How to draw a small dog pencil in stages. Draw a dog easily and beautiful. Accelerate an oral account, not mental arithmetic

Probably since the appearance of "Carlson" Lindgren, all parents know exactly what is needed for happiness to the whole family. Dog for children! It was for this reason that a year ago appeared a year ago, Rhodesian Ridgeback, which was called Gray. This miracle quickly became a member of the family and a universal favorite. And that is why when we decided to learn how to draw a dog with a pencil, then the choice fell on the representative of this breed.

History of the appearance of "Portrait" Graya

We were "ran" for our dog, remembering "Prostokvashino" with more than a prophetic statement about our case: "I have run half a day to take a picture!" But never got a beautiful photo. Our levit has managed to successfully avoid capturing. Then the tail, then his nose all the time turned out to be closer to the lens. Peeping, we went to others, easier. It turned out to be found on the Internet a suitable photo similar to our Graya Psa, easy. It is on it that we will be able to draw a dog in stages.

But, while we were looking for "Graya", I and my child, saw that the choice of potential models is huge. We could portray the husky pencil stages, or a German shepherd, or even a husky. All these are beautiful, graceful and clever dogs. Each representatives of its breed have characteristic features inherent in only them, and there are also personal qualities and common features for all dogs, for which we love them and cherish their friendship. For example, loyalty and ability to rejoice in the owner, obedience and frankness (they can not hide their emotions at all).

Already at the initial stages of work on a drawing of a dog, when we only considered the varieties of these pets, learned that they are different and temperament, for example, there are cholerics, sanguines, melancholics and phlegmatic, we got involved. We wanted to learn how to draw not just an animal with four paws, ears and tail, but also to master the drawing schemes of good and tempered pieces, wanted to try to portray spaniel, dachuck or shepherd with a pencil phased. But it will be later. In the meantime, our "sample pen". Today we will show, the dog is a pencil in stages, and it will be our one year old Rhodesian Ridgeback. We took it as a model.

Work plan

Draw a pencil dog in stages turned out to be at all difficult, if you move exactly on the planned plan. That it includes:
  • Preparation;
  • Image of paws and tummy housing;
  • Work on the muzzle of our pet;
  • Registration of the picture.
A step-by-step plan of the work is understandable and simple, it helps even inexperienced in artistic art. People and children quickly master the technique of images of dogs.

Phased image of PSA

Stage 1. Preparation

It includes, first of all, the organization of the workplace.

Learning to draw, starting with auxiliary lines. We make two ovals that only touch each other. Be sure to: the upper oval is almost 2 times smaller in size than the lower one. And it looks more like an uneven circle.

Even for beginners, this stage will not be difficult, and even a child will cope with him. But in the future it would be good if the parents helped their baby in the phased drawing.

Stage 2. Image of paws and animal housing

How to draw a paw dog? To do this, down from the lower oval is stuck the line, at the end of which there will be soft pads. The front paws are visible completely, they do them in full length, given the proportions. The back - only one is visible, and since it is bent, then its upper part is depicting in the form of an egg-shaped figure along the lower right side of the oval. And already the small part of the PES panel comes from it.

Draw a dog with two curved lines. On the left side of the case make a little larger.

We make a small circle at the bottom of the top oval, which will go to the bottom.

Stage 3. Work on the face of our pet

How to perform all the details of the head? To do this, divide the upper oval with two arcuate lines, horizontal and vertical, on 4 parts.

On the one that goes horizontally, eyes will be located.

Drawn small circle is also divided by the vertical line in half. In the middle it will be located span of peel.

On the sides of the muzzle make a hanging ears characteristic of Rhodesian Ridgeback.

We depict your eyes, perform a more accurate nose of the animal.

Stage 4. Registration Pictures

Basic principles that help to understand how to draw, we have mastered. There were nuances who would make our picture similar to the original. Namely, we perform "fingers" on the paws, do not forget about the tail.

We remove all the extra lines. We carry out the necessary details.

We supply the desired color each part of the picture. Do not forget that Rhodesian Ridgeback, though a smooth-haired breed, but still, has tiny wools.

Now, picking up the desired color, deactivate the picture. Our Gray appears in front of us.

This picture turned out quite simple. Already having trouble having a little, you can try more complex models, for example, to deal with how to draw dog husky or what other breed. Success to you in this!

The dog is the most popular and beloved animal, especially children love them. But more they like puppies - small, affectionate and so inconsistent. And what about it to be pleasant and with the benefit of spending time with the child? Surely he will love drawing a dog or a little cute puppy?

Dog watercolor for the new year

Before the New Year 2018, it is necessary to learn how to draw a dog, because such a pet becomes a symbol of the next 12 months. When choosing a drawing dog, you should give preference to the most cute and plush, so that there is a huge desire to get a ready-made New Year image. She will add a funny red cap with a fur insert at the base and a small bubo.

Required Dog Drawing Materials:

  • paper sheet (preferably watercolor);
  • simple Pencil HB and Eraser;
  • watercolor;
  • tassels;
  • palette and glass with water.

Stages of drawing a New Year's dog:

1. Any animal or cartoon character should begin to draw from the head. For the image of a dog, like a symbol of 2018, you should draw a small oval. We also erase one triangle on each side. We combine the figures of the arc and get a sketch of a pet's head.

2. Tyoving the half-one to get the front of the body. We will add paws that will be similar to triangles. Draw in the background part of the left foot and tail.

3. Add a few New Year attributes to the dog's drawing. For example, on the top of the head of a fluffy pet, a beautiful cap-cap with a cute bowl. On the neck climb a collar with a decorative element.

4. Remove the auxiliary lines so that the PSA muzzle can be drawn. We draw a big nose and small, but such natural eyes. The contour of the torso and head itself is correcting that the dog has become fluffy and plush in appearance. We will also work on the cap so that it becomes the volumetric and objects of fur inserts acquired a wavy appearance.

5. Red-burgrova watercolor stake in the sections of the caps and collar with a decorative element.

6. Now go to the hand drawing. Apply the yellow-brown shade of watercolor paint on all sections of the animal. We give time to dry the layer and once again we look around the ears, a muzzle, a torso with a foot and tail more rich and dark color.

7. Black watercolor score carefully nose, and blue - white sections of the caps. Also, we will also go through the sections of the wool and create the third layer of paint, where we apply dark brown shades of watercolors, mixed with burgundy and red tones.

8. Finally, the black watercolor paint the eyes and shadow under the dog at the base of the drawing.

9. Ready Watercolor Dog Drawing for the New Year 2018, if you wish, we are refined in black liners. For a common circuit, you should pick up 0.7 mm, and for fine hatching - 0.1 mm.

10. We get this new year illustration, which is asking for a postcard of handmade to embellish it! But such a pioneer dog looks very natural here, picturesque and festive.

Drawing Dalmatian do it yourself

Dalmatian puppy in the festive socks is the main topic of this drawing lesson. Therefore, if you wish to draw a New Year's drawing, then for animal lovers, you will not think better! The lesson uses many shades of colored pencils. However, if such a drawing can be drawn with a minimum set. After all, it all depends on your desire and fantasy!

Necessary materials:

  • colour pencils;
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • paper.

Stages of drawing:

01. We denote the shared shape of the Christmas sock with simple lines. Draw all bends.

2. Then draw the top of the sock, which has a fur insert. It is also necessary to show that the sock is hanging on a fireplace or another interior subject. To do this, draw a circle in the upper part.

3. Sock will be striped. To show it - we draw a few lines and draw a stamp on the heel.

4. From the sock will be peek Dalmatian puppy. Therefore, at this stage it is very important to draw the silhouette of the head and the front paw of the animal correctly.

Then we specify small details. Since this is a Dalmatian, then you should not forget about the specks on its short wool.

5. The red pencil is beginning to figure out separate sock fragments.

6. Other shades of red pencils give the volume of New Year's sock.

7. For contrast, we use green colors for sock. Perfect pencils other fragments of sock and latch.

8. Fur insert in the sock will make a gentle blue color. By contour you can walk in a blue pencil.

9. Now the Dalmatian puppy itself will be repaired. For the beginning of a black pencil, we will make the boom, head and face. Then completely paint black pupils, spout and stains. To give the volume, we use pencils of corporal color and light brown.

10. We refine and check all the details in the figure. On this phased drawing of the New Year's drawing, color pencils completed, because we have turned out to be a glorious Puppy Dalmatian in the New Year's sock.

Drawing a yellow dog step by step

In anticipation of the new year 2018, you can study the dog now. After all, it will become a symbol for the whole year. Its main color is yellow.

So, when choosing color pencils, you should give preference to shades from yellow to red. Light tones are suitable for the basic color of the wool, but the dark - for the volume and circuit creation.

Necessary materials:

  • blank paper;
  • the pencils;
  • eraser.

Stages of drawing:

1. Draw a dog's head in the form of a circle. From the side of the sides deforming the contour.

2. Then we draw a simple pencil torso symbol of 2018. It will consist of neck, breast and front paws.

3. Next, draw on the sides of the back of the dog and the contour of the rear paws.

4. Top draw two ear in the form of triangles with rounded corners. In the middle of the head, we draw a fifty disproportionate form, which begins with the top and smoothly flows into the center to the nose.

5. Supplement New Year's drawing of a dog with small details on the torso and head. We draw in the middle of each ear of the middle in the form of small triangles with rounded corners, but on the face - eyes, nose and mouth.

Also on the legs draw a few vertical lines to distinguish the pads. We refine the contour and smoothly go to paint drawing.

6. At first we take the yellow pencil and give the color of the wool of the dog on the hind legs and the back, head and ears. Already a pencil of an orange shade, you can add contour and volume.

7. Red and burgundy pencils paint the middle of the ear and additionally create a volume in the yellow sections of the picture.

8. We take a black pencil and paint completely eyes, nose and mouth. Then create the outline of the entire drawing.

9. Finally, we take a red pencil and paint the tongue. On the white sections of the drawing, you can add a light shade to give a small volume.

10. We get ready-made drawing for the new year 2018 as a yellow dog. But from such a bright picture you can get a remarkable facial part of a congratulatory New Year card.

Drawing a pencil dog - a training lesson with an explanation

Lesson for beginners

To draw such a dog in Paradom, you will need from five to ten minutes of free time. The drawing is not very complicated, but still have to try. The most important thing is to abide by the proportions of the body and head, because when they are not complisible, the dog will work out either very thin or tolstoy, or it will be too small or a big head. Draw a pencil puppy in stages. Figure this middle complexity. To draw a dog pencil in stages, you need to follow all the recommendations of the article and carefully look at the pictures.

To begin with, we need to draw the basic lines of the head, muzzle and body of the future dog. To do this, we draw two circles and one oval as shown in the first drawing. The upper circles are a place where the dog will have a head, and the lower oval is the future of the body of the PSA. Through the head spend a line for the eyes, through the body we also carry out auxiliary line.

Steps 1-2.

Draw a pencil of dogs and back paws, as shown on the left picture. The back paw starts with almost the middle of the body of the body. On the right picture - auxiliary lines for the front paw.

Steps 3-4

We draw the front paw, relying on the extra lines drawn by us in the previous stage, and remove the auxiliary lines that we will no longer need.

Steps 5-6

We draw wool on the chest, and then proceed to drawing the ears. It is not difficult to do it, and the ears can draw the following you want. On the ears we make imitation of wool. On the neck draw a collar, but you can do without it, or replace it with a bow.

Steps 7-8

Now you need to add the dog's face and remove the unnecessary auxiliary lines, namely the circle of the head and the nose of the muzzle. The muzzle almost perfectly fits into the circle, which in our case the smallest in the picture. We still leave the line to draw our animal eye.

Stages 9-10.

It remains quite a bit - draw your eyes, nose and other small details. At the last step, add a tail and one more foot. Paw is drawn almost the same as the left front, which we painted earlier. Dog is drawn! We had a very cute dog.

Stages 11-12 (final stage)

Well, now I will reflect our cute dog!

On the nose of the new year and now I want to create a good mood yourself. And creativity for this fits most. Today we will talk about how beautiful and easily draw a dog in a phased pencil.

Puppy "Ball"

Start follows from the easiest picture. Puppy Ball from the Soviet cartoon "Kitten named Gav" will come to life on paper very quickly, if you stick to the elementary scheme:

Dog "Ball" - Photo 1

In the center of the sheet, the head contour is drawn from the very beginning, which is gradually narrowed to the bottom and in shape remotely resembles a "thick" air ball.

Dog "Ball" - Photo 2

After oval eyes are displayed with dark pupils, the nose is like a triangle with smoothed corners, and at the end of the face, a smiling mouth is depicted.

Dog "Ball" - photo 3

On the upper right side, a raised ear is depicted, as if a puppy listens to something. The second ear is located just below in the lowered state, as shown in the picture below. In the same stage, the line on the head is carried out with light movements, which will later become a black stain of wool.

Thick, but short eyebrow is also drawn over the right eye, the inner corner of which is slightly looking up.

Dog "Ball" - photo 5

After that, you should move to the painting of the body. First, two horizontal arcuate lines are conducted - rather short, which will act as neck.

One of them is lengthened down and rounded at the very end - it will be anterior paw. You should not do it too long, as the picture still shows a puppy, and not an adult dog.

The upper short line becomes horizontal, turning into the back of the ball - at the end it is rounded (becoming a tail), goes down where the back foot is drawn, as shown in the figure.

Dog "Ball" - photo 6

In the penultimate stage, the second rear foot is given - in the picture only its small part is visible, so it will be completely easy to draw it. Also on the back, a large brown spot is depicted, which perfectly complements the drawing.

And finally, the most pleasant - ears, and spots on the back, and the heads are painted black, or brown. The rest of the "wool" remains bright, so the drawing can be considered finished.

You can draw such a dog on what you do with your own hands.

Sitting Dog: Easy Drawing Method

If the cartoon character appeared on the paper last time, this lesson will show how it is gradually and without excess work to draw a beautiful realistic dog pencil.

How to draw a sitting dog - Photo 1

If you navigate the photos below, then no difficulties will arise:

In the figure, the dog will be depicted sitting, so the frontal proportion of the head is originally drawn, smoothly turning into an elongated face and reaching the lower part of the mouth.

After, thin lines drawn the nose and the left eye, which looks right in front of them. At the same stage, the upper part of the head is slightly lengthened and the ear is poured.

Now is the time to draw an arcuate line, which smoothly goes into the front of the body. Here, the front paw is charged with neat and smooth movements - as shown in the figure below.

Drawing back, at the very beginning it is necessary to portray a small tubercle, since all dogs have a slightly druise. Further, the back is depicted slightly curved and smoothly goes into a long tail.

At the very end, the second front paw and the rear, which is visible quite a bit appeared. If you wish, in the figure you can draw shadows or make the dog color.

Despite the fact that this drawing does not differ in difficulty and even a novice artist can cope with it, the result cannot but rejoice. In addition, it is a great way to hone the basic skills.

Puppy with good eyes - drawing with a pencil

The next lesson is probably the most difficult out of the above, because here special attention is paid to the details. Although this option is as suitable for newcomers and with due diligence, and follow all the advice, it will be necessary to achieve a positive result.

So, another way, how easy and stittely draw a beautiful pencil dog:

At the first stage, contours of the eyes, nose and mouth are drawn smooth and soft movements. It is not worth pressing the pencil and highly distinguish the lines, as if you have to use the eraser, and the fat lines erase is much more complicated.

Drawn dog

From the nose it is worth drawing arcuate lines, which will later become part of the face. Also, special attention is paid to drawing glare on the eyes and spout, as well as the allocation of nostrils and mouth.

After, a rounded forehead and sidewall head is poured. From them there are ears and "main" lines of face connecting with arcuate lines.

Now is the time to move to the drawing of the chest at the puppy. It is depicted using a twisted line, and after the paw is drawn on the left side.

The second foot is drawn not until the very end - the horizontal wand is placed in the middle, and then it should be closely followed by the actions in the picture below.

Draw a body

After puppy's paws are poured out, which are under the tummy. At the same stage, the back of the back is drawn - it should not be perfectly straight, but on the contrary, slightly rounded.

For greater reality, the spout is painted with a dark pencil, and touches are made on the body resembling disheveled wool.

It is also practicing in drawing and improving your skills will help video that can be viewed below.

As you can see, draw a beautiful dog with a pencil in stages are quite easy. And during the drawing, it is not necessary to restrain your fantasy, because no one says that all drawings are obliged to be the same - they should help a person to open and show all their fantasy.

The dog is the most devoted creature in the world, which divides with man and joy, and misfortune. A cute little puppy immediately becomes a family member. Each owner will sooner or later want to draw his pet. Excellent if your artistic skills allow you to do without difficulty. And how to be, if this day did this not happened? Or another situation: your child in school gave a task - to portray the dog. Schoolboy in confusion. Who, how not to parents will have to teach it. For children, many schemes have been developed, how to draw a dog, but with the parents to cope with the task will be much easier.

Draw a cartoon dog

Children who do not know how to draw, begin the development of this science standing with simple drawings. Cartoon puppies are so cute and kind, that the child will surely like this task. All that we need is an album or a sheet of tight paper, a simple pencil and eraser. If desired, the drawing can be made color. You will use color pencils or watercolor - depends on your skill level. So, learn to draw a dog from a cartoon. There should be no difficulties - each element of the future drawing is depicted as much as possible with a fraction of fantasy.

Detailing wool, sensual smart eyes and no cohesions on the paws. Sharp or rounded ears-triangles, round nose, tail, paws and a long tongue - this is quite enough for the surrounding effect to know what is depicted on paper.

At first, a young artist who masters how to learn to draw a dog, you need to remember the main thing - emotions and the essence of the image. For example, this cute bulldog is not angry at all, but rather silly, so it looks so funny.

And from these good peels from Disney cartoons and fun with playfulness and hinds.

Over time, the child, which is called, misses his hand, and it will be possible to draw to drawing more complex objects.

Draw a realistic dog

If the lesson on how to draw a dog pencil in stages, mastered, it's time to try to portray realistic animal. For this, it is necessary to get acquainted with the peculiarities of the breed, the representative of which you are going to draw, master the concept of proportions. Dog - Animal for the image is quite complicated, so we will start with a simplified scheme, which will tell you how to draw a pencil dog.

To draw the Icelandic Shepherd, you will have to learn to draw some details, which the cartoon dogs did not have - wool, more realistic eyes, paws. Following the following scheme, you can easily draw this animal.

Working on the compilation of the correct proportions will help the drawing diagram of the representative of the Basset-Hound breed.

And to practice the drawings of the dog Afasis will help this courageous robeller.

Drawing a lying dog - a separate topic. Try to portray this cute Schnauzer.

Remember, visual art is a complex, but suturing science. To deny the importance of congenital talent, of course, stupid, but any person can learn to draw. The main thing is regular training. Never create psychological blocks neither by yourself nor your child: forget about the existence of such phrases as "I am not created for drawing", "I will not succeed" and about the hands growing from the place.

To help the young artist

Today there is a sufficient amount of different literature, where the drawing technique for beginners is described in detail. One simple pencil and sheet of paper - everything you need to create a stunning realistic drawing of a dog. Pay attention to the following books: V. Halbinger "Draw Dogs", W. Foster "Draw Dogs", D. Brown "How to learn to draw a dog."