How To Find A Good Job The conspiracy is strong. General rules for conducting rituals related to the search for work. Getting a good job

To be successful in your search for a high-paying job, you should resort to the power of white magic and take advantage of powerful, yet safe conspiracies and rituals that will help you find suitable work, raise wages and get a promotion in the shortest possible time.

It is quite difficult for people who do not have supernatural abilities, and even more so for beginners in magic, to achieve the desired results the first time. In order for conspiracies and ceremonies to get an interesting and highly paid job to be as effective as possible, simple rules must be followed.

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    Ritual rules

    1. 1. You should adhere to a strict fast for several days (at least three days) before the ceremony, ie completely exclude meat dishes and alcoholic beverages. On the day of the ritual itself, one should completely refrain from taking any food, and only drink water from drinks. This will help to concentrate and direct the flow of energy of consciousness in the right direction.
    2. 2. To achieve the result, you must unconditionally believe in the magical power of the rite. Being skeptical about what's going on can hurt.
    3. 3. All conspiracies for the search for the desired job, career advancement, income growth must be carried out on the growing moon, unless otherwise specified in the rite itself. It is on the new moon that the powerful energy of creation and change for the better is activated.
    4. 4. In order to get a high position and build a career, ceremonies should be carried out on Saturday, and to increase wages and profits from business - on Wednesday.
    5. 5. The ritual should be performed in complete solitude. It is necessary to temporarily remove all animals from the room, turn off the TV, radio, sources of household noise, so that nothing distracts from reading the plot.
    6. 6. The place of the ceremony must be carefully cleaned and energetically cleansed so that the flows of foreign energy do not distort the result. You can check the energy of the room using an ordinary church candle. If she cracks and smokes, then something is wrong in the house. You can clean the room with holy water, which should be sprayed in the corners of the room.
    7. 7. The words of the conspiracy must be memorized. Read calmly, measuredly, without raising your voice, without changing intonation, without showing unnecessary emotions, it is especially not recommended to laugh or shout.
    8. 8. Accompanying attributes need to be used new, and it is better to acquire them before the ceremony itself. You can not use old, broken or someone else's things. After the ceremony, they must be hidden where no one can touch them or use them for their own purposes.
    9. 9. After a successful outcome, no one can talk about how they managed to achieve such a result. Magic is a sacrament, it does not tolerate unnecessary conversations.

    Effective and simple job conspiracies

    There are a large number of simple conspiracies that can help you find a new high-paying job and raise your career ladder, which you can do yourself at home. They create a variety of opportunities and options that are suitable for a specific applicant and will help him see and evaluate them.

    However, one should not rely only on the power of magic and assume that after the ritual the necessary work will turn up in 1 day, and even more so to sit back. Every opportunity should be taken and the vacancies available should be considered. It is necessary to regularly look through advertisements in various sources of information (press, Internet, etc.), send out resumes, go to interviews with potential employers.

    Rituals with a scarf that attract good luck

    On the new moon, you need to purchase your favorite scarf. You should not rush to buy, you may have to go around several stores before you like the right thing. Immediately after the purchase, you must bring the handkerchief home and read the magic spell over it seven times: “I, the servant of God (my name), will prosper and good luck on the road. Wherever I go, I’ll find a job and I won’t get a refusal. ”

    From that day on, the charmed thing will become a talisman that will help in finding a new interesting job. It must be constantly worn in the inner pocket of clothing, away from prying eyes.

    Another version of the scarf ritual:

    • wait for the growing moon;
    • purchase a new handkerchief in white without ornaments, patterns, etc .;
    • on the same day, read a special conspiracy over him three times;
    • always wear a scarf with you.

    As a rule, within the next month the applicant will receive an offer of the desired job. Sometimes it takes a little more time, so there is no need to rush to repeat the ceremony.

    There is another ritual with a scarf and a coin. It is held in the evening on the eve of any newspaper with job advertisements. Necessary:

    • take an ordinary scarf and a large coin;
    • spread it on the table;
    • put a coin on it, heads up;
    • read the slander.

    How to successfully pass an interview?

    There is a special conspiracy that will help you easily pass an interview with a future boss and please him. It is necessary to read the conspiracy words seven times on the way to the interview.

    This simple ceremony helps the applicant to become more self-confident, relaxed. It removes feelings of anxiety, fear of difficult issues, and instills hope in getting the right job. It also contributes to the fact that the employer will be able to discern a real professional in a future employee.

    You can use another conspiracy, which should be read three times before going to the interview. After that, the director will definitely suggest the desired position.

    Another simple conspiracy on the thread will help you get through even the most difficult interview. Necessary:

    • Prepare thread of any color.
    • To read the following conspiracy on it three times: “As this knot is tied very tightly, so for the servant of God (his name), the work quickly and firmly took shape and was accepted for the desired work. Amen".
    • In this case, each time to tie the thread in a knot, there should be three of them in total.
    • Put it on the doorstep.
    • Going for an interview, you need to step over the threshold and close the door behind you.
    • before leaving home, lightly touch the bread with your lips;
    • read a special conspiracy;
    • immediately leave for an interview with the employer without looking back.

    You can also use a slander on a coin, which is read before going to a potential employer: “I don’t ask for you! I'm going on the road! So that your legs don't get tangled! Where I keep my way, I will get help there! Be my road to luck! Amen! "

    So that the personnel officers do not find fault, when applying for a job, you can read the following slander. He will also help to get around other applicants for the place. They say it before going to the interview.

    The next conspiracy will help reveal all your talents in the interview. They read it immediately after waking up on the day when the conversation with the employer is to take place.

    How do I get a promotion?

    If the field of activity suits you, but you are tired of the monotony, the routine that are inevitable when working in low positions, and you want to move up the career ladder, you can carry out the following ritual, which is done in the waning month at 12 at night and always on Sunday:

    1. 1.Purchase a new handkerchief you like in advance;
    2. 2. pour several large denomination coins into it;
    3. 3. At the same time, sentence the magic words: “I don’t put coins, but I give them a ransom! ";
    4. 4. tie a handkerchief in a tight knot right along with the coins;
    5. 5. go to the forest (park, the nearest public garden) and find a birch there;
    6. 6. bury coins deep under a tree and say a special conspiracy seven times.

    It is important to conduct this ceremony without witnesses. Already in the first weeks of the month after this simple ritual, the boss will definitely pay attention to the talented employee, appreciate his merits and will certainly offer the long-awaited promotion.

    For a salary increase and a cash position

    If the job suits you, but the income received from it leaves much to be desired, you can use the following conspiracy: “Belun-father, scatter coins in front of me from your wallet. Let me serve and earn. I am not asking for gifts, I am asking for a well-deserved one, help me find a job on my shoulder and money. "

    To get a high-paying position, you can use the bread slander:

    • in the early morning read a conspiracy for a fresh loaf of bread;
    • cut it lengthwise into two parts;
    • feed one of them to the birds;
    • another to eat at dinner.

    Another conspiracy that can attract money. Necessary:

    • plant any plant in a pot or in the ground (bush, flower, tree, etc.);
    • during landing without stopping to pronounce magic words;
    • then it is necessary to constantly care for the plant, while it lives, the work will bring a good income;
    • if the plant is dead or looks weak and sick, it is necessary to plant a new one and repeat the whole ritual again.

    How to help loved ones find a job?

    There are difficult life situations when relatives, in spite of the actions taken, cannot get a good job. To help them, you can use a simple food spell for your son, daughter or husband, which is pronounced during cooking or just before serving food.

    After this simple ritual, loved ones will definitely get the desired job. But it is important to make sure that they eat the entire meal. In addition, it is not recommended to tell them about this ceremony.

    Conspiracies to get the desired job

    If there is a good place in mind, but the applicant is not sure that he will be accepted there, you can perform a ritual with a candle. For him you need:

    • light a candle at noon;
    • look at the flame without taking your eyes off;
    • at the same time, speak aloud the magic text, without interruption and without stumbling, until the whole candle burns out to the end;
    • after this ceremony, the applicant will definitely receive the position he likes.

    For the same purposes, the ritual with chocolate candy is also used. When leaving the employer, you need to whisper magic words over her three times. After that, eat the candy.

    High-paying jobs for women

    It is usually more difficult for representatives of the beautiful half of humanity to find a decent job than for men. Especially for women, there are very simple and proven conspiracies:

    1. 1. This slander can be read at any time: “I will go dressing up, without knocking at the door, accept it as a dear guest, suggest a better place. I am a noble bird, a jack of all trades. I will take for work inexpensively, only my own. "
    2. 2. Another easy conspiracy for women: “Ever-virgin Mary, for me, the servant of God (name), stand up for me, the servant of God (name), pray that I have a job that I want, so that I do not regret it - do not grieve. Till the end of time. Amen".
    3. 3. At dawn, say the following magic words: “Work, work, be me, the servant of God (name), in the hunt. Ever virgin Mary, give me strength for all stubble. Till the end of time. Amen".
    4. 4. This slander can be read at any convenient time: “Lord Jesus Christ, who turned water into wine, turn mine, servants of God (name), empty troubles into golden troubles. Let me find a good job. Amen".
    5. 5. For the next ritual, you need a small stone with sharp edges. It must be put on the table, crossed and thrown over the left shoulder to any corner of the room. At the same time, say such magic words: “A pebble is in a corner, a devil in the forehead, and to me, a servant of God (name), is for noble wealth, for a good job. Till the end of time. Amen". After this, do not touch the stone for a month.

    Strong rituals that help you get a good job and protect yourself from the machinations of competitors

    If simple conspiracies do not help, then you need to turn to more powerful rituals. Their action creates not only a lot of opportunities for the applicant to find a suitable place, but also contributes to the increase of his professionalism and improvement of personal qualities in the eyes of the employer.

    They allow you to find work in the shortest possible time, even for those who are constantly refused. They will also help protect your business from the intrigues of ill-wishers and competitors.

    Strong conspiracy with plate and coins

    This powerful ritual should be performed on the first lunar day. Necessary:

    1. the plot once under natural light, for example, during the day on the street or in the moonlight;
    2. 2. the next day, cook a plate and a change;
    3. 3. take them to the forest in a deserted place;
    4. 4. break the plate on the stone;
    5. 5. Sprinkle the pieces with coins;
    6. 6. leave without turning around.

    There is another powerful conspiracy to get hired for a good job. You can read it before interviewing for the desired position or use it when looking for a new job.

    Conspiracy on icons

    This ritual, which helps in finding a job, should be done at night before going to bed. Necessary:

    • purchase in advance in the church icons of the Most Holy Theotokos and Christ the Savior, as well as two thick church candles;
    • collect holy water there;
    • place images on the table before going to bed;
    • put candles in front of them and light them;
    • place an earthen or ceramic cup filled with holy water between the candles;
    • cross her three times and say a slander: "Batiushka-breadwinner, mother gave birth, bless us for good work";
    • take three sips of holy water;
    • wash with the remaining liquid;
    • go to sleep.

    Such a ceremony must be carried out three days in a row. Its results will surely pleasantly surprise the applicant in the near future.

    Powerful ritual with incense and candle

    This ceremony will allow you to get the desired position in the shortest possible time. Should:

    • buy incense and a candle in the church;
    • at about midnight, get a sheet of white paper;
    • put a piece of incense on it;
    • light a candle nearby;
    • read the conspiracy;
    • after wrap the incense in paper;
    • wear this amulet with you for nine days;
    • then burn it so that the smoke comes out through the open window.

    Church candle plot

    This powerful ritual requires:

    1. 1.light a church candle exactly at midnight;
    2. 2. cast a magic spell on her;
    3. 3. to carry out the ceremony for three nights in a row;
    4. 4. write the words of the prayer on a piece of paper and always carry it with you.

    Strong protective prayer

    This conspiracy will help protect your business or work from the intrigues of competitors and envious people. It is necessary to read the following words: “Help me, Lord, the Holy Spirit, in my work, so that my enemies, my enemies, do not dare to ruin my work. Lord, do not let the Holy Spirit interrupt (summarize the essence of your case). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    To protect yourself and your business from envy from ill-wishers, you can also make a talisman that will help overcome any difficulties and contribute to successful work. You can talk about any small thing: a handkerchief, a coin, jewelry, etc.

    Conspiracies from experts in the field of white magic are very effective. They have been tested by more than one generation and have proven their effectiveness many times.

    At the same time, such rituals are notable for their accessibility and safety. Even a beginner in magical affairs can easily conduct them right at home or at work.

    From Vanga

    The great seer often gave effective advice that helped solve various problems. To be lucky with your job, you need to follow simple guidelines:

    1. 1. Write on a regular sheet of paper what position and with what salary you want to get. Then cut this leaf into small pieces and mix them with the crushed bay leaves. Put in a dish and set on fire. When the ash has cooled, wrap it in a banknote and carry it with you as a talisman.
    2. 2. To always have good luck in your work, you need to find a leaf of an ordinary sour cherry or a four-leaf clover. Dry the plant under pressure, for example, in a book and put it under glass on the desktop.
    3. 3. It is very easy to achieve success in your field of activity. It is enough to drink tea at the workplace from a mug with the image of a ladybug.
    4. 4. For a successful interview, you should put a nickle under your heel.
    5. 5. You can not talk and think too often about your boss, so as not to incur his disfavor.
    6. 6. If the director calls into his office in order to reprimand for something, you should put a small mirror in your pocket with a reflective surface in his side. The boss's anger will quickly subside.

    If you need to get a job as soon as possible, you can use the water ritual from Vanga. For him you need:

    • take a glass of holy water;
    • read a conspiracy on him three times;
    • drink water immediately.

    From the Pechersk healer Maria Feodorovskaya

    In order for good luck to accompany you in your search for a well-paid job, you need to perform the following strong ceremony:

    • for a start, clean up your desktop, put things in their places and throw out the excess;
    • close in a room all alone;
    • take a pen that is constantly used for work;
    • read a conspiracy on her;
    • tie the handle with a long white thread;
    • shove the other end of the thread into the pocket;
    • spend the whole day with this pen;
    • the next month to use only it, and the result will not be long in coming.

    From the Onega healer

    To get successful job offers, you need:

    • purchase three handkerchiefs in advance;
    • on a full moon, tie a knot on each of them;
    • place the scarves in a crystal glass so that the knots are at the bottom and the edges hang down on the sides;
    • bend over the glass and whisper magic words;
    • put a glass with handkerchiefs on the windowsill so that it is illuminated by the moonlight;
    • go to sleep;
    • in the morning, neatly fold the handkerchiefs without undoing the knots;
    • leave one at home, put the second in your bag, the third in the pocket of your outerwear;
    • take one of the handkerchiefs for an interview and touch the handle on the chief's office door with it.

    Another conspiracy to get the place you like can be read on a pen, which must first be held in your hands. After that, you need to fill out a questionnaire or a job application for her and, before leaving home, "accidentally" forget her in the office. The charmed little thing will surely attract the applicant to himself, and he will receive the desired position.

    From the Siberian healer

    Natalya Stepanova is a well-known witch in Siberia. She has many effective conspiracies that you can use in order to find a new job and not lose your position.

    In order not to be fired from work, you must:

    • put a container of water at your feet for three days;
    • bring her to work;
    • wash with water so that no one can see;
    • while reading the conspiracy words: “I was here, I will be here, I went here and I will go. Amen".

    In order not to be refused when applying for a job, you can use the following conspiracy, which is pronounced three times before leaving home on an important matter. You can also read it when solving any difficult issues.

    Consequences of rituals

    As a rule, all conspiracies for finding a job, promotion or for increasing income are white magic and are aimed exclusively at the one who does them, because they are safe and do not have a negative impact. An exception may be cases when spells are cast in a state of anger or resentment towards their colleagues or competitors. Then any spoken words can lead to the opposite effect.

    To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is important to be in a good mood and anticipate a positive result from the ceremony. Only in this case it will be possible to achieve what you want.

With the help of magical conspiracies, you can improve not only your personal life, but also your professional one. The procedure for applying for a job, asking for a salary increase, relationships in the team, all this is a huge part of a person's life. In these situations, a conspiracy to work will help a lot, if you do it right, you can get rid of many unresolved issues in this area.

How does a conspiracy work?

A conspiracy for a good job at home is good because it creates a certain information field around the person who utters this conspiracy. That is, in fact, the customer conjures the information field around him to ensure that events take place in the way he wants.

If you work in this ritual only with yourself, not for a specific person, then you attract the events that you need. If you have a specific problem with your boss, then you already need a love spell that will allow you to build relationships with your boss. In this case, a certain way of thinking is attached to the boss with the help of a conspiracy. In this case, the person thinks about you the way you need and due to this, some issues are resolved.

But in the second case, there is a possibility that the boss will develop an intrapersonal conflict after the conspiracy. This happens if, before the conspiracy, he frankly did not like you. Then, after the ritual, he has two completely opposite opinions in his mind, which cannot get along with each other. One opinion will be his own, the true one and the other inhabited by the conspiracy. In this case, the customer affects the psyche of the victim, so it is better to avoid such conspiracies.

Conspiracies are much more effective in order, in general, to find a good job. Then the Universe will bring you a place of work where your like-minded people simply work.

When can you apply a conspiracy to work?

  • Job conspiracies can be used if you are looking for a suitable place for yourself.
  • You may not have the courage to talk to your boss about getting you a day off, getting a pay raise, or getting paid overtime. You can also correct the situation with the help of a conspiracy.
  • If you have experience of how your colleagues or bosses survived you from work, then here you can work with a conspiracy. It will help remove negative experiences and make robots find a worthy place for themselves.
  • It may happen that you are tired of scandals at work, and you yourself may not participate in them, but the situation is very nervous. A conspiracy will also help to improve the atmosphere.

These are just examples of situations where you can use conspiracies for a good job. These examples are given so that you can find yourselves better, what is still not satisfactory at the place of work. In fact, even if you do not fully understand what specifically does not suit you at work, you can still use a conspiracy to harmonize the workplace.

Money conspiracy

This job conspiracy can be done if you are tired of job search failures and want to be offered a profitable job at last. This is an effective ritual by which you create a field where you will be paid enough money.

To make this conspiracy, you will need a dry poppy, a church candle. This ritual before looking for a job is recommended by Natalya Stepanova, a Siberian healer herself. It doesn't matter if you are looking for a part-time job or a main job, such a strong ritual will attract a money place to you.

You need to read this conspiracy for good luck in finding a job on the night when the moon is growing. Pay attention to this, because during this period, nature itself will help ensure that the money place finds its workers.

Retire. In the evening, when the moon is already clearly visible, take out and light a candle. Sprinkle the poppy seeds on a saucer in front of you. You can read your favorite prayers before the conspiracy, they will increase your body vibrations. Then move your index finger over the poppy and you need to read the following ritual:

“For good luck in my work, I read, I’m talking to you. A good employer will hear me and call the employees inside. With the device we will see each other and immediately understand that we will get along without any problems. Money will flow like a river from there, a new, wide river. I open my life to you, I find work for myself. I admit money work into my life. I quickly find it, they called me right away, I myself am glad and everyone around it is good and not to lose, but to gain. I am in the decision, I am in the intention. Amen".

You need to read confidently for white magic to work. Only then will the place find you by itself. After that, the next day, bake a roll with this poppy seed. Eat half of this roll yourself, and half feed the dogs near the house. And then you can already on the wave of good luck start looking for a job. Most likely, on the third day you will not be able to return without a great offer. For such a ritual, employers themselves will be grateful, because they also think: how to attract better workers.

Return of work conspiracy

Good luck with work is what every person dreams of. If the workplace is your favorite, then you really don't want to lose it, what if you need to take it back to work? But, unfortunately, there is always a reduction option, what to do with this decision of the bosses? You should not grieve for a long time about this, it is better to influence the situation in every possible way, including magical ones. You can make a conspiracy that can help you return to your previous job. If you have a situation where it seems to you that you can be cut off, then also carry out this ritual so that they will find fault with you less, and in order to save a place in principle.

To carry out the ceremony, you will need an old key, three church candles. To keep a well-paying job, perform the ritual in the evening when the moon is rising. Arrange the candles in a triangle and light them. Take the key in your hands, turn it counterclockwise and say the following words:

“I return the time back, I return everything belonging to myself. I don’t refuse offers, but I don’t lose my earned money and my place. Whoever returns time, is protected from unemployment. I found my key, now everything is mine with me. Found the key, the money is with me. Found the key, place with me, found and saved. You can't leave, stay. Return to where I prophesied. Where my soul felt good, and so that the demons did not interfere, did not scold, I was protected from rivals and failures, I avoid loss, as lucky as I am lucky. My strength is with me. "

Your spell text must be pronounced confidently for everything to really work out well. While the word is being spoken, turn the key in the opposite direction. Now this key is your talisman. You can hang it around your neck and wear it for three days. Or you can put it under your pillow. Now you will always be sure that there is a cash job for you.

Conspiracy for a successful interview

One of the most exciting moments when looking for a job is an interview. To make it more successful, you can also use magic. It is impossible to remove this conspiracy, but this is good, it means that at each of the interviews, luck will be on your side. This ritual is also good in order to please the person who hires you more.

“I go and get hired, I show myself to the owner. They called me, and I go. I will be able to defend myself, I will impose a fortune reservation. The master looks at me and sees - a good worker, a good man, good and handsome, just what we need. To his liking, I already realized this at the reception, they gave me a place. She walked and found joy for me, it was not mine, it became mine. And I am not wrong, I do not make mistakes, I correspond to the desired picture. He wants me to be there, sir. Our friendship got along with the help of conversation, salary strengthened. The word is strong. "

It's good to talk like that and just admire yourself in the mirror. At this moment, you need to create a lot of good emotions - self-pride, self-love, self-esteem. Then you will not have time to notice how the place is given to you.

Promotion conspiracy

If you have long wanted to be promoted, but this does not happen in any way, then you can also use the conspiracy for good luck, at work. By the way, it often happens that you are not promoted, because there is an evil eye from enemies, perhaps it is someone from the team. If so, then the ritual in parallel helps to help get rid of such damage and from the rival, the rivals who created it for you, from their nagging. This is a way to make opponents stop pouring poison, white magic is good at this.

To carry out this ritual, you need to go to nature and find a dead branch there. Take the branch in your hands and say the following magical text on it:

“As life ended in this thread, so let the life of conspiracies that were sent to me end. So let all my failures in work break down. There is no more dried up, no more lifeless, where the energy has stopped, there it is no more. New energy flows to a new place, where there are more fees, and everything that is bad not for life was left from the bad. From now on, only want and receive, want and receive everything you want. I no longer depend on intrigues, I trust my angel, he said that the servant of God (his name) will be happy, so he will be happy. There is protection from evil spells. The father hears and agrees. "

While reading the plot, the branch must be broken completely into small pieces. If you read this conspiracy with feeling, however, like any conspiracy, then it will work very quickly. The very next day you will feel a burst of energy that will allow you to talk about getting a promotion to a high-paying position. Here is such a conspiracy for work, you need to read it quite energetically. So you can get yourself a promotion for free.

Third party conspiracy

Parents are always worried about their child being well arranged in life. Helping a mother to a son or daughter may also consist in the fact that she imposes a conspiracy to attract a good job for her daughter. The wife can also worry about her husband, who will never find a decent job, because this affects her well-being as well. Some relatives develop a real conflict on this basis, but this is not constructive. You need to support your loved one. You can influence a specific family situation with the help of a magical conspiracy. Son, husband, brother, you can read the following conspiracy while they sleep:

“My protection will be enveloped by the servant of God (the name of the person) from head to toe. The trouble has gone from you, there will be only happiness with you. I'm talking to you about it. Whoever is near will protect, so that no one offends, so that he does not offend himself. To get a job, I wanted to work and earn good money. I don't mind your money work, I want to attract a nice payment, but you hear and remember. I am always with you, together we are always close, angels fly over us. "

This should be said with love and care, from a pure heart, then everything will work out. Do not be surprised if this loved one tells you the next day that he had a good dream about his favorite job. You can repeat this ritual several times in a row. This will lead to the fact that a loved one will have more purposefulness in relation to work, more hard work. Situations where he can be survived from the spot because of some documents will decrease, he will be more appreciated.

This ritual is very useful for relatives of disabled people, they are often infringed on their rights. You may not even have to kick him anymore so that he himself was looking for a job, after that he will do it successfully without your instructions. It is possible that you will hear gratitude from your daughter and son for this. Read also for your loved one the prayers to save him from trouble, to make a return to well-being.

Conspiracy for your favorite job

It happens that you are looking for a job and you yourself do not fully understand what you are looking for. In this case, you can conduct a conspiracy that will help attract to you a place that you will like in all respects. And now a person may not even imagine what exactly he will like.

To carry out such a magical ritual, you need a photograph of a place that you really like. It could be a snapshot of nature or a cozy home. The main thing is that this picture evokes in you the emotions that you want to experience in your future work. It will take another church candle.

Sit down in the evening in front of a lit candle. Look at the picture and amplify your sensations from it. Try to understand what you are experiencing? A feeling of comfort, lightness, relaxation, or vice versa, concentration. Maximize these feelings, if possible, then note where they are manifested in the body. Maybe it's a nagging sensation in the chest or some kind of concentration of thoughts in the head? Then you need to take a deep breath and, as you exhale, read such a conspiracy:

“My feelings are expanding to the whole world, they are looking for me where it is good for me, and they are finding it. The place where they and I will feel as good as now, I send prayers. To my success on the way, to a new place, I start talking. My place, God's place, respond to the company for me. I take it first. It will feel me and will start looking for me too, I will find it first. We go to meet each other, go and meet. And the money is waiting for me there. "

To be hired. Conspiracy.

A ritual for getting a job.

Conspiracy for your favorite business

This ritual is slightly different in meaning from the previous one. It aims to attract an interesting business for which it will receive money. For example, the wife got tired of being financially dependent on her husband, and she decided to open her own business, but she doesn't know which one. By the way, this is a way to check whether you live with a man out of mercantile interests. So this magical rite will help you discover what the talent of this activity is, on which you can make money.

The ceremony is necessarily carried out during the growing moon. To carry it out, you need a new pack of salt, three church candles, a glass of drinking water, an empty glass.

The man closes himself in the room alone, lights the candles. The empty glass is filled with salt. Places two glasses in front of him. Closes his eyes and says this magic word:

“As the servant of God (his name) opens his eyes, so he will know what he is fit for. I rejoice with the release of energy. The consequences are successful. I clean the channels with God's water. To be useful to me, to be joyful to me, so that I would be happy at work, to help me the world. Amen".

Say this magic word with joy. Open your eyes and drink a glass of water. And then you need to take a shower, and use the charmed salt as a body scrub. The very next day you will have some fresh ideas in your head about your mission. You can read prayers for your favorite work.

A good job is, first of all, a job you love, that is, a job that not only brings significant income, but also gives you pleasure. Unfortunately, life is not so simple and often everything does not go the way you want. But it often happens like this: a favorite job, but does not bring income, or, on the contrary, a well-paid job, but constant conflicts with the boss and the eternal struggle for their place in the sun.

And all this in the best traditions of the law of coincidence of probabilities occurs in our time of reductions and unemployment, when work is generally considered a holy place. In order to add a little bit of luck in your career, and attract a good job, you can use an excellent conspiracy to attract work.

Popular job conspiracies

A ritual for the good

Doubtful people can claim that the payback for using magic will be much greater than the benefits that the conspiracy will bring. But this is not the case.

These ceremonies do not have any negative effects on others, plus they relate to white magic, therefore, there can be no consequences other than positive ones.

The main thing is to do everything with good intentions. And also - to believe in the power of the word.

Several useful rituals

It so happens that you are pathologically unlucky in your job search: I was late for one interview, overslept for another, and the third turned out to be irrelevant. In this case, the conspiracy will help a dream come true and get a decent job: You need to pronounce magic words before entering the employer's office.

Conspiracy "For successful employment"

“My angel, my guardian, save and protect my soul from all enemies of visible and invisible adversaries. Take me away from me in all 4 directions: south, north, west and east. Amen."

Even if there are no suitable vacancies, then in order to find a profitable job, tell a simple conspiracy to find a good job three times in a row. And after that, in the near future, you will certainly get lucky.

Conspiracy "For a profitable job"

“I go to the boyars to plow for free, I go to contract, to fall in love with the owner. Everything to be touched by me, the owners smiled affectionately, fed nourishingly, paid well, did not scold in vain and did not beat me. The Lord God is my King, my Supreme Lord. Lord, help. God help me. Lord bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Conspiracy on a handkerchief is very effective.

On the day before the full moon, buy a handkerchief and read the plot on it 7 times.

Conspiracy "To work" on a scarf

“I, the servant of God (name), will prosper on the way-road. Where I go, I’ll find a job, I won’t get a refusal. "

After reading, the spoken handkerchief should be carefully folded and taken with you when you go to your interview. This handkerchief cannot be used for its intended purpose, they need to discreetly wipe the handle of the door to the office where the potential employer is sitting or, putting it to the palm, open the door. It is desirable that these manipulations go unnoticed.

An extremely good and fast-acting conspiracy to cream for success in finding a job. The ritual is done with cream, since they are truly considered the best part of milk, the most expensive and useful. But in the case of this conspiracy, store-bought cream will not work, you must definitely get fresh, fatty homemade cream, pour it into a white bowl and read the magic words three times.

Conspiracy "To find a job" for cream

“I, the servant of God (name), will go out of the house - not out of the house, by the doors - not by the doors, by the gates - not by the gates, by the way - not by the road, by the way - by not going through, by the road - not by the country side. And I'll go look for a share in a damp forest, in a clean pole. I’ll take a step, but I’ll find a ruble, and I’ll take another step, but I’ll find a ruble, and I’ll take the third step, but I’ll find the half-hundredth one. To drink cream, and I get rich. So that I may live well and not know grief. Amen."

After that, you need to take three large sips from the bowl. Leftovers can be refrigerated and used as needed, but never thrown away. Before going to bed, do not forget to say the following words: "Mother cow, you gave me some cream, give me a new job, profitable and good quality," cross yourself three times and read the prayer "Our Father" nine times.

As a result of the conspiracy, a good job will find you in the near future, but still take the first step and start looking for a worthy place.

There are times when a job to your liking has already been found, but the boss cannot please in any way, and he jerks you with or without reason. In this case, a conspiracy against quarrels with the boss is ideal. To do this, you need to speak at exactly 00:00 a spoonful of sugar, pronouncing the necessary words on it. The next morning, scatter the charmed sugar under your boss's doorstep.

Conspiracy "On the boss" for sugar

“Bake, dry on my sugar, Like a fly sticks to sweet syrup: With your heart, skeleton, brain, all organs, So you, servant of God (name), turn, loving, To me, servant of God (name). Advice, in the absence of pain, Appreciate how the most valuable and dear things are appreciated. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

The main thing is not to be noticed in this business.

Siberian healer Natalia in her books generously shares her recipes for a successful career.

On the day of the Beheading of John the Baptist, they buy shoes, in which they then serve an evening service in the church, and when they come home, they wash the sole in a basin and this water is poured into a half-liter jar. On the first even day after that, they bring this water to their service, but so that no one can see. Every corner of the building in which they work is poured from the street. The bank is left right there. You will notice how a turning point for the better begins in your career.

Siberian healer Natalya claims that an effective conspiracy for a successful career has never let anyone down, and you need to read it, going to the employer, 3 times.

Conspiracy "For a successful career"

I'm going to the bar, not young and not old. I go to contract, the owner to have a look. My face is dear to him, my soul is not hateful. Everyone would be surprised at me, the owners would smile, they would be moved by my words. He would not have banished the baptized soul. Lord Jesus Christ. Our God, have mercy on us at every hour. Amen. Amen. Amen."

All these ceremonies and rituals belong to white magic. Natalya Stepanovna reassures that these ceremonies do not have any negative consequences, they will only help you find a decent job, and your employer will find a valuable employee.

Video: Conspiracy to work

White magic can significantly improve the quality of life of any person. If you dream of getting a high-paying job, strong job plots will help in solving this problem.

Conspiracies will help you get a good job

Not everyone succeeds in getting a good position. It is important not only to achieve a vacant position, but also to be able to stay on it. Competition is fierce in every profitable enterprise these days. A conspiracy to get a good job will help not only during the interview, but also give self-confidence in the new position.

Magical rites will be successful if you adhere to certain rules. Prayers and rituals for getting a good job will help if they are carried out on the growing moon. Some practicing magicians argue that the texts for receiving high wages need to be read on Wednesday, and in order to take the coveted position, you need to hold a ceremony on Saturday.

A few more rules:

  • you need to read strong conspiracies to get a job only if you really believe in white magic;
  • no need to tell friends, especially new colleagues, how you achieved a prestigious job;
  • conspiracies can be read during any activity related to finding a job - before meeting with an employer, while watching ads, etc.

Magic rituals can be performed not only by the applicant himself, but also by his wife, husband, son and other family members.

Ritual with a domestic cat

This conspiracy is suitable for those who have a black cat at home. He helps to successfully pass an interview for a device for a new position. Before going to a meeting with the employer, they take the tailed pet in their arms and say:

“I will not go on foot, but I will ride a black cat. There was no way to refuse me, (your name), neither in the summer, nor in the winter, nor in the morning, nor in the afternoon. I live by God's covenant. Lord, take my care so that I get a job. So that no one knows a word against me - no bad, no. To be loved and respected, appreciated and not underestimated. Cross with a cross, a good deed with a good ending. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!".

Hold a black cat in your arms before the interview

After that, you need to put 3 hairs of cat hair in your wallet. If the results of the interview become known only after a few days, try to pamper your cat with sweets, scratch him behind the ear and please him during this period.

Do not shout at him or scold him for his pranks. If the interview was successful and you found out that you have been hired, be sure to pour milk for the tailed "wizard" and thank him.

Bread ritual to take up a lucrative position

Read this powerful conspiracy to get a well-paid job on the day of the interview. You need to leave the house early in the morning and go to a bakery, shop or bakery. It is very important to buy fresh hot bread.

Back home, they put the bread on a fresh white tablecloth. They bow to bread three times, then break off two pieces with their hand. The following plot is read over these pieces:

“As from year to year the bread of God is respected, with a low bow it is served and accepted, so I, the servant of God (name), would be accepted everywhere with great joy. Amen".

One piece is eaten right there, the second is wrapped in white linen and taken with them to the interview. This morning, when you get a job, you can't eat anything else. They only drink water. Back home, you need to break off another piece of bread and eat it. Only then can you take other food.

A ritual from the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga to get lucky with work

Any person dreams of doing interesting work and getting a good reward for it. However, not everyone is so lucky. A conspiracy from Vanga when applying for a job will help you take the position that you have long dreamed of.

For the ritual, you will need water consecrated in the Temple. It is best if this water is illuminated for Easter or Epiphany.

Light a church candle. Place a glass of water so that the light of a candle passes through the water. Looking at the glare, say:

“Help me, the powers of water, to take me to a good job and not be deprived of attention. I am an expert in my field. They will respect and appreciate me. As I said, so let it be. "

Conspiracy water must be drunk, added to coffee, tea

After that, you need to drink three sips from a glass, and add the rest of the water to tea or coffee until you achieve a positive result.

On the first day of going to work, go to the mirror before leaving your home. Take a close look at your reflection, smile at him and say these words:

“Wherever I go, they need me there. All employees will love, the management will not be overjoyed. "

The more sincere your smile is, the more friendly your colleagues and superiors will be at your new job.

For a successful interview

The day before the interview, you need to go to the "big" water. It can be a river, sea, lake or rates. Pull coins of different denominations out of your wallet and throw them into the water. Then look at the sky and bow down to it. Bow to the wind in all four directions. Bow to the water for the third time and say these words:

“The sun illuminates me, it drives away trouble with rays. The wind blows on me, luck nails me. They come to the shores of the water, they beat me to work. Amen"!

After that, return home without speaking to anyone. On the day of your job interview, you need to read Our Father in the morning and ask the Lord for help in your own words.

In front of the building where the interview will take place, you need to stop and say:

“Lord, send me, your slave (your slave) (your name), good luck! Amen"!

Then enter the institution. After opening the door and crossing the threshold, say:

"And in this place God is with me."

After such a ritual, you will definitely successfully get a high-paying job.

Conspiracy from a hereditary Siberian healer for a good job

Prayers and rituals of Natalia Stepanova for a good job are intended to help those who are already desperate to find something. If all previous attempts have been unsuccessful, refer to white magic conspiracies.

On a piece of paper you need to write the position you want

Before your next interview, take a blank sheet of paper in the morning and write the position you want to take on. Fold the sheet in half and attach your photo to it. Tie a piece of red thread on a piece of paper and read the following words over it:

“I go to the boyars, so as not to plow for nothing, I go to contract, to fall in love with the owner. Everything to be touched by me, the owners smiled affectionately, paid well, fed me hearty food, did not scold in vain and did not beat me. The Lord God is my King, my Supreme Lord. God help me. Lord, help. Lord bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

Put the photo sheet in your pocket or purse. It is important that you have him with you during the interview. After returning home, you need to put it in a secluded place and not touch it until you receive your first salary at a new place of work.

Conspiracy on a candle to be hired

On the eve of your interview, do the following ritual. Have a family member light a green candle and walk around you clockwise three times. Then he will put a candle on the table, where a gold ring, a large banknote and three bay leaves will be laid out.

Looking at the fire of a candle, read a strong conspiracy to get a job:

“I am riding in a forged chariot, a golden-haired mare. I go there, where they are waiting for me and respect, but they do not offend me with refusal. I will not be denied either today, or tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, not on any day, not in any month, or in any year, always and everywhere honor and glory await me. No one will say a bad word against me, no one will ever deny me anything, always open doors will meet me, everyone honors me, everyone believes me as they are. Cross with a cross, business with a good ending. Amen"!

Then blow out the candle. A bill, bay leaves and a ring are put in a wallet. They should stay there until you return home after your first day at your new job.

To achieve the desired position

In a family, a wife, husband, son or daughter has to work hard to ensure financial stability and look with confidence in the future. However, a job that makes a lot of money is not always enjoyable. To find something to your liking, perform the following ritual.

Prepare 24 small coins in advance. On Monday night, sew a bag of red material. Wait for the young moon to appear in the sky and put all the coins in the bag. Take it in your hands and, looking at the month, say:

“30 talismans, 30 coins - find a job for me, but wherever I go, I’ll find work and I won’t get a refusal”!

After that, keep 12 coins for yourself and put them in your wallet. Dispose of the remaining twelve in this way - throw four coins on each side of the world. The wife, husband, son, or daughter who is performing this ritual should not tell other family members about it.

After this ritual, you will definitely find a new job that will pay well and be enjoyable.

Cream conspiracy

The cream is collected from fresh milk. They personify prosperity, well-fed life, family well-being. Therefore, they are often used in rituals that relate to profit. The fatter the cream, the more money will be received by the one who reads the prayer and conducts the ritual to help him find a good job.

You need to collect the cream yourself from the milk.

As soon as the newly born month appears in heaven, put a white tablecloth on the table in the evening. Pour cream into a white cup and place in the center of the table. Place seven yellow candles around and next to each of them put a coin of the largest denomination.

Take a cup in your right hand and read this conspiracy:

“I’ll leave the house, I’ll go to look for my destiny. Fate in a pine forest, in an open field. I take one step - I will find a ruble, two steps - I’ll find a ruble, three steps - I’ll find fifty. Pee with cream, but I'll get rich! "

As soon as you start reading it, start collecting coins with your left hand. After the conspiracy is pronounced, you need to take three sips of cream. Put coins in your wallet. Use the rest of the cream in the morning by adding it to tea, coffee, scrambled eggs or pancakes.

Before falling asleep, while lying in bed say:

"Cow, our mother, you gave me the cream, give me a new job, solid and profitable."

It is very important to use the leftover cream the next morning for preparing food or drinks. If the hostess forgets to do this and the cream turns sour, it will not be possible to find a new job until a young month appears in the sky again.

The conspiracy to get a good job has helped a lot. This is a kind of psychological support for anyone who doubts their abilities.

In this article:

For most people, work is one of the most important aspects of life. And the main desire of every person is to find a job that would bring both financial well-being and satisfaction from its performance. Conspiracies for high-paying and good work can help achieve this.

A conspiracy to attract good work

The first step towards a successful career is finding a job that you love. Before you start looking for a job, you need to buy a handkerchief on the new moon and talk about it 7 times:

“There will be me, the servant of God (my name), prosperity and good luck on the road. Wherever I go, I’ll find a job and I won’t get a refusal. ”

The spoken headscarf should always be carried with you. However, reading this simple conspiracy still means that the job itself will be found. Conspiracy words for getting the desired job are only help, and the main actions for finding a job must be done by the performer himself.

Conspiracy for a successful interview

After the desired position is found, the resume is sent, the next step is the interview. In order for the leaders of the company, in which the person would like to work, to be positively disposed and to hire him, you need to use the following conspiracy:

“I'm going to the boyars, not old and not young. I'm going to get hired, to show myself to the owner. My face is sweet to him, my soul does not grow cold. Everyone would be surprised at me, the owners would smile, they would be moved by my words. He will not be able to drive away the baptized soul. Lord Jesus, our God, have mercy on all of us at any hour. Amen".

Thanks to the conspiracy, the future boss from the very first minutes of the interview will want to accept the person exactly for the position that he is applying for.

After successful employment, you should not immediately relax, since the most difficult stage remains - it is to stay in this company, join the team and successfully cope with the assigned duties.

Conspiracy for good luck at work

The first day at a new job is perhaps the most responsible one and should be started at home. Before leaving your home or on the way to work, you must say the following magic words:

“I am going as a successful fisherman; I will enter as a brave merchant. I am a lion, I am a wolf, I am a fox, everywhere I have a ladder, who, perhaps, others are lower, and I am always and everywhere higher than everyone else. Let me be respected, loved, invited to a high position. All the words I said, be strong and sculpted. Amen".

The red pouch ritual is very simple, but this simplicity is effective.

Conspiracy to work to your liking

To find a job to your liking, you need to collect 30 of the smallest coins and from Monday to Tuesday sew a red fabric bag yourself. After that, during the growing moon at dawn, you need to throw coins into the bag, put it on your right palm, cover with your left hand and say the magic words 7 times:

“30 talismans, 30 coins - find a job for me, but hurry, show me the way now. I will be a servant of God (my name) prosperity on the way. Wherever I go, I’ll find a job there, but I won’t get a refusal. ”

As the last words will be said, 10 coins must be left in a bag and always carried with you, and the remaining 20 must be buried in different places, as far away from each other as possible.

Conspiracy to work on cream

Cream is considered the best part of milk, so it is recommended to use it for a conspiracy to find a good and high-paying job. For the ritual, you must use real homemade cream (not store-bought). The fatter the dairy product, the better luck you find a job, and the more money you can bring home.

Cream must be poured into a white cup and whispered over them 3 times:

“I, servant of God (my name), will go out of the house - not out of the house, with doors - not doors, gates - not gates, road - not dear, I pass - I do not pass, country - not country.

I will go to seek my destiny in a damp forest and in an open field.

I will take a step - I will find a ruble, the second step - I will find a ruble, the third step - I will find fifty.

To drink cream, and I get rich.

So that I live long, live well and not know grief. Amen".

After the conspiracy, you need to take 3 large sips of milk cream, and drink the leftovers with coffee or tea, you can also offer the drink to your household. Before going to bed, shaking your pillow say:

"Cow, our mother, you gave me cream, give me a new job, good and profitable." Then cross yourself 3 times and read the prayer "Our Father" 9 times.

A good and highly paid job should be found in the next 30-50 days.

A conspiracy to succeed in finding a high-paying job

The following ceremony will help you find a profitable and interesting job. It is necessary to go to the forest right after the new moon on Friday, while on the way you cannot look back and communicate with anyone. Then you should find 2 hemp in the forest, standing next to each other. Sitting on one of them, whisper these words:

“I am sitting in this place, and I am looking for the best place for myself. I, the servant of God (my name), will change to another tree stump (in this case, you really need to change seats) and get a good seat the next day. Right. May it be so. Amen".

It is necessary to leave the forest in the same way, without looking back and without talking to anyone. Going home, you need to be sure of your luck and that good work will be found in the near future.

Magic words for a profitable job

Before you start looking for a new job, you need to say 3 times:

“I go to the boyars to plow for free, I go to hire myself and to fall in love with the owner. Let everyone be touched by me, and let the owners smile at me, feed me well and pay well, do not beat or scold in vain. The Lord God is our Tsar, our highest Sovereign. Lord help me, help and bless me. Amen".

This ritual is good to carry out in combination with other methods.

Conspiracy for a successful business

To perform this rite, you need to come to the bathhouse.

Having melted the stove in the bath, you must enter it, taking off all your clothes. Then moisten your head with two fingers of your left hand. Then sit in front of the stove and carefully looking at the fire say:

“In the sauna stove, the fire burns, scorches and glows with heat, so let my business ignite and not extinguish. All day, to this hour, always. Amen".

Pronounce magic words over 12 times in a row. On the day of the ritual, you should not wash in the bath. Enter the director's office with your left foot.

Coveted job conspiracy

Before going to your scheduled interview, you need to kiss the edge of the bread and say:

“As from year to year the bread of God is respected, with a low bow it is served and accepted, so I, the servant of God (his name), would be accepted everywhere with great joy, they would hire me for an honorable work. Amen".

Conspiracy for successful employment

If a person is going to an appointment with the director of the company on the issue of employment, but at the same time he has some doubts that he may not be accepted, the following should be done.

Enter the office with your left foot, firmly holding your thumb in a fist, while saying to yourself:

“My angel, my guardian, save and protect my soul from all enemies of visible and invisible adversaries. Take me away from me in all 4 directions: south, north, west and east. Amen".

A conspiracy not to be denied the desired job

At home, before the interview, you need to tie a knot a thread with the words:

“As this knot is tied very tightly, so the work of the servant of God (his name) quickly and firmly took shape and was accepted for the desired work. Amen".

It is necessary to repeat the conspiracy words three times, each time tying a new knot (in the end, you should get 3 knots). Then put the thread on the threshold of the house, close the door, cross the threshold and calmly, with confidence in good luck, go to get a job.