For whom an Aquarius woman is fatal. Hollywood stories femme fatale. Love and family

Women who were born under the sign of Aquarius, nature endowed with wit, charm, grace, elegance. They have a bright, amazing appearance and often find themselves in the company, if not the most beautiful, then the most interesting. A lot of Aquarius women tend to dress unusually: with equal success, they can put on something dug out of their grandmother's chest, and corresponding to the latest fashion. The same extremes can appear in haircuts and hairstyles, and they will necessarily differ from the rest.

The variability of women of this zodiac sign makes communication with them very interesting and boring. Charming, modest and even timid Aquarians can suddenly strike the interlocutor with a whole fountain of passions, forcing even men who consider themselves experts in female psychology to be confused. A woman of this sign leads and does as she pleases, regardless of any conventions. Obligations as such - both foreign and their own - are categorically unacceptable for her. Among Aquarius there are completely unpredictable, unbridled ladies, whose behavior remains a complete mystery to others.

Women of this sign have the ability to adapt to any situation, to any conditions, including thanks to an excellently developed intuition. It is believed that Aquarians have the gift to accurately predict future events. Women with such abilities in the Middle Ages usually turned out to be victims of the Inquisition.

Not everyone can understand why Aquarius acts or thinks one way or another. In order to get closer to understanding the inner world of this woman, a person must also live tomorrow.

Striving for the future does not at all prevent Aquarius women from hovering in the clouds, not being lazy, but conscientiously working. Much, if not all, they are able to do with their own hands. The only thing that disgusts them is strict discipline. The brilliance, grace inherent in the representatives of this sign are manifested even in small, insignificant matters.

Being by nature very freedom-loving natures, Aquarius women always do as they please, and from the outside it often looks like a challenge to society. However, they are guided by common sense. They have a certain clear end goal in front of them, to which they strive, choosing methods and means known only to themselves.

Aquarius women have such a feature as the ability to masterfully conduct a conversation, and at different levels. Talking, arguing with them is a pleasure. Representatives of this sign respect the personality of the interlocutor and do not seek to impose their opinion, by all means to convince the opponent that they are right. Restraint, modesty, elegance of manners contribute to a pleasant impression. At the same time, they do not allow attempts to suppress their will, to impose an opinion, becoming inaccessible for further continuation of contact.

Aquarians never marry the first person they meet. Before putting a wedding ring on her finger, a woman of this sign learns everything possible and impossible about the groom, about his potential. But even such a thoughtful approach does not make the representatives of this sign happy in marriage. They are afraid to devote their lives to one person, to completely dissolve in it, which is tantamount to giving up freedom, which is the main life value of Aquarius. It is quite difficult for men to go through life next to them. A successful marriage can only be if the spouse does not encroach on her freedom, leaves her opportunities for research, experimentation, and leisure activities in a friendly circle. Aquarius women do not see their main life purpose in belonging exclusively to loved ones, family. They do not belong to anyone and at the same time belong to everyone.

If true love settles in the heart of a woman of this sign, then she will undoubtedly be faithful to this person. And yet, even a passionately in love Aquarius woman needs freedom.

There are always many friends near Aquarius, so loneliness for women of this sign does not threaten. A friendly circle can consist of completely different people, and the Aquarius woman will consider the interests of each of them to be her own. If relatives or even just acquaintances have any problems, she tries to carefully analyze them in order to provide assistance, moreover, with a real deed, and not just advice.

Women protect their secrets from everyone, even close ones. They are honest, do not deceive - they are simply silent about something and do not support frank conversations.

Aquarians are very tolerant, and jealousy in their eyes is a prejudice. For a representative of this sign, a man will be loved not for good material security or career success. Much more important for her is the ability to be her devoted, kind friend, friend of her friends. Aquarius women see the future of their chosen ones and help them realize the potential given by nature, put their feelings and intellectual abilities at the service of this.

The representative will not spy on her husband, she is not tormented by suspicion, but she will not forgive the fact of betrayal. A married Aquarius woman will not allow herself novels, because, from her point of view, relations between spouses can only be honest.

For the rest of her life, memories of her first love remain in her soul. With their former friends, lovers, Aquarius women often maintain good relations.

The sociable and charming representatives of this sign always have many guests in the house, everyone feels the need for their pleasant company.

When an Aquarius woman has a child, due to natural restraint, she does not show violent enthusiasm about this and does not openly demonstrate how much she loves her baby. However, from a very early age, he will be a person for her; the Aquarius woman will not punish the child, but she will not patronize too much either.

In their attitude to the love affairs of Aquarius, women often rush to extremes - between arrogant, aloof coldness and high, ideal feelings. Those born under this constellation are excellent partners for men who are naturally endowed with a weak temperament. Physical attraction and reason in the nature of Aquarius are connected with each other. The sexual sphere of life for women of this sign is not the main one, nevertheless, the love of a partner causes a passionate impulse in her soul and body.

Aquarius woman in bed

It should immediately be said that women born under this sign are almost completely devoid of any complexes. They do not even try to hide their sexuality, and therefore often start short-term affairs.

Aquarius woman in love strives for complete dedication. Accordingly, in bed, she will do everything necessary to satisfy her beloved man. Such partners get the same pleasure from what they give and receive affection. Any whim or fantasy of a partner is fulfilled almost instantly - the Aquarius woman does not have any persistent psychological prejudices.

By the way, this feature often makes a girl associate her life with older, and sometimes even older partners who need care and comfort. An Aquarius woman can have an affair with an insecure man, as with him she will be able to reach her full potential.

If we are talking about long-term relationships or marriage, then sex for a woman becomes something routine, but mandatory - a kind of ritual before bedtime. Such a spouse will rarely refuse her husband, as she loves to pay attention.

Who suits the Aquarius woman

It is best to chant a partner with Aries. In their adoration, they allow Aquarius to open up and gain wings.

Gemini act differently: with them, Aquarius women can not hide their recklessness. Such a couple is always ready to realize the most extreme dreams and plans.

With Libra, Aquarius takes refuge from all earthly problems. Libra and themselves are not of this world, therefore, they will not require classic proofs of love and fidelity. They are great for each other, as their desire to enjoy life without putting any effort is mutual. But, unfortunately, for prosperity they go "to the left", each on his own.

Who is not suitable for an Aquarius woman

With the Leo man, she will feel a little constrained because of his jealousy and despotic habits. She won't be able to comprehend the depth of his emotions. Leo, in such an alliance, begins to look more broadly at life, to recognize its intrinsic value. Such partners can hold on to each other with a stranglehold, as they receive much more from the relationship than they put in.

Not suitable for the Aquarius woman are the men of the earth signs of the zodiac. Relations with them can start and even seem attractive in their own way, but will end in a violent break and division of property. There is little that connects them.

With Scorpions and Cancers, a similar situation is observed. Aquarius run away from Scorpios, because they can’t stand their anger and anger on the spirit. While Cancers themselves try not to make acquaintances with noisy, smart and overly sought-after "airy" ladies.

However, trends can change with age.

Valentina Wittrock

04/02/2006 | Visitors: 554597

There is something in the appearance and spirit of Rebecca Romijn from the times of the seventies, when her parents, former hippies, conceived this child of love. Maybe that's why she is "drawn" to Aquarius - rebels and revolutionaries from birth, although she can handle such strong spirits as - her ex-husband - John Stamos, Leo by the sign of the zodiac, with whom she lived no more - no less - 5 years .

Looking at the cosmograms of both, it becomes clear what exactly brought them together in life: the Black Moon of Stamos in Scorpio and almost in conjunction with the Sun of the missus, her Lilith sat down there, in Scorpio, that is, "Adam" - Stamos was given "Lilith" as his wife - Rebecca, and she, who does not want to obey his whims, classically left him ... (read the Torah!).

In general, conceived in the seventies, these are today's young people who are over thirty, trying to create traditional families and somehow fit into society, reap the fruits of their uninhibited parents' activities: Uranus and Pluto of a whole generation are in Libra - the sign responsible for marriage, and these planets "tarnish" the reputation of traditional marriage, and do not want to, those born in the seventies will obey the rules and etiquette of marriage, well, what can you do ... It is they, born in the seventies, who will have to be pioneers in the collapse of the institution of marriage in the near future.

The heroine of the story - Rebecca Romijn - was born on November 6, 1972 (Rat - Scorpio), but looking at her you can’t say that she is a scorpion Rat, rather, an angel in the flesh. She even started her career as a model (that is, a woman who should be equal to).

Working part-time at Victoria's Secret, an agency that likes to give its models angel wings (red lingerie and suspenders do not bother models at all), Rebecca ended up on the television series Friends and, along with Brad Pitt's ex-wife, Jennifer Aniston began her ascent to the Hollywood Olympus. Successfully embodied in the roles of a mutant and a spy, she went further. In 1997, People magazine named her one of the 50 most beautiful people on the planet.

Despite her ideal appearance, there is some huge hidden power in her: a lot was written about those born in the year of the rat - "they are charming and fussy, they create a special microclimate around themselves, quietly trying to influence the interlocutor, those around them. We can say that they are their own achieve, although sometimes with certain difficulties. Often they are saved by an extraordinary instinct for self-preservation and survival, and even more often they come to the aid of a very skillful use of the weaknesses of other people, the ability to force them to work for themselves. "This is the most survivable sign of the Chinese zodiac: in nature, even after an atomic explosion, rats remain safe and sound... According to astrologer Igor Kvasha, people born in the year of the Rat master the alchemy of love...

It often seems that they are too loving and sometimes even reckless. But it's not. Behind the external charm and brilliance is hidden both realism and practical life, a deep meaningfulness of behavior and actions, and the observance of one's own interests.

Rat women often have strong romantic feelings, sentimentality, because it is in this area that their self-expression and self-manifestation are strong. Considering that Rebecca is also twice Scorpio (the Moon and the Sun are in this sign), then she can safely be counted among those women about whom they say: "Fatal". Thanks to her powerful sex appeal, Rebecca did an excellent job with her role in the film of the same name "Femme Fatale".

In life, Rebecca continues to play the role of an angel, but judging by her last choice, the relationship that began between her and Jerry Okonell resembles the relationship of fallen angels. Paying tribute to tradition, the couple announced their engagement in September 2005. Jupiter passes in 2006 in the sign of Scorpio - the year will be triumphant and memorable for Rebecca. The chosen one (this question is not subject to dispute, since the last word is always with Scorpio) was born on February 17, 1974 in New York. Aquarius - Tiger! What irrational feeling pushes Skoriponka Rebecca into the arms of Aquarius? Of course passion! Just like Tsvetaeva:

"Perhaps this is not love,

But it looks like bliss...

Jerry's Venus sextile Lilith Rebecca - instinctive sexual attraction, besides his Lilith, Moon and Venus in the same sign - Capricorn: Rebecca is older, from a bohemian society, that is, what Jerry subconsciously needs: experience, caste, position in society . An interesting sign of Aquarius: on the one hand, they - Aquarius, it seems, do not care what class their beauty is from, on the other hand, they, like all air signs, allow an experiment called "Love" in their lives in the hope of really meeting this unforgettable miracle.

The female planets of Jerry in Capricorn speak of high pragmatism and, of course, the unconscious desire to have in their arms the woman with whom it is comfortable. However, the position of the Moon in Capricorn does not speak of comfort, but rather of inferiority, an attempt to solve one's life goals at the expense of a partner (Capricorn's keyword is "I use"). Rebecca needs Jerry and she, with her intuitive Moon in Scorpio, instantly felt it. He wants to build strong, family-friendly, long-lasting structures, and that suits her at the moment. Of course, one could say in one phrase from the classic horoscope: "The union of Aquarius and Scorpio is doomed to failure." However, it is not only the Sun in the signs that "plays the weather" in relationships. Marriages basically collapse due to the fact that love built on sexual attraction has not passed the test of time, that is, it has not grown into deep true love, but simply evaporated and the negative aspects of the planets in the synastry help this evaporation.

For example, Mars Jerry (sex) in opposition to Lilith (charm, attraction) Rebecca: suffering accompanies pleasure, just like Nietzsche: "In suffering - joy!" Idealism will certainly be debunked, but this does not weaken the power of attraction, and the partners satisfy their sensual - erotic desires. Tension, anger, excessive preoccupation with the object of one's passion make one go through a certain stage of life experience, which then can give a deep understanding of the nature of love, but the pain of disappointment is almost inevitable. Initially, a strong physical attraction is formed, turning into passion and painful dependence on the object of affection. All the components of "unhappy love" can manifest themselves here - the lack of reciprocity, the pangs of jealousy, the fear of loss.

We should also not forget that the policy of behavior with Scorpio is the policy of "carrot and stick", that is, the theme of sadomasochism will always be present in relationships, perhaps after some time it will become the main one in relationships, since the degrees of some of Jerry's planets carry confirming information about his personalities: Mercury retrograde at 12 degrees Pisces - "inferiority complex", Venus at 27 degrees Capricorn - "Psychic breakdown", in conjunction with the star Terebellum - the temptation to kill his wife ... this star is also associated with disasters.

Mercury Jerry square Saturn Rebecca is a difficult option for a long-term relationship, it is difficult to agree on the most significant issues, given that the sign of the Tiger is not used to obey and be flexible. On her part, projections of the image of her father are noticeable, and this often manifests the karma of the family and unprocessed problems (imprints) that Rebecca has to hang in her relationship with Jerry. She may feel that her choice is not accidental, despite the difficult path to constructive interaction. For Jerry, this is a test of authority and pressure, he - the Tiger uses all his intellectual Aquarius abilities to erect a wall of alienation and reserve the right to make decisions, and Aquarius can show aerobatics in changing the course of relations, despite their friendliness. Capricorn Moon Jerry square Pluto Romijn: everyone faces the nature of their hidden complexes, fears and addictions. This is an opportunity to meet with the mighty power of instincts and look into the abyss of one's own carefully hidden desires, it is difficult to find a sense of security and relaxation, and here all the prerequisites for manifestations of sadomasochism will emerge.

Pluto Jerry (sex, dictate) in conjunction with Venus (ideals) and Rebecca's Pluto in Libra, Uranus and Rebecca's Mars are also there, indicating problems in partnerships and even threats, besides his Venus with Lilith (seduction) in Capricorn in square to Uranus and Mars Rebecca - two astructive planets, that is, her desire for freedom and "hippie" tendencies will run counter to his ideas about family life.

There are, of course, positive aspects in the synastry (combined cosmograms), otherwise this stellar duet would not have sung. For example, Jerry's Moon in conjunction with Rebecca's Jupiter - makes it possible to look into the future with hope (at least for some period of time), her Moon is in trine to his Mercury - he finds in her that depth of understanding that he aspired to in relationships with Mother. In these relationships, the archetype of a woman, embedded in his subconscious, is manifested.

Perhaps, for her - Scorpio, the thought of violent passion with a threat to life "warms the blood"? Perhaps she simply never thought about herself and, like thousands of superstitious actors, does not want to know her future. One way or another, but Scorpios are classified as signs that are not afraid to face fate, and many of them win the fight, and many become widowers and widows, they have a conversation with death on "You". For Rebecca, Neptune in the 5th degree of Sagittarius directly speaks of widowhood, and for Jerry, Neptune is on the axis of catastrophes - the 10th Sagittarius in conjunction with Antares - one of the most terrible satanic stars, indicating clashes with evil. Rebecca has Jupiter in Capricorn in the 7th - revealing "the unfaithful wife" and the North Node in the destructive 19th, where the Moon and Lilith Jerry are approximately.

Rock connects two destinies with inextricable bonds of love, shared pain and addiction. The fatally tempting power of passion leaves no hope for free choice and does not allow one to get rid of lust. At the same time, these two are lovers, opponents, and victims of their own weaknesses. They may experience anger and hatred at the trap they have fallen into of their own free will, but gluttony again brings them into the same circle of tests. The high dynamics of relations, to match the drama "Othello", only the role of Othello belongs to a modern American, born in the 70s, who attracted a femme fatale temptress into his life, in the hope that she would give him a persistent illusion of love.

Every man has his own "fatal woman" (the aspects of the planets indicate this), otherwise Rebecca Romijn would become "fatal" for millions of men, which, fortunately for many women, does not happen. "Femme fatale" - this is a fixed idea that gets into a man's head and does not let go until he has squeezed out all the juices, until he is completely exhausted. This is bad luck, as a punishment for excessive sexuality. After all, if men weren't so active in search of trivial pleasures, there would be no femme fatales... or maybe it's great that they still exist?

In addition, such women have a very youthful face, they prefer a slight natural mess in their hair (which has also become a trend in modern fashion), a minimum of cosmetics. Communicating with them, you understand that they are internally free from prejudices and social cliches, they have high self-esteem and they initially perceive the other person as an equal.


Aquarius women have been trying all their lives to try on the concept of “self-care”, but they still cannot come to terms with the word “regular”. Therefore, from time to time (for example, when the subscription to a beauty salon is already clearly expiring), they go to specialists, and they try to do a body wrap, a facial massage, a haircut, and take care of their nails on the same day.

Having enjoyed the procedures, they promise themselves to come in a couple of weeks, but there is always a more interesting activity and a couple of weeks turn into a couple of months at best.


In practice, these women are convinced that the best thing they can do for their appearance is to sleep with an open window all year round, drink enough water and eat what their soul (that is, the body) requires at the moment. Well, add small medicinal additions to the daily routine in the form of good music, contemplation of beautiful things, walking, reading good books and communicating with smart people.

Most Aquarius women have low vitality, they quickly overwork, often they lack energy. A large crowd of people exhausts them worse than hard work. Women born under the sign of Aquarius do not like to advertise their well-being, they consider it a deeply personal, even intimate matter and share these innermost secrets only with loved ones, and even then most often when it is no longer possible to hide the disease.

Moreover, as long as possible, they themselves try to be in the dark about the state of their health. Among the most common diseases are nervous fatigue, neuralgia, myopia and other eye damage, diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system.

The nervous system of Aquarius women is unstable, and they experience such fluctuations in emotions and mood swings that no other device other than the human body can withstand them. So if you want to be healthy, try to train your psyche and learn to manage your emotions.


In any communication, for all their benevolence and friendliness, Aquarius women have a distinguished and isolated position. They do not like it when they climb into their souls, and they always try to remain a little at a distance, even from people whom, in general, they trust and in whom they are confident.

Most of the women born under the sign of Aquarius. Their feelings arise instantly, as soon as they meet a person who has uttered a new thought or idea for them. Representatives of this sign most often fall in love with people endowed with intelligence; anything can connect them with others, but not love. True, falling in love quickly, they no less immediately lose interest in a person if they understand that he is the most ordinary.

Love and family

The love of an Aquarius woman is mostly endless conversations on a variety of topics, except for everyday ones, and sex. There is no place for intimate conversations - the Aquarius woman not only does not let her into her inner world, but also treats someone else with no less respect.

This does not mean that a man is not interested in her, this is precisely respect for other people's deeply personal experiences. As for sex, representatives of this sign approach it something like this: either a smart sexual partner, or none.

The ideal family for an Aquarius woman is one that is a reliable support, a foundation on which you can build all other areas of your life. For these women, stable, strong relationships between households, confidence in the inviolability of the family are very important.


The household aspect is no less important: Aquarians strive for their home to be comfortable, with a well-organized life - however, they prefer that someone else take over the household duties. As free and independent these women feel in society, they are just as much in need of a comfortable, impeccably planned, arranged life.

They have strong, stable relationships with parents who can help them throughout their lives. The parental family is a place where the Aquarius woman finds a sense of harmony and where everything becomes simple and understandable. Such women rarely communicate with brothers and sisters, nephews and other relatives, since they always have a lot of things to do where their efforts are required.

In addition, when relatives complain about life, the Aquarius woman perceives this as a call to action and is always ready to reshape the boring existence of relatives in the way that seems best to her. Naturally, relatives immediately begin to resist, often relationships collapse.

As a marriage partner, deep down, Aquarius women want to see a man they could obey. This is possible only if the woman believes that her husband has a talent, a gift, a spark of God. In marriage, it can be very difficult for a partner to always meet the high demands of an Aquarius woman, to “keep the crown”, doing purely household chores. Therefore, periods are inevitable when she is disappointed in her spouse and falls in love with the next very talented person.


Raising children for an Aquarius woman is, first of all, talking with them, even with babies, performing a rich song repertoire, poetry, reading books, and learning to read and count from about a year. Almost from infancy, Aquarius women teach a child to communicate with peers and adults, in every way they try to develop their intellect.

At the same time, they can be quite frivolous: they are unlikely to instill the skills of accuracy in the baby, they will not be able to methodically accustom them to order, remove toys, they may not follow the recommendations of pediatricians on feeding children of different ages. Such mothers rejoice in any new skill that their child has mastered, but do not know how to develop in him the ambition and ambition that would be so useful to them in adulthood.

Read the characteristics of other zodiac signs.

If you saw an extraordinary, bright personality, then in front of you is an Aquarius woman.

It is difficult to understand, but impossible not to notice - the Aquarius woman stands out from the crowd, she is fickle, and it is almost impossible to characterize her, because there is no chance to unravel and subject her character to logic. Every horoscope will say that to unravel her nature is a futile attempt.

In love

The freedom-loving Aquarius woman in love appreciates personal space, and it is difficult to converge with other signs of the zodiac. This woman attracts with her brightness, she is open to communication and loves novels, but taming her and making her a home is not an easy task.

But in bed with a representative of this zodiac sign, you will not get bored. She loves diversity in love, you never know what to expect with her, she is different every day. A man of any zodiac sign who does not like boredom and monotony will be crazy about such a partner.

It is not easy to tie this woman in marriage, but if she is crazy about love, she can become a faithful wife. One condition is that they do not limit her personal space and do not try to make her a homebody.

Who will you hang out with...

This lady converges differently with different signs of the zodiac, and not everyone will pay her attention. The horoscope will help you find out the compatibility and make it clear what the chances are.

1. A bright Aquarius woman and, impetuous and ardent, will make a wonderful union. These two signs in their union are like fish in water, they will complement each other, the characteristics of their couple are excellent, but in order to move into the stage of a serious relationship, they will have to learn to give in.

8. The characteristics of the couple in which the extraordinary woman Aquarius and the ardent met are very contradictory. It is worth looking into the horoscope, as it becomes clear - the Aquarius woman and the Scorpio man are made for each other.

9. Sagittarius is a bright sign, and can attract this lady. The characteristic of a couple in which the fickle Aquarius woman and the impetuous woman converged is promising, often they make strong families.

10. The wayward and freedom-loving Aquarius woman are similar, and sometimes make good couples, but only if he manages to appreciate her personal space, and she accepts his supremacy.

11. It would seem that an Aquarius woman and the same are two halves, but just their similarity does not allow the union to develop. They will not obey, they will not want to sacrifice freedom, and at most they will spend time brightly and pleasantly, but no more.

12. But fish is a good option for Aquarius. Pisces is a bright person, looks at the world positively, Pisces is trusting, open to adventure.

She will like the fish with their love of life, and the gentleman of the fish will not pass by such a bright nature. often become husbands for the ladies of this sign, and it is the fish who know how to subdue this difficult nature.

Let's add the eastern horoscope

To get a more accurate picture of this difficult nature, you can take into account what year she was born, and how the sign of the eastern horoscope affects her character.

  • A woman born in the year of the Rat is very smart, cheerful, loves research and discovery.
  • Aquarius Ox is a strong and unshakable woman, she can achieve everything, and will not back down on her way to the goal. She may seem harsh, but in fact she is very smart, always knows the ends and means.
  • In the Year of the Tiger, dangerous Aquarians are born. This is a female predator who can track down the “victim” for a long time, find out weak points and hit on them.
  • If a woman of this sign is born in the year of the Rabbit or Cat, she is charming and irresistible. Her creative nature, rich imagination, artistic courage are crazy.

  • The dragon is a warlike sign, fiery and ardent. This lady wants to get everything and even more from her life, she is insatiable, impetuous, she will achieve everything.
  • If this is a Snake, then such a nature is tense, unsatisfied, unable to achieve a big goal, and is often exchanged for trifles.
  • It is not easy to find a common language with the Horse, and only the best, the most courageous will get it. It is difficult to curb her, she is skittish, knows her own worth and chooses the best.
  • The Aquarius goat is capricious, values ​​itself too highly, is too changeable and even quick-tempered. It is not easy, and only a strong and intelligent person will be able to cope with it.
  • If her sign is Monkey, no one knows what she has in mind. But such a woman knows what she wants, is not used to trusting people, is very unpredictable.
  • The rooster is a dangerous sign. This is an adventurer who loves risk, new sensations, adrenaline and extremes.
  • A dog is a good sign for Aquarius. Such a lady is smart, knows how to be friends and trust, but encroaching on her space is risky.
  • The boar is also a good combination: such a woman is balanced, relatively accommodating, not opposed to communicating with people, open.

Only sincere attention and participation will help to understand a person, and a horoscope is only an assistant who will guide in this difficult matter. Author: Vasilina Serova

Taking the opportunity that there is free time and my IQ on the David Wexler scale is over 200..., I decided to philosophize. As the great Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said: “The most beautiful creations on earth are women, flowers and butterflies.”
All we know about her is her sorcerous charm, sharp wit, sexiness, sense of humor laced with eccentric notes, and style like no other. This woman makes an indelible impression, and you never know what is more in her - sincerity or deceit? ..
Men can admire her for years, and women, even imagining her as a rival, invariably foresee a fiasco.
Every woman has her own zest, the main thing is to know your “trump card” and use it in time.

ARIES: Ice + Fire + Strength + Flattery
The Aries woman rarely complains about illness, fatigue and loneliness, and can do without a man much longer than any other. Like a femme fatale, she deftly combines the ice of indifference with the flame of her natural element - Fire. But an Aries woman who likes a man is able to drive into a corner and propose to him herself. This is her mistake. She should give him a chance to conquer her himself. She should pretend to be weaker, defenseless and gentle than she really is, stop criticizing men and learn to compliment!

TAURUS: Flirty + Intelligence + Wings
The Taurus woman cannot boast of emotional courage, but she has two wonderful qualities - female coquetry and male grip. And if you add intelligence, the ability to analyze and quickly respond to surrounding changes to the art of choosing outfits, aromas, hospitality and the ability to cook, then it has every chance of becoming fatal. Standing firmly on the ground, the Taurus Woman should at least “rustle her wings” for a man in love with her, otherwise, inspired by feelings, he will quickly fall to the ground, never having experienced happiness with a rational and practical Taurus. Soaring above the ground is even more pleasant than diving into the pool of passions!

GEMINI: Fantasy + Loneliness + Inspiration
Sometimes a Gemini woman seems heartless, because in one fell swoop she can cross out all the courtship of a man whom she was so passionate about until recently. It’s just that her mood and opinion have changed ... She is a dreamer with a dual character and a mobile mind. This muse is truly inspiring! The hero of her novel is a cheerful and cheerful partner with romantic and sentimental gestures. She can't be alone. Loneliness turns her into a bundle of nerves and fears! But even having a man with her, she does not stop making new acquaintances. She stops her choice on someone if this person is as extraordinary in nature as she is, and, probably, the Gemini woman is also not averse to pouring out all her unspent tenderness on someone who sincerely shares her life values ​​​​and views.

CANCER: Experience + Enigma
Often people around call "fatal" - a woman who suffered a lot and comprehended all the wisdom of life the hard way. The Cancer Woman rarely feels secure, even when the stormy ocean of passions brings her to the safe haven of family life. Her element is water, but turning into steam, she becomes destructive. “The one who was loved yesterday is no longer needed today” - this motto is typical for a Cancer woman, whose man did not live up to expectations, hurt or offended something. With each man, Rakinya lives a whole little life, taking his interests and problems as her own. If he loves cars, Rakinya will study their device and learn how to drive, loves slender ones - she will lose weight, write poetry - she will learn this too. Even after parting with a Cancer woman, a man will remember her all his life. However, Cancer should not reveal his soul to anyone and throw pearls ... it’s clear to whom.

LEO: Sexy + Glitter + Dust
To deprive a femme fatale of power over men is the same as blocking her access to air. The same is true for the Leo woman. However, her mind, beauty and sexual attractiveness are not enough for her ... The greed of the Leo woman is unlimited, no matter how much you give her beauty, money and happiness, everything will not be enough for her. The Essence of the Lioness is the Emerald City ruled by a wizard no one has ever seen. She hides her small and large complexes, hides her true goals, plans and dreams, even from herself, and often lies to herself ... Even in front of a close and beloved man, it is difficult for her to open up, and she is not completely sincere with him. A lioness who hides her claws is the most dangerous. Being flirtatious and playful, she can hurt the one who played with her ... Radiating her own light, she does not notice the man in love, who is watching her in the shadows. After all, she loves to be the center of attention! She does not need applause, even standing in the shadows, she knows how to outshine those who are used to splurge!

VIRGO: Intelligence + Well-groomed + Disgust
Virgo is the only woman in the Zodiac who combines practicality and romance at the same time. Indisputable qualities in Virgo are a sharp mind and striving for perfection. Despite the fact that Virgo knows how to be perfect in bed, she does not want to use her sexuality to manipulate a man. Love of order, attention to detail and a tendency to criticize over time can turn Virgo into a grump, and this is incompatible. Having polished her graceful manners and gestures, a well-groomed Virgo woman acquires the true habits of a woman, but if the Virgo continues to shake out the ashtray every three seconds and change the sheets after each intimacy, she will create the impression of someone who does not know how to live by other rules, and men at least the illusion is needed that for the sake of them the Virgin will go to great lengths ...

LIBRA: Beauty + Pleasure + Sense of proportion
Beautiful Venus, stretched out on silk sheets, immersed in luxury and furs, is a classic of an ideal life for Libra women ... In reality, everything looks different, but the Libra woman seeks always and everywhere to satisfy her need for beauty, be it an interior, dress or ... a handsome man. She tries not only to love, but also to cooperate with him, for her marriage is a joint venture. The similarity of Libra women is expressed in the ability to gently control a man, prompt him, and not impose his decisions on him. “It is impossible with her and nothing without her,” - all this is about her. However, a man will have to pay dearly for her love. And so that she herself does not have to regret anything, she should not go to extremes: for example, eat (drink) too much, love too much, want too much, etc. When one of the scales overflows, add a little prudence and mercy to the other.

SCORPIO: Love + Hate + "Beware of high voltage!"
The Scorpio woman has every right to claim the role of a femme fatale. Even being dressed in jeans and sneakers, she creates a magical aura of seductress around herself. Since the house of Scorpio is ruled by Mars, she knows male psychology well. Many men take this quality for magical abilities or heightened intuition. But knowledge of human weaknesses and vices is not yet a reason to sting male pride and sting at every opportunity. Freezing her relationships with small, in her opinion, and uninteresting people, a Scorpio woman risks being left alone when someone else's help and support becomes a vital necessity. A Scorpio woman can hate just as much as she loves. She should veil her feelings a little, and not put up a sign: “Caution! High voltage".

SAGITTARIUS: Courage + Intrigue + Categorical
It is not necessary to throw Amazon arrows at a man ... It is enough to amaze him with frank statements, categorical statements and put the question in an awkward position, which Sagittarius women successfully do. They do not know how to lie, but they know how to be friends with men. Because not only does she not trust anyone, but she herself is not averse to lying when necessary: ​​this only helps her not to be disappointed and not step on a rake. Your own inner world and desires should acquire much more value for Sagittarius than the opinion of the public.

CAPRICORN: "No" + Romance + Dream
The Capricorn woman has one very important quality - the ability to say "no". But the Capricorn woman is like the Snow Queen sitting on a marble pedestal. She perfectly feels falseness, therefore she rarely relaxes in romantic situations, and, consequently, the circle of her admirers sharply narrows. It is important for her that the man is provided for and that he is respected. But a man is not a dress with a label of a good company ... A Capricorn woman can miss her happiness by mistaking an enchanted prince for an ugly slippery toad. Give the starving poet a chance! .. The Capricorn woman lacks faith in miracles and dreams. And if she has a dream, she will certainly fulfill it, because Capricorn is a master in achieving her goal.

AQUARIUS: Freedom + Originality + Experimentation
This butterfly is not so easy to catch ... She loves freedom. She seems to belong to everyone and no one. She will not waste her life on a man who is not sure of himself. It is not difficult to capture her attention, since she loves freshness and novelty of sensations, but it is impossible to force her to do anything. Such a proud nature can be born in poverty, but will go through life like a queen. All these qualities of Aquarius correspond to the femme fatale, but it is important for the Aquarius woman not to overdo it with humor, as well as shocking men and conducting experiments on them. Everything unique and unusual someday becomes boring and insipid, so the Aquarius woman should most of all pay attention not to unusual men, but to those who are more reliable.

PISCES: Mystery + Femininity + Passivity
The feminine and charming Rybka attracts a man like a gambling fisherman. But having once experienced passion, a man quickly relaxes with her. A femme fatale never lets a man relax! Pisces should be shown that she knows how to dominate, manage, make demands, make decisions, and her softness is deceptive. If she makes a man move forward, and she herself does not passively go with the flow, then this will cover all her shortcomings. Secretive and wise Pisces are able to keep secrets, they have a mystery that men love so much!