Essential oils instead of fabric softener. How to make a fabric softener at home. Vinegar Conditioner

Sometimes housewives have to solve a problem with how to replace the fabric softener. Indeed, in our time there are many different products designed for better washing or keeping things in a new state. One of these substances is fabric softener. Naturally, it is not necessary to add it, but if you compare 2 completely different washes with and without it, you will see that the washed items with rinse aid are much softer and more fragrant than others. Despite its benefits, not every average family can afford such pleasure, plus some people are allergic to it. What to do in this case, because you really want your linen to be always fresh and soft?


Who would have thought, but an equally high-quality product can be prepared on your own with a minimum investment of time and money. This idea inspires many current housewives who love cleanliness and aroma of linen, but cannot afford to buy such a product due to certain circumstances.

A high-quality and aromatic solution can be prepared from existing components.

There is another plus of making an air conditioner at home. Not always the purchase is pleasant to all family members. Quite often, conflicts arise on this basis, and relatives simply refused to machine wash. In this case, everything is much easier, since before cooking you can consult with everyone and make the right choice. An equally high-quality and aromatic solution can be prepared from the currently existing components.

Most home air conditioners include vinegar, which gives the product a slightly sour flavor. If this is not to your taste, you can make an equally effective remedy without using it. Modern technologies have reached the point that at home we can prepare an equally high-quality product that even professionals cannot distinguish from a store counterpart. With all this, studies have shown that the aroma of a home remedy lasts at least 2 times longer on linen, which cannot but please the household.

Still, some people dislike sugary smells and prefer things not to smell at all, but at the same time will not give up the other effect of the conditioner - softness. In this case, only a mechanical method can help. In this case, several (2-4) tennis balls should be placed in the washing machine drum along with the laundry. They soften clothes and linen.

Thus, there are several main advantages of using a home remedy:

  • saving finances;
  • complete safety for both adults and children;
  • the possibility of inventing the scent that you like;
  • long-term action of the agent;
  • does not cause allergic reactions.

All of the above advantages force housewives to give preference to just such rinses.


There are many recipes for such a product, most of which contain vinegar. Such products, like store counterparts, are used for machine washing.

For the most popular mouthwash, prepare at least 4 liters of acetic acid and about 20 drops of lavender essential oil or any other plant you like. To prepare the conditioner, simply stir these ingredients and bottle them. The fabric softener is ready, and this process takes less than 10 minutes.

Most mouthwash recipes contain vinegar.

Add approximately a cup of the product to each wash. If there are few things loaded in the machine, this dose should be reduced by at least half. This rule applies to white lingerie. For colored items, add half a cup of the product and reduce this dose, if necessary, accordingly. You can store such a conditioner for no more than a week. Therefore, if you need a product for the 1st procedure, you do not need to prepare 4 liters, as it is a perishable product, especially when exposed to sunlight.

Another homemade conditioner can be made with vinegar and mint. The recipe is pretty simple. For 3 liters of vinegar, approximately 20 drops of peppermint oil are used. If you make less conditioner, then, accordingly, you should reduce the amount of added essential oil, otherwise the aroma will become too cloying and even unpleasant. At least a glass of this product must be added to a full load of the washing machine, regardless of the color of the laundry. You can store the air conditioner for 6 days in a dry and dark place.

Simple clean table vinegar can provide the necessary softness of linen for hand washing. It may seem that things after such a wash will have an unpleasant smell, but in fact it quickly disappears if you dry the laundry in the fresh air.

And, of course, one cannot but mention the conditioner made from water, vinegar and hair balm. For 6 parts distilled water, use 3 parts vinegar and 2 parts any hair conditioner. If desired, add a few drops of essential oil for more flavor. Half a glass of this product is enough for a normal full wash with a full load of the washing machine.

As you can see, a home rinse aid has many advantages over its expensive store-bought counterpart. By making this tool yourself, you can not only save money, but also get a longer lasting effect.

Not every housewife knows that you can make your own fabric softener at home, and not just buy it in a store. This is as easy as shelling pears to do. You have to put in very little effort. The main thing is to find a suitable recipe. A home-made rinse aid will cost several times less than a similar store-bought product. At the same time, in terms of quality and efficiency of use, a homemade softener is in no way inferior to an industrial one and will allow you to achieve what you want - to get perfectly soft, pleasant to the touch, good-smelling linen at minimal cost.

Benefits of home air conditioners

Few of us delve into the composition of store chemicals designed to soften linen. As practice shows, it is completely in vain. More than 95% of rinses from different manufacturers contain substances that are harmful and even dangerous for the human body, which can cause not only a mild allergic reaction, but also serious diseases. In such a situation, a completely justified question arises: what can be used instead of store softeners and how to replace such compositions? A good solution is to make a homemade fabric softener for use in the washing machine or hand wash. In this case, you will be 100% sure that only safe components are included in its composition, and after washing the laundry will acquire not a caustic chemical, but a light natural aroma, will be the most delicate and pleasant to the touch.

Other advantages of home-made air conditioners:

  • do not damage the fabric, do not "eat" the color of the linen,
  • extremely economical
  • can be used not only for adults, but also for children's underwear.

How to make a natural conditioner at home?

The instructions for making a homemade softener will help you quickly prepare the right product. Here you must adhere to the following rule: do not violate the recipe and proportions indicated in the explanation.

Consider the most popular homemade fabric softener recipes:

Recipe 1 - with vinegar

Simple and affordable option. Vinegar can be found in the kitchen of every housewife. It is an acid that perfectly dissolves alkaline soap products and perfectly disinfects laundry. Just before starting the rinse cycle, pour a little vinegar (about 50 ml) into the fabric softener compartment.

Recipe 2 - with vinegar and essential oil

You can mix vinegar with a little of your favorite essential oil in a ratio of 20 drops to 4 liters of vinegar. In this way, we get the volume for long-term use. At wash white linen, add 250 ml of such a product, washing colored - 100-120 ml of conditioner.

Important! It is forbidden to use vinegar together with bleaches, as well as to use more than the recommended amount of the product. - this can lead to shrinkage of things.

Recipe 3 - with baking soda

If you're the type of person who hates the smell of vinegar, you can make a baking soda conditioner. The latter perfectly softens hard tap water, makes the washed things cloudy soft. Like vinegar, soda can be used in its pure form by adding half a glass of soda before the Rinse mode at the maximum load of the washing machine. If you wash very few items, then the amount of softener used should be reduced by half.

Recipe 4 - with vinegar, soda, essential oils

Another popular recipe: mix equal proportions of baking soda, vinegar and warm water in a plastic container. Stir the main ingredients vigorously and add 2-3 drops of essential oil. The resulting softener must be added during washing in a small amount. You can store the air conditioner in the refrigerator in a glass container for no more than six days. By increasing the amount of oil in the composition, you can achieve a more or less intense aroma.

Important! Vinegar, mixed with baking soda, gives a reaction, so proceed with caution. Also, make sure that the essential oil (especially citrus fruits: lemon, lemongrass, bergamot, orange, tangerine or grapefruit) does not get on the skin of the hands in its pure form. - it can cause an allergic reaction.

Recipe 5 - with borax

It will help not only soften the laundry during washing, but also get rid of stubborn stains. During washing, add a quarter glass of borax to the compartment of the washing machine.
Externally borax - it is a powder of crystalline structure, a natural mineral. It is used both in cosmetology and in the preparation of household chemicals. Known for its emollient properties, it is used in creams, balms, conditioners, rinses and bath bombs. Can be purchased at a pharmacy or ordered from an online store that sells ingredients for natural cosmetics.

Recipe 6 - with table salt

The product will improve the color of the fabric, make things after washing more pleasant to the touch and smell good. In a glass bowl, mix 4 cups table salt with a few drops of essential oil and stir vigorously with a wooden spoon or stick. Add 3-4 tablespoons of softener while rinsing. This natural home remedy can be stored in a sealed container in a cool place away from sunlight.

Most housewives who have tried home-made air conditioner at least once in their lives give up expensive store options forever. At the same time, they note that in terms of their qualities and action, home softeners really benefit in many ways. First of all, in matters of safety for the body.

Now you know how to soften your laundry without air conditioning at home. To do this, you will need inexpensive and affordable tools that are found in every kitchen. Try our recipes and Leave your feedback on their effectiveness in the comments.

The use of rinse aids is essential in helping to preserve the original color and softness of the garment. To do this, you can also use do-it-yourself fabric softeners for washing machines. The preparation of these funds does not require large expenses, and their high efficiency and safety will force many housewives to abandon the use of chemical additives.

Home-made air conditioners are just as effective as expensive household cleaning products. Among their advantages, it is worth highlighting:

  • increasing the comfort of wearing clothes, which, after washing, acquire a pleasant softness;
  • removal of electrostatic effects, which is especially important when regularly wearing synthetic or woolen items;
  • easier ironing of linen;
  • low likelihood of developing allergic reactions;
  • exclusion of the possibility of intoxication of the body;
  • ease of preparation;
  • low cost of required ingredients;
  • preservation of the original color;
  • long-term preservation of clothes clean.

Due to the fact that most fabric softeners contain aromatic substances, clothes will acquire a pleasant aroma after washing. Also, among the advantages of hand-made funds, there are:

  • the ability to give things any flavor by adding various essential oils to the conditioner;
  • environmental safety, since the waste after washing is not hazardous to the environment;
  • facilitating the task of removing powder or soap residues while rinsing things.

Among the disadvantages of rinses, it is worth highlighting their low efficiency when washing multi-colored items. In addition, white streaks may form on dark clothing.

Effective recipes

Household products can be used to replace commercial air conditioners. Among them, the most commonly used are boric acid, hair balm, vinegar, baking soda and table salt.


Instead of rinses, a 9% vinegar solution is perfect for washing. The acid it contains helps to disinfect things. In addition, it is a good prophylactic agent against the formation of plaque in the heating device of the washing machine.

Before washing, add 80-100 milliliters of vinegar to the fabric softener tray. After processing, the clothes are hung on the street. This rinse aid will make it possible to preserve the original structure of things, as well as their color and softness.


When washing clothes with baking soda, add 100-120 grams of the product to the special compartment for the conditioner.

To avoid the appearance of white streaks on dark clothes, the powder must be dissolved in 150-200 milliliters of warm water in advance.

Alternatively, you can make another soda-based home remedy. To do this, you need to take 100 grams of soda, as well as 100 milliliters of warm water and vinegar. Next, the ingredients are mixed in a plastic container. You can also add a few drops of aromatic essential oil. Then the mixture is thoroughly mixed and poured into a glass container made of opaque material.


This product is often used to soften wash water. It can also be used to disinfect rubber seals in washing machines. In addition, with the help of borax, stains that are not removed when using conventional conditioners are perfectly cleaned.

After using boric acid, the fabric becomes softer. It is easier to iron. To make the product, you need to dilute 50 grams of borax in 100 milliliters of water. The substance need not be prepared in advance. It should be stored in a closed container and out of the reach of sunlight.


To create a salt rinse, you need 100 grams of the product along with 10 drops of essential oil. Mix the ingredients, cover and shake well. The product should be used 2 tablespoons before washing. It will help restore the original color of the garment and soften the fabric fibers, making them softer.

With hair balm

The tool softens water and things well. To prepare an effective product, you need to mix 150 milliliters of the substance, 200 milliliters of vinegar and 400 milliliters of water. Add no more than 4 spoons during each wash. In order to give the product a pleasant aroma, you can add 8-10 drops of essential oil.

Replacement options

It is recommended that you replace the main ingredient in a salt-based product with Epsom salts. It is used in the treatment of cardiovascular disease, but it can also be a great option for making a rinse at home. The hair balm product can be replaced with a quality shower gel.

Washing with tennis balls

They are used to soften the fabric fibers of coarse clothing. To do this, 3-4 balls are placed in the drum and the wash is started. The material from which they are made is safe for the human body. At the same time, it does not damage the fabric. For this reason, it can be used for delicate laundry.

This option is optimal for families with allergies or small children. Balls are also used when washing down jackets so that the foam padding does not get lumped.

Terms of use

It is recommended to knead homemade rinses and conditioners just before washing. It is also worth observing the proportions, since otherwise damage to the clothes is possible. They are safe for human health, therefore, they do not require the use of special protective equipment. In this case, you should avoid getting vinegar, soda, borax and hair balm on the mucous membranes. This can lead to their irritation and the development of inflammatory processes.

Other home uses

In addition to washing, these tools are used in other household tasks. Among them, it is worth highlighting:

  • washing windows, mirrors, walls, tiles and floors;
  • cleaning clogged pipes;
  • disinfection of various surfaces.

Windows and mirrors

A vinegar-based cleaner is ideal for cleaning windows and mirrors. It is able to remove small stains and penetrate into hard-to-reach places. At the same time, the substance does not leave streaks and disinfects the street side of the windows.

Walls, tiles, floor

Use a vinegar-based product to remove grease and dirt stains in the kitchen. A soda solution is used to clean the tiles. It can be used to remove the top layer of dirt, which will give the floor and walls a new look.

Blockages in pipes

In the case of clogged pipes, many housewives recommend using a borax. To do this, you need to pour the product into a washbasin or bathtub, and then pour several liters of boiling water. The blockages will be cleared in a few hours.

Disinfection of surfaces

Cleaning various surfaces from pathogenic microorganisms is possible with a boric acid-based product. To do this, you need to use a weak solution, as borax can damage the upholstery or floor.

In addition, acetic acid is used for disinfection. It effectively destroys pests without harming surfaces. After using it, it is recommended to rinse the treated area with water to avoid unpleasant smell in the room.

When using homemade conditioners and rinses, the solutions must be mixed immediately before washing. After using them, the mixture is placed in a sealed container and placed in a cool dark place until the next wash.

These products, when used correctly, do not pose a risk to human health. However, you should avoid getting vinegar, soda, borax and hair balm on the mucous membranes. This can lead to their irritation and the development of inflammatory processes.

Using home-made air conditioners will save you money and make things softer and fresher without expensive tools. They are also safe for human health and can be used in other household problems, which makes them more functional than original laundry mixes.

Today, the use of various water softeners and rinses in washing has become commonplace. But few people know that you can make a fabric softener with your own hands, which is much more profitable than constantly buying such products. And in terms of the quality of the result, our own mixtures are in no way inferior to industrial ones.

What is required?

If you read the composition of air conditioners that are presented in stores, the list will be impressive. And not all ingredients are good for health, especially for the child's body. Of course, there are good conditioners on the market - natural, hypoallergenic. But their price will also be high.

That is why the rinse aid of its own production is good, that all the components in it are always at hand, are inexpensive and do not harm health. Of course, allergic reactions to these ingredients should not be ruled out, but they happen much less often than in the case of industrial air conditioners. And such a composition is being prepared in just a few minutes. But how long it will last depends only on you. You can immediately prepare a rinse aid with a margin, it is stored well.

In order to make an air conditioner at home, you will need the following components:

  • vinegar;
  • baking soda (can be replaced with soda ash);
  • Epsom salt - sold at the pharmacy, regular salt will not work here;
  • warm water;
  • essential oil (lavender, orange, lemon or any other with a pleasant smell);
  • hair conditioner (not balm or rinse);
  • a container in which the air conditioner will be stored (you can even take a bottle from a purchased product).

As you can see, no complicated and rare ingredients are required. You probably have all this at home. If not, a visit to the pharmacy or the store will help fill the gap.

Manufacturing process

If you decide to make a rinse aid for linen at home, then you can do this both in advance and immediately before use itself - it is prepared quickly.

Now all you have to do is choose a rinse aid based on the ingredients available at home, and you can start making. Having tried to make such a tool once, you are unlikely to return to industrial versions. Homemade formulas are cheaper, safer, and soften the laundry just as well as those bought in the store.

Store-bought fabric softeners can cause allergies, they are not recommended for baby clothes, and they are sometimes expensive. An economical and completely safe mouthwash for the health of all family members is quite possible to create at home.

Homemade rinse recipe

Environmentally friendly and fragrant are the two main advantages of the air conditioner, which contains only three components: salt, water and essential oil.

The recipe is as follows:

  • 1 glass of water;
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of salt;
  • 10 drops of essential oil.

The essential oil is best selected taking into account the aromatic preferences of all family members.

In a glass of hot, but not boiling water, dissolve table or sea salt. We are waiting for it to cool down to a state of warm milk. Then add essential oil to the resulting composition. Mix thoroughly and pour into a container with a screw cap.

How to use a homemade air conditioner

The homemade rinse aid is suitable for both short-term use and storage.

For machine wash, pour 2 tbsp. Into the softener compartment. spoons of the product and turn on the cycle with an additional rinse. Some models have special programs with switching to the "rinse aid" mode. After washing, it is recommended to shake the laundry thoroughly and dry it as usual.

For hand washing, 1 tbsp will be enough. spoons of softener. After the main procedure of washing clothes in a basin, we first rinse the clothes in plain water, then with the addition of a conditioner, and then water again.

It is better to dry clothes in a well-ventilated area or outdoors. Since it is difficult to rinse the laundry thoroughly by hand, the aroma in this case may be too pronounced.

If the fabric softener was not completely used up in the first wash, shake the bottle with the agent thoroughly when reusing it.

Solid pluses

The main plus is efficiency. The components used to prepare the rinse aid are the most straightforward. Salt is always found in the kitchen. Water, especially not a shortage. A bottle of essential oil will last for a long time.

Advantage number two is disinfection and softening. Salt has always been considered a good disinfectant. And our grandmothers also used saline baths to soften hardened skin.

And the last advantage: how exactly your linen will smell, you can decide for yourself by choosing different essential oils.

A home air conditioner is no worse than a store air conditioner. The main thing is not to overdo it with ingredients. For example, do not pour a whole bottle of prepared product into one wash. Or do not use too much salt to prepare the emollient. Take advice and experiment with moderation, for example with scents.