Individual-typological characteristics of primary school children. Presentation on the topic "individual typological characteristics of the personality" Individually typological characteristics of the child presentation


With any temperament, there is a danger of the development of undesirable properties: for a sanguine person - diffuse interests; in a choleric person - incontinence, harshness; in a phlegmatic person - lethargy, indifference to the environment; for a melancholic - isolation, insecurity, excessive shyness.

It is important for the teacher and parents to know the temperament of the children. This will help to form an individual style of activity for each of the preschoolers, to find the right approach to them. In addition, due to the plasticity of the nervous system, temperament can be influenced. In this case, measures of influence should be selected such that would counteract, prevent the appearance of weaknesses in the child's temperament and support his strengths.

It is important not only to develop a certain complex of educational influences, but also to address them to the period of development that is most favorable for the manifestation of individual typological properties (i.e., take into account sensitive periods). The most favorable prerequisites for educational influences are created in early and junior preschool age, when the nervous system is in its infancy, when the basic properties of nervous processes are intensively developing.

How to take into account the temperament in educational work "" In relation to the living, sociable, energetic sanguine- we will rely on these characteristic qualities, trying to help them assert themselves among their peers, develop a singing, individual style of activity. At the same time, let us take into account that such traits as composure and accuracy are formed in sanguine people with more difficulty than in children with a different temperament. Frequent condescension to, at first glance, violations of accepted rules, order (did not remove toys, scattered pencils, did not collect cubes, did not hang a coat on a hanger, etc.), lack of control over behavior, actions contribute to the destruction of useful prn-ab1chek in sanguine people (complicates their formation).

The sociability of sanguine children disposes those around them, however, often not very attractive character traits (stickiness, obsession) are masked behind the external form of behavior. The pliability and plasticity of the nervous system, which facilitate easy entry into a new environment and new activity, sometimes turn into a negative side: the child changes one toy after another, has many friends, but not a single friend, takes on everything, but rarely completes what he started. Therefore, one of the tasks of raising a sanguine child is the formation of stable attachments and interests in him.

Sanguine people quickly get tired of monotony. As soon as the activity loses its attractiveness, the child tries to stop it, switches to something else. In all such situations, you should strive to complete the job started, pay attention to quality, and avoid superficial and careless performance of the task. Poorly performed work can be offered to be redone. You should not allow frequent changes in activities - the habit of taking everything and not bringing anything to the end can become a character trait.

It is very important from an early age to teach a child to be attentive to his peers, to promote the establishment of strong, deep relationships of a sanguine person with peers, so that his new acquaintances do not supplant old attachments. One should not limit the liveliness and activity of a sanguine person, but it is useful to teach him to restrain his impulses, if necessary, to reckon with the claims of others.

In a relationship choleric it is necessary to take into account that it is often their characteristic activity, mobility, assertiveness, and emotionality that help them to take a favorable position in the "children's society". Therefore, it is advisable to make wider use of their favorite outdoor and sports games in the formation of their "I-concept", optimization of the relationship of these children with their peers.

Choleric people are easily excitable, as a rule, very energetic. The complexity of raising an excitable child is often aggravated by the wrong attitude of adults towards him, who at any cost try to interfere with the child's activity, restrain his mobility. There is no need to forbid him to be active, no need to lead him by the hand, read notations. It is much more expedient to support his useful hobby, to strive to organize his life in such a way that his activity finds useful application. We must reckon with the fact that a choleric child is easily aroused, it is difficult to stop him, calm him down, put him to sleep. In no case should one use "strong measures" of influence - shouts, slaps, threats. From this, the excitement only intensifies. With an excitable child, one should speak calmly, but demanding, without persuasion. Since these children have a naturally weak inhibitory process, they should not be rebuked for being overly excited. It is necessary to help to curb it, and here jokes and humor will be appropriate.

Strange as it may seem, the "indefatigable" choleric person needs a particularly sparing regimen. It is advisable to limit anything that excites the nervous system, especially in the afternoon before bed.

All kinds of activities that help the development of intelligence and concentration are useful for excitable children: board games, construction, sawing, drawing - in a word, everything that can captivate and requires perseverance. It is very good if the child has a constant work assignment, it disciplines, fosters the ability to manage himself.

At the same time, there is no need to be zealous in limiting the motor activity of choleric people (and sanguine people). Specialists in the field of physical education of preschoolers (V.A. Shishkina, V.N.Shebeko, etc.) recommend that in relation to children with an increased need for physical activity not to infringe on it, but to regulate the intensity, nature of movements (suggest movements that require concentration, accuracy , restraint). It is useful to teach such children precise movements - throwing at a target, rolling the ball on a limited area (floorboard, "path" made of cords, gymnastic bench, etc.), catching the ball; all types and methods of climbing are also useful. The aimlessness of movements quickly tires choleric people. Let's listen to these advice, take them into account in educational and correctional work.

Increased emotionality, reactivity, assertiveness of a choleric person can, due to his inherent impulsiveness, incontinence, lead to complications of his relationships with peers.

It is difficult for a choleric child to follow the rules of communication: speak calmly, wait for your turn, give in, reckon with other people's desires. This should be taught patiently with encouragement, reminders, sometimes remarks. And at the same time, let's not forget about the special power of play communication, reliance on the motives of activity that are significant for preschoolers (play, competitive, self-affirmation, etc.).

With children over 5 years old, we can talk about the inadmissibility of sharp outbreaks, unseemly antics.

When educating strong-willed character traits in children of an excitable type of temperament, restraining mechanisms should be developed: The ability to wait, delay your desires, restrain your impulse. The properties of the excitable type by themselves cannot be an obstacle to the development of a strong will. On the contrary, under the influence of an uprising, correctional work, these qualities can become a good basis for the development of a strong will.

It is important to appreciate the inherent decisiveness, courage, energy, stability of their interests, and often the initiative that is inherent in such children.

A common parenting mistake phlegmatic is the presentation of requirements to the child without taking into account his natural characteristics, the manifestation of dissatisfaction with sluggishness, awkwardness Shouts, threats, pushing have not helped any phlegmatic person to become fast. On the contrary, such a strong stimulus as a shout has an inhibitory effect on the child, and, instead of rushing, he acts even more slowly. There are cases when a child suddenly displays a tempo of activity that is not typical for him, but a fast pace requires a lot of tension from the child, and the "reserves" of this tension are small.

Another mistake adults make is the desire to remove the baby from everything that requires effort, to immediately come to his aid. In this case, the child will never become mobile, he may develop uncertainty in his abilities, the desire to avoid everything that is associated with the word "quickly".

It is important to be patient and from an early age teach a slow child the techniques of dressing, washing, taking care of things, various types of housework and self-service. You can think about accelerating the pace of learning only when the child masters the correct techniques, and at the beginning the main thing is not to rush. It is necessary to develop activity, mobility of phlegmatic people gradually, observing the feasibility in increasing the pace. It is important to encourage even a slight manifestation of quickness and mobility.

Slow children need to create such conditions so that lethargy, inactivity does not turn into laziness, and evenness of feelings - into their poverty and weakness. Situations requiring resourcefulness and quickness should not be avoided, but it is also important to praise such a child for the manifestation of these qualities. You can call for help from games-competitions, and sometimes an alarm clock or an hourglass - to teach you to finish a job before ringing.

Children with a sedentary nervous system prefer quiet games and activities. It is important for the teacher to take this into account, especially in the process of helping to optimize the interpersonal relationships of the phlegmatic with peers. In didactic games, constructive activities, such important qualities of phlegmatic people as poise, tolerance, ability to long-term concentration, equanimity, self-control, diligence, and accuracy become especially noticeable to others. These qualities should also be relied on when helping a phlegmatic person develop his individual style of activity.

In order to overcome possible inertia, lethargy, phlegmatic should also be included in such activities that require the child and physical activity - gymnastics, outdoor games, hiking, collective work, etc. In these cases, success depends on the pace and rhythm of the child's work. common cause, if he is too slow, he may let his comrades down. But slow children cannot be united in collective work with those whose pace is much higher. It is important to take this into account when conducting sports games and exercises.

Due to their high rigidity, phlegmatic people slowly get used to new living conditions. Their adaptation to them is difficult. It is difficult for these children to get used to the kindergarten, to the change of caregivers, it is difficult to adapt to the new regime, new requirements, to part with their parents, to meet new children ...

Let's help phlegmatic people overcome these difficulties. To develop the ability to adapt to new conditions, it is useful to walk with the child and guests, give instructions that require communication with children, with adults (take the toys made to a group of toddlers, go to the methodologist's office for the right book, etc.). This kind of activity also helps to develop communication skills in introverts. If the child gets down to business, you cannot leave him alone, otherwise the swinging period may be extended. It is difficult for a phlegmatic child not only to start a business, but also to finish it. You should warn him in advance about the need to finish work, but do not interrupt him abruptly. It is very good if a phlegmatic person is friends with an active child. But we must make sure that the energetic comrade does not take all the initiative into his own hands. All this will help turn the "quiet" phlegmatic into a diligent, accurate, thoughtful, hardworking, meaningful for peers and loved by them.

In raising a melancholic child, it is especially important to observe a sparing regimen and the principle of gradualness. First of all, you should limit the noise, the number of toys, narrow the circle of acquaintances, because the baby does not tolerate strong stimuli. But at the same time, the child is to teach the child not to be afraid of noise, calmly, without anxiety to relate to a new person, to be able to actively act with one toy. The circle of acquaintances should also be expanded gradually, starting with one calm peer. After the child gets used to it, learns to play together, this circle can be expanded. Children with a weak type with great difficulty enter the team, it is not easy to break away from their mother, they slowly get used to the regime, cry for a long time, refuse to play together, do not talk with their peers.

The first days of such a child's stay in the kindergarten require special attention from the educator. It is necessary to show attention, sensitivity, it is important to endear the child to himself, to inspire confidence (otherwise he will suffer for a long time).

Children with a weak nervous system require a careful attitude: they cannot be raised to voice, be overly exacting and strict, punished - all these measures will cause tears, withdrawal, increased anxiety and other undesirable reactions. You should speak with such children gently, but confidently, do not skimp on affection.

Melancholic people are distinguished by suggestibility, therefore, their shortcomings cannot be emphasized - this will only reinforce their lack of confidence in their abilities.

The attitude to anxiety should be ambiguous. After removing the adaptive stress, anxiety can become a condition that will stimulate the activity, self-regulation of the child's activity. Melancholic children are characterized by a high sensitivity to mistakes and at the same time a high level of self-control. This ensures a fairly high productivity and quality of work, high learning ability.

It should be borne in mind that melancholic people are introverts. They more often "communicate" with game attributes, plan their actions without prompting from other people. It is very important to help them find friends, overcome shyness, self-doubt, excessive anxiety.

Melancholic people need to develop a desire for activity, the ability to overcome difficulties. The positive emotions of these children should be maintained.

Children with weak nervous systems require relatively frequent rest.

Success in working with melancholic people also presupposes relying on their valuable qualities - sensitivity to emotional influences, the ability to empathize, empathy, etc. Children of this temperament usually find it easier to express themselves, to assert themselves in artistic activity (musical, visual, etc.), in calm games , classes (in small groups in composition, with friendly children in nature, close in the degree of sociability). It is important to take this into account in the process of educational and correctional work.

"Taking into account the individual-typological characteristics of children and adolescents"

Situations of manifestation of strength (weakness) of the nervous system (NS)

1. Prolonged mental stress difficult lesson, test or essay for two lessons, etc.)

Manifestationsstrong n. With. - characteristicabsence fatigue, there is a long work without interruption.

Manifestationsweak n. With. -fatigue builds up rapidly, performance decreases, and rest breaks are necessary.

2. Long school day (6-7 lessons)

Manifestationsstrong n. With. -fatigue NS is not observed by the end of the day

Manifestationsn. With. -productivity by lesson 1 falls, fatigue increases.

3. Responsible, emotionally stressful situation (for example, time limit, test, exam, etc.)

Manifestationsstrong n. With. -the ability to gather, concentrate, work more productively than usual; lack of discomfort in critical situations.

Manifestationsweak n. With. -there are very big difficulties, discomfort, the quality of work decreases (errors appear that do not occur in a normal situation).

4 ... Bad answer, censure

Manifestationsstrong n. With. - attitude to thisthe situation is calm, this has little effect on long-distance work.

Manifestationsweak n. With. -hypersensitivity to such a situation (depression, tears, etc.); further work is not glued.

5. The need to constantly distribute attention (for example, to do independent work and at the same time monitor how a classmate answers at the blackboard and what explanations the teacher gives)

Manifestationsstrong n. With. -distribution of attention between several activities does not cause any particular difficulties

Manifestationsweak n. With, -there are great difficulties, discomfort, work efficiency decreases

6. Working in a noisy, hectic environment (for example, in an after-school group)

Manifestations of a strong researcher - distractions (noise, conversations) do not interfere, work efficiency does not decrease

Manifestationsweak n. With. - efficiencyfalls sharply, the number of errors increases sharply, fatigue and fatigue appear

7. Performing monotonous repetitive work during the lesson

Manifestationsstrong n. With. - very pain is observedgreat difficulties, especially towards the end, irritation, displeasure arise; active avoidance of such work; frequent distractions for other activities, conversations with neighbors, etc. Low productivity of work Manifestationsweak n. With. -work is done eagerly, easily, successfully, practically without errors

8. Execution of work according to the algorithm

Manifestationsstrong n. With.- there are great difficulties in working according to the algorithm, according to the template, gaps often occur, forgetting to perform this or that operation

Manifestationsweak n. With. - actions by template, bythe algorithm, a unified scheme are carried out with high efficiency and with great pleasure, characterized by thorough, step by step, the execution of tasks, in their strict sequence, without jumping from one operation to another

9. Performing work requiring systematization, planning

Manifestationsstrong n. With.- there is no inclination to work that requires systematization, ordering of material, to planning their activities

Manifestationsweak n. With. -a pronounced tendency to plan future activities, to draw up plans in writing, as well as a tendency to work requiring systematization. Preference is given to external supports (graphs, diagrams, diagrams, tables)

10. Self-control

Manifestationsstrong n. With. -ignoring this side of the activity. Completed tasks are not checked, for this reason, the success of the work in some cases may be low

Manifestationsweak n. With.- a tendency to carefully monitor the performance of tasks and to check the results obtained.

In any team, class, how many people who differ sharply from each other in the speed of completing tasks, the ease of switching from one type of activity to another, the speed of assimilation of new material, the speed of reaction to various external stimuli. Some students almost always demonstrate a high speed of work, and they can be described as very fast, while others, on the contrary, do everything at a low speed, do not have time to meet the allotted time and are most often characterized as slow. Numerous studies have shown that these individual differences (provided that both students have the necessary knowledge, skills, interest in learning) are due to such properties of the nervous system aslabilityandmobility.

It should be noted that these properties of the nervous system in life situations have a lot of similar manifestations. Both lability and mobility determine such a dynamic feature as speed, pace of activity. Therefore, at the behavioral level, there is often no clear distinction between them. Usually, when describing the vital manifestations of these properties, such a concept is used as "the mobility of the nervous system in the broad sense of the word."

So, a high rate of activity, speed of reactions are characteristic of persons with a mobile (in a broad sense) nervous system.

A low rate of activity, delayed reactions are found in those individuals who have an inert (in a broad sense) nervous system.

Situations and manifestations of mobility (inertia) of the nervous system

1. Fulfillment of various tasks in terms of content and methods of solving tasks

Manifestationsmobile n. With.- a great desire to participate in such work and, if you have the necessary knowledge, high work efficiency

Manifestationsinert n. With. -great difficulties even with firmly acquired knowledge. There are cases of refusal to complete tasks in the lesson with frequently changing content and solution

2. A high pace of work with an unclear sequence of questions (that is, the pace is associated with a situation of uncertainty)

Manifestationsmobile n. With. -successful completion of tasks in a similar situation. The correctness of the answers does not depend on the pace at which the material is delivered

Manifestationsinert n. With. -very big difficulties in work (sometimes a complete refusal to do anything)

3. Fast paced work when the sequence of questions is clear (for example, questions are written on the board)

Manifestationsmobile n. With.- successful completion of tasks in a similar situation

Manifestationsinert n. With.- work begins with the second or third task, the first is skipped, thereby increasing the time to prepare the answer

4. Fast switching of attention to a new type of activity.

Manifestationsmobile n. With. -quick switching of attention to a new type of activity, quick transition to a new job

Manifestationsinert n. With.- very big difficulties; productivity drops sharply. Discomfort and confusion are noted. Connecting to new activities does not happen immediately; activity in performing new tasks increases gradually (to the 3rd, 4th task)

Manifestationsmobile n. With. -with the necessary knowledge, work productivity is high. The required knowledge is quickly updated.

The lack of time stimulates activation, mobilization of forces

Manifestationsinert n. With. -the occurrence of severe discomfort and stress is observed. Even in the presence of well-assimilated knowledge, their quick actualization is difficult; it is typical in such situations to get lost, to make mistakes

6. Monotonous, monotonous work

Manifestationsmobile n. With. -very big difficulties are observed. A rapid loss of interest in work is noted, and a feeling of "satiety" develops. An active search is underway to diversify activities

Manifestationsinert n.With. - there is a tendency to such work, the ability to successfully perform it for a long time

7. Long-term work requiring a lot of mental effort

Manifestationsmobile n. With. -inability to work for a long time without distractions; there is a tendency of rapid growth and an equally rapid decline in activity; a quick loss of interest in tasks, frequent distraction to extraneous activities lead to low results in work that is of a long-term nature

Manifestationsinert n, s. -the ability to work for a long time, without being distracted by other matters, by external interference. The characteristic slow increase in activity is associated with its long retention.

8. Distractions from work

Manifestationsmobile n. With.- Distractions are based on communication with others; there is a desire to involve others in their affairs

Manifestationsinert n.s.- there is a preference to go about your business alone

9 ... Simultaneous assimilation of new and repetition of old material

Manifestationsmobile n. With. -new material is preferred over repetition of what has already been passed. The ability to quickly assimilate new material and immediately respond to it is observed. Preference is given to books that are read for the first time. There is no inclination to return to the covered material. Demonstrated high activity when interviewing new material and low activity when repeating the passed

Manifestationsinert n. With.- there is a low efficiency of work on a new material immediately after acquaintance with it; it takes time to master it (for example, work through the material first at home). Demonstrated high activity in the work on the passed material. There is_ better_development of long-term memory than short-term, operational

10. Work requiring systematization, a single scheme

Manifestationsmobile n. With. -there is no inclination to work requiring systematization, ordering of material, planning of activities (drawing up any schedules and schedules)

Manifestationsinert n. With. -a pronounced tendency to work requiring systematization, uniformity. The ability to independently organize their activities is noted, not to be distracted by extraneous matters, to thoughtfully arrange drawings, diagrams, tables, etc.

In conclusion, the following point should be emphasized. As can be seen from the above observation schemes, each property of the nervous system has a wide range of psychological manifestations. However, it is not at all necessary that a person's behavior will exhibit all the manifestations listed for these properties. Most often, the psychological appearance of a person, "corrected" by external circumstances (living conditions, characteristics of upbringing and education), has a limited range of individual psychological manifestations of the properties of the nervous system. So, as a result of intensive training of some kind of activity in a person with a weak nervous system, during its implementation, such typical manifestations of weakness as self-doubt, fear of failure, fear of unexpected situations may disappear. Another example. A child with a mobile nervous system, brought up in an environment with limited communication abilities, will become silent, withdrawn. In other words, he will lose such habitual and widespread manifestations of mobility as sociability and talkativeness. His mobility will manifest itself in other aspects of behavior, in other areas of activity, for example, in the ease of changing occupations, quick execution of actions.

It is also important to remember that it is impossible to determine whether a person belongs to a certain type of the nervous system on the basis of only one feature of behavior, even if it is "catchy", bright, distinguishing this person from other people. Only the presence in him of a sufficient number of vital manifestations of one or another property of the nervous system makes it possible to make a correct diagnosis.

We offer material that systematizes in the table what was stated above.

Situations and manifestations of the properties of the nervous system

Weak type of nervous system

1. Performing tasks that are varied in content and methods of solving

A great desire to participate in such work and, if you have the necessary knowledge, high work efficiency

Great difficulty even with solid knowledge

There may be cases of refusal to complete tasks in the lesson with frequently changing content and solution

2. Prolonged mental stress

(difficult lesson, test or essay for two lessons, etc.)

Lack of fatigue is characteristic, there is a long work without interruption

Fatigue builds up rapidly, performance decreases, and rest breaks are needed

3. Long school day (6-7 lessons)

No fatigue towards the end of the day

Productivity decreases by the last lesson, fatigue increases

4. Responsible, emotionally stressful situation

(time limit, test, exam, etc.)

Ability to gather, concentrate, work more productively than usual

Lack of discomfort in critical situations

The emergence of significant difficulties, discomfort, a decrease in the quality of work (the appearance of errors that do not occur in a normal situation)

5. Bad answer, censure

The attitude to this situation is calm

This has little effect on further work.

Hypersensitivity to this situation (depression, tears, etc.)

Further work is difficult

6. The need to constantly distribute attention

(for example, do independent work and at the same time keep track of whether

as the classmate answers at the blackboard and what explanations the teacher gives)

Distribution of attention between several activities is not particularly difficult.

There are great difficulties, discomfort, work efficiency decreases

7. Working in a noisy, hectic environment (for example, in an after-school group)

Distractions (noise, conversations) do not interfere, work efficiency does not decrease

Work efficiency drops sharply, the number of errors rises sharply, fatigue and fatigue arise

8. Performing monotonous repetitive work during the lesson

To the description of the work, there are very big difficulties, irritation, displeasure arise

Active avoidance of such work, frequent distractions for other activities, conversations with neighbors, etc.

Low productivity of work execution

The work is done eagerly, easily, successfully, practically without errors.

9. Algorithm execution

There are great difficulties in working according to the algorithm, pattern, gaps often occur, one or another operation is not performed

Actions according to a template, an algorithm, a single scheme are carried out with high efficiency, with great pleasure.

Characteristically detailed, step by step, the execution of tasks, in their strict order, without jumping from one operation to another

10. Performing work requiring systematization, planning

There is no inclination to work that requires systematization, ordering of material, to planning their activities

There is a pronounced tendency to planning future activities, drawing up plans in writing, as well as a tendency to work that requires systematization

Preference is given to external supports (graphs, diagrams, diagrams, tables)

11. Self-control

Ignoring this side of the activity. Completed tasks are not checked. For this reason, the success of work in some cases may be low

A tendency to closely monitor the performance of tasks and check the results obtained

Inert type of nervous system

1. High pace of work with unclear sequence of questions

(that is, the pace is associated with a situation of uncertainty)

The correctness of the answers does not depend on the pace at which the material is delivered

Significant difficulties in work (sometimes a complete refusal to do anything)

2. Fast paced work when the sequence of questions is clear

(for example, questions are written on the board)

Successful completion of tasks in a similar situation

Work begins with the second or third task, the first is skipped, thereby increasing the time to prepare an answer

3. Fast switching of attention to a new type of activity

Quick switch of attention to a new type of activity, quick transition to a new job

Significant difficulty in switching attention

Work productivity drops sharply, discomfort, confusion are noted

Connecting to new activities does not happen immediately; activity in performing new tasks increases gradually (to the 3rd, 4th tasks)

4. Working hours are strictly limited

lack of time stimulates activation, mobilization of forces

With the necessary knowledge, work productivity is high

The required knowledge is quickly updated

The occurrence of severe discomfort, stress is observed

Even with well-mastered knowledge, it is difficult to quickly update them.

In such situations, confusion, errors are characteristic.

5. Monotonous, monotonous work

There are very great difficulties

There is a rapid loss of interest in work, a feeling of "satiety" develops

An active search is underway for techniques to diversify activities

There is a tendency to such work, the ability to successfully perform it for a long time

6. Long-term work requiring a lot of mental effort

Inability to work for a long time without distractions

There is a tendency towards rapid growth and an equally rapid decrease in activity

The rapid loss of interest in tasks, frequent distraction to extraneous activities lead to low results in long-term work

The ability to work for a long time without being distracted by other matters, external interference

A slow increase in activity is characteristic, which is associated with its long preservation.

7. Distractions from work

Distractions are based on communication with others

There is a desire to involve others in their affairs

There is a preference for going about your business alone

8. Simultaneous assimilation of new and repetition of old material

Preference is given to new material, repetition of already passed

The ability to quickly assimilate new material and immediately respond to it is observed

Preference is given to books that are read for the first time

There is no inclination to return to the covered material

Demonstrates high activity when questioning on new material and low activity when repeating the passed

There is a low efficiency of work on a new material immediately after acquaintance with it.

It takes time to master it (for example, work through the material first at home)

Demonstrates high activity in the work on the passed material

There is a more productive development of long-term memory in comparison with short-term, operational

9. Work requiring systematization, a single scheme

There is no inclination to work requiring systematization, ordering of material, planning of activities (drawing up any schedules and schedules)

A pronounced tendency to work that requires systematization, ordering of material, planning activities (drawing up any schedules and schedules)

Questions for self-control

    What are the formal dynamic characteristics of a person and what do they depend on?

    Why is it important to know and take into account the formal dynamic characteristics of a person in various activities?

    What types of diagnostic techniques are used in differential psychophysiology?

    What are the main requirements for the method of observing the formal dynamic characteristics of a person?

    What formal dynamic features are due to the strength of the nervous system?

    List the learning situations that differentiate students in terms of the strength of the nervous system.

    What formal dynamic features are caused by the mobility of the nervous system?

    Name the learning situations that differentiate students with a mobile and inert nervous system.

having different types of nervous system

Students with a weak nervous system

    If possible, ask them at the beginning of the lesson, involve them in active activities at the beginning of the school day.

    Don't put them in an unexpected question situation.

    Allow sufficient time to think and prepare your response.

    It is desirable that the answers be given not orally, but in writing, if it is about an objective assessment of their knowledge.

    While preparing the answers, give time to check and correct what has been written.

    Do not demand answers to new, just learned material, it is better to postpone the survey for the next lesson.

    By using the right tactics of surveys and rewards (not only by marking,butand in a word) build confidencein their best.

    Be sure to reward for the slightest effort, even if the result of the work is still far from what you want.

    Carefully assess the failures of these students, take into account their special vulnerability.

    Minimally distract from work, create a calm environment for them.

    Engage learners in a wide range of activities to make them feel confident.

    Develop the sociability of these guys, teach them to switch attention.

    You cannot give a large, complex material for assimilation in a limited period of time.

    Provide the ability to work according to a template, algorithm, tablesToschemes.

    Teach them to plan, control their activities.

    In the process of interaction, remember that they require constant attention and an individual approach.

Trainees with a strong mobile nervous system

    Do not involve children in monotonous, monotonous work, devoid of emotional nuances and opportunities for relaxation.

    Perseverance training is necessary, which, however, should exclude the accumulation of emotional stress.

    It is necessary to allow short breaks, change of activities.

    In a situation of monotony, it is necessary to diversify their activities to a certain extent. For example, when performing tasks of the same type, direct the search to other ways of working.

    Alternate jobs of equal types.

    In a situation where it is necessary to perform any step-by-step actions, special attention should be paid to these students.

    Monitor their fulfillment of the requirements of gradualness, consistency, patience.

    Encourage students to control their activities on their own.

    Using the strong-willed qualities of the strong, teach them to rebuild their work in the required direction. Convince students of the need for this.

    More often give tasks that have a varied content with a high pace, requiring a quick switch of attention.

    Ask more when explaining new material.

    Submit tasks for quick wits.

    To cultivate the ability to bring the work started to the end, to pay attention to the quality of activities.

    Hesupport in conflict situations.

    Assist in leadership by developing social intelligence.

    Form sustainable interests, attachments, meaningful goals.

    In the process of interaction, remember that these children require a benevolent and strict attitude. Avoid public criticism.

Students with a strong inert nervous system

    Do not demand from them an immediate response, inclusion in activities, since their activity in performing a new type of task increases gradually.

    Remember that they cannot actively work with various tasks, some of them refuse to perform such tasks at all.

    Do not demand a quick change in unsuccessful wording when verbal responses. They need time to think it over, since they often follow standard, homemade preparations in their answers.

    Do not ask at the beginning of the lesson, as they can hardly be distracted from the previous situation.

    Avoid a situation where you need to get a quick (verbal) answer to an unexpected question.

    Time should be allowed for reflection and preparation.

    Do not make you work for a while.

    At the time of completing the task, do not distract.

    You should not be asked to answer new, just passed material.

    In a situation of monotony, their activities should be diversified to a certain extent.

    To develop the activity of the children, observing the feasibility and gradualness in increasing the pace.

    It is necessary to train the mobility of the nervous processes.

    Encourage even a slight manifestation of the acceleration of the pace, quickness.

    It is necessary to interest the children in active independent activities.

They require systematic attention. They prefer a calm, trusting attitude of others.


(according to the leading representative system)


By the age of two, he already speaks with might and main, and he can speak right awayxoposho, not distorting words. By the age of four, he talks madly, if there is no interlocutor, talks to himself. Easily enters intocontacts with children and adults, enjoys talking with the old women on the bus and with all the children in the yard.

Thanks to well-developed speech and "hanging tongue" before school aboutgives the impression of a very smart and developed child: easyguesses riddles that are difficult even for adults, because he likes to perceiveinformation by ear. He loves to listen when people read to him, often prefers reading to cartoons. Already at 4 years old can listen for hoursbooks, stories of parents, fairy tales and songs on records. However, when masteringthe alphabet, the first difficulties begin; cannot remember letters and numbers for a long time. Can remember how they are pronounced in a row for eachfriend: A, B, C, D, D, etc. But he does not remember the letters separately.

Compared to a visually oriented child, disobedient, an hourthen objects to the comments of adults, in response to any demandyou can hear from himone hundred words of counterarguments. Indifferent to clothes:it is easy for him to justify the need for this or that choice of clothing - wApk "Like a tankman", boots "like an astronaut", a hairstyle "like a Barbie", etc.P.

He does not like colorful shows and entertainment, visiting a circus or a petThe jar does not impress him and is not remembered. Loves to listenwrite songs, easily memorize melodies and play them, recognize voicessingers.

When experiencing stressful situations, she constantly breaks down to scream, takes offenseany change in voice intonation. Can harass parentsrepeating unimaginable curses, or endlessly repeating the same phrase like: “0-pa, oh-pa, America, Europe, India, China - choose whoever you want, etc.

The main difficulties in school are inability to concentrate, incessant chatter, due to lack ofvisual images, inability to solve problems,tendency to all kinds of guessing.


Kinesthetics are distinguished by extraordinary mobility. Sitting at a table for fifteen minutes can be seen as a feat, a manifestation of goodwill. After such a feat, kinesthetics, as a rule, become tired, the child may start to be capricious. Most of the whims of kinesthetics are due to the fact that he is forced to do what he does not like and which he will strongly oppose.

Kinaesthetics speech is filled with verbs, since the main thing in his life is to do business, and not chat and watch, passively lying on the couch. Kinesthetics have to do everything themselves, touch them with their hands, come up with fun and jokes. If such a child is idle, his mood may deteriorate. Kinesthetics are very independent and talented. If the visual and auditory child still needs to organize an activity that he loves; give everything, spread it out, prepare and be near to watch or listen, then you can completely forget about kinesthetics (unless, of course, he has no ideas about you); modeling, popping, constructor, cinema, trips to the forest, experiments, experiments and, most importantly, do not interfere with them.

They are of great concern to parents and teachers; they need to touch, they have Velcro on their hands - they cannot sit still and listen to how audials do it, they cannot calmly consider how visuals love it, they need to jump up, shake, run and jump.

If you take him to the circus and to the theater, then be prepared for the fact that the child will repeat every movement he likes, depict, imitate

and will certainly want to take part in the performance himself. Kinesthetics, unlike others, perceive odors well, they have excellent developed taste. They are very fond of animals, especially their soft fluffy fur, against which they press their cheeks, nose, chest. They can put cats on their knees, on their shoulders, like a collar, they often show a research interest in the behavior of animals, as they are observant in relation to plastic surgery.


He is usually quiet, brooding, "on his own mind." Little talkative, there are almost no friends. It is difficult to establish contacts with children, this is especially noticeable from 5 to 7 years old. He prefers to communicate with adults.

He is obedient, learns easily and with pleasure. He quickly learns the alphabet without noticeable difficulty, he can already know all the letters at the age of three. Loves to assemble a designer, can sit for hours at the TV.

By school age, a designer, a computer can become a passion. Loves to look at pictures, stamps, photographs, beautiful toys. He is indifferent to animals, although he does not mind admiring beautiful kittens, watching puppies frolic. He does not like to walk, often prefers TV and computer to walking and chatting with friends. He is picky in his clothes, beauty comes first, convenience and approval of others come second.

The circus, the theater and all the spectacles make a strong impression on him, but tells little about the impressions.

The main difficulties for visuals are associated with communication, building relationships, joining a new team. Nickname seems to be absentintrinsic motivation to communicate with peers. To make the impression of others cold and alienated, because they do not like to be fondled; they do not like to be disturbed and “squeezed.” Visuals in school learn more successfully than all other types, they have no problems with discipline.

individually typological
developmental features of the child, we mean
the formation
gnostic, right and left hemispheric functions.
Neuropsychological research methods
allow you to distinguish each child as his
"Strengths" and "weaknesses" in development
mental functions, as well as determine
individual typological
children. Study of individual typological
organizing a differentiated approach to
conditions of the transition of modern pedagogy to

Interhemispheric asymmetry and interhemispheric
the most important
fundamental laws of the brain. They
characterize the integrative features of work
the brain as a single system, a single
substrate of mental processes (Bragina N.N.,
Dobrokhotova T.A., 1988; Simernitskaya E.G., 1985;
Chomskaya E.D., 2005).
Gnostic function, expressed in the work of the block
reception, processing and storage of information.
Programming, regulation and control unit

Neuropsychological features

Left hemispheric
Synthetic (vision of similarities and
similarity c); simultante (simultaneous, gest alto); specific;
non-verbal information (including
including music); prostranstvenny
from wearing; emotional
st imu-lov; unpleasant foot,
terrible; information
1. Perception
Unimodal (vision
razlabstrakt noyichiy);
analytic ;; verbal
information; temporary
from wearing; characters;
pleasant, funny;
information is discrete.
2. Method
Consistent. Works like Parallel (simultaneous).
digital verbal system.
Works like an analog system.
3. Memory
Based on verbal
Figurative; recognition of faces,
4. Performed operations
Reading, writing, counting.
Tracking the moving
subject ami.
5. Thinking
Verbal, formal, analytic;
Visual-figurative (practical,
valid), int uit vnoe;
6. Emotions
Positive (vision of the world
Negative (vision of the world
emotionally gloomy).

Gender characteristics

1. Perception
Hearing acuity is on average higher than that of
girls. The willow perspective is important to them.
is simple. Perception of the environment.
Perceive information, it
content, novelty, and type of presentation.
More sensitive to noise.
They rely on near vision, for them
comfort but limited space.
Perception of symbols. Perception
emotional relationships.
2. Method
In the system of search and research.
According to the template, standard y, stereot ipno.
3. Memory
They remember everything that they themselves "discovered"
and researched.
Rely on mechanical
4. Executable
Mental manipulation with
geometric shapes.
Counting, manipulation of numbers and
5. Thinking
Thinking more tacitly, with
search act innost. Thinking
aims to identify
regularity and non-standard
solutions. At the age of 6, formed
simple thinking.
Thinking is more pragmatic and
specifically. Thinking is focused on
obtaining the required result. TO
13 years old
simple thinking.
6. Emotions
Emotions are strong, but short,
experienced in the internal structure,
without external manifestation -
from reacting and rushing
Emotions are directed to the outer plane,
spoken out, lived repeatedly with the inclusion of loved ones,
proxies, continued
long time, during which
adaptation to the negat willow takes place.

Archetypes - symbols

Symbols of freedom and travel: sun, window, wind, month,
moon, bridges, horizon, space flights, paraphernalia
travel: wheels, airplane, bicycle, car, boat,
Rocket, etc.
Symbols of strength, power and will: tractor, crane, whale,
barbell, train, ...
Enemy symbols: scary dragons, snakes, robots;
Fortitude Symbols: Triangle, Square, Tall Tree,
Symbols of struggle: sword, spear, bow, arrows, helmet, shield,
Victory symbols: flag, bugle, bell, cheers.


Symbols of the guardian and resurrection of life:
egg, chicks, cradle;
Symbols of spiritual motherhood: dolls,
cradles, brides, strollers;
Symbols of femininity (tenderness, grace,
lightness): balloons, fluttering birds,
chickens, decorated princesses - brides,
Symbols of female beauty: flowers, hats, glasses,
brooches, bright lips, eyes;
The symbols of the hearth and home comfort: home, table,
curtains, service, bed, stove, bathroom;
Symbols of wealth in the house: berries, fruits, vegetables,

With the normal development of the child
the strategy of the sensory-subconscious, the strategy of their
primary archetypes, based on,
which is issued
psychological life (male or
female status), never


Anufriev A.F., Kostromina S.N. How to overcome difficulties in
teaching children. - M., from the "Os-89", 2000
Bezrukikh M.M. Problem children. - M., from URAO, 2000
Bryazgunov I.P., Kasatikova E.V. Attention deficit with
hyperactivity in children. - M., Medpraktika - M. - 2002
Dennison P., Dennison G. Brain Gymnastics: Part 1-2. / Per.
CM. Masgutova. - M., 1997
Zavadenko N.N. How to understand a child: children with hyperactivity and
attention deficit disorder. - M., School - Press, 2000
Lyutova E.K., Monina G.B. Cheat sheet for adults. - M., from
CSPA "Genesis"
Semenovich A.V. Neuropsychological diagnostics and correction
in childhood. - M., from the "Academy", 2002
Sorokina L.I. The relationship of individual-typological
characteristics of children with the suspension of mastering
general education program of the kindergarten // Bulletin
Moscow State University for the Humanities M.A. Sholokhov. -2012.-No. 1. Sirotyuk A.L. Correction of learning and development of preschoolers and
schoolchildren. - M., from the "Creative Center" 2001
A.L. Sirotyuk Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. -
M., from the "TC Sphere", 2002
Khrizman T.P. Development of the functions of the child's brain. L., 1978
Khrizman T.P., Eremeeva V.D. Boys and girls are two different
the world. - M., from "Tuscarora", 1998


Temperament is an individual characteristic of a person, which manifests itself when

certain conditions, factors, activities.

For the development of the child, an individual approach is required, knowing the anatomical, physiological and mental characteristics of the child, you can count on a positive result of communication.

The peculiarity of the child's behavior depends on his physical condition and personality. Knowing the temperament of the child, it is easier for the teacher to find the way to the heart of the child.

When identifying individual typological characteristics, four types of temperament were identified. The first manifestations of temperament are noticeable from birth - these are innate traits. Judging by the external behavior, it is possible to determine which type of the four known children belongs to.

HALERIC - facial expressions are well mobile, loud speech, frequent gestures with limbs, this type of children always keep their head straight, as if pulling their neck in, their gaze is always directed to the front. In the game, this child is through, out of the way, active and intrusive, and with great persistence and confidence he believes that he is right, it is with him that the children are interested, considers himself a leader. The child is choleric - it is difficult to fall asleep, and waking up quickly activates.

MELANCHOLIKS - children are very sensitive and vulnerable, children at an early age do not create problems for their parents, as if it is not heard and invisible. The child speaks quietly, hesitantly, quickly gets tired of noise, comments, passivity, fatigue, slowness, the child often chooses loneliness instead of the interlocutor, such children often complain of headaches, among a group of children they can often be seen sitting on the sofa alone - they are not bored, this is one of the characteristics of a melancholic, but he has such qualities as responsiveness, affection.

Sanguine - sociable, cheerful, active - this is how a sanguine person looks like a choleric person, active facial expressions, often gesticulates, speaks loudly and quickly. He falls asleep quickly and wakes up easily, easily switches from an active type of work to a more peaceful one, easily performs the task entrusted to him. A sanguine child does not have a stable position - behavior and interests, one can say about such a child - he quickly lights up, and quickly loses interest. This type lacks persistence.

FLEGMATIC - sedentary. The child is calm, little emotional, but it is difficult to fall asleep and it is difficult to wake up, it seems that he can sleep for days, facial expressions are poorly expressed, there are no unnecessary gestures and movements. The positive side of such children is serenity, conscientiousness, and the negative slowness.

Knowledge of the traits of temperament helps to find an individual approach to upbringing and obtaining the desired result, now it becomes clear the importance of different games during the day - didactic, narrative role-playing, outdoor games. At the beginning of my teaching career, I could not understand why some children make contact faster than others, why some are interested in modeling, while others are interested in mathematics, why some cry in the morning, and parents cannot persuade them to go home in the evening. Now I understand clearly - what is individual, nothing else will come of it.


He is friendly, sociable, cheerful, quite agreeable and reasonable, easily compromises, adapts to an unfamiliar environment, is active, mobile, impulsive, unforgiving, lacks patience and perseverance, so he often cannot concentrate on any one type of activity.

With the wrong upbringing, such children often grow up windy and frivolous.

  • Form sustainable interests;
  • to teach to bring what has been started to the end;
  • to form a critical attitude towards the results of their work;
  • pay attention to the quality of the assignment;
  • offer games and exercises that require concentration, precision, restraint.

Restless mischievous and badass. Attacks of irritation and anger are common for him. Easily adapts to an unfamiliar environment, but because of his hot-tempered nature, he rarely finds a common language with peers.

He is inclined to play for the audience, he constantly needs spectators, from whom he expects a response. He assimilates new information quickly, but after a few minutes it flies out of his head. The choleric loves active noisy games and new experiences, willingly takes risks.

Such children are inattentive, they lack prudence and the ability to calculate their capabilities.

  • Develop the ability to reckon with the feelings of others;
  • direct energy to useful things;
  • strengthen the process of inhibition through engaging in calm activities;
  • develop restraint;
  • offer games and exercises that require concentration, precision.

Phlegmatic person

Very calm, restrained, serious. At first glance, it may seem lethargic and unemotional. Not too curious, prefers quiet games and rarely takes a leadership position among other children.

It takes a long and difficult time to adapt to the new environment, and does not tolerate changes. He is afraid to take risks and does not like to take the initiative. He is slow, it takes him a lot of time to assimilate new information, but once the knowledge gained is firmly fixed in his memory.

A phlegmatic person easily falls asleep, but sometimes it is not easy to wake him up: the baby is naughty, whines, and then for half a day complains of lethargy and drowsiness.

  • Gradually develop activity and mobility, including in games with low, then medium, and then high mobility;
  • take into account the low pace of the task.


Shy, timid, indecisive. In all his movements, gestures, speech, uncertainty is manifested. Such children often withdraw into themselves, very badly get used to the new team.

Knowledge is given to a melancholic with great difficulty, since the baby is constantly distracted by extraneous objects and cannot concentrate on the main thing. Melancholic children are very suspicious, they often worry about trifles and react extremely painfully to punishments and negative assessments.

  • More often give a positive assessment, encouragement;
  • create situations of success;
  • organize joint activities with successful children.

The task of adults is to create conditions for the full development of specific children's activities of a child in kindergarten on the basis of developing an individual approach to each child, and for this it is necessary to know and rely on the age and individual characteristics of children.

Remember: there are no bad children, some negative traits are the result of improper upbringing. It is better to emphasize the positive qualities and thereby consolidate them, promoting the development of the child's self-esteem.

With the help of an individual approach, we will find the "key" for each child.

List of used literature

  1. Preschool psychology / Uruntaeva G.A. - M., 1998.
  2. An individual approach to raising a child / Kovalchuk Ya.I. - M., 1981.
  3. Organization of activities of the Center for play support of an early age child: notes of play days / Yu. A. Afonkina, E. M. Omelchenko. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.
  4. Practical seminars and trainings for teachers. - Issue. 1. Educator and child: effective interaction / author-comp. E. V. Shitova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.
  5. Practical seminars for teachers. Issue 2. Psychological competence of educators / author-comp. S. V. Terpigorieva. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.

On this topic:

Features of the development of preschool children

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The childhood of any baby consists of a certain number of different periods, some of them are very easy, and some are quite difficult. Children are constantly learning something new, getting to know the world around them. For several years, the child will have to overcome a lot of crucial stages, each of which becomes decisive in the crumbs' worldview.

Features of the development of preschool children are that this period is the formation of a successful and mature personality. Preschool development of children lasts for several years, during this period the child needs caring parents and competent teachers, only then the child will receive all the necessary knowledge and skills.

In preschool age, the child enriches his vocabulary, develops socialization skills, and also develops logical and analytical abilities.

The development of children in preschool age covers the period from 3 to 6 years, each subsequent year you must take into account the peculiarities of the child's psychology, as well as methods of getting to know the environment.

Preschool development of a child is always directly related to the play activity of the child. For the development of the personality, plot games are necessary, in which the child is unobtrusively learning with the people around him in different life situations. Also, the tasks of preschool development of kids are that kids need to be helped to understand their role in the whole world, they need to be motivated to succeed and taught to easily endure all failures.

In the development of preschool children, many aspects need to be taken into account, of which five main ones stand out, they need to be smoothly and harmoniously developed along the entire path of preparing the child for school, and throughout his entire subsequent life.

Five Essential Elements of Preschool Development

Mental development of preschool children.

This is the development of the child's nervous system and his reflex activity, as well as certain hereditary characteristics. This type of development is primarily affected by heredity and the close environment of the baby.

If you are interested in the harmonious development of your child, then pay close attention to special trainings that help parents better understand their baby and learn to interact with him as effectively as possible. Thanks to such trainings, the child easily goes through preschool development and grows up to be a very successful and self-confident person.

Emotional development.

This type of development is influenced by absolutely everything that surrounds the baby, from music to observing people who are in the close environment of the child. Also, the emotional development of preschool children is greatly influenced by games and their stories, the child's place in these games and the emotional side of the game.

Cognitive development.

Cognitive development is a process of information processing, as a result of which disparate facts are added to a single store of knowledge. Preschool education of children is very important and requires taking into account all stages of this process, namely: what information the child will receive and how he can process it and apply it in practice. For the harmonious and successful development of preschoolers, you need to select information that will:

  • Filed from a reputable source by the right people;
  • Meet all cognitive abilities;
  • Opened and properly processed and analyzed.

Thanks to the preschool development of children in specialized centers, your child will receive the most necessary information, which will have a very positive effect on his general development, as well as the development of logical thinking and social skills. In addition, your baby will replenish his knowledge base and rise one more step in his development.

Psychological development of preschool children.

This type of development includes all aspects that are associated with age-related characteristics of perception. At the age of three, the child begins the process of self-knowledge, thinking develops and activity awakens. In any center, teachers will help the child cope with psychological problems in development, which will contribute to the quick socialization of the child.

Speech development.

Speech development is individual for each child separately. Parents, as well as teachers, are obliged to help the formation of the child's speech, expand his vocabulary and develop clear diction. The development of children in preschool age will help the child master oral and written speech, the baby will learn to feel the native language and can easily use complex speech techniques, as well as develop the necessary communication skills.

Don't leave your child's development to chance. You must help the baby to become a full-fledged person, this is your direct responsibility as parents.

If you feel that you cannot give all the necessary skills and abilities to your own child, be sure to contact the specialists at the preschool development center. Thanks to experienced teachers, the child will learn to speak, write, draw and behave correctly in society.

More details on the website

Brief age and individual characteristics of children | Woman's world

The upbringing of preschool children is based on common characteristics. The main areas of education are:

  • physical development of the child
  • protection and promotion of his health
  • development of activity, cognitive activity
  • the formation of various types of thinking, memory, imagination
  • development of the moral orientation of the personality
  • training in communication and relationships with people
  • formation of readiness for systematic schooling

In the early and preschool periods of life, upbringing has a great developmental influence, provided that the child's activity is maximized, involvement in activities that most fully reflect his interests, attitude to the world around him.

For a child of 1 year of age, communication with adults is especially important, which encourages him to pay attention to objects, master the first sounds and words, and provides psychological comfort. The kid begins to navigate in the environment, he develops the foundations of visual-active thinking. At this stage, it is important to provide a varied communication with the child.

At an early age (1-3 years), speech, walking develop, the first ideas about connections in the world around appear. Playing with objects, the child learns their properties, learns to use them. During this period, the priority is the development of subject-manipulative activity, through which the child learns the world, develops consciousness and self-awareness.

Preschool age (3-6 years) is associated with the dominance of play activities. It accounts for the main achievements of the child in the cognitive (ideas are formed about the connection between various spheres of reality, figurative and the beginning of logical thinking, sensory and intellectual abilities), emotional-volitional development (methods of self-regulation, independence of behavior are determined, conscious discipline, initiative of actions, the ability to communication, a sense of duty, responsibility, etc.).

At the turn of 6-7 years of life, the prerequisites for a successful transition to school education are formed. The upbringing of a preschool child should be guided by the peculiarities of his development at a young age.

In the upbringing of younger preschoolers, it is important to create favorable conditions for expanding the range of objects and phenomena that will help in acquaintance with them, for the development of communication with adults and peers. This is especially important before the child enters a preschool institution, facilitates his adaptation in it.

In raising children, it is necessary to develop research, experimentation, independent search for answers to various questions, purposefulness of behavior and activities, encourage trusting relationships and teach them to be aware of their role in communication.

Older preschoolers are introduced to moral values: they teach them how to handle correctly, direct their creative activity, interests in various types of activity, which during this period acquire significant development.

At the age of 6-7 years of life, psychological readiness to study at school should be cultivated, and the skills of free communication should be developed. General age-specific features of development are implemented in different ways in each child.

Pedagogy, which is not guided by the individual rate of development of the child, the individual psychological differences of children, is called "childless." Individual psychological differences are stable features of mental processes by which people differ from each other.

Read more:


middle school age

Role interactions appear in the play activity of children of middle preschool age. They indicate that preschoolers are beginning to separate themselves from the accepted role. Roles can change during the course of the game.

Game actions begin to be performed not for their own sake, but for the sake of the meaning of the game. There is an interaction between play and real interactions of children.

The visual activity received significant development. The drawing becomes substantive and detailed. A graphic image of a person is characterized by the presence of a torso, eyes, mouth, nose, hair, sometimes clothing and its details.

The technical side of the visual activity is being improved. Children can draw basic geometric shapes, cut with scissors, glue images on paper, etc.

Construction becomes more complicated. Buildings can include 5-6 parts. Design skills are formed according to their own design, as well as planning a sequence of actions.

The child's motor sphere is characterized by positive changes in fine and gross motor skills. Dexterity and coordination of movements are developed.

Children at this age, better than younger preschoolers, maintain balance, step over small obstacles. Ball games are getting harder.

By the end of middle preschool age, children's perceptions become more developed. They turn out to be able to name the form that this or that object looks like.

They can isolate simple shapes in complex objects and recreate complex objects from simple shapes. Children are able to arrange groups of objects according to sensory characteristics - size, color; highlight parameters such as height, length and width. Orientation in space is being improved.

The amount of memory is increasing. Children memorize up to 7-8 names of objects. Voluntary memorization begins to take shape: children are able to accept a memorization task, remember the instructions of adults, can learn a short poem, etc.

Figurative thinking begins to develop. Children are able to use simple schematized images to solve simple problems. Preschoolers can build according to the scheme, solve labyrinth problems. Anticipation develops.

Based on the spatial arrangement of objects, children can tell what will happen as a result of their interaction. However, at the same time, it is difficult for them to take the position of another observer and, in the inner plan, make a mental transformation of the image.

For children of this age, the well-known phenomena of J. Piaget are especially characteristic: the preservation of quantity, volume and size. For example, if they are presented with three black paper circles and seven white paper circles and asked: "Which circles are more - black or white?", The majority will answer that there are more whites. But if you ask: "Which is more - white or paper?", The answer will be the same - more of the past.

The imagination continues to develop. Such features as originality and arbitrariness are formed. Children can independently come up with a fairy tale on a given topic.

The stability of attention increases. The child has access to independent activity for 15-20 minutes. He is able to keep in memory when performing any actions, a simple condition.

In the middle preschool age, pronunciation of sounds and diction improves. Speech becomes the subject of children's activity. They successfully imitate the voices of animals, intonationally highlight the speech of certain characters.

Interest is aroused by the rhythmic structure of speech, rhyme.

The grammatical side of speech is developing. Preschoolers are engaged in word creation based on grammar rules. The speech of children when interacting with each other is situational, and when communicating with adults it becomes extra-situational.

The content of communication between a child and an adult changes. It goes beyond the specific situation in which the child finds himself. The cognitive motive becomes the leader.

The information that a child receives in the process of communication can be complex and difficult to understand, but it piques his interest.

Children develop a need for respect on the part of an adult, for them it turns out to be extremely important for his praise. This leads to their increased sensitivity to comments. Increased sensitivity is an age-related phenomenon.

Relationships with peers are characterized by selectivity, which is expressed in the preference of some children over others. Permanent game partners appear. Leaders begin to emerge in groups.

Competitiveness and competitiveness appear. The latter is important for comparing oneself with another, which leads to the development of the child's self-image, its detailing.

The main achievements of age are associated with the development of play activities; the emergence of role-based and real-life interactions; with the development of visual activity; by design, planning; improvement of perception, development of figurative thinking and imagination, egocentricity of the cognized position; development of memory, attention, speech, cognitive motivation, improvement of perception; the formation of a need for respect on the part of an adult, the appearance of touchiness, competition, competition with peers, the further development of the child's self-image, its detailing.

Material from the site


Age and individual characteristics of the development of children from 4 to 5 years old (average age)

Role interactions appear in the play activity of middle preschool children, indicating that preschoolers are beginning to separate themselves from the accepted role. Roles can change during the course of the game.

Game actions begin to be performed not for their own sake, but for the sake of the meaning of the game. There is a separation of play and real interactions of children.

Much attention is paid to the development of the creative abilities of children in the game, in the visual, theatrical and performing activities. The attentive, caring attitude of the educator towards children, the ability to support their cognitive activity and develop independence, the organization of various activities form the basis of the correct upbringing and full development of children in the middle group of the kindergarten.

Significant development is received by pictorial activity. The drawing becomes substantive and detailed. A graphic image of a person is characterized by the presence of a torso, eyes, mouth, nose, hair, sometimes clothing and its details. The technical side of the visual activity is being improved.

The construction becomes more complicated. Buildings can include 5-6 parts. Design skills are formed according to their own design, as well as planning a sequence of actions.

The motor sphere in children is characterized by positive changes in fine and gross motor skills. Agility and coordination of movements are developed. Children at this age, better than younger preschoolers, maintain balance, step over small obstacles. Ball games are getting harder.

The physical capabilities of children have increased: their movements have become much more confident and diverse, Preschoolers experience an acute need for movement, In case of dissatisfaction with this need, limitation of active motor activity, they quickly become overexcited, become disobedient, capricious.

Emotionally colored activity becomes not only a means of physical development, but also a method of psychological relief for children of middle preschool age, who are distinguished by a rather high excitability. Seeing the over-excitement of the child, the teacher, knowing the weakness of the inhibitory processes of children 4-5 years old, will switch his attention to a calmer activity. This will help the child recuperate and calm down.

By the end of middle preschool age, children's perceptions become more developed. They turn out to be able to name the form that this or that object looks like. They can isolate simple shapes in complex objects and recreate complex objects from simple shapes.

The amount of memory is increasing. Children memorize up to 7-8 names of objects. Voluntary memorization begins to take shape: children are able to accept a memorization task, remember the instructions of adults, can learn a short poem, etc.

Thinking begins to develop, and children are able to use simple schematized images to solve simple problems. Preschoolers can build according to the scheme, solve labyrinth problems. Anticipation develops.

For children of this age, the well-known phenomena of J. Piaget are especially characteristic: the preservation of quantity, volume and size. For example, if a child is presented with three black paper circles and seven white paper circles and asked: "Which circles are more - black or white?", The majority will answer that there are more whites. But if you ask: "Which is more - white or paper?", The answer will be the same - more white.

Imagination continues to develop. Such features as originality and arbitrariness are formed. Children can independently come up with a small fairy tale on a given topic.

The stability of attention increases. Concentrated activity for 15-20 minutes is available to the child. He is able to keep in memory when performing any actions, a simple condition.

In the middle preschool age, pronunciation of sounds and diction improves. Speech becomes the subject of children's activity, they successfully imitate the voices of animals, intonationally highlight the speech of certain characters. Interest is aroused by the rhythmic structure of speech, rhyme.

The grammatical side of speech is developing. Preschoolers are engaged in word creation based on grammar rules. The speech of children when interacting with each other is situational, and when communicating with an adult it becomes extra-situational.

In the fifth year of life, the desire of children to communicate with peers is actively manifested. If a child of three is completely satisfied with the society of dolls, then the average preschooler needs meaningful contacts with peers.

Children communicate about toys, joint games, common affairs. Their speech contacts become longer and more active.

New traits appear in the communication of middle preschoolers with a teacher. Like children of the younger group, they willingly cooperate with adults in practical matters (joint games, work assignments, caring for animals, plants), but at the same time actively strive for cognitive, intellectual communication with adults. This is manifested in numerous questions of children to the teacher: "Why?", "Why?", "For what?" The developing thinking of the child, the ability to establish the simplest connections and relationships between objects awakens interest in the world around him.

A preschooler of the fifth year of life is distinguished by high activity. Therefore, if for some children a simple reminder of the necessary action, advice will be enough, for others, a show or joint action with the child is necessary.

This is one of the features of children in the middle group. During the fifth year of life, the teacher becomes a witness of different rates of development of children: some retain the properties characteristic of a younger age for a longer time, the restructuring of their behavior and activity seems to slow down, others, on the contrary, "mature" faster and already from the second half of the middle preschool age begin to distinctly show the features of the older age stage.

In children of the middle group, there is an awakening of interest in the rules of behavior. It is by the age of five that numerous complaints and statements by children to the educator begin that someone is doing something wrong or someone is not fulfilling the requirement. An inexperienced educator sometimes considers such statements of a child as "snitching" and treats them negatively. Meanwhile, the child's “statement” indicates that he understood the requirement as necessary and it is important for him to receive authoritative confirmation of the correctness of his opinion, as well as to hear additional explanations from the teacher about the “boundaries” of the rule.

Children of middle preschool age are highly emotional, express their feelings vividly and directly.

Relationships with peers are characterized by selectivity, which is expressed in the preference of some children over others. Permanent game partners appear. Leaders begin to emerge in groups. Competitiveness and competitiveness appear.

The latter is important for comparing oneself with another, which leads to the development of the child's “I” image, its details.

The main achievements of age are associated with the development of play activities; the emergence of role-based and real-life interactions. With the development of visual activity; by design, planning; improvement of perception, development of figurative thinking and imagination, egocentricity of the cognitive position. Development of memory, attention, speech, cognitive motivation, improvement of perception; the formation of a need for respect on the part of an adult, the emergence of touchiness, competitiveness, competition with peers, the further development of the child's “I” image, its detailing.


Among the individual characteristics of a person, which clearly characterize the dynamic characteristics of her behavior, activity, communication, mental processes, a special place belongs to temperament.

The physiological basis of temperament is the type of higher nervous activity, its properties such as strength, mobility, balance. Studies of temperament have led to the identification of the following series of its properties: sensitivity (sensitivity), reactivity, activity, emotional excitability, plasticity and rigidity, extroversion and introversion, the rate of mental reactions.

About sensitivity or sensitivity, judged by what is the smallest force of external influence necessary for a person to have this or that mental reaction. In other words, what should be the force of the impact, so that the person, as they say, "reaches".

Property reactivity manifests itself in the strength and energy with which a person reacts to a particular impact. It is not for nothing that they say about some: "Hot-tempered", "Starts up with a half-turn", and about others: "You will not understand whether you were delighted or upset."

Plastic and its opposite quality rigidity are manifested in how easily and quickly a person adapts to external influences. Plastic quickly rebuilds behavior when circumstances change, rigid - with great difficulty.

An essential indicator of temperament is extroversion and introversion. Studies show that these qualities of temperament are very clearly manifested, first of all, in the process of communication, and not only in adults, but also in children. So, for example, sociable extroverts are more proactive in the initial, organizing phase of the game, in the meeting when choosing a topic, assigning roles and choosing their own role. Introverted preschoolers more often “communicate” with play attributes, “turn to” a toy, more often say what they are going to do, what play actions they perform. Of course, sociability by itself does not yet provide a person with a favorable position in the team. Most likely, it has a positive effect at first, when a person is just entering a new group. Then other important human qualities begin to "work". However, it was noticed: among the "preferred" preschoolers, "stars" are most often extroverts. Their sociability helps them to adapt to a new social environment, gain comrades, and overcome insecurity.

About activity judged by the energy with which a person himself influences the world around him, by his perseverance, concentration of attention ...

About such a quality of temperament as emotional excitability, learn by how much force is needed to trigger an emotional response.

The properties of temperament are linked into certain structures that form different types of temperament. The main ones are: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic. So, choleric people are characterized by such qualities as reactivity, activity, emotional excitability, high rate of mental reactions, plasticity, extroversion. Among introverts, as a rule, there are melancholic and phlegmatic people. The latter are characterized by rigidity, slow pace of movement, speech, weak emotional excitability, low sensitivity ...

However, "pure" temperaments are rare. Most often, a person combines features of different types, although the properties of the temperament of one or the other prevail.


The most acceptable for a teacher who studies the temperament of his pupils is observation method. It helps the educator to determine the basic properties of the nervous system that underlie the temperament of a particular child in terms of vital signs. Recall: there are three main properties of the nervous system (strength, balance, mobility and four basic combinations of these properties (IP Pavlov): strong, unbalanced, mobile - "unrestrained" type; strong, balanced, mobile - "live" type; strong, balanced, sedentary - "calm" type, "weak" type.

The "unrestrained" type underlies the choleric temperament, "lively" - sanguine, "calm" - phlegmatic, "weak" - melancholic.

These properties! nervous system, which make up the physiological basis of temperament, are manifested in everyday human behavior.

So, to vital signs of the strength of the nervous process of excitement include maintaining a high level of efficiency with prolonged tension at work, a stable and sufficiently high positive emotional tone, courage in a variety of and unusual conditions, and steady attention both in a calm and noisy environment. Let's watch the child, take a closer look at him. The strength (or weakness) of his nervous system will be evidenced by such vital signs as sleep (whether he falls asleep quickly, whether the sleep is calm, whether it is strong), there is a fast (slow) recovery of strength, how he behaves in a state of hunger, if it was not done in time feed (screams, cries or shows lethargy, calmness).

Towards vital signs of poise include the following: restraint, perseverance, calmness, uniformity in the dynamics of mood, the absence of periodic sharp ups and downs, clarity and fluency of speech, etc.

Vital indicators of the mobility of nervous processes include such indicators as quick response to everything new in the environment, easy and quick development and change of life stereotypes (habits, skills), quick adaptation to new people, to new conditions, the ability to move from one activity to another without swinging, from sleep to wakefulness, etc., the speed of memorization and ease of reproduction, the speed of the emergence and flow of feelings, the manifestation of lability in speech, motor skills, in the pace of activity.

The program used in the study of L.I. Umansky will help to study the individual typological characteristics of preschoolers.


    Shows perseverance in all activities or only when interested?

    Can I play the game for a long time?

    Does it strive to complete the work? Is it easy or difficult to distract from the work you have started, the game?

    Is he initiative in games, does he need a push from adults, other children?

    Is he outgoing, easy to get along with children or uncommunicative, difficult to get on?

    Is it responsive? Does it help?

    What mood is typical (cheerful, cheerful, calm, emotionally depressed)?

    What is more characteristic: constant or changeable mood?

10. What is your attitude to failures, offenses?

11. Is it annoying: interference, objections cause annoyance, or does he react calmly to them?

    How impressive is it?

    Does he calm down quickly after a failure or does he worry for a long time?

    Can I practice, play, while listening to others, Talking?

    Does he know how to distribute attention?

    Is it often absent-minded?

    How quickly does attention switch from one activity to another?

    What is your normal pace of movement (fast, medium, slow, gusty, smooth)?

    Brave or cowardly?

    Does the exercise game switch quickly to a new situation?

    Characteristics of external forms of speech: speaks quickly, slowly, fluently, abruptly, with facial expressions?

    How long can be silent, be inactive, when you want to say, do?

    How does the need to wait endure?

    How quickly does it get used to unfamiliar surroundings?

    How often does he fall asleep and wake up?

    Is he sleeping well?

    How quickly does one move from a state of rest to active activity and vice versa?

    How does he respond to a medical procedure?

    How often does she complain of an illness?

    What are the features of behavior with cuts, bruises, bleeding?

To diagnose temperament, its individual properties are widely used tests. We offer three of them.

The first is to identify anxiety (as one of the essential properties of temperament), developed by V.S.Merlin.

An hourglass for 3 minutes is preliminarily prepared, the material for classes at the first and second tables.

Subjects - three children of senior preschool age, one of them is being monitored.

The indicator of anxiety is the child's behavior in a frustrated situation, which is created by the lack of time to complete the task.

Organization, the child must complete tasks at two tables: at the first with a clock, at the second - without a clock. The task should be calculated for 10-15 minutes (for example, at the first table there is a task with building material, at the second - with a mosaic pattern)

General instruction: "You will perform tasks at two tables. First, at this (the experimenter shows what the child should do), then at the second (shows what needs to be done at the second table), then again at the first, etc. You will work at each table for 3 minutes until you finish all the work. "

Instructions for the first table: "On my command, you will start working at the first table. You will work for exactly 3 minutes. You will not have time to do all the work during this time, but as soon as three minutes have expired, you will get up and move to the second table. You will work there the same amount ( 3 minutes) and return to this table again. You will know the time by the hourglass (the child is shown how the hourglass works). The task must be done carefully, well. If you do it badly, the work will not be credited and you will have to do it all over again. "

Instructions for the second table: "Start to work. You will work for exactly 3 minutes. You will not have time to do all the work, but after 3 minutes you will go to the first table, then you will return here. You have to work carefully, exactly in time. If you do it badly, the work will not be counted and you will have to start all over again. " After a minute and a half, you need to remind: "Have you forgotten about the clock?"

Indicators of anxiety - work at the second table without a clock, manifestation of anxiety at the first and second tables (looking at the clock, in a hurry).

The nature of the subject's actions, the time of work are recorded. Among the "anxious" subjects are those who worked at the second table for less than 3 minutes; to the number of "carefree" - more than 3 minutes.

The second test is used to study intro-extraversion (Cattell variant). Material - 8 cards, one of them is a trial one.

Instruction: "I will give you a card on which different objects are drawn. You must combine them into groups according to one of some signs so that the group includes as many objects as possible. Then you must explain on what basis you united them into one group ". Time of presentation of a picture is 45 seconds. A test picture is presented without any time limit. 10 cards are offered.

Processing: the largest group of items is highlighted on each card. The number of items in this group is counted. Extra-introversion is measured by the number of items selected divided by the number of cards.

Diagnosis: introverts - 3.6 or fewer highlighted items, extroverts - 4 or more.

In diagnostic work, you can also use the tapping test of O. Chernikova (modified by A.I. Vainshtein, V.P. Zhur, L.V. Karmanova).

The teacher (psychologist) draws 6 squares on a sheet of paper. They are numbered as follows (Fig. 4):

(This is done so that the child does not waste time in the process of completing the test task when moving to work from the 3rd to the 4th square.) so that they have the skill of putting dots to the maximum fast pace. Then the test itself is performed. Each child has a piece of paper with squares and a pencil. At the signal of the educator, children begin to put dots in 1 square at the maximum pace ("pouring grains for the bird"). At the second signal, the child goes on without stopping to work in the second square, etc. Continuous putting dots in each square for 10 seconds. In general, testing takes 1 minute. The test reveals the dynamics of the child's working ability. The teacher analyzes the data obtained for each child.

The strong type of the nervous system includes children in whom there is no difference between the 1st and 6th squares, or an increase in points in the 6th square is observed. The strong type of the nervous system is characterized by the absence of peaks. A peak is considered to be an increase of more than 10% in the number of points in one square in relation to the average of the points. The average is calculated by adding the number of points in all 6 squares and dividing by the number of squares, that is, by 6. These indicators indicate that the child maintains high performance without significant fluctuations for a given time. A weak type of nervous system is characterized by a significant decrease in the number of points in the last squares and the presence of several peaks. This is an indicator that the period of the child's working capacity is short and characterized by fluctuations.

To study temperament, and experiment. Here is an experimental technique developed by Yu. A. Samarin. The experiment is carried out in the form of a game "Carrying dice". The subject receives a small paddle, on which cubes are placed one on top of the other (3, 4, 5, etc.). The child must carry these cubes, holding the spatula in his right hand, from one table to another at a distance of 3 m, then turn 180 ۫ (while continuing to hold the spatula in his hand), bring the cubes back, put the spatula with cubes on the table without dropping a single cube. For a child, this is a test of agility, an exciting game. For the experimenter, it does not matter how many blocks the child has endured, he registers the child's reactions to successes and failures, the strength of the nervous processes, working capacity are taken into account (how long the child can achieve the successful completion of the task, both without stimulating the experimenter and with his stimulation). By the behavior of the child in a play situation, it is possible to reveal the balance of nervous processes (to what extent the child can restrain discontent in case of failures, not show it either in motor or in speech forms). The mobility of nervous processes is also studied - how quickly the child is included in this work, adapts to it, whether there are distractions when completing the task.

Here is a description of the typical behavior of children of different temperaments in the process of the experimental game "Carrying out cubes".

Sanguine children are very willing to join the game, they are eager to complete tasks among the first. The first setbacks do not bother them. They are energetic and cheerful, overwhelmed with excitement, confident of success. After 2-3 unsuccessful attempts, the excitement disappears, and with it the desire to continue the struggle disappears. The child loses interest, further participation in the game seems to him unnecessary and meaningless.

Choleric children are more persistent in achieving goals. They try to succeed long enough, do not give up, no matter what. Failures cause irritation, aggression, but the persistent diligence of the most dexterous leads to victory, and those who have not achieved success again and again ask the experimenter to allow them one more attempt.

Phlegmatic children do not immediately join the game. They are calm, look closely, move slowly, do not fuss, do not make sudden movements. Failures are almost not paid attention to, they continue to make new attempts with the same diligence and concentration.

Melancholic children hesitate for a long time. They are afraid to even touch the shoulder blade. The encouragement of the teacher does not relieve the trembling excitement. They anticipate failure before they get into the game. After the first setbacks, they leave the game, not succumbing to any persuasion. For many, the whole procedure ends with overwhelming embarrassment and tears.

Tip Technique(V.A.Gorbacheva).

The experimental game Tip has several variations. In the first, the teacher, in the presence of children, hides the tip from a fountain pen in his right or left hand. Children must open their fist to find it. After 30-45 seconds of "resistance", the teacher-experimenter relaxes the hand and the children get hold of the handpiece. The game continues for a certain time until the children lose interest in it. The pleasure is delivered by the very process of the game. Most children willingly take part in it.

The most persistent and reckless are sanguine and choleric people. They are the first to join the game, but persistent choleric people stay in it the longest. Phlegmatic people are calm, waiting for their moment, they can give in and wait silently. The melancholic should be helped to get involved in the game. Shyness, shyness hinders him, he does not strive to achieve success in such a situation.

The second option is to study the mobility of the nervous system. The tip is not in the experimenter's hand. While the children are examining the fist, he puts the tip into the pocket of one of the children. When children find that the teacher does not have the tip in the hand, you can ask them to guess who has it. The owner of the tip should try not to give himself away, and children, by facial expression and behavior, should determine who has the tip.

In the study of individual-typological differences, not one, but several methods, private techniques are used. The data obtained in the process of testing, experiment, conversation, must be compared with the results of everyday observations of preschoolers. This approach will provide a more reliable inference about the child's temperament. It is difficult to notice all the properties of temperament at once, and age leaves an imprint on its manifestations.

The entire composition of the properties of temperament does not appear on a person's life path immediately, but unfolds in a certain sequence. It is determined both by the general laws of maturation of higher nervous activity and the psyche of the child as a whole, and by the specific laws of maturation of each type of the nervous system. The specific age-related characteristics of the nervous system of young and preschool children include the weakness of the excitatory and inhibitory processes, their imbalance, very high sensitivity, and faster recovery compared to adults. In this regard, in the preschool years, typological properties are more clearly found in representatives of the balanced, inert (phlegmatic) and weak (melancholic) types, since their manifestation of the type of temperament contrasts with age-related characteristics of behavior.