Perms for a long time. Perming your hair for a long time is a convenient transformation. Types of long-lasting curls and which one is better to choose

Great and terrible - Her Majesty Perm. Only with a capital letter. The person is too significant in the history of female beauty.

How many hairstyles she ruined, how many hair she ruined. Oceans of maiden tears are spilled over tons of burned curly strands. Only the desire to be curly does not diminish from this.

Can permanent hair perms be safe? Get ready to find out the truth!

What is a perm?

Perm is a procedure for changing the structure of hair, based on a redox reaction, as a result of which straight hair is transformed into curly or frizzy. Beauty will last from three to six months. Gradually, the curl will straighten, but it will not acquire its original appearance in any case. As a result, you will have to decide: grow or renew.

The principle of operation of any perm for a long time

At the heart of the hair is a protein called keratin, which is rich in the amino acid cysteine. It contains sulfur atoms that can bond together and create special bonds called "disulfide bridges." They bind keratin particles, preventing them from sliding against each other.

The bond is quite strong, it is she who is responsible for the mechanical strength. But under the influence of various external forces, it weakens and breaks.

In the classic "cold" perm, a reducing agent, thioglycolic acid, is applied to the hair. Under its influence, disulfide bonds break and keratin molecules move freely. Soft and pliable curls easily reshape.

Hydrogen peroxide, also known as an oxidizing agent, closes the "bridges". New disulfide bonds are fixed, keratin particles are cemented in the form of curls.

Perms can create coarse and fine curls in equal measure. The size of the curlers and the concentration of the solution affect.

Get married does not attack ...

The story began in 1905, when the German hairdresser Karl Ludwig Nessler, or as he also called himself in the French manner Charles Nessler, invented an interesting method of curling real hair. Before that, only wigs were curled with caustic chemical mixtures. On contact with the skin, they caused burns.

Nessler wrapped long strands on special rods connected to an electric heating machine. I applied alkali to them and heated up to 100 ° C for several hours in a row. The structure was very heavy, bulky and dangerous.

Oh, and got to the unfortunate Katharina Laible, Nessler's wife. It was on her that he conducted his experiments. The first two attempts to create curls resulted in the complete burning of the curls. The skin also received a portion of burns.

The method has been improved over time. In 1909, an electric machine demonstrated long hair perms in London. Nessler has filed a patent with the UK Patent Office for "a new and improved process for curling natural scalp hair."

Since then, perm has become one of the staples offered by hairdressers around the world. Over time, chemists conjured up various "reagents" that supplanted the creepy machines. The process has become simple, accessible and safe.

How beautiful curly hair looks! They make a real coquette out of a woman. Curly curls frame her face neatly and create a rather striking image. But it is very difficult for lovely ladies to do this kind of styling every day. It takes about an hour. How to be? Leave your hair under the control of chemistry? But this procedure significantly spoils the hairline. However, the problem can be solved without such a harsh impact. Today, among hairdressing services, light perm - carving is in great demand.

What is hair carving

Long straight hair was in vogue for women for a long time. Today, you can find many representatives of the fair sex with beautiful curly curls. At the same time, women make curls on both long and short hair. The hairdressing service of hair carving helps them a lot in this.

The name of the procedure came to us from the English language. Carving is translated as follows: "curly carving" or "carved work". This interpretation is very similar in perception to the effect obtained after the procedure. Carving is also called light perm.

So, by carving we mean long-term styling in waves, which lasts about two months on straight hair. It is she who helps women to have beautiful curls without a lot of time.

Carving is suitable for different hair lengths

At its core, carving is a perm, which is done using special means that do not have a harsh effect on the hair. During the procedure, the scalp does not suffer either. Such long-term perm helps many girls not only acquire curls, but also get rid of the lack of volume, naughty and tangled hair.

The procedure is carried out using especially high-quality formulations. They are sold only in specialized outlets or on the Internet. Remember, in order not to harm your hair, hair carving products must be bought in trusted stores.

Important! It must be remembered that hair after the carving procedure requires very gentle care. Be sure to choose only hair products that are free of sulfates, silicones and aggressive additives so that the effect lasts as long as possible. The multiple winner of the ratings of natural cosmetics is Mulsan cosmetic. This brand produces exceptionally safe products without aggressive chemical components. All cosmetics are suitable both for use after the carving procedure, and after the Botox and keratin straightening procedure. We strongly recommend the official online store

What is hair carving and how is it done - video

What is hair carving for and how often can it be done

In addition to the woman's desire to have curls, carving can be used in the following cases:

  • if the hair is oily. The procedure will dry them well. After it, the need to wash your hair will occur less often;
  • if the hair is coarse. After carving, the curls on the head will be much easier to fit;
  • if the hair is thin and unruly. After carving, the strands will look voluminous and wavy;
  • when there is not enough time for daily styling;
  • if desired, radically change the image.

Carving can be done every 2-3 months.

Hair carving looks impressive

Benefits and harms, advantages and disadvantages of carving

Carving, as a procedure, has its positive and negative sides.

Advantages of the procedure

The pluses of carving include:

  • gentle effect on hair;
  • the existence of several options for long-term curling (small curls, medium curls and large curls);
  • preservation of styling on hair after carving for much longer;
  • natural and very natural styling. If we compare it with chemistry, then when carving, the hair does not look burnt;
  • long-term preservation of the effect: on ordinary hair, beautiful curls last for 1-3 months, and on dyed ones - for six months;
  • no need to restore dry hair ends. Since the composition of the carving has a very mild effect on the hair structure. The wavy effect will go away on its own over time;
  • budget cost, so any woman can use the service.

The harmful effects and consequences of light perm

The disadvantages of carving include:

  • the need to create styling, hairstyle does not always look perfect. You still have to apply force to it and apply styling products to the hair before shaping;
  • lack of pronounced curls. This effect can be achieved only with the help of biowave;
  • possibly an unexpected end to the carving effect. Curls can straighten ahead of time or go away gradually;
  • possible change in the shade of colored hair after the procedure;
  • no effect on very thick and thick hair;
  • maintaining an unpleasant odor on the hair for some time.

Contraindications for long-term curling

There are situations when it is not recommended to do this modern procedure:

  • if a woman has brittle, damaged and, moreover, severely split ends;
  • if the head has just been dyed with hair dye. You can safely go to light chemistry if two weeks have already passed, and if not, it is better to wait;
  • if a woman has a tendency to allergic reactions;
  • when taking certain medications, in particular, when treating hormonal therapy;
  • if the hair is dry and discolored. Women with other previously transferred perms are at risk.

The procedure can be performed on pregnant women and nursing mothers. However, it should be remembered that the chemical composition for curling has a rather pungent odor.

The difference between hair carving and biowaving, chemistry

Carving, bio and chemical curling help create long-lasting styling. Only from each other they differ in the following:

  • shorter time of preservation of the effect of carving in comparison with chemical or bio-curling;
  • a more gentle effect on curls with light curling than with chemistry, since the composition of carving does not penetrate into the very structure of the hair;
  • hair care during biowaving, since the composition of the agent used during this procedure includes the necessary biological protein, which is not found in carving and chemistry products.

The choice of procedure will completely depend on the woman's desire. Only she has to decide what she needs: long-term styling, hair improvement or a gentle effect.

Types of hair carving

Carving is done in several versions. Main types:

  • traditional perm. After it, the waves are distributed evenly along the entire length. To get curls, use curlers that twist on the hair;
  • vertical curling. Instead of ordinary curlers, vertical curlers are used (or in another way they are called spiral). Perms are equally suitable for both short and long hair. The styling effect is fascinating: pronounced curly curls with amazing volume;
  • texturing. This look is often used when a hairstyle needs to be refined. The result is always original. With the help of curlers, accents are made on the hair in the right places and thereby create a special style;
  • local perm. The method is used when you want to lift the hair at the roots. For these purposes, the master winds curlers not along the entire length of the hair, but only at their base. This method works in reverse as well. For example, when you only need to wind one ends.

Features of the procedure for short, medium, long hair and possible combinations with haircuts

Light chemistry has its own characteristics. Of course, it is better to have the procedure done in the salon. Experts in their field will be able to perform carving neat and beautiful. At home, getting the desired curls is not always possible.

Before the procedure, be sure to take into account the length of the hair. Carving works best for medium hair. Of course, it can be done on short and long ones, only you will need to choose the right curlers. For example, for very short hair, fine curls wrapped around small bobbins are best.

Fine curls are best for short hair.

The thickness and density of the hair is also of particular importance in this procedure. Strong hair may not give in to curling, or the effect may not be as beautiful. Carving is suitable for owners of thin and thin strands - the hair will become voluminous and obedient.

The bangs always make the styling unique. However, carving does not always go well with it. So, small curls do not fit bangs. But medium, soft waves will look good. Another look with bangs will be nicely decorated by curling only one ends.

For owners of bangs, light perm may not be suitable.

Carving without bangs is popular. In this version, the curls frame the woman's face very beautifully, making the whole image much more interesting.

A bob cut and carving are very suitable for each other. At the same time, the curls themselves can be both voluminous and very small. The bangs may or may not.

Carving and cascade haircuts also look very good. This image will beautify a woman of any age.

Curls look spectacular in combination with a cascading haircut

Types of curlers and the size of curls

To create carving, curlers of different types are used:

  • voluminous. With their help, very large curls are created. The result is romantic waves with good root volume;
  • bobbins. The diameter of these devices is very small. Due to their size, they allow you to create African curls;
  • spiral. These special bobbins have a spiral shape. They are always used for vertical curling. Practice has shown that spiral curls last longer than ordinary curls. Such curlers allow you to create many curly curls that visualize volume well;
  • boomerangs (rollers). They have different diameters and special material - soft foam rubber with wire. Well suited for both large and small curls.

Types of curlers - photo

Voluminous curlers allow you to create large soft curls
Thanks to the bobbins, small perky curls are obtained Spiral curlers create the effect of waves on the hair

Soft boomerang curlers are easy to use, they can be used to make curls of any size

Depending on the size of the curlers used, you can get different curls:

  • large. To create them, take large diameter curlers. The curls from them are quite large;
  • average. Here they take bobbins with an average diameter. The result will delight its owner with airiness and fluffiness;
  • small. For their creation, only bobbins of a very small diameter are suitable. The result is stunning volume.

What does carving look like for large, medium and small curlers - photo

Curling with large-diameter curlers allows you to get beautiful large curls The average size of the curlers can be used on hair of different lengths and creates pronounced curls Curling with bobbins allows you to create small and very lush curls

How is carving done and how long does the procedure take?

Carving technology is not very complicated. Its technology is the same as a perm. In time, the whole process takes about 2-3 hours, depending on the characteristics of the woman's hair. The whole procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Training. This stage, like others, will be carried out by the master in the salon. First, he selects the necessary curlers and prepares the drug. Then he washes the client's hair and dabs lightly with a towel. After that, the woman sits down in a chair. The master covers her shoulders with a protective cloth and brushes her hair well.
  2. Hair Styling. From the total mass of hair, the master selects only those strands that will need to be curled initially and winds them up according to the hairdressing technique.
  3. Application of a special composition. The hair is moistened with it after the hair has finished curling. Reagents allow hair to keep curls long enough.
  4. Spin holding. To create the desired effect, the curled hair, moistened with the composition, is left alone for 10–20 minutes. The exact holding time depends on the brand of the product. The wizard periodically checks how the process of obtaining the curl is going. To do this, he spins one curler at a time.
  5. Flushing. When time has passed, the composition is washed off with warm water, while the curlers are not unwound. Excess water is simply blotted out.
  6. Application of a neutralizer. With its help, the curls are fixed in a given position.
  7. Removing the curlers. The master spins all the curlers backwards.
  8. Washing off the composition.
  9. Drying your hair with a hair dryer.

Composition of the preparation for carving

The main requirement for the composition is the absence of ammonia. The thioglycolate component is also prohibited. If these rules are followed, the carving product can be considered gentle.

The composition of the preparation for carving is different for all manufacturers. Especially appreciated are those products where there is more biological basis than chemical components. This combination allows a very gentle effect on the hair structure. Stylists recommend the following brands:

  • Londa;
  • L'Oreal;
  • Schwarzkopf;
  • Wella.

For example, a long-term curling product from Londa allows you to get a clear curl in just 10 minutes. This is because it contains special fast-acting ingredients that manufacturers have deliberately included.

Among the popular brands, the following compositions can also be distinguished: Trendline from Goldwell, GOLDWELL, Indola and others.

How to do carving at home: step by step instructions

You can make yourself carving at home. To complete it you will need:

  • two bowls:
  • curlers (shape and size optional);
  • two sponges, as for the kitchen;
  • gloves (pair);
  • two hairbrushes;
  • a plastic cap or a piece of this material;
  • cotton tourniquet;
  • towel;
  • a sheet or towel to cover your shoulders;
  • gum;
  • chemical mixture for carving and fixer.

To create curls, follow the instructions below:

  1. Rinse your hair well and pat dry your clean hair with a towel.
  2. Comb your hair thoroughly.
  3. Part your hair into sections.
  4. Roll the resulting strands into curlers.
  5. Take the product from the pre-purchased kit and blot the curlers with it.
  6. After all the hair is wet, put a plastic cap on top and cover your head with a warm scarf (you can use a towel).
  7. Look in the instructions for the duration of the composition and withstand it.
  8. Wash your hair without shampoo, and do not remove the curlers.
  9. Apply the special fixer from the kit on top.
  10. Unwind your hair and rinse your hair again without shampoo.
  11. Dry the resulting curls.

To make the curls last longer after home carving, you can use the following remedy: mix water and 5% vinegar until sour taste and rinse your hair with it.

Hair curling step by step - video

How long does the effect last after the procedure

The effect of carving can last from one to six months (depending on the characteristics of the hair). But on average, brightly highlighted curls last 2-3 months. Over time, the hair grows back, so the shape of the curls themselves changes. They just start to fall off. However, carving can be repeated after 3-4 months.

To prolong the life of light chemicals, you need to properly care for your hair. Here are some tips:

  • after the procedure itself, it is necessary to enable the hair to remember the shape that it has just been given. For these purposes, it is undesirable to use a hair dryer when drying. You just need to dry the curls in a natural way, or in extreme cases, use a diffuser;
  • after the procedure, do not wash your hair for two days;
  • when combing, use only combs with sparse teeth;
  • replace your shampoo with a special product for textured hair.
  • constantly use balms, nourishing masks and other effective care products. They will significantly improve the condition of the hair;
  • wipe your hair gently after washing, blot more, and not wring out;
  • dry your hair daily only in a natural way;
  • do not go to bed if your hair is wet or damp. They should be pre-dried;
  • do not use products containing alcohol. This component is harmful to both the perm and the hair itself.

After curling, it is best to dry your hair naturally; in extreme cases, you can use a hairdryer with a diffuser nozzle

If a lady wants to create a natural styling on her head, then a light perm will need to apply a little hair foam and dry it with a diffuser. You can also style your head with large hair curlers.

If suddenly a woman has a desire to straighten her curls, then she can do it with an iron. Only before styling will you need to apply a protective agent to the hair. You can also blow dry your hair by pulling out curly hair with a brush.

For the image to be perfect, hair after carving needs to be able to style.

  1. Be sure to use the following tools: moisturizing lotion, comb, foam or mousse, hair dryer with a diffuser;
  2. Wash your hair first. Use a special shampoo and apply a nourishing mask every seven days;
  3. Dry your hair with a towel, or rather just blot it;
  4. Comb your hair gently;
  5. Apply the fixing agent, step back slightly from the hair roots.
  6. Start styling your curls with a hair dryer and a comb.
  7. If you need to straighten a little curls, then when styling, lightly pull the comb down or use an iron.
  8. You can also use styling for curly hair.

Indola Curl Remover is great for highlighting curls

How to style curly hair - video

How to care for your hair after curling

According to the reviews of many girls, hair after carving becomes a little harsh and naughty. Therefore, some ladies, after the wavy effect is over, simply cut them off. To mitigate the effects of carving, you must:

  • cut the ends periodically for full hair restoration;
  • use only special products for the care of curls;
  • use combs with natural bristles.

If you do not like the daily waste of time when collecting, caused by the need to endlessly come up with hairstyles, you love curls - no matter how large or small, a new direction has appeared for you in the list of salon services: long-term styling or carving. Although real novelty is worth considering - the procedure is more like a well-reworked old technology. Who is it suitable for and is it worth resorting to?

What is hair carving

Half a century ago, at the peak of popularity, there was a chemical hair styling, which is their processing with a special composition and subsequent wrapping on curlers. The result was a curled head, and the resulting hairstyle lasted a very long time. "Chemistry", as the women called it among themselves, greatly saved time: it took away the need to warm the curlers, wind the strands on their own, wait a few hours just for the sake of a short period of beauty. However, it had a serious drawback - this long styling killed even the healthiest hair.

Carving is based on the same "chemistry", but the process has been revised to eliminate some of the disadvantages and give women the following advantages of such long-term curling:

  • Visual density and density even on naturally thin hair.
  • Possibility to locally select areas for laying.
  • If necessary, long-term curls can be straightened with an iron.
  • The styling does not suffer from moisture - you will not lose curls or volume.
  • Carving can be done even for girls with dyed hair, for highlighting, etc.
  • The effect lasts from 2 months to six months (carving on fine hair, dyed), which is determined by the structure of the hair and the chosen type of styling, and you can repeat the long-term curling after 3 months from the date of its execution.

However, this procedure still implies the effect of the chemical composition, which fixes the styling, therefore it cannot be absolutely safe - only gentle. There are several cons and precautions that hairdressers are advised to keep in mind:

  • If your hair is thick, thick and has not been previously dyed, i.e. absolutely smooth in structure, there is a risk that the styling will not last even a day.
  • Long-term hair styling cannot be combined with henna dyeing. the conflict of chemical reactions can lead to an unpredictable color change, or its washout.
  • During pregnancy, due to the instability of the hormonal background, carving is not recommended.
  • Owners of dry, brittle hair and any scalp diseases should not resort to long-term perm, because the problem will get worse.

How to make

This type of salon styling has several options that professionals subdivide according to hair length. Any curl, even for large curls, raises the cut line, so the owners of the square can find almost a boy's haircut. However, in addition to this, there is a classification by the type of curlers used to perform styling:

  • Traditional long-term curling - soft light waves or bouncy full-length curls.
  • Texturing carving - styling is obtained through the use of several types of accent curlers, i.e. the whole head may not be affected, only areas.
  • Local styling - root volume using large curlers or work with ends. Styling of bangs is possible.
  • Spiral styling - for volume from the root, curling with a ribbon on spiral curlers, mostly the curl is very small.

Long hair

The owners of the "braid to the waist" cannot have a particularly long-term styling, since the force of gravity will outweigh any chemical composition. If you have planned carving for long hair, it is highly likely that the master will offer a vertical curl, i.e. bouncy curls that will gradually weaken, or soft, large curls just to create texture.

On average

When the length is up to the shoulder blades or up to the shoulders, a woman has the maximum freedom of choice regarding styling ideas - even light curls will be long-lasting (with the exception of natural heavy hair). However, taking into account the loss of length when curling, the masters are advised to abandon too small curls (close to afro, diameter less than 10 mm), especially if the haircut is with an even cut.

Carving for short hair

For “pixie”, “page” and even “bob on a leg” haircuts, experts offer not a classic perm, but texturing, so as not to lose almost no length and give the hairstyle a zest. An alternative styling option is to add only root volume. Mainly carving for short hairstyles: the hairstyle will be really long-lasting and can last six months.

Hair carving at home - step by step instructions

You can do this on your own only on the hair to the shoulder blades and longer, since it is difficult to curl the occipital zone and process it with a chemical composition with a short haircut. The procedure itself has a simple algorithm for carrying out and the main thing for achieving success is to observe caution and carefully follow the prescribed scheme. First of all, you will need to buy all the drugs that make the styling long-lasting, plus curlers (plastic).

The step-by-step algorithm looks like this:

  1. Wash your hair without using a mask or conditioner - firstly, the scales must be open, and secondly, an unnecessary chemical reaction may be created.
  2. Use only a towel to dry and do not wait for the moisture to completely disappear.
  3. Apply a special protective compound to colored hair. Naturally, this step can be skipped.
  4. Wrap each strand on curlers, using a previously selected scheme. Tie down well, making sure that the ends do not stick out, otherwise they will remain straight.
  5. Saturate each curled strand with permanent curling compound three times.
  6. Cover your head with a plastic cap, throw a towel on top. Warm up with a hairdryer throughout the entire waiting time for the composition.
  7. You need to wash your hair for about 5 minutes, the shampoo is no longer used to fix the styling. Dry again only with a towel.
  8. At the final stage, a fixing compound is applied, which is washed off after a few minutes.
  9. New hair washing is also done without shampoo.

Long-term styling products

Most of the companies that produce professional hair care products also offer special lines for long-term styling. The first was Schwarzkopf, then there were options for Londa, Shot, Cutrin, Goldwell, and GreenLight has gentle bio-laying compounds. If you calculate how much hair carving costs based on materials, then it will be about 2,000 rubles, and what you bought will be enough for you several times, so it turns out more profitable than in the salon.

A complete set should include:

  • The main composition, which is selected according to the type of hair (mainly companies offer 4 types).
  • Retainer or fixer.

Hair care after carving

Permanent styling is not complete without damage, therefore, hair subjected to such a procedure, even with initially exceptional health, becomes worse in structure and requires careful handling. In addition, in order for the styling to remain long-term, it is necessary not to allow the applied composition to wash out, and therefore special care should be taken. Basic rules that each specialist tells the client during the procedure.

Permed hair for a long time is invariably included in the TOP-10 hairdressing procedures. Strong chemistry allows you to forget about a curling iron or a styler for six months or longer to create elastic curls.

Extra volume, luxurious curls - the result that millions of women dream of. Perm gives beauties this opportunity. Chemistry can be done not only in the salon, but also at home.

Types of permanent perm

Resistant curls are obtained by processing hair with special reagents that affect the structure of the hair shafts. The effect after the procedure is noticeable for 3–12 months.


Hard curls, excellent results from six months or more, resistance to atmospheric precipitation (in wet weather, curls keep their shape perfectly). The most "strong" chemistry.

Curl creation is the result of the penetration of chemicals into the cuticle without revealing the scales. Visible hair damage. The technique is contraindicated for the treatment of dry, brittle hair.


The pH value is pH 7.4, a more gentle effect on the strands than the acid variety. Elastic curls are not as dry and stiff, hair shafts retain moisture more actively, and hair stress is less severe.


Softer effect on hair, preserving hair health. With alkaline perm of hair, the reagents penetrate into the stratum corneum, revealing the scales. The gentle method is still not suitable for owners of weakened, dry hairs.

The cost of the procedure is lower, the curls are pleasing for three months. Straight, stiff strands unwind quickly or are difficult to process.

Important! What type of chemistry should you choose? The answer will be given by a highly qualified master. The hairdresser will take into account the thickness, length of the hairs, stiffness, density of the strands, the condition of the scalp. When buying a set for performing the procedure without the help of a master, get advice in a professional cosmetics salon.

Original techniques

Beauty salons offer clients several options for creating interesting curls. Each long-term hair curling technique has its own benefits.

A brief description of:

  • with papillotes. Light curls naturally lay on top of each other. After processing, beautiful, delicate curls are obtained;
  • "Children's". Sensitive skin technology. A special rubber cap with holes is put on, the master pulls the strands out. When processing hair, reagents do not get on the epidermis;
  • spiral chemistry. The strands are wound on spiral curlers. Ideal for short strands;
  • on the hairpin. The technique is suitable for shoulder-length strands. Curls are created using a non-metallic hairpin;
  • with pigtails. An interesting option for semi-long strands. Technology: the tips are braided at 80% of the length, the tips are wound on bobbins. The result is lush curls, a natural effect;
  • with the twisting of the second bobbin. An original technology for creating curls of various diameters. The master winds part of the lock on one bobbin, after a certain distance he adds the second;
  • basal. The bobbins are wound at the roots to eliminate the difference in hair regrown after chemistry. The second direction is the creation of root volume for fine hairs.


Why don't women give up on aggressive hairdressing when there are more gentle options for creating cute curls? The list of benefits is impressive:

  • long-term result: you can forget about curlers, curling irons for 3, 6 or more months;
  • even thin strands look voluminous;
  • easy to style strands without curling (wet hair effect);
  • in rainy or foggy weather, the curls will not unwind, they will only turn into small curls;
  • a minimum of time is spent on creating a hairstyle in the morning;
  • a variety of styling options for wavy hair.


There are also negative points:

  • noticeable damage to the hair;
  • after the procedure, you need careful care for weakened hairs;
  • it is allowed to do chemistry 2 weeks after staining, not earlier;
  • contrast between regrown roots and wavy areas;
  • high probability of damage to the hair shafts if the technology is not followed;
  • the technique is not suitable for processing dry, weakened strands.

Long-term curling in the salon

This is your first time doing a strong perm for long hair? Look for a good master. Recommendations of friends, colleagues, reviews on sites will help.

Bad option: visit the beauty salon closest to your home, entrust your hair to a master you know nothing about. The consequences for the hair can be deplorable: after unsuccessful chemistry, some ladies have to cut their hair "like a boy", treat damaged strands.

Review the information on conducting a salon procedure. Knowing the nuances will certainly be helpful.

Few details:

  • the master winds the strands, then processes them with reagents;
  • bobbins help to create curls - non-metallic devices resembling curlers, but of a smaller diameter (on average, 5 mm);
  • the hairdresser treats the hair with various chemicals that fix the curls;
  • at your request, the hairdresser will do chemistry for the entire length, perform a root version or curl the ends of the hair;
  • set aside a day off to visit the salon: the creation of elastic curls takes up to two hours, depending on the technology.

Stages of the procedure:

  • wash your hair the day before processing. Too dirty hair is a poor base for applying chemicals. Freshly washed curls, devoid of natural lubrication, are easily damaged with reagents;
  • the first stage - testing the skin for sensitivity, determining the texture and structure of hair shafts;
  • at the end of the selection of the type of curling, the thickness of the bobbins, the master starts wrapping the strand;
  • after creating curls all over the head, the hairdresser moistens the bobbins with a special solution, records the exposure time;
  • depending on the type of hair, the concentration of the composition, the duration of exposure ranges from 15 to 40 minutes;
  • the hair is covered with a warming cap;
  • after a certain period, the master spins the curl for a couple of turns, checks the quality, the thickness of the strand, spins it again;
  • after the required time has elapsed, it is necessary to wash off the reagents with warm water without removing the bobbins;
  • the next stage is the application of the fixing composition. To prevent foam from flowing into the eyes, the master rolls up a tourniquet from a towel, closes the eyebrow line;
  • the fixer is applied with a sponge or applicator. The master waits for the foam to settle, unwinds the bobbins, processes the tips with a fixing solution;
  • the final stage is a thorough washing of the head under running water, applying a neutralizer;
  • now the curls can be styled, cut, given the desired shape of the hairstyle, dried with a hairdryer.

Important! Immediately after processing, the strands have a specific, not very pleasant smell of chemical components. Consider this point.

How to make strong chemistry at home

Previously, for this purpose, the fair sex bought the drug "Lokon". Now on sale there are many quality substitutes from well-known brands.

One of the options is the products of the Russian company Estelle. Estel Professional Wavex will help you to make a perm at home. Buy a fixing lotion plus a permanent lotion. A volume of 500 ml is enough for 2-3 sessions. The average price of a set is 600 rubles.

Important! Before the procedure, specify the type of hair, check the condition of the epidermis, check how the skin reacts to chemicals.

You will need the following hair curlers:

  • wooden or plastic bobbins (curlers). Diameter - 4–20 mm, quantity - from 50 pieces;
  • thin elastic bands or clips for attaching strands;
  • two plastic combs: with sparse teeth and with a sharp end;
  • hairdresser's cape (old sheet), insulating cap (shower cap plus cotton towel), latex gloves;
  • foam sponges - 2 pcs. One you apply a permanent lotion, the other - a fixer;
  • porcelain, plastic or glass containers (2 pcs.) for stock solution and fixative;
  • hot water in the tap;
  • two waffle towels, another old towel for a tourniquet;
  • graduated beaker for measuring the volume of chemicals.

Preparations, cosmetic products for hair care:

  • curling solution (permanent lotion);
  • fixer;
  • vinegar 9% for rinsing curled strands;
  • balm or restorative composition for the treatment of hair after the session;
  • shampoo without silicones.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • cover your shoulders with a cape, comb your hair;
  • read the instructions carefully, check the duration of each stage;
  • place bottles with chemicals on the table or nightstand, prepare all reagents, accessories, shampoo, towels, put bobbins in a basket;
  • put on gloves;
  • pour the permanent lotion into a container;
  • separate the lock, treat with a sponge soaked in reagent, screw the bobbins or curlers tightly. Secure with an elastic band or clip;
  • create curls all over the head, treat all areas of the hair with a reagent;
  • put on a shower cap, cover your head with a towel, time it;
  • after the expiration date, rinse the strands without removing the bobbins with warm water, blot excess moisture;
  • twist a tourniquet from an old towel, put it closer to the eyebrow line, tie the ends at the back;
  • prepare the fixer according to the instructions, moisten the bobbins;
  • wait for the foam to settle. Estimated time - 5 minutes;
  • unwind the bobbins, treat the strands with fixer, wait 10 minutes;
  • wash the curls with shampoo, dry naturally.

Important! Strictly follow the instructions, consider the exposure time for different hair types. If you doubt your abilities, leave the idea of \u200b\u200bhome curling, entrust the curls to an experienced master.

Features of hair care

Remember these simple rules:

  • maintain an interval of 2 weeks between dyeing hair and curling. Neglecting the requirement will turn the strands into dry, tough tow, which is almost impossible to style;
  • give up chemistry during "critical days", in case of illness, if skin lesions, acne, scratches, abscesses are found;
  • after the procedure, use a hairdryer, heat rollers less often;
  • take care of your hair with hypoallergenic, sulfate-free shampoos, masks, balms with silk proteins, keratins, D-panthenol, herbal extracts;
  • choose the line of ready-made cosmetics "For curly hair";
  • nourish and moisturize the weakened hair twice a week with homemade masks made from natural ingredients. Do aroma combing, moisten clean curls with herbal decoctions;
  • gently comb the strands with a sparse comb, less often comb the hairs;
  • after gradually unwinding the curls, trim the strands to this length. Often, after strong chemistry, the stratum corneum is severely damaged, the hairs look dull, unhealthy.

Now you know everything about technology, varieties, original versions of strong chemistry. Perm for a long time in the salon or on your own. Consider the recommendations of the professionals, and the result will please you.

If you are tired of daily hair styling, choose one of the long-term curling options. In order to protect the strands as much as possible, it is important to choose the right composition and strictly follow the instructions for performing the procedure.

Curling your hair maintains curls for a long time until new straight curls grow back. This is very convenient for those who love curls, but do not want to waste time on the daily curling of the strands or need additional volume.

Curling hair of various lengths

Smooth waves, frequent curls or perky spirals are formed on strands of different lengths. Even a short haircut is not a hindrance to a change of image.

Short hair

Suitable for cheating: "shortened cascade", "bob-square", "extended square". It is not recommended to carry out the procedure on an asymmetrical or very short haircut. In the first case, the final hairstyle will look untidy, and in the second, it just won't work.

The master selects the way of winding up personally for each client. For example, girls with a triangle face suit small curls, and chubby ones - large curls.

Medium hair

Shoulder-length or slightly lower length is the most common, because it does not require a lot of time for care, but it allows you to form many different hairstyles.

As in the case of short strands, the method of creating curls, their shape is chosen individually, depending on the type of hair, face shape and haircut. For example, a "cascade" hairstyle can be decorated with voluminous rings, and curls of the same length - spirals.

This procedure is a real salvation for the owners of long thin strands who dream of additional volume. Long-haired girls can afford any form of wrapping: a soft wave, large or medium curls, a small spiral. Therefore, they usually choose it in accordance with their own desire.

Who is perm suitable for?

A few decades ago, the effect of curling curls resembled the wool of a lamb and was not to everyone's face. Now there are so many options for carrying out the procedure and forms of curls that "your" version can be found for every woman.

Girls usually want a light, casual wave. Ladies of venerable age consider curling as the basis for long-term styling. Therefore, the method and method of cheating are also selected based on the purpose of the procedure.

Curling is done on healthy curls of normal or oily type.

Regarding the shape of the curls:

  • Small spirals are ideal for people with an elongated shape and sharp facial features. Not recommended for owners of proportional, correct outlines.
  • Waves give the face a femininity and suit everyone. The question of their size is quite subjective. But the older the woman, the smoother the bending line is better to choose - this way the image is more natural.

How long does the perm last?

Curls can last from 1 to 6 months. It depends on the structure, length of the strands, technology and method of wrapping. Short curls last longer. And large rings under the weight of long curls begin to straighten out after two months.

So that the perm does not do much harm and lasts longer, it is better to postpone it in the event of:

  • Damaged hair.
  • Recent illness.
  • Taking hormonal drugs.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Lactation period.
  • Allergy susceptibility.
  • Recent staining.

After any chemical exposure, the hair needs special care., which includes the use of special shampoos, balms and masks. As a rule, they are more expensive than conventional products, but they extend the life of the curls.

Long-lasting types of hair straightening

The main types of hair curling with the most long-lasting effect are:

  • Biowave.
  • Chemical.
  • Japanese.
  • Keratin.

They differ in the composition of the active mixture and the finished effect of wrapping.

The carving chemical contains fruit acids. It is believed that carving does not harm curls, therefore it is very popular among women. The result is curls or even waves.

For additional volume, a vertical wrap is performed along the entire length of the strands or a local one - at the root zone. After the procedure, they become soft and shiny.

The hair structure is of great importance when choosing a chemical composition for carving. The stage of selecting the mixture is very important, since an unsuitable product can greatly harm the hair.

The advantage of the method is that the curls unwind gradually, the main disadvantage is that the composition of the mixture for carving is able to slightly change the color of the colored strands.

The effect lasts for about two months.


This is a good alternative to carving. The composition of the means for performing the procedure contains a protein that strengthens the hair.

There are different types of biowave:

  • With a moisturizing complex
    Allows you to regulate the moisture of curls, gives them shine and elasticity. The result is strands of medium hardness.
  • With bamboo extract
    Restores the structure of fine damaged hair.
  • With silk proteins
    Does not change the natural characteristics of the strands, after styling they become naturally curled.

The advantage of the procedure is that due to the absence of aggressive components, it can be used for curls of any degree of damage, the main disadvantage is a specific smell that lasts for about two weeks.

The result lasts from three to six months.

"Chemistry" gives the effect of small curls. Sparing methods of its implementation are:

  • Acidic
    Not applicable to soft hair.
  • Neutral
    Suitable for all types.

If after the "chemistry" the curls have a specific smell, you can get rid of it by rinsing them with water with the addition of lemon juice, rosemary and lavender infusion.

Special substances are added to perms to protect the hair from the harmful effects of acid. But they don't always help. Another disadvantage of the chemistry is the striking contrast between the treated curls and the regrown strands.

Permed hair lasts up to four months.

The mixture for keratin curling contains an analogue of natural hair protein, oils, restoring fluids. Their task is to smooth hair shafts, glue split ends, moisturize and restore.

The procedure is suitable for all types of hair, and even useful for dry, thin and damaged hair. The result will be curls of the selected size.

This method has many positive reviews. But it is important to do it correctly, so it is better to use the service of a professional.

Japanese perm (silk)

Japanese perm is considered completely safe. It changes the structure of the hair using a matrix. This substance strengthens the strands, gives them shine, without disturbing the protective keratin layer. The mixture also contains betaine, silicon-cysteine, wheat proteins, lecithin.
Thanks to these components, the strands are saturated with moisture, strengthened and restored.

The perm lasts 3-5 months, depending on the initial state of the hair and the correct care for it after the procedure. There are practically no downsides to this method, but it cannot be used more often than once every six months.

How to carry out the procedure at home?

Biowave is ideal for home use. - perming hair for a long time without harm to the head of hair.

Before starting work, it is recommended to make an allergy test: apply a little composition on the wrist, and then observe the body's reaction for 5-10 minutes. The skin should remain natural. If everything is in order, you can start the procedure.

For this you will need:

  • Perm mixture.
  • Bobbins.
  • Sponge - for applying the composition.
  • Plastic or ceramic cup.
  • Gloves.
  • Shoulder cape.
  • Towel.
  • Cosmetic hat.

To achieve the desired effect, it is important to know your hair type and choose a perm product based on this.

The optimal diameter of the curlers is small or medium, then the curls are straightened more slowly.

Stages of the procedure:

  • Wash your hair with shampoo.
  • Blot the strands.
  • Apply curling compound to them.
  • Divide the hair into 4 parts: the occipital. parietal, two temporal.
  • Wrap the strands with equal tension.
  • On curled curls, apply the perm so that it drips slightly.
  • Put on your hat.
  • Keep the composition for 15 to 25 minutes, depending on how quickly the diameter of the curl becomes identical with the diameter of the bobbin - to compare them, after 10 minutes unwind one curl from the parietal zone.
  • Without spinning the bobbins, rinse your hair well with plenty of water.
  • Apply one third of the neutralizer.
  • Soak for 10-15 minutes.
  • Remove the bobbins carefully.
  • Apply the remaining neutralizer to your curls.
  • Wait another 5 minutes.
  • Rinse the strands thoroughly.
  • Apply conditioner.
  • Dry naturally or using the diffuser attachment.

Curling tools

Waves and curls can be created using familiar tools. True, such a hairstyle will last a maximum of 1.5-2 days.

Curling iron

The strands are sprayed with a thermal protection agent, then wound onto a rod, which heats up and thus forms curls. Depending on the diameter of the curling iron, as well as the tension force of the hair, you can achieve the effect of light waves or spiral elastic curls.


The tongs are intended for straightening, but they can also be used to form curls of any shape and size. Before the procedure, the hair is protected with a thermal protection agent.

Hair curlers and papillotes

The method of creating curls using curlers is simple: they wind wet hair in the evening, and in the morning they get a ready-made hairstyle.

But most girls prefer papillotes - narrow foam rubber cylinders with a metal rod inside. They are used in the same way as curlers, while bending well, giving the curls the desired shape.


With any thermal effect on the hair, you first need to protect it with a special agent. With the help of the iron, you can create curls of any shape. For a long-lasting effect, each strand after wrapping is fixed with varnish.

How to care for hair after curling?

After prolonged perm using any of the above methods, the hair requires careful care. For this you need:

  • Apply special regenerating shampoos, balms, masks.
  • Use a wooden comb with sparse teeth.
  • It is better to dry curls naturally.
  • Wash your hair no more often than once every two to three days.
  • A month after the procedure, freshen up the hair, cutting off the ends slightly.

Perm for a long time can be carried out on long, medium and short hair; it can be large or small, in the form of light curls or small curls. This procedure eliminates the need to style strands every day, giving them additional volume.

Do not be afraid to perm: modern technologies for creating curls do a minimum of harm to the hair, and some of them are even useful. However, fake curls also require careful maintenance using special products.

Video: curling your hair for a long time

Correctly performed perm is the key to beautiful and long-lasting curls. We offer you to learn the secrets of perming at home in the first video, as well as watch a master class on biowaving and perm in the second.