How to quickly switch to another mixture. Artificial and mixed feeding. How often can you do it

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 5 minutes


Last update articles: 01.06.2018

Every young mother dreams of how she will independently feed her newborn baby. This is not only good for the health of the mother and baby, but also allows for close psychological contact. But sometimes there are situations when breast-feeding impossible, and the child must be transferred to artificial nutrition... Artificial feeding involves a balanced approach to the choice of formula and the introduction of a certain diet. Before introducing a PI into a child's diet, it is worth consulting with your pediatrician.

The main reasons why it is necessary to introduce a mixture into the baby's diet

Even the highest quality milk formula cannot replenish all those micro and macronutrients that babies receive with their mother's breast milk. The introduction or replacement of an IP should always be considered and have a certain justification. Children's doctors define several situations in which it is necessary to introduce artificial mixtures:

  • Recovery of a woman in labor after a particularly difficult birth;
  • Prescribing vital drugs to a woman in labor;
  • Infection with infectious diseases;
  • Not enough or no breast milk. Adequacy of nutrition is determined by weighing the crumbs immediately after feeding;
  • Impossibility breastfeeding in connection with long absence mom.

Breastfeeding is worth fighting to the end. Not even a large number of breast milk brings invaluable benefits to the baby.

Initially, you should try to establish lactation with the help of special preparations. If the expected result was not obtained, then the IP is introduced.

The main pros and cons of artificial feeding

Before switching to a mixture, it is worth weighing all the positive and negative points such feeding.

The main advantages when choosing an individual entrepreneur:

  1. Other relatives can feed the baby. Mom at this time can go about her business or even work. The child will not suffer from hunger.
  2. When feeding from a bottle, the mother can always estimate the amount of food eaten and immediately pay attention to feeling unwell, if the baby began to eat poorly.
  3. An allergic reaction is usually associated with an artificial mixture. In this case, you can replace the PI, and you do not need to revise your diet.
  4. The baby stays full for a longer period as the formula takes longer to be absorbed.

Negative aspects of introducing artificial feeding:

  1. Children on PI are much more likely to suffer from ARVI and allergies. This is due to the lack of certain substances that strengthen the baby's immunity. Such substances are found only in breast milk.
  2. Bottle feeding requires keeping them clean and sterile at all times.
  3. The crumbs often suffer from colic, since the use of the nipple encourages air to enter the esophagus;
  4. In case of travel, you must take everything with you.
  5. During the selection of a suitable IP, it is often necessary to buy several of its types, which, subsequently, are not used.
  6. High-quality food is not cheap, which will require additional financial costs from parents.

How to inject a different mixture correctly

Sometimes there are situations when the IP needs to be replaced. Artificial nutrition should fully meet the current needs of the child. But it is necessary to introduce a new food of any type (adapted or therapeutic) starting with a very small amount... Then the volume is gradually increased, while reducing the previous mixture.

Another mixture is administered in the following situations:

  1. Personal food intolerance. Allergic reactions may occur, gastrointestinal disturbances or constipation may occur;
  2. Age indicators. Each PI has its own subtypes, designed for a certain age... At the age of six months, the moment comes when it is necessary to move on to the next step. If the child absorbed the previous nutrition well, then it is better not to change the manufacturer.
  3. For medical reasons, it became necessary to enter a medical PI. They are entered exclusively by the appointment of a pediatrician.
  4. Return from medical mixtures to conventional ones after the elimination of health problems.

The transition to another IP of a newborn should be carried out in accordance with certain rules.

Initially enter new mixture, you need to mix it with your usual diet.

New artificial mixture introduced little by little in accordance with the rules.

At the first intake, approximately two-thirds of the old mixture and one-third of the new food are given. At the same time, they are prepared in different bottles... After three to four days, the proportion is equalized, and the mixtures are given in equal quantities. In the next two days, the old IP is given one part, and the new one - three parts. After a week, you can give your baby a full meal of the new formula. In seven days, the volume of new food increases from 10 ml per day to 600 ml.

Quite often, mothers independently decide to change the mixture to another, which, in their opinion, will suit better. Moreover, they give new food at a time in full. In a couple of days, everything can happen again. It will be very lucky if the child does not react in any way to such experiments. But quite often it can cause stomach upset or an allergic reaction. In this case, it may be connected not only with the fact that the IP was not chosen correctly, but also with a violation of the mode of entering a new one.

The human body adapts to a new diet within a few days. In connection with the introduction of a new type of feeding, a reaction from the gastrointestinal tract (colic, constipation or vice versa) may occur after a few days loose stools). On the fourth - fifth day, the situation returns to normal. If work disruptions digestive system accompanied by rashes or peeling of the cheeks, then you should mandatory show the child to the pediatrician. Perhaps the new food simply does not suit the baby.

At the age when the transition to a new stage of nutrition occurs, the child already begins to sit, get on all fours, and tries to crawl. By this age, active teething begins. The menu is starting to include new products. All this greatly affects both psychological development and physiological.

Everything should take place in the background pleasant emotions and it is not worth, for example, teething to aggravate problems with the work of the intestines in connection with the replacement of PI. Besides inflammatory processes v oral cavity can also cause disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. And as a result, you can simply not correct conclusions about the causes of health problems. Also, it is not worthwhile to vaccinate or enter new food in the diet. You can slightly shift the timing of certain events.

Input of special medicinal mixtures

If the baby does not react well to standard adapted artificial nutrition, then the pediatrician in such cases may prescribe a therapeutic one. Only a doctor can determine the need for such a transition and the timing of a special meal. One month is enough for one child in a sparing mode, while another has to inject medicinal mixture for a longer period. There must be strict indications for the introduction of such mixtures.

  1. A deficiency in an enzyme that helps digest lactose suggests a lactose-free diet.
  2. Animal milk protein intolerance involves the introduction of low-lactose or soy milk.
  3. Severe allergic reactions and significant disturbances in nutritional processes contribute to the introduction of a semi-elementary mixture into the diet.
  4. If the baby often spits up or plucks up, then an antireflux mixture is attributed to him.

Allergic reaction to baby food

Quite often, an allergic reaction to baby food can be manifested by disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. In such cases, it can cause constipation, diarrhea, profuse regurgitation, painful colic or skin rashes. In extreme severe cases, allergies can cause shortness of breath. In such situations, you must immediately call an ambulance.

It happens that changing the proportions during the preparation of PIs helps to remove the allergic reaction. For this, the amount of dry component is reduced. Or you need to select a different mixture. In order to avoid dysbiosis, the pediatrician may prescribe a mixture based on fermented milk products or with probiotics.

If the rash on the child's body is intense enough, then you can try to change it to food made on the basis goat milk... In terms of its nutritional characteristics, such milk is in no way inferior to cow milk, but it causes allergic reactions much less often. If these actions do not give positive results, then only the following options remain - this is either a soy mixture made on the basis of plant proteins, or hypoallergenic. The latter is taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

Change of IP should be carried out according to general rules... The adaptation of the body takes place within five to seven days and do abrupt shifts, especially with food allergies, not worth it.

If all else fails and the allergy persists, then the baby is transferred to special mixture which contains no proteins at all. Instead of proteins, amino acids are included in the composition.

With age, these problems can disappear without a trace. This is due to the formation of the digestive system. The most important thing for parents is to try not to aggravate the problem or worsen the child's condition. It is not worth deciding either similar problems alone, you should definitely contact your pediatrician.

It is important to carefully monitor the regimen and diet of a child who is artificially fed. But situations are quite common when it is necessary to change the mixture. Therefore, a large number of mothers are interested in the question of how to transfer a child to a different mixture.

It is not worth changing the mixture for no particular reason. This is because frequent dietary changes can cause digestive problems. You need to let your child get used to the new formula, then you can track how your child reacts to given food and find out if it suits him.

How many days does it take to correctly switch from one mixture to another?

It is important to know how to switch from one mixture to another, while not harming the health of the child. v short term... In order to properly adapt the baby's digestion to the new diet, it will take up to two weeks. During this time, changes are possible:

  • Changes are likely to occur in the child's chair. Such changes cannot be a reason to stop switching to a new mixture.
  • Changes in the child's appetite.
  • Changes in baby's mood.
It will take several weeks to be sure if the formula is right for your baby. But if you notice a rash in your child, then you should immediately make an appointment with the pediatrician. Most likely, with such manifestations, you will have to refrain from switching to a new mixture.

Don't rush things. First, you need to firmly make sure that the mixture did not fit the baby, and only then look for a suitable replacement.

How to switch to a different formula for a newborn correctly

This is a rather sensitive issue, and to carry out such a procedure, certain rules must be followed. Should be precisely defined daily rate mixture, on which the transition period will depend.

If the child feels normal while receiving the initially chosen food, then it is not worth changing the mixture. Frequent change milk formulas will not be able to improve the health of the child, but, on the contrary, will spoil the digestion and can lead to intestinal disorders.

We offer one of the schemes how to transfer from one mixture to another. Seven feedings per day - one week transition:

Day 1: The first feeding should be the old formula, the second - the new one. At this time, it is necessary to observe the child's reaction - he must be calm.

Day 2: Feed the new formula for the second and fourth feeds.

Day 3: Feed the new formula for the second, fourth and sixth feeds.

Day 4: Start the first feed with a new formula, and feed the second, fourth and sixth times.

Day 5: Feed the new formula for the third time.

Day 6: Feed the child with a new formula at all times, except for the fifth time.

Day 7: Carry out all feeding times with a new mixture.

Such a simple and correct transition is able to transfer the child to a different diet, while he will not experience discomfort and other unpleasant consequences for the body.

Some women do not always manage to feed the baby with their breast milk. Because of different moments related to health, there are "artificial children" who need to choose the highest quality "dairy" products. This is not an easy task, because switching from breast milk to formula is a decent stress for the body, so mothers have the question of how to change the formula from one to another without harming the baby's health. Today we will look into this matter, and you will learn from our material how to change the formula for a newborn and how to include infant formula in the diet so that you get a full-fledged baby food.

First of all, mothers should be aware of the seriousness of the situation: the transition from milk to mixtures is not the same as giving the baby another instead of one toy. This is stress and you should try to minimize it. It is worth remembering that you cannot start giving the baby one mixture, and then abruptly replace it with a new one, otherwise such a replacement can harm a small unformed stomach.

To begin with, be sure to consult a pediatrician about the risks of such a transition, because if there are no medical indications, based on only one desire to change baby food will not be entirely correct. Do not proceed only from your own principles and preferences.

How to change the mixture for babies: transition rules

Observe simple rules transition from one mixture to another, then you will have at least some guarantee that the baby's health will be under control. If you do not follow these points, then such a change in diet can adversely affect his well-being, in particular, a newborn may experience constipation or diarrhea, colic, dysbiosis, and all this will be accompanied by sleep disturbance and loss of appetite. And in aggregate such rash actions can turn around bad job gastrointestinal tract.

Do not risk the health of the crumbs, try to adhere to these recommendations:

  • Check with your doctor if it is worth switching to a different mixture;
  • When switching to another mixture within the same brand baby food, you can not follow strict grading, just add a little new to the old food;
  • If you are switching from an old mixture to a new one, do it in stages, adding more and more new ones each time, reducing the portion of the old one, helping the baby to adapt to a completely different composition of products;
  • Replace last night reception nutrition, because it is not yet clear how the child's body will perceive this type of mixture;
  • Refrain from switching to a new diet if the baby has been vaccinated or is in painful condition: has fever, does not sleep well, suffers from stool disorder or colic;
  • Without availability good reason it is not recommended to change the mixture.

If you follow these tips carefully, your baby will easily switch to a new diet without negative consequences.

How to change the mixture from one to another: transition diagram

Use the transition scheme with 7 meals a day:

  • Add 10 milliliters of the new feed at the first feed, but do not mix the contents with the old feed. First give the old, then the new;
  • Observe the baby - if over the past day he does not have any changes in the form of an increase in body temperature, diathesis or stool disorders, then for the second time add 20 milliliters of new products to the first and fifth meals;
  • Add 20 ml of new formula every day until you have completely replaced the first and fifth feeds.

Then follow this feeding order: transfer to a new feed at once, and not 20 milliliters each. 1st day - 2nd feeding, 2nd day - 3rd feeding, 3rd day - 4th feeding, 4th day - 6th feeding, 5th day - 7th feeding.

According to this scheme infant will switch to a new diet for about 2 weeks, which is a fairly long period. And often mothers cannot wait so long when, for example, a baby is allergic to the old mixture.

Then you can take note of the express method, after consulting with the pediatrician (see table):

1 day

Number of receptions per day: 1

Amount of mixture per day (ml): 10

2nd day

Amount of mixture for 1 reception (ml): 10

Number of receptions per day: 2

Amount of mixture per day (ml): 20

Day 3

Amount of mixture for 1 reception (ml): 50

Number of receptions per day: 2

Amount of mixture per day (ml): 100

4th day

Amount of mixture for 1 reception (ml): 100

Number of receptions per day: 2

Amount of mixture per day (ml): 200

Day 5

Amount of mixture for 1 reception (ml): 150

Number of receptions per day: 3

Amount of mixture per day (ml): 450

6th day

Amount of mixture for 1 reception (ml): 200

Number of receptions per day: 3

Amount of mixture per day (ml): 600.

You can apply the same scheme if the baby needs to gain weight, but the mother's milk is not enough.

After choosing the mixture and consulting with the pediatrician, proceed with the replacement of baby food. Most importantly, tune in to easy transition, and everything will be fine for sure!

Breastfeeding is important for the health and development of children, because along with the product of lactation, maternal antibodies, beneficial bacteria and enzymes enter the infant's body, which help to improve the functioning of the digestive system. In addition, by slightly changing her diet, a nursing mother can adjust the work of the baby's intestines - “fix” it or, conversely, “weaken” it.

All this is deprived of artificial kids who receive mixtures. If you have persistent problems with digestion or health of the baby, the pediatrician may recommend a change of product and even advise a specific manufacturer.

When do you need to change the mixture?

If the artificial baby feels good, eating the mixture that was started to feed him in the hospital, then there is no need to change it for no reason. The baby's intestines get used to a specific product, which has already learned to digest and assimilate, and changing the diet can harm its functionality, which will lead to intestinal disorders.

If you decide to switch to another formula due to its inexpensive cost compared to what you are giving to the newborn now, you should definitely ask your pediatrician's opinion on this matter. Children's specialist for many years of working with babies, I probably have accumulated enough practical knowledge about the reactions of babies to products different manufacturers... The doctor will help you find perfect option, which will suit the body of the crumbs, and will be affordable for you.

  • with prolonged violations of the baby's stool;
  • with the development of anemia;
  • at manifestations allergic reactions the product used;
  • with profuse regurgitation of the baby;
  • with regular bloating of the tummy.

Manufacturers are ready to meet the needs of every artificial baby. So, if the baby suffers from profuse regurgitation, you can solve this problem by transferring it to a special antireflux product containing gum, which effectively thickens the contents of the stomach. For children with lactose intolerance, powders have been created without its presence in the composition, and if you are allergic to animal protein, you can purchase food with soy or hydrolyzed protein for your child, which will not cause such a reaction in him.

If a child is diagnosed with anemia, the pediatrician will decide to temporarily transfer him to a powder fortified with iron. But the most frequent problem, because of which doctors recommend changing the food product - dysbiosis. Artists have nowhere to get lacto- and bifidobacteria, so they are either additionally given special preparations that populate the microflora, or transferred to a mixture with probiotics.

In any case, the child needs to change the mixture strictly after agreeing on your decision with the pediatrician.

How to change the mixture correctly?

  1. It is impossible to change the mixture abruptly, as this will lead to malfunctions in the intestines. Smooth transition to New Product can cause severe diarrhea, the consequences of which can be dysbiosis and dehydration.
  2. rules smooth transition do not only concern products of different brands. Even if you change a mixture of the same type, but intended for of different ages, you should still do it gradually, over 1 to 2 weeks.
  3. If you change food "according to age", then the powder can be mixed in one bottle, but if the brands of the product are different, you should dilute them in separate containers and give the crumbs in one feeding in turn, first a new one and then the old one.
  4. When switching to another mixture "by age" you need to gradually increase the volume of the new product, replacing the spoon every 2-3 days old food for a new one.

So, if you eat 180 ml. supply, the transition to a new product will look like this:

  • 1-2 day- 1 spoon of new powder + 5 spoons of the old one;
  • 3-4 day- 2 spoons of new powder + 4 spoons of the old one;
  • 4-6 day- 3 spoons of new powder + 3 spoons of the old one;
  • 7-8 day- 4 spoons of new powder + 2 spoons of the old one;
  • 9-10 day- 5 spoons of new powder + 1 spoon of the old one;
  • 11-12 day

The change of mixtures of different brands occurs in the same way - once every two days you must increase the volume of new powder in one of the bottles by 30 ml, and in a container with the same - decrease accordingly:

  • 1-2 day- 30 ml of water +1 l. new powder / 150 ml. water +5 l. the former;
  • 3-4 day- 60 ml of water + 2 l. new powder / 120 ml. water +4 l. the former;
  • 4-6 day- 90 ml of water +3 l. new powder / 90 ml. water +3 l. the former;
  • 7-8 day- 120 ml of water + 4 l. new powder / 60 ml. water +2 l. the former;
  • 9-10 day- 160 ml of water + 5 l. new powder / 30 ml. water +1 l. the former;
  • 11-12 day- full transition to a new mixture.
The child should first be given a bottle with a new formula, and then supplemented from a container with the old product.

If you see that the child can tolerate the change of food normally, you can speed up the schedule a little by introducing 30 ml into his diet every day. new product, and subtracting the same volume of the previous one.

What difficulties can you face?

The scheme for introducing a new diet is "stretched" for such long term so that the baby's intestines can adapt and begin to digest and absorb a different product than he is used to. But even with such reasonable care, the baby's body will still begin to react negatively. In the first 3-4 days, you can note with the child:

  1. Constipation.
  2. Diarrhea.
  3. Swelling and colic that pass quickly.
  4. Minor skin rashes.

If, after 3-4 days, these signs do not go away or intensify, and the baby is constantly screaming, contact the pediatrician - perhaps the selected mixture is not suitable for the baby, and you will have to try another one, introducing it into the child's diet in the same way.

  1. Keep a feeding diary in which you will record the amount eaten by the baby and his reaction to the formula. So it will be easier for you and the pediatrician to understand whether a new product is suitable for a baby.
  2. Dilute the powder strictly in the proportion indicated by the manufacturer on the package. If it seems to you that the baby is not eating enough, prepare 30 ml more artificial milk. In no case should a larger amount of powder be added to the volume of water in violation of the instructions.
  3. The period of changing the infant formula is very difficult for the baby's digestive system, he will almost certainly suffer from colic, so more often give the baby a belly massage, press it to you, warming it with the heat of your body to reduce pain.

Breastfeeding has always been, is and remains the healthiest choice for a newborn baby. If the child eats breast milk, and all complementary foods are introduced in a timely manner, then he receives absolutely everything necessary for healthy growth and the development of the body. But there are often such cases when breastfeeding for some reason becomes impossible, and it becomes necessary to transfer the baby to artificial feeding.

But there are enough pitfalls here: not every mixture can be suitable for a child. And if it suddenly turned out that nutrition should be revised, then a reasonable question arises: "How to switch from one mixture to another?"

The principles of artificial feeding

If there is an opportunity to feed the baby in a natural way, then the question about artificial feeding it is best to put it off as long as possible. But if this is not possible, and the child, for one reason or another, still needs to be transferred to a mixture, contact your pediatrician. He, knowing the characteristics of your child, will advise suitable mixture... And also the doctor will explain how to transfer the child to another mixture if the previous one did not suit him.

By switching to, you should determine the volume and frequency of feedings. The volume primarily depends on the age, but also on the child's body weight. As for the frequency of taking the mixture, for babies from birth to four months it is six times a day. From six to ten months - four times a day. And kids are older and up to a year - twice a day.

What mixtures are there?

Choosing a mixture is not easy. After all, they are all different, and not every one is suitable for your child. First, it all depends on the age of the baby. And according to this criterion, all existing ones can be divided into three groups. The first one is for children of the first 6 months of life. The second - up to a year. And the third group already includes formula for children over one year old.

One of the most widely known is the "Baby" mixture. Also, the mixture is selected, taking into account the characteristics of his health and development. For healthy babies standard mixes are suitable. And for children with certain digestive problems, there are hydrolyzed, fermented milk, antireflux, soy and others. Mixture "Baby", in addition to the option for newborns, can offer some other varieties. For example, in the menu of children under one year old, this manufacturer proposes to include cereals with the addition of various grain mixtures. In general, a separate group can be attributed to the question of how to transfer a child to another mixture, with more likely bypassed you, you need to immediately relate to the process of choosing a substitute mother's milk serious enough.

Rules for the use of any mixture

The first thing to remember is that the temperature of the mixture that you give to the child should not be higher than thirty-seven degrees. Observe everything carefully hygiene rules in the cooking process. Use only purchased or filtered water. But it should also be boiled first. The boil time should be at least two minutes.

Carefully keep track of all the proportions stated on the package. Products from different manufacturers must not be mixed. Always prepare the mixture only fresh and study everything especially well for any of its conditions.

Feeding mode

It is much easier for a child to use formula rather than breast milk to get used to the regimen. What does the regime give? Well, first of all, it gives more freedom to parents. And secondly, it is much easier to understand how to switch to a different mixture for a baby, if necessary, for those parents who fully or at least partially control the processes of their child's food intake. When accustoming your baby to the regimen, wake him up during the day, not letting him sleep between feedings for more than three hours. Then night sleep will be longer. And he will most likely wake up no more than once.

How can you tell if a mixture is not suitable?

In a number of cases, you should think about how to switch from one mixture to another. The baby may start crying after eating. Each meal is followed by vomiting or persistent stool disturbances. Colic pain in the tummy that comes with bloating and exertion. The child is very irritated during the day and wakes up very often at night. A rash may appear on the face, and the skin will become rough and feel like sandpaper... If you find one or more of the above symptoms, then you need to contact a specialist to explain how to properly switch to another mixture, and advise which one is best. way fit to your child. He, of course, will take into account all the features of your baby's body.

How to switch from one mixture to another?

You do not need to change the mixture without a good reason. Also, do not unreasonably use hypoallergenic or other special types. If, nevertheless, the transition to another mixture is necessary, then it should be carried out in the right way... For example, you seven times.

Then, during the first feeding, you should give the baby ten milliliters of a new mixture, and leave the rest as it is. Just remember that you cannot mix the mixture in one bottle. First, we give one, and then the second. All other meals remain on the old mixture. If all is well, then the next day give twenty milliliters of new formula for the first and fifth feedings. Each day, you increase the volume of the new formula by 20 milliliters until both feedings are completely replaced. Now replace another feed daily with a new mixture, but this time in full. This gradual transition will help the little body best adapt to the change in diet.

This article has covered how to switch from one mixture to another. You don't have to do this just for the sake of variety or because of the colorful ads. The mixture change should be fully justified, because it is a kind of stressful situation for child's body... And do not forget that for any questions that in one way or another relate to the health of your baby, you should contact your pediatrician. And then the child will be healthy, and his parents will be happy and calm.