Business game on ecology in the library. Business game for teachers mbdou "connoisseurs of nature". Solving pedagogical situations

Man began to experience environmental difficulties in the past eras of the development of human society, especially the lack of such a unique natural object as water. The features of settlement and the formation of cities have a clear geographical reference - the presence of freshwater objects. This, in turn, played a very cruel joke on humanity. Thus, the growth of large settlements led to the fact that already in the Middle Ages, water in many parts of Europe became undrinkable (the devastating medieval plague epidemics were largely associated with pollution of water sources), and humanity could no longer use new resources. The growth of industry in the era of an industrial society with a capitalist mode of production led to the introduction of such a term in ecological scientific terminology as an "anthropogenic factor", which reflects the violation of the ecological balance that has developed in the process of evolution, under the influence of human activity. From this period of time, industrial waste begins to threaten not only the existence of flora and fauna, but also humans as a biological species. Many scientists characterize the ecological situation in various regions of the Earth as a crisis. IN AND. Vernadsky noted in his teaching that the biosphere has powerful ecological reserves and high adaptive capacity, for example, self-purification of water when anthropogenic impact on a water body ceases. But mankind, knowing this, not only does not reduce the pressure on nature, but also increases it, which leads to the fact that ecological systems can no longer cope with this impact. Such impacts include pollution of the natural environment with chemical compounds that are not characteristic of nature (they are called xenobiotics); violation of geochemical cycles; irrational, extensive exploitation of natural resources, undermining the ability of nature to reproduce renewable resources and leading to the rapid depletion of non-renewable resources.

The harm done to nature is not an inevitable consequence of human development. Quite often, environmental degradation occurs as a result of errors in technical and environmental policy and is associated with “insufficient level of technical development, poor knowledge of the possible effects of anthropogenic impact, widespread use of the natural environment as a means of reducing the intensity of the impact of hazardous industrial waste and other operating factors (for example, , the use of the natural environment as a diffuser of harmful substances) ... "(1, p. 183].

Unfortunately, a person does not always understand which changes in the natural environment will give useful results, and which - negative (2]. The point is not only in the uncertainty of the reactions of biological systems to the impact. Some impact on nature may seem very desirable to one group of people, while another "On the contrary. Vivid examples are the long-term pollution of Lake Baikal, the epic with the turn of the northern rivers. There are many examples of irrational, barbaric attitude to nature on the part of state organizations that put departmental interests above national ones (the record in this area probably belongs to the Ministry of Water Resources).

Under conditions of strong anthropogenic impact on the biosphere, the optimal technical and environmental policy should be based on combining the interests of mankind and nature. According to Academician S.S. Schwartz, “a person should not take on the functions of the biosphere, he should facilitate its work. Combining the efforts of man and nature can contribute to the formation of stable biogeocenoses in a human-modified environment ...... The importance of chemistry in solving environmental problems is unusually great: improvement of equipment that prevents air and water pollution; development of new, low-waste processes and schemes for obtaining substances; creation of environmentally less hazardous types of fuel, plant protection products; water desalination; solving problems related to radioactive waste. A special role belongs to analytical chemistry. Determination of pollutants, measurement of concentrations of pollutants in complex, multicomponent natural mixtures is an important part of monitoring anthropogenic changes in the natural environment.

Successful overcoming of environmental difficulties is possible only as a result of joint efforts of representatives of various branches of knowledge - natural sciences, technical, social. Such a unifying form of various branches of knowledge is research work, including in the field of environmental protection.

At present, it should be noted that schools do not actually carry out research work with students in this direction, although its importance is obvious. On the one hand, this form of organization of students' activities contributes to the convergence of learning and life, and on the other hand, it forms an ecological culture. In the course of research work, schoolchildren get the opportunity to conduct experiments, including using methods for studying the components of the natural environment using analytical chemistry, study data from literary sources, and monitor changes in the state of the environment. All this ultimately leads to the development of an active life position in the field of environmental protection, the rejection of indifferent contemplation of changes in nature under the influence of the anthropogenic factor.

All this indicates the need to introduce environmental research activities into the educational process only after students are able to navigate in a certain system of knowledge, that is, after studying the basics of physics, chemistry, biology, which will significantly increase the independence of students in carrying out this type of activity.

When planning research work, the main emphasis should be placed on the analysis of educational material and the material necessary for conducting environmental research. In this case, the following conditions must be observed to ensure high efficiency of the work of students:

  • a) newly acquired information should complement the basic knowledge;
  • b) the selected information should be meaningful for students, since only in this case they will be motivated to conduct research and acquire new knowledge;
  • c) the selected information must necessarily contain a problem, since the research work must be focused on its solution.

Another important point is to identify the level of knowledge and skills of students, which is necessary to determine the degree of participation of the teacher in the research work of students. Undoubtedly, the role of the teacher in this type of work is the leading one, since it is he who should help students determine the object of study in the light of the environmental problem under consideration, help with the choice of a research methodology and conduct an experiment, evaluate the results of analysis, and use such a method as synthesis to give a conclusion. about the quality of the state of a natural object, to identify the level of research error, which makes the results the most significant.

Thus, we can state the fact that the course of chemistry contains great opportunities associated with the formation of ecological culture among schoolchildren, environmental education and cognitive activities based on research work aimed at identifying the level of anthropogenic impact on the environment, on biodiversity conservation. on our planet. The range of environmental problems solved with the help of a chemistry course is quite wide, ranging from determining the quality of water, air, soil, the level of soil degradation depending on secondary salinity to determining the quality of food and identifying the level of human exposure to electromagnetic radiation from power lines, establishing the causes of death .


  • 1. Nikitin D.P., Novikov Yu.V. Environment and man. - M.: Higher school, 2006. - 415 p.
  • 2. Nifantiev E.E. et al. Circle work with schoolchildren on the topic "Chemistry and environmental protection" // Chemistry at school - 1980. - No. 5. - P. 64-66.

Business game for teachers on the topic: "Environmental education of preschoolers"

Purpose of the game: to intensify the mental activity of preschool teachers;

consolidation of teachers' knowledge on the topic of environmental education of preschool children; team building; establishing an emotional favorable environment in the pedagogical environment of a preschool institution.

Game progress

Music sounds. The leader reads a poem against the background of music.

There is one planet - a garden

In this cold space

Only here the forests are noisy,

Birds calling migratory.

You will only see one

Lilies of the valley in green grass

And dragonflies are only here

They look into the river in surprise.

Take care of your planet

After all, there is no other in the world!

1. Warm-up ("Ecological basket")

A set of questions for each team, in 2 minutes to answer more questions:

* Which bird has the longest tongue?(At the woodpecker)

* Who are called leaf fallers?(Hares born in autumn)

* Animal science.(Zoology)

* Who is an ichthyologist?(Scientist studying fish)

* What does a toad eat in winter?(does not eat anything, she sleeps)

* What tree is called the great-grandfather of great-grandfathers?(Oak)

* What is the thinnest thread in nature?(Web)

* What grass do cats like?(Valerian)

* The tallest grass?(Bamboo)

* Where do starlings nest other than birdhouses? (in the hollow )

* Where are the grasshopper's ears? (On foot )

* Forest rooster. (Capercaillie)

* What does the "weeping" of a birch in spring mean?(Sapflow)

* Plant science.(Botany)

* Why is larch called "good tree"?(Does not prick)

* Grass from 99 diseases.(St. John's wort)

* Is the penguin a bird or an animal?(Bird)

* What is the thickest tree on earth?(Baobab)

* What kind of hunting is allowed in the forest at any time of the year?(Photo hunting)

* Why is the Red Book called red and not green? (Red color -

danger signal)

2. Theoretical part

*What do you understand by the term "ecology"? What is the meaning of this word?

(The word "ecology" itself is derived from the Greek "ekos" "house" and "logos" - science. That is, ecology in the broad sense is the science of the House in which we live. In a narrower sense, ecology is called the science "about the relationship of plant and animal organisms and the communities they form between themselves and the environment”)

* How, in your opinion, should the goal of environmental education of preschool children be formulated?

(Formation in children of a scientific-cognitive, emotional-moral, practical-activity attitude to the environment and to their health)

* Who, in your opinion, has the main burden and responsibility in the environmental education of children?

(On a teacher who, not limited to direct educational activities, introduces elements of environmental education into all types of children's activities)

*Conditions necessary for ecological education of children?

(Ecological room, a corner of nature in a group, a site)

* Forms of organization with children on environmental education?

(Excursions into nature, GCD, walks, holidays and entertainment, work in a corner of nature, flower beds, elementary search activities, environmental education in everyday life)

*Name the main components that an ecological culture includes.

(Environmental knowledge and skills, environmental thinking; value orientations; environmentally justified behavior)

*Name the practical methods of environmental education of preschoolers.

(Game, elementary experiments and simulation)

*Please complete the sentence: “In order for environmental upbringing and education to bring the greatest effect and benefit in the development of children…..”

(Environmental education should become an integral part of the entire educational process and be included in everything: direct educational activities, walks, regime moments, games)

*By definition, say what it is: purposeful, systematic, active perception of objects and phenomena of the world by children. In environmental education, this technique is the leading one. (Observation)

* Name 3 objects of inanimate nature, which are monitored in the preschool educational institution. (Clouds, wind, sun)

* Writer-naturalist, who wrote the story "Fox Bread". (M.M. Prishvin)

*Writer and artist whose work is dedicated to nature. (E. Charushin.)

3. Pedagogical tasks (situations)

The solution of environmental problems must begin from preschool age, because this is the initial stage in the formation of a positive attitude towards nature, the "man-made world" of the culture of nature management. We must have a high level of environmental knowledge and skills in order to put them into practice in working with children. Tasks for each participant, for example:

1. Four children from five to seven years old are playing in a forest clearing. The smallest one shouts: "Let's catch a butterfly and set fire to its wings!" A man walking by and hearing this call stops the boy and asks:

"Why would you set fire to a butterfly's wings?" He paused for a bit and replied: “Just like that…”

* How can you explain such cruelty of children? What are the methods and techniques for educating preschoolers to respect nature?

2. Ira walked home from kindergarten through a park planted with currant bushes and loudly told her mother how they watered them here with the whole group. But the mother was occupied with her own thoughts.

Why are not you listening to me? Ira asked and pulled her hand away.

What are these whims?! - the mother flared up and, breaking a young currant branch, whipped the girl with it. And then she threw angrily: - Who needs your troubles, it's just child's play! Enough conservationists without you.

*What are the negative consequences of the mother's action?

3 . You go to work. Two mothers are talking peacefully on the path. At this time, their children nearby break the branches of a young tree. Both of them already have a large armful in their hands.

* Do you think the children are just naughty or no one told them that they should not harm plants? Will you silently walk by, condemning mothers (children) in your soul, or will you stop and talk to mothers (children)?

4. Two boys are walking through the forest. Along the way they met a stream. The water is cloudy and dirty. One boy decided to put the stream in order. The other laughed at him. And yet the first boy cleared the brook, cleared the bottom, removed the branches that had fallen into it. And then he said:

Let this brook serve both people and animals.

* How can you explain the desire that arose in the first boy to put the stream in order?

5 . Once, near the bank of the river, a whole gang of boys “hunted” for a dive, which the waves drove to the shore. As soon as the bird appeared, stones flew at it. The dive quickly disappeared under water, and as soon as it surfaced, the same thing was repeated.

A passing man shamed them and drove them away from the shore. And the boys were annoyed that he did not appear on time. And one boy furtively even tried once again to throw a stone at an exhausted, probably lined dive.

* How can you explain such cruelty of the boys? What would you do if you were around?

6 . We all know that children love to catch Maybugs: they put them in a box,

tie threads to the legs, tear off the wings.

*What should you talk about with your children?

7 . The girl brought a kitten to the kindergarten. The teacher answered: “Why did you bring such a goner? Throw it away now! » The girl is crying, begging to leave the kitten.

*Your actions?

8. An incident happened in a kindergarten: a group of children saw a grasshopper, shouted

"locusts", jumped, played with it. One child crushed a grasshopper with his foot

in front of others. Children are confused.

*What is your reaction to the children's actions?

9 . Sasha, helping his grandmother take care of strawberries in the garden, became interested in how berries are obtained from flowers. The grandmother invited the boy to observe the formation of strawberries. She drew her grandson's attention to how the ovaries appeared, how they began to grow, change in shape and color. The observational data sent by the grandmother enriched the child's knowledge about the growth and development of strawberries. Based on this knowledge, Sasha was able to explain the process of formation of currant berries and cucumber fruits from flowers.

*Should young children be offered supervision and care for the plants in the garden? What does it give?.

What do you think, if a child takes part in labor activities together with adults in the garden and flower garden, will he be able to show cruelty towards plants and animals, people?

4. "How plants and animals predict the weather."

I remind you of the beginning of the signs of future weather in the behavior of plants and animals, and you finish the line.

1. The spider strenuously weaves a web - (to dry weather).

2. It's getting warm on the road - (before the rain).

3. Swifts, swallows fly low - (rain is foreshadowed).

4. When bird cherry blooms - (to cold, frost).

5. If the grass is dry in the morning - (expect rain in the evening).

6. A lot of juice flows from a birch - (by a rainy summer).

7. In the morning, the woodlice blossomed and remained open all day - (to good weather).

8. Flowers before the rain - (smell stronger).

5. Musical kaleidoscope.

Using these words, try to remember and sing at least one verse of the song in which they are present:

Daisies, forest

birds, water

birch, hills

Dear teachers! We invite you to watch the presentation (practical part) of how environmental education is carried out in the middle group.

This concludes our meeting, I hope that the topic of our game was useful and interesting for you.

I wish you all creative success in such an important and necessary work for children!

"Ecological serpentine" script for the station game for high school students

Petryakova Olga Borisovna methodologist of MBU DO "House of Children's Creativity", Krasnoslobodsk, Republic of Mordovia.
Description of work: I bring to your attention the script for the station environmental game. At each station, children answer questions, receive one point for the correct answer. Each station has its own jury, they put points on the route lists. At the end of the game, the jury, according to the route sheets, calculate the total number of points for each team. The team with the most points for all tasks completed wins. This development can be used by biology teachers, teachers of additional education, methodologists of institutions of additional education for children. The scenario of the holiday is intended for children of senior school age.
Subject:"Ecological serpentine" script for the station game for high school students.
Target: To form in children the foundations of ecological culture, the correct attitude of the child to the nature around him, to himself and people as part of nature.
- to acquaint with the global problems of pollution of the planet Earth;
- to inculcate ecological thinking;
- to form the foundations of ecological culture;
- teach how to solve environmental problems and problems;
Equipment: station name plates, task cards, route sheets, pens, laptop.
Preparatory stage: Teams prepare a business card and homework in advance.
Event progress.
Good afternoon, dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to the House of Children's Creativity at the game "Ecological Serpentine".
We all owe our lives to the planet - the beautiful and only Mother Earth. Green from forests, blue from oceans, yellow from sands. Our planet is the greatest mystery and wonder. It keeps in itself the most mysterious mysteries from the origin of life to the future destinies of mankind.
The science of ecology studies our home - the planet Earth and how to live in this house. Everything in our house is interconnected, everything depends on each other: if the sun goes out, everything will freeze and be covered with darkness; if air and water disappear, there will be nothing to breathe and nothing to drink; if plants disappear, there will be nothing for animals and humans to eat... Therefore, to preserve nature means to preserve life.
Airfields, piers and platforms,
Forests without birds and lands without water...
Less and less natural environment.
More and more environment.

Just a few lines from a poem by Robert Rozhdestvensky, but they reflect the fact that all of us, people of the 21st century, almost imperceptibly turned out to be not just witnesses, but the perpetrators of these sad changes. After all, it is we, adults and children, who consume electricity, for the production of which there are entire industries, we drive cars that burn millions of tons of gasoline and require expensive asphalt roads ... And plants and factories, huge megacities that poison the air, soil and water...
We have gathered here today to discuss a number of issues related to such an important problem of our time as environmental protection. This issue is especially relevant now.
Until then, what do you need? The main thing is that everyone should be united by one goal - to preserve, maintain and improve the ecological well-being of the environment. Only through coordinated and close interaction, significant results can be achieved.
Now let's get to the game. I invite you on a journey through the stations, where you can win, thanks to your knowledge, ingenuity and team cohesion.
All your work will be judged by a competent jury. (Jury presentation)
Now it's time for us to get to know your teams. I announce a competition "Business card". Each team will have no more than 3 minutes to present. The maximum score is 5 points.

Competition "Business card".
(command view)

Presenter: I see that all teams are ready to perform tasks. Now we are going on a journey through the stations, according to your route sheets. And at the end we gather in this hall to hold a homework competition and sum up the results. (Each team receives a route sheet).

Station "Ornithological"
1. This is the smallest bird in our country, 5 times lighter than a sparrow. Inhabits large and old coniferous forests. Feeds on small insects. From morning to evening, it swarms in the branches of spruce, diligently cleans each branch from insects and their larvae. Sings modestly and quietly, but almost all year round, even in severe frosts. (Korolek)
2. This is a very shy and cautious bird. He spends his whole life high in the trees. Very pretty and noticeable. Perhaps that is why it arrives from the south later than other birds, when the foliage is already rustling on the trees, and flies away before anyone else, while the leaves have not yet fallen. The male sings amazingly beautifully, and the female makes sounds reminiscent of a cat's squeal, which is why she is called both a flute and a forest cat. (Oriole)
3. These birds are called "northern parrots". They got such a nickname for their crooked beaks: the upper and lower parts are curved in different directions. Nests are built on tall coniferous trees. They hatch chicks in winter. The father bird is very caring. At first, he feeds both the babies and the mother. (Crossbill)
4. From straws, clay, these birds mold nests on houses, sheds, under balconies and cornices. Some nest in burrows on the high bank of the river. They dig holes themselves. Looking at the birds frolicking in the sky, we think they are playing. In fact, they tirelessly catch small midges, mosquitoes and flies that fly in the air. These birds rarely and reluctantly fall to the ground, and for rest they sit on thin branches or wires. They even drink water and bathe on the fly, flying over the water and scooping it up with their beak. (Martin)
5. "They call me" the caretaker of the forest. "I wake up very early and start whistling, as if waking everyone up from sleep. I live on a tree, in a hollow. All my life I'm on my feet, running back and forth, up and down the tree, I only need wings to fly from one tree to another. I love nuts, linden nuts, maple lionfish. In autumn I hide food under the bark so as not to starve in winter. And my color is not very noticeable. Who am I? " (Nuthatch)

Station "Logic chain"
It is necessary to underline the extra word in this chain.

1. Root, stem, flower, bouquet The leaf is a part of a plant.
2. Sun, stone, oak, sky, snow - this is inanimate nature.
3. Elm, alder, fir, ash, maple are deciduous trees.
4. Hawthorn, euonymus, hazel, honeysuckle, Linden, are shrubs.
5. Nuthatch, jay, woodpecker, thrush, kinglet - wintering birds.
6. Bear, chipmunk, badger, squirrel- go into hibernation.
7. Spruce, pine, fir, Birch, larch, thuja, juniper are coniferous trees.
8. Nightingale, swallow, swift, crow, cuckoo, larks are migratory birds.
9. Sparrow, nightingale, lark, thrush - these are songbirds.
10. Coltsfoot, chamomile, yarrow, nettle, dandelion, wolf's bast are medicinal plants.

Station "Erudite"
1. What wood is sold not by cubic meters, but by kilograms? (Karelian birch)
2. What tree gives sweet juice, like a birch? (Maple).

3. What kind of wood are matches made of? (From aspen).
4. What wood is used to make skis? (Birch).
5. What scary animal loves raspberries? (Bear)
6. Does the tree grow in winter? (Not).
7. What flower is called the flower of lovers? (Chamomile).
8. Is the hare oblique? (Not).
9. What does a hedgehog do in winter? (Asleep).
10. Which animal in our strip has the loudest voice? (Elk)
11. The fastest animal? (Cheetah).
12. Where is the grasshopper's ear? (In the knees of the front legs).
13. What is the largest animal? (Mustache blue whale, weight over 200 tons).
14. Who has a mouth on his belly? (At a shark).
15. What fish have weapons on their noses? (Sawfish, swordfish).
16. Is it possible to catch a lizard by the tail? (No, she'll drop it)

Station "Gold placer dumps"
The correct answer must be underlined.

I. Most of the garbage that pollutes the Earth is:
1. Plastic
2. Glass.
3. Metal.
II. Before you start recycling waste, you need to:
1. Sort.
2. Collect in one place.
3. Crumble.
III. In order to recycle plastic, it must:
1. Compost.
2. Burn under special conditions.
3. Remelt.
IV. The primary concern when choosing a landfill is:
1. Protection of the earth's surface and groundwater.
2. Fencing of the dump site.
3. Equipping with appropriate equipment.
V. Harmful emissions affect:
1. Only for those regions where pollution has appeared.
2. To nearby regions.
3. Even in areas remote from the place where the pollution "saw the light".
VI. The most terrible "additive" to water:
1. Household garbage.
2. Pesticides.
3. Mineral fertilizers.
VII. Which of the radioactive waste is purposefully dispersed into the environment:
1. Gases.
2. Liquids.
3. Solids.
VIII. A bottle or jar made of plastic, thrown into the forest, will lie unchanged:
1. 10 years.
2. 50 years old.
3. 100 years or more.
IX. The entry of harmful substances into the environment leads to disruption of the functioning of ecological systems, called:
1. Pollution.
2. Ecological crisis.
3. Introduction.
X. Discarded paper will be "eaten" by invisible microbes for:
1. 1-2 years.
2. 5-8 years old.
3. 20 or more.
XI. Garbology is...
1. home science;
2. soil science;
3. the science of garbage.
XII. The most effective way to deal with the increasing amount of waste entering the environment:
1. Their burial.
2. Development of legal mechanisms for regulating the process.
3. Recycling (reuse of waste).

Station "Forest Riddles"
1. Who travels through the air on a string?
2. Who has a pantry on a bitch?
(At the squirrel).
3. What bird is called "white-sided"?
4. Chicks, what bird does not know its mother?
5. There are lumberjacks on the rivers
In silver-brown coats
From trees, branches, clay
Build strong dams.
6. Little animal jumps:
Not a mouth, but a trap.
Will fall into a trap
Both a mosquito and a fly.
7. He is in flight over the river,
This amazing plane.
He floats smooth over the water,
On the flower of his planting.
8. I carry a house on my back,
But I will not invite guests:
In my bone house
Place for only one.
9. There is a rope,
hissing cheat,
It's dangerous to take
Will bite. It's clear?
10. Waves carry to the shore
Parachute is not a parachute
He does not swim, he does not dive,
Just touch it - it burns.

Scenario of the extracurricular event "Business game" Firm "for students in grades 7-8

Author: Polyakova Svetlana Vladimirovna, teacher of Russian language and literature, MKOU "Mikhailovskaya secondary school", p. Mikhailovka, Tretyakovsky district, Altai Territory.
Material Description: This scenario will be useful for deputy directors for educational work, senior counselors, class teachers. The material is intended for students in grades 7-8. In the educational process, the event is held for the purpose of environmental education of students.

Extracurricular event "Business game "Firm"

Target: creation of conditions for ecological education of students.
- develop thinking, creativity, imagination;
- develop teamwork skills;
- improve the environmental awareness of students.
Preliminary work:
* prepare cards with inscriptions: advertising and design department, music department, screenwriting and directing department, competition and surprise department.
* Prepare paper, writing utensils, business cards.
Hall decoration:
1. Posters:
“Nature has a pure heart.”
- "We have one Earth - there will never be another."
Game progress:
Leading: Hello dear friends!
Today our meeting is devoted to a very important event - the opening of a company with the beautiful name "Rainbow".
The need to open our company is due to the fact that only by concerted actions can we draw attention to the problems of environmental safety.
We are earthlings. The Earth is just an infinitesimal part of the Universe, but only on it, one of all the planets known to man, there is life.
The nature of the Earth is one, and every person is affected by its troubles: whether it is the death of Yaroslavl elks from pesticides, the disappearance of herring, the most common fish off the coast of Kamchatka, or the sad fate of the famous American mustangs.
Why has environmental protection become one of the most important tasks of our time?
In the era of the scientific and technological revolution, nature turned out to be defenseless before man, dependent on him. Rivers are blocked by dams, rockets are launched into space, the deepest wells penetrate the earth's crust. Willingly or unwittingly, a person interferes in the course of natural processes, violating the natural balance. As a result, the climate is changing, rivers are dying, animals and plants are disappearing. This disaster is called the ecological crisis. In our time, the science of ecology is developing intensively. People of different ages should have an idea of ​​the inseparable connection between all organisms on Earth, of the enormous impact that humans have on nature and how important it is to take care of it.
Our common task is to save the planet. More and more often we hear from Nature a prayer for salvation.
"Stop! Think again! .. ”the forest whispers to a man. “Do not bare the earth… Do not turn it into a desert…” “Have mercy! - echoes the earth. “You cut down trees… it deprives me of moisture… I wither, I grow old… soon I can give birth to nothing… neither cereal nor flower…”
The humble inhabitants of the Earth give voices of supplication. They remind a person of blood relationship with Nature. But modern people have forgotten how to understand the language of grasses, birds, the language of forests, animals, the rustling of autumn leaves, the singing of sand ...
Our planet is tired of smoking chimneys, humming turbines, chemicals flowing into rivers, wars, explosions - how carefree, unreasonable, ruthless man treats it. Do you hear? Nature asks for help!
(Music plays in the background. Earth enters the stage.)
- Listen to me. I am the Earth! I'm in trouble! I am unable to correct the evil that man does. I am unable to save the dying animals and birds, to clear the air of smoke and burning ... I cannot destroy as much rubbish as man has scattered on Earth.
Only you children can save me. (Exits.)
Leading: The Earth asks for help and we must help her. The task of our company: through the creation and implementation of creative projects, to attract everyone's attention to the conservation of the nature of the Earth, the knowledge of its secrets, the formation of a sustainable interest and need for active practical work to protect the environment.
I, as the head of the Raduga company, want to introduce the main provisions of the Charter. The company was created for active participation in the business game of developing projects. The company "Rainbow" can engage in any creative activity: create scenarios, gain experience in holding actions in defense of nature, collective creative activities and release these products into the world.
Today we will create a holiday project “We have one Earth - there will never be another!”
There are four departments in our company: advertising and design, music, screenwriting and directing, competition and surprise.
The advertising and design department will think over the design of the stage and the hall, the advertising of the holiday, and the invitation to the holiday.
The music department provides musical accompaniment, lighting effects.
The scenario-director's department will have to think over the entire scenario of the holiday.
The competition and surprise department is responsible for the games and competitions that will be held at this holiday, for surprise moments.
You can start, you will succeed.
Students create a project for the celebration.
Working with viewers / See Attachment/
Protection by departments of their projects.
-We have worked together, I see you are ready.
Each member of our firm has a voice, but to keep the discussion organized, I propose that three ad hoc groups be formed to represent the views of optimists, realists, pessimists. This role will change. When one of the departments defends its project, the rest perform the above-mentioned roles. It all starts with the script and director's ideas.
- A word to the script-directing department.
Group discussion of the project.
The facilitator makes a summary.
- A word to the advertising and design department.
Group discussion of the project.
The facilitator makes a summary.
- A word to the competitive-surprise department.
Group discussion of the project.
The facilitator makes a summary.
- A word to the music department.
Group discussion of the project.
The facilitator makes a summary.
-Our project of holding the holiday “We have one Earth - there will never be another!” ready. You are great! Your project turned out great!
Let's continue to cooperate in our company.
I say thank you very much for the accumulated project of the holiday. Our company will take part in all actions for the protection of nature. So that you have a connection with me, as with the head of the company, I give you my business card.
Thanks again and see you soon!
List of used literature
1. "We read, study, play" No. 11, 2003
2. "Read, study, play" No. 3, 2004
3. "Pedagogical Council" No. 1, 2005
4. "Pedagogical Council" No. 5, 2006
5.B.B. Balandin "1001 questions for the very smart (with tips for the rest), Ripol Classic, M., 2003, p. 7-12.
The host asks questions, the audience answers.
What ancient Greek god's name translates as "wife of the Earth"? (Poseidon).
Where is the largest amount of fresh water in the world? (At the poles).
Every day the Earth adds 400 tons of weight. Due to what? (Due to cosmic dust).
What, according to the ancient Romans, equalized the globe? (Equator).
Once every 285 years, the solar system makes one revolution in the galaxy. What changes as a result on Earth? (The poles are reversed).
A ball in Greek is a sphere, but how will it sound in Latin? (The globe).
What is the name of the river that flows around the whole earth in ancient Greek myths? (Ocean).
The probability of this event, which happened a very long time ago, is compared with the probability of the assembly of a fully functional Boeing 747 as a result of a hurricane flying over a garbage dump. But, if this event had not happened, no one could dispute its possibility. What is this event? (The origin of life on Earth).
What was the name of the mythical king of Libya, who allegedly made the first globe? (Atlas).
It is known that in the atmosphere at an altitude of 15 km there is an ozone layer that protects all life from harmful ultraviolet rays. According to scientists, freons and some other gases destroy it, and what factor is the main reason for its reproduction? (Ultraviolet).



deputy head

MDOBU "DS No. 11" Snow White "

general developmental type"

Target: consolidation of teachers' knowledge on the topic of environmental education of preschool children; team building; establishing an emotional favorable environment in the pedagogical environment of a preschool institution.

On the interactive whiteboard:

First of all, learn about four

Air, fire, life-giving soil and moisture,

Made for mortals

(Empedocl. Ancient Greece)

The event takes place in a beautifully designed environmental room.

Game organization.

The teachers are divided into 3 teams "Daisies", "Brooks", "Primroses". Each team sits at its own table (red, yellow, green). Matching cards are on the tables. If the team is ready to answer the question, they raise their card. If the answer is incorrect, the right to answer passes to the other team. Teams have the right to supplement the answers of their opponents, to enter into an argument after the answer. The final decision on the correctness of the answer is made by the jury. The correct answer is displayed on the interactive whiteboard.

Leading(head of the creative group "Ecologists") introduces the rules of the game, reads the task from the cards, follows the rules.

Jury: three experienced teachers from the members of the creative group - calculate the points, sum up the results of the business game.

Equipment: posters, excerpts, interactive whiteboard, video film “My Planet”, presentation “Answers to Questions”, pencils, scissors, glue, cardboard, felt-tip pens.

Game progress.

Music sounds. Leading against the background of music, video film "My Planet" reads a poem.

There is one planet - a garden

In this cold space

Only here the forests are noisy,

Birds calling migratory.

You will only see one

Lilies of the valley in green grass

And dragonflies are only here

They look into the river in surprise.

Take care of your planet

After all, there is no other in the world!

Leading: We are glad to welcome in this hall everyone who wants to show their knowledge on the topic "Environmental Education in Preschool Educational Institutions". Three teams will take part in the competition: "Daisies", "Streams", "Primroses".

It is not enough to love nature, admire its beauty, you need to make every effort to make it even more beautiful and richer.

In the game, our participants will need perseverance, curiosity, imagination, knowledge of the program material, methods, technologies, as well as the ability to work in a team and defend their point of view. The jury will evaluate your answers (submission)

1 part. Theoretical.

1) Blitz poll. (Each team is asked two questions. For the correct answer, the team receives 1 point. The correct answer is displayed on the screen of the interactive whiteboard).

· Conditions necessary for ecological education of children?

(Ecological room, a corner of nature in a group, a site)

· Forms of organization with children on environmental education?

(Excursions into nature, GCD, walks, holidays and entertainment, work in a corner of nature, flower beds, elementary search activities, environmental education in everyday life)

· List which indoor flowers should be in the younger groups. Explain your choice.

(Camellia, balsam, begonia, geranium, i.e. plants that have a clearly defined stem, leaf. Pupils of the 2nd junior group must learn to recognize and name 2-3 plants, their parts are a stem, leaf, flower);

Name the main components that an ecological culture includes.

(Environmental knowledge and skills, environmental thinking; value orientations; environmentally justified behavior)

· What are the practical methods of environmental education of preschoolers.

(Game, elementary experiments and simulation)

Name the main method used in the environmental education of preschoolers

(Observation is a specially organized by the educator, purposeful, more or less long and systematic, active perception of objects and natural phenomena by children.)

2). Ring of captains. (Each captain is asked one question)

What do you understand by the term "ecology"? What is the meaning of this word?

(The word "ecology" itself is derived from the Greek "ekos" "house" and "logos" - science. That is, ecology in the broad sense is the science of the House in which we live. In a narrower sense, ecology is called the science "about the relationship of plant and animal organisms and the communities they form between themselves and the environment”)

How, in your opinion, should the goal of environmental education of preschool children be formulated?

(Formation in children of a scientific-cognitive, emotional-moral, practical-activity attitude to the environment and to their health)

Please complete the sentence: “In order for environmental education and education to bring the greatest effect and benefit in the development of children ... ..”

(Environmental education should become an integral part of the entire educational process and be included in all types of activities: direct educational activities, walks, regime moments, games).

2 part. Practical.

1 task.

Give a brief description of the proposed program of environmental education for preschoolers.

(Each team chooses an envelope with the proposed program)

Ryzhova "Our home-nature": - M .: Karapuz-Didactics, 2005 .;

· Nikolaeva ecologist. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2004;

2 task.

Try to model how elements of environmental education can be introduced into directly educational activities:

in physical culture;


in the lessons of the cognitive cycle.

3 task.

Build a schematic system of pedagogical interaction aimed at the ecological development of children

(Specially organized training, joint activities of the educator with children, independent activities of children).

4 task.

You are offered diagnostic maps of knowledge and skills of children "Environmental education: the world of nature and the child." Tell us how you will diagnose the following knowledge, skills and abilities of children in the preparatory group for school (Pull out envelopes):

· Possession of skills of environmentally friendly behavior in nature;

the desire to study objects of nature, the ability to draw conclusions, establish cause-and-effect relationships;

the ability to observe objects of living and inanimate nature;

Ability to conduct simple experiments, knowledge of safety rules;

Children's attitude towards nature.

(observations are used on the attitude of children to objects in a group, on a site, during a walk, modeling situations of choice between helping a living being and a more attractive activity)

5 task.

On the table are cards of various colors, on which certain topics are indicated. You need to make a system of questions for conversations with children on the chosen topic (“Wild Animals”, “Pets”, “Seasons”, “Trees”)

(The slide shows a sample list of questions.)

6 task.

Try to emphasize and prioritize the following principles for creating an ecological room in kindergarten (put the most relevant, in your opinion, position in the 1st place):

The presence of as many plant and animal species as possible

The presence of objects of inanimate nature (soil, stones, shells)

Providing comfortable conditions for all representatives of wildlife, providing them with the necessary habitat and care

Safety (absence or inaccessibility of poisonous plants, absence of dangerous species of animals, insects)

Providing opportunities for children to take care of plants and animals

Providing opportunities for children to observe wildlife

Providing opportunities for children to experiment with objects of inanimate nature

3 part. In a dispute, truth is born.

The team "Daisies" - act from the position of educators, "Brook" - parents, "Primroses" - scientists

The questions to be discussed are:

· Who, in your opinion, bears the main burden and responsibility in the environmental education of children?

(On a teacher who, not limited to direct educational activities, introduces elements of environmental education into all types of children's activities)

· In your opinion, what role does the formation of children's emotional attitude to nature play in environmental education? Is it important for the successful assimilation of environmental knowledge by children?

· When solving the issues of environmental education of preschool children, is it enough for the educator to involve parents only in joint activities?

(Work with parents should be built within the framework of the “educators - parents - children - nature” system. Ecological education of preschoolers should be considered as a process of continuous parenting aimed at forming an ecological culture of all family members. Components of parental education: cognitive, value, normative, activity )

3 part. Creative.

Leading.(In the background of the video). Modern man began to live according to completely different laws and rules. Therefore, wherever it appears, it is accompanied by garbage, which is no longer needed not only by the person himself, but also cannot be used by any other organisms. True, you can try to use the garbage for some other purpose. Then the garbage will cease to be garbage and will again become a useful thing. Today, each of the teams, using their own invention and imagination, will try to make some kind of craft out of unnecessary garbage.

1 task. "New life to unnecessary garbage"

Each team chooses any of the materials used and in 5 minutes must create any memorable craft, or some bright masterpiece.

2 task. Costume show (homework)

The teams were given homework - to make an outfit from environmentally friendly items. Within 2 minutes, each team presents the costume made, describes the materials from which it is made.

3 task. Musical kaleidoscope.

Using these words, try to remember and sing at least one verse of the song in which they are present:

Daisies, forest

birds, water

birch, hills

4th part. Final.

Leading. Dear participants of the game, while the jury is summing up, I bring to your attention the presentation "Let's keep our planet clean, blue and green!"

Presentation by the jury members. Rewarding

5 part. Sincwine.

So our business game "Environmental Education in the Preschool Educational Establishment" has come to an end and, before finishing the event, fill out the "Sinquain". It's not difficult at all.

The second line is three verbs in the third person describing the actions of the event and the topic.

The third line is a suggestion, judgment, your opinion about the event and the topic.

The final line, which consists of one word - a summary of what was said in the previous lines, your emotional state now (For example: "Hurrah!" or "Tired!"), nouns, verbs, circumstances.

This concludes our meeting, I hope that the topic of our game was useful and interesting for you.

I wish you all creative success in such an important and necessary work for children!


1. White work in the preschool educational institution: Analysis, planning, forms and methods. - M .: TC Sphere, 2008.

2. and others. Pedagogical advice. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2010. Zenina T. Work with parents on the environmental education of preschoolers / / Preschool education No. 7 - p. 58-63

3., From birth to school. Approximate basic general educational program of preschool education - M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2012.

4.. The system of environmental education in preschool educational institutions. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.

5., Kondratieff nature and the child. Methods of environmental education of preschoolers. St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2003.

6. Nikishina and methodological work in preschool educational institutions. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.

7. Nikolaev ecologist: program and conditions for its implementation in kindergarten - M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2004.

8. Nikolaev environmental education in kindergarten. Book for educators. - M .: Education, 2004 Program "Our home-nature" - M .: "Karapuz-Didactics", 2005.

9. Ecological education in kindergarten. - M.: Karapuz, 2001.

10. Solomenkova education in kindergarten. Program and guidelines .-3rd ed., corrected. and additional - M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2008.

11. Basic and additional programs of preschool educational institutions: method. allowance. - M.: Iris-press, 2007.