How to learn to flirt with a girl in real life. Flirt with a girl the right way. How to flirt with a girl on VK: common mistakes

Don't be boring and predictable. The worst flirting text is boring and predictable. Your text should be funny and interesting. If you can't think of something more interesting, then it's better not to write to her at all.

  • For example, don't start your message text with a boring, Hello  or How are you?. Absolutely boring. She probably gets messages like this from every guy she knows, so do something that makes you different.
  • Try something unique, something that will make her respond immediately: You can't stop thinking about me or You cheated yesterday while playing kicker (table football). I demand revenge.
  • Sometimes text messages feel impersonal, so try to be as personal as possible. This will help create a relationship between you.

    • Address her by her first name - girls are in awe when they see their name in a message. There is something intimate about it.
    • Alternatively, you can use the special nickname you gave her. It will look like something only the two of you can understand.
    • Use Pronouns We And us in your SMS - it will create a feeling me and you against this world. Girls love it very much.
  • Compliment the girl. She will feel special and desired. Write her a couple of compliments in your message.

    • Try classic (highly effective) compliments like I can't stop thinking about you after seeing you in that dress. or not template You have a wonderful sense of humor.
    • Let the compliment be sincere - do not say what you do not really think. Girls feel fake from a mile away.
  • Be mysterious. There's nothing wrong with a little mystery.

    • For example, if she asks about how your day went, you should not go into boring details (see step 1). Answer something like: “The day turned out to be incredible. People never cease to amaze me. ” We hope she will be intrigued, and will demand from you a more detailed story in the next message.
    • Or if she asks about your plans for the weekend, don't be too frank (until you have an attractive plan of action). If you tell her that you'll just be working on your essay all weekend, it's unlikely to interest her. Say that you're going to fight a dragon or something equally silly. It doesn't have to be true, just to make it sound interesting.
  • Poke fun at her. Teasing is the best way to flirt - it creates intimacy between you without being too serious.

    • Call the girl some nickname, as mentioned above (call only her like that). This is the best way to tease her without hurting her. For example, “mottled” or “Little Miss Perfect”.
    • Make a joke about what she said or did the last time you were together. For example, if she said that she was taking a Coke, then you can answer her: “just don’t spray it through your nose like last time ”. In this way, you will remind her of the fun times spent together and make her think positively about your relationship.
    • Make sure you don't go too far and don't offend her. Otherwise, your relationship will end before it even starts.
  • Take the initiative. No flirting is complete without meaningful hints that maintain interest.

    • You can ask something more casual like what she's wearing or tell her that you like her in this dress but that you like what's underneath.
    • Another good way is through innocent remarks that are deliberately interpreted as erotic jokes. For example, if she says, "I can't believe it's so long!" (referring to the length of a movie or something like that), you could say, "That's what she said."
    • If you feel uncomfortable making erotic jokes, then you can just innocently notice that you just got out of the shower. Then the ball will be in her goal and if she answers something like: “Wow, I would like to see this”, then you will understand that she is not against such jokes.
  • Frame from the film "This Stupid Love"

    Before you become a boyfriend or even the husband of a girl you like, the dating stage and, most likely, cannot be avoided - sorry for the cruel truth.

    Another thing is flirting, which, on the one hand, does not oblige you to anything, but on the other hand, it can always develop into something more.

    And we believe that with the ladies is the same necessary skill for a man as the ability to build a career. And if you want to pump this skill, then we have 14 useful tips in store for this case.

    What is flirting between a man and a woman?

    Yes, before moving on to practice, we want to devote a few words of theory. Because, as strange as it may sound, it turns out that men and women are bad at recognizing flirting.

    And this is even proven through research conducted in 2014 by employees of the University of Kansas. They invited more than 100 strangers and invited them to talk in pairs of different sexes in private for 10 minutes, and then arranged an anonymous survey.

    The results are as follows: only 18% (!) of women were able to recognize flirting, and men were exactly twice (36%) more perspicacious. Interestingly, the volunteers recognized the absence of flirting much more accurately - 83% of women and 84% of men.

    So what is flirting? If you believe the definition from Wikipedia, then this is a kind of courtship, hinting at some kind of possibility or expectation of a closer and even intimate relationship.

    Cyberpsychologist Monica T. Whitty highlights flirting cues associated with:

    • glance


      distance between people



      and even the smell (!) of a person.

    We have already talked about how to recognize what a girl is. Now let's talk about how to learn how to flirt with a girl so that she can recognize your sympathy, and at the same time not accidentally offend her (which, by the way, is also very important).

    1. Don't be afraid to start flirting!

    The worst flirting tactic is to take it too seriously and start by making lists in your head of the reasons why everything will end in complete failure. Otherwise, you will most likely start to worry and it is unlikely that you will dare to take the first step in the end.

    Instead, look her in the eyes a couple of times, smile your most sincere and chic smile, and then, if she answers you the same, come up and say hello. And even if you don't answer, do it anyway.

    The only thing you can lose is a few words and quite a bit of time, and she will let you know if she is not interested. And suddenly she will be ready to continue communication? ..

    2. Compliment her

    About how important compliments are, as well as how to give them correctly - feel free to refresh this information in your memory. But just in case, let us remind you: make sure that your compliment is sure to be sincere - this is the most important condition.

    3. Make her laugh

    One of the nicest aspects of flirting is that it's casual and not serious (if that's what it is). Flirting is not some sacred conversational formality. It should be fun.

    And making conversation fun is easier than you think. But that depends on your personality and sense of humor. Therefore, experiment with different (most importantly - not vulgar and not offensive!) Jokes, playfully tease her (but only carefully so as not to accidentally hurt feelings), smile often and even laugh.

    So you yourself will enjoy this process, and if she laughs in response, then your chances of getting her number will be higher.

    4. Initiate light (precisely light) touch

    Touching a girl for the first time can be quite a dangerous move, and if done incorrectly or prematurely, it risks causing you to end your relationship. However, if it is delicate and appropriate, it can speed up the heartbeat of the girl you like.

    Therefore, we suggest remembering in what situations and how you can try to touch it lightly:

    1. As you pass through the doorway, you can put your hand on her lower back and guide her forward. Just remember to aim high so you don't get slapped.

    2. Touching her arm between shoulder and elbow is almost always safe.

    3. Give her a little push back if she teases. (Just don't push her into furniture or other people, and use your strength so you don't accidentally knock her out.)

    Be aware of social norms about personal space, and if she moves away when you try to touch her, then you made a mistake in the flirting process and may need to interrupt it.

    However, if the “accidental” and fleeting touch is not rebuffed, then we move on to the next paragraph.

    5. Keep the conversation going

    Yes, flirting is not only about winking and smiling, but also about being able to maintain an interesting conversation. Do not expect that we will give you ready-made phrases for flirting with a girl: it is difficult to have a fascinating conversation with the help of blanks and stamps.

    But we can tell you what to do if your conversation suddenly "freezes":

      Ask her questions about her. (This will show your interest in her personality. Do this often.)

      Ask her clarifying questions. (She says she once went to Sochi? Ask if she saw dolphins there.)

      And yes, most importantly: just be the most confident and the best version of yourself that you can be. And don't forget to have fun!

    6. Move on to the next stage (of course, if you want to continue)

    If you did everything right, then she is probably waiting for you to ask for her number. And this is exactly what you should do if you are interested in further communication with this girl.

    How to flirt with a girl while texting

    Walking up and talking to a cute girl is great, but it's far from the only way to flirt with someone you like these days. You can (and should!) also do this on social networks.

    By the way, we have already talked about how and what you can, and now we propose to master the art of Internet flirting.

    1. Don't be predictable!

    When you're unpredictable, you're setting yourself up for flirting success. You see, one of the biggest mistakes a person can make while flirting is being boring. So if you text a girl you have your eye on and talk about the weather or ask how her day is going, you risk losing.

    Ask her questions that will make her think about the answer, the ones that take her by surprise. Grab her attention and keep it. But just don’t go too far and, instead of an imposing guy, don’t accidentally turn into a tactless one.

    2. Go easy on sarcasm

    There is a fine line between acceptable sarcasm and one that can easily become offensive when delivered in writing. There is always a risk that she will not understand your sarcastic comments and will be offended, and this is not at all what you would like to achieve when you are trying to impress.

    3. Focus on visual content

    A word of warning: don't send the girl you're flirting with anything overly revealing (save that for the more serious phase of the relationship, if it comes, of course). Another thing is something cute and funny that can make her smile (photos of cats, dogs and non-vulgar memes to help you).

    4. Don't Forget the Three Line Rule

    Never heard of this rule before? Everything is simple, as we said above, flirting is something easy and laid-back, which means that long messages will be inappropriate here. Least, at this stage, they can tire her, or even seem impatient or insecure.


    The temptation can be great, but don't give in to it and don't try to be someone you're not. When you flirt online, you still most likely expect to meet this girl in real life one day. But then all your "embellishments" are very likely to play a disservice, because few people like to build relationships on lies.

    6. Play ping-pong with questions

    When a person simply answers a question and hits send, it's boring flirting. Constantly “add fuel to the fire” (in a good way) and don’t be afraid to change topics and ask clarifying questions, just like when communicating with girls in real life. The more "alive and moving" your conversation, the better.

    7. Find the "golden mean"

    Most guys because they can't find the balance. You have to make sure you don't write too much, find the right time to text and know what to say. It sounds terribly complicated, but it really isn't.

    Just don't overwhelm her with messages while you're at the flirting stage (and don't forget about the limit in the future, except when you have an interesting conversation for both of you). AND be more simple- if each of your messages is precisely verified according to some formula, communication will be tense, and there can no longer be any talk of any flirting.

    8. Don't delay the flirting stage

    Easy, non-binding correspondence with a pretty girl is what you need to be able to do and what a good way to start communication (definitely better than a marriage proposal instead of a greeting). But if you feel that you are truly interested in this girl and see a reciprocal interest on her part, do not be afraid to move on to the next stage.

    Take courage and ask her out on a date (by the way, we have). Otherwise, do not be surprised or offended if, while you are beating around the bush, someone else does it. We repeat: flirting is non-committal communication. And this rule works both ways.

    Flirting with a girl allows her to understand that the young man is interested in her. It is with flirting that relationships begin, which after a while develop into something more.

    To do this, the guy needs to be charming and cheerful, have a good sense of humor. Playing this wonderful game, you will experience pleasant sensations up to butterflies in your stomach. You must be as sincere and honest as possible in this action.

    And if your emotions are feigned, the girl will immediately feel it. Fortunately, a guy can learn how to flirt with a girl.

    Why is this needed?

    Flirting is a kind of communication that brings pleasure. In other words, through facial expressions, gestures and words, a man satisfies his needs.

    Reference! Eric Berne, in his book Games People Play, writes that everyone wants attention from members of the opposite sex. It is possible that we want to give someone tenderness and care.

    Thus, flirting is a specific way of communication that gives mental pleasure to a man and a woman.

    How to properly express your emotions?

    Gestures and non-verbal signals

    Eyes- the most "speaking" part of the body. Therefore, eye contact is rightfully considered an integral part of flirting.

    We emphasize that duration plays an important role. The optimal time for close attention is 2 to 4 seconds. The look of men, unlike women, is quite long, and in some cases even intimate.

    An equally important gesture is, of course, smile. Honest. Open. Pleasant. The mutual smile of the girl means that she sympathizes with the guy. It is worth noting that a smile combined with a look indicates the beginning of flirting, which helps to create a strong relationship between a guy and a girl.

    An important part of flirting is the ability to listen carefully to the interlocutor. Men, like girls, tilt their heads to the side. This gesture indicates that the person is very interested in the conversation.

    Reference! During flirting, a man runs his hands through his hair, straightens his shirt, and so on. In addition, like girls, guys straighten their heads and straighten their shoulders.

    Male verbal gestures that demonstrate flirting:

    • The most important sign of men flirting is putting their hands behind their pockets or belt.
    • The second gesture is raised eyebrows. As a rule, the representatives of the stronger sex raise their eyebrows without noticing it.
    • The location of the hands on the belt.
    • Nobility. This feature is characteristic of both a well-mannered, intelligent man and a flirting one. The man opens the door in front of the lady, helps to put on and take off clothes, gives his hand when leaving the transport.

    However, one of the popular flirting gestures is touching, whether spontaneous or planned. They are performed quite naturally and naturally. So, for example, a girl and you reached for a napkin at the same time - your hands accidentally touched.

    Another significant gesture is copying the actions of the interlocutor. It is worth noting that we do this involuntarily. In turn, such a verbal signal establishes a conversation, makes the atmosphere comfortable.

    Important! Never try to flirt with a girl you don't like. Bad idea. She immediately feels affected. And you feel dislike because you do what you don't want to.

    How to flirt correctly and not look ridiculous is described in the video:

    What should I say?

    Often, when meeting a girl, guys behave stiffly, not knowing what to talk about. The main reason for this behavior is ignorance of common topics that will help promote a dialogue.

    List of topics:

    • The traditional topic of conversation with a girl - hobbies and interests. A huge share of the likelihood that your preferences will coincide - and then the conversation will be long, emotional and interesting.
    • Music, movies, sports, literature, travel- there are enough topics for dialogue so that both of you do not feel uncomfortable. It is important to emphasize that literary themes can attract the attention of the fair sex - they like smart and well-read guys.
    • Often guys tell their interlocutors funny stories from the life and life of friends. When telling a story, you should not use rude and obscene words and expressions - such behavior can make a bad impression on the girl.

    The video shows examples of phrases for flirting with a girl:

    Reference! Fulfill her desires - in return, you will undoubtedly receive another meeting. Or maybe a love story.

    Don't be shy!

    Shyness is a negative quality that negatively affects communication with a girl. Because of this trait, the lady will have a bad impression of the interlocutor as a strange, insecure sociopath.

    Important! When communicating with a girl that you really like, you need to feel free, confidently carry on a conversation, pronouncing every word with absolute clarity. In addition, you can show your superiority, but you should not do it openly.

    It is the guy's shyness that prevents him from starting a conversation with a lady normally.

    If, nevertheless, you cannot overcome this negative trait in yourself, there is a psychological way: “It is necessary!”. Only work on yourself will help you get rid of this shortcoming.

    If necessary, slam your fist on the table and say, “I've had enough! Nothing bad will happen to me if I talk to a girl first. I will succeed".

    Set a goal - to start chatting with a girl in order to go on a par with your friends and acquaintances.

    Flirt by correspondence in VK and other social networks

    Don't be boring!

    Girls do not appreciate this quality.

    Especially if your messages are predictable.

    Important! The text must be original and interesting.

    • If there are not enough ideas about what to write about, it is better not to do it at all, so as not to spoil the impression of you.
    • So, for example, you should not start a correspondence with messages like “Hi! How are you?". This is another banality that guys write to her every day.
    • You have to come up with something original. Something that, with a 100% probability, will attract her attention and make her respond immediately.

    Don't write impersonal sentences

    Many guys write impersonal sentences when communicating. And this is one of the gross mistakes in correspondence in VK with a girl.

    A lady loves when a guy calls her by her first name. If you call a girl especially, then it will not be superfluous to call her by a pseudonym that is understandable to both of you.

    It is important to note that you should not write long sentences, because of which their meaning begins to get lost in a bunch of characters. Clarity, clarity, conciseness are the main features of a well-formed proposal.

    Write compliments

    It is worth noting that girls are crazy about compliments - so she will feel special.

    By writing her a few compliments, you will no doubt cheer her up.

    Important! In compliments, you should not flatter - girls feel false and pretentiousness a kilometer away.


    An equally successful way to filter with a girl on social networks is banter.

    Nothing more than teasing will create a certain intimacy between you.

    Reminisce about your recent meeting and joke about it - that's how you cheerfully remember the time spent together. However, do not go too far so as not to offend. Otherwise, your relationship that has not begun will come to an end.

    Ability to end a conversation

    The ability to beautifully end a conversation is the work of a master. If you feel that the conversation is not set.

    Reference! Farewell must necessarily contain a compliment: “Bunny, I'm sorry, I have to go. See you tomorrow".

    How to fall in love with a girl by correspondence is described in the video:

    Thus, flirting with a girl is one of the early and at the same time important stages of a relationship. During flirting, you can leave a good impression of yourself. And then the girl will be pleased to communicate with you, make friends, and then meet.

    It is important to remember that there will be no flirting if there is no mutual attraction. If you made the first move, then the girl should do the same.

    Flirting is communication. With the help of flirting, you can express yourself as fully as possible, present yourself unusually, add romance to the conversation, and also increase the self-esteem of your interlocutor. During flirting, you will feel confident, and deeper relationships are based on confidence.

    Flirting can be business, friendly, romantic and much more. Most importantly, it will make your communication with a girl magical and memorable not only for you, but also for her. Many people are afraid to flirt because of the fear that they will not talk to him. But there is no need to be afraid, if you are positive, then the girl simply will not be able to ignore you. Be confident, do everything with enthusiasm.

    Starting a conversation

    Make eye contact with the girl you like. As soon as you catch the girl's eye, smile. If it's hard to meet eyes, just come up and say hello. Give a compliment, albeit a simple one: “how beautiful you are today” or “what an amazing dress / hairstyle / perfume / jewelry you have.”

    You can start a conversation with an unusual compliment. But most girls react inadequately to such compliments. But this compliment still needs to be invented. So it’s best to start the conversation with a banal “Hello!” or "Good afternoon/evening". After "hello" you do not need to be silent, talk at least about the environment.

    How to behave

    Don't be shy - girls don't like that. Demonstrate a sense of humor or a gift for poetry (if you have one). Be at ease and enjoy the conversation.

    If you had to flirt at a party, act like the owner of the house. Do not stand aside, invite girls to dance, entertain them, offer a glass of wine.

    Listen more than speak, after all, you have one tongue and two ears. Girls like it when the interlocutor is interested in them. Even if you skip most of her words, don't forget to occasionally insert "yeah", "uh-huh", "yes" and other such interjections. This will characterize you as a pleasant interlocutor with whom you can talk.

    During the conversation, try to make as many different compliments as possible regarding the appearance of the girl you like. Compliments should sound sincere and hot. Just do not repeat through the word how beautiful she is. She has beautiful eyes, sensual lips, beautiful hair, a charming nose. And yet - your compliments should not sound vulgar or vulgar.

    Smile more - a smile makes a person open to communication, illuminates the face and attracts people like a magnet.

    If you want to know how to learn how to flirt with a girl, how to interest a young lady, counting on continued acquaintance - join reading our next publication.

    Male flirting is a business

    Did you know that most girls flirt from early childhood? With age, the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity master the science of flirting to perfection, and it is not difficult for them to seduce the man they like. But for many men, on the contrary, things are, frankly, tight. That is why many gentlemen either get lost in a conversation with a lady they like, or use a standard set of phrases. Before you learn how to flirt with a girl, consider the question of why you need to do this.

    Why is flirting necessary?

    A beautiful girl certainly has no end to fans. Do you think she will remember another compliment about her appearance and how she will react to the question of what she is doing tonight? She hears such phrases every day, and be sure, she doesn’t even remember the faces of men saying the “duty” compliment. Flirting is needed in order to intrigue, in order to make the young lady think about you, so that she herself begins to dream of continuing the acquaintance. So, how to flirt with a girl? Let's find out about it right now.

    Components of emotion

    The task of a man is to make a woman feel light and carefree, so that she is cheerful and has a good mood. Therefore, any non-trivial jokes aimed at extraneous objects and actions are used. You can try to throw a kind of challenge to the beautiful young lady and tease her a little. This technique will also work if you do not know how to flirt with an ex-girlfriend. But in order to evoke the necessary emotions in the lady of your heart, that is, to excite, excite and intrigue her, you need to master several technical elements. There are two ways to evoke emotions in a girl: to make subtle hints or to be witty in courtship.

    Subtlety and allusion

    If you don't know how to flirt with a girl, first learn one of the techniques. Not all men know what true sophistication is. Most often, gentlemen use rather vulgar hints, immediately turning to personality. For example, walking past shop windows and glancing at the fashionable lingerie department, a man should not say that “that red set over there would look good on your figure.” Instead, master neutral hints that do not go over to the personality of your young lady. She will be much more excited and intrigued by the phrase where you say that the thong perfectly emphasizes the lovely female forms.

    Move away from straightforward phrases

    To know how to flirt with a girl correctly, a man needs to clearly draw the line between vulgarity, vulgarity, straightforwardness and subtle hints with a touch of defiance. So, you abandoned the typical straightforward male flirtatious manner and challenged your chosen one, besides, you showed her in a veiled way that you know a lot about women. And the more subtle coquetry in your phrases, the more likely success. Let's summarize the above. Hints and generalizations in phrases give the impression that the man likes the interlocutor, but he does not openly declare this, he only implies it. And the more a girl guesses about something, the more she will want to continue communication.

    Why are women more interested in hints?

    So, you have almost learned how to flirt with a girl, it remains to acquire a little knowledge from the section on female psychology and master the following technique. Women like to feel safe, they are used to choosing their own gentlemen. If the girl is approached by the man whom she did not initially count on, did not determine for herself in advance that it was he who could become her potential boyfriend, she would keep her eyes open with him.

    In the case when a man openly declares his sympathies, he unceremoniously invades the zone of the personal space of the chosen one. It might scare her away. However, using subtle hints, the man keeps his distance, offering his interlocutor a safe intrigue. At the same time, a man in a hidden form makes it clear about his interest, which makes the girl feel easy and comfortable with him.

    Through generalization with other women, a young man throws a challenge to the person he likes, which she cannot but accept. After all, she always wants to show her superiority over other women. Having accepted the challenge, entered the game and continued it, the girl cannot know for sure that she will get this man. This causes genuine interest and excitement in her. And the girl will never want to be bored in the company of a young man, so she needs more and more intrigue. Remember: young ladies do their best to avoid straightforward young people!

    Show emotions

    Knowing how to flirt with a girl, a man must add emotion to his speech. A low velvety voice and a seductive mysterious look of a gentleman will make his chosen one think about her own exclusivity. If a man begins to repeat the memorized phrases like a robot, the girl will think that he is too preoccupied, and it doesn’t matter to him who he will spend the evening with today. Therefore, the emotional coloring of phrases flying from the lips of a man is paramount. In this case, even a phrase that is neutral in meaning can acquire an unambiguous and subtle hint. Conclusion: never show blind attraction and be emotional.

    Wit and courtship

    The following technique is suitable both for real life and if you do not know how to flirt with a girl on the Internet. Be witty and remember that flirting should be fun, but not carry formulaic phrases and clichés, improvise and carefully monitor the mood of your chosen one. Wit, a relaxed manner of communication, coupled with a playful tone of statements, relieves unnecessary tension. However, remember that when using jokes, it is important not to overdo it. Otherwise, the girl will begin to consider you as a person with whom you can have fun and laugh heartily, a kind of jester, but not a potential guy.

    Wit in courtship will help to somewhat veil your interest or turn everything upside down. For example, if a girl says that she likes massage, do not immediately try to offer her your services, even in words. Interpret better her words as an indirect attack on your honor. Make amazed eyes and say in a joking tone: “I heard right, are you trying to seduce me?” So you will have the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone at the same time: you will translate the conversation into a playful form, and also cause sexual overtones in it. Of course, the girl will begin to deny and protest that she did not even have in her thoughts to seduce you. And then you utter the killer phrase: "That's nice, otherwise I would not have succumbed." Well, or something like that. And do not forget to use playful notes in your voice throughout the conversation so that the girl does not inadvertently suspect you of being unemotional.

    To summarize: using a playful form in communication, you can turn everything exactly the opposite and give out your interest in a lady for her pestering you. The only condition is that you must comply with the measure in everything and not step over the line beyond which the girl will be annoyed by your behavior.

    How to flirt with a girl on VK: common mistakes

    Nowadays, communication on the Internet has become an integral part of interpersonal relationships. Many young people meet girls on social networks and want to know how to behave with the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. We will also move from the contrary and talk first about what should never be done.

    • Avoid boring texts, cliches, too short and too long phrases. Tip: never type the hackneyed phrases “Hi, how are you?” or “What are you doing now?” The girls have already developed immunity to them.
    • Don't be too impersonal and try to remove the pronoun "you" from your texts. Instead, address your chosen one as often as possible by name, or even come up with a funny and cute nickname for her. Just make sure she likes your message first.
    • Do not overwhelm the girl with messages if she does not answer you for some reason. She just went to the shower, and here you are, so impatient. She might not like it. She will think you are too annoying. Better take on board the techniques used in real life, and put on more mysterious mystique.
    • Don't go into detail about how your day turned out. All these enumerations are useless, they are not capable of causing a girl anything but boredom. Instead, let yourself be a little more mysterious and write something like, “You have no idea what an incredible day I had today!” And then add that people never cease to amaze you.
    • Do not be frank about your plans for the coming weekend. Instead, laugh it off, but not with a banal phrase, maybe not even entirely believable.

    What can be done?

    If we continue to talk about how to flirt with a Vkontakte girl correctly, then we can note a few more important points. Use the pronoun “we” in correspondence, this will help you get closer faster. Make fun of the girl if you are already visually familiar with her. Be proactive with meaningful hints or innocent remarks.