What to do if a child swallows a foreign body. What to do if a child swallows a foreign object

Little researchers do not sit still for a minute and try to study the world around them using all the senses. Often, foreign bodies such as coins, batteries, glass, chewing gum, magnets, pits from plums or cherries, plastic parts and other small objects are found in their mouths. In such a situation, it is extremely important for an adult not to get confused, to sensibly assess the situation and provide first aid to the child. In some cases, you can not do without surgical intervention.

Why do babies swallow foreign objects

According to statistics, every year millions of foreign objects enter the digestive tract of children. And this happens mainly as a result of the desire of young travelers to explore the world around them. Kids are very inquisitive and strive to taste everything that falls into their hands. Sometimes children may swallow a foreign object while eating or playing.

Often, kids swallow their "finds" out of curiosity.

Therefore, it is extremely important for adults to remove medicines, needles, scissors and other sharp objects from inaccessible places, seal the grooves into which batteries or magnets are inserted with adhesive tape, etc. If the situation could not be prevented, parents need to know the list of actions that should be taken immediately .

What can a child swallow

Items that can inadvertently enter the baby's gastrointestinal tract can be divided into two large groups: dangerous and not posing a threat to health.

Dangerous foreign bodies: battery, magnet, coin, pin, glass, nail and others

Dangerous foreign bodies include:

  • metal products (magnet, battery, coin, foil, iron balls, screws, carnations, etc.);
  • sharp or long objects (glass, nail, toothpick, paper clip, pin, fish bone, wooden stick);
  • substances with poisonous and toxic properties.

Coins, batteries, paper clips that are in the digestive tract of a child pose a direct threat to his health

Foreign bodies that do not pose a danger: a stone from a plum, cherry, peach, chewing gum, rubber and plastic objects, a fallen tooth

Non-hazardous foreign bodies include:

  • substances associated with food (pits from cherries, cherries, plums or peaches, chewing gum, egg shells);
  • plastic and rubber items (plastic buttons, beads, Lego, vacuum rubber bands from headphones, cellophane);
  • building materials (mounting foam, silica gel);
  • parts of the body (lost milk tooth, hair);
  • other products (stone, plasticine, hair band, thread, cotton wool, etc.).

Cherry stone will pass through the baby's gastrointestinal tract without any problems, without causing him harm and discomfort.

Signs and symptoms that indicate a child has swallowed a small object

The situation when a foreign object got into the baby's gastrointestinal tract can occur both in the absence and in the presence of an adult.

If you did not see that the child swallowed a foreign body and did not take any action, over time he may develop the following symptoms:

  • profuse salivation;
  • bouts of severe coughing, difficulty breathing;
  • a sharp jump in temperature;
  • bloating, sharp and severe pain;
  • the presence of blood in the stool;
  • chest pain;
  • nausea and vomiting.

If you see that the child suddenly began to cough, choke, turn pale, you should immediately take him to the hospital. Most likely, the cause of the disease is the ingress of a small foreign body into the respiratory tract.

Difficulty breathing is one of the main symptoms when swallowing a foreign object.

What to do first if a child swallows a sharp or dangerous object

The greatest danger is represented by foreign objects that enter the child's respiratory tract or trachea. In this case, access to oxygen is blocked, and the baby begins to suffocate. The main thing for parents in this situation is not to panic.

The list of actions to be taken if a foreign body is stuck "on the way" to the stomach:

  1. Throw the child over the left knee. The baby's head should be down.
  2. Pat him with an open palm on the back, between the shoulder blades.
  3. Press on the root of the tongue, causing a gag reflex.

Every parent should be fully aware that the life of the child depends entirely on his actions.

If you witness your child swallow a sharp object, a battery or a magnet, you should immediately go to the hospital. Waiting for the moment when a dangerous foreign body leaves the body on its own can cost the life of a child.

So, the battery, getting into the gastric juice, begins to oxidize and release toxic substances that are harmful to health. If you do not consult a doctor in time, the sad consequences are inevitable. A chemical burn of internal organs, a stomach ulcer, bleeding, a rupture of the walls of the esophagus, a fatal outcome - this is what swallowing a small battery can lead to.

The battery is an object that poses a particular danger if it enters the gastrointestinal tract

Sharp objects (needles, paper clips, etc.), passing through the gastrointestinal tract, injure internal organs, cause inflammation, and provoke bleeding. Don't hesitate, see a doctor!

How not to harm

If you see that your baby has swallowed a foreign body, you should clearly know the order of primary actions. Try not to panic, keep calm, because excitement and fear are transmitted to the child.

In no case should you:

  • put enemas or give laxatives to the young researcher. Artificial acceleration of the digestive system can lead to a number of undesirable consequences. A foreign object can injure the walls of internal organs with the edges, get stuck in the intestine, thereby provoking its obstruction;
  • force the baby to eat a piece of solid food, for example, a crust of stale bread;
  • try to get a foreign body with tweezers, a magnet.

If the diameter of the object swallowed by the child is not more than 1 cm, and it has a rounded shape, then the probability that the foreign body will pass through the gastrointestinal tract on its own and exit with a stool is quite high. Be patient and check your stool regularly.

What to expect in the hospital

If your baby has swallowed a foreign body that is dangerous for him (magnets, a battery, a fish bone, a needle, etc.), you must take him to a medical facility. In a hospital setting, using an x-ray or ultrasound, the doctor will determine the place where the foreign object is stuck. If he got into the stomach, then he will be released through the FGS. The situation with the bronchi is much more complicated - the manipulations will be carried out under anesthesia. After removing the foreign body, the child is monitored. If necessary, antibiotics may be prescribed to prevent infection of the lungs and bronchi.

Possible consequences

If you do not see a doctor in time, a dangerous foreign body in the child's body can cause a number of undesirable consequences: from intestinal obstruction to stomach ulcers, internal bleeding, and even death. Be carefull!

If a child swallowed something: health school - video

For the most part, foreign bodies that a child can swallow do not pose a threat to his health. But foreign objects such as batteries, needles, toothpicks, glass fragments carry an increased danger and can lead to irreversible consequences. A timely visit to the doctor is the only right decision.

Small children put everything in their mouths and can sometimes swallow a small object. Most often, babies swallow pins, small parts of toys, coins, needles, small batteries or toys. How to understand and what to do if a child has swallowed a foreign body, we will consider in the article.

The child swallowed something small - first aid

Objects that get into the trachea or windpipe become really dangerous, as they block access to oxygen, as a result of which the baby can suffocate. Small objects that are swallowed and end up in the digestive tract are often easily excreted, but sometimes get stuck in the esophagus. A swallowed microbattery can cause erosion of the intestinal mucosa, therefore, if there is a suspicion that the baby has swallowed something, an x-ray is taken to find out which particular object got into the digestive tract and its location. After that, the doctor plans further actions.

It is good if it was immediately noticed that the child had swallowed a foreign object. In this case, the harm done is minimal, since the doctor's help will be quick and timely.

Symptoms that the baby has inhaled or swallowed something:

  • When a small object enters the respiratory tract, there are signs of suffocation: the child turns blue, turns pale, suffocates.
  • An object in the digestive system causes urge to vomit, salivation becomes profuse after 15 or 20 minutes .

Such symptoms serve as a reason to consult a doctor, you should immediately call an ambulance. Sometimes the baby will cough and it seems that his condition has improved, but you still need to contact the doctor, because not all objects can come out without having a detrimental effect on the digestive tract. It is unlikely that they will pull out a small coin, a bead, a bone or a detail of a designer, but they will follow its movement by means of an X-ray. Doctors remove larger objects.

Features of different objects that a child could swallow: table

Swallowed objects behave differently in the child's body, their traumatic effect on the body is also different.

How do they behave in the body and why are swallowed objects dangerous?

Subject Signs that a child has swallowed an object How does the object behave in the body? What to do?
Battery If it gets stuck in the throat, the baby coughs, suffocates. The stool becomes dark green or black with a metallic odor, usually within a couple of days of being swallowed. Fever, vomiting, loss of consciousness. Under the influence of heat, moisture and gastric acid, the battery oxidizes and acid begins to corrode the gastric mucosa. If the child is choking, induce vomiting. Call an ambulance as soon as possible or go to the hospital yourself.
Magnet There may be no symptoms for several days. Later, a runny nose, cough, abdominal pain, high fever, loss of consciousness appear. In 30% of cases, it is retained in the esophagus, in 70% - in the stomach. A magnet with sharp edges injures the mucosa of the esophagus. Several magnets are attracted to each other, seriously injuring the intestines. Do not induce vomiting, do not give food or food, seek medical attention as soon as possible.
Gum One swallowed plate will not cause unpleasant symptoms. If the baby swallowed a lot, then abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea may occur. Once in the stomach, the chewing gum is digested in 6-10 hours or it comes out unchanged, without damaging anything.

If several packages are swallowed, allergies, poisoning, constipation, diarrhea are possible.

One plate does not pose a threat, if a lot is swallowed, observe the child and if there are deviations in behavior, consult a doctor.
Coin If it gets stuck in the esophagus, the baby becomes restless, cries, refuses to eat, or immediately spits up food. There may be hiccups, salivation, in very young children - shortness of breath and cough due to the pressure of the coin on the respiratory organs from the esophagus. Most often, the coin leaves the gastrointestinal tract without having a detrimental effect. In very rare cases, intestinal obstruction or perforation of the esophagus may develop. If the coin worsens the condition of the child, then it must be removed immediately, if everything is fine, just watch the baby.
Button Most often, there are no symptoms, since the button rarely gets stuck in the esophagus. The button will come out naturally, unchanged. Do not give laxatives or induce vomiting. If the child behaves normally, wait until he comes out with feces.

If the behavior of the baby changes, you should consult a doctor.

Needle Profuse salivation, anxiety, cough, flushing of the face, choking, sweating, fever. It can get a sharp end into the lungs or heart. If it reaches the stomach, then in the vast majority of cases (80%) it comes out naturally, without injuring anything in 2-72 hours. Very rarely pierces the stomach or intestines. It can settle in soft tissues and cause pain and inflammation. Seek immediate medical attention. Move as little as possible to avoid moving the needle through soft tissue. You can not induce vomiting and give a laxative, shake the baby.
Mercury Weakness, malaise, high fever, headache, salivation, abdominal pain, diarrhea are observed. It is not the balls of mercury that are dangerous, but its evaporation. Inhalation of vapors with air damages the lungs, kidneys and nervous system. Induce vomiting as soon as possible and seek medical attention.
sharp object (stapler staple, pin) The baby can constantly hiccup, blood appears in the feces, he is sick, vomiting is possible. May puncture the stomach wall, leading to peritonitis. Call an ambulance.

You can not feed and give to drink until the doctor arrives.

Glass There is hiccups, vomiting, nausea, pain in the chest, blood in the stool. A small piece may come out on its own without damaging anything, but it may cut the stomach and intestines. A large piece is able to remain in the stomach for many years deteriorating health. With clean hands, remove visible fragments from the mouth and call an ambulance. Do not induce vomiting or give laxatives.
Tablet The first signs of poisoning will appear when the tablets begin to be absorbed into the blood. The child becomes irritable, his behavior changes, convulsions, loss of consciousness, nausea, vomiting, fever are possible. The harmful effect depends on which tablet the baby swallowed. Especially dangerous if there were a lot of them. Make gastric lavage, induce vomiting, then give 2-3 tablets of activated charcoal or other sorbent. Call an ambulance. Do not feed until the arrival of doctors.
piece of foil Signs of malaise, lethargy, irritability. Often comes out without damaging the digestive organs. Sometimes a piece of foil can scratch the walls of the esophagus, causing bleeding. Call an ambulance. You can not feed and water the baby, induce vomiting, give a laxative before the arrival of the medical staff.
Plasticine The baby can become lethargic, capricious. In very rare cases, for example, a rash appears. A small piece of plasticine is not harmful. A large piece can cause a bowel obstruction or get stuck in the esophagus. Watch the child. Seek medical attention if your child's behavior changes.
cotton wool Usually absent. Does not pose a danger to the child. Comes out naturally. Observe the behavior and condition of the baby.
Pebble Most often, there is no change in behavior. In very rare cases - irritability, weakness, lethargy. It comes out naturally within three days in most cases. Observe the child's behavior. If the condition worsens, consult a doctor.
Small piece of plastic There are no symptoms unless the object is lodged in the esophagus and has not damaged the intestines with sharp edges. In the vast majority of cases, it comes out on its own without damaging the internal organs. If the object has sharp edges, then it can damage the intestines. Observe the child's stool and behavior. If an object with sharp edges has been swallowed, consult a doctor. It is not always possible to see a plastic object with the help of an X-ray due to the structure of the material.
small metal object Unpleasant symptoms are rare. Sometimes there is hiccups, salivation, irritability, abdominal pain. If it does not have sharp edges, then it will come out safely. If acute, it can injure the esophagus, stomach and intestines. Seek medical attention if the child's condition worsens.
small bead In most cases, there are no unpleasant symptoms. In the vast majority of cases, it comes out naturally, without harming the child's body. Monitor the condition of the child.
Tooth Most often absent. Mostly it comes out naturally, without harming the body. You can't induce vomiting. Seek medical attention if your child's behavior changes.
Apricot pit, cherry, plum Very rarely there is abdominal pain and blood in the stool. A large bone with sharp edges can get stuck in the intestines. then you need to monitor the condition of the baby and his stool. If unpleasant symptoms appear, consult a doctor.

The most dangerous when swallowed are three types of objects:

  1. Items that are large . Here there is a possibility of intestinal obstruction due to its blockage by a foreign object.
  2. Objects with piercing and sharp edges. Such objects can pierce the walls of the intestines and stomach, which leads to the need for urgent surgery.
  3. Small round pill-shaped batteries (from watches, toys) have an electrode inside, which can give a discharge in the stomach, esophagus or intestines, which injures the organ.

Swallowing a building block piece, inserting a pen rod into your nose, or drinking fire starter at a picnic - this is how children learn about the world (yes, that's exactly what it is). An emergency doctor and a pediatric toxicologist talk about what children most often swallow and how to help if this does happen.

For those who are preparing for the main school exam

There are two types of baby swallowing situations. The child swallows either an object or a poisonous substance (liquids, tablets). Each situation has its own algorithm of actions. “Children swallow objects much more often than liquids, because a combination of circumstances is needed to poison a dangerous liquid, and putting a foreign body in the nose will not be a lot of work: anything will do,” notes an ambulance doctor with ten years of experience, clinical trainer Igor Poluboyartsev.

What do children most often swallow and at what age?

Most often, children swallow the details of the designer, then by a wide margin go stationery, buttons, coins, magnets, nuts, screws, nails.

The most dangerous age when parents should especially closely monitor the child is from one and a half to three years. This age accounts for 95-98% of cases of foreign bodies entering the respiratory tract.

How to understand that the child swallowed an object or put something in his nose?

This is important if you have not seen the process itself and the object is not visible from the outside. There are alarm signals - the child cries, suffocates, he has a sudden cough, his skin turns blue.

Even if the child cleared his throat and calmed down, this does not mean that everything worked out. If the foreign body slipped further and got into the bronchi, breathing can become free - only a slight cough remains. In this case, the object will still remain inside. If it is not removed, the child may develop severe chronic diseases.

Magnets are especially dangerous. If a child swallows a few pieces, they can cluster and damage the intestines. It is not worth waiting for a swallowed magnet (and any other object) to come out on its own through the intestines. You should always see a doctor.

And what happens next?

In total there are three scenarios for the development of events with foreign bodies.

1. If the object has been inhaled- this is the worst option. “A child can stop breathing instantly, it can last five minutes, it can last two hours. It all depends on the size of the object, the circumstances and how correctly the parents provided first aid. And, of course, from the time the ambulance arrived, ”explains Igor Poluboyartsev.

2. The item can also enter the gastrointestinal tract- it is not as dangerous as in the respiratory tract, because there is no risk of instantly suffocating. The object can get stuck, injure the walls of the esophagus, stomach. In addition to the mechanical threat, there is also an infectious one.

3. The child did not swallow the object, but stuck it in his nose. The rod from the pen is not the only option. There may be small magnets in the nose, parts of toys in the form of peas, whatever. The probability that an object from the nose will enter the respiratory tract is not very high, but it is still possible to get injured.

How to help the child before the arrival of the doctor?

For all cases of ingestion of objects, the rules of action are general. First, you need to call an ambulance.

At the same time, you need to check if there is something in the child's mouth. No need to tilt your head back - this way objects can be even deeper. The child is tilted only forward so that the swallowed food falls into the palm of the parent. You can lightly pat him on the back.

If nothing fell out or there is a suspicion that not everything fell out, in no case do not try to get the items yourself.

“There is a golden rule: never touch the victim until professional help arrives. Even the arriving ambulance team will not remove the foreign body - this is prohibited by federal standards of care. Only an ENT doctor with special equipment will be able to assess the extent of the damage.”

Igor Poluboyartsev, emergency doctor

The first aid that parents can and should provide is the Heimlich technique from the WHO recommendations - see in more detail what it is. Other than that, no self-employment. If something else needs to be done in your particular situation, the doctors who will receive the ambulance call will definitely tell you about it.

Do not try to pull out and what sticks out of the nose. “If the child is crying, and the foreign object does not fall out of the nose on its own, then it is definitely already inserted deep enough, it cannot be removed on its own,” warns Igor Poluboyartsev.

What if my child swallowed pills or drank dishwashing liquid?

1. Call an ambulance, and before it arrives, give water and sorbents(activated carbon, enterosgel). This scheme will work in almost all cases. The exception is the ingestion of corrosive liquids (these are vinegar and alkalis - a solvent, nail polish remover).

2. Do not induce vomiting. In the case of corrosive liquids, there is a main danger - they seriously damage the mucous membranes. A burn of the esophagus can lead to its narrowing and subsequent disability. If a child has swallowed a corrosive liquid (vinegar, alkali), vomiting will lead to a second burn of the esophagus.

“20 years ago, about 80% of child poisonings were drug poisonings, 10% - alcohol, 5% - household chemicals, 5% - vapors of poisonous gases. Today the picture is different: 60% of childhood poisonings are due to household chemicals. Another category of childhood poisoning is unintentional poisoning by parents. For example, parents uncontrollably instill vasoconstrictor drugs for adults into the baby's nose for washing - this is not uncommon. Over the past year, 50-60 children came to me with poisoning with Naphthyzinum or other vasoconstrictors.

Oleg Koltsov, toxicologist, candidate of medical sciences, head of the Novosibirsk Regional Children's Toxicological Center

3. Do not use advice from the forums. There, for example, it is often advised to drink milk if the child has taken a sip of vinegar. This is not the way to do it - milk, like water, can cause vomiting, and in the case of vinegar, this is contraindicated.

It is even more dangerous to give soda - this is unacceptable, as it can provoke a rupture of the stomach. The advice to wash the stomach with a weak solution of potassium permanganate also applies there. This helps only in the case of vegetable poison, in the rest - potassium permanganate will not help. Or, for example, if the child drank shampoo, it is advised to give a piece of butter. The oil really extinguishes the foam, but it is better to use not creamy, but vaseline (of course, you don’t have it on hand). So in all cases - immediately call a doctor.

Important. The best thing is to protect the child from risks. Don't leave dangerous liquids around, much less store them in water or soda bottles. Keep the pills out of reach and keep track of them (if the blister is empty and you didn’t drink the pills, it means that the child drank them). Do not buy toys with small parts, buttons, magnets and do not leave them unattended.

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Gosha once swallowed teeth from a comb, plastic, 3 pieces, 2 - sharp, 1 - with a round. As a rule, these are details from children's toys, buttons. These items are less dangerous than magnets, batteries and glass.

What to do if a child swallows an object?

Yes, the part is plastic, it’s unlikely that they will see something, so I took the responsibility of watching my son for a couple of days myself ... The opinion of the authors may not coincide with the point of view of the editors. The editors are not responsible for the content of advertisements and articles. At the moment, I give the baby light food, such as oatmeal. I don’t know what to do, the doctors say wait, but I’m going crazy. Support people, why one piece came out almost immediately, where is the rest, how long to wait, where to run.

In the evening, unable to stand it, they rushed to the x-ray, they said the plastic does not show the glass, but you can see if there is any kind of injury.

All mothers know that medicines should be kept out of the reach of children. But not everyone succeeds.

Tell me what to do, who faced this - the child swallowed a plastic round part! Not the fact that the child swallowed all the fragments. As I remember now, my mother dragged me to the doctors then: they blew my nose and did an X-ray. As a child, she played with bullets and stuck one up her nose. And she bang and failed inside. Author, pull yourself together. Everything will be fine. The child could not eat a bunch of fragments.

If the swallowed object is sharp, it is a magnet, a battery, or a large object, you need to urgently take the child to the hospital.

Toddlers like tablets and capsules, they think that this is a treat.

And although it was wooden and without protrusions, out of fright, I immediately called an ambulance, and we were taken to the trauma. If they are small .. they could get lost in the room. But no one saw how he ate them. I called an ambulance, they arrived, looked at the mouth, listened, they said wait at the exit or look for a better one, it might have rolled up.

Foreign body stuck in the esophagus

Do not give a laxative. If we assume that there are still pieces inside, then in order not to injure the intestines with plastic, the stool should not be liquid, and vice versa. But if he swallows a large lump - perhaps the same as when swallowing a large amount of chewing gum: plasticine can get stuck in the esophagus or cause intestinal obstruction. The doctor can immediately prescribe an X-ray examination for the child, and if the object is in the stomach or duodenum, remove it by endoscopic method.

And with a long stay in one place, they can cause necrosis and perforation.

We have already described above what you must do in order to remove a dangerous object from the respiratory tract. All other actions: feeding, watering the child, giving him a laxative, is possible only after examining a doctor, with his permission. If any of these symptoms appear, the child may need urgent surgical treatment. But such objects, as a rule, are not sharp and heavy, and if their dimensions are not very large, they may well pass out with feces on their own.

Children are naturally very curious, because the world around them hides so many interesting and unknown things. One of the ways to get to know the world around us can be an attempt to taste objects. Children, especially very young ones, put things into their mouths that fall into their field of vision. The smaller the item, the more likely it is to end up in the baby's mouth.

Many children's toys carry a "no children under three" restriction badge. It is at this age that the child most often tastes the world around him. As a rule, children's designers have larger building parts than for an older age category, and it is difficult to place in the mouth, not to mention swallowing. However, if the child has older brothers or sisters and they forget to clean up after themselves toys, the baby has access to small details.

Constructor is a very interesting, exciting educational game. It is designed for older children, perfectly develops their creativity and imagination. However, the Lego constructor consists of rather small parts that easily fit in the child's mouth. And if the part fits in the baby's mouth, then it is likely that it will go there.

When a foreign body enters the mouth, there are several options for the development of further events:

  • The baby will hold the object in his mouth and spit it out. In this case, there is nothing to worry about.
  • The child ate an object that got into his mouth, and he got into the gastrointestinal tract.
  • A Lego piece can get into the respiratory tract, this situation is the most dangerous.

It should also be remembered that not always the missing part was eaten by the baby. You can’t ask a child if this is so, but parents may have doubts. Here are a few symptoms that make it possible to understand that the child has indeed swallowed a foreign body:

  • Change of mood.
  • The baby is sick, his tummy hurts.
  • The baby becomes lethargic and quiet.

It should be remembered that the Lego brick itself is not harmful to the health of the baby if it is swallowed.

The most dangerous foreign objects include:

Batteries. It is important to understand that the size of the battery does not matter. The battery contains acids that can damage the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, which will lead to serious consequences. You should not wait for the battery to come out naturally, it must be removed by a doctor and the sooner the better.

Medications. Tablets, as a rule, are small in size and painted in bright colors. The danger of tablets lies in the effect they cause and in the possible overdose.

Objects and liquids that are toxic (detergents and disinfectants, vinegar, alcohol, etc.). Such substances can easily poison a child, do not let your child get close to them.

Sharp and cutting objects: pins, needles, fish bones, etc. Can injure the wall of the gastrointestinal tract. A young child should not be allowed to come into contact with such things.

The plastic of which the cube is made is non-toxic, and the small size of the part contributes to its natural passage through all parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Barium salts, a substance that can be seen on x-rays, are also added to plastics. As a rule, the part comes out on its own and after one to three days you can find it in a baby pot.

What should parents do and when should they seek immediate medical attention?

Symptoms for which you need to call a doctor as soon as possible are as follows:

  • Acute.
  • Shortness of breath, shortness of breath, stubborn.
  • Seizures.
  • Nausea and.
  • The appearance of blood in the stool.
  • Loss of consciousness, fainting.
  • Increase in body temperature.
  • Weakness, decreased activity of the baby.

What parents need to do in a situation if the baby swallowed a Lego part:

  • Make sure that the child actually swallowed the foreign object, and did not throw it away or hide it. Quite often it happens that the baby played with a part or with a toy consisting of small parts, and then lost any fragment. If you have any doubts, watch the child, look for the missing part under the carpet or under the chair, maybe it is there.
  • Do not panic. Excessive fussiness and a sense of anxiety on the part of parents do not lead to making the right informed decisions. Look at the child, calm down, because the baby is very sensitive to your emotional state. If he is sick, vomits, his stomach hurts a lot, he cannot breathe, etc., then you should immediately seek medical help. If he is cheerful and cheerful, you should pacify the confused feelings and breathe deeper.
  • Do not give your child laxatives. Self-medication without consulting a specialist is categorically unacceptable, especially in relation to children. The swallowed part will easily come out on its own, the natural process should not be accelerated. Uncontrolled intake of laxatives in children can lead to a spasm in the tummy, painful and uncomfortable sensations.
  • If the part is inhaled, first aid should be given.

If the child is still small enough, lay him with his stomach on your forearm (part of the arm from the elbow to the hand) with his head towards your palm. The child's head should be tilted down. If the child is large, lay him on the thigh area also with his head slightly down. Make several jerky tapping movements with the edge of the palm of your hand in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe back of the child between his shoulder blades.

It is also possible to perform the Heimlich maneuver. Turn the child to your back. Wrap your arms around your child, clenching your palms into a fist, and place your fist at the top of your abdomen under your sternum. Perform a sharp jerky pressure on the child's stomach in the direction of yourself and from the bottom up. If the actions taken do not lead to the desired result, you should call a doctor. Child anxietyDoes the child show anxiety and complain about bad dreams? Can't concentrate on the lesson, is worried and often complains of a sore stomach? Our test will help determine the level of anxiety in a child and suggest further tactics of behavior.

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