What is it if the urine is reddish? Why did the urine change color? When visiting a doctor, he needs to describe in detail

Red urine is a dangerous symptom of pathology, which should immediately alert the patient. In the event of an ailment, the red tint can be explained by the fact that blood or its elements enter the urine. An uncharacteristic shade becomes a symptom dangerous for the normal functioning of the body, therefore it requires immediate diagnosis and surgical treatment. Normally, no blood impurities are observed in urine. What are the reasons why the urine may be red?

Timely recognition of the causes and correct diagnosis help to make the most accurate diagnosis and start effective treatment that will help cure the disease and avoid undesirable consequences in the future.

Common Causes

Why is urine red? In healthy people, urine has a pale yellow or amber tint. When a person begins to consume a small amount of liquid, the urine begins to become more concentrated, differs in amber color. If you drink large volumes of liquid, your urine will gradually take on a pale yellow tint.

If the urine is red or brick-colored, this may indicate the onset of hematuria. A completely different organ may be affected - the pathology is indicated by the type of blood discharge, which looks like clots or threads. Clots indicate that inflammation is actively developing in the bladder area, but thin blood threads indicate the possibility of bleeding in the kidneys. It should be encouraging that the reasons for the staining in a pink or red hue are the consumption of beets.

In addition to the red tint, other symptoms of the disease may not appear. If the change begins on the basis of an infection of the urinary system, other signs may appear:

  • frequent urination;
  • profuse sweating;
  • unpleasant aroma of urine;
  • fever;
  • frequent urge to empty the bladder;
  • acute abdominal pain.

What if, nevertheless, the urine is red and there are other unpleasant symptoms? To identify the true cause, you must immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe mandatory tests, diagnose and make the correct diagnosis. It may also be such that, in addition to the usual treatment, you will have to be in a hospital under the supervision of specialists.

Why did the urine change color?

Reasons for changing the color of urine to red:

  1. This color appears against the background of an acute infectious disease.
  2. Supplementing the diet with products that contain coloring pigments. After processing, such particles begin to come out together with urine, which gives it an unusual shade.

It may be that the reasons lie elsewhere. In many men, in old age, prostate adenoma begins to develop, which changes the color of urine from yellow-pale to bright red or pink. The diagnosis of this disease must be done quickly so that it does not progress to difficult stages.

If we consider the female body, then there is a deviation against the background of periodic manifestations of infectious diseases in the urinary system. It can be noted that runners and other professional athletes have impurities due to physical exertion. In this case, the doctor recommends adjusting the usual lifestyle and training, which leads to the desired results and the normal color of the discharge.

How to react?

Why did the color of urine change and how to proceed further? The patient will not be able to answer these questions on his own. When you notice clots or flakes in your urine, you need to first determine the root cause. But do not risk self-medication or postponing a visit to a specialist.

When there is even the slightest suspicion that qualified assistance is required, you need to act. The doctor will talk to you, consider all the symptoms and features of the course of the disease. The main task is to correctly diagnose in order to prescribe effective treatment and restore the body affected by the disease.

The main diagnosis is a general analysis of urine, as well as blood. Based on the results alone, you can decide what to do next. If typical indicators for the infection are found, the doctor may send for additional tests to determine with certainty which treatment will be effective and logical. There is no specific method for treating red urine, since everything depends on the individual case and the organism.

It happens that the main reason is the wrong way of life - a large number of increased physical activity, the wrong regimen. In this case, after a few days, you can get rid of the unpleasant symptom.

In practice, there are very few such simple cases, therefore, it is worth considering health carefully. If a certain disease becomes the cause of a change in the color of urine, it must be identified as early as possible and therapy should be started in order to avoid any complications and consequences. In this case, you can get rid of red and pink urine colors and other painful symptoms.

When the disease is complex and in an aggravated stage, complexes of medicines are prescribed, as well as alternative methods of treatment, which consist in taking herbs that relieve inflammation and other manifestations of the disease.

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Experienced doctors know that red urine in a person is not always a sign of a disease. The reason may be the use of dyes. A change in the color of urine occurs due to the ingress of erythrocytes or free hemoglobin into it. Often this symptom is observed in malignant tumors (cancer).

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    The essence of the phenomenon

    Redness of urine is otherwise called gross hematuria. It can be true and false. In the first case, the red color of urine is due to a dysfunction of the urinary organs. False hematuria does not indicate disease. Color is a qualitative characteristic of urine. It is normally straw yellow. The human kidneys filter blood plasma. If their function is impaired, erythrocytes enter the urine and are excreted.

    The main causes of urine redness are:

    • hemoglobinuria;
    • the presence of stones;
    • glomerulonephritis;
    • kidney cancer;
    • malignant tumors of the bladder;
    • acute and chronic renal failure;
    • porphyria;
    • diseases of the blood system;
    • lower back injuries;
    • infectious diseases of the genital organs;
    • hydronephrosis;
    • schistosomiasis;
    • damage to the urethra;
    • pathology of the prostate gland.

    In women, a change in the color of urine is possible during menstruation, with erosion and ectopic pregnancy. Macrohematuria is most often detected in adults. Reddish urine occurs with the use of medicines (anti-tuberculosis drugs, sulfonamides, laxatives). Dyes and certain foods are the cause of false hematuria. Beets contain pigment that is excreted by the kidneys. When this product is consumed in large quantities, the color of not only urine, but also feces changes.

    Kidney cancer

    Not everyone knows why the urine is red and how dangerous it is. This symptom is observed in kidney cancer. This is a malignant neoplasm. In recent years, the incidence rate has increased significantly. The share of this pathology in the structure of general oncological diseases accounts for about 4%.

    Cancer is showing an advantage in the elderly. Redness of urine against the background of this pathology is most often observed at the age of 60 years. Men get sick more often than women. Risk factors are:

    • obesity;
    • smoking;
    • high blood pressure;
    • professional harm;
    • carrying out hemodialysis.

    Often, cancer is detected in people in contact with heavy metal salts and oil products. Risk factors include work in a rubber and paper mill. The main signs of kidney cancer are: gross hematuria, aching pain in the lower back, subfebrile body temperature, weakness, weight loss, sweating, varicose veins in the abdomen, and edema.

    Redness of urine is observed in most patients. Blood clots are often released. This happens periodically. In parallel, an attack of renal colic develops. In advanced stages of cancer, urine takes on the color of meat slops. This leads to severe anemia. At the beginning of the disease, hematuria is not visible to the naked eye.

    Malignant tumors of the bladder

    The reasons for the change in the color of urine may lie in the pathology of the bladder. This is observed in cancer. In men, this ailment is in 5th place in terms of prevalence among all malignant diseases. It affects people mainly at the age of 65-70 years. The contributing factors are:

    • stagnant urine;
    • the presence of prostatitis;
    • urethritis;
    • benign prostatic hyperplasia;
    • diverticula;
    • schistosomiasis;
    • narrowing of the urethra;
    • chronic cystitis;
    • prolonged contact with chemicals (amines, phenols).

    Transitional cell carcinoma is most commonly diagnosed. Redness of urine is an early symptom of the disease. The reason is the release of blood from the vessels that permeate the tumor. In most cases, the urine turns pink. It is often bright red in color. Unlike urolithiasis, in cancer, there is no pain during miction. Hematuria in this disease is combined with frequent or nocturnal urination, decreased urine output. Renal colic joins later. Common symptoms include sleep disturbance, mild fever, weight loss, and weakness.

    Manifestations of hydronephrosis

    Hydronephrosis is a serious kidney disease. With it, urine accumulates in the organ. Its isolation is difficult. Hydronephrosis is a congenital pathology. The prevalence among babies is 2 cases per 1000 people. Often women face a similar problem during pregnancy.

    The following reasons for the development of hydronephrosis are known:

    • obstruction;
    • congenital developmental anomalies;
    • ureterocele;
    • urinary reflux;
    • ectopia.

    The main symptoms of the disease are: discoloration of urine, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, high blood pressure, colic. Macrohematuria is determined in every fifth patient with hydronephrosis. This symptom is combined with pain in the costo-lumbar angle. Infection often joins. Pyelonephritis develops. If you ignore the change in the color of urine, then dangerous complications can develop in the form of urolithiasis, sepsis, hypertension and chronic renal failure.

    Presence of kidney and bladder stones

    In the overwhelming majority of cases, redness of urine indicates the presence of urolithiasis in a person. This is a pathology in which calculi, consisting of salts, are formed. The disease proceeds in a chronic form with frequent relapses. The appearance of gross hematuria is based on damage to blood vessels and the ingress of fresh erythrocytes into the urine.

    Mostly young people are ill. Predisposing factors include: a monotonous menu, improper drinking regime, a change in the reaction of the environment, a lack of vitamins A and B in the body, harmful factors of production, loss of one kidney, physical inactivity, chronic pyelonephritis and cystitis.

    The source of bleeding can be: bladder, renal parenchyma, urethra and ureters. In most cases, the lesion is unilateral. The main signs of the disease are:

    • hematuria;
    • pus in the urine;
    • pain in the lower back, groin, or pubic region;
    • colic.

    With large stones, anuria develops. In 8% of patients, after an attack of colic, blood is found in the urine. The urine becomes pink or bright red due to the presence of fresh blood cells. Often, urolithiasis is complicated by pyelonephritis. In this case, symptoms of intoxication appear.

    Genitourinary schistosomiasis

    Blood in the urine, visible to the naked eye, is a sign of schistosomiasis. This is a disease from the group of trematodes. The causative agents are blood flukes. Schistosomiasis is widespread in Asia, Africa and America. There are about 300 million patients. In endemic regions, mortality from this pathology is very high.

    Inflammation develops. Mainly small vessels are affected. Redness of urine most often occurs in the chronic stage of the disease. The following symptoms are observed:

    • terminal or total hematuria;
    • hepatosplenomegaly;
    • vaginal bleeding;
    • weakness;
    • malaise;
    • swollen lymph nodes;
    • allergy;
    • discomfort during miction.

    If untreated, schistosomiasis leads to inflammation of the genitals, anemia, narrowing of the ureter, hydronephrosis, pyelonephritis, renal failure, bladder stones. There is a risk of developing bladder cancer. The reason is the malignancy of ulcerative defects.

    Renal failure

    The kidneys work to filter the blood and cleanse it of metabolic products and various toxins. Primary urine is formed first, and then secondary urine. Normally, red blood cells do not pass through this barrier. In renal failure, this process may be impaired. Hematuria develops.

    It manifests itself in pink or red urine. In the terminal stage of renal failure, urine becomes like meat slops. Microscopy of urine reveals erythrocytes. Glomerulonephritis is often the cause of this pathology. It affects the glomerular apparatus, which is responsible for the filtration process.

    The main signs of chronic renal failure are edema, hematuria, dry skin, decreased urine output up to complete anuria, pruritus, hemorrhage, sleep disturbance, memory loss, nocturia, increased urea and creatinine. Such people need to cleanse their blood with a hemodialysis machine. The prognosis is poor.

    Redness of urine with hemoglobinuria

    A change in the color of urine is possible due to the presence of not only erythrocytes in it, but also hemoglobin. The latter is a protein found in red blood cells. When erythrocytes are destroyed, it leaves the vessels. This pathology is called hemoglobinuria. The reasons for its development are:

    • congenital defect of erythrocyte membranes;
    • bites of poisonous animals and insects;
    • transfusion of incompatible blood;
    • intense physical labor;
    • strong cooling;
    • malaria;
    • syphilis;
    • mononucleosis.

    At the heart of urine staining in a different color is hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells). The urine of such people becomes dark brown or reddish in color. Additional symptoms include jaundice, fever, joint pain, weakness, and nausea.

    Examination and treatment tactics

    It is necessary to know not only the causes of urine redness, but also the methods of treating patients. Therapy is determined by the underlying pathology. To clarify the diagnosis, the following studies are carried out:

    When hydronephrosis is detected, the following groups of medicines can be prescribed:

    • diuretics;
    • antispasmodics;
    • narcotic analgesics;
    • NSAIDs;
    • antihypertensive drugs;
    • antibiotics;
    • beta2-adrenergic agonists.

    If necessary, plasmapheresis is performed. In severe cases, an operation is required (resection, plastic, bougienage, balloon dilatation, endotomy). If a person has an autoimmune form of hemoglobinuria, glucocorticoids and immunosuppressants are indicated. With the paroxysmal type of this pathology, iron preparations and anticoagulants are prescribed.

    With hypersplenism, the spleen can be removed. The main treatment for urolithiasis is surgery (stone crushing). For prophylactic purposes, antibiotics are prescribed. Diet is included in the treatment regimen. With genitourinary schistosomiasis, conservative or radical therapy is possible. In the early stages, Biltricide is prescribed. In advanced cases, an operation is performed.

    If urine mixed with blood appears against the background of chronic renal failure, then it is necessary to restore the water-salt balance, normalize pressure with ACE inhibitors and take enterosorbents. Infusion therapy is often done. With a pronounced decrease in filtration, hemodialysis is required.

    The cardinal method of treatment is kidney transplantation. In case of violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, vitamin D preparations are prescribed. Thus, redness of urine is a dangerous symptom. Even with a single episode, it is necessary to consult a urologist or therapist, as well as undergo a full examination to clarify the cause of hematuria.

yellow or transparent.

If the urine suddenly turns red, this does not necessarily indicate a pathology in the urinary system. Most often, redness is caused by eating or medication. But in some cases red - this is a very alarming symptom caused by the appearance of blood in the urine... The condition is dangerous and can even lead to death. That is why by no means should the change in urine color be ignored.

Photo 1. The red color of urine is an extremely alarming sign, often indicating the presence of blood in the analysis. Source: Flickr (Dave Pearce).

Factors affecting urine redness

Urine can blush both with the development of pathologies and in perfectly healthy people.

Factors that may be the cause are the following:

  • exposure to certain coloring foods;
  • side effects from certain medications;
  • presence of pathologies.


Normally, in an absolutely healthy person, urine can turn red when eating foods containing dyes that are excreted by the body along with urine. These are products such as:

  • beet in all types of cooking;
  • Cherry and products of its processing;
  • carrot especially fresh;
  • black currant fresh and processed;
  • products containing food colorings(carbonated drinks, pastries, pickled ginger, etc.).

If you are not complaining about anything, and at the same time you can establish a correlation between recent meals and urine color, then you do not need to sound the alarm.


When a person is taking any medications, they can also shift the color of urine closer to the red end of the spectrum. Drugs that stain urine red:

  • acetylsalicylic acid and preparations containing it (aspirin, cardiomagnet, etc.);
  • facilities against constipation based on phenolphthalein;
  • based on ibuprofen anti-inflammation and heat-lowering agents;
  • medicines for the treatment of tuberculosis, containing rifampicin.

If you are taking one of these drugs, there are no other pathologies, there are no side reactions, then it is necessary to inform your doctor about the reddening of urine, but there is no reason for panic.


The most alarming reason for urine staining red is a disease marked by the presence of blood in the urine - hematuria. Blood in the urine is a very dangerous symptom that occurs when:

  1. cancerous tumors Bladder;
  2. glomerulonephritis- the kidneys and blood circulation in them are affected, due to which the erythrocytes entering the blood filtered by the kidneys slip into the urine, which can be a sign of both a separate disease and a concomitant complication of another disease;
  3. urolithiasis- when the formed solid deposits (calculi) injure the inner lining of the ureters, while the blood from microtraumas enters the urine and stains it;
  4. porphyrias- hereditary disease with impaired pigment metabolism and the synthesis of porphyrins excreted in the urine;
  5. hemoglobinuria- the ingress of hemoglobin into the urine with an excessively rapid breakdown of erythrocytes;
  6. blood clotting disorders of various genesis;
  7. injuries to the perineal areas.

Please note: if blood enters the urine, then the situation is very serious and in no case should you delay visiting a doctor.

Depending on the amount of blood in the urine, macrohematuria is distinguished, in which the color of urine may be or even reddish-brown, and microhematuria, which does not change color, but is characterized by an increased content of red blood cells, which are found in laboratory urine tests.

Representatives of the stronger sex often do not pay attention to alarming symptoms, but in vain: serious diseases, which can be indicated by red urine:

  • acute and chronic form;

In addition, hematuria can develop after excessive physical exertion or sexual activity.

How is the diagnosis carried out?

For the purpose of diagnosis, a number of tests and examinations are prescribed. The very first and most important thing is the study of the urine itself. For this, one-time urine collection... For carrying out, the first morning biological fluid is collected.

After hygiene procedures, take only the middle portion of urine for analysis and take it to the laboratory.

In addition to the usual laboratory analysis, you can independently conduct a study for hematuria. The pharmacy sells a special test that will show if there is blood in the urine, and what is its percentage.

The test is done very simply: in the collected in the same way as for the general analysis (only in a clean glass container), urine, you need to dip the test strip. And literally immediately take it out, gently blotting out excess liquid. Holding the strip horizontally, refer to the diagram on the package.

Note. Such tests are not always true and much less accurate than laboratory tests, therefore, they are suitable only for preliminary examination. In urgent cases, this method is suitable, but it is better to contact the laboratory anyway, because hematuria can be a sign of a serious illness.

If a large number of erythrocytes is found in the analysis results, it is necessary to prescribe additional studies that will make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis.

Photo 2. When detecting dangerous symptoms, it is important not to self-medicate.

Based on the results of blood and urine tests, it is possible to diagnose many pathological processes that occur in the human body.

One of the quality indicators of urine is its color.

Normally, it should be yellow and transparent. Why is urine red? By changes in the shade of urine, one can make assumptions about the possible diseases of the patient.

The main causes of red urine

Urine can acquire a red tint during pathological processes and in a healthy state.

In pathologies, the red tint of urine is due to only one factor - the ingress of blood or any of its elements into it.

In this case, the red color of urine is a very dangerous symptom that requires careful examination and an early start of treatment. Normally, no blood particles should be found in the urine.

In the case of a healthy body, the reason for the red tint may be medication (for example, anti-tuberculosis drugs, amidopyrine, sulfazole, some laxatives) or certain foods (beets, dyes).

Absolutely harmless pigments contained in consumed products or medicines are excreted by the kidneys, like most of what enters the human body. If these pigments are red, then the urine will be colored accordingly.

If you find a strange color of urine in yourself, do not immediately panic. However, such a symptom cannot be ignored.

It is best to observe the subsequent changes and if the color of the urine returns to normal within 24 hours, most likely you have nothing to worry about.

Diseases that cause urine to stain red

  1. Glomerulonephritis. With kidney damage, the permeability of their blood vessels is impaired, which significantly impairs the process of glomerular filtration. As a result, red blood cells do not return to the bloodstream but end up in the urine. Glomerulonephritis can occur as a separate disease or as a complication of some other process.
  2. Bladder cancer.
  3. Urolithiasis disease. All calculi that form in the urinary tract change their location over time. In this case, the uneven surface of the stones injures the mucous membrane of the urinary tract, the blood from which enters the urine.
  4. Porphyria. The compound from which hemoglobin is synthesized in our body also gives urine a red color.
  5. Hemoglobinuria. It can occur in a pathological condition when red blood cells are destroyed too quickly and from excess hemoglobin enters the urine.
  6. Blood clotting disorders.
  7. Lumbar injuries. Mechanical damage that has affected the area of ​​the kidneys or adjacent vessels can lead to the kidneys being unable to filter the incoming blood and it will enter the urine.
  8. Diseases of the genital organs. Inflammation and infection in the genitals can cause damage to tissues and blood vessels, leading to the excretion of blood in the urine.

With such serious diseases, blood in the urine is not the only symptom. Lower back pain, painful urination, general weakness and other accompanying symptoms will make it possible to formulate a more accurate assumption about the origin of hematuria. However, analysis and examination by a doctor are mandatory.

If the red tint of urine has become your constant companion, be sure to go through the examination and all the tests that your doctor will prescribe for you.

Red blood cells in urine are an unacceptable diagnostic indicator and indicate the presence of serious diseases.

Features of changes in the color of urine in women

Why is urine red in women? In women, urine can turn red due to diseases of the genital organs, for example:

  • pathological uterine bleeding;
  • erosion;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • breakdown of the endometrium;
  • cancer of the uterus or cervix;

Also, urine may turn red due to advanced cystitis, which mainly affects women.

Why is urine red in men

In addition to the common causes of hematuria in men, it can also occur due to:

  • prostatitis or blood stasis in the prostate;
  • scrotal injuries;
  • injuries of the urethra;
  • prostate cancer.

The nature of the lesion can be recognized by the shade of urine. If it is dark in color (reddish-brown, brown), then the blood has entered the urine from the kidneys. If the color of the urine is bright red, then blood is secreted from the urinary tract or genital tract. In this case, there may be small blood clots.

When contacting a doctor, try to talk about additional symptoms - weakness, fatigue, swelling, shortness of breath, trauma, infectious diseases, urinary disorders. In serious diseases, hematuria is not the only symptom. In addition, your doctor will ask you about your appetite and drinking regimen, medication, and allergies. The timing of the onset of symptoms and their duration are important information.

Reasons for the change in the natural color of urine

Normally, urine should correspond to yellow or minor shades of it. The products it excretes can change the natural color of urine.

Most of the changes are temporary and after the removal of the coloring pigment, the color returns to normal.

If the shade of urine becomes permanent, you should pay attention to your health and undergo an examination.

The natural color of urine can change depending on the amount of liquid you drink - the larger the volume, the more diluted and transparent the urine will be. By the appearance of concentrated brown shades, one can judge about dehydration of the body.

Also, the norm can be considered cardinally opposite to the normal color of urine - blue (high calcium content), orange (carrots), green (rhubarb), red (berries, beets). However, only on condition that this is a temporary phenomenon. As soon as the kidneys remove the product from the body, the color will return to the usual yellow.

To know that your kidneys are healthy, you need to have a urine test 2 times a year. Then no temporary changes will give you experiences.

Beetroot and red urine

Why is urine red after beets? Beetroot contains the strongest pigment that is excreted from our body by the kidneys.

In this case, the urine takes on a characteristic red tint, which is significantly different from its natural color and scares many people.

To find out if beets are causing the color change, you can do a small laboratory test right at home.

Add a small amount of regular homemade baking soda to your urine and stir well. Then add some vinegar. If the culprit of your experience is nevertheless beets, then as a result of your analysis, the red color of urine should first disappear and then return.

Beets stain not only urine, but also feces in a burgundy color. This can be a differential difference between the presence of blood in the urine or just beet pigments. When a burgundy color appears, you just need to remember your menu and, if there was something based on beets, then you should not worry.

The qualitative and quantitative composition of urine can tell doctors a lot about the state of human health. For ordinary people, this is the simplest and most obvious way to suspect that something is going wrong in the body. Be attentive to your body and notice the changes that occur to it in time.

Video on the topic

Red urine is abnormal for humans. This indicates at least any disturbances in the body, and as a maximum - about a serious illness.

In a healthy adult, urine is yellow. The color of urine can vary in intensity from light yellow or amber to orange juice. Discoloration of urine is a serious cause for alarm, especially when streaks and blood clots are found in the urine and the urine becomes reddish in color. A change in the color of urine in most cases indicates some kind of anomaly and disruption in the functioning of the genitourinary system, but do not forget that some products and medicines can color the secreted fluid. At the slightest suspicion of pathology, you should consult a doctor.

If a person is healthy, the options for the shade of urine may vary from pale to bright yellow. The shade of urine determines the amount of urochrome in it - a pigment that affects the concentration of urine. Where does it come from and why can it be in different quantities? Urochrome appears as a result of the breakdown of hemoglobin, which comes with oxygen in erythrocytes.

Porphyria is a genetic disorder characterized by abnormal synthesis of hemoglobin. A porphyrin substance is formed, which stains urine red. Symptoms of the disease are anemia, a sharp decrease in body weight, discoloration of the teeth, and the development of photophobia.

It is characterized by the appearance of calculi in the kidneys. With blood, stones enter the bladder, ureter. In the case of uneven stones, they violate the integrity of the mucous membrane of the urethra, which leads to the ingress of blood into the urine. Renal colic is one of the signs of kidney stones.

Cancer may not show any signs for a while. The presence of a tumor is accompanied by symptoms in the form of weight loss, low-grade fever. There is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder. Symptoms may appear. In cancer, blood enters the urine as a result of the decomposition of the tumor.

Hypersplenism. This is a pathological disorder of the spleen, in which there is an acceleration of the breakdown of red blood cells. As a result of a change in the work of the spleen, a large amount of hemoglobin enters the bloodstream, which is excreted by the kidneys and stains urine red. The number of red cells in the blood decreases and bilirubin accumulates, leading to anemia and adrenal jaundice.

The red color of urine does not always indicate an illness. Very often, the causes of this symptom can be very common.

Foods of red color (beets, red berries and juices), the pigments of which are excreted by the kidneys.

The use of drugs containing phenolphthalein in the composition. Urine staining is observed when taking drugs for tuberculosis.

Ailment in women

Redness of urine in women is most often associated with diseases of the female genital organs. The reasons for the appearance of reddish urine in women can be:

  • endometriosis;
  • erosion;
  • ectopic pregnancy, which is characterized by sharp and stabbing pain in the lower abdomen;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • cystitis is accompanied by frequent urge to use the toilet, there is a burning sensation and pain in the urethra;
  • tumors of the cervix of various etiology.

In diseases of the female genital organs, blood streaks are released from the genital tract into the urine, which stain it. Concomitant symptoms in diseases of the genitourinary sphere are aching pains in the lower abdomen.

Diseases in men

The urine of a healthy man can normally contain only single specimens of red blood cells, therefore, the appearance of red urine in men almost always indicates a pathology in the work of the prostate gland and diseases of the male genitourinary system, such as:

  • tumors of the prostate gland of various origins;
  • scrotal injury;
  • violations of the urethra;
  • prostatitis and adenoma.

A man's education may indicate a great physical exertion. In this case, it is worth reducing the intensity of the loads, and the condition will return to normal within a few days.

The degree of damage and the presence of the disease is determined by the saturation of the color of the urine. If blood enters the bladder directly from the kidneys, the urine becomes brown in color. If it gets from the urogenital tract, then the urine turns into an intense scarlet color, blood clots appear.

Diagnostics and treatment

If the urine turns red, then do not panic, because the reasons for staining do not always pose a threat to the body. Most of the diseases that cause this symptom, with timely diagnosis and treatment, do not pose a threat to health, therefore, one cannot self-medicate.

In cases where there is even the slightest suspicion of pathology, you should immediately contact a specialist dealing with urinary tract pathology.

Turning to the doctors, you need to describe in detail the time when the changes in the color of urine occurred and inform the reasons (medications, the use of red products, trauma, tonsillitis, etc.) that could become the basis for the appearance of this symptom. It is imperative that you tell your doctor if you have signs of worsening health.

If your urine is red, the first step is to determine the causes of this phenomenon and only then prescribe treatment.

When diagnosing the causes of blood in the urine, specialists first of all prescribe a general urine test, which allows you to determine the presence of microorganisms and a blood test, which helps to determine the level of creatinine in the blood. Only on the basis of these analyzes, the doctor prescribes further studies and builds a treatment regimen.

For cases where urine has a different color from normal, there is no specific type and method of treatment in medicine. Therefore, it is so important first of all to find out the reason that led to such deviations. Usually, the treatment prescribed by specialists is aimed precisely at eliminating this very cause. For example, if the color change was caused by excessive physical exertion, it is recommended to reduce the amount and intensity. If there were no other factors, the color of the urine will return to normal in just a few days.

Of course, this does not mean that every case has such a simple solution. Medication is also provided, but it is not aimed at eliminating red urine, but at the disease that caused it.

In medicine, there is a preventive method that allows you to determine how clogged the patient's stomach is. It is applied simply. The patient is given 2 glasses of beetroot juice to drink, after which they see if his urine color changes. If not, everything is in order. If red urine is observed, this is a signal that it is time to arrange fasting days.

Preventive measures

To prevent discoloration, you must carefully monitor what foods you eat, control the intake of certain medications. To prevent the occurrence of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs, you need to follow simple rules:

  • drink more water;
  • eat a balanced diet;
  • go to the toilet in a timely manner;
  • observe the rules of hygiene, especially after urination and intercourse;
  • avoid overheating or hypothermia of the body;
  • the correct organization of the work and rest regime.

If a woman develops reddish urine, special attention should be paid to the lifestyle and its features. It is imperative that you stay hydrated. If the drinking regime is violated, the urine darkens significantly. In this case, the lost fluid should be replenished.

Red urine can be a symptom of many conditions, such as urinary tract infections. In this particular case, in order to prevent the development of infection, it is recommended to consume a large amount of liquid. It is equally important at the first urge to urinate immediately to go to the toilet, not to endure and not hold back. And special attention should be paid to proper hygiene of the genitals. Although the latter should be given special attention throughout life, even if health problems are not observed.

Another unpleasant point to pay attention to is kidney stones. Their occurrence can also be somewhat preventable. To do this, it is recommended to limit yourself in salt, as well as protein foods, which are one of the main causes of kidney stones.

Quit smoking if possible. You will immediately feel better in every way. Lead a healthy and active lifestyle, avoid places where exposure to chemicals and toxic substances is possible.