Home is where the family is on VKontakte. Statuses about home

A house is a building built to house people, various mice, crickets, flies, all kinds of insects, rodents and microbes. - A. Bierce.

Feelings and emotions persist in the old house - the pain of loss or separation, fear of separation. ... .It looks like a gramophone record with a scratch, which is constantly hit by a needle. And the same words are constantly heard. - Schreiber Joe. No windows, no doors.

Don't judge a house by the owner, but judge the owner by the condition of the house. - Cicero Mark Tullius.

Is there anything wrong with the fact that I do not have my own home? I just love to travel and find my home in different places.

When the time comes for changes in life, when the old has already gone, and the new has not yet appeared, the best refuge is the father's house. It doesn't matter how old you are. - Sophie Kinsella. The girl and the ghost.

One day we will get to where our real home is. We will definitely find this place, we will come there.

What a mess in this house! Why is the sovereign endowed with the right to rule, when even in the palace he has no rest!

Read the continuation of the famous aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

You can probably get a special kind of pleasure from the mess in the house, too, but I just can't figure it out yet. Max Fry.

Shame on you, Watson. Mrs. Hudson will leave Baker Street? Rather England will fall! Sherlock Sherlock

Well, we have a house! They steal, sometimes call names, and we are also fighting for the honorary title of a house of high culture of everyday life! This is a nightmare! Horror!

Since our meeting was foreordained from above, why don't we create our own world? Our little home, just you and me and no one else. When you find yourself in my arms, as if in a cradle, in the moonlight, the whole universe will rejoice. Put your palm on mine, trust me. And if I do not turn these dreams into reality, then you can demand from me whatever you want!

The house is good where the inhabitants are good. - George Herbert

Fear of empty space often forces you to close walls; and replace this emptiness with empty pictures devoid of thought. - Johann Joachim Winckelmann

Study well in your home. - Chilo

The longer you live in one place, the more things and people loosen up, decompose and begin to stink especially for you. Louis-Ferdinand Celine. Travel to the end of the night.

The store was my home and my job at the same time. It was for me a much better school than the usual general education, and later became my personal university.

You can rush around the world and visit all sorts of cities as much as you like, but the main thing is to go then to where you will have the opportunity to remember that heap of things that you have seen. You’re not really going anywhere until you get home. Terry Pratchett. Crazy star.

Home is a place where, if you have to go back there, they have to accept you. Robert Frost

Your home is where they think of you.

What is life without a home? You can't live without it. Once created, it must always protect from the outside world.

Guests decorate the table, and children decorate the house.

If you are tired of being the master of your home, get a cat. Valentin Domil

There is no hell worse than home.

Home is a place where you don't have to tame. Don't control words. To be tired when tired, to be silent when you want to be silent - and at the same time not be afraid that you will offend. Do not pretend for a moment - not with a gesture, not with a look ...

Most often, people leave a small city to dream of returning there. Others stay to dream of leaving there. Chuck Palahniuk. Rant: A Biography of Buster Casey.

House? What are you talking about? My house is on Lookout Court, where Bobo is. Home is where my mom and friends are. And also - I even began to think that home is where you and I are. Ben Sherwood. Charlie St. Cloud's double life

This is not a house, this is a courtyard of some kind.

All I need is a room where I can put my hat and a few friends. - Dorothy Parker

We spend too much time in our rooms. We think too much within four walls. We live too much and despair locked up. And in the bosom of nature, how can you fall into despair?

A dwelling becomes a Home only through the woman or the presence of a child.

The road home is always faster

As is the master, so is the servant. - Petronius Arbiter Guy

Buildings should be constructed so that they do not last long. And if they are over ten years old, in my opinion, we need to get rid of them. I would build new buildings every fourteen years. Construction and demolition would keep the people busy, and there would be no rust from old pipes in the water.

And it was already a perfect home, for the cat served as a symbol and unmistakable evidence that contentment and peace reign under this roof. They say that even without a cat - well-fed, spoiled, accustomed to worship - there are ideal homes; Perhaps I don’t argue, but how is this proven? Mark Twain. Poopy Wilson

If you have a cat, you are not returning to the house, but home.

I am a guest abroad and prefer to behave accordingly.

It's strange when my house is not you, but just a room.

He who lives everywhere does not live anywhere. - Martial

A person without an address is suspicious, a person with two addresses - even more so. - D B Show

It's never too late to return home.

At home - lions, outside - foxes. Petronius Only kings, girls and thieves can be everywhere at home. - O. de Balzac

Home is not a place, but a state of mind.

Home is where the heart is, and I left my heart to you. Love and betrayal.

A home where happiness reigns cannot be too small.

The house is in the hands of slaves - the kingdom of obscurantism. - Hong Zicheng

The two of you should understand better than anyone that outward well-being can be deceiving. John confessed to me that things in his home did not matter, he did not go into details, but usually preferred to spend a couple of extra hours at work, rather than go home. Pretender The Pretender

There is a place in the house or not, if only there was a place in the heart. When you are alone One 2 Ka 4

We all love our home. Some - which is. Others - that was. Still others - which will never be ...

Homesickness is not always the vague, nostalgic and even wonderful feeling that we are used to imagining it. It can be as sharp as a knife and turn into a disease not in a figurative, but in a literal sense. It can change a person's outlook on life. The faces on the street become for him not indifferent, but repulsive and even malevolent. Homesickness is a real disease, the pain of a plant uprooted. Stephen King. Breathing method.

He felt at home there, but at home he felt bad.

But a hotel is not a home. And it always seems to me that my real home is my office. Zakhar Oskotsky. The last tower of Troy.

Of course, you are not sorry to leave me. For people like you and me, home is where we are not.

Where they love us - only there is a hearth dear. - George Noel Gordon Byron

A house is not a household, not a joint lodging, as you said, not even children. Home is when nothing is hidden from each other. After all, today you and I have a home.

The house of the kingdom divided within itself will not stand. Verse 12:25 Bible. New Testament

Home is the place where you should always be welcomed when you go there. Alas, this is also a place from which they do not want to let you out.

At home ... they can absorb the state of mind, emotions, so that over time, the walls begin to emit the feelings of the people who live there. These feelings lurk in the cracks in the floor, in the stains of soot on the ceiling, in the smells of the kitchen. Ross MacDonald. Heralds of misfortune

How much easier it is to be an inveterate bachelor knowing that someone is lovingly waiting for you here in this house.

A house is a car for living. Le Corbusier

I do not like apartments that do not have the owner's imprint. Sergey Lukyanenko. The Last Watch.

In a house without tenants - you will not find well-known insects. - Kozma Prutkov

There is no place sweeter than home. - Cicero Mark Tullius

Home is the place where you have to be admitted when you have nowhere to go.

Akragant people eat as if they will die tomorrow, but they build houses as if they will live forever.

Home is not just a place where you sleep. This is an extension of your self, living its own life.

A house divided into itself will not stand.

Man and Motherland are like a tree and the Earth. The more roots, the stronger their connection. And woe to the enemies who encroached on the Fatherland. Maria Semyonova. Swan road.

A person who dreams of leaving the place where he lives is clearly unhappy.

Houses, like people, have their own soul and their own face, which reflects their inner essence. - Alexander Dumas father

Let him who enters our house marvel at us, and not at our dishes. - Seneca Lucius Anneus the Younger

Good leadership in your home.

Thanks to this house, I will go to another!

A home, warmed by the warmth of a faithful friend, makes a person invulnerable. - Martin Andersen-Nexø

First we leave the parental nest, and then, it happens, our first family nest too, and we always feel the same pain, because we feel forever orphaned. Frederic Beigbeder. Love lives for three years.

After all, a house is not a place, but people.

Man is small, but his home is the world. - Varro Mark Terence

My home, my childhood ... Sweet home. Probably, I had it. Home ... my, childhood ... I will calm down only when I find you ... me!

The enemy living in your house is the most dangerous. The blows of the sword of his evil word or the spear of hatred always strike right in the heart. - As-Samarkandi

A ship is a home, it is the joy of your favorite work, the most expensive piece of the Universe. But which of the people does not like to visit? That is why cosmonauts treasure so much, even for short hours of leave ...

Any door, no matter how you close it up, will forever remain a door as long as the house is standing.

Anyone who has no home anywhere is free to go anywhere. - E.M. Remarque

The darkest secrets can be learned from the comfort of your home.

Our journey is actually a search. Searching for love and affection. Sometimes he brings us back home.

Everything is soaked to the skin, a person cannot understand why the downpour is so gushing, even the roof over his head seems to have dissolved in this gray mass of water.

The houses are new and the prejudices are old. - A. Griboyedov

Walk many roads, return to your home, and look at everything as if for the first time.

If a person is attracted to home, then he knows how to be happy.

All life is the road home. Salesmen, secretaries, miners, accountants, sword swallowers - for all of us. All restless hearts in the world are looking for their way home. Healer Adams Patch Adams

If home is where the heart is, then where to go if you don't have a heart? In Miguel's case, a five-star hotel.

There is always a way home. Why not start with this? Let's see what happens.

Homework tends to fill all the free time plus another half hour.

At the age of sixty, a person begins to realize the value of the hearth. - Edward George Bulwer-Lytton

The house smelled of dust and dampness and something vaguely sweet, as if the ghosts of a long-dead cookie dwelled here.

Women's quarrels burn out the whole house. - Menander

There is no better place on earth than home.

Any misfortune will not be scared as long as there is a house, and there are relatives in it.

A good wife, a good home - what else does a person need to meet old age ?!

Why wash the dishes if no one sees it?

Each father of the family should be the master of his own house, and not in the house of a neighbor. - Voltaire

House. The place worth going, the house worth living in. A house, the inhabitants of which must be made happy, a house for which it is worth tearing the throat of a villain who came with sharp arrows or a fiery torch, a house ... A house where the Law is observed, Benefit is undoubted, and Love is alive. Henry Lyon Oldie. Network for Peacekeepers.

At home - lions, outside - foxes. - Petronius Arbiter Guy

A house without books is like a body without a soul. - Cicero Mark Tullius

Now I lie there, half numb, half burning in pain. In the meantime, every morning I still manage to get up and leave the house - though I have to remind myself that this is really my home. Remind, as if a bloody trail, visible even to the naked eye, does not lead from this place.

  • Ingratitude is the most vile, but at the same time the most common and most primordial - this is the ingratitude of children towards their parents. (L. Vovenargue)
  • Your friends may be traitors, your loved ones may be unfaithful, but your parents are always with you, always alone. Appreciate them above all.
  • Good kids for parents are the ones that can be seen but not heard. Good parents for children are those who are neither seen nor heard.
  • By the time we realize that our parents were right, we already have our children who believe that we are wrong.
  • Statuses and quotes about parents with meaning - Any guardianship that continues after adulthood turns into usurpation. (V. Hugo)

TOP-20 statuses and quotes about parents

  • Love and appreciate your parents.) If it weren't for them, you wouldn't be there either.
  • Good parents are already a big dowry.
  • Parents do not understand how much harm they do to their children when, using their parental authority, they want to impose their beliefs and outlook on life. (F.E.Dzerzhinsky)
  • And in this world you cannot trust anyone except mom and dad, believe me.
  • The strongest SUV in the world is the parents ... They will pull it out of any hole!
  • It is necessary to cultivate in children a love for people, and not for oneself. And for this the parents themselves. you have to love people. (F.E.Dzerzhinsky)
  • Parents are all the best we have, appreciate them, because only they will love and believe in you until the very end ...
  • Family education for parents is, first of all, self-education. (N.K. Krupskaya)
  • The parental home is a small paradise: it sleeps well and smells of goodies. This is the best corner in the whole earth.
  • By raising children, today's parents are raising the future history of our country, and hence the history of the world. (A.S. Makarenko)
  • Parents are the bones on which their children sharpen their teeth.
  • The love of parents is the most selfless. (G. Marx)
  • Never complain about things your parents couldn't give you. Perhaps they gave you everything they had. Each of you is deeply indebted to them.
  • The relationship between parents and children is as difficult and as dramatic as the relationship between lovers. (A. Moru)
  • Loving and friendly parents make a child happy, not expensive toys.
  • Whatever you do for your parents, expect the same from your children. (Pittac)
  • There is nothing authentic left in the world. Except for parental love.
  • First, we teach our children. Then we ourselves learn from them. (J. Rainey)
  • It's strange why so many parents don't realize how much we will be like them? Why don't they think about it, why don't they get better, more interesting, more mysterious? After all, raising a child is the same as falling in love with yourself: do you want to be something beautiful to be loved? Doesn't a child deserve the love of their parents?
  • Love for your parents is the basis of all virtues. (Cicero)
  • Let our parents live a long, long time, the rest is not so important.
  • Raising a child requires more penetrating thinking, deeper wisdom than governing a state. (W. Channing)
  • When people ask me what it is like to be a parent, I answer that this is one of the most difficult trials, but in return you learn to love. Everything that the child does seems to the parents to be the greatest miracle.
  • Parents least of all forgive their children for the vices that they themselves have instilled in them. (F. Schiller)
  • Statuses and quotes about parents with meaning - Being a parent means constantly hoping that your child will not go so far ahead that you can no longer understand his next step.

Statuses about relatives - We least of all think about loved ones when they are, and we suffer the most when they are not.

Do not try to remake your loved ones! The person will not change according to your will - he will only begin to dodge, pretend and lie. It's easier and easier. And to change - no, never.

God always surrounds us with those people with whom we need to be healed of our shortcomings.

Happiness is when there are no sick people in the house. There are no relatives in prison. Among friends there are no rotten ones.

Appreciate those with whom you can be yourself. Without masks, omissions and ambitions. And take care of them, they are sent to you by fate. Indeed, in your life there are only a few of them ...

With your hands, feet, claws, teeth, cling to the people who make you better.

They say that next to us are those whom we deserve ... This is where I messed up like that?

Never reject an old friend or someone close to you, because you will not find someone to take his place. True friendship is like fine wine: the older, the stronger.

Life is unfairly arranged: close people are far away ... distant people are close ... And close people are all too often !!!

Sometimes the degree of intimacy between people is determined by the degree of pain they can inflict on each other ...

Do not put off your loved ones for later. Then they will not be.

People close to me are in my thoughts. Loved ones are in the heart. Dear ones, in prayers. And someone was lucky three times ...

Do not believe the mirrors ... they are deceitful. Only love in the eyes of others is a true reflection.

Happiness is when your relatives and people very close to you are healthy! The rest will be repaired, thrown away, bought, forgotten ...

Today in our family in the morning complete harmony reigns: the baby took "Vrednolin", mom - "Stervozol", and dad - "Papazol". Everyone is happy!

My relatives believe that they have only one responsibility towards me - to teach me how to live.

You need to see the difference between those who speak to you in their free time and those who free up time to talk to you.

Our real loved ones are not our brothers, sisters or relatives, in general, but people who have the same aspirations, desires and ways of thinking with us. (M. Prentice)

The best things in life are free: hugs, smiles, friends, kisses, family, sleep, love, laughter and a good mood!

If you take care of your neighbors badly, then you will have to endure the distant ones.

Relatives and loved ones hit harder than others, because they are so close that a mistake is impossible ...

Don't ask me how you are doing. If you are a person close to me, then you already know this. And if you are nobody to me, then I will never tell you the truth.

I noticed that my relatives rarely called me. They are clearly hiding something, most likely money.

Do not reject people who want to be with you, perhaps they will be the only ones who will stay with you in the most difficult moments of life.

There are two types of relatives: "Hurray, you have come!" and "Hurray, they won't come!"

Everything is changing. Strangers become relatives. Relatives are strangers. Friends turn into passers-by. Loved ones - in friends.

If your relatives do not call you for a long time, then everything is fine with them.

Statuses about relatives and friends - It is easy to love distant ones, but not so easy to love those close to you.

Parents ... How much love is in one word. How much gratitude and devotion. For each person, these are the closest people, for the expression of feelings, which simply do not have enough words. The article offers statuses about parents - options for how you can beautifully say about your love.

Funny statuses about fathers and children

  • it's easier to be when a great grandmother is around. "
  • "My parents think I'm sitting on their neck. And I just don't want to leave."
  • "In the first grade, they ask if I learned my homework. In the eighth grade, did I collect my portfolio. In the eleventh grade, if I am going to school at all."
  • "The most effective way to quit smoking is to tell your parents about it."
  • “There’s only one person you can tell your parents about. And that’s a grandmother.”
  • "Now parents, trying to talk with their child about where children come from, are learning a lot of new things themselves."
  • "Mom is not as ugly as in a first-grader's sketchbook."
  • "Nothing brings to life after a holiday with friends like a call from mom."

Statuses about parents are also a variant of beautiful wording that can be used in letters and other messages. After all, the most important thing must be said without waiting for a special occasion.

Statuses about parents touching to tears - Parents are like God. It is important for you to know that your mother and father are always with you, that they approve of your actions and deeds. However, you only call them when you are in trouble or need something.

Parents are all the best we have, appreciate them, because only they will love and believe in you until the very end ...

The parental home is a small paradise: it sleeps well and smells of goodies. This is the best corner in the whole earth.

I am not so afraid of anything as the time when my parents are gone.

Parents are the bones on which their children sharpen their teeth.

Never complain about things your parents couldn't give you. Perhaps they gave you everything they had. Each of you is deeply indebted to them.

Loving and friendly parents make a child happy, not expensive toys.

Guys, appreciate your parents ... Otherwise, then this opportunity may not be presented. No matter how they scold you, all the same, you are their greatest love ...

Appreciate every moment you spend with your parents.

There is nothing authentic left in the world. Except for parental love.

Morning. I am in bed. No one bothers to sleep, they walk quietly, on tiptoe. Smells delicious from the kitchen. Dream? No, I came home! To parents!

Everything can be experienced: great love, betrayal, leaving friends. Everything except the death of the parents is a huge wound in the heart that will not heal.

Only then we become adults when our parents die, while they are alive, we are children ...

It's strange why so many parents don't realize how much we will be like them? Why don't they think about it, why don't they get better, more interesting, more mysterious? After all, raising a child is the same as falling in love with yourself: do you want to be something beautiful to be loved? Doesn't a child deserve the love of their parents?

Let our parents live a long, long time, the rest is not so important.

You need to live so that your parents are proud of you. Friends were holding on to you. The other half loved. Enemies died of envy. And everyone else stupidly admired.

In all their lives, my parents have never said something that I want to embroider with silk on my pillow.

Hugging parents - we become calm. Embracing loved ones - we become happy. Hugging children - we become kind. Hugging friends - we become sincere. Hugging acquaintances - we become open. Embracing life - we become wise.

I think being a parent is kind of trying to kill your child.

I love my daddy ... When I'm not in the mood, he tries in any way to lift him up for me ... I love him! He is the best man in my life ... Dad, you are the best!

It must be difficult to be a father and live in constant fear that one day your daughter will meet the boyfriend of her dreams. Or, on the contrary, he will never love anyone.

Every child should feel the arms of mom and dad who are hugging him. Loving happy parents are what every child needs.

The parental home is like a staging post, a calm and welcoming hotel for a weary wanderer to rest. Take a break and catch your breath, but not live. Constantly being in the old place, you warm yourself up in the past, it is something attractive, cozy. And before you have time to blink an eye, you fall into a sluggish slumber of lack of will. If you stay a little longer, then you will not escape.

There is nothing more important than our parents. Do not sow disappointment in their souls! Love them, take care, carry them on your hands! And don't forget to thank them for everything.

We love our children too much and too little our parents.

When people ask me what it is like to be a parent, I answer that this is one of the most difficult trials, but in return you learn to love. Everything that the child does seems to the parents to be the greatest miracle.

Can't understand why wanting money is bad? It's bad to have bad desires! And I just want to provide my parents with a happy old age! I want to make my parents happy so that they do not feel disappointed at the end of their journey!

It is the distinction between freedom and permissiveness that many parents cannot grasp. In a strict, harsh family, children have no rights; in a spoiled family, they have rights to everything. A good family is one in which children and adults have equal rights.

The heart shrinks and aches, it hurts to watch our parents grow old ...

Being a parent means constantly hoping that your child will not go so far ahead that you can no longer understand his next step.