What can you ask a 30 year old man. Specific questions about work, life, hobbies. What questions should not be asked to a guy to interest him

Whether you're just trying to pass the time by chatting, or trying to get to know each other better, it's not as easy to keep up a conversation with a guy over text as it is in person. When the banal questions about the name, age and place of work end, to the mutual annoyance of both parties, the conversation may well come to a standstill. Sitting alone in front of the impassive open window of some messenger, it is sometimes difficult to think of What questions can you ask a pen pal. We offer a small list of topics that will help to continue the dialogue in an interesting way, get to know each other better and just have fun.

About tastes.

These questions will help you both find out if you have common interests, because the more in common the better, and the more topics for further discussion. For example, it does not hurt to find out about his favorite

  • movie / book / computer game / music
  • quotes and sayings
  • season
  • car brands
  • arts
  • sport
  • school subjects
  • dishes. Ask what tasty but unhealthy food he likes. Everyone must have weaknesses!

About myself.

These questions will help you get a general idea of ​​the person. You need to integrate them into the conversation as carefully as possible and “in the subject”, so that the interlocutor does not have the feeling of interrogation.

  • Who are your parents? Do you have brothers or sisters? Do you have a lot of friends?
  • Do you have pets? Are you a cat person or a dog person?
  • Do you have a hobby? / How do you like to relax?
  • Do you trust your heart or logic more?
  • What is the most pleasant compliment for you?
  • Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
  • How do you behave with people you don't like?
  • If you are very hungry and tired, what will you do first - eat or sleep?


This topic will not only give you an idea of ​​his past, but also allow you to learn about the lifestyle, priorities and norms of behavior of the interlocutor. And also - to hear some interesting stories! Ask about

  • the craziest thing he ever did
  • the most unusual and mysterious incident in his life
  • worst job he ever had to work

About dreams and plans.

On such topics people usually talk willingly, and their answers provide a great deal of food for thought.

  • What do you want to achieve in life? / What did you dream of becoming as a child?
  • Where would you like to go on vacation / move permanently?
  • If you win the lottery, what will you do with the money?
  • If you could be anyone for one day, who would you choose?
  • If you could marry a fictional character, who would it be and why?
  • If you could become invisible for one day, what would you do?

Philosophical themes.

An easy way to learn more about him without creating a tense atmosphere of questioning.

  • What is the biggest problem in the world today? What can be done about it?
  • If you could talk to anyone, dead or alive, who would you choose?
  • Who do you admire? Who is your favorite book/movie character? Why?
  • What is more important - truth or happiness?
  • If you had a time machine, would you like to go back in time or visit the future?

It should be taken into account that what kind of questions you can ask your beloved guy by correspondence - such questions will not always be pleasant for an unfamiliar person. At first, controversial issues in politics and religion, as well as painful, too personal and sensitive topics, should be avoided. And finally, the main rule: do not ask what you would not like to hear yourself!

Hello everyone, today there will be something interesting and informative.

So that a man by correspondence does not suddenly disappear to where he came from, you need to catch him on the hook. What questions to ask, namely what and how to interest the right subject - about these subtleties further.

Everyone loves to be heard and the strong half of humanity is no exception. To interest him, you need to become an ideal interlocutor, having listened to everything that is sore, or offer your own boring topic for discussion. To do this, you will need ready-made questions for a man, by asking which you can turn the exchange of information into an entertaining and not burdensome communication, namely:

  1. Tell us about the most spontaneous act in your life?
  2. What would you like to be if you could start your life over again?
  3. If you had a super ability, what would it be?
  4. Do you think a woman should wait for her man at home by the stove or pursue a career and self-development?
  5. What character traits do you value in people and what can push you away from them?

Such questions will never lead the dialogue to a dead end, which should not be allowed. But these are simple questions, and see the most interesting ones below in the text.

Important! Asking such questions, you should be able to answer it yourself.

The statement that there are fewer and fewer women with is not a joke at all. they will always bring a spicy note of lightness to the SMS dialogue with the interlocutor you are interested in on the other side of the monitor. To understand what questions to ask a man in order to interest him in correspondence, read the following rough outlines with brief explanations:

  1. Where do you love the most? - Having asked a question, the most important thing is not to admit what exactly you mean. When asked for clarification, repeat: So, where do you love the most? Such questions are usually perceived in a sexual direction. In order to finally put an end to the joke question, finally ask: So, where do you like to spend your leisure time most of all?
  2. Would you agree to a pajama date? It’s just that all my clothes are dry-cleaned… — A young man with a sense of humor can play along and say: I recently bought myself such cool pajamas, it’s even a shame to walk in them only at home, so I’m for it! Or show that he definitely doesn’t have it by answering: Then we’ll wait until they return it to you and meet.
  3. How do you like to fold your socks? Such a question will definitely put a smile on the young man's face. None of them is not something that does not have a specific pattern for folding socks, they generally scatter them on different sides.
  4. Would you fly with me on a space trip for 10 years? Just you and me? - A smile, a light laugh and a transparency of the answer, which will determine the person's attitude towards you.
  5. In my pedigree, women always have triplets. How do you feel about children? - Such a question will definitely shock the young man, both funny and not very funny.
  6. How do you feel about threesomes? - Such a question will easily change the serious mood of the conversation to a more comic and playful one.
  7. I forgot to say... All the photos in the albums are old (profile photo), I have now cut my hair bald, is it okay? - What has been said will not only make you laugh, but also show how important appearance is for a person when communicating.
  8. How do you feel about pets? Do you love cats? I have 13 of them ... - Someone will ask with horror about the number, someone with the same sense of humor will answer that he has 4 bulldogs.
  9. Did you like Sasha Grey's latest cameo? I think she didn't play well. - Not every girl admits that she knows this "actress" and her "film premieres". Your pen pal will definitely appreciate your sense of humor.

There are many variations of such questions. You can take a few of the above, or you can come up with.

Most importantly, do not overdo it with jokes throughout one dialogue, this can adversely affect the opinion of you as a frivolous girl.

A woman should interest a man by correspondence. What questions to ask and how to present it “deliciously” - read the briefing for action, as well as sample questions:

  • Don't be intrusive. A woman should feel the difference between interrogation and easy communication, learn to restrain her curiosity, and sometimes even pause between messages.
  • Interest silently. The photos published in the profile should be of high quality and illuminate the woman from the best side. Published pictures should inspire a man and even be his reason for pride.
  • Monitor literacy. In addition to communicating through messages, social networks make it possible to publish your own posts, write statuses, post photos and sign them. When publishing the text, do not forget about literacy, both in messages and in your profile.

In addition to questions that will help “talk” a man, there are freelance rules for conducting a conversation on the Internet, in which certain actions cannot be allowed. What should not be used in correspondence with a young man:

  • Complain about people, life and what is happening in it;
  • Making a man wait for an answer for more than a day;
  • Say that you have a lot of dialogues in parallel;
  • Be arrogant and make fun of other people's shortcomings.

In order to verify the aforementioned prohibitions, the following questions can be asked:

  1. How would you react to a person if you knew that he told a lie? Would you find out the reason and forgive or even not listen?
  2. Do you solve your problems and difficult life situations alone, or is the support and advice of another person important to you?
  3. If your girlfriend hadn't been in contact for a long time, would you call her to blame it, or did you call because you were worried about her whereabouts and condition?
  4. How do you feel about when a girl among friends has not only friends, but also representatives of the opposite sex?
  5. Do you think a woman should be an impregnable rock or a complaisant sheep?

The above material will tell you not only how to interest a man by correspondence, but also guide you on what questions to ask, but also win the attention of the object of passion for your person. Pave the path to the heart of your chosen one with a printed set!

All success in correspondence and in continuation of this material I can offer an article about. Read on and don't be shy!

Have you recently met a young man, you really like him and would like to know more about him? A perfectly reasonable desire. How, when showing interest, not to seem tactless or too meticulous?

A correctly formulated question, a sincere interest in his answer will help to attract attention, intrigue the interlocutor and influence further relationships. So, you correspond in social networks or arranged a meeting, what questions can you ask a still little-known person, and what should you not ask?

What questions can you ask a pen pal?

A virtual acquaintance on VK or Instagram is a great option for those who are a little shy, unsure of themselves, and cannot behave at ease with new people. In Internet correspondence, there is always the opportunity to think about the meaning of the phrase, to weigh each word.

However, do not forget that what is written is little colored by emotions. The usual turn of phrase “how are you?”, uttered with a smile and looking into the eyes, on the one hand, and also read on the monitor screen, on the other, evoke different sensations. Absolute literacy is an indispensable condition for your communication with a stranger. To convey the mood, to lure, use emoticons, slang - this paints the written text with positive strokes.

Do not bring down a flurry of difficult questions on the young man, give him the opportunity to take an interest in your life. If he doesn't take the opportunity, it means one of two things: he's shy, or you haven't caught his attention. In order not to look like a bore, do not ask him all the time about work or study, do not find out the details - this can be asked in passing.

Fascinating communication, turning into light flirting, always has a continuation. You should not focus on any one aspect, but if the conversation turned to films or books and the conversation is interesting, do not rush to move on to another topic.

What questions can you ask a pen pal in social networks or a messenger? We offer a sample list by category. Ask randomly so as not to tire the interlocutor with one topic.

Professional activity: goals, career

  • What do you do in your life?
  • Do you like your job or future profession?
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  • Who did you dream of being as a child?
  • Do you plan to go to graduate school after graduation?
  • Are you going to continue your studies or go to work abroad?
  • What do you like most about work?
  • What professional achievement are you proud of?

At the same time, you can check how independent your friend is in his aspirations. If his current occupation does not coincide with what he dreamed of, unobtrusively ask the opinion of the interlocutor - what is the reason, who is to blame? If you hear in response - parents, a teacher who did not appreciate the young talent, aliens who caused a delay in defending a diploma, then know that in front of you is an impenetrable whiner.

Psychologists say that such people will always look for an excuse for their own inaction, blaming others - this is a character trait. If a young man says that he himself did not show sufficient perseverance or the circumstances were not in the best way, we mentally put a big plus.

What can you ask a pen pal about friends?

  • Do you have a lot of friends? Who are they - classmates, fellow students, neighbors?
  • Who is your closest friend? Describe it.
  • How do you spend your time?
  • Have you ever traveled together?
  • The most reckless thing you've ever done?
  • What do your friends call you?
  • What epithets do you think your friends would describe you with? I give a hint: cool, brutal, funny, cool, reliable, harmful, vicious, sarcastic.
  • The most unusual gift you've ever received from them.
  • What kind of alcohol do you drink?
  • Are there girls at your parties or do you prefer stag parties?

Questions for a guy to get to know his hobbies and passions better

  • Your hobbies?
  • Favorite movie, actor, movie character.
  • What can give you pleasure?
  • What kind of cuisine do you like?
  • Which city of those where you had to visit left an indelible impression on your soul? How?
  • Do you like to spend holidays (holidays) in the mountains, on the sea, on the banks of the river, at the computer monitor?
  • Do you have a pet?
  • What ice cream do you like?
  • What bands have you been lucky enough to attend?
  • Do you love theater?
  • Of the classical arts, do you prefer ballet or opera?
  • What place on the planet would you like to see?
  • What talents has nature given you?
  • Do you love extreme?
  • Do you use swear words in communication with people when there are not enough normal arguments?
  • What foreign languages ​​do you speak? Which one would you like to learn?
  • Do you believe in the existence of alien civilizations?
  • What sport do you do?
  • Do you prefer football or hockey?
  • What team do you support?


  • What will make you smile?
  • How are you trying to fix a bad day?
  • How about a glass - half empty or full?
  • For a good mood, you need: a friendly party, a date, communication with loved ones, a glass of whiskey, a drive, a good book?
  • Do you get in a bad mood when the weather is bad?

Questions about the personality traits of a guy

  • In a dispute, do you prefer to insist on your own, or will you not get involved in controversy?
  • Favorite color, season, date, school subject?
  • Which parent has influenced you the most?
  • What movie did you not stop crying while watching?
  • Were you afraid of the dark as a child?
  • Which family member are you closest to?
  • What do you like most about grandma and grandpa?
  • Is there mutual understanding in your family?
  • Do you consider it possible to dress up for the New Year in a funny outfit to amuse your loved ones?
  • Do you like to make surprises, give gifts?
  • What do you think the light bulb is for?
  • Who did you want to be like in childhood, youth?
  • If something doesn’t work out for you, will you achieve it again and again, or will you choose another goal?
  • What is the most important thing for you in a relationship with a girl?
  • How do you imagine yourself in old age?

What question can you ask a guy on VKontakte? What does your ideal day off look like? Are you a lark or an owl? Do you like winter or summer more? Where are you planning to go on vacation? Have you ever been a witness at a friend's wedding? Did he drink from a shoe or did he not lose his vigilance and did not allow the bride to be stolen?

Questions to get to know a guy better

Did the young man make an appointment with you? Be confident, but not defiant. Thank you for your time and offer to play blitz. Each asks 5 questions, answers should be given without hesitation, very briefly, you can ask about anything, ask to answer as honestly as possible. What interesting questions can you ask a guy in a quiz?

  • What would you choose - popularity or wealth?
  • Love is?
  • If you could change anything about your past, would you take the opportunity?
  • What three things would you take on a flight to another planet?
  • At what age did you first fall in love?
  • Do you eat in the shower?
  • The most unusual item in the trunk of your car.
  • Do you go to the temple?
  • Do you feel comfortable being alone?
  • Do you believe in long distance relationships?
  • Under what circumstances did he kiss a girl for the first time?
  • If you witness a robbery on the street, will you try to catch up with the robber or will you call the police?
  • Do you love selfies?
  • How do you feel about nudists, are you ready to relax on their beaches?
  • Do you know how to do erotic massage?

After the first episode, take a break and ask some more questions, it's a fun way to get to know each other better and maintain mutual interest.

What stupid questions can you ask?

If the young man was the first to ask questions about intimate life, do not be indebted. But such conversations, while you are still not familiar enough, are best conducted by correspondence. Do not be embarrassed, the guy does not seek to humiliate or insult you, this is a normal desire to get to know the interlocutor better.

What dirty questions can you ask a guy? Do you prefer sex in the morning or in the evening? Did you have extreme sex, what were the feelings? Do you always use protection or do you think it's up to your partner? Your erotic fantasies?

Do you have role playing experience? Are you familiar with group sex? Are love and sex synonyms for you? What do you consider acceptable and what you do not accept in sex? Do you have experience with chaste girls? Has there been a continuation of a relationship in your life after having sex on the first date?

Along with practically innocent questions, ask provocative, tricky questions. In order not to frighten off a fan, try to stay within the same framework as him, without crossing the boundaries of decency. If you see that your counterpart has become withdrawn at some point, offer to close the topic, but note that you will be ready to continue if the fan is interested in other details.

Such a conversation will undoubtedly interest the guy. You definitely won't be bored. From frankness, it is important not to slip into real vulgarity and licentiousness. You should not inform the young man about your great sexual experience. Try to give short, correct answers, avoiding intimate details. You don't have to make any promises to please.

What questions should not be asked?

At the initial stage of the relationship, try to be careful. Don't go hard on an interrogation if the guy avoids answering a question.

So that the young man does not suspect you of selfish intentions, especially if he is from a wealthy family, do not ask questions about your financial situation. Interested in family? Ask how many brothers and sisters your fan has, in what city did he spend his childhood, what are the most vivid memories?

List of questions not to ask a man:

  • How much do you earn?
  • What brand of car do your parents have?
  • What does your family own?
  • Do you have your own accommodation?
  • How much per month do you spend on entertainment?
  • What is the most expensive gift you gave a girl?
  • Are you planning to get married?
  • How many girls did you have?
  • What was the reason for breaking up the previous relationship?
  • Were your exes prettier than me?v
  • Who do you love more, your mom or me?

Do not try to find out all the answers in a couple of weeks of courtship, do not force things. Show tact and respect for personal space, the reaction to one or another of your questions may be embarrassment, resentment or even anger. Remember the famous aphorism: “when asking a question, think about whether you are ready to hear the answer”?

Chatting with a guy on VKontakte, but don't know what to talk about? Here is a list of the most interesting, tricky and original questions (including some vulgar ones;) that will interest him and diversify your communication.

The first question is for yourself.

First of all, honestly answer yourself the question, why do you need this acquaintance, and what do you expect from him. Are you bored? Do you need a friend? Interest partner? Do you want to get married? Do you want to know what a jigsaw is?

Almost always, making a new acquaintance, real or on the Internet, people pursue some goal. And the more honestly and clearly you formulate this goal for yourself, the easier it will be for your interlocutor to understand you and your intentions.
The choice of a site for searching for an interlocutor and the dialogue built with him depends on the goal. There are only 2 questions to answer here:

  • What do I expect from this communication?
  • What exactly do I need from this communication?

By answering these two questions, you will weed out a lot of inappropriate interlocutors without spending a lot of precious time. Accordingly, look for young people with similar goals, because fruitful communication is unlikely to work when one is set up for friendly correspondence, and the other for romantic flirting. The best and fastest way to find out the intentions of the interlocutor is to simply ask about them directly.

  • What do you expect from dating on this site?
  • Why are you here?
  • Do you expect anything specific from me or our communication?

The first phrase should intrigue

"Hi, how are you?" a hackneyed and banal formula that does not pay much attention to the person using it. It is suitable for only one type of communication - a long, strong long-term friendship, when the question "how are you?" really carries a semantic load and implies an interest in very specific aspects of life.

Therefore, keep the greeting (you can say otherwise: “good evening”, “hello”, “salute!”, something of your own, because saying hello is a sign of respect for the interlocutor) and replace the question, making it more lively, personal, and directed to this particular person.

  • Hello. Why are there so many photos of dogs on your page, do you breed them?
  • Hello. Are the photos on the page your own?
  • Good evening. Is such minimal information about yourself a consequence of conspiracy from the special services?
  • Good evening. Is your favorite author really Dostoevsky?
  • Hello. And I was also in Paris, let's compare the impressions?
  • Greetings. This is very important, do you think meerkats can sleep standing up?

Important: It is better to formulate any sentence after a greeting in the form of a question, so that it is easier for the interlocutor to pick up your mood, formulate an answer and get involved in the conversation.

Specific questions about work, life, hobbies

Build a question for a detailed answer, arouse in the interlocutor a desire to tell. There is no need to turn the conversation into an interview, bombarding the person with new questions and trying to cover all possible topics. Develop one, go deep into it, and when it runs out, move on to the next.

A well-structured conversation develops itself, and then not only your interlocutor, but, first of all, you yourself receive pleasure and interest from it.

  • Not “Where do you work?” But “What do you like about your job?”
  • Not “Can you ski?” but “What is your favorite winter activity?”
  • Not “What time do you usually get up in the morning?” But “What do you usually do to make waking up in the morning easier?”

When asking a question, do not forget to then report something about yourself, as if transferring the right to ask and answer each other. Keep the topic.

  • Why did you name your dog that way?
  • Would you like to receive such an education?
  • When did you start collecting?
  • What is the most vivid memory from your childhood?
  • What kind of people do you consider friends?

Take an interest in everyday things

  • Interest in the life of a person who is far from you creates the illusion of the presence and community of both of you. This topic can be especially developed in the conditions of intercultural communication, when you live in different countries, belong to different nations and were brought up under the influence of completely different norms and traditions. If you are residents of the same city, it is more difficult to come up with questions, but nevertheless:
  • We've had rain all day today, have you too?
  • Can you see the moon from your window?
  • Do you drink tea from a large cup?
  • How many books do you have at home?
  • What color is your cat?
  • Do you wear slippers at home?
  • Do you have paintings or photographs hanging on the walls?
  • Is there a lot of space in your workplace?
  • Do you like coffee with cinnamon?
  • Do you carry an umbrella with you?

Poti always from such questions in the future you can make up a whole conversation, if two people have a desire to share information about their lives.

Questions about relationships, women and love

This is a complex topic, and the moment when to talk about it must be chosen very carefully. Often men themselves are interested in whether the interlocutor has a life partner, current or former, and then you can ask a counter question. However, if the degree of interest in a person is growing, time is running out, and the cherished topic has not yet been clarified, you need to take matters into your own hands.

Depending on the degree of trust and openness, such questions can be asked directly or covertly. With direct questions, everything is clear:

  • You are married?
  • Do you have children?
  • How many women did you have?
  • Do you like blondes or brunettes?

If you don’t have the courage to ask directly or your upbringing doesn’t allow, you can find workarounds:

  • Do you live alone?
  • What do you do on weekends?
  • What films do you usually go to?
  • Do you wear jewelry?
  • Do you choose your own perfume?
  • Who came up with the name for your dog?
  • Do you often cook?

In addition, you can get on the topic of relationships and life partners from the philosophical question “Do you think you ever truly loved?”.

However, do not forget, if a person intends to hide current or past connections, he will do this in any case, no matter what question you ask him. There are also questions about life in general, revealing the essence of a person rather than specific information about him:

  • Do you want a family?
  • Do you like children?
  • Is it easier for you to raise a boy or a girl?
  • What interests you more - the appearance of a girl, or her view of the world?
  • What qualities would you like to marry a girl with?
  • What attracts you most about women and relationships with them?
  • Do you consider yourself capable of living to old age with one person?
  • What is the most important thing in relationships between people?
  • Do you have any personal secret in dealing with women?
  • Are you easy to fall in love?
  • Do you remember your first love?

provocative questions

Such questions are a rather complex and rather vague topic. Usually such questions imply that your interlocutor will be in a difficult position when answering. They may affect some personal feelings, relationships with other people or with you, values ​​and outlook on life. Provocative questions often give rise to disputes not about the essence, but about concepts.

A common example of such an “uncomfortable” question is the female “Tell me honestly, have I gained weight?!”. The man immediately feels like in a minefield - whatever you say, you are still guilty.

So you should think carefully before you start provoking the interlocutor, but if you definitely intend to do this, then the questions may look like this:

  • Would you like to live with me all your life?
  • Do you consider small breasts a disadvantage?
  • Size matters?
  • In a family, can a woman earn more than a man?
  • Do you support the death penalty?
  • Would you give your life for the woman you love?
  • Would you forgive betrayal?

List of suitable questions for girls and guys:

  1. Forget the phrase "tell me about yourself". Both of you do not know the correct and interesting answer to this request, if you are interested in something specific about a young man, ask about it, and if not, ask about the weather or the exchange rate.
  2. Give less information than he does. Still, the girl must be a mystery. This does not mean that you need to completely evade answers, just do not write a whole essay in response to each question. The golden mean is important here - you need to show your interest in the conversation without putting all the cards on the table at once.
  3. Make written communication your ally- talk about funny, cute or exciting little things in your life. Say that you were frightened by a sharp slam of a door, that you broke a jar of cucumbers on the way, or that you hit yourself, and now there is a small but cute bruise on your shoulder. Let the person imagine you and the world around you.
  4. Do not put the entire communication initiative in his hands, and do not take it into your own. In fruitful communication two people should participate equally.

What kind of questions you can ask a pen pal: a detailed list was last modified: March 23rd, 2018 by Armina

Dating is so exciting that even thoughts disappear from my head. But you really want to be witty and know what questions to ask guys at a meeting, date or during correspondence, so that he pays attention to you and falls in love. But it doesn't matter if you don't know how to strike up a conversation. We have collected the best questions for a guy, which are compiled according to the dating method of American intelligence agencies Jack Schafer. Well, go ahead to win his heart!

If you don’t know what to ask a guy, then pay attention to the recommendations of Jack Schafer, who compiled 6 rules of charm according to the methodology of the special services. Based on them, you can choose a question for a guy who will not be ashamed to ask and to which he wants to answer. Here are the rules:

  1. Make a mistake;
  2. Ask guys interesting questions about themselves;
  3. Address him by another name;
  4. Sympathize;
  5. Ask for a favor;
  6. Make the guy praise himself with your question.

Perhaps enough theory, and let's start to analyze the original questions to the guy, which are drawn up according to these rules.

95% of guys love it when a girl texts him first! Poll data

The first is to make a mistake. And what error can occur when you first contact a guy? Of course, you made a mistake with the address, phone number or VKontakte page. Write him a provocative question that was supposedly not addressed to him.

  • Have you by any chance changed your mind about tomorrow?
  • How did you like me yesterday?
  • I saw you yesterday near ...?

With these questions for a guy, you will show that you are not a bore, and at the same time start a conversation. At this stage, it is better not to ask intimate questions to the guy, but to be more modest so as not to scare him away.

Maybe you have a question that will help other girls get to know a guy? Share them in a comment.

If your chosen one answers briefly and does not continue the conversation, then he himself may be shy or not know what to answer you. In this case, take the initiative and ask a question for the guy from the second rule. Try to find out about him, since you have already written to him, or tell him that it may not be accidental with the following questions:

  • Do you think accidents really happen for a reason?
  • I wonder why exactly your address came into my hand?
  • And you definitely don’t know me, it seems to me that I’ve known you for a long time?

If you are ashamed to cheat, and you do not want to play by chance, then we will tell you what you can ask the guy in this case. Here it is necessary to act according to the third rule: "turn on someone else's behalf."

  • I was told you're a great guitar player?
  • Is it true what they say about you? (think about what exactly)
  • My friend says you're cool. I wonder if this is true?
  • Heard you don't have a girlfriend? (for the most daring)

Of course, if you are asking such unusual questions for a guy, then you need to be ready for an answer. Find out a little about him, meet his friends, or at least read his VK page.

Guys who are well dressed and have tattoos are lonely at heart and try to express themselves like that!

The ideal question to ask a guy is asking for a favor. Real men rarely answer “no” to them, so after these provocative questions, you will probably not only talk to him, but also meet him.

  • Could you show me the places where the cool kids hang out? Kind of boring.
  • Sorry, those guys got me, can I pretend to be your girlfriend so they get behind?
  • Could you help me with the computer?
  • May I ask you for a favor? (think about what)

Another option to easily strike up a conversation. Of course, here you have to learn a little more about the guy. Namely, about his achievements and ask such a question that the guy can be proud of himself.

  • You played great football yesterday. Are you the leader of the team?
  • How long have you been doing karate? I liked your moves.
  • What do you play in the Comedy Club? I laughed to tears at that joke.
  • How old are you? You look so young.

These provocative questions will not leave him a chance to pay attention to you. In this case, it is not necessary to use these particular questions for a guy. What to ask, you must decide for yourself according to these principles. Also, not every girl can meet in person, because it is men who should be the first to get acquainted. This is best done in correspondence.

Next, we will tell you what questions to ask a guy during correspondence, so that there is time to think and not worry so much. The subsequent meeting will be easier, because you will talk online and will already partially know each other.

Tell me in the comments, did these psychological questions help the guy? Share your experience with other girls.

Many girls think what to ask a guy in VK or ask. And indeed there is something to think about. After all, there are a lot of “bad” questions for a guy that can scare him off and make you look weird. That is why we will tell you not only what to ask the guy in Ask, but also explain why.

Before you decide what to ask a guy on VK, you should know a few good manners when communicating online:

  • Don't be intrusive - would you like to be bombarded with messages every day?
  • Have a dialogue - think not only about what to ask in VK, but talk with him, preferably about him first;
  • Report to him - say that you will write tomorrow, that you need to leave with your mother or on business. Men like it when they have everything under control;
  • Awkward questions - avoid vulgar questions to the guy, only if he himself does not begin to be frank;
  • Always speak honestly - do not lie, because in the future it may say badly on your friendship or even relationship.

By following these rules that pickup girls use, you will not get into an unpleasant situation, but will seem good, interesting and loyal to him. This will be the key to successful communication. Now, what to ask the guy in Asuka?

Guys love girls with their own opinion!

First of all, you don't have to ask dumb questions. Banal questions for a guy, which you want to ask, should be immediately thrown out of your head. Try to show your sharp mind, sense of humor, relaxed behavior, interest in him with the following questions:

  • Why is one head good and two better?
  • Do you know how to "google" in Yandex? (need to come up with an answer)
  • Do you know how erotic lingerie differs from men's?
  • What would you do if you were alone with me for a week?
  • I'm playing Pokemon now, what are you doing?
  • Guess what's my name?
  • How to stir tea, clockwise and counterclockwise?
  • Who is third on your VK friends list?
  • What do you value most in a relationship?
  • Sneakers or shoes?
  • Do you play poker?
  • Last movie you liked?
  • What to ask a guy to like him?
  • Where will we meet?
  • By what principle do you live?

Any of these questions can reveal a lot about a guy, so before you annoy him or get a date, try to find out more about him. And if it still comes to a meeting, then you should know what questions you can ask guys when meeting. They will help you avoid awkward silence and again help you learn more about it.

What questions can you ask guys when meeting?

If you still managed to meet and you need to keep the conversation going, then it is best to do this with a question. We will tell you not only what questions to ask a guy when meeting, but also why they are good. So, here's the best thing to ask a guy on a date.