Dizziness in the second trimester. Defeat of the inner ear. Dizziness in early pregnancy

With the onset of pregnancy, many women face a slight dizziness. This symptom is quite common, and can even act as one of the indirect signs of an "interesting situation". However, on dizziness during the period of pregnancy, it is worth paying attention to dealing with the reasons for its appearance. To minimize the likelihood of such phenomena, it will be necessary to properly organize everyday mode.

Dizziness is a feeling of instability and illusion of the body movement or the surrounding space around it. Dizziness can be observed with sharp turns of the head, as well as with a significant voltage of the receptor receptors of the vestibular or visual apparatus (for example, when it is at a considerable height or when rolling in transport). This phenomenon is often observed in pregnant women - in the case of a sharp change of position, as well as in a stuffy room and even literally "in the same place." In combination with weakness, the attack of nausea, as well as noise that is felt in the ears, the coordination violation and numbness of the limbs, this phenomenon can move into a short-term loss of consciousness (fainting). Such situations are developing due to insufficient nutrition of brain oxygen. With fainting, a man smoothly "settles", his skin pale, the blood pressure is reduced, sweat can be swept on the forehead, the pulse slows down.

Often, dizziness during pregnancy causes the stay in an unbelievable room with a large number of people, as well as significant atmospheric pressure drops. Sometimes a similar effect can be observed when the posture is changed in the upward direction, or when it is up. In cases where pregnant for a long time is forced to stay in the standing position, circulatory disorders can occur - blood is preferably accumulated at the bottom of the body, while cast from the brain.

Causes of dizziness during pregnancy

It is worth noting that in the presence of short and infrequent dizziness and weakness during pregnancy there is no reason for special concern, because throughout this period, significant physiological changes occur in the body. First of all, we are talking about the circulatory system, because the volume of circulating blood increases significantly, the network of blood vessels increases, the resulting circulation circle appears as a result. By the end of pregnancy, the volume of uterine blood flow is about 25% of the total blood circulation. With the onset of pregnancy, the body begins to operate in the mode of increased loads, producing enhanced amount of blood cells, and the heart pumps an increased amount of blood. The heart rate increases, under the influence of hormonal rebuilding of the body, the heart muscle thickening is observed. These changes lead to the relaxation of the walls of the vessels and the violation of their tone, as well as a decrease in blood pressure. Reducing the inflow of blood leads to insufficient supply of the brain with oxygen, followed by dizziness. If a woman before pregnancy was a meteo-sensitivity or a tendency to molding in transport, during the period of tooling the fetus these problems may be aggravated.

Factors provoking dizziness during pregnancy

As factors causing dizziness during pregnancy, the following phenomena may also appear:

  • low hemoglobin in the blood, carrying the function of binding and transporting oxygen in tissue. As a result of a significant increase in circulating blood, the concentration of erythrocytes and hemoglobin in the blood may decrease, as a result of this dizziness occurs, sometimes with loss of consciousness. In addition, such phenomena may be caused by the stay in the zone of reduced atmospheric pressure, as well as the presence of disorders of the functioning of the respiratory organs and the blood hemostasis system;
  • dizziness and nausea during pregnancy can act as manifestations of toxicosis. This phenomenon is accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure, weakness, sometimes also attacks of vomiting. It is worth noting that during vomiting the body loses a significant amount of fluid, as a result there is an insufficient blood flow in the brain;
  • reducing blood glucose levels - this phenomenon is observed due to prolonged breaks between meals, as well as after snacks with lots of sweet. In case of a sharp increase in blood sugar concentration, an insulin responded by pancreas is observed. As a result, a sharp decrease in glucose levels occurs;
  • sometimes in the process of pregnancy due to the overload of the pancreas, gestational diabetes is developed, after delivery, this state is usually spontaneously passed;
  • brain circulation disorders, head injuries, as well as osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • vegeth vascular dystonia, migraines;
  • orvi disease or influenza;
  • violations in the operation of the vestibular apparatus, respiratory organs;
  • epilepsy, Menieret's disease (internal ear disease, as a result of which there are disorders of equilibrium and system dizziness);
  • overheating in the sun, as well as excessive physical exertion;
  • reception of some medical preparations - it should be noted that during pregnancy the body of women acquires special sensitivity to drugs;
  • dizziness during pregnancy for a period of time when the uterus has already increased significantly, may be observed due to the compression of the vein hollow, especially in the position lying on the back;
  • in the late period of navigation, a sudden dizziness in combination with violations of violations and the noise in the ears may indicate the presence of gestosis - in such cases, it should be immediately applied to the medical insurance.

How to prevent the occurrence of dizziness during pregnancy

In most cases, light dizziness during early pregnancy does not carry danger to the body. Nevertheless, women in an interesting position should be known why it happens, and how to act in cases when the head is spinning.

When signs of dizziness, it is necessary to lie down and lift your legs so that the blood sticks to the brain. In addition, you can sit down, lowering your head down between the knees. This provision will improve the condition of pregnant. If you stay in a stuffy room, it is advisable to get out of it to breathe fresh air. If there is ailment, you should not be ashamed to ask you to give way to public transport.

Prevention of dizziness for pregnancy

Avoiding the appearance of dizziness during pregnancy is easy, observing non-hard rules:

  • when you sit or lie, do not need to sharply and suddenly climb. Getting out of bed, you should first sit down and lower your feet to the floor, and only after some time get up;
  • if you have to sit for a long time or stand, you should periodically move, changing body position and dimming muscle;
  • it is advisable to be in places of mass accumulation of people as little as possible;
  • do not forget from time to time to air the room in which you are;
  • it is not necessary to allow prolonged breaks between meals, it is necessary to eat often (at least four times a day) and small portions. It is worthwhile to wear a raisin either by a crouge, loaf with bran, nuts to eat if necessary;
  • an obstetrician-gynecologist should be held regularly in order to effectively monitor the course of pregnancy and the condition of its body;
  • do not take a hot bath for a long time;
  • if there is toxicosis, it costs a little bit in the morning - before you rise from bed;
  • in the late period of pregnancy, it is not necessary to lie in the same pose on the back for a long time;
  • the mode of sufficient motor activity and in the fresh air should be supported. It is also worth doing special gym for pregnant women or swimming. Regular workouts in the mode of settlements will help strengthen the vessels and improved blood circulation.

Methods for diagnosing dizziness during pregnancy

Easy "head grinding" in the initial periods of fetal tooling is often found, and the medical examination is not required. These phenomena, as a rule, do not affect pregnancy. It is necessary to take into account that due to dizziness, with the subsequent loss of consciousness, problems are possible in the form of a fall and injury. As a rule, from minor dizziness, you can gradually get rid of pregnancy in the course of pregnancy. If such phenomena repeatedly repeated, you should consult with your doctor.

If a woman has severe dizziness during pregnancy, accompanying the loss of consciousness, a medical examination is assigned to diagnose its body, which may include:

  • blood test is general and biochemical;
  • removal of electrocardiogram;
  • ultrasound examination of the heart, brain.

Consultations of various doctors may be required, as well as conducting additional surveys.

Treatment of dizziness during pregnancy

In a situation where dizziness turned faint, you will need to lay a woman on the back, lift legs up. It is also worth loosening the clothes and whipped with water on the face. You can also wipe the face with a moistened towel, give a sniffing alcohol (vinegar or cologne) is also suitable. At the coming to the consciousness of pregnant, it is desirable to adopt a soothing agent (Valerian extract or Corvalol).

In the case of a hungry fainting or a sense of weakness caused by low arterial pressure, you should drink sweetened tea and for some time lie down. In the presence of dizziness during pregnancy, the treatment method will depend on the results of the survey. It will be necessary to eliminate the cause that causes such phenomena. In the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia, accompanied by frequent dizziness, it is recommended to take herbal soothing drugs - mint, valerian, mother-in-law. If, as a result of the survey, anemia will be detected, measures will need to take measures to increase the level of hemoglobin according to the directions of the doctor. Throughout this period, a woman should be especially careful about the state of its body, because the course of pregnancy, as well as the health of the future mother and child depends on it.

Dizziness during pregnancy - video

The conception and birth of a new little man is a joyful and responsible period in the life of each woman, and any deviation in her health leads to panic. Therefore, even a slight dizziness in pregnancy is alarming and scares. Therefore, in this article we will try to figure out whether it is worth raising anxiety about this, and whether such symptoms are dangerous.

Code of the ICD-10

R42 dizziness and stability violation

Causes of dizziness during pregnancy

The period of having a child is not a disease, but, nevertheless, it is a significant load on the body of the future mother, which is more actively responding to additional external loads and irritation. The causes of dizziness during pregnancy may be different. A number of influences provoking the condition under consideration may be quite harmless and quenched by more measured behavior or uncomplicated everyday receptions. But it should not be disgusting from the problem, since the symptoms under consideration may be consequences and more serious disorders in the body of a woman.

  • One of the reasons can be a sharp change of body position. Increased load on the vestibular device slightly unbalances it, not always allowing "extinguishing" motor incidents.
  • A provocateur is able to become a sturdy air in the room, in the society of a large number of people. The reason is the lack of oxygen in the room - as a symptom of oxygen starvation of brain cells.
  • Reduced arterial pressure.
  • Various diseases can cause circle.
    • Migraine.
    • Viral infections.
    • Myign's disease.
    • Other.
  • Lung hyperventilation.
  • Brain circulation disorder caused by:
    • Malignant or benign neoplasms localized in the brain.
    • Vegeta dystonia.
    • Osteochondrosis of cervical vertebrae.
    • Pathological lesions of organs and systems of the cardiovascular system.
    • Other reasons.
  • Anemia is a decrease in hemoglobin level due to iron deficiency. This blood component is responsible for transporting oxygen by the body. In a pregnant woman, the volume of blood pumped blood increases, which does not correspond to the number of red blood cells. This leads to oxygen starvation of the body of the future mother and its fetus.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Reduced glucose content in the blood of a woman.
  • This may be a symptomatics of a developing allergic reaction.
  • A sharp decrease in atmospheric pressure parameters that affects meteo-dependent people.
  • During this period, the volume supply of uterine tissues is increasing (from two to thirty percent of total blood flow), which invariably leads to a deficiency of oxygen delivery to other organs (this fact and brain cells include).
  • Due to the fact that the need to pump more blood increases, the large load falls on the cardiovascular system. There is an increase in the number of heart abbreviations, the thickness of the myocardial wall becomes. As a reverse reaction - a decrease in the tone of the vessels and the drop in blood pressure.
  • Measuring pregnancy, intrauterine fetal death.
  • Such negative symptoms can be provoked to toxicosis, which makes many future mothers in the early periods of pregnancy.
  • At a later time, when the baby scored enough weight and the stretched uterus begins to bonded over the lower hollow vein. Especially such pressure increases when pregnant lies. This fact refers to the late dawns of the baby.
  • In some cases, the beginning of dizziness becomes the primary symptom of the pre-imaging state. Usually in such a situation, it is accompanied by a feeling of a vacuum in the head, the noise in the ears, the performance of cold sweat on the forehead, a sharp weakening of the body, the numbness of the members.

Symptoms of dizziness during pregnancy

The symptoms under consideration often pursues fair sex representatives and in a period not related to her life mission. It is those women who, and in the usual state, do not know what dizziness is, while the baby is tooling, they face this problem much more often than their "comrades".

Symptoms of dizziness during pregnancy do not begin to manifest itself spontaneously, he usually has its own predecessors:

  • Growing ripple in the temporal area.
  • The appearance of a stall in the ears.
  • Sharp weakness that overtakes the body.
  • Loss of clarity of view - darkening floating drawing, flying "midges".
  • The body throws into the cold sweat.
  • There are cases of accession to the already voiced symptoms of numbness of the upper and / or lower extremities. Sometimes stiffness affects only phalanges.

Dizziness during early pregnancy

A woman still does not know that she is wearing under his baby, but the first signs of pregnancy can tell her about it. Dizziness during pregnancy at an early term, if they happen often, is a completely natural reaction of a female body to change its hormonal background and adapt to a new status.

Easy steeping around items can be the result of early toxicosis.

Many modern mothers, even learning that they became pregnant, do not change their usual lifestyle: constant stressful state, hard rhythm of life, overwork and lack of sleep - all these factors, together or separately, are able to provoke both dizziness and short-term loss of consciousness.

No one suggests that I learned about your "interesting position", the future mother should handle the bed and diet, but the previous loads should not be taken on itself.

Do not give up an active lifestyle, but it is worthwhile to behave with certain precautions, with a loaf to its position. Each pregnant should find his "golden middle" in behavior, adjusting its work and recreation.

If there is often a dizziness during pregnancy, it is often necessary to apply for advice and for an additional examination to your doctor - a gynecologist who observes pregnancy. At the same time, the woman should analyze his day. It is necessary to minimize all annoying factors (for example, night shifts, stress and so on), while withstanding the power schedule (little, but often), the best air should be optimal in time and so on.

Dizziness and nausea during pregnancy

Frequently often early toxicosis passes with concomitant negative symptoms. Dizziness and nausea during pregnancy are frequent companions manifestation of the coming conception.

The deceptive feeling of stealing his body or those around items in the first weeks after fertilization are primarily caused by changes that begin to occur in the female body immediately after conception.

In addition, many pregnant women have a decrease in blood pressure, which cannot neither affect the deficiency of nutrition of the oxygen of the cerebral cells, which leads to hypoxemia. This deviation is most often developing in pregnant on the background of existing anemia - reducing the quantitative indicators of hemoglobin in the blood. Hemoglobin is located in red blood cells (red blood bodybules). It is he who captures the oxygen coming from the lungs and transports it to the systems and organs of the human body.

During the baby tooling, the load on the cardiovascular system increases. In this case, the dilution effect is observed when the number of erythrocytes is less than the amount of blood pumped blood volumes, which leads to hypoxemia.

It should be remembered that the development of hypoxemia may be a consequence of any disease or a consequence of anemia.

Expanded and vestibular apparatus. Therefore, if the pregnant woman rose sharply or bent, it can rapidly ripen nausea and swim around the pain.

Gradually, the fruit begins to increase in size, stretching the walls of the uterus. Accordingly, its parameters grow, and it begins to put pressure on nearby internal organs. The press is also exposed to the stomach, which causes the felling, or even the attacks of vomiting.

At the same time, the uterus with the fruit can be pressed on large venous vessels. Especially pressure increases if the pregnant woman is in the lying position. Passing the blood flow leads to a decrease in blood volumes entering the heart, which also provokes a shortage of nutrition of the brain cells.

To lead to such consequences may also reduce atmospheric pressure. For example, calm before the storm. This is especially true for meteo-dependent people.

Strong dizziness during pregnancy

It should be noted here that the level of pathology intensity is of particular importance. If a pregnant woman has a strong dizziness during pregnancy, this is an unequivocal testimony for consultation to the doctor.

The reason for this painful symptoms is faster in the plane of pathological changes that struck the body of the future mother. You should not joke with it. After all, dizziness may be a symptom of a fairly serious disease affecting the brain area or a vertebral pillar of pregnant. And, as you know, everyone, timely appeal to a qualified specialist gives a chance with less losses and complications to get their given situation. It should be remembered that in the case under consideration it is not only about the health of a woman, but perhaps about the life of her not yet born baby.

The only exception to the rules can be a strong dizziness in the first weeks, explaining the fact that the body has not yet rebuilt and has not adapted to a new position. It is this unbalance and contributes to the emergence of such symptoms. Usually, the onset of the twelfth week everything is inserted, and the uncomfortable state is no longer bothering. But even in this case, it is better to put your doctor's mind of such a state than to regret it later.

Weakness and dizziness during pregnancy

Pregnancy is not a disease, but, nevertheless, this is an increased load that affects all organs and systems of the future mother. In the first days after the fertilization of the cell, the woman still does not recognize the change in his status, continuing to live his usual life.

Stresses at work and home, crazy rhythm of large cities, the lack of a full rest in combination with a change in a hormonal background can cause weakness and dizziness during pregnancy.

Gradually, the woman's body begins to get used to a new level of work, but, nevertheless, the reduction of hemoglobin and the drop in blood pressure is not so rare in such a situation, which leads to the development of weakness in the whole body and the feeling of the rotating universe.

But more severe cases are known when the lack of oxygen provoking weakness and dizziness during pregnancy led to increased oxygen starvation of the fetus, which negatively affects its development, and later it is possible to cause premature labor. Or worse - miscarriage.

Therefore, women with pressure problems need to be particularly monitored to monitor its indicators and at the slightest deviation (especially if such a situation began to be expensive) to immediately contact a specialized institution for advice.

It is worth noting that many modern women, being pregnant, try to follow their weight, afraid to recover strongly and spoil the figure. They even be in the "interesting situation" try not to eat much, which invariably cannot but affect her health. Lack of nutrition with increased loads and, as a result, a decrease in the total tone of the body, the slide (or even vomiting), the rotation of the surrounding picture is the signs of the imminent faint.

The situation is exacerbated by the fact that the level of blood sugar is reduced - the energy store, which the body is able to get immediately.

Dizziness during pregnancy in the first trimester

The first three months after conception is perhaps the most responsible. They are indicators of whether the pregnant woman is able to endure and give birth to a child normally. It was during this period that its body is exposed to the greatest restructuring that consistently entails some deviations in a state of health and sensations.

One such unpleasant manifestation can be a periodically emerging dizziness during pregnancy in the first trimester.

The first "blow" takes on herself a cardiovascular system. The body of the woman in reinforced mode begins to produce blood cells by adding their number to the required volumes. But at the same time, the number of erythrocytes does not sleep for the "production" of blood cells, drive the entire system to a specific imbalance, and hence the oxygen starvation of the tissues of organs, including the brain. This is exactly what causes dizziness and other symptoms.

Therefore, if the moments when "the earth goes out of beneath legs," forcing the surrounding items to rotate, they are not very often manifested in a light form, it should not be worked out. This is a completely normal and physiologically explained phenomenon that does not require medical intervention.

In the first trimester, discomfort may be provoked:

  • Fine air in a stuffy room.
  • The presence of a large number of people in a limited space.
  • Rapid change in the position of his body. For example, sharply got up or dispersed, turned to the side.
  • Weather change, natural phenomena.

If pregnant experiences discomfort, with the next visit to the obstetrician - the gynecologist, it is necessary to say about it. This recommendation is related to the fact that in the first trimester in pregnant women quite often stated the drop in blood pressure, which consistently entails the deterioration of blood flow. The decrease in the volume of circulating blood per unit of time leads to not to the production of women, and, accordingly, the fetus, a sufficient number of nutrients.

Long lack of oxygen can lead to failures in the development of the future man, raising the risk of developing intrauterine pathology. Nutrition is also able to cause miscarriage.

Therefore, it is not so careless to treat this symptom. After putting his doctor, a woman can protect himself in the future from many troubles.

When the organism is restructuring, at first in the blood of the blood, the glucose content is reduced - a rapid source of energy, which naturally weakens the body.

Women's nutrition in this period is also important. She should not "eat for two", according to some suppermushki. Its food should be diverse, full, rich minerals, microelements and vitamins. Food techniques in small portions, but often, at least four - six times throughout the day. This will make it possible not to overeat and at the same time get everything you need from products.

You should not ignore the walks in the fresh air and rest. A woman who bears under the heart of a child should sleep at about 10 o'clock at night and 1 to 2 hours during the day.

If, against the background of fulfilling all the recommendations of the doctor, attacks still appear, it is necessary to lie on the sofa in the cool room, controlling that the heart and head are at approximately one level. "Lovely pressure" can be slightly raised by a piece of chocolate or strong sweet tea.

Dizziness during pregnancy in the second trimester

The first, the most dangerous trimester, when the body of the future feminine is rebuilt, and the fetus form all organs, passed. Hormonal background of women somewhat stabilized, the development of the embryo continues. In the second trimester during pregnancy, dizziness should leave a woman without bringing her discomfort.

This fact applies only to the reasons associated directly with the progress of pregnancy itself, but there are still sources that are not entirely related to the event. It is they who remain a "threat" that provokes the occurrence of an attack of dizziness during pregnancy in the second trimester.

The uterus and the whole female organism continues their preparation for the objectiveness. During this period, the reaction of future mothers systems can respond to external stimuli, somewhat slowly, which leads to unbalance.

The situation when everything floats and spins in front of the chapters may be provoked:

  • Long finding the body in a stationary state.
  • Disorders affecting blood flow.
  • Oxygen starvation of brain cells caused by any reason.
  • Finding in a stuffy, unprofitable room or in a large crowd of people.
  • Hypotension is low blood pressure. This is especially dangerous with a sharp fall.
  • Rapid change of body position.

Dizziness during pregnancy in the third trimester

At this stage of navigation, the responsibility for the child increases. Starting from 38 weeks, the uterus is pregnant practically ready for the process of birth. At this time, the amount of blood supplied to this body and the rest of the components that take part in the genus increases. But at the same time its shortage is created in other organs, including a blood deficiency, and respectively, oxygen, begins to feel both the brain.

This fact is usually a dizziness during pregnancy in the third trimester. If the attack lasts for a short time and it happens infrequently, it should not be worried - it is stacked in rates of norm. But it should be remembered that dizziness and loss of coordination can lead to a fall in a pregnant woman, which is very dangerous in its position. Therefore, during this period, a woman should be very careful.

For many moms, it remains an inexplicable fact that in the last weeks of the baby to wear the baby could overtake it lying on the bed. But doctors explain it very simple. The bottom line is that in the position lying on the back already large in size and weight of the uterus can handle a hollow vein, leading to a violation of blood flow, feeding this life fluid to the heart. A response to such a deficit is a sharp decrease in blood pressure, which provokes dizziness, and even a faint condition.

In order to prevent the appearance of such a situation, the pregnant should sleep or just rest just lying on his side.

Dizziness and vomiting during pregnancy

As it was already announced earlier, many future mothers suffer from toxicosis in the early deadlines, which can manifest themselves, with a total weakness, dizziness, sharp emissions of cold sweat, and even vomiting. Usually, such symptoms manifests itself on the sixth - eighth week, but can arise from the first days after conception.

Dizziness and vomiting during pregnancy are symptoms, quite often going "hand in hand". But it should be remembered that the occurrence of a vomit reflex causes dehydration. If such attacks are rapidly, not only the body of a woman suffers, and a fertilized egg with a developing embryo is also subject to negative impact.

Dehydration provokes a decrease in blood volumes, which causes the deterioration of the supply of brain cells and other systems with oxygen.

By and large, there is nothing dangerous in the backlight. Thus, the body is cleared of hazardous compounds in it, toxins. It is only necessary to ensure that such attacks are not frequent, and the water balance has been restored.

Each woman is individual, therefore, in the light of the problem under consideration, some happy, having passed all the pregnancy, so never face the symptoms of toxicosis, while some are experiencing this discomfort throughout the entire period of toal. But most are still faced with this in the first trimester, forgetting after 12 weeks.

After the attack of vomiting immediately drink a lot of fluid should not be - it will only provoke another spasm. You must first simply rinse your mouth, and after 10 - 15 minutes to make one - two chips of clean water, but not more. After another 10 - 15 minutes, it's a little liquid again, while nausea does not leave completely, and the spasmization of the stomach does not stop.

Such a situation is quite explained, but to inform your doctor, still worth it. This is due to the fact that such symptoms may be caused by the presence in the history of the future mother of any disease: the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, the consequences of stress, intoxication of the body and so on.

To prevent or even partially stop the problem, it is necessary to eat in small portions, four to six times throughout the day, without coming before going to bed. At the same time, you should spend more time in the fresh air and sleep or be in a well-ventilated room.

Dizziness in the morning during pregnancy

In this article, a lot has already been said about the reasons provoking the unbalanced apparatus in a pregnant woman and the appearance of a feeling of circle of surrounding items.

Quite often occurs dizziness during pregnancy in the morning. If a more serious illness is not observed in a woman, this fact can be explained simply.

With a sharp change in its position (first lay and sharply sat down), the floor begins to leave from under the feet. And some time needed that everything fell into place. In such a situation, it is worth watching smoothness in movement, slowly rising from bed.

Another source of an attack can be a stuff in the room in which the future mother rests.

Dizziness in the first days of pregnancy

The first days after fertilization of the egg, perhaps, one of the most dangerous. After all, the woman has not yet suspected of changing his status, continuing to lead the usual way of life. But the signs that appeared are able to push it on a step - to test the test for checking pregnancy or, on the contrary, contact a specialist with suspicion, for any disease.

From the very first minutes after fertilization, the body of the woman in reinforced pace begins to rebuild, creating the conditions for normal tooling the fetus and the trouble-free conduct of natural genera. The first system that is subjected to reorganization is the blood system of the future female in labor. The growth of the system of blood vessels, which simply excretes the organs of the small pelvis and especially the uterus.

At the same time, blood volumes are redistributed, and the uterus begins to get it much more than in the usual state. If there is about two percent of the "non-embled uterus" from the total volume of blood, then after conception, it gets twenty-thirty percent of this fluid.

To restore normal blood flow, time and height of the bloodstream with an increase in blood flow volumes. It is at the moment of inconsistencies in the presence of blood and its needs may occur dizziness in the first days of pregnancy. After all, to quickly stop the imbalance, the heart begins to work in the enhanced mode. In the first day, the process in question has not yet achieved perfection, and is not able to fully cope with the task set before him.

In this regard, a temporary deterioration of blood flow is possible, entailing the development of hypoxia, that is, the deficiency of oxygen entering the brain cells. It is precisely such a scenario for the power to provoke a dizziness or even fainting.

The restructuring of the hormonal background is able to cause a feeling of circle of his own body or the surrounding picture after the pregnant woman visited some time in a stroke of the room, in a dense ring of many people or being long on his feet suddenly changed the position.

Diagnosis of dizziness during pregnancy

In order to establish a source provoking the appearance of a uncomfortable state, it is necessary to seek help from a neurologist or a psycho-erector. Diagnosis of dizziness during pregnancy is to identify the doctor a complete picture of pathological manifestations, anamnesis of pregnant.

It is advisable for a woman to go through magnetic - resonant tomography, which will help get answers to many questions, confirming or refuting the presence of what is the lybor disease. But this procedure should obtain permission from your obstetrician - a gynecologist, which observes the course of pregnancy.

It will not be superfluous to have a snapshot of the cervical vertebrae to eliminate osteochondrosis of this area of \u200b\u200bthe spine.

The urine analysis is required and a biochemical study of blood.

The main thing in this situation is to eliminate or determine the presence of the disease, to establish its localization and severity of the flow phase. After all, there are diseases that are not only dangerous for pregnant and her yet born baby, but even their treatment is undesirable, since it can also apply irreparable harm.

Treatment of dizziness during pregnancy

If we exclude complex pathology and pay your attention to the relief of the problem under consideration, then there are a number of techniques that allow for the preceding symptoms to take adequate prevention measures.

It often appears in front of the attack of dizziness in the ears, the sound of sound, pregnant throws into the cold sweat, the darkness is manifested before his eyes, the forces leave the body. There are cases of numbness of the upper and lower extremities, sometimes just the falant of the hands amazed so unpleasant sensation.

In such a situation, dizziness treatment during pregnancy is that it is necessary to lie down as soon as possible, while following the heart to be approximately one level with head. At the same time, in the room where the woman lay down should be carried out.

If the harbingers caught a pregnant woman in the crowd of people or a stuffy room, it is necessary to leave the crowd or get out of a stuffy building on the street, on fresh air.

If the cause of discomfort becomes one or another deflection in a state of health, then, with the permission of the gynecologist, it is possible to receive certain drugs or recipes of traditional medicine.

If the reason in the vegetative-vascular dystonia, the specialist can be appointed sedative drugs: perrsen, valokordin, zirculin, amizol, deprim, new passite, stressplant, dormilant and others.

New passite is taken on one tablet three times a day. To achieve the necessary therapeutic effect, it is advisable to take a tablet before the start of meals.

If the desired result is not observed, the amount of the injected drug can be enlarged twice, but only with the permission of the doctor. The time gap between the receptions should be four to six hours.

The contraindication to the use of this drug can be miastic or individual intolerance to the drug components.

In this situation, tea from such medicinal plants as Valerian, Mint, Melissa, Mother, will also be suitable.

If the analysis noted the reduced hemoglobin rate in the blood of a pregnant woman, then, first of all, it is necessary to reconsider its diet, entering it as much as possible products rich in iron. These include: artichoke, egg yolk, dried fruits, fish and seafood, red meat, whole wheat bread, various cereals and cereals, bird, legumes, green leafy vegetables.

To bring to the norm of glucose indicators, you need to adjust the power mode: in small portions, but often, not allowing fasting or, on the contrary, overeating.

If the cause of the attack becomes low blood pressure, it is necessary to stimulate the organism, which can conduct, for example, a tincture prepared on the basis of Eleutherococcus or ginseng. Suitable radiol pink or minor volumes of black tea or coffee.

If dizziness proceeds together with another symptomatomatic, for example, nausea and vomiting, the doctor may assign a Cerukal or any other anti-ansulistic agent.

Tablets Cerukhal are prescribed orally, and accepted half an hour before meals, drinking sufficient water. Dose of reception - one tablet three - four times a day.

The maximum allowable one-time amount of the drug is two tablets, daily - no more than six.

Contraindication to the appointment of this medicine can be: internal bleeding, perforation or intestinal obstruction / stomach, tendency to epileptic sequels, hepatic and / or renal dysfunction, as well as the individual intolerance to one or more components of the preparation composition.

The experience of traditional medicine offers its advice on solving the problem that has appeared:

  • Melissa or mint tea is useful. Freshly welded, it is accepted several times a day, improving the general condition.
  • Pregnancy Preventive Prevention

    In order for the unpleasant symptoms associated with the "interesting position" of women did not cause discomfort, preventing dizziness during pregnancy recommends a row of sufficiently simple rules.

    • It is necessary to reconsider your routine of the day, balanceing the load with sleep and rest.
    • It should be done more time in the fresh air, walking and communicating with nature and pleasant people.
    • Required regular ventilation of the room where pregnant and wet cleaning lives. It is worth avoiding stuffy and full of people.
    • It is necessary to abandon the hot soul and bathroom. Water should be warm, but not hot.
    • Avoid long stay under the open sunshine.
    • With the help of yoga or another set of exercises, specially designed for pregnant women, maintain the flexibility and health of the spine.
    • Do not allow a long stay in the same position.
    • Avoid stressful situations.
    • Monitor your nutrition.
    • The movements of the woman "in the position" must be smooth, measured and careful.
    • If dizziness worries quite often, it is worth contacting his doctor, which, if necessary, will give a direction to a more narrow-controlled doctor.
    • In the summer, it is desirable to walk early in the morning or after sunset.
    • You should eat at least four - six times a day. At the same time, food must be chewed for a long time and carefully, this will allow not to move and not walk hungry.
    • In the second half of the period under consideration, it is advisable to relax, lying on the left side.
    • Contrast souls that stimulate the work of the cardiovascular system, strengthening its walls.
    • With strong toxicosis, doctors are recommended in the morning, without climbing into bed, eat a little. Only after a little time should be accurately in bed.
    • It is necessary to regularly visit their obstetrician-gynecologist, controlling the health of health.
    • Physical exertion should be moderate, preventing overvoltage of forces.
    • The heart rate frequency and blood pressure indicators should be regularly measured.
    • If dizziness, nausea and vomiting do not pass, immediately cause an ambulance care. It is desirable before the arrival of the physicians to maintain a pregnant woman in consciousness without allowing a fainted state.

    Pregnancy dizziness forecast

    In many respects, the answer to this question depends on the source that provokes the seizures under consideration. If the cause of dizziness and fainting is a disease, a dizzy forecast for pregnancy directly depends on the severity of pathology flow and the ability to effectively, while not hurting the child, to stop the problem.

    If the discomfort is a consequence of the toxicosis of pregnancy, in this case the forecast is very favorable. Most women forget about it already after 12 weeks later, and only a small percentage of pregnant people have to endure. But even in this case, after the objectiveness, the problem is solved by itself.

    Many women feel dizziness during pregnancy, but it is not a sentence, but an annoying discomfort accompanying such a joyful position. And quite minor efforts to reduce such attacks to a minimum, just adhere to simple recommendations, which give an obstetrician - a gynecologist leading pregnancy.

    It's important to know!

    Dizziness may have ischemic vascular, due to violation of blood circulation in arteries that feed the inner ear, which leads to a labyrinth ischemia. The differential diagnosis of these diseases is extremely important, since only a timely and properly established diagnosis allows the pathogenetic treatment and prevention of diseases of the inner ear of vascular genesis.

It is hardly possible to find a woman who for 9 months of the waiting of the crumbs never felt ailment.

Numerous changes occurring in the body of the future mother with the appearance of a new life in her womb entail and the overall change of state. Sometimes the body has time to restructure and begins to "work in a new way", it is almost imperceptibly for a woman, and in some cases pregnant women experiences a tangible load and even malaise due to a special position. To one of these "ailments" refers dizziness during pregnancy - the condition is not always dangerous, but rather unpleasant. What is the associated discomfort and whether he rushes a threat to a woman and her child?

Spirits a head during pregnancy

Dizziness is a short-term or frequently repeated feeling of the movement of your body in space or the movement of the surrounding objects around itself. At first glance, this state does not cause concerns, since it usually happens quickly and without any interventions. But is it just just really and why the head is spinning during pregnancy?

Causes of dizziness during pregnancy

Many factors are capable of causing a dizziness. Some of them are very harmless, and some require additional examinations. In general, dizziness provokes:

  • Low level of blood pressure.
  • Small hemoglobin content in blood (anemia).
  • A sharp jump or drop of glucose content in the blood.
  • Long stay in the stuffy room.
  • Sharp change body position.
  • Overvoltage (both physical and emotional).
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Vegeth vascular dystonia.
  • Osteochondrosis with localization in the cervical department.
  • Migraine.
  • Brain tumor diseases.
  • In some cases, even an allergic reaction can provoke dizziness.

Any of the listed factors may occur during pregnancy to provoke dizziness on any time. At the same time, "ringing in the ears" may also be present, a sharp weakness, darkening in the eyes and the appearance of cold sweat, numbness of the limbs. These symptoms indicate not just for dizziness, but are the symptoms of the pre-argue state.

Dizziness during pregnancy in the early lifeday of the kid

From the first days of the birth of a new life in the maternal womb, the work of the circular system of the woman is changing. There is an active blood supply to the uterus due to an increase in the number of vessels in a small pelvis. At the same time, the active synthesis of new blood cells occurs, the amount of blood increases. All this leads to an increased load on the heart, which has to work with an already large blood volume. Changes occur very rapidly, so the female body does not always have time to adapt and begin to work nicely "in a new way". As a result, oxygen starvation of cells occurs, as a result - nausea, dizziness and weakness during pregnancy. In the presence of toxicosis, which often overcomes women at the very beginning of a pregnant path, dizziness accompanied by nausea and vomiting also sometimes sometimes. There is no strong danger for a woman and crumbs in the womb, this condition does not represent, but it is worth being attentive and report any discomfort to the doctor.

Dizziness during pregnancy late deadlines

The kid is constantly growing and developing and has already come unnoticed the second, and then the third trimester of carrying the Karapus. What factors can provoke a strong dizziness during pregnancy during these periods?

  • The increase in the measurement of the uterus puts pressure and compresses venous vessels, which is particularly strongly manifested in the lying position on the back. As a result, the amount of blood supplied to the heart is reduced. And therefore, other tissues and organs, including the brain, will receive an insufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients. This factor can become a culprit of dizziness during pregnancy in the third trimester.
  • In the case of hypoxemia development (a state at which a decrease in blood oxygen level is reduced) a brain also lack oxygen. Most often, pathology develops against the background of anemia, since it is precisely contained in the blood hemoglobin responsible for the transfer of nutrients and oxygen to the tissues. The reasons for the development of anemia are different (from temporary - physiological, to threatening pathological). That is why, throughout all months of toaching crumbs, a woman regularly gives a general blood test for monitoring this indicator, among other things.
  • A sharp decrease in blood sugar levels can also provoke ailment. Fascination with products containing fast carbohydrates in excess - sweets, snob, baking - leads to a jump in the level of glucose content. As a result, an active insulin production occurs, which leads to a sharp drop in blood sugar content. This factor often causes dizziness during pregnancy already from the second trimester. Therefore, it is very important to adhere to the rules of rational food from the first weeks of carrying the Karapuz.
  • A special danger to the life and health of a woman and her baby represents predosis - late toxicosis. At the same time, against the background of normal analyzes and well-being, the future mother not only begins to circling the head, but also there is noise and "ringing" in the ears, vision is disturbed. This situation requires urgent appeal to the hospital to restore normal blood flow in tissues. Treatment almost always occurs in a hospital.

The head is circling during pregnancy - what to do

Depending on the reasons that caused dizziness will be different and therapy.

  • However, if the attack found surprise, try to lie down and lift the legs slightly above the body. If there is no such possibility, a woman needs to sit on a chair and try to lower the head between the placed knees as low as possible. As a result, the influx of blood to the brain is enhanced and as a result of the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues of the brain renews. Such a simple "exercise" will help improve the condition, if the head of pregnancy suddenly began to circle, both in the early deadlines and at the later weeks of the baby.

  • If a medical correction is required, the choice of drugs should be exclusively a doctor. If the pregnant woman suffers from vegetative-vascular dystonia, then herbs such as mint, dyeing, Valerian can be used to calm the nervous system.
  • With the appearance of nausea and dizziness during pregnancy against the background of reduced blood pressure, caffener-containing agents, Eleutherococcus are possible.
  • If the culprit of discomfort was anemia, adjust the diet, saturating it with a liver, buckwheat, apples, grenades. If only the changes in the menu is not enough, the doctor may write additionally preparations with iron content.

Reception of any means, incl. Folk "grass" should be strictly agreed with the doctor. When dizziness appears, it is necessary to take all measures to eliminate discomfort, as well as find out the causes of malaise, as:

  • As a result of dizziness, a woman can fall and get injured.
  • Such a condition can create additional stress to a woman that, taking into account the peculiarities of its position is completely undesirable.
  • Dizziness, and especially appearing on a regular basis, may be a signal of having a more serious pathology, which threatens not only a woman, but also her baby.

Prevention of dizziness during pregnancy

So that the rhis does not find you surprise, it is important to make a maximum for warning it. To the simplest, effective, and therefore, the common methods of dizziness prevention in future mothers include the following techniques:

  • Try to smoothly change the position of the body (both in the case of lifting to the sitting position, and in cases where you need to completely get up). Sharp movements are also not worth doing. Do not be long in the same position.
  • Hunger - far from the best of your friend. Do not allow this feeling. Frequent and fractional power is the best option. If there is no such possibility, put a small amount of dried fruits in your handbag, raisins or bran bread.
  • The main part of the diet should be complex carbohydrates. So you can reduce the likelihood of dizziness during pregnancy in both the first and second and third trimesters. It is also necessary to carry out the prevention of iron deficiency anemia - the menu must contain the liver, pomegranate juice, red meat, apples.
  • Avoid stuffed premises and a large cluster of people.
  • Do not forget about ventilation.
  • Support the sufficient level of motor activity (taking into account the characteristics of the situation and medical recommendations).
  • Refreshing well, tones, has a beneficial effect on the vascular walls and normalizes the general condition of a woman's contrast shower.

Carefully treat your condition, adhere to the principles of a healthy lifestyle and let the pregnancy proceed easily and comfortably!

In most cases, dizziness passes for half an hour. If this malaise causes discomfort and deterioration in the state, the future mommy is better to apply with this problem to the leading specialist to determine the causes and appointment of treatment.

Why is the headache during early pregnancy?

Headache in pregnant women early a fairly frequent problem. Approximately every fifth woman for a period of pregnancy undergoes all the inconvenience associated with the headache.

Headache does not affect the development of the fetus, but at the same time it delivers the unpleasant feelings for a pregnant girl.

The headache of four main groups differs:

  • Muscle tension pain is the most common headache. It is associated with the overstress of muscles of the head or neck. The pain of muscle tension is most often weakly flowing, she captures the whole head and squeezes it;
  • Vascular headache may be associated with vegetative dystonia or other problems with vessels;
  • Lycvodynamic;
  • Neuralgic. Migraine is a sharp headache, pulsating, locally disturbing. Maybe the region of the eyelid, temporal share, frontal part or some part of the head.

A woman during pregnancy undergoes colossal overloads of the body and all organs, all its systems are changing, including blood. The volume of blood increases, the venous pressure increases, vascular activity changes. All changes in the female organism can cause migraine.

Most often, the migraine appears in the first trimester of pregnancy, while facilitating pain pills is not recommended. Use preparations from headaches is allowed only in the second and third trimester.

To get rid of pain, you need to find out the reason and only then do treatment. Any drugs from migraine take strictly by appointment! To make it easier to ease their condition and remove spasm and pain in the temporal part of the head, you can make a massage of the temples with the ointment asterisk, drink tea with mint and relax a little.

The head is spinning during pregnancy: the main reasons

Feeling when the head was spinning reminds the movement of the body in space or move the surrounding items around him. Dizziness depend on the overall state of health - with problems with vessels and heart, violations of the vestibular apparatus, the head begins to spin.

With systematic dizziness, you do not need to ignore them, it is recommended to visit the doctor to identify causes and possible consequences.

When pregnancy dizziness is quite frequent phenomena, but it is necessary to determine the reason for their appearance.

What causes dizziness:

  • Low blood pressure;
  • Reduced hemoglobin level;
  • Violation of blood flow in the brain;
  • Head injury or neck;
  • ARVI, flu;
  • Frequent smoking and alcohol consumption;
  • Lowering blood sugar;
  • Headaches;
  • Dehydration;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Lack of vitamins in the body;
  • Violation of movement coordination;
  • Certain mental illnesses.

The head can be slightly spinning during menstruation, it is caused by a change in the level of female hormones, which leads to headaches. If dizziness is accompanied by nausea, it can be assumed about the occurrence of pregnancy - in this case it is recommended to make a test or visit the gynecologist.

It takes the head that it can be: manifestation of ailment

Dizziness attacks can last a few minutes, but sometimes malaise knocks out a person from a rut for several hours. The sensations when the head is muddy, can be accompanied by a darkening in the eyes, sweating, coordination loss and nausea.

Women have dizziness most often happens on the first day of menstruation, it is also often manifested during pregnancy.

With periodic appearances, symptoms can not be worried, such phenomena is not uncommon and it does not indicate the manifestation of any disease. Continuous dizziness to which the bias in the eyes are added, reduced hearing and the appearance of cold sweat, worried man. With such symptoms, you should consult a doctor to establish a diagnosis of the disease.

Nausea and dizziness, as signs of pregnancy

Many girls when they are in the "interesting position" may experience a weak dizziness, but sometimes it can move into a faint state. As a rule, this symptom is a fairly frequent case, but it causes concerns from women who wear a child under heart.

Why is this happening? During pregnancy, dizziness is most often caused by a violation of the blood supply system. On the heart and blood vessels of women increases the load - additional blood flow appears that feeds the baby in the tummy.

Most of the blood approaches the uterus and sometimes it is not enough to stimulate the cortex of the brain. In this way, the body signals dizziness.

The head can be spinning if the woman is in stuffy transport and a bad ventilated room. A sharp change in body position can also lead to dizziness. Other reasons are the lack of vitamins, the level of blood sugar is reduced and anemia.

Frequent vomiting during toxicosis in the morning can lead to strong dizziness and loss of consciousness, therefore it is recommended to use antiwheat preparations to improve the condition of the pregnant woman.

The head often turns: how to prevent it

Most often dizziness are noted in pregnant women who have previously encountered this problem. And if earlier it was still possible to close the eyes, then when to wear a baby, a strong dizziness cannot be ignored. The condition when the head is spinning and hurts, nausea is observed, the darkening in the eyes, weakness, the cold sweat is firmly, can lead to undesirable consequences - fetal hypoxia, premature birth or miscarriage.

Precautions cannot completely eliminate pregnant women from dizziness, but will help minimize their appearance and reduce the risk of unwanted fainting.

Despite the diversity of the causes of dizziness, allocate a number of tips to help avoid an unpleasant condition.

Tips How to avoid dizziness:

  • Perform frequent long-lasting walks in the fresh air;
  • Ventilate the room;
  • Fucking out well, especially at night;
  • Eating fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • Control blood pressure;
  • Less worry and nervous;
  • Reduce the load on the spine;
  • Take a contrast shower;
  • Do not overheat in the sun, is more in the shade;
  • Do not make sharp movements.

Darmest in the eyes and spins a head - this may be caused by the fact that a pregnant girl forgot to eat and the level of glucose in her blood decreased significantly. In this case, you need to drink a cup of sweet tea and snack with candy or chocolate.

Than dangerous dizziness during pregnancy early

Many girls during pregnancy experience certain ailments - toxicosis complicated by vomiting, fast fatigue, dizziness, nervousness and drowsiness. All these features are in their own way, but if they are repeated systematically, it is necessary to pay attention to the attending gynecologist.

On the 4-5 week of pregnancy, in addition to the delay, dizziness may appear, which is often accompanied by toxicosis, which is tormented by women at the beginning of the day, and is considered a normal phenomenon.

Morning dizziness can be prevented if you have a small apple, without getting up from the bed.

"During dizziness, I feel a light slide, sweating and squeezes the chest slightly." Sometimes young mothers say. These symptoms are preceded by a pre-corrupt state, so it is important not to be confused and take a horizontal position as quickly as possible. If there is no such possibility, the pregnant need to be seated on the chair and ask to tilt the head between the knees.

If it takes his head in the later dates, at the same time in the evenings, it is sick, you need to immediately contact the doctor and find out the reasons. Perhaps the pressure increases, which can grow into beds. This disease is dangerous for a woman in the last weeks of pregnancy.

What caused dizziness during pregnancy (video)

It is impossible to answer the question to what time the pregnant will be disturbed by dizziness - it can catch the surprise both at first weeks and in the last trimester. For any changes to your well-being need to pay attention. Woman should remember that she carries a double responsibility - for his life and for the life of the baby in the womb, so do not forget to pay attention to suspicious symptoms and your condition. In short, watch your health!

Dizziness is a common symptom of future mothers. In some, it is accompanied by light turbidity, and others may end with fainting.

Of course, if the head is rarely spinning and not long, the condition is due to physiological changes from the circulatory system. The body is rebuilt for nursing the child, an additional circle of blood circulation appears, the organs of the small pelvis are poured with blood.

Another thing is when dizziness is accompanied by symptoms: general weakness and drowsiness, violation of coordination, darkening in the eyes, jumps of blood pressure, heat stuffing, fainting. In this case, pathology may indicate serious health problems.

That is why a pregnant woman is important to know when dizziness is the norm characteristic of the "interesting situation", and when evidence of hidden pathologies or diseases.

Causes of dizziness in future mothers

First of all, such a state may occur in women falling into a risk group:

  • hypotension (reduced pressure);
  • anemia (anemia);
  • fluctuations in glucose concentration in plasma;
  • anorexia, starvation, diet, post, vegetarianism;
  • long stay in the sun (accommodation in warm regions);
  • office work (long lack of fresh air is the cause of dizziness);
  • lifting weights, physical exertion.

There are also certain reasons for which the head can be spinning.

  1. Strong toxicosis. The most common cause of the ailment. Vomiting and general weakness lead to the fact that a woman has a sleep and nutrition mode, there are no enough energy components and oxygen into the body, there is an active loss of fluid.
  2. Diseases, against the background of which the blood supply to the CNS and the brain (osteochondrosis of the thoracic and cervical spine, good and malignant education, cardiovascular pathologies, vegetative dystonia, migraine, and serotonin deficiency) are violated. Also dizziness can be tormented after crank-brain injuries or surgical operations conducted in this area.
  3. A sharp drop in pressure, which can be associated with weather or other conditions.
  4. Developing anemia. As a rule, dizziness take place after replenishing iron, vitamin B, etc.
  5. Allergic reaction (with dizziness occurs during respiratory, less often food allergens).
  6. Pre-perspective condition. In this case, the future mother can be spinning head, darken in the eyes, come cold sweat, no longem.
  7. A sharp decrease in glucose levels also leads to a dizziness (often in the afternoon, when activity increases).
  8. Overheating. Long-term finding in a hot room, sunbathing or just a hot tub (by the way, contraindicated during pregnancy) can cause a strong dizziness in the future mom.
  9. Changing the position of the body (as a rule, with a sharp rise from the position lying \\ sitting). This situation is characteristic not only for women "in the situation", but also for an ordinary person, because, with a rapid change in the position, the blood simply does not have time to pour to the brain and deliver the oxygen you need.
  10. Diseases of the thyroid gland. Against the background of increasing the body and diffuse changes, the head can periodically circle.
  11. Pathology of the inner ear, vestibular nerve. They can disrupt coordination and vestibular apparatus, as a result of which the head is spinning and equilibrium is temporarily lost.
  12. Reception of drugs. Some medicines have a side effect - dizziness. Also, the symptom may occur if you take a certain type of medication on an empty stomach.
  13. Changes in hemoglobin (component carrying oxygen) in blood plasma.

Why the head is spinning in the early and later

In the first weeks of pregnancy, internal systems and glands, producing hormones and enzymes necessary for vital activity, are rebuilt. An additional network of blood vessels, which swing more blood to the small pelvis area are increasing. For driving new blood cells, the heart strengthens the work, which can lead to a general ailment.

In the early deadlines, these new mechanisms are not yet optimized, so some areas of the body may temporarily dissolve oxygen and nutrients with blood. If oxygen fasting appeared in the brain area, then the future mother feels a strong dizziness up to a fainting state, as well as frequent headaches, migraine.

Vomiting during toxicosis also leads to the loss of nutrient elements and fluids, which means that the total blood is reduced, and the brain is starving.

Already by the beginning of the second trimester, the body adapts to changes, but why doesn't the dizziness pass? The fact is that it is in this period that the uterus is actively growing and presses the vessels located nearby. This affects the operation of the circulatory system and leads to stagnant processes. Also on the second trimester there is a head with a sharp change in the position of the body, the lengthy absence of fresh air, starvation.

In female hypotoniki, as well as in the presence in history of vegetative dystonia, dizziness is often amplified in the second trimester.

At the later dates (the end of the second, third trimester), the uterus increases greatly and passes the main veins (for example, a hollow), especially in the sitting position and lying. That is, often the head of pregnant is spinning during the rest and rest. Therefore, doctors are not recommended in the later deadlines to sleep on the back and long work at a computer without a relaxing gymnastics.

Also in later periods, anemia can develop and decrease the concentration of hemoglobin, and on the background of oxygen starvation the head is circling. Causes of anemia in late terms: Insufficient production of red blood cells - red blood cells, accommodation in a region with low atmospheric pressure, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, blood coagulation disorders and blood flow.

It is surprising that the cause of dizziness on the 3 trimester can be the usual overeating sweets. Simple carbohydrates (candies, cakes, cookies, confectionery) sharply increase the glucose indicator in plasma. In response, the body produces insulin emission, which also quickly reduces sugar, which is accompanied by general malaise, weakness and dizziness.

After 38 weeks, the body begins to actively prepare for childbirth, as a result of which the blood rushes abundantly to the uterus and the small pelvis organs, and here are other organs and systems, including the brain, starve.

Diagnosis and treatment

If a future dizziness is tormented regularly, it is necessary to exclude serious pathologies, posting for a reception to highly specialized doctors: a cardiologist, a gastroenterologist and a neurologist. Doctors additionally prescribe urine and blood tests, brain MRI, electrocardiogram, etc.

Before the doctor's reception, the future mother and loved ones must learn to have the first help during dizziness.

  1. Pregnant laid on a horizontal surface and asked to cover their eyes. The pillow under the head is put, legs are lifted up (provides a tide of blood to the brain). If there is no possibility to put a woman, then you need to sit down, keeping under your arms, and tilt your head down.
  2. A cool bandage is superimposed on the forehead. You can also dissolve the area of \u200b\u200bthe temples.
  3. It is necessary to measure the pulse and the blood pressure of the future mother. With the permission of the duty officer, they are trying to stabilize the pressure.
  4. Pregnant is not allowed to faint and lead to feeling.
  5. Open the window for fresh air access. Also include air conditioning (fan), but do not directly directly to a woman.
  6. The pregnant woman who came to feel warm and sweet tea.
  7. If dizziness is accompanied by vaginal discharge, vomiting, sharp pain in the abdomen, violation of vision, fainting or heat tide, then the pregnant woman needs to urgently hospitalize.

If the head is strongly spinning in the late dates, then the development of gestosis (late toxicosis) is possible, which represents a threat to the health of mother and baby.

As a rule, dizziness does not require a pregnant stay in the hospital. Therapy is prescribed depending on the cause of this symptom.

  1. To relieve the signs of toxicosis, a complex drug Cerukal is prescribed.
  2. If dizziness occurs against the background of anemia or reduced hemoglobin, iron-containing preparations and a special diet, including rosehip, green apples and grenades, meat and offal (especially liver) are prescribed.
  3. When the reason for the ailment is to fluctuate the level of sugar in plasma, then consultation of the endocrinologist and the individual selection of diet and natural drugs, including for the treatment of gestational diabetes, is required. Also, a future mother needs to eat regularly in small portions to avoid glucose levels. Diets, starvations and posts are contraindicated! The consumption of sweet, simple carbohydrates is reduced to the minimum.
  4. If the cause of dizziness is a vegetative dystonia, then sedatives and sedatives on a vegetable basis (lattice, valerian, mint) are prescribed.
  5. When chronically reduced pressure and accompanying dizziness prescribed drugs, exciting the nervous system (tincture of Eleutherococcus, pink radiol, ginseng), as well as natural green and ginger tea, coffee (quantity is controlled).

Treatment of dizziness can be found in the recipes of traditional medicine. For example, calm the nervous system and reduce headaches helps a decoction of melissa or peppermint. You can also make inhalation with these herbs or smoking essential oils.

Prevention of dizziness

Prevent the appearance of dizziness will help the following recommendations:

  1. Regularly walk in the fresh air (favorably stay at sea resorts, in forest sanatoriums, etc.).
  2. Raised from the situation sitting and lying slowly, and in the later dates, be sure to look for a support in the form of items.
  3. Engage in special gym and yoga.
  4. Not to stay in one position of the body for too long, while avoiding resting on the back.
  5. For a long time not to be in a stuffy unbelievable room.
  6. Do not take hot baths, refuse to visit the sauna and baths, avoid the day sun for tanning.
  7. Properly and regularly eat, additionally take complex vitamins for pregnant women.
  8. To drink enough liquid, which is important for metabolism in cells and sufficient blood plasma volume.
  9. Control the level of blood pressure using a tonometer.

The future mom should be careful and control your well-being daily. It is important to listen to your body and notice even a slight ailment. If dizziness is not a single case and accompanied by a deterioration of well-being, then it is necessary to consult with the attending physician.

Video: reduced pressure and dizziness during pregnancy