If a woman prefers bright nail polish. Red nails: male attention guaranteed

Character I think not, but the mood is possible!

How can nail polish color be influenced by mood?

Most psychologists claim that a person's mood can be expressed in different colors. Periodically, our color preferences change and this can be explained by the fact that the color we choose reflects our state of mind at the moment.

Knowledge of color theory can help in adjusting your own emotional background.

Choosing a wardrobe based on your mood is not always possible. Circumstances may be different: when the time of year does not correspond to, when the place we are going to, the lack of a large range of colors in things, etc. And then the choice falls on bright accessories, lipstick and nail polish!

So, the psychology of color:

This is the color of spiritual cheerfulness and maximum in feelings (passion, love, hate ...)

Red lacquer always attracts attention, it is demonstrative.

Red governs sexual relationships. He is able to push towards sexual intimacy, even if there is no true attraction.

The owners of red manicure are persistent, dynamic, capable of bold spontaneous actions, they are not afraid to attract attention, they want to be a leader, they always fight for their rights.


Scarlet. They are chosen by people who strive to conquer only the highest peaks, are prone to making irrevocable decisions and fanaticism)

Crimson. This shade has a slight bluish tint. A woman who chooses such a varnish color does not fight with life, but loves her, they are extremely sincere and believe in the power of words. The problems of this color are impulsiveness and unpredictability.

Fiery red (with the presence of a yellow-orange hue) is distinguished by extreme diligence, striving forward, willpower and ardor. His problem - he is too passionate about his zeal - leaves behind a scorched earth, burns himself.

Red-brown manicure is distinguished by calmness and self-confidence, enthusiasm, not designed to produce an external impression (brown extinguishes demonstrativeness). With an increased preference for this color, overwork and exhaustion are noted. The main problem is lack of purposefulness.

The dark burgundy color of the varnish (almost brown) inherited willpower from red, and a tendency to deep thought from brown. His problem is the ability to dwell on unpleasant events long past.

Pink means romance, femininity, love, friendliness, kindness, sometimes frivolity. The paler he is, the stronger the expression of love. Expresses a feeling of comfort, calms, relieves obsessive thoughts, helps in a crisis. But! - he is characterized by excessive sensitivity.


The bright pink color of the varnish is preferred by bold, freedom-loving representatives of the fairer sex, who are not indifferent to excesses and luxury.

Neon pink manicure color is chosen by women ready for new discoveries!

The choice of orange may indicate a desire for change, a desire to add bright moments in everyday life.

The action of the orange color gives us warm excitement. Orange color cheers up, gives strength for the struggle in life.

Orange color inspires bold and original actions and ideas.

In psychotherapy, orange strengthens the will, it provides support in case of bereavement or grief, brings the lost balance.

In medical terms, orange activates the endocrine glands. Regulates metabolic processes, treats the genitourinary system, improves blood circulation and skin color, has a beneficial effect on digestion, sharpens appetite and causes a feeling of euphoria.

White varnish color

Symbol of faith, purity, truthfulness and lordship.

This color of nail polish is chosen by women who are easy-going, open, capable of diplomatically solving their goals (in special cases, they can release marigolds)). But it happens that they also choose white in a state of disappointment, isolation.


Pearl color. It symbolizes luxury, gives strength, can cleanse the mind. The properties of this color come from the pearl itself: it opens when he himself likes what is happening around him, hence its isolation, mysterious inner warmth.

Black varnish color

The mysterious color associated with curiosity is sometimes frightening.

He is loved by people with the ability to foresee events.

Sometimes it means a feeling of uncertainty, depression.

A manicure with black varnish is also the choice of women who have a strong will, hard work and love to command. The choice of black by adolescents is often determined by the desire to demonstrate their opposition to the existing order of things.

Lovers of gray manicure are people with increased logical thinking, who love science, medicine or technology. They are capable of solving the most difficult and seemingly unsolvable problems. They are capable of a thorough and unbiased analysis of both their own and others' actions.

Gray is chosen when you want to put things in order and put everything on the shelves: things, thoughts, plans, relationships, life. When there is a desire for harmony and relaxation.

What about people who like to paint their nails yellow? They are very interesting personalities: energetic, adventurous, active. Such people strive to find inner harmony and know how to hide from failures and troubles.

It is also chosen by those who are in search of changes in relationships.

Brown represents reliability, stability, dedication, common sense.

Warm chocolate brown shades soothe, support during anxiety, excitement. Psychologists recommend choosing it, with nervous exhaustion, when it seems to a person that the situation of the conflict is insoluble.

The royal palette of violet shades in psychology is considered to be reconciling, uniting opposites. This is a combination of blue and red shades, shades of judgment and passion!

Women who prefer purple, even in manicure, are able to creatively approach life situations, combining seemingly incompatible things in their decisions. Have an innate intuition!

However, purple is also defined as very sensitive and vulnerable, "purple" girls tend to lead a dreamy lifestyle, often unwilling to put up with generally accepted principles of life.

The lady who stops her choice on him knows how to speak the truth in the face, but at the same time not to offend with a word.

Blue shades of varnish are used by peaceful girls, who, as a rule, are great lovers; in relationships with real partners, they are gentle and infinitely loyal.

According to psychology, blue is a color: freedom, carelessness, calmness.

People who choose blue as their predominant color tend to change their surroundings. They are collected, their body and mind are in perfect harmony.

This is the color of self-confident people, determined and purposeful. These are people who do not like to create conflicts, and when they find themselves in such situations, they decide everything through diplomacy. In psychology, blue speaks of the ability to reach a compromise, calmness and prudence.

Even not long-term contemplation of blue can slow down the heartbeat, stabilize blood pressure and bring the nervous system in order. A blue manicure can be a stress reliever and can be worn with almost any outfit.

Saturated shades are chosen by women with a strong will, able to overcome any difficulties, they are distinguished by their harmonious nature and benevolence.

Light green shades are usually chosen by girls - optimists and fidgets. They bring a fresh stream to any society, they are sociable, they are able to establish contact even with inveterate silent people! They love animals, are happy to help everyone who needs it.

The color green in psychology is associated with a craving for creativity, peace, stability and awakening.


The golden color of nail polish is preferred by representatives of high fashion and people connected in one way or another with the beauty industry.

The golden color of varnish usually gives its owner a lot of positive emotions and distracts from gloomy reflections. But sometimes its brilliance can be annoying, make it difficult to concentrate.

Silver is chosen by people who prefer freedom, who do not like restrictions. Embodies nobility, impartiality, love of fantasies. With its cold shine, it adds a proud aristocracy to the manicure.

Knowing about the properties of any of the colors, you can successfully use it in everyday life, and, of course, do not forget to take these properties into account when choosing a color for your future manicure. You can get more advanced knowledge at

Despite the newfangled trends in manicure, few people really listen to the advice of famous designers. Often, girls want to stand out and choose the color of the manicure on their own, not at all relying on someone else's opinion. It turns out that you can learn a lot about a person's character based on the choice of the color of the manicure! What color do you prefer?

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How to determine the character of a woman by the color of the manicure?




Black color nail polish

He is usually chosen by powerful girls who are not averse to taking the reins into their tender hands. They are strong-willed and self-sufficient representatives of the female half of humanity. Often, a thin and vulnerable person is hidden behind the image of the iron lady.

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Red or burgundy nail polish

Passionate and emotional persons are especially fond of scarlet manicure. But this is not always the case, many girls choose this color when they just crave to look passionate and full of vitality.



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Pink color

He is chosen by natures gentle, vulnerable and sensitive. They often need a strong male shoulder to make critical decisions.

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Attracts the attention of women who know a lot about entertainment, they are amorous, courageous and active. They are also characterized by forgetfulness, disorganization and a tendency to irrational actions.



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They are chosen by calm, reliable, peaceful and serene representatives of the fairer sex. By the way, such girls are often monogamous and infinitely loyal to their chosen one.

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Green color

Green manicure is preferred by ladies with a balanced, flexible character. He is also chosen by persons who lack the attention of loved ones, they find an outlet in reading books and virtual communication.

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Loved by those ladies who seem sweet and absent-minded. In fact, they are very practical, calculating and have good intuition. For all the external sentimentality and infantilism, they are cold-blooded and far-sighted.

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A good solution for every woman is to choose the color of the manicure, depending on the situation. If you have a serious business meeting, try applying purple nail polish. You will gain self-confidence and increase your chances of success!

Not only decorates a woman.

He can also tell a lot about her inner self.

Color preferences can tell a lot about a person. And when choosing a varnish of one color or another, a woman involuntarily characterizes herself as a person.

So, what will the color of your favorite nail polish tell about the woman herself?

Varnish color and character

Take a look at the picture and quickly choose the color that is closest to you and which, perhaps, you choose more often as nail polish.

So which color did you notice first?

This color will tell everything about your personality!

The next eight shade options are completely different. Here's what they mean in terms of your personality.

1. Black

Black nail polish is not the only choice of rebellious teenagers - it is actually the color preferred by most creative people.

If you are a fan of darker shades of varnish such as black or charcoal, that means you have a creative side.

Most likely, you are a person of a fine mental organization. And you are either an artist, or a poet, or a sculptor. Perhaps even a chef.

Even if you don't consider yourself particularly artistic, but you choose black polish over and over again, it could mean that you have a very creative mind and need to develop your creativity.

What does varnish color mean

2. Bright green

As you might have guessed, energetic and active individuals choose neon green nail polish.

Like other neon colors, green is very vibrant and bold. And since green itself is also known to be soothing, it is less painful to the eye, such as neon pink or neon orange.

Although you have a lot of energy, you are a rather down-to-earth person and do not hang in the clouds. You make people smile and you are always ready for different adventures.

3. Purple

Women opting for a soft purple nail polish tend to have a calm, level-headed and relaxed personality.

In the eyes of those around them, such people look like a reliable support and a stone wall, everyone knows that they can be trusted and seek advice with any problems.

Lovers of lilac shades never judge, they are open and sincere personalities.

People who prefer this color are not leaders by nature, they are never in the spotlight, and they do not need it. But they are reliable, loving and emitting goodness and light of personality.

Choose varnish by color

4. Orange

Girls who choose orange nail polish are cocky and impulsive. Orange, tangerine and orange shades are chosen by the same bright and extraordinary personalities.

As a rule, fans of orange nail polish are always leaders, they tell interesting stories loud and funny, making others laugh out loud.

They are also people who are ready for crazy adventures, taking those around them with them.

If you are opting for orange nail polish, you probably enjoy being in the spotlight and wowing everyone with your style.

You don't care what other people think of you, you are a free-spirited person and love to have fun.

5. Overpowered burgundy

Deep burgundy or burgundy is a sophisticated and sexy color.

If you choose this shade of varnish, it means that you are a very mature person.

Relatives and friends turn to you for advice (especially when it comes to their love affairs), they know they can count on you when they need to have a serious conversation.

Women who choose burgundy nail polish are confident and confident that they are extremely attractive in the eyes of others.

6. White

White nail polish for girls young at heart and light.

If you choose a white nail polish, it means that you are very young at heart, and you have a rather light attitude towards life.

You do not allow others to drag you into conflicts and try not to think about negativity and serious life problems.

Your friends know they can always count on you. You lift their spirits and make the lives of others happier and brighter.

If you choose white nail polish, you are probably a trendsetter among girlfriends and are crazy about beautiful things.

7. Candy pink

Pink is Barbie's favorite color.

Pink nail polish is a classic color chosen by delicate and airy persons.

If you are attracted to this candy shade or another neutral color, it means that you are a bright person who radiates warmth, kindness and positive energy.

Light pink nail polishes are chosen by ambitious and career-oriented personalities.

This color also indicates that you are an elegant, stylish and regal woman who knows her worth and knows how to present herself correctly.

8. Fiery red

And finally, the color red.

Not sure which color to choose? Paint your nails red.

Fiery red is always a safe bet. This nail polish color is chosen by women with a dominant, assertive and strong character. These are, as a rule, strong-minded personalities.

Those who prefer fiery red are natural born leaders and love to be surrounded by large numbers of people.

Women who love red polish tend to have many friends. People are often drawn to them, they are loved by friends, relatives and colleges.

Lovers of bright varnish easily get along with those around them and are fantastic storytellers.

There are various tricks through which you can determine the nature and character of a person with whom you are not even familiar. A special science is known - physiognomy, thanks to which, it is possible to determine the character of a person by the features of his face.

All this, of course, does not mean that a person can be seen only by his external data, but the occupation of "decoding" is so exciting that the researchers went even further. They claim that you can even determine by the color of the varnish, which she usually prefers in her manicure. In any case, he will help to reveal her little "secrets".

Brave, sexually liberated girls who seek luxury usually prefer bright pink nail color ... Stylists associate this nail color with the image of Barbie or Paris Hilton.

And here light pink varnish prefer conservatives. This color is very elegant and feminine. At the same time, it is worth noting that the light pink varnish looks quite restrained, so most careerists choose it. With the right choice of clothing, rest assured that your success is not far off.

Yellow nail color can be seen not in every woman, therefore, it is perceived as a kind of challenge for these persons. For example, some believe that women who prefer this bright color of varnish are a kind of bohemian rocker. Stylists advise such women to use this polish in combination with a little black dress, or with denim shorts, famously cut and decorated in the style of Jimi Hendrix.

The hit of this year's season was coral color varnish and all shades of orange. It will peak in popularity during the summer months. In combination with light dresses, this color will look very glamorous and will add more elegance to the image. For a pedicure, a more gentle peach shade ... It is believed that women who choose orange shades and coral polish are very happy.

If there is a woman in front of you with an unusual blue or green nails , be sure - this person will be very sociable and talkative. Such women are usually very optimistic, so they do not like to waste time. Very often they can be found in the fashion industry or working freelancers. However, if such an optimist is in the office, expect anything from her, but not a corporate style.

Strong, and sometimes overly romantic natures prefer all other shades red nail polish ... They are quite open and interesting personalities.

Girls working in the beauty industry often choose gold color varnish ... They are very well versed in fashion and are able to give good advice to any of the people around them. This varnish looks harmoniously with jeans and an extravagant sexy top.

And what color will the most daring beauty choose? Of course, burgundy varnish or purple varnish ... Moreover, it is worth noting that these bold colors are suitable not only for an evening dress, but also for an ordinary day. The main thing is to choose the right color tone. For an evening out, darker shades are suitable.

In the 1962 Soviet film Amphibian Man, Gutiere asks Ichthyander when he starts telling her that he loves her: "So this is love at first sight?" "Is there any other love?" - Ichthyander answers her. And it sounds extremely romantic and touching. However, in real life it is better to stick to a different rule.

Yes, that's right: in a relationship, you must adhere to the rule "measure seven times, cut once." That is, in a relationship, in addition to feelings, you need to rely on reason, and also on intuition.

But not all young people know exactly what to look at. For example, the legendary Khoja Nasreddin, posing as a sage and astrologer from Baghdad Hussein Gusliya, identified the illness of his beloved Guljan, who fell into a concubine to the Emir of Bukhara by the color of her nails, and did in the presence of the emir himself, which saved her from shame and stupid he left the emir a fool. But this story is most likely fictional. But what modern science says about the same ...

What's inside is outside!

It turns out that a person is a huge book, looking into which you can "read" a lot of interesting things. Eyes, skin color and nails are able to tell a knowledgeable and observant person about what is inside you, and this applies not only to the physical condition, but his character and, so to speak, spiritual aspirations!

So, if you young people want to know more about a girl you like, then first of all look at her hands, and they will tell you a lot about her that she herself may not know about! To begin with, fingernails are as accurate an indicator of health as scalp hair and facial skin. It is only necessary to study them, of course, when they are not painted and without varnish.

If the color is uneven or they are paler than the surrounding skin, this may indicate the presence of cardiovascular disease.

White and brown stripes on the nails signal a problem with the kidneys, while bulges and transverse grooves indicate the presence of a latent infection in the body. Longitudinal stripes - your chosen one is most likely indiscriminate in food, and this promises you serious problems in your future family life. Stripes, brown blotches and even holes on the nails again indicate problems with the intestines and spleen. But if the nail turns out to be rough to the touch, then this directly indicates that the body lacks vitamins.

Brittle nails - the girl has a metabolic disorder, or she has to wash a lot with her hands, or she is constantly in contact with aggressive cleaning agents without gloves, from which it is quite possible to draw two conclusions at once: about ignorance and about lack of mind.

Yellow spots on the nails are problems with lipid metabolism, or these are diseases of the respiratory tract. But if they are of the same color as a whole, then the liver is clearly not in order. On the contrary, white spots indicate disorders of the nervous system and an excess of sugar in the blood, but layered nails are when the ovaries malfunction!

The disguise is invalid!

Perhaps precisely because the nails are so "talkative", even in ancient times there was a fashion to cover them with mother-of-pearl and gold linings, and also to paint them in different colors. But, hiding one thing, the painted nails began to talk about something else, namely about the inner state of the human soul. It's like a girl dressed all in black. No matter how much she convinces you that this is her style, and that black suits her, in fact, she is unhappy with her social position and passionately wants to change it.

As for the black varnish, with which some people cover their nails, then this is - unless we are talking about adolescence, when in order to stand out from the general mass "all means are good" - then there are two options. The first is a girl with a strong character and she loves to command, and the second is the exact opposite. It can also be a sublime, fragile nature, which in this way tries to demonstrate its supposedly present brutality! In any case, the advice to the girls themselves in this case will be this: you can even "hook up" a guy with black nails, but you shouldn't come with them for an interview when applying for a job.

Bright red varnish is a dangerous man!

Red lacquer, as well as a red dress, and even more so red underwear, testifies to your passion and emotionality. "I am alien to prejudice!" - you declare, having made yourself a bright red manicure, well, and behave accordingly.

Light pink varnish is chosen by all those who do not want to attract close attention to themselves, as well as girls with careerist inclinations. In addition, this is a mandatory nail color for all girls who participate in BTL promotions, because varnish of other colors can scare off up to 25 percent of customers, which, of course, is completely unacceptable.

Bright pink varnish is the exact opposite of light pink varnish. He is preferred by girls who are bright, free, and also not indifferent to luxury and, therefore, it will be quite easy to achieve the location of such a girl if you give her gifts and the more expensive, the better, although, in general, all women love gifts.

The yellow color is chosen by cheerful optimists, as well as those who love to shock others, which can be both bad and good at the same time - depending on whose taste!

"Golden nails" are not uncommon for a girl whose profession is associated with the fashion industry - everything that attracts attention works for fashion, and not against it.

Orange and coral are especially trendy in summer. As a rule, they are loved by girls and women with an open, easy character, not inclined to "self-digging", for whom every day is often their whole life.

White or transparent lacquer is chosen by "Turgenev young ladies", gentle and soft in communication, but often very, very inflexible inside, which every young man needs to remember well. And they also choose the so-called French manicure most often - this is one of the most popular trends in modern nail design. French manicure is also called "French manicure" or simply "French". This trend in nail design originated back in 1976, in the USA, and it was founded by a certain Jeff Pink.

Under the classic "French manicure" is meant the visual division of the nail into 2 parts using 2 colors (in the classic version it is white and pink, but different color variations are also possible). That is, there is something like a kind of "camouflage" here, however, even it can be "deciphered"!