What is the best thing to do to improve the skin. Hydration and nutrition. Take bioactive supplements

1. Stick to the right diet

Eliminate all foods that negatively affect the condition of the skin: fatty foods, meat, sweet foods, flour products, spicy and spices. In order for your skin to shine, you should include foods that contain gelatin, fiber, fresh fruits, vegetables, cereals, plant foods, and nuts in your daily diet. Your body should not starve, but getting rid of toxins is desirable. Fresh vegetables and salads from them will help you with this. You can also use herbal infusions that normalize the functioning of internal organs: chamomile, sage, mint, lemon balm, etc. Also, do not forget to adhere to the water balance - 1.5 - 2 liters. clean water per day without gas. Green tea without sugar is also useful. Enrich your diet with foods rich in vitamin E, C, A, B: citrus fruits, avocados, carrots, pumpkin; healthy fats - sea red fish, nuts, vegetable oils.

2. Nourishing masks

For your skin to shine, provide it with the right care. Nourishing masks based on healthy products will help you with this.

· Carrot based mask

Grate half a carrot, add a raw egg and grated potatoes. Mix everything. Apply to face for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

· Banana mask

Mash the banana to a pulp and put on the skin of the face. Leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

· Maxa based on sour cream

A sour cream mask will help even out the complexion. You don’t need to add anything to it, just put sour cream on your face with a thick enough layer and leave for 20 minutes. Make sure the product is natural. After the mask, wash with warm water. Be careful, sour cream mask is not suitable for oily skin.

3. Massage

To improve complexion and general skin condition, massage is recommended every evening. Start smoothing the skin from the middle of the forehead to the temples; walk down the wings of the nose; the area under the eyes - from the outer eye to the inner one on the lower eyelid, and vice versa on the upper one; from the corners of the nose to the temples diagonally, then from the corners of the mouth to the earlobes; also diagonally draw from the middle of the chin along the line of the oval of the face.

4. Scrubs

Scrubs cleanse the skin of dirt, make-up residue, dust and dead cells.

· Based on coffee

Mix coffee with sour cream or face gel. Apply gently on the face and massage it in a little. Then wash off with warm water.

· Based on sea salt

Grind sea salt in a coffee grinder and mix with facial wash. Massage your face very carefully, avoid pain.

5. Prepare ice cubes

Brew green tea or a decoction of any herbs. Pour the liquid into molds with ice cubes and place in the freezer. Wipe your face every evening and morning. This method greatly tones the skin of the face.

Such simple ways will help you remove minor imperfections on your face and give your code a beautiful glow in a short time.

In the difficult conditions of modern urban life, the question of how to improve complexion often sounds. Improper nutrition, constant stress, lack of fresh air - all this leads to the fact that the skin becomes dull and gray. But do not despair. You can give your face a healthy, radiant look by following the tips below.

Step 1. Healthy eating

If you want to have beautiful smooth skin, then first of all you should reconsider your diet. Fast food, fatty foods, a lot of sweets, as well as alcohol and cigarettes are incompatible with the dream of clear skin. Refuse junk food - this will be the first step towards a beautiful, clean face from rashes.

But in addition to the complete rejection of hazards, it is worth introducing into your diet products such as:

  • apples;
  • carrot;
  • vegetable oils;
  • spices;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • citrus fruit;
  • green vegetables;
  • fatty fish.

Sprouted seeds of wheat, oats, flax are very useful for the skin. This product contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, because it is not for nothing that germinated wheat has been called “living food” since ancient times.

Also, for those who want to improve complexion, the following recipes will come in handy.

Great drink for the face

You will need:

  • green tea;
  • ginger;
  • cardamom;
  • Carnation;
  • cinnamon;
  • lemon - optional.

Brew a glass of green tea and add grated fresh or dry ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, lemon. Let the drink brew, flavor it with a spoonful of honey. You need to drink a drink once a day. This tool will not only make your face cleaner and fresher, but also strengthen the immune system.

Facial juice

You will need:

  • grapes - 1 bunch;
  • strawberries - 1 handful.

Mix the berries in a blender and grind them into a homogeneous mass. This juice puree is useful to drink in the morning at breakfast. It will enrich the body with vitamins and improve complexion.

cleansing salad

You will need:

  • Apple;
  • carrot;
  • cabbage;
  • beet;
  • pomegranate seeds;
  • Pine nuts;
  • dried apricots or prunes;
  • lemon juice;
  • olive oil.

Cut the vegetables into medium-sized pieces, add pomegranate seeds, nuts, dried fruits and mix thoroughly. Season the salad with lemon juice and olive oil (you can choose any oil).

The use of such a salad helps to remove toxins from the body, cleanses the stomach and refreshes the skin of the face.

Don't forget about water! You need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters per day. It is also recommended to drink a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast. It is better to drink unboiled water - melted water or spring water.

Step 2. Folk remedies for facial skin

In the dynamics of modern life, it is sometimes difficult to find time to prepare homemade cosmetics from natural ingredients. However, if you dream of a beautiful complexion, you can’t do without folk remedies.

There are many recipes for masks and scrubs - you need to try many products before finding the one that suits you best.
But to achieve the best result, skin care should include the following procedures:

  1. mask;
  2. scrub;
  3. steam bath;
  4. rubbing with ice or ice washing.

Face masks

Recipe number 1. honey mask

Mix in a glass bowl one spoon of liquid honey, one spoon of lemon juice and one spoon of oatmeal. If you have oily skin type, you can add a little baking soda to the mixture.

Apply the mask on your face and leave for ¼ hour. Already after the first procedure, you will notice that the complexion has become much more beautiful and even.

Recipe number 2. Sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil is a source of a rare but very beneficial omega-7 fatty acid. It has a beneficial effect on the female body, improves complexion. Evens out skin, strengthens hair and nails.

It is better to use sea buckthorn oil in a complex way - inside a teaspoon on an empty stomach and in the form of a mask.

The mask is very easy to make. Warm the oil to a comfortable temperature and apply on the face for 20 minutes. You can apply gauze moistened with sea buckthorn oil to the skin.

Recipe number 3. Coffee and carrot mask

Take some freshly squeezed carrot juice and mix it with 1-2 tablespoons of coffee brew. Apply the mixture on your face and leave for a few minutes. You can improve the recipe by adding not tea leaves to the juice, but coffee grounds - then you get a scrub mask.

Such a tool is very useful for the skin, as it will not only give it a fresh, rested look, but also cleanse it well.

home scrubs

Recipe number 1. rice belongings

Mix one part rice flour and one part ground coffee. Dilute the mixture with water or warm base oil (such as olive oil) and apply to the face in smooth circular motions. After a light massage, rinse off the scrub with running water.

Recipe number 2. Tea scrub

To one spoonful of liquid honey, add a little fresh brew of green tea and a scrubbing element of your choice - bran, salt, sugar, coffee. Gently cleanse the skin with the mixture, and then rinse with water.

steam bath

Herbs and other natural base decoctions to improve complexion:

  • chamomile;
  • rose petals;
  • sage;
  • Linden;
  • Clover;
  • calendula;
  • Oak bark;
  • willow leaves;
  • peppermint;

You can add a few drops of essential oil to the bath.

Go to the bath regularly. This procedure will help not only improve the condition of the skin of the face and the whole body, but also remove toxins from the body and give a charge of vivacity for several days ahead.

cosmetic ice

Brew herbs of your choice. Chamomile, mint, birch leaves, sage, St. John's wort are good for improving skin color. To the decoction, you can add 2-4 ml of hydrolat or a few drops of chamomile extract.

Pour the infusion into ice molds and put in the freezer. Every morning, while washing, wipe your face with a cosmetic ice cube.

If you have a weak throat, it is best not to rub ice on the neck area.

This procedure “trains” the vessels and helps to even out skin color.

Step 3. Massage

Massage helps to maintain the tone of the dermis, helps to smooth wrinkles and wrinkles, and also increases the flow of nutrients to the skin, due to which the complexion improves.

There are the following types of facial massage:

  1. classical;
  2. plucked (Jacquet);
  3. plastic;
  4. modeling.

You can carry out the procedure both at home and in the salon. But besides this, it is recommended to do a five-minute massage every evening. To do this, pour a little cosmetic oil into your hand and warm it up by rubbing it between your palms. Make smooth stroking movements along the main ones. Don't forget your neck and décolleté!

After the procedure, blot the remaining oil with a paper towel.

Step 4. Visiting a beautician

Regular visits to the beautician's office are essential if you want to have clear skin. This is especially important if you have skin rashes, enlarged pores, excessive dryness of the dermis.

The cosmetologist will assess the condition of your skin and recommend procedures or products that will help both improve complexion and eliminate rashes and other troubles.

A specialist can offer the following salon treatments for skin smoothing:

  • microdermabrasion;
  • chemical peeling;
  • peeling with acids;
  • laser peeling;
  • hydroderma.

What is better to choose, the beautician will decide. He will also provide information on prices and procedures.

At home, you can also do a deep cleansing of the face. Now there are many electrical devices for cleansing the skin. Prices range from the lowest (several hundred rubles) to the highest (several thousand rubles).

One of the most popular face care devices is Darsonval. He was also familiar to our grandmothers, as he was very popular in the USSR. It was invented in France in the 19th century.

The action of the device is aimed at enriching the skin with ozone. To do this, the dermis is first irritated by the current - this "spurs" the regeneration of the skin, improves the metabolic and excretory functions of the skin. Next, the skin is treated with ozone, which has an antimicrobial and soothing effect.

Regular use of "Darsonval" helps to improve complexion, improves skin elasticity, eliminates rashes and excessive greasiness.

Step 5. Sports and fresh air

The last step towards clear and healthy skin is fresh air and movement. This is exactly what modern man lacks especially. Living in cities makes women tired and passive. Constant stay at work, indoors, leads to the fact that the color of the skin fades and acquires an earthy tint. This is due to the fact that the dermis does not receive enough oxygen indoors, and poisonous fumes from furniture varnishes poison it.

Do not be lazy and take an hour-long walk through the city park or square every day. It is especially good if there is a coniferous forest near your house - in such a place the skin is more quickly and more fully saturated with oxygen.

Also an important factor influencing the complexion is sport. Dedicate at least an hour of your time to it. Cycling or jogging allow you to combine sports and outdoor activities. However, it is worth choosing exactly the physical activity that you like the most.


By following the five simple rules above, you can not only improve your complexion, but also strengthen your immune system, get rid of skin problems and health problems. Healthy food, fresh air, sports load and regular high-quality personal care are the components of the beauty and attractiveness of any woman.

By secret

A younger face in just 11 days!

Even at 40, you can look 21 if you smear your face at night ...

Early wrinkles, pimples, spots, peeling scales - this is not a complete list of problems that a modern woman can face at any time. Immediately run to a cosmetic clinic or try to take care of your face yourself? Something, of course, cannot be dealt with without a good beautician. But a lot can be cured by yourself, if you try hard enough. How to improve facial skin at home? Read about it in our article.

Why does leather deteriorate?

The modern woman lives in a crazy rhythm. Especially if she lives in a big city, with its dust and exhaust gases. Not everyone can afford to entrust their face care to professional high-class cosmetologists, but everyone wants to look good. Well, let's figure it out - before proceeding with treatment, you need to understand the causes of trouble. And they can be very different:

  • poor quality food;
  • insufficient amount of fluid in the body;
  • constant nervous tension;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • unpleasant or hard work;
  • poor state of the environment;
  • bad dream.

What you eat?

Track how you eat. In a hurry - a couple of sandwiches for breakfast, a hamburger for lunch, chips for dinner, and tea and buns in between? Or anything at all, just a little more? And are you surprised by anything else? If you constantly eat dry food, abuse sweet and fatty foods, forget what an apple looks like, you can be sure that even the first person you meet will know about it. Improper nutrition will certainly affect the condition of your skin - it will become either too dry and pale, or oily and with acne.

Nutrition should be of high quality and balanced. To improve facial skin, your diet should contain:

  • enough vitamins and minerals;
  • sufficient amount of protein;
  • moderate amounts of carbohydrates and fats.

What products should be preferred?

The condition of the skin is positively affected by:

  • a fish;
  • nuts;
  • cottage cheese;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • cereals.

Important! But it is better to refuse spicy and smoked, as well as alcoholic beverages.

Quench your thirst

Water is the most essential ingredient. We must not allow the body to lack fluid. Don't be thirsty, drink as much as you like. Nutritionists believe that a person should drink at least two liters of water per day. If there is not enough moisture, toxins are not removed naturally, but try to break out through the pores. Accordingly, inflammation occurs and acne may appear, and you are puzzled how to improve facial skin at home.

Important! Do not abuse tea and coffee - from them the face will become darker. Give preference to juices.

skin and nerves

The more hassle, the harder it is for your skin. In a bilious, evil person, the face often turns yellow, the skin becomes dry and painful. Analyze what makes you angry, offended, upset. Is there always a good reason for this?

And take into account that you can only really get upset because of irreparable things. What can be fixed should not upset. Pull yourself together, think over a plan of action, and you will certainly cope with the situation without any damage to your own health.

Important! Nervousness often becomes the cause of poor skin condition also for the reason that a person, focusing on negative experiences, ceases to draw attention to himself. He simply has no time to keep track of what is in his refrigerator, no time to lubricate his face with cream or properly wash off his makeup. The skin will certainly react to this.

Skin and TV

The human body is a very interesting system. Any action or inaction will certainly cause a reaction of absolutely all organs:

  • Long walks in the fresh air or outdoor games stimulate blood circulation. Accordingly, the vessels work, and the tissues receive a sufficient amount of oxygen. The skin remains healthy for a long time, and if minor troubles suddenly appear, it is not difficult to cope with them.
  • And vice versa. A person who moves little, mostly sits at work and spends his evenings watching TV, very quickly begins to notice that his face has become yellowish or bluish, wrinkles have appeared on it, and no anti-aging creams help.

Don't like to walk? Put a simulator at home, since now there are no problems with this.

Gloomy work morning

Have you noticed how you feel when you go to work? If every morning you expect hard labor, or even execution, you involuntarily begin to frown. Eventually it becomes habitual. Here you have wrinkles, and even such unpleasant ones, testifying not to a cheerful disposition, but to the gloomy character of a person oppressed by life. There is no easy job in the world, but it should be fun.

Important! There is also a psychological element to this. If the work is pleasant, the person starts it with pleasure and tries to look better.


Rural women usually have better skin than metropolitan women. Traces on the face leave:

  • traffic fumes;
  • constant use of transport;
  • dust;

Most often, city dwellers cannot change this - not everyone decides to move somewhere in the suburbs. We have to put up with the state of the environment, but there are opportunities to reduce the negative impact. So what can you do to improve your skin on your own?

  1. Try to regularly get out to the suburbs - if there is no summer house, then you can take a tent and go hiking, you can limit yourself to day trips to parks, river banks, etc.
  2. You can't do without transport in a big city, but still, try to walk more - at least one stop in the evening.
  3. It is difficult to do anything with dust, and the only way out is to make your apartment a paradise, where cleanliness and comfort reign.
  4. Noise also has a negative effect on the skin, although this may seem strange: the roar of trams and the scandals of neighbors lead to nervous tension, and good soundproofing is the only option.

quality sleep

Good sound sleep is the key to health. A sleepy person rushes at others, quickly gets annoyed, and as for the face - so you have bruises under your eyes, and a yellow color, and a painful look.

Pay attention to your bedding:

  1. The bed should be comfortable.
  2. Bedding is clean.
  3. The pillow is not too high, it is better to sleep without a pillow at all.
  4. It is better to take a blanket warm, but light.
  5. Underwear should not interfere with a restful sleep.
  6. Before going to bed, it is very useful to ventilate the room.

And, of course, you need to sleep at least eight hours a day - no entertainment or work, no matter how pleasant they may be, will not correct the defects that will certainly appear on the face as a result of lack of sleep.

Important! If you don't like your skin, don't forget to check your general health first.

Skin types

You can find a lot of skin care products in cosmetic stores. First you need to define the type. According to the degree of dryness, the skin is:

  • normal;
  • dry;
  • oily.

Important! It can also be mixed - dry in some areas, normal or oily in others.

In addition, there are other definitions:

  • aging;
  • fading;
  • mature;
  • young.

Is it possible to improve the condition of the skin of the face at home?

So, you found out that you don’t have any serious diseases, and you tried to eliminate the causes of the unsatisfactory condition of your face as much as possible. It's time to start treatment. First of all, evaluate how you care for your face.

Care consists of several stages:

  • cleansing;
  • moisturizing;
  • treatment of problem areas - acne, peeling, etc.;
  • caring for objects that touch your face.


Makeup must be removed completely. For this, it is best to use liquids or gels:

  1. Remove mascara and makeup.
  2. Wash your face with a cleanser suitable for your skin type.
  3. Rinse well with water.
  4. Dry your face.
  5. Lubricate it with night cream.

Important! Do not abuse regular soap - it dries the face. You should not wash your face with hot water either - the vessels dilate, the skin stretches, and unpleasant folds appear.

There is an old remedy that was used by the court ladies of Catherine II, who, as everyone knows, knew a lot about beauty. To improve facial skin at home, you will need:

  • dry herbs - St. John's wort or parsley;
  • freezer;
  • plastic dishes (cells in which ice is frozen are suitable).
  1. Pour 1 tbsp. l. dried parsley with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Let it brew and cool down.
  3. Pour the decoction into the cells.
  4. Place the cells in the freezer and let them freeze.
  5. After removing makeup, wipe your face with a piece of ice - parsley will relieve irritation, and ice will not allow blood vessels to expand.


Dry skin gives its owner much more trouble than oily skin. Therefore, the face must be regularly moisturized, for which there are special creams:

  • Dry skin that looks dull and wrinkles faster than others needs a specific moisturizer labeled “for dry skin.”
  • For oily, cosmetic milk or light cream is suitable.

Pimples are not a problem

Nobody likes acne. Most often they appear on oily skin. What to do with them? First of all - do not squeeze. This is dangerous:

  • in place of acne, extremely unpleasant scars can appear, which cannot be eliminated without the help of a doctor;
  • infected wounds may occur - and then again you will have to run to the doctor.

Rashes just need to be lubricated:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • salicylic acid;
  • tincture of calendula;
  • decoction of medicinal chamomile.

You can easily find peroxide, acid, calendula in any pharmacy, they are very cheap.

The decoction can be made independently:

  1. Buy a package of chamomile at the pharmacy.
  2. Pour 2 tablespoons of dry chamomile (popovnik) with 1 glass of water.
  3. Cover the container.
  4. Let it brew, cool down.
  5. Wipe your face with this decoction 2 times a day.


Oddly enough, not only dry skin can peel off, but also normal, and even oily. Cells die and slough off. We need to get rid of them, and the sooner the better. Scrub will help you improve your skin:

  1. Apply the scrub to your face.
  2. Hold it for as long as it says in the instructions.
  3. Wash off with water.
  4. Apply moisturizer.

What objects touch your face?

In fact, there are not so few of them. The face is touched:

  • towels;
  • napkins;
  • pillowcases;
  • mobile phone.

If everything is more or less clear with towels, napkins, bed linen - they, of course, must always be clean, then questions may arise about the mobile phone. But in vain. You constantly grab onto it with your hands, including in cafes, in transport and even in the toilet. Accordingly, bacteria get on it. Then you put the phone to your ear and the germs spread all over your face. So the phone should be cleaned regularly, and it is better to do this with an antiseptic gel.

The mask is nice and useful

Periodically it is necessary to make masks to improve the skin of the face at home. They can be:

  • cleansing;
  • moisturizing;
  • nutritional;
  • vitamin.

In beauty salons, you will probably be offered different options for masks. They are produced by many reputable companies. But it is quite possible to get by with home remedies, fortunately, one of the necessary substances is always at hand.

Mask for a young mother

Do you have a small child and you have no time to run around the salons? No problem. But you have, for example, oatmeal with milk. Moreover, intended for baby food. The perfect option for a nourishing mask! And you don’t need to do anything - just cook a little more porridge than the child eats. Spread the rest on the face and hold for twenty minutes, and then rinse with water. You can add some honey.

Color enhancing mask

Does your skin seem pale and even yellowish? The most common cucumber will help you out. You need:

  • 1 ripe medium-sized cucumber;
  • 1 raw egg;
  • 1 teaspoon moisturizer.

The composition is prepared very simply - it is best to make it with a mixer:

  1. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  2. Beat them until you get a homogeneous mass.
  3. Apply a face mask.
  4. Hold for 25 minutes.
  5. Wash off with warm water.

Honey and cereal

For another nourishing mask you will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of oatmeal;
  • 1 tablespoon of honey;
  • 2 tablespoons of boiling water.

The composition must be properly ground to get a fairly thick homogeneous mass. Like any other mask, this one is applied to the face and washed off after about half an hour.

Strawberry mask

An excellent nourishing mask is obtained from fresh strawberries. No more ingredients needed:

  • Crush 8-10 large berries.
  • Apply the resulting mass on the face.
  • Hold for half an hour.
  • Wash your face.

Important! The nutritional composition can be prepared from any fresh berries.

Once a week

There are simple and cheap recipes that will help improve your skin significantly. It practically does not take time - you need to do the procedures once a week:

  1. Cut a slice of lemon to release the juice.
  2. Rub the juice on your face.

Important! In the second case, you don’t even need to wipe anything. Just squeeze carrot juice and drink it. This should also be done about once a week, although more often.

Parsley decoction

It helps to fight acne, and at the same time improves the color:

  1. Take a bunch of parsley.
  2. Place it in a metal container.
  3. Fill with boiling water.
  4. Simmer in a water bath for half an hour.
  5. Wash yourself with this decoction.

If there are pigment spots on the skin

In this case, a white onion mask will help:

  1. Peel and chop the onion.
  2. Squeeze out the juice of one lemon.
  3. Stir.
  4. Add 1 tbsp. l. honey.
  5. Apply the mask on your face.
  6. Share on social networks:

Any woman strives all her life to look perfect, while not sparing her own strength and means. However, often even a young appearance is badly spoiled not by the first signs of aging and wrinkles, but by an unattractive complexion. Too pale or earthy shades of skin adds excessive fatigue and fading, which creates an extremely negative impression of a person's appearance. Therefore, many of the fair sex are increasingly wondering how to improve complexion and maintain its healthy glow and attractiveness for many years.

Factors that negatively affect complexion

Disease of the internal organs affects the color of the skin

In addition to the already mentioned reasons leading to a deterioration in complexion, it is also necessary to note the following number of factors that negatively affect the condition of the skin, namely:

Lack of vitamins, microelements and nutrients in the diet, which inexorably leads to the development of anemia and the unnatural pallor of the face caused by it;

Bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse, etc.), which greatly accelerate the aging process of facial skin and adversely affect its color and condition;

Chronic fatigue and stress;

Daily work in a tightly closed, smoky or poorly ventilated area;

Lack of systematic and well-organized facial skin care;

Neglect of outdoor walks and sports;

Excessive mental or physical strain;

oxygen starvation;

Lack of proper rest and sleep.

Of course, this is not an exhaustive list of reasons leading to the loss of a healthy complexion. In some cases, a person may even need a complete medical examination, which will exclude (or, conversely, confirm) the presence of certain violations of the functional systems of the body and diseases of internal organs.

Products for beautiful skin

Fatty acids - fish, flax grains.

Vitamin A - carrots, new potatoes, broccoli, spinach.

Vitamin E (prevents natural skin aging) - hazelnuts, walnuts, seeds, almonds.

For a quick improvement in complexion, drink one glass of carrot juice daily. Carrot juice should be consumed with a small amount of fat, such as sour cream. Since assimilation occurs only with fats. It in itself improves the complexion and, thanks to it, the skin seems to have a slight tan, and the tan itself sticks faster. You can achieve the effect in one week.

Pay attention to the right combination of foods, the wrong combination of foods leads to fermentation of foods in the stomach, and to a deterioration in complexion. Eat enough vegetable salads. And of course, diet is important.

Daily care

The skin of the face, like the whole body, constantly needs care and cleansing. Therefore, it is very important to wash your face with cool water every morning and evening. Sparkling water has an excellent tonic property, especially if you add ice cubes to the water and immerse your face in such a refreshing cocktail every morning. The result will be especially good if the ice cubes are made from frozen decoctions of herbs or rose water.

It is best to wash off cosmetics with special cosmetics. Scrubs will help get rid of the remnants of makeup and dead cells, they will restore freshness and radiance to the skin, cleanse the pores. This allows you to speed up effective processes from other creams and masks.

How to improve complexion with makeup

Each of us has had a situation in life when the skin does not look good, but today you need to be irresistible. To quickly even out your complexion, you need to know some spring makeup tricks. This season, makeup artists offer several solutions:

Liquid foundations to improve complexion, which contain light-reflecting particles, are used instead of loose powder. They will mask small defects, wrinkles and give the skin the effect of soft radiance.

Make-up base plays a big role. It must be selected based on the condition of your skin. For oily skin - a light matting cream, for irritated and dry skin - a cream with a dense structure for long-term fixation of makeup. Properly chosen base significantly improves the tone of the face.

Use auto bronzers and bronzers to improve complexion. They are back in fashion, because a light tan is more relevant than ever. Please note that the shade of such a product should be golden-sparkling, peach and very light.

Consider blush to improve your complexion. They return to their leading positions in makeup this spring and allow you to improve the complexion.

Nutrition to improve complexion

And the first thing to change for the better is nutrition. If a woman does not diet, she rarely treats her diet with due attention: there is little time, and the products in the supermarket around the corner are so affordable, and after work she is so tired - why complicate your life?

I bought, cooked (well, if not yet fully prepared products, like sausages or store-bought salads), fed my family and myself, washed the dishes and quickly to the TV - not to miss your favorite series. Of course, this picture is not always true, but it happens very often.

But about the fact that useless and incompatible foods, an excess of fried, sweet, fatty, a lack of fresh fruits, herbs and vegetables are literally reflected on the face, we try not to think so as not to get upset, or we promise ourselves that we will deal with this later. Later - when?

Everyone has heard about separate meals, but for some reason it seems to most people that it is very difficult. Meanwhile, it is enough to stop mixing different types of proteins, starches and proteins, proteins and sugars, proteins and carbohydrates in one meal - and the body will immediately feel better.

For example, if you are cooking meat or fish, do not add cheese or eggs to them, as is often recommended in cookbooks, do not eat them with potatoes, pasta, cereals, but combine them with vegetables, herbs, herbs - this is the simplest thing you can do. It is not difficult to find a food compatibility table, and you can cook much more dishes in this way than according to traditional recipes.


Sometimes even a balanced diet cannot fully meet the body's need for vitamins. Hypovitaminosis manifests itself in different ways, including the skin of the face: it can become excessively dry or greasy, pale or yellowish. The course of taking multivitamin preparations in such a situation can simply transform the face.

The most effective are special multivitamins for beautiful skin. As a rule, they contain B vitamins, vitamins A, E, C, PP and others, as well as mineral complexes. Perhaps no cream that improves complexion will be as effective as a course of multivitamins: the skin will become elastic, smooth, and unhealthy pallor will disappear.

Diagnosis of the disease by the color of the skin of the face

Icteric skin tone - diseases of the digestive system and in particular liver diseases

Greenish skin tone - with exacerbation of cholelithiasis or cholelithiasis and also with liver diseases

Reddish skin tone - with overheating, as well as with cardiovascular diseases. If the lips are bright scarlet, check your blood pressure. It's definitely up.

A cyanotic shade of the skin - with oxygen starvation, suffocation and diseases of the pulmonary system. If at the same time the lips have a blue tint, then we can talk about circulatory problems and disorders in the work of the heart.

Redness on the skin with a bluish tinge - a sign of heart failure

If the cheeks are burning - a lack of vitamin C in the body, and it can also be a sign of bronchitis and even asthma.

Pallor of the skin - indicates a sharp decrease in blood pressure - hypotension, a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, a lack of oxygen and impaired lung function

Earthy skin tone is an indicator of frequent constipation and bowel problems

A dark complexion often indicates that a person may have a disease associated with infections in the bladder.

Dark circles under the eyes are a sign of nervous diseases

Orange skin tone and the appearance of dark small spots - there may be a deviation in the functioning of the thyroid gland or this is the result of age-related hormonal problems

Folk remedies and masks to even out complexion

It is advisable to apply masks that even out the complexion before going to bed, since the sun's rays negatively affect the skin after them. By regularly applying masks to even out complexion, we reliably protect our skin. Such masks are especially necessary in the summer.


The most effective and at the same time simple remedy for evening out complexion is bodyaga, the powder of which is sold in every pharmacy.

The powder is diluted with boiling water to the consistency of sour cream and applied to the cleansed face for 15 minutes. During this procedure, a tingling sensation is felt, because all capillaries begin to work more actively, as a result of increased blood microcirculation.

The skin of the face turns red for a short time, then the stagnant spots dissolve.

As a result, the skin is visibly evened, the complexion is significantly improved and acne is reduced.

After the face mask, you need to apply a moisturizer on your face.

Mask that improves complexion

Even our great-grandmothers understood how attractive tender, well-groomed skin with a healthy glow looks. And for facial care, they used the most common products. One of the most popular face masks is still a mixture of homemade cottage cheese and sour cream. However, they can also be used separately. Simply apply to clean skin and rinse with water after 15 minutes. This mask has a slightly whitening effect, smoothes the skin, makes it velvety.

Mask Recipes

When choosing masks that improve complexion, consider whether the products in their composition are available to you and whether any of them are allergens for your skin. The product will need to be applied to clean, steamed facial skin twice a week, preferably after a bath or hot shower, before going to bed. Action time - 20 minutes.


Mix carrot fresh and warm mashed potatoes (one tablespoon each), yolk.


With a decoction of flaxseeds (one teaspoon per glass of boiling water until completely cooled), pour over ground oatmeal to get a porridge-like consistency.


Mix cucumber puree with medium-fat cottage cheese (one tablespoon each).


Mix warm light beer (50 ml), egg yolk, potato flour and grated carrots (one tablespoon each).

There are many recipes to restore youth to the skin and improve complexion. The same amount of advice and recommendations. But no matter how much they talk about it, the most important thing is your love for yourself. Love yourself, and your body will very quickly respond to you with beautiful matte skin, a toned shape and a “soaring” mood - checked!


Start the morning with a light physical workout: exercise will increase blood flow in the capillaries, which is very useful for nourishing the skin. Take a shower. For normal and oily skin, use soap or gel, for dry skin, use baby soap. A hot shower is harmful - it dries out the skin. Rub the body with a special mitt, brush or washcloth, starting from the toes and moving towards the circular massaging movements. This stimulates metabolic processes in the skin, exfoliates its dead cells.

Moisturize your skin regularly. An indispensable component of effective moisturizing is vitamin B3 or niacin, which restores the water-alkaline balance in the epidermis and has the ability to minimize the manifestations of skin pigmentation. For dry and sensitive skin, it is useful to apply a lotion or cream with vitamin B3 daily, morning and evening.

“Feed” dry, reddened or flaky skin with cream or milk, which include jojoba and shea oils. They are valuable because they contain amino acids and proteins necessary to restore the protective layer of skin cells.

Shungite baths are very useful for maintaining the health of the skin of the body. Type in a bath of water 36 ° C. Dip a bag and crushed mineral into it (this product is sold in specialized stores) at the rate of 300 g per dose. Rinse it and wring it out. Take a bath for 10-15 minutes every other day. You can also use shungite in stone, but it will have to be infused beforehand (at least 10-12 hours).

If possible, do not bypass massage parlors. After looking at the type and condition of your skin, the specialists will tell you which cosmetic massage will be shown to you - with what basic movements: stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration or other auxiliary techniques. A visit to the spa also involves individual consultations on all recommended procedures.

Taking vitamin complexes and dietary supplements will help maintain the normal condition of the skin of the body. Pay attention to Omega-3. The fatty acids of this drug will help the skin maintain firmness and elasticity, prevent the appearance of wrinkles, acne.
Eat more oily fish, walnuts, take flaxseed oil - these foods are full of healthy fatty acids.


The skin of the whole body requires special treatment after excessive sunbathing. If she is burned, a cream or lotion with aloe vera gel will help out - it has persistent restorative properties. Cosmetics with peppermint extract will cool and soften the painful condition of injured skin, and preparations with calendula will relieve inflammation.

Useful advice

If the skin of the elbows, knees and feet becomes problematic for you, use oils that return velvety to the skin. These are argan oil and olive oil. The first contains fatty acids that successfully restore the desired level of moisture, the second perfectly nourishes the skin and eliminates its flaking.


  • Satin Skin Secret

From fatigue, constant lack of sleep and lack of normal environmental conditions, external view suffers greatly. Bruises under the eyes, dull complexion, general weakness have become our constant companions. But there are ways to improve your appearance, and quite simple ones.


Try to be charged with positive emotions. Go to the cinema, theater, concerts. Chat with friends, children, loved ones. Scientists have long proven that optimists live longer and get sick less than hypochondriacs embittered around the world.

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Living in the rhythm of the city, it happens that for some reason you have to go to bed late. Everything would be fine, but not everyone wants to look at their reflection in the mirror in the morning. Bags under the eyes, dull skin color and a dull look are unlikely to adorn anyone. In order to get rid of such consequences of "night life" once and for all, you need to take a number of simple, but quite effective actions that will refresh and invigorate the skin.


You need to start with a morning wash with soft cool water. Cold will well reduce puffiness and improve blood circulation, as a result, the skin will become more ruddy and fresh. Just don't rinse your face with cold tap water. It contains many impurities that negatively affect the skin. If you find slight irritation and red spots on your face, then you should wash your face with mild products that contain chamomile.

To give your face a fresher and healthier look, use the scent of mint. You can make a cup of fine mint tea and drink it, or you can simply rub a few mint leaves in your palms. This will increase the activity of the brain and help stimulate its activity. Also, a contrast shower using citrus-scented cleansers is very well suited for toning the body. After taking a shower, make a light, stimulating massage, it will perfectly invigorate your skin.

Small circles of green fresh cucumber will help get rid of bags under. Put cucumber slices on problem areas, take a horizontal position, relax and lie down for about ten minutes. Then you need to rinse your face with cold water and apply a special moisturizer to the eye area.

A citrus energy cocktail can help get rid of the effects of a sleepless night. To prepare it, you need to take half an orange and squeeze the juice out of it. Then take any linen cloth or napkin, soak it in the cocktail and cover your face. Lie down with this napkin for about ten minutes, as a result you will see a refreshed and rosy face.

And finally, to prevent peeling of the skin and constant dryness on the face, use moisturizing cosmetics. This applies to everything from products to lipstick. Cosmetics for the face should have a moisturizing effect, and it should contain various vitamins and trace elements.

skin all around eye extremely thin and devoid of fat. That is why in this place she ages much faster, these signs become more noticeable with time. Women should be given to the area around eye increased attention. And if you build skin care correctly, you can delay the appearance of the first wrinkles for a while.

You will need

  • - chamomile, dill, sage or tea;
  • - moisturizers.


Will strengthen skin proper care of her. First of all, it is a mandatory cleansing of the skin. It shouldn't be aggressive. Make-up should be removed with cotton pads soaked in a special make-up remover. In this case, the upper eyelid is cleaned in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples, and the lower eyelid - vice versa. The movements should be very light so as not to stretch the thin skin.

After that, be sure to use a moisturizer or nourishing cream. Often mimic wrinkles appear from dehydration of the skin. In this case, there is no need to use anti-aging agents. A good moisturizing mask and cream will be enough. Cannot be used for eye face cream, as it contains those components that can irritate the delicate skin in this zone. not to stretch skin The cream must not be smeared. Apply it with patting movements from the temples to the bridge of the nose.

Use cryomassage. Wipe every morning skin pieces of ice, moving along the same lines along which makeup should be washed off. To add to the benefits of this procedure, make cosmetic ice from herbal decoctions. It can be chamomile, dill, sage or tea.

Also strengthen skin alternating cold and hot compresses. And if you add a little arnica to the water, you get an excellent remedy for dark circles.

To enhance the production of collagen and elastane in the skin, which create the necessary "framework", thermal lifting will help. Due to the effect of heat, metabolic processes are activated in the skin, fibroblasts begin to produce new collagen and elastin. The effect of the procedure lasts up to two years.

Not a single cream can be compared in effect with cosmetic procedures such as biorevitalization and mesotherapy. In the first case in skin preparations based on hyaluronic acid are introduced, which help to moisturize the skin around eye. With the help of mesotherapy skin it is possible to nourish various useful substances. These can be solutions of vitamins, extracts from various plants. Thanks to injections, they are delivered to those places where it is needed.

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Tip 5: How to improve skin condition at home

Today I will share with you how to improve the condition of the skin of the face at home without resorting to expensive cosmetics. I will tell you about step-by-step and simple care, which will definitely lead to positive results.

You will need

  • Of course, skin care is not only the use of cosmetics, but also a healthy lifestyle. These things are interconnected. It is impossible to get rid of skin problems only with creams and masks, you need proper nutrition, exercise and fresh air.


In the morning, when you wake up, drink a glass of warm (or boiled) water half an hour before eating. You must let your body wake up before you start eating breakfast. Then, after doing a light exercise, you go to wash. The ecology of the modern world leaves much to be desired, we do not live near springs with clean water and are forced to use what is at hand. But do not despair, if you make a little effort, you can achieve very good results.

So, cleansing. This is a very necessary and important procedure. Never go to bed without removing your makeup first, unless you want to wake up with puffy eyes and clogged pores. The skin needs cleansing and oxygen supply. A big misconception is that if you have oily or combination skin, then you should definitely use soap. Soap stimulates the secretion of sebum and at the same time dries and dehydrates the skin. Therefore, regardless of skin type, it is recommended to cleanse the skin with soft, more gentle products. For example, in the line of cosmetics "Evelyn", there is a very good cleansing solution. You can choose your product, just keep in mind that it should not contain alcohol and soap. After the micellar solution, I always wash my face with boiled water (warm or cool, but by no means hot). For this, I have a special jar in my bathroom. Tap water is too hard and chlorinated, after which the skin tightens and becomes wrinkled. And we don't want to age prematurely, do we?

After cleansing, be sure to apply a moisturizer. If you have problematic skin, there are rashes, before applying the cream, wipe your face several times for 10-15 minutes with a cotton pad soaked in a decoction of rosemary and lime blossom, which, in addition to relieving inflammation, also has a tightening effect. Rosemary can be bought at a regular grocery store, in the seasoning department, and linden flowers at a pharmacy. Pour half a tablespoon of rosemary and half a tablespoon of linden flowers into a thermos and pour half a glass of boiling water. Insist at least an hour. Then you filter. It is best to do this in the evening, so as not to waste time on this in the morning. The prepared infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for two days. In the evening, before going to bed, repeat this procedure and after 3-4 days you will notice significant improvements.


Be sure to eat a couple of apples a day for good digestion. Walk at least an hour in the fresh air. Do not get carried away with sweet and greasy and your skin will be grateful to you.

Useful advice

Once a week, be sure to exfoliate your facial skin so that skin cells are renewed, using bran or oatmeal instead of store scrubs, which you can buy or make yourself by grinding cereal in a coffee grinder or blender. Pour a tablespoon of bran or oatmeal into a cup and pour boiled water so that the mixture has the consistency of thick sour cream. Then apply this mixture on a cleansed and preferably steamed face (on the day you take a bath) and gently massage for 2-3 minutes along the massage lines, avoiding the area around the eyes. If the skin is not too sensitive, you can add a few drops of lemon juice.
For softness and hydration, you can prepare a simple and effective mask. A tablespoon of cottage cheese, a few drops of olive oil, a teaspoon of cream. The mask is suitable for the skin around the eyes and for the entire face.

Problematic skin is prone to acne. Due to the increased production of sebum, the pores are clogged, an oily sheen appears. Complete care at home will help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and significantly improve the condition of oily skin.


Carry out high-quality cleansing of oily skin. In the morning and evening, wash your face with warm water, as hot water will provoke excessive production of sebum, and cold water will not effectively wash off excess oil. Use gels and foams designed for oily skin. Thoroughly lather the T-zone, chin, since it is in these places that the largest number of sebaceous glands is located.

Immediately after washing, wipe the skin with a lotion or tonic containing zinc, salicylic acid. It is undesirable to use alcohol lotions. Despite the fact that after using lotions on alcohol, it will first be possible to significantly dry the epidermis, in the future, the production of sebum will increase, and the oily sheen cannot be removed by any tinting agents. It is rational to use alcohol lotions only as an ambulance when acne is inflamed and emergency disinfection is required.

To improve the condition of oily skin, immediately after cleansing, use light moisturizers or mousses. In the daytime, it is rational to use moisturizers with UV filters, and at night - with extracts of cornflower, chamomile, calendula.

Exfoliate three times a week. Currently, a wide variety of ready-made cosmetic products are on sale, designed to effectively remove dead cells. These peels are based on natural plant acids, which quickly soften the stratum corneum.

In addition, you can prepare an acid peel yourself. Soften the pulp of an orange or lemon with a blender, add a few drops of kefir and fine salt. Apply to skin. After 10 minutes, rinse thoroughly with warm water and use a moisturizer for oily skin.

As a mask that helps to quickly eliminate oily sheen, use hercules by mixing it with egg white. Apply the mask to your skin. Wash off with plenty of water after 15 minutes.

It is rational to carry out mechanical cleaning only as a last resort, if the pores, and it is not possible to get rid of black dots by other methods. Be especially careful when choosing a beauty salon and a beautician. If mechanical cleaning is carried out by an inexperienced master, scars and blue spots will remain on the skin.

Bad ecology, stress, malnutrition, bad habits and many other factors affect human health and affect the skin of the face. Therefore, in order to improve the condition of the skin, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures.


The first step is to identify the reason why the skin condition has worsened. Perhaps it's all about chronic fatigue or an unhealthy lifestyle. In some cases, it will be useful to consult a doctor and examine the body for more serious diseases.

Proper care helps to improve the skin of the face and keep it in good condition. Cleanse your face daily with gentle cleansers. And then moisturize with creams suitable for your skin type. Never go to bed without removing makeup from your face.

2-3 times a week you can do steam baths with herbs. For example, boil a tablespoon of dry chamomile or mint in a small saucepan and hold your face over the steam with a towel over your head. 1-2 times a week, the use of a scrub will not be superfluous.

Moisturizing and nourishing masks also improve the skin of the face and prolong its youth. For example, the simplest and most affordable remedy is carrots. Grate the vegetable on a fine grater and apply to the skin. Wash off with warm water after 15 minutes. In the same way, you can spread a little thick curdled milk or sour cream on your face.

A healthy diet and proper lifestyle also affect the condition of the skin. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, fish dishes, lean meats, soups and broths, dairy and sour-milk products. Instead of carbonated synthetic drinks, use natural juices, compotes and fruit drinks. Try to drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day. Lean less on fast food, fried, smoked, sweet. Get rid of bad habits, such as alcohol in large quantities and cigarettes.

Healthy skin needs fresh air. Therefore, more often get out of the city, walk in the park. An active lifestyle is also a true friend of excellent skin condition. In this connection, do not neglect physical activity. Sign up for dancing, a fitness club, a pool. If you do not have time for this, at least do exercises at home every morning.

Do not forget about a good rest. From constant overwork and lack of sleep, the skin of the face suffers no less than your body. Doctors recommend sleeping at least 7-8 hours a day. At the same time, in order for the complexion to remain fresh and, it is necessary to go to bed no later than 10 pm.

Mood also affects the condition of the skin. Positive emotions improve blood circulation, so that a healthy glow appears on the face. Therefore, look for the positive in everything, smile and laugh more often.

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Healthy, beautiful skin is the key to self-confidence. A lot of factors affect its appearance and condition. It is the skin that serves as an indicator of the state of the whole organism, which means that from time to time it needs additional attention and care.

1. Drink plenty of water

Water flushes out toxins from your body and delivers nutrients to your cells. This helps prevent dry skin. A sufficient amount of liquid will help the skin always stay hydrated.

2. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables

A healthy and balanced diet will help your skin get the vitamins and nutrients it needs in large quantities and constantly. Fruits and vegetables with a high water content, such as watermelon, broccoli, and tomatoes, are especially good for hydration.

3. Eat Healthy Fats

Eating foods that contain different types of fats contributes to the overall health of the body, as well as blood flow and delivery of nutrients to all its cells, including the skin. Eat more foods containing monounsaturated fats such as avocados, olives, and peanut butter. Salmon, walnuts and tofu will fully satisfy the body's need for polyunsaturated fats.

4. Take Bioactive Supplements

5. Cut down on salty and fried foods

Salty and fried foods dehydrate the body, which exacerbates any existing skin problems. Limiting your intake of these foods will not only help you avoid dehydration and improve skin condition, but it will also benefit your body as a whole.

6. Don't smoke

The negative effects of smoking are well known, in addition, nicotine is bad for the skin. The tars in cigarettes clog pores, leading to blackheads and pimples. Smoking makes it difficult to breathe, and consequently, blood circulation slows down, and the saturation of skin cells with oxygen becomes insufficient. In addition, the content of vitamin C in the tissues decreases, on which the appearance of the skin depends.

7. Limit your alcohol intake

Alcohol dehydrates the body like nothing else. Together with moisture, all useful substances and minerals leave the body. If you had to abuse, do not deny yourself plenty of fluids, as well as a double dose of moisturizer at night.

The beauty of the skin first of all comes from within. To significantly improve its condition, to make the skin clean, elastic and beautiful, it is necessary to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. So, to get rid of rashes, acne, inflammation and other unpleasant things, you must:

Add omega-3s to your diet.
An excellent and tasty way to significantly improve the condition of the skin is to include foods containing omega-3 fatty acids in the diet. These include mackerel, herring, salmon, walnuts, flax seeds.