What to give an original husband for the new year. Beloved from the whole soul. Romantic gifts husband

New Year even the most solid man at least for a moment, but I want to feel like a small boy, which covers delight at the sight of multi-colored bags lying under the Christmas tree. A loving wife will surely want to please their spouse with gifts, however, she can face the difficulties of choice.

Indeed, decide that to give her husband for the new year is not easy. Especially if the spouses live together for several years and all the "mandatory" gifts, in the form of ties, razors and hours have already been made.

Basic rules of choice

Planning to make the best gift to her husband for the New Year, you need to remember the basic rules of choice:

  • Do not forget who is chosen a gift. Even if you really like the same pretty plaid with chrysanthemums or a beautiful table lamp with "Visulki", you should not buy these things. Before think about, and whether they will like the recipient of the gift, because you choose not just a thing in the house, but a present to a concrete person. Therefore, consider when choosing the taste of your husband, even if it does not match yours.

  • Apply intelligence tactics. To choose a really best gift, you need to try to figure out what exactly your husband wants to get. You can ask directly, in some families it is customary to order gifts directly, and there is nothing wrong with that. But if there is a desire to make a surprise, then I have to "play the scout" for some time. Listen to the conversations of the husband, maybe he casually will mention that he would like to have a particular thing, but now her purchase is not by time. Watch out for what departments in the store stops the husband, which things he draws attention to. But be careful, it can happen that the husband will be ahead of you and buy the thing you need yourself on my own, even before the holiday. And then your pleasant surprise can be considered unsuccessful.
  • A friend can come to the rescue. It happens that with all the efforts, it is not possible to "output" information about the desired gifts for her husband. In this case, you can seek help to a close friend of my spouse. If they communicate close enough and, moreover, have a common hobby, then a friend will definitely give a useful advice. And if the wife understands little in the passion of her husband, then his friend can help and choose a present. For example, if the spouse is not fond of fishing, it is unlikely to be able to choose a good spinning, so it will need the help of a knowledgeable person.

  • Decide with the gift budget. Some wives believe that experts are always better. In fact, this is not always the case. Of course, if the family does not feel any material problems, the spouse can buy everything that she will be in mind. If the financial situation is unstable, or the family is trying to accumulate funds for a large purchase (apartment, car, etc.), the spouse may not only be refreed, but also to get angry, that a large amount was spent "on nonsense", even if this "nonsense" "Bought him as a gift. Especially in the event that the wife does not work, and the main income of the family consists of a husband's earnings. In this case, it is better to choose an inexpensive, but a nice gift, or even make a surprise with your own hands.
  • Consider the character of the spouse. When choosing a gift, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the spouse. Wives, as a rule, know their husbands well, so they can immediately say, the gift of what plan he will like it. There are men who are practical by nature. They need to give only useful gifts, let it be not very original, but the presented thing can be used in direct intended. Some stronghold representatives remain in the soul of romantics. In this case, it is worth picking up an unusual gift to her husband for the new year, even if the purchased thing does not bring the spouse of practical benefit.

Hobbies related gifts

The ability to choose gifts is not always congenital quality, but he can learn. One of the most winning options are things that are associated with the hobby of the spouse. If a person is really fascinated by some kind of business, he will always be happy to get a thing from this area.

If the husband prefers to spend free time in nature, then he can choose as a gift in the store of goods for outdoor activities. You can choose a new quality sleeping bag or convenient folding chair, buy good metal thermos or set of unbreakable dishes. If the husband is fond of winter hunting or fishing, he will be happy to receive a thermal underwear or warm comfortable suit - Jumpsuit and a jacket for relaxing in nature. If all this "in the farm" spouse already exists, then you can choose good fly Plaid, this thing will warm the traveler even in a strong frost.

If the husband loves music, then the gift should be chosen from this area. Maybe he needs a new player or headphones? And maybe he will be pleased with the new records of his favorite performers or a ticket for a concert group, whose creativity he likes. If you decide to make the original gift to my husband for the new year, you can buy him radio for bathroom non-standard design, for example, in the form of a starfish or submarine.

In the event that the husband himself is musitis, then you need to pick him up a gift in the store of musical instruments. Of course, the tool itself can hardly choose (here, as when buying shoes and clothes, you need to "try" tool tool), but you need to purchase accessories to any musician as a gift.

If the husband is avoy motorist, with the choice of gifts, there should be no problems. In any large auto shop, a huge selection of gifts for car enthusiasts is presented. Of course, it makes no sense to buy a spare part for the car, but you can purchase:

  • a compressor operating from the cigarette lighter;
  • a set of tools in a convenient suitcase;
  • a special organizer that allows you to maintain the perfect order in the trunk;
  • new covers or massage or fur capes for seats;
  • car coffee maker connected to the cigarette lighter;
  • navigator or video recorder;
  • cute pillows in the salon;
  • the "Antison" device is a gift like her husband if he spends a lot of time on the road;
  • new modern car radio.

Most men will be happy to receive the necessary or just pleasant accessories for computer. If there is an opportunity, you can please your favorite novelties - buy a more powerful laptop or more modern smartphone.

If the budget for the purchase of gifts is modest, you can choose inexpensive, but "cool" gift to her husband for the new year. For example, special lamp illumination for tablet funny form mini fridge To store the Coca-Cola bank, connected to a computer via a USB connector. There are many different fun and at the same time useful accessories, it is enough to look into the specialized department of the store to choose something suitable.

Previously it was believed that the best gift is a book. If a man loves to read, then this gift will be very relevant today. You can give an electronic book, after loading the works of your favorite authors of the spouse in it. But if the husband is a conservative, then you can buy a series of ordinary books of his beloved genre.


The new year is a cheerful holiday, so it is quite possible to buy a ridiculous souvenir as a gift. You can make a gift "with a hint."

For example, if the spouse Sonya and get up from bed on time for him a problem - you can give him flying or running alarm clock. To turn off the alarm signal, it will have to run, and already getting out of bed, it is unlikely that the husband will fit back.

If the spouse is a little lazy, give him a tea a cup that mixes the sugar itself. By the way, the presence of such a cup will get rid of the need to collect tea spoons all over the house.

A spouse who dnakes and spends the night at work can be given suitted pillowwhich in appearance reminds the usual folder for papers. The presence of such a pillow in the office will allow the spouse a minute of rest spending time with comfort.

Another gift from this series - funny slippers. They can be purchased or associated (sew) independently. You can choose slippers in the form of the symbol of the upcoming year. And if the husband loves to spend time, playing "Tanks", then the sneakers can be made in the form of combat vehicles.

You can buy a T-shirt and order on it printing images or inscriptions according to your choice. For example, you can write on T-shirt "It looks like the best husband", or decorate your sharing clothes.

Add a little romance

In everyday life a lot of worries, so many spouses rarely talk to each other's words of love, although they really value each other. But on holidays, you can forget about everyday bustle and prepare a romantic gift to my husband for the New Year.

The easiest option is romantic dinner For two houses. The main condition of this event is to stay together with your spouse, so children need to be laundered to sleep early or send to grandmothers.

Think up a dinner menu, it is better to include your favorite husband's favorite dishes, even if it prefers prose food like potatoes with meat, seafood and other exquisite food, which women's magazines are recommended for a romantic evening. A hungry husband is unlikely to be located to romance, so you should not experiment with meals. But it is important and not to reconcile the spouse, otherwise after dinner, it will begin to dream, and the rest of the evening program will be spoiled.

In addition to dinner, you need to prepare the creative part of the evening. For example, you can go in advance to strip plastics courses and prepare an erotic dance for the spouse. If you are not in freaks with choreography, just tell your husband about how you love it. Most likely, such a gift throws the spouse to the depths of the soul.

If the house should be at home unrealistic, but there is a chance to charge the care of children to grandmothers (or children are quite adults to take care of themselves alone), then organize "Outbound Event". If there is an opportunity, it is better to leave for a few days in the holiday home. If there is no such possibility, you can arrange a romantic evening in a restaurant.

Pleasant emotions

In principle, the goal of any gift is to cause pleasant emotions from the recipient. But you can give not just a thing that will delight, but an interesting entertainment or adventure.

For example, you can "cooperate" with your husband's friends and make a general gift - certificate for the game paintball, at visit bowling club Or on any other entertainment that will have to get a gift to the taste.

You can donate subscription for a pool visit Or a sports hall, this gifts will emphasize that she cares about his husband's health. If the spouse wants to master some new skills, then you can pay training for interesting courses as a gift. Maybe he wants to master extreme driving? Or has long wanted to master the horse ride?

You can buy tickets for any entertainment events - Sports Competitions, concerts, performances And the main thing is that this event is to have the interest of her husband.

Inexpensive gifts

If it is not possible to make a solid gift, you should not be upset. You can give my husband an inexpensive, but useful thing for him. Even simple woolen socks with lovely linked spouse is a wonderful gift in which a particle of the darisant soul is embedded.

Cheap gifts need to choose and former husband for the new year, if you have saved a good relationship after the divorce. Small souvenir, wall or desk calendar - This is quite acceptable gifts for the former spouse. If you give something expensive or personal, then such a present can be perceived as a proposal for the resumption of relationships and cause a negative reaction from the actual wife or girlfriend.

The choice of gifts is wide enough, you just need to think about what of your husband will really please.

Every day, the most wonderful holiday of the new year is closer and closer.

And according to tradition, everyone gives each other gifts, beautiful, old, good tradition, which entered our consciousness as an integral part of this funny, beautiful holiday.

Almost all married women arises painful, difficult to solve the question that give her husband for the new year. I want the gift to be not an ordinary, pleasant for her husband, but also financially resolved.

Part of women simplify the decision to the meeting with the question - what to give you for the new year? However, in most cases, they prefer to make a surprise. What?

At first there was a thought to choose gifts for men and offer them to women, but then I thought, because I am also a man, too, a husband, but what would I like to get as a gift for New Year's holiday?

I will not concern some super gifts or rare and exotic.

I will be limited by the fact that you can buy in our retail chains, maximum cost, say 7 - 10 thousand rubles or made by your own hands of my wife.

And so - it would be nice to get as a gift for the new year.

What can I buy as a gift

Since I am fond of video and photo filming, then here is such a device

This is a Gelicopter video, for shooting video from a flight height, very interesting shooting are obtained and its cost from 3000 rubles.

It would be very satisfied with the camera for underwater filming, or waterproof boxing for an existing cameras.

Fine underwater photos and video shooting are obtained, I just consider it necessary to go on vacation to the sea. You can purchase such devices within 5 - 8 thousand rubles, and the boxes are even cheaper.

As a motorist video recorder, and if he is also with an anti-radar in general class.

The very necessary thing, and from the fine will protect and God forbid, with the accident there will be a witness, and at prices - in our amount, for every taste.

A set of tools for a car.

With prices here, too, everything is in order, there is from what to choose and for an acceptable price.

In general, for motorists the choice is large:

auto compressor, for pumping tires, beautiful flavoring in the cabin, set of autocossets, rear view mirror with bluetooth connection with a phone, for calls while driving, in general, the choice is in any auto store.

New phone, twist of old, with frills, what has not yet been, or tablet

With the choice of these gifts there are no problems, and the price is quite selected.

For the farm, and a man in the house is a host, a good set of tool so that you can also twist the crane, hang the shelf, drive a nail into the wall.

The range is huge, and you can choose.

For lovers to coat the fragrant tobacco, for the new year, give a smoking tube, a beautiful lighter, although they say, with the smoking of the struggle.

Quite suitable for a pleasant gift

A small men's handbag, or as a plaque is called.

To put, personal documents, keys, telephone, cigarettes can be put in it, and sometimes say that the pockets are drawn, and it is also convenient, and practical.

If your husband is an avid fisherman, give a fishing suit, a refrigerator bag, a good thermos, I do not advise you without a good consultant to choose a rod and whine kits, for not knowing, can take something.

Now in Russia, almost throughout the entire territory began to grow grapes, and many men were fascinated by winemaking, in a good sense of this beautiful business, their own wine from their own grapes is an excellent drink, for such enthusiastic, beautiful gift will be a beautiful carved bottle, stuff, go to Shop for winemakers, and now there are practically in any city, for sure to look something.

Gift husband for new year with your own hands

If you knit, then you should think about the gift made by your own hands.

Let your hands warm her husband and think that such gifts for the new year will love him.

And if you sew, make a gift in the car, witch covers.

Folk proverb says that the main thing is not a gift, the main attention! Therefore, note that I wonder my husband, and make a little gift

As a rule, married ladies are not tormented by the choice of New Year's gift and presented the most common presents. Or maybe it's time to change something cool in your habits and relationships with the second half? So what to give her husband for the new year 2016? Give him a real New Year's holiday, with his wonders, magic and a fabulous atmosphere, because it is exactly what every one of us dreams regardless of age!

New Impressions for the New Year

If your husband has everything in an anecdote, except for the tram, do not despair. Consider the option of an unusual and memorable gift - a certificate for a parachute jump (if your husband loves extreme), certificate for visiting an interesting master class or extreme driving.

Have you been to the theater for a long time? Not trouble, the new year is exactly the time when you can implement your desires and at the same time with this to congratulate her husband - give him tickets to the theater visitors.

Do not love the theater? Then the cinema, circus or dolphinarium for you. And lovers of an active lifestyle will delight the opportunity to spend an extra hour on a ski slide or on the rink.

New Impressions can also bring the New Year's Eve celebration. Remove the room in a hotel or rent a country house - the setting change is both the best holiday, and the ability to stir feel.

Rent a country house - an excellent gift for the new year

Not suitable not one of the listed options? Either does not matter - buy a gift certificate with a spouse, and what to spend it, he will already decide himself.

Hobbies husband and gift for the new year

Does your husband - a passionate nature? So it's great! This will help solve many problems that arise when choosing a present. Listen to what your spouse is speaking periodically. Often, men dream out loud "and I would not refuse such a fishing rod or a mug" and this will help us accurately guess with a gift and please the soul mate.

Does your husband love the technique and can a lot of hours for a laptop or tablet? As a gift, you can choose a new original mouse (the main thing is to make sure the brushes are hand on it comfortably and comfortable), a new case on a tablet or a laptop bag, a table for a laptop or a cooler stand. Even such a trifle as new computer speakers or headphones will delight your husband.

Good headphones - a suitable gift for the new year

Active, loving sports or travel husband can be pleased with a set of sports equipment, sportswear, a bag or a set of towels for training. A variety of tourist equipment and accessories will allow you to choose an original and useful gift, the main thing is to have enough finances. Your husband loves hiking at any time of the year - buy a thermos mug that can be packed in a festive packaging. Supplement to a useful and small gift will be a comic certificate of a better tourist or a comic cup for climbing Everest.

A unique and original gift can be a bike or power simulator for the house. In addition, such a device will be able to use and you.

Beer lovers will appreciate the beer set, which includes glasses, cup holders and snacks under beer. An unforgettable and unexpected gift will be mini-brewery.

Fans of a bath can be given a couple of good brooms, gloves of the gloves, a bath cap or slippers, towels and a set of essential oils.


Another hobby, thanks to which our list of possible New Year's gifts is becoming more and more and varied. Music-motorists are holing and walking the car as native, and, giving the necessary and useful car supplements, we will definitely delight your husband.

What can be chosen as a gift? Let's start with the most affordable - accessories for the machine. The original and unexpected gift will be an autocommunicator that can be attached to the rear window and on which your satellite can express their emotions and even write a short phrase. There is a model of a communicator on which you can create any emoticon (from a smile to anger), a constructor communicator, on the display of which you can show your feelings and familiar to each motorist signs (for example, the letter "y" or a shoe). Such models include about 100-150 words, from which more than 400 sentences can be made ("I am in a hurry!", "Sorry", "Stop", etc.). The kit includes the display itself, fastening, remote control and instruction. To create a sign or inscription you just need to use the console.

Autocommunicator - a gift for the new year by car enthusiast

If your husband's debt husband or the call of the heart spends a lot of time driving a car, give him a road mug or a mini-cooler that will make a trip more comfortable and pleasant. Another option for a pleasant and useful gift for such a motorist will be the "Antison driving" device, which will help not fall asleep behind the wheel - as soon as the driver tilts his head, the device begins to squeak.

A universal gift for all occasions is a set of tools, as well as means for cleaning the body and glass from snow and ice. Stand under the glass, telephone, video recorder, GPS navigator, non-slip rug on a torpedo, car lanterns, new covers on the chair, auto station, car hairdryer, vacuum cleaner, headrest pillow, car massager or braid on the steering wheel - all this you can present my husband New Year!

Gifts smoker

Many men can not live a day without a cigarette, and no matter how sad, but it is this detrimental habit that gives us another chance to guess with a useful and unexpected gift.

The new year is the time of change and why not try to change your husband for the better and help him refuse cigarettes. The evolutionary invention is an electronic cigarette, will help your husband stop smoking the tobacco products harmful to the body and will preserve the habit of smoking himself. Such accessories imitate the smoking process, while maintaining the taste sensations from cigarettes, but completely excluding the possibility of harmful substances and resins into the body. You can choose a whole set of cartridges with various flavors. By volume one cartridge can be compared with one pack of cigarettes.

Electronic cigarette - innovative gift to her husband for the new year

If your husband prefers smoking a tube, a good gift will be the packaging of an elite tobacco or a new tube. A fan of cigars can be surprised by a set of real Cuban cigars or a box for storing them, which can be purchased, and can be made independently by placing it in decoupage style.

Also, a smoker husband can give an original ashtray, a high-quality lighter or a cigar folding machine, but best - help your husband abandon this destructive habit!

Useful and interesting gifts

Discard the purchase of clothing, household appliances and personal hygiene products - all this you can get just so, without reason. The original and memorable gift will be a set of elite coffee, tea or alcoholic beverage, try which your husband dreams.

Does your husband have a mustache or beard? Buy him as a present, or a whole. All this can be bought in our.

Gambling men can be purchased as a gift card sets, desktop games or homemade mini casino.

Lovers receive guests will please the original set of mugs for beer, cognac glasses or stacks made in the form of chess pieces or animals.

The husband loves rest in nature, with a fire and kebabs - give him a new manual manual manual or a barbecue kit! And the lovers of the country's holiday will delight a new hammock or chaise longue.

Does your husband have a good sense of humor? Buy him a running alarm clock that will help faster wake up in the morning or a alarm clock a dumbbell.

The original gift will also be a set for wine, which includes a container for storing a bottle, as well as a corkscrew, dispenser, cork and ring on the necks of the bottle made of silver.

Original passport cover, mini-golf set, table football or hockey, high-quality stationery, eternal magnetic calendar, photo frames, notebooks, paintings and collages, - All this can not be afraid to give her husband for the New Year 2016.

Your husband appreciates and loves original things - give him a personal pillow with an interesting and memorable inscription, order a ring with the jeweler with Solomon's inscription "everything passes. And it will be! ", Original statuette or tie.

The lovers of home comfort and family values \u200b\u200bcan be pleased with the original family album, which will include all your photos and photos of your friends, with signatures and wishes, as well as a warm plaid or a bathrobe.

Please your husband with a gift made by your own hands. It can be a photo frame, a video clip, a knitted scarf or a decorative key, a shelf for storing your favorite trifles or a picture with the image of your life satellite.

Do not give her husband with stitching and cutting items, as well as nasal shawls - according to folk signs it is to frequent quarrels. Do not give the clock - it is to partings.


If you are still tormented by doubts and can not decide on the choice of a gift, talk with your husband's friends and find out what he dreams about, because it is our desires not only with your friends, but also our men with friends.

No matter which present you choose, remember - a beautifully packed gift, a festive atmosphere and a New Year's Eve in a circle of loved ones and native people - the key to a happy family life and good mood for the whole year!

In many families on New Year's holidays, it is customary to give gifts. However, it creates minor problems, because I want to do a truly interesting and original surprise. You probably have already thought what to give her husband for the new year 2017 And you are going to go looking for an interesting thing. Men also love surprises, like ladies, so you have to try and show all your fantasy to find what the spouse gives the spouse.

Men - like children, are waiting for gifts and a miracle.

Thinking out that you can give my husband for the new year, pay attention not only to the most simple things that often acquire on the eve of the holiday, but also on original and exclusive.

There are no big budget for everyone, especially since the new year is not so important as a birthday. The presents on this holiday can be done not very expensive, but at the same time it is still to deliver joy. Even a small souvenir can be unusual, so finding that a man to give a man for the new year is not so difficult.

First you need to decide on the following issues:

  1. What his spouse loves: Hobbies, preferences in clothing, accessories. It is also important to know the fact that he would be unpleasant to get as a gift.
  2. Does he have some special desires. It is likely that he wants to get a specific thing. To do this, you need to ask the man myself or remember what he dreams about lately.
  3. Fundswhich you can highlight on purchases. Acquire something expensive not necessarily if you are limited in finance. Even among the costs available at the cost of goods, you can find things curious and interesting things. However, if there is an opportunity, the spouse will necessarily appreciate the rare and exclusive thing that the woman acquired specifically for him.
  4. The present must be simple and useful or unusual. A practical man wants to get what can be used. A person with hobbies and cheerful will probably be delighted with a unique and original thing, and some men will not give up from "toys."

Having answered these questions, it would be too much easier to find that to give her husband for the New Year.

Gadgets and Accessories for Computers

Industry in recent years has released many interesting things that will find their application in any house. The spouse will probably appreciate the following gifts:

  • Lamp with a USB port connected to a computer. With the help of it you can conveniently print, without lighting the main lighting. It is useful for those who like to spend time at a computer in the evening and night hours.
  • Vacuum cleaner for the keyboard. It is difficult to clean your favorite computer, and this device will help to cope with the problem of garbage that falls under the button.
  • Small columns with backlit. You can surprise your spouse by buying it transparent speakers with a liquid that blink into the tact of music.
  • Heated for a mug. If the husband spends a long time for a laptop and takes tea with me, it will help the mug not to cool a small USB heater, which simply will not be replaced in the cold season.
  • Flash drive. If you look for a gift to a man for the new year, then this item will be by the way. Choose an unusual shape, so that it differs from others and reminded who presented it.

USB light bulb - useful and inexpensive gadget

Columns with a dancing fountain and illumination - 2000 rubles

Just over the interests of a man. It is possible that he will be pleased to receive a disk with a new version of the favorite game or the album of the music performer.


It is likely that your man has hobbies. Someone is engaged in sports, the other collects objects, models of cars, rides fishing. In accordance with this, you can find a special present.

  • Match ticket;
  • Rare collectibles;
  • Accessories for campaign and fishing: Fishing rods, tent, warm things, thermos;
  • A set of tools that the spouse has long dreamed of;
  • Rare book;
  • Set for poker.

Folding tent - 1500 rubles on Aliexpress

Portable chain saw - about 500 rubles

Accessories and clothing items

If you think that you are unusual to give my husband for the new year, look at handmade products. They can be made to order or purchase through special sites. A fashionable and useful thing will be a leather belt from the master, a wallet with an engraving name, a watch strap. Jewelry also appreciated, but here you need to know if a man is ready to wear them. You can purchase a ring, chain or bracelet in the store or contact the jeweler, which will make a unique product.

Purse from genuine leather will appreciate any man. Price - about 1,500 rubles.

Want to give something unusual from clothes, buy a warm bathrobe or a set for a bath. If the spouse goes to the pool, then there will be no empty and rubber hat. For the new year it is quite appropriate to give and slippers. They can be completely unusual, for example, in the form of an animal or simply fur.

At all times, the clock is appreciated. Yes, with the appearance of the phone, this item began to use more and less, but for a business person, the clock is a status indicator.

Gifts husband for New Year 2017

Since the next year will be under the sign of the rooster, the present can be found with this symbol. If there is a car, then a gift to your husband for the new year can be tied to the vehicle. As a small and inexpensive surprise, the flavoring is suitable with a figurine of the rooster. It will simultaneously be a decoration, a reminder of his wife and how to improve the atmosphere inside the car.

With the symbol of the year it is easy to find a beautiful mug. Let it be a personal thing of a man from which only he drinks tea.

Mug with a rooster - 3000 rubles

If finance is enough, then for the car you can give good acoustics, car radio, expensive mats or seats covers. These things will always find their application. It will also be worth a car charging for the phone, holder or a video recorder.

Seat covers - from 2500 rubles per piece

Of course, a gift to my husband for the new year 2017 does not have to be with a peoster symbol. The main thing is that he liked and was helpful. If the spouse dreams of his musical installation, but there is no place and there is no opportunity, then as a cool gift, buy him a drum installation for your fingers. This subject of a small amount will give him pleasure, will help to cope with stress, and will also become the subject of the collection. Music connoisseurs will probably enjoy the player for vinyl records. Additionally, you can find rare and valuable albums of performers.

Drum mounting for fingers - about 900 rubles

Warm sweater, high-quality fabric shirt, dear tie will always be appropriate. If you have not yet decided that you find a loved one as a gift for the new year, then you care that the strong floor loves practical things that will not just stand on the shelf, but will find their use. That is why clothing items are purchased before the holidays quite often. In addition to the sweater, you can buy a scarf, comfortable cap, leather gloves. In winter, these things are indispensable. If you want to find something for the house, then buy warm slippers.

Original gifts husband for the new year

It is likely that clothes and household appliances are already there, but they are not the original. When I want to surprise my beloved person, you have to go in search of something unusual.


Handmade products are now popular. You can:

  • Find sites or groups in social networks, where Hand-Maid goods are sold.
  • Find retail stores in your city where handmade products are offered.
  • Make a gift to her husband for the New Year with your own hands, which will certainly please him and show how much you love it.

Funny souvenirs for men with a sense of humor (photofraction)

And the cost of a kopeck, and a smile to ears :)

Just for men with a sense of humor!

The spouse will probably appreciate your desire for originality and the desire to make him a pleasant, while spending time in search of an interesting thing.

Interior and Feng Shui

In search of what to give a man for the New Year, do not wake up the stores and stores selling souvenirs and esoteric objects. For good luck, you can give a small statuette in the form of a rooster. He symbolizes the power, male beginning and struggle. Various talisman stones will attract good luck, health and success. A monetary tree with coins will attract financial well-being into the house.

A man who is interested in the East, can be given the statues of Buddha, Ganesh and others as a gift.

For gatherings with friends

An interesting gift to a man for the new year 2017 can be invented from board games. If he is Azarten, then "Mafia", "Monopoly", exclusive checkers, chess or backgammon. For a rest room, you can buy a frameless chair, hookah. Wine glasses or wine glasses are suitable. If you think that to give a man for the new year 2017, who loves cigarettes, then the actual thing will be an ashtray. There are interesting options from natural stone. Such an accessory is not ashamed to put in a personal account.

Ashtray from natural stone - price on request

Live gift

Many dreamed about a pet home. Perhaps your spouse from their number. Do not know what to give a favorite man for the new year? Buy it a cage with a canary or small hamster. And perhaps, he long dreamed of a thoroughbred cat. Aquarium will fit the bedroom or living room in the interior. It is absolutely not necessary to take a big one. You can buy a small round aquarium with a goldfish and let it become a symbol of desires. Just be sure to ask her husband, whether he wants such a gift. For any animal need care and care, even for the golden fish you need to clean and feed it. And yes, anyone may be allergic to animals or their feed.

What to give her husband for the new year 2017: list with photo

For clarity, to give her husband for the new year 2017 list with photo use is much more convenient. The most interesting things that will enjoy most men:

  • Gift Set Tie, Shawl and Cufflinks

Average price - 2000 rubles

Do not buy cheap clock - men's hours should be either expensive or they should not be at all

  • Matching gift set

Gift entry set - a great gift for picnic lovers. Cost - about 12,000 rubles.

  • Set for fishing

A set for fishing is a chic gift for an amateur. The average price is 8,000 rubles.

  • Pet (only by prior arrangement!)

Raccoon - what is not a gift for the new year? :) The cost is about 15,000 rubles.

  • Unusual gadgets

  • Esoteric products

Now you can easily choose what to give a man to the new 2017 year. The most important thing is that the surprise brings a good mood. The cost is not always important. Most importantly, the feeling with which the gift is presented.

It's time to look for a gift for the new year of the rooster for your beloved husband. What to please the spouse if he critically refers to the presents? What doesn't he have enough for happiness? Let's try to answer these questions right now.

You still think what a gift to make a husband? We decided to start choosing presents today, want to draw up an exemplary list of things that can potentially give a spouse for the new year? Take advantage of simple recommendations, remember Useful Tips and read the interesting ideas of gifts. Then you will certainly be pleased to hit your beloved man! He will be delighted with your intelligence, creativity, will appreciate your care, love.

We start with the main thing: the secrets of the right choice of gift to her husband

First of all, you need to remember the highlights so that you can bypass the most dangerous "pitfalls", choosing a gift for the new year for your beloved husband. Be sure to use these tips, otherwise the unsuccessful gift can bring some chagrins.

  • Intelligence service
  • This is a gift for my husband!
  • Help friend
  • Shopping budget
  • Useful and aesthetic gift

If you really want to make a good gift to your husband, try to reincarnate in this scout for a while. Be careful, manifest maximum sensitivity and wonders of observation. You will probably find out what exactly your spouse is missing now. It is advisable to have accurate information and not rely in case. When you find out that the husband is looking for some thing, dreams of an item, but it is not yet solved to spend a large amount on it, you need to make sure that your spouse will have to buy this thing before the holiday. Otherwise, the desired item may be unnecessary.

When you decide to choose an interesting gift to your husband, you should not think that he will like the beautiful landsher, which you have long dreamed of, or fluffy plaid with huge colorful chrysanthemums. Remember that you now choose a gift not for yourself or your family as a whole, namely for her husband. He does not need your chandeliers, sconces, pans and carpets. Let it be a present that is intended for your favorite spouse.

If you did not find the talents of the scout, and the complex analytical reasoning did not lead you to anything, you can take advantage of another useful advice. Contact your husband for help. When people already communicate closely, together go for walks, rest, they may well be advised about the upcoming choice of gifts. It is likely that it is your general comrades, the husband's friends know exactly what kind of thing it is useful to him.

Many women mistakenly believe that it is best to purchase a more expensive gift. You can save money for a long time, even to refuse something personally, without hitting the family budget. But the likelihood that such an approach will like your husband, it's still extremely small. He will probably immediately think that they would have found this money better use. The output is simple: do not choose too expensive a gift to your beloved husband, limit the more modest budget. Otherwise, a large spending in itself can cause irritation.

Choose an original expensive gift that one hundred percent is not so simple. It is much easier to stay on two things: one must be useful, the other can become a symbolic supplement. For example, you give a high-quality organizer, you add a small cute cockerel statuette. The organizer should be useful, and the souvenir will make your gift thematic.

Souvenir ball "Snowmen"

When you already know the basic principles of the choice of gift, you can proceed to consideration of various options. Remember that you buy a gift for a husband, and not a long-awaited thing for yourself. Try not to spend too much and not buying completely useless things. One pretty souvenir as a gift to her husband for the new year is not enough.

Festive gifts husband for the new year

Set of fisherman

Many women have already noticed that men are most appreciated most of all useful gifts. Your spouse can die a pretty souvenir, but the practical thing will pay it much more. Try to choose the presents that will be accurately useful, will become a universal solution and in any case your husband will come. These are the same gifts that are not a lot.

  1. Things for outdoor activities. If your husband loves to fish, travel, go hiking in the forests, you will definitely be pleased to surprise it with useful gifts. So, a costume for winter fishing will never be superfluous. Even if a friend gives your spouse a similar costume, all things will certainly be useful. Tent, sleeping bag, set for cooking in the open sky, functional reliable tiles will become excellent gifts for actively lifestyle lovers.

  2. Sport equipment. Lovers of sports are also noticeably easier to choose a gift. And he may well be quite expensive, if you are sure that your husband is like this thing. For example, you could hear from your spouse that he would have long like to buy a new bike or change skis to more modern. Just feel free to go to a sports shop and buy the right thing! Such a gift will lead your spouse delight.


  3. Present motorist. Wonderful if your spouse is a car enthusiast. You will be able to please it with a modern navigator or a DVR, a convenient functional organiser for the car, heated with a heated circle. Try to choose useful accessories, and not ordinary suspension toys for cars.

  4. Computer equipment, gadgets. Now people are difficult to surprise technical innovations. But smartphones, phones, flash drives and laptops are usually not unnecessary. It is these things that will always delight. You can choose for a favorite compact modern laptop, and ingest to put the New Year's congratulations on the video. It is very original, will remember for a long time.

  5. Purse, organizer, comfortable backpack will also be useful to everyone. Pay attention to the style decision, design features, so that your husband can always always use this thing. In the purse you can immediately put money so that they "lure" other bills, insert a card with congratulations, your photo.

  6. Watch for happy. Someone believes that give the clock - bad sign. However, in life, many are presented to each other hours, causing joy in the lucky owner of a new mechanism counting time. You can choose original desktop clock with a large electronic dial glowing in the dark. There are interesting options for office workers, people who work at home in a separate office. The clock is mounted in special stands, and they are complemented by figurines, photo frames, toys, relieving stress. Wristwatches, reliable, comfortable, will also become an excellent gift.

  7. With a light. For any smoker a pleasant presentation will be a lighter. Now they are presented in a large assortment. Easy to pick up a souvenir lighter with original design, inscriptions and logos, catchy with pictures. Lighter will not be superfluous either.
  8. Let it spend himself, and you just choose a certificate. If your spouse is used to go to a particular store, visits a sports complex, swimming pool, entertainment center, you can present a certificate for a certain amount. The gift card will become a good gift, since your favorite will be able to use it at its discretion, choose the most appropriate services or goods.

Remember that your gift must sincerely like your husband. Try to find a useful thing that your favorite will be able to use. It can be new speakers for a computer, a rare detail for a car, a modern phone or a comfortable backpack so as not to look for the necessary things.

You will be able to make your husband an unusual gift for the new year. It can be the main one, only supplement the main festive present.

If you are ready to go about your principles and forget about a healthy lifestyle for one day, present your spouse to the wine tasting ticket. He will definitely like this gift!

A good solution is to take care of the sports training of your favorite, give it entertainment and bright emotions, give the opportunity to get new useful skills. Now everyone will be able to order a certificate for an extreme driving course, a ticket for martial arts. Someone will be happy to go to the shooting gallery to learn how to shoot, collect and disassemble the weapon, and for someone the best New Year entertainment will be playing paintball.

Order a masters a portrait of your beloved in a photo and present a spouse! The picture can not only draw, but also to embroider threads, beads.

Give emotions nice! You can start the shining flashlight into the sky with your spouse.

If you have free money, go well together on a small rest: ski bases, water parks are always happy to take guests on holidays.

And someone gladly goes to a sauna with a loved one, ordering there New Year's program: Pleasant music, a wonderful festive lunch, swimming in the pool and rest in the steam room will definitely give excellent emotions, allow you to relax.

Choose the most appropriate creative gift to your husband, consider his interests and taste preferences, physical training and characteristics of character, temperament. You must know that he will have to make it more like a campaign in a shooting school or a ride to the ski trail or rest in the sauna.

Of course, you can give my husband and a cool present. If your spouse loves to joke, appreciates good ideas and extravagant things, funny gifts will also like it.

An interesting option is to prevent my husband an exclusive gift. For example, you can order the application of a fun inscription, logo, engraving. You will decorate a flash drive or a mug, you will write about your love on organizer, calendar, clock or ring. Some willingly ordered gift medals. Such a brilliant medal is put on a spectacular case, and you can write any wishes on it. Or make it award-winning: your beloved husband, a better man in the world, the only and unique. Invent your own options!

The machine, the helicopter on the control panel, too, will also like the majority of men with a sense of humor, a tendency to work with different mechanisms. You can completely remember children's dreams along with the spouse, running around the snow managed all-terrain vehicle, surprising passersby an unidentified flying object with a searchlight.

Cap with beer holders to view favorite football

Go to the selection of the present Creative, please your favorite man cool gift! It will bring positive emotions and bright impressions to you both.

If your husband loves to sit at the computer, you can give it cool USB devices

USB Slippers Warming in Cold Winter Evening

USB refrigerator beer

Original gifts husband for the new year

You can easily be able to hit the imagination of your spouse if you prepare for him a truly original gift. Try to show fantasy, take advantage of our advice.

First of all, it is worth thinking about a romantic dinner. It is desirable to organize exactly the lunch so that you can celebrate the emergence of the new year of the rooster in advance, but not with friends and relatives, but alone with your loved one. It is such a romantic lunch for a long time will remember. There are several options for.

You can choose the place of your dating house, but only the atmosphere should not be familiar. Be sure to decorate the room, decorate the corridor, the entrance door. If you plan to go to the hall, dance there or watch a video, you must certainly take care of the interior in that room. Create a magic atmosphere, let there be many decorations. The lighting will fit muffled. Do not forget to please the spouse by copyrighted, sweets and the original presentation.

Cheerful New Year's Eve for your beloved husband

For active who fond of loving people, especially young, ideal will suit the celebration of the New Year in the style of the drawing, in a game form. Give your husband an exclusive exciting game! You can come up with quests, rebuses and riddles, make funny phantas. Let your spouse laughs and solve your intricate rebuses all evening, winning all kinds of prizes.

An excellent option is to order the organization of a romantic dinner in an unusual place. Great if you can celebrate the holiday on the ferris wheel. When there is a wheel with closed cabins in your city, you should not miss the luxury opportunity to please your beloved man! In the booth you will cover the table, it is heated and illuminated, it has access to the Internet, air conditioning. You can easily sit there in the evening dress! At the same time, excellent views will open through the transparent walls. Your husband will be delighted with such a nontrivial gift.

Gifts-toys husband for the new year

Gifts-toys use in great demand. Try to give the present sense, pick a thing carefully. Need a cool or original gift, toy with interesting features or an exclusive soft beast, an impressive growth doll or a piggyback toy. Of course, the usual soft toy can cause the perplexity of your husband. Consider the most interesting options.

The main thing is that your gift like the spouse. Consider his tastes.

Making a gift to my husband for the new year with your own hands

Wonderful idea - make the original gift to her husband for the new year with your own hands. Such a present will be remembered, will become the best manifestation of attention, care and love. In addition, even a small thing, souvenir created by you personally will become the perfect addition to any gift bought in the store. You can easily make a present thematic, decoring it with embroidery, applique, homemade "logo" with a fun root of the upcoming 2017 year.

What is better not to give her husband for the new year. We transform boring presents

It is important to remember some "pitfalls". Unfortunately, many men and women are in power stereotypes and continue to choose gifts that do not make their loved ones. At the same time, even a banal gift can instantly give sympathy! Let us dwell on the main examples.

  1. It is not recommended to give presents that directly indicate the flaws of your loved one. For example, dumbbells will not please the man who begins to get fat. It is likely that his such hints will be offended. If your spouse has an excellent sense of humor, he does not touch - give boldly! Just emphasize that this is a funny present, complete it with a funny postcard.
  2. It is recognized that it is not worth "pleasering" the spouse for the new year socks and pajamas, T-shirts. True, if you decorate the pajamas with a touching inscription, embroider the words of love on it, such a gift will surely have a husband in the soul!
  3. Hygiene products are also increasingly relating to "wrong" gifts. But if you want to give a favorite shaving foam, deodorant, you can easily pick up a spectacular gift set with an appropriate design. But do not forget that such a gift must certainly supplement something!

Consider different options, learn the range in stores. Remember both the preferences, the needs of your beloved. Choose a wonderful gift to my husband for the New Year, so that he really is delighted, gladly admired souvenir, enjoyed a practical thing. Happy New Year!