2 day wedding tradition. Traditions of the second day of the wedding: a fun feast for guests. Sitting down at the table - pronunciation of toasts

Once upon a time, the second day of the wedding was celebrated without fail. And today this tradition is beginning to be gradually forgotten. Previously, the second day was done so that people could take a break from the magnificent feast and help the young clean up after the celebration. Nowadays, weddings are celebrated mainly in restaurants, so nothing needs to be cleaned up on the second day.

On the second day of the wedding, it is not necessary to invite all the same guests as on the first day. Usually only the closest relatives are invited, so the costs will be relatively small, you can just have a modest lunch.

Duties of Witnesses on the Second Day

Witnesses are friends of the newlyweds and the first assistants in organizing and providing for the holiday. They help organize a bachelor or bachelorette party and, of course, help arrange a buyout. And at the wedding itself, they participate in many competitions. Before the wedding, they help decorate the hall and cars, plan walks and competitions. On the second day of the wedding, they have no direct responsibilities. It all depends on their desire, they can continue to hold competitions or be presenters, since the toastmaster is usually not invited on the second day.

Where and how best to organize the celebration of the second day

Where and how to spend the second day of the wedding, of course, is up to the young family to decide. If you want to make the second day the same as the first, then you also need a room and a toastmaster who will organize the whole holiday and will amuse everyone. If you decide to take over the organization of the holiday, then you need to think carefully and plan everything. For example: contests, dances, props and much more. First of all, you need to choose the style of the wedding, choose the place and attributes, decide on the list of guests, and draw up a table menu.

The celebration itself can be held at your home, in nature near the lake, in a cafe or restaurant, in general - anywhere. Usually they make a modest quiet rest with light meals in the circle of the closest relatives and friends.

The most original ideas on how to spend the second wedding day

The second day of the wedding should be as original as the first. It happens that the newlyweds on the second day of the celebration go on a honeymoon trip. But there is also a traditional celebration with competitions, gifts, dressing up, and eating delicious dishes. To make the second wedding day different from the first, you need to change the atmosphere and style. It can be a picnic trip with barbecue and various fun games. Also, as an option, you can go to a sports club and play bowling, billiards, paintball and much more that you and your guests will like.

If you are fans of extreme sports, then you can organize a trip to the mountains. You can go sledding or skiing. You can also go to the sauna with a swimming pool, or to the club to continue dancing. Remember that this is your holiday and you decide what to do on this day. You can spend it together and fill it with positive emotions and unforgettable impressions.

What wedding menu should be on the second day

On the second day there should be no fatty and heavy meals and long dances. Such a celebration should be short and have light refreshments. All the guests are tired of the long first day of the wedding and long songs and dances. Many, including newlyweds, just want to relax.

Don't forget to follow the rules. On the second day, an atmosphere of comfort and homely warmth should reign. According to the customs, the young hostess prepares various dishes and shows all her culinary skills, and then the groom breaks the plate for good luck.

What to wear to the bride on the second day of the wedding

The bride's attire must fully match the venue. If you decide to spend the second day of the wedding in a quiet, cozy atmosphere, then you can wear something elegant and at the same time simple and comfortable. It may well be a simple skirt and a beautiful elegant blouse or blouse, and it can also be a beautiful simple dress.

Having decided to make the second day magnificent, you need to wear an evening or cocktail dress. It can be a romantic delicate dress that will give you femininity and sophistication. You can emphasize the festivity with the help of an outfit with lace, embroidery, or you can simply have a beautiful cut with different pebbles and rhinestones. The outfit can be either light monophonic or bright multi-colored. It all depends on your taste, style and other preferences.

Dishes for the second day of the wedding

The advantage on the second day of the wedding is that you can show off your culinary skills, get to know guests and relatives of the husband or bride, whom you did not know at all before the wedding. On the second day of the wedding, you can do what you did not have time on the first day.

The menu of the festive table should be given no less attention than for the first. You also need to take into account all the customs and traditions. Traditions can decorate this day and make it special. When making the second day of the wedding in a restaurant or cafe, discuss the menu with the chef or administrator so that it is light but satisfying. Alcoholic drinks should be less than on the first day, and they should all be light, as the second day should be quiet and peaceful.

On the second day, it is customary to treat guests with homemade cuisine: various pastries, cereals, pancakes and zrazy, loaves and pies. You can also surprise guests with some unique and delicious dish that was not there on the first day. Diversify the menu with different fruit and jelly desserts and cakes, because not everyone was able to eat sweets on the first day, since everyone is already full before the sweets are served.

Traditions and customs of the second wedding day

Every nation and every country has its own customs, which everyone observes. All traditions came to us from ancient times, many have not been preserved, many have improved, but everyone observes them. Here in Russia, for example, a young girl gave gifts on the second day, first to her father-in-law with her mother-in-law, then to her sister-in-law, brother-in-law and everyone else.

On the second day, they began to joke about the bride, and in a comic form they tested her master's abilities. On the second day, they said a lot of words of gratitude to the parents of the young, they were invited to visit the young and treated to various dishes, and before they sat down at the table they broke a plate for good luck. On this day, young people asked permission from the parents of the bride and groom to call them dad and mom.

Second wedding day script

At every wedding, there are various dress-up contests: men are dressed in women's dresses, and women in men's suits. Usually they always dress up a fake bride and groom, mostly dress up their parents. You can start the second day of the wedding as fun as the first, you can not redeem the bride, but find it in the house, conduct an investigation with witnesses and a protocol, and then conduct an identification, and then begin the celebration itself.

Arriving at the place of celebration, the guests are greeted by the young, and the newlyweds are already sitting in their place, who agree to give up their place for a competition or dance. But as soon as the bride and groom get up to dance or serve the guests, a couple of false young people again take their place and demand a ransom. There are a lot of scenarios and competitions. You can look them up on the Internet or come up with them yourself, if you have a toastmaster on the second day, then leave this task to her.

Contests should be fun and should be age appropriate so that everyone can participate and that everyone is having fun and having fun. Most competitions are held for young people to test their household abilities and readiness for family life, how they will get out in this or that situation.

Wedding contests for the second wedding day

Some young people want to spend the second day of the wedding quietly and calmly, to communicate more and make friends with relatives. And other young people, on the contrary, want to have plenty of fun and laugh, and for this there are many fun and groovy contests and dances. If there are many guests at your holiday, then you can’t do without a toastmaster, but perhaps witnesses, parents will help you according to an agreed scenario. But you need to relax, and not to amuse the guests, because this day should be remembered by you for the rest of your life, as a cheerful and positive holiday that will give you a lot of emotions and impressions.

It is important to cheer up and wake up the guests from the first day of the wedding, and not to quickly kill them, but on the contrary, so that they have the passion to have fun and participate in various competitions. Here are some examples of such competitions.

"Parents". Young spouses and future parents are each given a doll and a diaper, whoever swaddles faster and more beautifully is the main nanny.
"Potatoes". Newlyweds again take part in this competition, the task is to cut off a strip of peel from potatoes as long and thin as possible, whoever copes with the task won and received the title of head chef in the family.

"Beer lover". The toastmaster or host invites 5 - 6 volunteers and beer lovers. Each participant has a chair with a glass of beer in front of them, and the task is to drink quickly and spill as little beer as possible, but the point is that it should be drunk without hands.

There are many, many different dance competitions, when a slow song starts playing, then a fast song, rock and roll, jazz, blues and others. Your guests will be delighted with such contests, and your second wedding day will be unforgettable.

A wedding is a holiday that you want to celebrate in a big way! But they used to do this, stretching the feast for three days, and sometimes even longer! Over time, traditions have changed, and now young people are not always sure that they want to celebrate the 2nd wedding day. After all, this is not only an additional financial cost, but also a moral one.

The Wedding.ws portal will try to dispel all doubts regarding the question of whether it is worth celebrating the second wedding day. It will also give you relevant ideas and share useful tips.

Second wedding day traditions

In Russia, the second day of the wedding was given special importance. And the main tradition was a joint visit to the bath by the newly-made spouses.. It was believed that such a ceremony washes away all the sins of a past life and helps the young to enter family life with pure thoughts. Moreover, the young ones always took with them the brooms presented to the groom by the bride.

After the bath, the couple went to the house, and the husband came first, and after him - the newly made wife. This tradition made it possible to emphasize who would be in charge in a young family.

According to tradition, on the 2nd day of the wedding, the main treat was a loaf baked by the mother of the bride, and pancakes for the groom.

It was considered a good tradition to distribute alms, not necessarily at the church.

On the second day, the bride had to demonstrate her skills to the family of her new husband. For example, embroider, knit, cook, clean. And the groom's relatives, in turn, tried to stop the girl with jokes and jokes.

Of course, in the modern world, few people turn to the origins and adhere to the traditions of their ancestors, but those customs can be taken as a basis and come up with unusual ideas for the second wedding day.

Modern traditions include:

In order for the second day of the wedding to go off with a bang, you should think over the plan and ideas of the holiday in advance. A well-planned day is a guarantee that everything will be exactly as you planned.

Wedding Day 2: Preparation Highlights

Not sure where to start preparing for your second wedding day? We advise you to pay attention to several important points presented below.

Organization of the second day of the wedding:

Thinking through the main celebration to the smallest detail, do not forget to think in advance how you want to spend the second day of the wedding. It should maintain a festive mood, and not just go into the category of drinking, eating, dispersing.

Unfortunately or fortunately, it would never occur to anyone in our people to get into a car with tied tin cans in the midst of a wedding and drive off on a honeymoon trip.

The second day of the wedding - the continuation of the wedding fun

Our Slavic soul demands the continuation of the banquet, therefore, after a little rest from the stormy festivities, yesterday's guests begin to pull themselves up to the "second part of the Marlezon ballet."

As a rule, the closest friends and relatives gather on the second day of the wedding. The bride puts on an outfit prepared for the second day of the wedding. The groom can be in "yesterday's" suit, but without a tie.

Second wedding day: contests continue

On the second day of the wedding, the number of contests should increase.

Wedding contests on the second day: housework

The main theme: the young in the role of the hostess, and the young, respectively, in the role of the owner.

The newly-made husband and wife can compete in peeling potatoes (who will peel more or who will cut a longer strip from the peel), in cleaning up garbage that guests will throw on the floor, in sewing on buttons, etc.

Wedding contests on the second day: the theme of the heirs

An inexhaustible topic for future heirs. Who will quickly swaddle a puppet baby, put on a diaper, undershirts with sliders, etc.

This scene looks very funny: the husband sits on a chair, he is hidden behind a special screen with holes, the young man sticks his head in a cap into one of them, and his hands into the others, on which sliders with booties are put on.

The young wife sits down behind her husband's back and sticks her hands out through the holes in the screen - it turns out such a peanut with a big head. The “baby” is asked to eat for himself, comb his hair, blow his nose, etc. This is where the fun begins: the wife does not see where her husband’s mouth is and gets either in the nose or in the ear. All this action causes Homeric laughter and fun.

Bast shoes for the wedding competition - Boy or girl

"Boy or Girl" is another competition related to children, which at the same time will replenish the family budget a little. To do this, guests are offered to vote with “money”, choosing either a pink plate for banknotes or a blue one. At the end, the proceeds are calculated and it is announced who is supposed to be the firstborn.

Second wedding day: scenario examples

There are a lot of different cool scenarios for the second wedding day. It all depends on your desire and imagination. You can take something into service and remake it for yourself, as a result you will get an original unhackneyed script.

It would be very nice to spend the second day of the wedding not just according to some scenario with a set of contests and toasts, but to choose one or two topics and stick to them.

Scenario of the second day of the wedding: fictitious bride and groom and kidnapping of the young

One of the invited men dresses up as the bride, and the woman as the groom. They take the place of the young at the table. And at this time, the guests go home to the newlyweds. There they are looking for a newly minted young woman for a long time, conducting an investigation with witnesses, identikit images, investigators, protocols, etc.

Finally, after a long search, the young woman is found and the solemn procession goes to the banquet, where the bride and groom find the uninvited guests in their rightful places. After much persuasion, the place of the young is redeemed from the mummers, but all evening they strive to take it again.

Scenario of the second wedding day: gypsies, doctors, customs

The leitmotif of this scenario is the treatment of a hangover with vodka and other alcoholic beverages, as well as an attempt to reproduce ancient customs.

Gypsies (guests who woke up first and became drunk on guard) take money for entry. There is a doctor or even a whole team of sexy nurses right there. Everyone who enters is measured the temperature with a huge cardboard thermometer. All patients with a temperature below 40 degrees are offered to immediately raise it - drink a cup.

Cheerful gypsies on the second day of the wedding greet guests

Wedding traditions on the second day of the wedding

Sell ​​a glass for happiness to the young

When everyone gathers at the table, the young woman gives gifts to her husband's parents and relatives, thanks them for his good upbringing. Then the young people go around all the guests with a tray, offering to drink a glass, and for this you need to put money on the tray. All relatives kiss, dances begin.

Wedding loaf: struggle for the leader

Then they bring it to the young, which they break and the owner of the larger piece is considered the future leader in the family.

Selling pancakes at a wedding

Delicious pancakes that any bride should know how to bake

What to do with the mother-in-law at the wedding?

Another tradition for the mother-in-law is spoon-feeding the son-in-law. In fact, everything should be the other way around: according to an old tradition, the son-in-law must wash the mother-in-law's feet and change her shoes into new shoes, which he himself must first buy.

After such an exchange of pleasantries, the son-in-law puts his mother-in-law and father-in-law in a wheelbarrow and rolls them along the most rollicking paths to the very river. Godparents go back in a wheelbarrow, and parents go on foot.

Sell ​​okroshka to guests

For such “bullying” of parents, when the guests return to the table, the bride will refuse to feed them for free. “If you want okroshka, buy spoons from me!” So - guests will have to fork out!

Offended, but well-fed guests, begin the course of a young fighter for the bride: they make her pour water from bucket to bucket with a cup, peel vegetables for a while. In general, they command as they want.

Plant a tree at a wedding

On this day, young people plant their first tree. If possible, close to your home. If the newlyweds are city dwellers, the seedling can be planted in a beautiful pot and then brought to the apartment.

How to name parents after marriage

On this day, the parents of the bride and groom can be awarded medals and certificates with their new titles. And young people can ask permission to call new parents “mom” and “dad”.

A candle at a wedding as a symbol of the hearth

At the end of the evening, the guests stand in a circle and the oldest member of the family lights a candle. This symbol of the family hearth is passed on to the parents of the young wife, then to the parents of the young husband, and already they - to the newlyweds. Young people go to the center of the circle and dance with a lit candle very carefully and carefully, trying not to let it go out.

Newlyweds light a candle at the wedding

The second day of the wedding is devoid of an official start. Only close friends and relatives are invited (you can invite all guests if you wish), the bride can wear a more comfortable outfit, there is no need to pose for cameras and go to the registry office. It can be done quietly, at home, or on the same scale. If the wedding is themed, he can continue the theme.

Only the young themselves decide how to spend the next day after registration. They may prefer a romantic evening together to a noisy walk, or even go on a honeymoon trip.

How to celebrate the second wedding day: customs and traditions

Initially, he passed without mummers. A young couple went to the bathhouse with brooms donated in advance. This ablution was considered ritual, cleansing. After the bath, the husband and wife went home one after another: the husband in front, the wife behind. The husband had to be the first to step on the threshold of the house, where his mother-in-law and father-in-law were already waiting for him with treats.

First, father-in-law and mother-in-law sat at the table, then husband and wife, and father-in-law with mother-in-law. Then the guests were already invited. An obligatory treat on the table was a wedding loaf, customarily gilded by the bride. That is, the young wife put coins under him. It was also customary to give alms to the poor.

Then they began to transform. Fun, fun, mummers came to the fore. According to custom, the bride had to do household chores, and the groom's family and friends should interfere with her in every possible way. They could even steal and hide the bride, and the groom had to look for her.

The mummers were supposed to entertain strangers. Surely one of them dressed up as a bride. All people passing by should be involved in the celebration. Dances, competitions, horseback riding and other entertainments were arranged.

How the second day of the wedding goes: some interesting options

To follow the tradition or not is up to you. Not always young people want to arrange a traditional Russian holiday with mummers and a feast. There are several more interesting options.

  • Romantic day for two. Guests and toastmasters are not always needed at this time. Young people can devote time to each other and choose any activity for a pleasant pastime.

  • Go on a honeymoon trip. It is a Western tradition to go on a trip right after the wedding. And this has its advantages. Travel will be a great continuation of the celebration. You have not yet managed to move away from the euphoria of marriage, and it's time to fly to hot countries. Many travel agencies offer various discounts, bonuses and special excursions to romantic places for honeymooners.

  • Spas and sauna. A great way to relax and unwind after a noisy party. You can take close friends with you or go to the sauna just the two of you. Massage, swimming pool, steam room and other pleasant things will relieve fatigue and stress after a long preparation for the holiday.

  • costume party. A more modern version of mummers. You can come up with any theme - the Wild West, Harry Potter, Superheroes, Through the Looking Glass. Guests will be happy to figure out how to dress up, and the fun will be shared. Even if the celebration was themed, it is not necessary to repeat the same theme, you can choose something else.

  • Sport. For fans of extreme sports, there is such an option - go to bowling, paintball or any other sporting event where the spirit of competition reigns. You can split into two teams - boys and girls.

How to spend your second wedding day at home

If you are determined to invite guests home, keep in mind that you need to place everyone and set the table. You can show your culinary skills or order food at home from the restaurant. Preparing in the morning after the celebration is quite troublesome. Sometimes food remains after the celebration. It can be served as an appetizer.

Sometimes the size of the apartment does not allow to accommodate all guests, so you can invite only young people or immediate family and friends.

The toastmaster is usually not present at a home event, but you can ask one of the guests to be the host: hold a couple of competitions, make beautiful toasts. Guests should not be bored, but you can’t hold special competitions and dances in the apartment. Most likely, everything will be aimed at friendly communication and congratulations to the young.

On the festive table, dishes may not be as exquisite as at the banquet itself, but more homely and traditional: pancakes, zrazy, cabbage rolls, pies. However, you can always change to your liking. There is no consensus on how to properly celebrate the continuation of the celebration. Youth may have enough snacks, but the older generation prefers a real feast.

When celebrating the second wedding day at home, remember the neighbors as well. If someone has small children or elderly sick people, warn them in advance. Let me know how long the event will last. Remember that after 11 p.m., neighbors may call the police, which will ruin your holiday.

Also make sure that the contests at home do not damage your property. Breaking plates at home for luck and playing tug of war is not recommended.

How to spend your second wedding day outdoors

Outdoor recreation will help to relax, unwind, change the official atmosphere to a friendly one. If you are going to nature with guests, it is better to book a small bus so that everyone can get on time and comfortably.

It is best to spend this day at a camp site or rent a house outside the city, so that in case of bad weather you can take shelter.

Arrange a magnificent feast in nature is unlikely to succeed. As a rule, everything is limited to appetizers and traditional barbecue. Take care of buying and marinating meat in advance. The bride and groom will have no time to do this, so it is better to entrust this business to one of your friends or relatives.

Prepare your dishes ahead of time. Even if it is plastic and disposable, this does not mean that it will not be festive. Now there is a large selection of plastic dishes with inscriptions, drawings, there are even plastic wine glasses.

In nature, it will be convenient to hold almost any competitions on the second day of the wedding. There is a lot of space here, you can make noise and, if you wish, even arrange musical accompaniment. If you want to spend the second day especially fun, hire an organizer or toastmaster. You can also hire a photographer if your budget allows. In nature, you can get very beautiful and touching pictures for your album.

Outdoor recreation is possible not only in summer. In winter, it can be combined with sports activities: skiing, skating, snowboarding.

How to meet guests on the second wedding day: interesting ideas

As a rule, young people invite guests to their home or to their parents' home, but at the same time they also come earlier than other guests and meet them.

There are plenty of options for how to have fun on the second day of the wedding, starting with the meeting of the guests.

If you want to celebrate traditionally with mummers and other entertainment, you need to arrange an appropriate meeting. One or two people must necessarily meet guests in the corridor and offer various games. For example, a psychic in a turban meets guests and says that they need to clean their chakras. Offers a couple of contests, guests drink under a beautiful toast of the presenter.

The most common option is to meet guests "Appointment at the doctor." The doctor checks guests for sobriety and offers medicines, as well as visit other doctors: Dr. Belov (vodka), Dr. Krasnov (wine), Dr. Zarulev (mineral water), etc. It is also possible to make a meeting in the style of the postman Pechkin and a galchonka or dress up the lead inspector of the traffic police.

Thinking about how to entertain guests, count the time. Do not delay the meeting so that the guests do not get tired. After a couple of competitions, you can invite guests to the table. After the competitions, a toast is necessarily pronounced and a glass of wine is drunk for the love and health of the young.

Dress for the second wedding day for the bride

The bride can relax and dress comfortably. A photo session in a long luxurious dress is over. There are no restrictions on color or style.

Choose an outfit according to the situation. If you are going to nature, give preference to a light sundress or dress, as well as comfortable sandals or ballet flats. At the same time, it is not necessary to do a hairstyle: when you swim, the styling will crumble.

For an evening in a restaurant, you will have to find a cocktail dress. It is quite possible to do without long skirts and corsets, but the dress should be elegant and beautiful. A short dress is also appropriate (but not too short, as this may interfere with participation in competitions). Hair and make-up is up to you.

You can check the scenario with the host in advance, and only then consider your outfit and shoes.
For a costume party, you will have to sew a costume on a given topic in advance. Remember that the bride should still stand out among the guests, so your outfit should be the brightest and most original.

For a sports festival or a sauna, no outfits are needed, but here you can stand out. For example, buy a stunning white swimsuit or decorate a bowling uniform with a small one, a crown or flowers.

Second wedding day: a cool scenario

If you want to continue the holiday with fun, prepare an interesting scenario, if you wish, find (or hire) a host who will organize it all.

  • You should start by meeting the guests. The hosts on the threshold greet the guests with jokes and jokes, invite them to the table in verse, but offer to buy the forks first.
  • Everyone comes to the table and drinks together to the health of the young, congratulate yesterday's bride and groom on their marriage.
  • The hosts give some "harmful" advice to young people. All this should be in a comic form and not carry any offensive and indecent remarks. For example, advice to a wife: “Convince your husband that you are the most beautiful woman in the world. Unobtrusively, but persistently.
  • You can scatter trash on the floor along with money. Young people are offered to clean up rubbish, while separating money from garbage with a broom.
  • Do not forget to invite guests to the table between competitions so that they have time to eat and drink to the health of the young.
  • From time to time, you can shout “bitterly” to the newlyweds.
  • At the end, you can arrange a win-win lottery.
  • Do not forget that the scenario of the second wedding day without a toastmaster does not involve endless dances and competitions. Even the hosts themselves, if they are friends, should be able to sit, chat and eat.

What contests are held on the second day of the wedding

You can choose a variety of competitions: intellectual, moving, dancing. It all depends on the venue of the celebration. At home, competitions will be more limited than in a restaurant, cafe or outdoors.

If you do not know how to organize the second day of the wedding, or if you do not have the strength and time for this, hire a toastmaster for 2 days at once.

  • Wishes in a pot. All guests stand in a circle, in the center of which is the leader. The guests pass each other a pot. The host calls any letter of the alphabet, and the one who has a pot in his hands must name 5 wishes for this letter.
  • Family boat. Two oval identical circles are drawn on the floor (you can lay it out with something). These are two boats, one belongs to the bride, the other to the groom. Contestants must climb into someone's boat. Whose boat will fit more people, he will be the captain in family life.
  • Play pregnancy. Two men are invited to experience for themselves what it is like to be in an interesting position. Large inflatable balls are attached to their stomach with adhesive tape. Two boxes of matches are scattered on the floor. Whoever collects them faster and the "belly" does not burst, he won.
  • Young parents. A young couple is offered a doll and a diaper each. Whoever swaddles her faster and better wins.
  • Census. Guests are divided into 2 teams. Two chairs or tables with leaflets are placed. Each team member must run to a chair and write the name of their team member, but not their own. The team that copes faster, does not make mistakes and repetitions, wins.

When you decide how to spend the second day of the wedding, think carefully about the script. Do not allow offensive jokes or contests that may hurt the feelings of young people or one of the guests. Try to exclude also all platitudes. Indecent contests and jokes about the wedding night are already the last century.

Not everyone celebrates the second day of the wedding. Some couples prefer to go on a long-awaited honeymoon trip immediately after the first day, others want to avoid additional expenses. And some simply believe that the wedding lasts one day and does not need to be extended. However, those newlyweds who decide to arrange an additional holiday for themselves and their loved ones receive memories for life, if not about such a solemn as the first, but a very cheerful and sincere second day.

Second wedding day in Russian traditions

The second day of the wedding was of great importance for the young family. It symbolized the beginning of a new life as husband and wife.

The day began with the newlyweds going to the bathhouse. To make their path clear and bright, the road in front of them was swept with special brooms. The ritual of bathing in the bath helped to cleanse oneself of past sins before a new stage of life. Husband and wife washed separately, and then returned to the house. The husband stepped on the threshold first to emphasize his supremacy.

In the house of the spouses, guests were waiting to test the abilities of the newly-made mistress. She cooked, cleaned, carried water, and the guests complicated the task, distracting the young woman in every possible way and adding work to her. At this time, the husband went to his mother-in-law for pancakes. Having finished with the treat, he had to break the dishes on the floor for good luck. In order for the new family to live in love and fidelity, the mother-in-law combed her son-in-law's hair, saying: "Sheep, ram, do not go to other people's yards, love your little one."

After all the rituals, the bride gave gifts to her new relatives. These were belts, towels, shirts that she made with her own hands. Then the feast began. Near the house, guests were met by men dressed as women and vice versa. They demanded to pay for the entrance and say a toast in honor of the newlyweds. The mummers entertained the guests and acted as a modern toastmaster.

Traditionally, weddings in Russia lasted 3 days, but rituals and competitions were held only on the second day. The celebration ended with the serving of an accelerating pie to the guests.

Where and how to spend the second wedding day

For couples who love stability, the ideal location for the second day of the wedding would be where the first day took place. Everything is already familiar there and guests will feel calm and at ease. But for those who want to diversify their holiday and change the situation, there are many other options for organizing a holiday:

On the second day, a small number of guests remain, mostly close friends and relatives. Therefore, most often it is spent at home in a family way, resting from yesterday's celebration, sharing impressions and enjoying home cooking. If the majority of guests still stay on the second day, then it is spent in a cafe or restaurant, and in summer - in nature. The newlyweds choose other options less frequently, usually to surprise guests and stand out from other couples. In order for the memories of this holiday to remain for life, you should invite a photographer on the second day of the wedding.

What to bring to the table

On the second day of the wedding, they also arrange a feast, but not as magnificent and refined as for the main celebration. The basis of the menu are homemade dishes. Traditionally, pancakes are placed on the table. In addition, pies, zrazy, are served on the second day. It is very desirable that there be a sufficient amount of sweets. After all, many guests could not try dessert at the wedding, because they left early, or they simply did not have enough strength for sweets after a variety of main dishes.

From drinks it is better to give preference to light alcohol. Champagne, wine or apple cider are perfect for the second day. Plus, they will quickly save guests who are slightly overwhelmed from a hangover.

Choice of outfit

Clothes for the second day are usually simpler and more comfortable than wedding attire. If it takes place at home or in nature, then the bride can wear a shortened light dress or an elegant sundress. The groom is allowed to do with trousers and a shirt, without a jacket and tie.

If the celebration will take place in a restaurant, then it is better to choose an evening dress. It can be a light French-style dress that will not restrict movement or a cute dress in retro style. Brides often choose a simplified version of their wedding attire for the second day. For example, a cropped white dress without puffy skirts. In this case, it is better for the groom to also wear a jacket, but refuse a tie or bow tie.

Games and contests

Competitions on the second day of the wedding are arranged in order to cheer and cheer up the guests, wake them up after a hangover, make friends with new relatives and create a friendly relaxed atmosphere. In addition, they are called upon to test the young wife as a hostess, and her chosen one as a husband and head of the family.

Competition for the second day "Thread with a needle"

For the competition you will need:

  • 3–5 pairs of participants;
  • Threads;
  • Needles.

Each guy takes a needle and moves 5 meters away from the girl. Each girl picks up a thread, and on a signal she runs to the guy and tries to insert the thread into the needle without his help. As soon as the thread is in the needle, the guy runs to where the girl used to stand. The girl whose boyfriend reaches the finish line first with a thread in her needle wins and is declared the best hostess. To avoid injury, all needles should be blunt in advance.

Competition on the second day for witnesses

For this entertainment you will need:

  • From 20 guests;
  • 2 bags or 2 baskets.

Game "Sale"

Additional inventory is not required.

After the previous competition, guests will want to get their things back. But for this they will have to complete the task of the leader. For example, the presenter takes out the car keys from the basket and says that they need to sing a ditty for them. If the owner of the keys completes the task, he gets them back. The game continues until all items are returned to their owners.

Game "Accordion"

For this game you need:

  • From 10 participants;
  • Paper;
  • Pens or pencils.

The host says that you need to come up with a congratulation in verse for the newly made spouses. Each participant must write one line, then fold the sheet so that what is written is not visible, and write the last word of their congratulations for the next participant. The next participant comes up with a line to rhyme with this word, folds the sheet and writes the last word from his line. When all participants show their poetic talents, the accordion straightens and congratulations are read aloud.

Competition for the second day "Clothes of guests"

To organize a competition you need to prepare:

It is necessary to install 5 chairs in a row - each girl has her own chair. On a signal, they should beg a shirt or jacket from one of the guests and put them on their chair. The last one to make it out is out. Then the girls need to hang a tie on a chair. The last one is out. The next target is a trouser belt. The last girl is out. In the final, you need to take away the shoes from the guests and insert the legs of the chair into them. The girl who first dressed up her chair becomes the winner.

The second day of the wedding can be even more fun and interesting than the first. The newlyweds finally shed their uncomfortable clothes, relax, rest and begin to get used to their new status. If everything is properly organized, then this day will leave no less wonderful memories than the celebration itself.

Watch the video below on how you can spend the second wedding day, the video is very funny and entertaining.