What is needed for a private garden. How to open a kindergarten without obtaining a license and engage in public-private partnerships

This phenomenon of our time has several names: "home kindergarten", "mini-home-type kindergarten" or simply "mini-kindergarten at home." Given the shortage of places in municipal kindergartens and the high cost of private kindergartens, this option became an option for working parents.

And for those who have been looking for a long time - a good income for their daily bread.

To begin with, we give the definition home mini-kindergarten... As a rule, he is located in an apartment - either residential or rented specifically for this type of activity. Now about the activity itself: it can be legal, or it can be carried out at your own peril and risk.

The first option, in principle, is suitable for those whom their acquaintances will take their children to. They don't need to "shine" you either in front of the tax authorities, or in front of the education department, sanitary services, etc. If you thought of everything in a serious way, then we will tell you

How to open a mini home garden uk


Any production requires Certificate... But you have not conceived, but to take up the upbringing of children. Therefore, you can register with the tax office by selecting the activity code “Providing educational services to preschoolers at home”.

In order to partially legalize a home kindergarten, you can obtain a permit for individual labor activity and call yourself not a kindergarten, but an organization of children's leisure or a developmental circle, since the official permission to be called a kindergarten is issued only to institutions located in non-residential premises that meet all the requirements of supervisory authorities.

Today the state has given some concessions to such organizations and organizers, apparently feeling guilty for the fact that it itself is not able to provide a sufficient number of kindergartens. Therefore, special bodies (education department, SES, firefighters) already have a simpler attitude to the conditions in which children will be. However, the room must still be equipped with a second exit (some make it out of the window, welded a ladder from the outside), the room must be clean, the workers must have medical books.

You will conclude contracts with your parents, report to the tax authorities at your place of residence.


A few more words about the premise in our article, How to organize a home kindergarten. In the "serious" version, the apartment should be spacious enough to accommodate a sufficient number of children. Usually there are up to 10 of them in a mini-kindergarten, they are all together (this is a distinctive feature of a mini-kindergarten - a group of different ages). Most often, the creators of mini-gardens choose an apartment on the ground floor - there is less trouble for neighbors and a fire escape - again.

A good playground should be equipped in the yard, because most of the time children spend outside, especially in summer.


Each child needs a cot, a set of bed linen (if they are babies), a set of dishes, towels, and a locker.

But that is not all. In your home kindergarten, you still need to purchase toys, games, training manuals, not to mention furniture - tables, chairs, musical instruments and children's play furniture (hairdressing salons and workshops, etc.)


It's up to you to decide who will work for you- you yourself or outside helpers. Of course, several children need several adults, usually a teacher, a cook, a nanny, perhaps a music worker, an English teacher, a babysitter (for example, only for walks).

The more qualified the staff in your mini-garden, the happier the parents will be, because their children will be under reliable supervision!

These are all the conditions you need to know about before starting a mini-kindergarten at home. Let's say right away: in Russian cities there are many examples of such a home business that its owners have successfully developed. This is a safe bet these days, just like the Investigative Agency. Alexander Kuleshov wrote about this in detail. After all, children and problems will always be with people

This business is to provide services for the development, education and upbringing of toddlers and preschool children.


This type of service is in great demand due to the tense situation with state gardens in our country. With the current growth in the birth rate, the shortage of kindergartens is felt extremely acutely. In addition, the conditions of the continuous rise in prices and the desire for a high standard of living are pushing parents to work hard on their careers and give them up to specialized organizations.

Thus, a new niche has appeared in business - home kindergartens. This niche is not yet fully occupied, although it is being actively developed (related material: how to open a children's development center).

If you are interested in another, more serious format, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the detailed material on how to open a private kindergarten, from which you will learn all the nuances step by step.

Home kindergarten decoration

Perhaps, registering a kindergarten at home is one of the most troublesome moments in organizing such a business. According to the Law on Education in its latest edition of 2011, any educational and training activities should be carried out only by legal entities, as well as individuals, subject to their registration as individual entrepreneurs. At the same time, such commercial organizations as LLC, OJSC and CJSC are not entitled to conduct educational and training activities.

LLC, OJSC and CJSC can conduct activities “similar” to educational, but not such - for example, open an “Early Development Center”. However, they are not entitled to register the Center for Preschool Education.

The specificity of the desired activity should be reflected in the constituent documents and types of activity according to OKVED. Activities for OKVED- "Social services to the population" and "Care and supervision". Since 2006, a non-profit organization can be registered with the Federal Registration Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. Documents submitted for state registration are considered within 1 month.

In addition, it will be necessary to put the educational institution on tax records, it will be assigned a TIN. In addition, it is necessary to register an institution with extra-budgetary funds - the Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund, the Pension Fund, the Social Insurance Fund, as well as with the state statistics body.

The cost of state registration takes approximately 1 thousand rubles, when contacting companies that provide assistance in registration, the amount of expenses increases to 2.5-4 thousand rubles.

When registering an individual entrepreneur, kindergartens at home are taxed according to a simplified scheme - 6% of income.

License to open a private kindergarten

According to Art. 48 of the current "Law on Education", individual pedagogical activity is not licensed. This means that individual entrepreneurs can conduct pedagogical activities, as well as carry out educational programs without obtaining a license. But other legal forms require it.

The "Regulation on the licensing of educational activities" does not require a license to be obtained by institutions that provide services for developmental and educational activities (classes in sections, circles and studios) and the organization of leisure - that is, when the organization does not specifically offer "preschool education". Such activities can also be carried out by LLC, OJSC, CJSC, etc. However, in the case of opening an institution offering preschool education, it is necessary to obtain a license.

It is possible to obtain a license to open a kindergarten at home in the State educational authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and in local government bodies, which, in accordance with the legislation, are endowed with such powers.

To obtain a license, you need to prepare following documents:

  • Articles of association;
  • Lease agreement for premises or certificate of ownership of existing premises;
  • Tax registration document;
  • Conclusions of Rospotrebnadzor, SES and Fire Inspection, indicating that the room meets all the necessary requirements for conducting educational and training activities;
  • A list of the available material and technical base (provided to the SES to verify compliance with the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and SanPiN standards in the form of a table, which lists the equipment available in each of the premises)
  • Educational program (in accordance with SanPiN clause 2.12.6 "Programs, methods and modes of education and training in terms of hygienic requirements are allowed for use if there is a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on their compliance with sanitary rules");
  • Information about the pedagogical collective.

Premises and equipment

In order to comply with the requirements of the SES for the device, content and organization of the operating mode in preschool organizations and set forth in the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Norms SanPiN (as amended on 10/01/2010) for kindergartens, the premises must have:

  • at least 2 m 2 for each child,
  • a separate room for children to play and sleep,
  • medical office,
  • sports and recreation complex.

In addition, it is important to have special furniture and equipment, as well as a fire alarm.

The requirements for children's furniture in a home kindergarten are quite specific - tables should be no more than 58 cm in height, and chairs - up to 34 cm.In addition, it is necessary to organize a storage space for children's clothes (lockers), as well as a play area for children.

Lighting in the room should be both natural and artificial, and the temperature in it should be from 18 to 22 ° C. Since developmental and entertaining activities with children are held here, the room should have everything you need for this - toys, paints, sketchbooks, etc.

In addition, in accordance with the Sanitary Standards and Rules for preschool institutions, the kindergarten must have:

  • Toys for developing and free games for children;
  • Lockers for storing children's clothes and things;
  • Dishes and furniture for children to eat;
  • Furniture, household utensils, pots, etc. for sanitary and hygienic procedures;
  • Bed linen and beds for sleeping;
  • First aid kit in the medical office;

The fire department will also require a fire extinguisher in the kindergarten.

Economic calculations and profitability

Nina Alexandrovna Bondarenko- the author of the material on the opening of a kindergarten at home:

"Parents want the kindergarten to be not only a place for a child's pastime, but also a place where he will fully develop. And it is private kindergartens with exciting and innovative methods of child development that are extremely popular."

So, first of all, you need to take into account the cost of state registration of a home kindergarten and the cost of renting premises. State registration, as already noted, requires from 1 to 4 thousand rubles. Renting an apartment of sufficient area - from 30 thousand rubles. If the kindergarten is organized at the home of the business organizer, you can calculate the cost of utilities instead of the amount for renting an apartment. In addition, if the apartment requires appropriate cosmetic repairs, you can add 30-50 thousand rubles to the expenses.

Equipment for a kindergarten will cost up to 100 thousand rubles. In addition, if you wish, you can set up a video link so that parents can watch their children - these are optional expenses, amounting to up to 25 thousand rubles.

Advertising. To do this, you will need to place advertisements in the press, leave your business cards and leaflets in the children's clinic, post information about the kindergarten on the Internet. You can spend from 1 to 5 thousand rubles for this.

As a result, the main expenses for opening a kindergarten at home will take about 165 thousand rubles.

It is also necessary to take into account the salary of the staff - at least about 20 thousand rubles per month for the educator and nanny-cook (while the business organizer performs the functions of the second educator).

When preparing meals for children on their own, this will require about 200 rubles per day per child, provided that the kindergarten operates 21 days a month and for a group of 8 people, the cost of food will be 33,600 rubles per month.

As a result, with a group of 8 people and the cost of a child attending a kindergarten at home is 20 thousand rubles per month, the profit (including costs) will be about 50 thousand per month. The cost of opening a kindergarten at home will pay off in a year of work.

If you have acquaintances with young children, or you yourself are a young parent, then you probably know how difficult it is to place your child in a good kindergarten, conveniently located in relation to your home or place of work.

The lack of gardens forces parents to enroll their baby in a group immediately after his birth, often to give bribes so that someone else does not take this place away.

All this suggests that owning a kindergarten can become a good private business, and yet, not all entrepreneurs want open a private kindergarten and are in no hurry to invest in these projects.

And there are good reasons for this, because while owning a preschool can be a profitable business, starting a preschool comes with many major challenges.

Capital investments - 500,000 rubles.
The payback period is 1-2 years.

Benefits of opening a private kindergarten

Before moving on to the difficulties associated with this type of business, I would like to say about a number of benefits that a person who decides to open a private kindergarten will receive:

  • With the right approach, this type of business does not require large investments.
    In addition, there are a number of factors that you can save on without harming your wallet.
  • There are not so many private kindergartens in our country, therefore, if you create good conditions for kids and do not raise prices, you can build a profitable business.
  • There are still too few public gardens in every city to cover the needs of the population.
  • Public preschools do not always meet the requirements of parents, so you will be able to favorably differ from them.
  • Opening a private kindergarten does not require you to have any special knowledge or skills.
    Pedagogical or medical education is an additional trump card, not a prerequisite.

Who needs to open a private kindergarten?

This type of business is female, such as opening a beauty salon or a florist shop.

Men prefer simpler types of entrepreneurial activity. And this is good, because it already automatically reduces the number of your competitors.

And yet, even among the fair sex, there are those who should definitely open their own private kindergarten:

  1. Young mothers with small children.

    You will be able to combine raising a child with making money. You will not have to give your child into the wrong hands, but you will get the opportunity to surround him with your care and attention every day.

  2. Women who have a medical education in pediatrics or a kindergarten teacher diploma.

    So you can save on the salary of either a teacher or a doctor, without which opening a kindergarten is simply impossible.

  3. People who have their own private home with a nice garden plot.

    In this case, you can open a kindergarten right at home, having fulfilled all sanitary and fire conditions, significantly saving on renting a suitable premises.

    You can, of course, try to open an institution right in your apartment, but this will be much more difficult.

Difficulties associated with opening a private kindergarten

Of course, any type of business is associated with certain difficulties that will have to be overcome in the course of work, but opening a private kindergarten has unique difficulties that frighten those who think about this type of entrepreneurial business:

  1. Large initial investment that is disproportionate to future earnings.
  2. The need to negotiate with many state inspection bodies: sanitary station, fire department, red tape associated with obtaining a license, etc.
  3. Problems with lending in modern times of crisis, especially when it comes to such risky money-back guarantees as a new business.

    This means that you need to have your own solid start-up capital, which is little possible given the average income of our citizens.

Solving the difficulties associated with opening a private kindergarten

And yet there are no hopeless situations. Each of the above difficulties is completely solvable.

  1. If you sit down and even approximately calculate how much money you need to open a private kindergarten, you get a truly frightening amount: about half a million rubles.

    But the estimated earnings are much more modest, so you will be able to return the initial investment no earlier than in a few years, and then, with the right approach to business.

    To reduce the amount of initial investment, you need to understand what you can save on:

    • on meals for children (your kindergarten may work part-time, or you can even agree with parents so that they give the children trays of food from the house);
    • on a medical worker (hire a part-time doctor to come a couple of times a week or sign a contract with a medical service);
    • indoors (by opening a kindergarten at home), etc.
  2. Dealing with government services means experiencing all the delights of the flourishing bureaucracy and corruption in our country. There are three ways to avoid all this:
    • having a well-connected lawyer among friends or relatives who will save you from having to run around the offices of officials and organize everything himself in the best possible way;
    • working illegally, but in this case you will not be able to recruit a large group of children, hire staff to help or openly advertise your institution, although this option is not bad as a way to earn money;
    • naming the institution you have opened is not a kindergarten, but a development center, then you will not have to obtain a license, fulfill the requirements of state services in relation to premises, etc.
  3. Today banks are very reluctant to give loans to start new businesses.

    Finding investors who would like to invest in such a risky and not promising business beyond profits, like a kindergarten, will also be difficult.

    If you do not have enough of your own funds to open a kindergarten, then you can look for like-minded people, for example, the same young mothers who do not trust state kindergartens, but do not want to isolate their child from communication with peers.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a private kindergarten

In order to open your kindergarten according to the state model (several groups, three meals a day, a full complement of staff), you will need a lot of money, which you are unlikely to ever return.

The financial condition of even parents with an average income does not allow paying huge sums for preschool education for their children.

This step-by-step instruction will show you how to open a small private kindergarten (2 groups of 10 people: 2-4 years, 4-6 years), which does not require huge investments, having done everything according to the law so as not to be afraid of the tax and be able to register the staff of the institution officially. The institution will be opened not in its own apartment, but in a rented premises.

Registration of an enterprise and obtaining state certification

If you want to open a kindergarten, then first you have to study the Federal Law "On Education" in order to understand what can and cannot be done.

An educational organization is a non-profit institution, so it must be registered with the Ministry of Justice. The term is 30 days (sometimes more).

If you already have a suitable premises, then you will be spared the problem of what legal address your kindergarten will have. Otherwise, you will have to consult with lawyers what kind of legal address you can use, perhaps even your home address will do.

After you register your non-profit organization, pay all the mandatory fees, you should register it with the tax service and the State Statistics Office. The state inspector must confirm that the room you have chosen meets all standards, give you a document that you have passed the certification and can start working.

What else needs to be done when registering a private kindergarten:

  • .
    It is worth immediately putting a condition on parents so that they pay for the stay of their children in a private kindergarten by bank transfer. This will save you the trouble of installing the cash register at your place.
  • Choose a taxation system.
    You are eligible for the simplified tax concession system.

You should not independently engage in the registration procedure for a private kindergarten if you do not have the relevant experience. It is better to spare no money and hire a good lawyer who will take care of all the nuances and speed up the launch of your business.

It is difficult to say how much all of the above costs, but get ready for the fact that you will need at least 30,000 rubles.


This is perhaps one of the most difficult and important tasks facing a person who wants to open a private kindergarten.

Leave the idea of ​​organizing a preschool in your apartment legally, since such premises do not meet fire and sanitary standards.

Better to use the following options:

  1. Rent or buy a private house.
    It should have a sufficient area (at least 150-200 sq. M.), 4-5 large rooms + a kitchen / dining room and a good backyard area where you can make a playground for outdoor games.
  2. Rent the premises of the old kindergarten.
    Here, of course, repairs will have to be made, but the building will have all the necessary infrastructure, because it was built to work with children.
  3. Rent part of the premises from a children's non-profit organization, for example, the former House of Pioneers, the Youth Palace, etc.

If you do not have your own private house in order to open a private kindergarten there, then get ready to pay for rent of one square meter from 400 rubles. This amount may be higher if you wish to open your establishment closer to the center or the price of renting one square meter in your city is too high.


For a private kindergarten for two groups, you will definitely need the following staff:

If you want to provide the children with three meals a day, you will also have to hire a cook, but it is better not to take on such obligations, but to agree with the parents that they will give the kids food in trays with them, and you will only warm it up for lunch.

They can have breakfast and dinner at home. And afternoon snacks can be organized as simple as possible: tea / packaged juice, cookies, ready-made curds, yoghurts, fruits.

In addition, you will have to concurrently hire such employees who will come to classes for children 2-3 times a week:

You can reduce this cost item by concluding a contract with a private medical service that you will call them only in case of an emergency.
If you can take on one of the above responsibilities of private kindergarten staff, then you are already saving one of the rates.

Arrangement of a private kindergarten

You will need a lot of different things, but the basic shopping list looks like this:

Quantity Salary (rub) Total (rub)
Total:RUB 250,000
Cribs20 15 000 30 000
Tables and chairs40 1000 40 000
Carpets5 2000 10 000
Toys for boys and girls of different ages20 500 10 000
Linens40 1000 40 000
Arrangement of a gymnasium 30 000 30 000
Music center, TV, DVD, washing machine, laptop, printer 50 000 50 000
Additional expenses 40 000 40 000

Prepare for the fact that the additional costs of opening a private kindergarten may be much more than indicated in the table.

Stages of opening a private kindergarten

Stage Apr May June July Aug Sep
Business registration and certification+
Premises for rent and repairs in it +
Purchase of the necessary equipment, furniture, etc. +
Purchase of toys, equipment and other things +
Recruitment +
Advertising + + +
Kindergarten opening +

It takes about six months for the kindergarten to start working.

Cost table for opening a private kindergarten

Expenditure item Amount (in rubles)
Total:RUB 500,000 - RUB 600,000
Company registration30 000 – 40 000
Premises rental (150-200 sq. M.)60,000 - 80,000 (per month)
Renovation of the premises50 000 – 100 000
Arrangement of a kindergarten250 000
Employee salary44,000 - 50,000 (per month)
Advertising10 000
Additional expenses50 000

And that's not counting taxes and other unplanned expenses.

on the opening of a private kindergarten.

How much can you earn by opening a private kindergarten

Talking about how much you can earn per month is difficult enough. It all depends on whether your private kindergarten will function full day or only half a day. In addition, a lot depends on the popularity of the preschool educational institution.

Agree, it's stupid to raise prices if no one is in a hurry to sign up for you.

The average cost of visiting a private kindergarten for one child is 10,000 rubles.
If you have 20 kids, your monthly income is 200,000 rubles.

Not too much to start with, but by making your establishment popular, you can increase prices and expand by making, for example, 3-4 groups, not 2.

As you can see, in order to open a private kindergarten, decent funds are needed, and the recoupment of such a project is a long-term business. You can significantly reduce costs if you open a garden at your home, but in this case, you should prepare for the fact that the income will be even lower, and you will not end up with problems with the tax office if she decides to check you.

Nevertheless, semi-legal private kindergartens, organized in apartments, function successfully. Choose for yourself how you should proceed.

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Many women who decide to start their own business dream of opening a private kindergarten at home today. This idea is very relevant indeed. There are many reasons for the demand. First, there is a lack of government institutions. Secondly, the poor quality of service in them. Not to mention the fact that some parents want to go to work earlier and send their child to kindergarten, but they cannot do this because of the small age of the children.

Many parents, even having the opportunity to send their child to a regular kindergarten, opt for a private institution. They have several rather weighty arguments for this. After all, a private kindergarten has the following advantages in comparison with public institutions:

  • the group contains a small number of children, which allows the baby to quickly adapt;
  • an individual approach is used for each child;
  • more careful babysitting;
  • home atmosphere.

There are also a number of disadvantages. For example, parents have to pay quite a lot to support their child in kindergarten. There is not much room in an apartment equipped for a kindergarten. If a kindergarten does not have a license, then it is impossible to conduct the educational process in it. And some educators and nannies may not have a pedagogical education at all.

Based on these shortcomings, we can conclude: in order to increase interest in your kindergarten, you need to hire people with a pedagogical education, pay great attention to the development of children's leisure time. The ideal option is to get a license. Then it will be possible to lead in the kindergarten and some kind of training sessions.

Many entrepreneurs are wondering where to start opening a private kindergarten at home. The first step is to decide on the format of the future institution. Here you can choose one of the following paths:

  1. Family kindergarten... The essence of the idea is to open a very small garden. But only a mother-housewife with 3 children or more can become a teacher and owner of such an institution. The essence of the idea is that the children become her group, where you can take another 1 or 2 other people's children. For the work, the owner receives an official salary of 18,000 rubles and compensation for food costs in the amount of 100 rubles per day. A woman is also credited with seniority and an additional bonus for raising other people's children.
  2. Non-state educational institution (NOU)... This option assumes the work of a non-profit organization. That is, the money received will have to be used for the development of the institution. Therefore, this option is not suitable for a businessman.
  3. Development center... This option is the most suitable and cost-effective for an entrepreneur. He will not need to obtain licenses to conduct business. It will not be possible for such a kindergarten to provide educational services on its own. But when signing an agreement with a teacher who has an individual entrepreneur, it will be possible to teach children in the kindergarten without licensing their activities. It is just that in addition, contracts are concluded with the parents on the provision of educational services.

Legal specifics

If an entrepreneur plans to open a kindergarten in an apartment, he must understand that he will have to go through the official registration of his institution. This task is quite troublesome. If a businessman wants to avoid licensing, then the words "school" and "kindergarten" should be absent in the name of his organization. Otherwise, you will have to notify the Department of Education and open a full-fledged legal entity.

It is important to choose the right OKVED codes for your private kindergarten. You will definitely need to indicate the code 85.32 - "Provision of social services without providing accommodation." If the entrepreneur still decides to engage in the provision of educational services, then in addition he will need to obtain a license and indicate the code 80.10.1 - "Preschool education".

When choosing a tax regime, it is better to immediately abandon the idea of ​​using OSNO, since it will be extremely unprofitable. But the entrepreneur will be able to choose UTII or STS. Moreover, if the expenses are quite impressive compared to income, then it makes sense to choose the STS “income minus expenses”, but then you will have to document not only the receipt, but also the expenditure of funds.

When deciding for himself the question of what is needed to open a private kindergarten, an entrepreneur must first of all understand whether he is worth spending his energy, money and time on obtaining a license. In addition, the fines for such organizations are much more impressive than for ordinary private kindergartens.

State subsidies

Work in the field of preschool institutions implies the possibility of obtaining support from the state at the federal, regional and municipal levels. So, an entrepreneur can try to get the following subsidy options:

  • Cancellation of VAT. But this benefit is only valid for private educational institutions. If the kindergarten does not provide such services, then the benefit will not apply to it.
  • Receiving funds for opening an institution, renting premises.
  • Access to participate in the municipal order.

At the municipal level, there may be other benefits that you should inquire about directly in your city.

Search for suitable premises and purchase of equipment

When opening a private kindergarten in an apartment, you need to carefully select the room. Better if it will be located in the area of ​​apartment buildings, where mostly young families live. For example, you can buy out premises in a newly built house.

It is necessary to look not only at the profitability of the location, but also at the compliance of the premises with the applicable standards. SES for the future kindergarten puts forward serious requirements. When searching for an apartment and repairing it, you need to be guided by the rules prescribed in SanPiN So, this document states that a kindergarten must have:

  • from 2 m 2 premises for each pupil;
  • places to sleep;
  • playroom;
  • fire alarm;
  • medical corner for first aid.

Nor can ordinary furniture for small children be used. So, the height of tables should not exceed 58 centimeters, and chairs - 34 centimeters. The presence of wardrobes for children's clothes is also required.

It is imperative to ensure the flow of natural light into the apartment. Additionally, the room is equipped with lighting fixtures. It is also important to maintain a certain temperature regime - from 18 to 22 0 C. Therefore, for the summer it will be necessary to purchase air conditioners or fans, and for the winter - heaters, if the heat from the batteries is not enough.

The private kindergarten in the apartment is designed so that children play, sleep, study in one place. Therefore, it is imperative to provide an area for lessons and leisure activities for kids. To store various accessories, you need to purchase lockers, drawers, shelves. It will be possible to place soft toys, stationery and much more in them.

Sanitary standards put forward for kindergartens and a list of furniture that must be purchased without fail. This list includes:

  • educational and ordinary toys;
  • lockers for personal storage of clothes and other things of the child;
  • tables, chairs and utensils for eating;
  • everything you need to maintain hygiene (including pots);
  • sleeping places and bed linen.

Personnel search

For the effective operation of a private kindergarten, it is necessary to hire really good specialists who treat other people's children with affection and care. If you treat the search for personnel carelessly, then you can lose all your clients. It is important that the teacher who fulfills the duties of the educator inspires the confidence of the parents of the kids.

It is important to decide in advance how many people to hire. Much will depend on the age of the children. If these are very young children (2 - 3 years old), then one teacher is hired for 4 children. For older children, you can hire one teacher for a group of 10 people. You can also take a nanny to help.

When looking for a caregiver, you need to pay attention to education and work experience. It is not necessary to hire a specialist who works with children 20 years old. You can hire a young, active and proactive teacher for this position.

When opening circles and educational courses, it is important to contact a methodologist for drawing up a work plan. It should be an experienced person, well versed in the current techniques. He will be able to choose the most suitable program for the kids.

In a serious institution it will not be possible to do without a child psychologist. It is important that the applicant is able to communicate with children, conduct testing. It makes sense not to save on the salary of such a specialist. He will be able to advise parents, recognize the child's abilities and inclinations.


Any entrepreneur knows how important it is to choose the right marketing strategy. The success and profitability of the enterprise will depend on this. You need to start by determining the cost of services. Don't underestimate the price. The services of private gardens are usually used by wealthy people, and too low a cost can scare them away.

The location of the kindergarten in the apartment of an apartment building suggests the need and expediency of attracting people living nearby. This strategy will allow you not to spend a lot of money on advertising. To promote your private kindergarten, you can use the following forms of advertising:

  • Signboard. It needs to be made dimensional, catchy, unusual and memorable. It is better to place it on the facade of the house on the side where the permeability of citizens is maximum. It is important to choose a non-trivial name for the garden.
  • Ads. They can be glued on the porches. It's important to design your flyers responsibly. Selling text should be catchy and concise. Everything should be tastefully decorated, on good paper, preferably on a color printer.
  • Conducting consultations. This item is necessary for working with objections. Hold a meeting for everyone, tell them about training programs and methods, conditions of keeping children in kindergarten.
  • Pointers. They will help future clients navigate where there is a private kindergarten nearby. Moreover, it will add seriousness and status to the organization, which will attract wealthy clients who value the quality of the services provided.

Some entrepreneurs begin to go around apartments, agitate potential clients. It can alienate people. It is better to abandon this venture, as well as the idea of ​​placing ads in newspapers. The latter will be effective only for large kindergartens.

Financial results

Opening a kindergarten will require certain investments. So, the following costs should be included in the number of starting costs:

  • repairs - 50,000 rubles;
  • purchase of equipment, furniture, toys, dishes, teaching materials - 200,000 rubles;
  • advertising - 20,000 rubles.

In total, at least 270,000 rubles will be required to open a garden.

Monthly expenses will include:

  • rent and utility bills - 30,000 rubles;
  • salary - 40,000 rubles;
  • groceries - 35,000 rubles.

Total monthly costs will amount to 105,000 rubles per month.

Having formed a group of 10 people and setting the cost of one day at 800 rubles, you can count on income of 168,000 rubles (assuming 21 working days per month). It turns out that the profit will be 61,000 rubles. After taxes are paid, about 52,000 rubles will remain.

Consequently, you will be able to recoup your investments in six months. And the level of profitability will be slightly more than 30%.

How to organize a private kindergarten at home

* Calculations are based on average data for Russia

We have already written about the fact how to organize a private kindergarten which can be a pretty lucrative, albeit troublesome, small business. At the same time, we considered the option of opening a kindergarten at home, which does not require large investments. A lot of time has passed since this article was written, and only now sanitary norms and rules have been approved, according to which such children's groups should work. In this article, we will take a closer look at the new home kindergarten format.

Although the government is trying to eliminate queues for municipal kindergartens and has even achieved some success in this direction (in several Russian regions, according to official reports, it has already managed to eliminate queues for kindergartens), nevertheless, the problem of lack of places for babies remains relevant for most mothers. This is due to the increase in the birth rate and the desire of many women to return to work as soon as possible after the decree (in most cases for material reasons). And someone, even if there are no problems with placing a child in a municipal kindergarten, would like to provide their child with better care and more attention from educators, which is little possible in groups with 25 and more children. For this reason, despite the improvement (at least declared by the authorities) of the situation with state kindergartens, private kindergartens do not lose their relevance.

When opening a kindergarten, the following two factors should be taken into account: private kindergartens are attended mainly by children of primary preschool age - from 9 months to 3 years. Parents prefer to transfer older children to a municipal kindergarten, since the kids are already more adapted, their immunity is strong enough, and the cost of a child's stay in a municipal kindergarten is, of course, much lower than in a private one.

Until recently, it was very difficult and expensive to open a private kindergarten in compliance with all the formalities. Therefore, many parents who thought about creating such a mini-business looked for workarounds: they registered their garden as an early development center or looked for clients among friends and acquaintances, recruiting small groups right at home and not formalizing it officially. Since this year, the situation has changed somewhat. Now such preschool groups can be fully legalized and even receive financial support from regional sources, like ordinary municipal kindergartens (the corresponding decree can be found on the website of the "Rossiyskaya Gazeta"). There is, however, one condition - for this you will have to obtain a license to conduct such activities.

Such a garden accepts children under the age of eight. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that they be the same age. At least according to the law. In practice, however, it is still desirable that the children in your group be about the same age. In this case, it will be easier for educators to organize classes for children, less expenses will be required for the purchase of toys, and it will be easier to provide food for children.

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As a room for a mini-garden, you can use both an ordinary apartment and a private house. Even a room with stove heating and without a centralized sewage system is suitable for arranging a garden. However, in the first case, it is necessary to install the stove in such a way that the kids cannot get to it. If you own a suitable premises, or, even more so, if you are going to purchase an apartment or house specifically for a kindergarten, you should consult in advance with your regional department of Rospotrebnadzor whether it meets the established requirements.

The room temperature must be maintained at 21 - 24 degrees Celsius. Moreover, it must be regularly ventilated. It is best to make an hourly airing schedule, during which the children need to be transferred to another room so that they do not catch colds (we are talking, of course, about the cold season). It is also necessary to provide daily wet cleaning. In an apartment or a private house of a small area, it is quite possible to get by on your own, without hiring a cleaner. There are no special requirements for the renovation of premises. The main thing is that this repair, at least, should be (hardly any of the parents will give their child to poor conditions) and not make cleaning difficult. If the walls in the rooms are covered with wallpaper, then it is highly desirable that they were washable, since both walls and ceilings must also be washed regularly. In the toilet and bathroom, it is best to tile the floors and walls with ceramic tiles. It is recommended to lay the floor in the hallway (where children change their shoes and take off their street clothes) with ceramic granite. When choosing tiles, give preference to materials with a rough, non-slip surface.

There are also no strict requirements for the layout of the premises. Of course, it is desirable that all rooms - the playroom, bedroom, dining room (if any) are separate rooms, but with a small area, you can combine the playroom and the bedroom. As in a regular kindergarten, each child should have their own separate bed. To save space in a home children's group, you can use compact beds - sliding or 2-3 tiers. Please note: multi-tiered beds should not be located one above the other, but in the form of steps so that the child does not fall from the upper tier. You will also need other children's furniture - chairs and tables.

You can buy inexpensive furniture from stores like Ikea. For example, a table and two chairs made of natural wood will cost 1000-1500 rubles. In the case of a group of short stays, it is possible to do without beds. With this format, you can do without a quiet hour and lunch, so such a kindergarten is closer to a children's early development center. In addition to the minimum set of furniture (tables and chairs are still required - for breakfast and for activities with kids), you will need to purchase racks and boxes for storing toys, as well as the toys themselves.

Ready-made ideas for your business

For the latter, certain requirements are also spelled out in the standards: they must be made of safe materials and so that they can be washed every day and disinfected from time to time. Toys made of plastic and rubber are suitable for such requirements. And also combined with textile materials so that they can be washed. It is better to refuse to purchase soft toys. The usual set of toys for kindergarten includes: constructors with plastic parts (wooden, although they look more attractive, but are not suitable for hygienic reasons - from frequent contact with water and, moreover, detergents, the tree will quickly warp), plastisol dolls, plastic animal figures, PVC play house, various toys for toddlers (pyramids, labyrinths, etc.). In addition to standard toys and play sets, it is also worth purchasing toys for teaching children. These include, for example, puppet theaters (toys that you put on your hands), puzzles (the main thing is that they do not contain small details if they are intended for children under 3 - 4 years old), play and sports complexes (with a limited area, you can do with the standard Swedish wall), etc. Please note: it is strictly forbidden to keep any pets in the home kindergarten - from fish to hamsters. So you will have to get acquainted with wildlife through pictures and during walks on the street.

The number of children in such a group is calculated by the area of ​​the room, which is used as a playroom: at least 2 sq. meters. Hygiene deserves special attention. As in municipal kindergartens, each child in the home group must also have their own potty. Older children can also use one toilet, but in this case, it is necessary to provide for the presence of each of them their own seat - a lining for the toilet. Also, for each child, you need to allocate their own towels (separate for the face, hands and feet) and bedding, which need to be changed regularly.

The opening hours of a home kindergarten may vary. So, according to the law, a mode of short-term stay (up to five hours a day) is provided, which is suitable for very little ones, a shortened day (8-10 hours), a full day (10.5-12 hours), as in a regular garden, and finally , extended day (13 - 14 hours).

The biggest challenge is providing food for your children. In theory, you can cook it yourself, but be sure to comply with all the necessary requirements, of which there are a lot. It is much easier to order ready-made meals at a nearby municipal kindergarten, school or cafe. The menu deserves special attention. As in state children's institutions, in home kindergartens every day there should be fresh food (it is strictly forbidden to feed children with what was left from yesterday), and the dishes should be varied (it is impossible for the same dishes to be repeated in the diet of children twice and two days in a row).

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In general, the children's menu is quite simple: for breakfast, warm porridge, casserole, a sandwich and a drink of your choice are served, for lunch - the first (soup), the second (for example, mashed potatoes, pasta or buckwheat with a meat dish - cutlet, sausage, sauce etc.), appetizer (or salad), tea or cocoa. For an afternoon snack, juice or milk plus a sweet bakery product (cheesecake, puff, bun, etc.) is suitable. Serving size depends on the age of the child and is strictly regulated in the rules.

In addition to nutritional requirements, it is necessary to observe the established daily routine in a home kindergarten. The latter also depends on age. Children are entitled to walks twice a day (up to 4 hours a day in total), weather permitting, and a quiet hour lasting at least two hours. The rest of the time should be occupied by various activities with children - games, educational activities, creativity, reading books, etc.

If you are going to work according to the law and expect to receive subsidies from the state, then you will need to issue an educational license. In the case of an individual entrepreneur, you can do without licensing if you plan to carry out such activities on your own. If you intend to involve other teachers in the work, you will have to obtain the appropriate permits.

The number of full-scale kindergarten staff is quite large. Both educators and nannies, cooks, a nurse, sometimes a speech therapist and a psychologist, cleaners, security guards, and janitors work here. Home kindergarten can get by with a much more modest staff. If you are registered as an individual entrepreneur, then you can conclude contracts with teachers, who also work as individual entrepreneurs, for the provision of services for conducting classes with children. In any case, whatever the number of your staff, all your employees must have medical records, regularly undergo medical examinations, get the necessary vaccinations and have permission to work with children.

Lilia Sysoeva

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