. They should be used when it is necessary for the child to achieve success in school or in sports. The recommendations should be followed as described above. Otherwise, the results may not be expected at all. You should also read the conspiracy for September 1 for good studies, so that the son or daughter immediately show their best side, declare their capabilities and talents. You yourself must decide whether to believe these conspiracies or not.

Modern society dictates the rules by which a successful person differs from a “loser”. First of all, a successful person is a person who has managed to learn a profession in demand.

And to complete this usually requires more than one institution, but the question arises - what if the study is not very good and successful?

It so happens that the head works very slowly. In this case, you can try all sorts of newfangled biological supplements. And you can turn to the good old folk remedies - to read the conspiracy for good studies. It really helps to sort out hard-to-digest information.

The essence of the conspiracy is so that with minimal loss of nerve cells you can more thoroughly and successfully study subjects, pass exams, and as a result - achieve a result.

A spell that helps to increase your luck in your educational process should be recited one day before this very process begins. You will need to pick up a glass of water, a saucer, and also any thing that will constantly be near the student during the study. It is on her that you will need to read the words.

The water should be poured into the saucer (if liquid remains in the glass, pour it into the sink). Wait until nightfall - as soon as the stars appear in the sky, start the ritual. You need to look directly at the water, concentrating properly, and read the text of the conspiracy.

Conspiracy "To study"

“Let (name) know no problems in teaching. From beginning to end, success will be near, and any adversity will go away with someone else's gaze. "
spiritual will. It does not spoil you, hair, neither the water is cold, nor the head is sick, nor the thought is heavy, thoughtful.
Let my hair grow faster. Let them fall from my shoulders like young colossus, let the sun strengthen them, let the fresh wind cleanse them, and I, the servant of God (name), will protect you.
Hair, you, hair, like a young ear, you did not grow for people, but for me, not for an hour, not for one moment, not for an hour, but for a whole century.
Blessed Mother Theotokos, you circle me with your holy spirit, protect my hair and myself, save me from an evil eye, envious, purring at someone else's joy, only looking from behind.
My words are strong, my will is pure, everything that I said will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Repeat its text three times. After that, the water should be poured back into the glass, and over it you need to hold your right hand.

Energy will pass through it and charge the water. In the morning, before going to school, you need to wash yourself with this water, and wipe the prepared object with a few drops.

For an item that will help you fight academic failure, you can pick up a pin or button, a hairpin, or something just as small. It is important that the student has this subject with him at all times. If the conspiracy really succeeds, then the study itself will also be given without unnecessary difficulties.

Conspiracy for those who are already learning

Sometimes it happens that a person has failures throughout the school year, or even several years. They follow, as they say, "jamb", one after another, and this may mean that someone, willingly or unwittingly, has imposed damage. What should be done in this case? Of course, take advantage of the study conspiracy, which will help you simultaneously get rid of such spoilage and gain confidence in your abilities while studying.

The easiest way to carry out such a conspiracy is to "hook" it to some piece of jewelry. This can be, for example, a ring or a bracelet. Keep in mind that it is no longer possible to lose such a thing, since the charmed object is, in fact, a talisman that carries part of the owner's personal strength. But he can be used against him.

The conditions of the conspiracy are as follows: after midnight, you should take white paper and put the selected piece of jewelry on its sheet.

It is especially important that this ring or bracelet does not have any other owner before you. Draw a circle around the decoration with a pen to create a closed path. Then you need to roll up the paper, tie it up with a black cloth and read the text of the conspiracy.

Conspiracy "For good luck in school"

“My talisman is mine (name of the item). Will save me from dark looks, will bring success. If the talisman is on me, then the dark forces will be on the sidelines. "
girl, you do not grow old, you don’t turn gray, wash away old age - torpor. Rinse, rinse, take everything into the abyss. Wash off the color of the white ruddy face from the face, take the old age to the swamps, under the old driftwood, under the oak doors, under the pood locks. Silver water I am your sister, wash away old age, return youth. Wash away, flush out all the flurries of evil tongues. Amen."

The paper with the decoration remains until the morning, after which it can be unrolled and put on the ring / bracelet. And the paper must be burned. The ashes left after burning are scattered. As long as you wear a piece of jewelry spellbound in this way, you will be under the influence of a strong conspiracy for good studies. And as soon as you remove the conspired object, the power of the conspiracy will immediately leave you.

Button conspiracy

There is a less powerful, albeit more amusing in terms of performance rite: you need to cut off a button from the thing you often wear. For example, from outerwear, trousers or skirts. This button should be placed for a short time - three to four seconds - in the flame of a burning candle. Then it should be quickly thrown into a stream of running water. Then you can take out the prepared button and read the plot.

Conspiracy "To study" on a button

"Bring, button, good luck to the servant of God (name),
Yes, not just luck, but real luck,
So that she is lucky in her studies,
Thinking and speaking.
I sew you tight
I conjure you hard.
So that all troubles pass by
And joys came to visit every day,
So that everyone loves the servant of God (name), and praises,
Yes, they set them up as an example.
How many sewn-on buttons to sit
So much for the servant of God (name) to succeed in studies!
My word is strong, there is no other!
the sea cannot be drained, and my words cannot be changed, destroyed, or directed in a different direction.
I close this conspiracy with the key, I put it in myself. Amen".

Then folk methods prescribe to complete the ceremony: the button should be sprinkled with sugar, which must be shaken off.

And then the button is sewn back onto the thing where it was spattered from. Use as strong thread as you can find for sewing, use the sharpest possible needle, sew so tightly that it is impossible to tear off.

If you are not talking about a button for yourself, but for another person, he should know about it. The reason is that a person should not wear a thing for a whole week before the conspiracy, with which the button will then be borrowed for the ritual. He is also prescribed to eat honey, sugar and jam every day.

It is believed that the more sugar is eaten, the more "sweet" his studies will be.

A week later, the item should be washed, properly ironed, so that it looks more like new than worn. For another week, it should be worn every day, and then the conspiracy will show its power in full.

The results of the conspiracy to study: will it work?

If you did everything right, then the consequences should not be long in coming, they will appear immediately, or after a short time. It is noteworthy that if you read a conspiracy where there is an appeal to Christian saints or the word "servant of God" or "servant of God" is simply mentioned, then a person must be baptized, because otherwise Christian prayer will not work on him.

However, the non-Christian world of conspiracies is also quite effective - after all, long before the arrival of this religion in Russia, our ancestors invented their own conspiracies, which worked perfectly and helped to learn the then "students".

Every mother wants her son or daughter to study well at school or in another educational institution. High marks, brought from school, please, cheer up. Unfortunately, not every child is good at mastering complex teaching material. Some mothers complain that their children have no desire to learn at all. This situation leads to conflicts in the family, so qualified assistance in solving this problem will come in handy. In this situation, it is enough to make a conspiracy for good studies and the child himself will want to study diligently.

You achieve the greatest results from a conspiracy if you do the ritual on yourself

Study ceremonies

All ceremonies are divided into 2 types:

  • rite of passage for study - is performed to increase the child's interest in learning, so that children want to do their homework;
  • prayer for success - after completing the ceremony, schoolchildren begin to get good grades at school, prepare well for sessions and exams.

You achieve the greatest results if you do the ritual for yourself. When the child is still small, one of the parents conspires to study. The best option for performing the ceremony would be a female person. Any woman is able to carry out a number of important events.

The first results are not long in coming. Within a month, two successes are visible: the child assimilates the school material better, actively participates in the life of the school, independently performs homework, pleases relatives only with good grades. As a rule, correctly conducted conspiracies for good studies act immediately. They are especially important before entering the exam, as they are aimed at obtaining the most important marks in life.

Candle ritual

A conspiracy is effective if children are scattered, inattentive, show a low level of learning. Teachers are unhappy with their studies in general. Ritual takes place at night on the full moon... For the ceremony, you will need several thick candles purchased from the church. After dinner, candles are lit and placed on the surface. We look at the burning candles and say:

“Blaze with clear fire, flame, blaze with great power! Crackle from my breath! So that my child burns to gain knowledge. Amen!".

Words are spoken more than five times. The remaining candles are hidden in a secret place. Repeat the ritual every week until you see quality improvements in your child's learning.

The candle ritual should be repeated every week.

Talent ritual

In this case, conspiracies for good luck in school are made on the water. In the near future, children quickly think, become smart. The ritual cannot be performed without:

  • salt;
  • ash;
  • knife;
  • holy water.

If you cannot get holy water, replace it with spring water or water that has stood in a dark place for about a week.

First, throw a few small particles of salt and a few embers of ash into a glass of water. Make a cross in the air with the handle of a knife, and say the following words:

“My thought is lightning fast, my cause is arguing, my memory is strong! Let cunning and resourcefulness merge in the water. Let everything mix, it will be passed on to my child. Let the child shine with reason, surprise everyone with the mind. Till the end of time. Amen!".

The conspiracy voditsa remains in the dwelling for thirty days. If during this time you do not see the results in your studies, after forty days repeat the procedure. You need to read often and with faith in action.

Conspiracy for good knowledge before the exam

Exams in everyone's life are always a crucial stage. Excitement is inherent in everyone, before passing the exam, it becomes aggravated, especially if the person has not mastered the material well enough or simply does not believe in his own strength. This ritual is aimed at ensuring that the examiner pulls out a lucky ticket, makes it easier for himself to pass the exam. For a spell to pass, you need a textbook, a book that was used to prepare for the exam.

We take it in our hand, on the night before the surrender, and we begin to read the following words:

“Let all the knowledge in my head be strong. At tomorrow's exam I will tell you everything that has accumulated in my head. The questioner will help me, give me a good grade. To get the ticket I needed, luck floated into my hands. Let everything I have said come to pass, in no other way. Amen!".

These words are pronounced three times, once the night before the exam, the second before entering the classroom, and the third right before the exam. It is advisable to leave the spellbound book near the person who will ask the exam questions. If a conspiracy is committed on another person, you cannot talk to him about the perfect ritual, otherwise everything will go wrong during the exam. Magic is a sacrament into which as few people as possible are initiated.

The ritual before the exam is aimed at getting the examiner to draw a lucky ticket

Solomon's conspiracy of knowledge

The Solomon conspiracy for knowledge and for study helps to reveal talents to the child and makes it possible not to grumble before failures in learning:

“I also shine with wisdom, like Solomon. The Magi knew everything, and so did I. The heavenly bodies are at the top, because everyone knows me too. I don’t refuse to study, I try my best, I admire my mentors ”.

These words will be repeated three times a day before important events in life.

This ritual is often performed to improve the quality of knowledge in a son, daughter, for excellent studies, to instill a love of learning. The words are repeated as the child learns the lessons.

“Great Rodomysl, hear me. Hear for my baby's sake. Let my child grow up intelligent, diligent, wise beyond his years. Let him feel how omnipotent you are, direct him to the true path, lead him away from bad people, false roads. "

For study to argue

Before the ritual in the church, a candle is lit to Nikolai the Ugodnik. Only after the procedure are the words pronounced:

“I am sitting on Mount Zion, all-knowing angels are beating me, a remarkable mind is in my head. Let the correct answers come to mind, the harbingers of the change in events will tell. I want to have knowledge, and to boast of it everywhere. "

As soon as you see progress in your studies, light a candle in the church.

To the teacher's favor

Magic words will resolve any conflict with the teacher, with his prejudiced attitude. So that the teacher does not find fault with your child, but becomes his patron and assistant, the child needs to read such a conspiracy:

“Let my learning success walk alongside me as the seasons walk alongside. The moon and the sun will not converge, but I will find a common language with the teacher. "

A powerful ritual for learning

Stop at an intersection in a gust of wind and say the following words:

“Let the winds bring me reason, wisdom, knowledge. Let the study progress, in the classroom the material is assimilated, the learned for a long time is deposited in the memory. " The results will not be long in coming. Study conspiracies are needed to instill a love for the school process. Awareness of this issue is extremely important.

When a schoolchild or student does not have a craving for knowledge, a conspiracy to study can help. If the child is capable, but very lazy, then it is worth reading the conspiracy for good studies and things at school will go well. It happens that there are not enough abilities for any object, in such cases auxiliary magic is also good.

In this thread:

In cases where a person knows the subject well, but is very nervous during examination tests, spells can also help him.

You can also use the magic word to defend a diploma or dissertation. When the adept is about to go to an educational institution, you can cast a spell on the button from his clothes.

“Button-protector, illuminated by light fire, hardened with pure water! Gain mighty strength, protect me from failure! So that the exam does not have to be hard, so that the necessary knowledge is always found. So that the professors do not find fault, so that unnecessary questions are not asked. I'll carry you with me. All exams are easy to carry "

Such a conspiracy for good studies will help you pass the exam or test successfully. Also, the ritual will help to open in a person the ability to some objects.

How to read correctly

In order for the study conspiracy to work, it is necessary to follow certain rules of auxiliary magic. In order for knowledge to arrive, and confidence does not leave a person during exams, you need to read the conspiracy on the new moon. "The moon grows - the mind is added," so it is believed in magic. You can read rituals aimed at improving learning on your own for yourself, or you can read it for your child. For magic to work in it, you need to sincerely believe. The next study conspiracy is worth reading on a glass of clean water.

“The water is clear, the water is clean! Fast streams have brought you! Penetrate inside (name), saturate him with good knowledge! His mind will be like you - fast, his mind will be like you - clear, his mind will be like you - beautiful! Everything will be easy for him. It will be easy for him to cope with everything "

The spoken water needs to be drunk for those who need help with their studies. While drinking water, it is advisable to imagine the subject that is most difficult to be given or the upcoming exam. Another conspiracy for good studies is done with a burning candle. The ritual is suitable for already adults, students, for example. At night you need to light a candle and read:

“Burn, flame, ignite! Flutter from my breath! So that the servant of God (name) also burns for study. Amen!"

Blow out the candle after reading it.

Does it always help

For a good study, you can always read an effective conspiracy. It will work if you believe in the magic of the word. When you really need to help someone get an excellent grade or pass some important academic test, then reading the study conspiracy is an effective and reliable tool. But don't use the rite whenever you need a good grade.

The power of words can be used when there is a high probability of getting a bad grade, which will ruin the entire educational picture. Or when failing an exam can be critical for the future. And of course, in the event that the child is very bad at school and does not want to improve in any way. In all these cases, the use of a conspiracy for study is justified, which means that it will definitely help. The following spell works in all of the above situations.

“Thoughts are fast, things are fast, memory is strong! Wisdom and cunning mingle in water, Get together all together and go to the servant of God (name). So that my child shines with his mind, amazes everyone with his mind. From now on and forever. Amen!"

How does it work

Probably everyone is interested in how magic can help make someone smarter or discover the ability to remember something. Everything is very simple: with the help of plexus from words, an energy flow is created, which activates the mental processes of a person, helps to improve memory, repels uncertainty and stress before the exam.

Also, with the help of a conspiracy, an attractive aura is created for a person, and teachers begin to better perceive the student or student. The teacher becomes more accommodating, he is more tolerant of mistakes and more inclined to give a person a chance. Here's another example of a conspiracy.

“All knowledge will be fixed in the head-head of the servant of God (name). Everything that he knows can be used in the exam tomorrow, And the examiner will help, understand and give a good mark. So that the ticket will be good, so that he will catch luck by the tail. May it be so, but not otherwise. Amen!"

Very well suited for an exam or graduation. You can whisper a conspiracy on a coin worth 5 rubles or 50 kopecks. The talisman must be put in a pocket or in a shoe. He will help during the exam to draw out the desired ticket and remember the correct answers to the questions.

How long does it last

Usually magic for study has a different duration of action. If the spell was read for a certain exam, then it will act exactly until the end of the test. If a rite of passage for good study is read, then the action will last for several months.

But a slander cannot last a lifetime. Usually this is not required, since a person, having tried to study well, gets a taste and he succeeds on his own.

One of the effective magical means by which you can achieve success is a conspiracy for good studies. With the help of such magical actions, they have been getting rid of uncertainty before the exam for a long time, they get good grades when defending a diploma. Helping magic can be relevant not only to excellent students who are too nervous before certification, but also to those who are not particularly attentive to their studies. But here there are obligatory rules that must be strictly followed in order for a conspiracy to study or a prayer for good performance at school to bring the desired result.

Conspiracies can help schoolchildren with their studies

A conspiracy for a child to study well should be carried out only by parents or immediate family members. This is the only way the conspiracy will work on the child's good studies, since parents are endowed with a special energy that they can send to help their child. It is important to understand that a spell for good luck in school will not make a child an excellent student if he does not strive to gain knowledge and make any efforts to achieve results. But a conspiracy for good luck in studies is quite capable of helping a child to tighten knowledge, open up to learning new information, and influence the teacher's favor.

Parents can help their child to improve knowledge

All spells for good study can be divided into two categories:

  1. Conspiracy for excellent child studies. The purpose of the ritual is to show the child's interest in gaining new knowledge, increase attentiveness in the classroom, independence and activity when doing homework;
  2. Successful passing of the exam (test, defense of the thesis). Such a conspiracy for the mind or a prayer for good luck in school is aimed at attracting good luck and getting high marks. To achieve the best result, magical actions must be performed independently. Schoolchildren and students will fully cope with such a task, only they need to correctly explain what and for what should be done.

A prerequisite for triggering a spell to add intelligence is sincere belief in its success. Any ritual is performed alone and in complete silence, since magic is a subtle matter and does not like publicity and extraneous noise. White magic, aimed at good studies, is completely harmless and completely safe, but it must also be applied with all the responsibility to this ritual.

Accepting to read a strong conspiracy for a child's good studies, a person willy-nilly wonders how soon his power will work. Usually, the effect appears already in the first or second month after a prayer has been uttered and lasts long enough. And then the child himself, seeing positive changes in his studies, tries to maintain its effect. When uttering a conspiracy at the beginning of the school year, the effect will last for its entire period, until next summer. Conspiracies for a specific exam, for academic success, are made to students once, they act instantly and once.

The effect lasts throughout the academic year

A ritual or prayer for a child's good studies can be carried out in the presence of his child, but some do not require the presence of children, you can take a photo or personal thing. This will help if the child does not want to participate in the ritual, interferes with you in every possible way. Parents should try to help in any way. All rituals are simple, but conditions must be observed. Do not be afraid, do not harm the child, but only help him.

Effective rites

How to become the best in your studies, how to get lucky in your studies? Among the many effective rituals for study, there is a conspiracy with a button for study. In this case, the button should be present on everyday clothing in which the student attends an educational institution. It doesn't matter what kind of garment it is, the main thing is that children wear it as often as possible where they study. Hold a button over a lit candle, then quickly throw it under running water, directly into the stream of water (you can forcefully open the tap, or you can find a natural source).

We start talking a button over the water

“Button-protector, illuminated by bright fire, hardened by clear water! To gain mighty strength, protect me from failure! So that the exam does not have to be hard, so that the necessary knowledge is always found. So that the professors do not find fault, so that unnecessary questions are not asked. I will carry you with me, I will be smart, wise. All exams are easy to carry. "

The button on the clothes must be tight

Then sew the button back onto the clothing from which it was removed. Sew on tightly so that it doesn't come off. Otherwise, getting an education, easily and quickly passing the exam will not work.

On a horseshoe

To become smarter and to study well, to gain clarity of mind, for good grades, you can conduct a ritual with a horseshoe. If possible, you need to purchase exactly the horseshoe that fell from the horse's hoof. If this is not possible, you can use souvenir products. To get the desired result, after purchasing the horseshoe, wash it in a saline solution. Then let it lie down for a few days. On Sunday, put a horseshoe on a snow-white piece of fabric (you can take a clean handkerchief), say the following words:

“As a horse works, is not lazy, so I work without any worries. Let the new be understood, the mind filled with experience, let there be no difficulties and troubles, so that I know the whole world! I will gladly go to the lesson, so there will be a sense of knowledge. I will pass the exam perfectly, everything will be fine. What is said, let no one be able to break. Like a steel horseshoe, words cannot be broken or broken. Let there be a path for good knowledge. Amen".

Tie a horseshoe in a scarf with seven knots. Store in a desk drawer. It will become your personal talisman and learning aid.

On the water

The power of spring water helps improve learning

The conspiracy will require spring water, with which the mother can help the child to study well. The following texts are read on a glass of water:

“As pure and clear this water is, so have my child have a clear mind. Get inside my child, fill his mind with knowledge. As quick as you are, so let his thoughts be quick too. Let the teaching come easily to him, and he copes with everything! "

After lecturing the conspiracy, give the child this water so that he drinks the entire spell without a trace. If it is not possible to take spring water, you can use holy water. After a short time, you will notice how your child's interest in learning has increased, attention has improved, and positive marks have appeared.

On the candles

Another effective conspiracy that is used to successfully pass the exam, the parent reads at home with the help of candles. You will need 3 red candles. On each candle, you need to write the full name of the child. The candles are twisted into a spiral, lit three at once so that they burn together. Place them on your child's desk and where they are studying. Say three times:

Each red candle must have the name of the child

“Burn, flame, ignite! Sway from my breath! So that the servant of God (name) also burns for study. Amen!"

The candles should burn out, and hide the stub among the child's things so that you will not find it. For the effect to last for a long time, you need to carry out a ritual and conspiracy every 6 months. So your student will constantly feel interest in learning, stop complaining. There will be no problems. Helps for pupils and students.

Another version of the ritual with candles is slightly different. Such witchcraft is performed in the presence of a child. Take church candles. Have the child sit on the chair. Hold three candles together, stand behind the student's back, recite an effective spell three times:

“Thoughts are fast, things are fast, memory is strong! Wisdom and cunning mingle in water, Get together all together and go to the servant of God (name). So that my child shines with his mind, amazes everyone with his mind. From now on and forever. Amen!"

After the ceremony with a candle is carried out, parents need to cross the baby with a cross.

White magic also offers another version of the ritual. Buy three candles in the church and, after waiting for the full moon, sit at the table in the evening. Before the candles, read the words of the prayer:

The conspiracy on church candles is held on a full moon

“As these candles burn, so let the servant of God (child's name) light up for study. Let everything go well with him, he copes with everything. Amen!"

For the conspiracy to be effective, it is read seven times. Then the candles must be extinguished, and their cinders must be removed to a secluded place. At each full moon, the rite must be repeated. After which the children become smarter, more attentive. It is recommended that such prayers, adding to the mind, be carried out every month, as well as before the exam.

On the subject

You can also perform rituals on a specific subject. For example, a pen or a book. Write the following words on a white sheet of paper with a pen:

“The morning is bright, the sky is clear, so clear are the thoughts in my head. Father and mother pity me, so let my teachers also pity me. Amen!"

Fold a piece of paper with the written words, put it in your pocket, always carry it with you. Leaving the house in the morning, say: “Both on this and on the other side of the threshold, let my strength be. Amen!"

The most effective conspiracies and prayers help both yourself and your baby. You can carry out rituals with the baby or secretly from him. They help quickly, only faith in the power of the word and a mood for success are needed.

Other options

Read the words every day as you go to school

This conspiracy is uttered by the mother every day when she takes the child to school. When the child crosses the threshold at home, you can read:

“I let you go from my eyes, but I leave you in my heart. I will watch over you, protect, save, prevent troubles. Blood of my blood, flesh of my flesh, you are no kin to me. Amen".

Such conspiracies are read every day, they soon become a habit. It is short-lived, so it shouldn't take much of your time. As you speak, imagine how hard the child is studying. If conspiracies are carried out correctly, the consequences of their conduct will be only positive.

Prayers for good study

With the help of prayers, you can endow an already smart child with intelligence. They are all white. When parents pray sincerely, children will become smarter and thirst for new knowledge. In addition to prayers, you can order a prayer service for health in the church.

For a good study and for the favor of the teacher, you need to say the following prayer texts to the child's personal thing:

“Lord Jesus Christ, our God, truly dwelling in the hearts of the twelve apostles and by the power of the grace of the All-Holy Spirit, who came down in the form of tongues of fire, and opened their mouth, so that they began to speak in other dialects! Lord Jesus Christ Himself, our God, send down that Thy Holy Spirit on this youth (name) and plant in his heart the Holy Scripture, which Thy most pure hand has written on the tablets for the legislator Moses, now and ever and forever, let him want to learn, will be endowed with attentiveness and purity of mind. Amen".

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