How to tell a pickup trucker from a normal man. How to recognize a pick-up artist in life: signs and tips. How to recognize it

The origins of the pickup truck go back to those ancient times when women were seduced by Don Juan, Giacomo Casanova. Modern pick-up artist - who is this? A researcher of female nature or a man for whom sex is just entertainment, and girls are trophies in his exciting hobby?

Who is a pick-up artist?

On the Internet, the image of a pick-up artist has unattractive characteristics and causes outrage among the fair sex. Who is a pick-up man? This is a person who uses certain manipulative techniques to seduce girls in order to have sex and disappear from their horizon to conquer the next. The pickup can be compared to the image of a moth fluttering from flower to flower.

What is a pickup date?

What pickup- In 1992, American writer Paul Jeffrey, in his book How to Get the Woman of Your Dreams to Bed, called the process a dirty guide to seduction for men who are tired of being good but failing with the opposite sex. Pickup in translation from English. slang pick up - "pick up", "remove" - ​​art quick seduction that came from the West.

Pickup style dates are based on the 3 Date Rule:

  1. Preliminary stage- acquaintance. Search for girls in public places: metro, parks, clubs. The goal is to get a phone number (no more than 15 minutes).
  2. First date- the pick-up artist creates a trusting atmosphere, uses light touches, a soulful look. All the emphasis is placed on the girl's conversation about herself, constantly guiding her in this direction. The goal is to arouse interest (this is not reserved for more than an hour), and that the 2nd date took place.
  3. Second date- active seduction with hands: hugging, stroking, pressing, striving to show that he was carried away by a girl. Time is limited to 4-5 hours. The purpose of the date is smooth transition at 3 date and its logical conclusion with sex, or if the girl is not ready, invite her to the third.
  4. Third date... The goal is sex. For this, the pick-up artist "by chance" recalls that there is one wonderful place, which is his apartment, or the apartment of his friends.

What is good about a pickup?

Any techniques have negative and positive aspects... Pickup in modern interpretation split into currents: dirty pickup and deliberate seduction. Not all men know how to get to know each other and behave at ease with women. For some, this is natural shyness, for others it is a bunch of complexes at their own expense, but they are united by the desire to meet a girl for long-term relationship... Pros of a conscious pickup:

  • see a woman as a person with her rich inner world;
  • learning body language to recognize signals when a girl is not averse to getting to know each other;
  • personal transformation;
  • work with self-esteem;
  • elaboration of fears arising from acquaintance

What's wrong with a pickup?

Pickup psychology is based on the manipulative techniques of the neurolinguistic programming (NLP) method founded by Richard Bandler. The use of tactics that actively use the channels of perception: kinesthetic, auditory, visual introduce the pickup victim into a kind of trance, charm by the seducer. "Dirty" pick-up artist - who is this? The category of guys for which the spirit of competition and superiority comes first. Techniques that pickupers use:

  • They contradict ethical principles.
  • Aimed at lowering the girl's self-esteem. In these cases, they use banter, various jokes (dressed out of fashion, wrinkled hairstyle, etc.).
  • Feelings, emotions are imposed. They can come up with non-existent phenomena: love for animals, passion for travel and talk about it with enthusiasm. Girls respond to such emotionality, which means that the pick-up artist has almost reached his goal.

How to recognize a pickup truck?

Many women faced with dishonest male game asked the question: how to recognize a pick-up artist in life, so as not to experience the painful feeling of "being used" again. Such a "macho" can be recognized by the following signs:

  1. Discomfort during communication.
  2. Incongruent state: actions, emotions, facial expressions, gestures, feelings contradict each other. Depicts joy - with the shoulders and corners of the mouth lowered, arms crossed in front of the chest.
  3. Much attention is paid to outward appearance: impeccable hairstyle, expensive perfume.
  4. A novice pick-up artist seeks to immediately get a telephone contact from the girl and hide, with the "experience" will devote some time to the conversation.
  5. The conversation begins with non-standard phrases that do not imply familiarity.
  6. How to distinguish a pick-up artist from a genuinely interested one: pick-up artists themselves appoint dates where there is no need to pay for a girl.

V recent times the representatives of the fairer sex also picked up the pick-up relay. Pick-up woman - who is this and what female pickup different from the male? Girls use similar dating methods, but the end goal may be different: divorce for money, collecting men, or even marriage. A woman can date several men at once, and everyone will be sure that he is her only one.

How to communicate with a pick-up artist?

A pick-up is a person who goes to his goal, in in this case to seduction and sex. A girl is an object that he does not strive to know, but takes as a prize for the fact that he made some effort. If a woman understands that there is a seducer in front of her, then in dealing with a pick-up artist, you can use the following techniques:

  • Switch your attention from yourself to him, ask a lot of questions about his life and family.
  • Ignore flattery and compliments in your address: answer "Yes, I know that beautiful (smart, athletic)."
  • Focus on calmness and inner balance as soon as a feeling of discomfort arises in a conversation - stop the conversation, citing busyness.
    who is a pick-up artist

How to fall in love with a pickup truck?

The man is the seducer - a common person with his problems and he is also not immune from falling in love with his "victim". A relationship with a pick-up artist is possible and, for some time, he will be attached to the girl who caused him feelings, but it is important to understand that strong relationship in the future it is hardly worth waiting for. Men who are involved in a pickup truck and have experienced victory one after another become addicted to this lifestyle.

How to get a pickup truck off?

Pick-up tricks can also be used against the seducers themselves:

  • cause in him a feeling of insecurity (wrinkled trousers, old-fashioned hairstyle);
  • appoint the very place of meeting: a cinema, a cafe (the pick-up artist will not agree, he has his own “free” route prepared);
  • ask him to tell about himself and direct the conversation in the direction of him (he will not like this, since he loses control on his part).

Other methods:

  • ignore: do not answer calls, emails... You can answer, but postpone the date to another day of the week, then postpone it again. This will not go on for a long time, the pick-up artist will leave alone and take care of another.
  • avoidance of bodily contact, which seducers love to use.

How to teach a pick-up artist a lesson?

The behavior of a pick-up artist causes outrage among girls who have encountered such a phenomenon for the first time. On women's forums, issues related to the topic of pickup and offended girls dream of revenge. You can teach a pick-up artist a lesson by making him fall in love with you and then leave him, disappear from his life - this is what women think. For a man, it is very painful, but this is unlikely to make him change.

Are you looking for love and a serious man, but you come across pickup gentlemen who only dream of intimacy? Let's try to understand how to recognize a pick-up artist, for example, in life or on the Internet on a dating site? What does this word pick-up mean, what are its distinctive features and signs, as well as how to get rid of this person? These are the questions this article answers.

Today there is a whole movement focused on seducing women. Clubs are formed, trainings are held in which they study different methods seduction. The goal is to be successful among many of the fairer sex, to gain power over them and increase your own ego. But no one explains how the deceived ladies feel then.

For those female representatives who like to be led on all sorts of pick-up tricks and tricks, and one-time sex for them is a fleeting fun or adventure, this article will be uninteresting. But if communication, let alone acquaintance with a similar type, is not included in your plans, you have no desire to be deceived, and this method of relations causes negative feelings you should read this article.

The most common opinion is a certain set of techniques, various techniques, as well as templates that help miraculously be successful in dating women. But behind this opinion is lost, as the pick-up artists themselves say the main idea- that this is the development of personality, character and permanent job above oneself.

According to the heads of various trainings, today's pickup is, first of all, directions personal growth for men, especially those who have problems getting to know the fair sex. It is not only to seduce, but also the ability to communicate and evoke fair half humanity positive emotions.

AND the main objective pickup - a desire to arouse attraction in many beautiful female representatives. And since ladies like confident, purposeful, decisive and free personalities, pick-up artists try to seem like such people.

Who is a pick-up artist

Pickupers are people getting to know the target intimate relationships without commitment, after which the feelings of the partner are of little interest to them. For example, speaking of a men's pickup, these are representatives of the stronger sex who study and try to understand the psychology of women, then seduce. They represent a kind of model bachelor life men who have no purpose to tie the knot. Some even see the pickup as a way to improve their personal lives.

Pickupers consider themselves to be some kind of seducers that every girl secretly dreams of. Therefore, in fact, they embody girlish or female dreams in practice, believing that they give pleasure to themselves and the girls, since the ladies like seduction. After all, whatever you say, but communication is more pleasant with a positive male representative than with an arrogant "macho" or self-doubt

Distinctive features pickup

  1. Avoid any conflicts and always be friendly.
  2. Excellent appearance.
  3. Improved communication skills.
  4. Relaxedness, self-confidence.
  5. Decisive and confident actions when meeting people, without being interested or thinking about the opinions of others.
  6. They adhere to the principle - it is better to wait half an hour than persuade them for half a day.

How to recognize a pickup truck

Today, picking has become a kind of subculture with its own distinctive features... The pick-up artist can be recognized by the number of victims who fell for his tricks and the skill with which he "bewitches his victims." A special skill is considered to be the ability to "breed a girl for sex" on the first day of acquaintance.

As a rule, novice pick-up artists use standard techniques, dating templates, as well as stereotyped approaches in conversation, on which they pierce. Whereas experienced pick-up artists with originality and creativity are difficult to distinguish from ordinary guys. Unless that can be determined by the persistent desire to get to know each other. So, the main signs:

  • The conversation with the pick-up artist begins with the certainty that he and the girl are old acquaintances. The words sound in the form of admiration, jokes or a naive, even harmless request. Entering into a conversation with a pick-up artist, you feel strong bond with him, as if he had been in a relationship for a long time. This is because he knows how to reach out to most women through conversation. Of course, physical attractiveness is important, but in reality, attraction begins with an amazing conversation. For example, some common phrases: “you broke my heart; I was struck on the spot without firing a shot when I saw your beauty. " There are hundreds of similar blanks in his arsenal.
  • He has such a pumped-up self-confidence that he does not tend to mumble or be embarrassed in a conversation with a lady. He will immediately begin to look the girl in the eyes. And 10 minutes after meeting, he will allow himself to touch her or, for example, straighten her hair. It is believed that such actions help the girl experience a sense of relaxation.
  • It creates an atmosphere of mystery. Women are fascinated by a mysterious man. It is their nature and the seducer plays on this knowledge. The less he talks about himself, the more curiosity plays out among women, who yearn for details about his life. Therefore, first of all, the pick-up artist will ask the girl about herself, hiding information about himself as much as possible. The purpose of all this is to find the key that will help him "open the girl."

We have to admit that ordinary guys can show any of these signs. Since by nature there are men who know how to look after themselves, be well-groomed, and also by their nature they are witty and funny people... Therefore, it is wrong to count all pickups indiscriminately one size fits all. But when all of these signs appear in one person, this is a reason to take a closer look, and is it a pick-up artist in front of you?

How to identify a pickup artist on the internet on a dating site

What are the signs on a dating site that you can distinguish a pickup from normal man?

Questionnaire + personal information. By the set of his interests, we can already talk about a certain seriousness or not the seriousness of the guy. What is the purpose of his acquaintance - serious relationship or is it just a major, getting acquainted for pleasure.

Believe me a serious man will not be proud of their successes. On the contrary, he will modestly write about himself, not wanting to publicly display his successes. For ladies to judge him not by his material wealth, but by qualities or intelligence.

The way of communication. While texting, the guy very quickly switches to "you", thus, closing the distance as if being on " short leg»With your interlocutor. Moreover, if the correspondence shows self-promotion about her employment in business, as well as promises of help and a solution to all the girl's problems.

Moreover, without even fully understanding what kind of help is needed, it means that you have a banal pick-up artist in front of you. It can also put pressure on pity when communicating. For example, talking about unsuccessful past relationships, saying that the girl has betrayed him.

You can try to identify by photographs. If a man demonstrates himself against the backdrop of a cool car, expensive alcoholic beverages, or any parties, wanting to impress confident man... Also, think about what the guy wants to communicate by exposing his photos with a naked torso or in various stands showing his figure? That he is irresistible and suitable for intimate relationships.

Website behavior. In the correspondence, one can see stereotyped pick-up phrases and clear requirements for a woman's appearance. He also tries to conquer the lady with his originality. Can hide the date of registration of his profile. He speaks of himself as a beginner on a dating site. He can delay with reply messages, while being online, as if he is texting someone else.

It is referred to as the tricks of friends who registered him on a dating site. In fact, he is not on these matters. But looking at the photo of his interlocutor now he does not even regret the tricks of his friends. Because everything turned out so well, and he met a charming girl.

When you see the signs listed above, know the pickup in front of you.

How to get rid of a pickup truck or how to protect yourself from it

Keep your distance without letting young man at the very first time after meeting, touch or touch you. Probably, he will try to do it under any pretext. After all, touching is one of the essential techniques in the arsenal of a pickup truck. Therefore, be determined to keep your distance from the guy, thereby disarming him.

Also, at the slightest attempt to close the distance, move away, making it clear that you will not tolerate such swagger in relation to yourself. And even more so, do not allow him to dismiss his hands.

Interrupt the conversation if unfamiliar person begins to "poison" with vulgar anecdotes, or jokes of sexual connotation. Remember, a guy with serious intentions towards a girl will never allow himself to be like that in her presence. (We recommend to know,)

Care should be taken when unfamiliar guy immediately after meeting, he offers to go and have fun. Or retire in a quiet secluded place, supposedly in order to calmly communicate better getting to know each other. Especially if an offer comes in to visit him to watch his bachelor life.

Having recognized the pickup truck, immediately let him know about it. Thus, "breaking off" his attempts and efforts. At the same time, you should not be rude or offend a person. Just calmly and most importantly, unexpectedly for him, smiling, say, they say, his tricks have long since seen through. But you are not interested in communicating with representatives of such dating methods. Then just walk away.

Avoid being naive. Having recognized a pick-up artist, you should not think about your ability to re-educate him. Hoping to become the only one for which he will give up his free bachelor life. Such naivety then ends in tears and complaints that you have been used as "disposable gloves."

Don't be afraid to say you don't accept fast relationship, on the contrary, consider yourself a supporter of conservative views on relationships. For example, dating to get to know each other better and more, and sex after marriage. Believe me, the pick-up artist won't bother you anymore. (Read about)

Since another sign of a pick-up artist is his unwillingness to financially waste money on a girl. Then, based on this, you can turn off a pick-up artist if you pretend to be a girl who loves expensive restaurants and gifts. Moreover, she herself chooses, and does not follow the preferences of her companion. After a few dates from the pickup truck, the trail will get cold.

In order not to fall for the pick-up tricks, you need to "hang your ears" less, and when you hear an offer to retire, or various hints of sex, cut off and firmly make it clear that the wrong one was attacked. After that, you should not stand and listen to his explanations or apologies, but simply leave after saying goodbye. After that, the pickup artist will no longer appear in the girl's life.


In fact, most girls will always be able to tell a really valuable guy from someone who is just trying to imitate that value. Pick-up artists do not understand that it is impossible to "cheat" a girl who knows her worth. And their tricks act mainly on frivolous ladies, who are also not valuable for a serious relationship.

It's important for guys to remember that the foundation of this value is who you are, not what you do and how you do it. This must be remembered if you want to be successful in a female environment. After all, serious, not frivolous girls you will be liked by the fact that you are of some value to them, and not by using some special techniques or following some rules and patterns. Therefore, you should not waste time looking for wonderful techniques, but on the contrary, start developing yourself.

What do you girls say, how to recognize a pick-up artist and how to get him off? Perhaps you have some experience on the best way to do this? So share your opinion for the benefit of others.

Watch a video on how to avoid becoming a victim of a pickup truck

How to recognize a pickup truck? Popular seduction techniques

Pickup - fashionable appliances popular with many guys who like to "collect" girls or, more simply, are looking for a frivolous fleeting relationship. Feelings of a girl for a pickup artist do not matter, his main goal is to achieve his goal, and then go in search of a new "victim". In order not to get caught in the network of such an alpha male, it will be useful for any girl to know how to recognize a pickup truck and what are the features of the behavior of such young people.

Pikaper usually appears in front of a girl in the form of a kind of prince that she begins to think: "Well, finally, I met HIM, my only one." But in exceptional cases, they can, on the contrary, break stereotypes in order to confuse the girl, confuse her. On one "victim" a pickup artist usually spends 3-4 dates, no more, and then, having achieved his goal and dragging her into bed, disappears forever. They conquer the chosen one in stages, step by step, striking her feelings and thoughts.

First date

On the first date, the pickup artist usually tries to find out as much as possible about the girl. He asks about her hobbies, family, work, thereby feeling for the most important points of contact. He listens attentively, allowing the girl to speak out, while he hardly talks about himself, or only in general outline... When a girl tries to find out more about him and starts asking questions, the pickup artist cleverly leaves the conversation and turns the topic into a different direction.

At the first meeting the main task pickup - find out the girl's contacts, in particular, her phone number. And then his game goes into the second stage.

The second stage of the pick-up "game"

As a rule, after receiving the girl's contacts, the pickup guy abruptly and unexpectedly disappears for a while. He does not call or write, thereby confusing the girl. "How so? Such a courteous, gallant and interesting young man, he liked me so much, and suddenly he disappeared ”- approximately such thoughts visit the confused beauty.

After waiting for a pause, the young man announces and asks for a second date. Now his goal is to finally conquer the chosen one and go into a counterattack.

What tricks do pickup artists use?

1. Love to throw smart phrases or quotes from books. Usually a pick-up artist is an encyclopedic person who at first glance seems to know a lot, but in fact, if you dig deeper, this knowledge is superficial. In pickup courses, young people are often given advice on which books to read, a list of fashion authors, directors, and which quotes to memorize in order to skillfully use them in a conversation with a girl. That is, he knows winged quotes from works, but he himself never read these books and has a very vague concept of their authors.

2. Reception "kryshesnos". The guy is trying to make the girl literally “blown away,” as they put it. Its task is to cause in her bright emotions... For this, the pick-up guy can bring the girl in unusual place, or somehow scare her. Can set up a harmless but intimidating road accident, etc. Some act out an attacking situation in which they find themselves a courageous savior and defender. The girl is experiencing some kind of acute emotions and at this moment on subconscious level becomes attached to a young man.

3. Reception "needle". One of the varieties of "kryshesnos". This is a brutal trick that works surprisingly well in many cases. Pick-up girl inflicts strong emotional pain, and then he himself calms and regrets her. He can offend her, or speak out sharply about something that worries her very much, and then immediately apologize and start reassuring, regretting, talking about how bad he is and how wrong he was, how he admits his mistake.

4. Plays with pride. There is also a technique by which you can recognize a pickup truck. For example, a guy approaches a girl and says that she has problems with her appearance and even kindly indicates which ones. And after that, he suddenly makes an ardent compliment, sometimes flavored with a light innocent touch. After that, the girl is completely confused and already interested.

When should you be on your guard?

If a young man is overly assertive, hurried and, during a conversation, one way or another translates the topic into an intimate channel, then this is the first bell. The look of a pickup artist is usually appraising, gambling, even a little arrogant. You are just a target for him, another trophy with which he wishes to replenish his collection.

He says little about himself, he listens about you with interest, however, this interest is only visible. However, one has only to offer him acquaintance with your parents or older brother, as he immediately gets nervous and will certainly refuse. Pikaper generally easily loses his temper if something does not go according to plan and he sees that his lie has been seen through. Speech becomes quick, hasty, nervous, he can even be rude. Such people do not accept rejections and prefer to fight to the last.

By the way, about refusals ... if a pick-up artist sees that a girl is not "bought" by his tricks and refuses to give her coordinates, then he can say something nasty, trying to humiliate and lower the girl, so to speak, throw her off the pedestal and show, " who she really is. " Something from the category: “What did you seriously think that I wanted to meet you? Yes, I just felt sorry for you, probably, someone rarely comes up to you, with such and such a figure and crooked legs ... "You should not seriously react to such" jokes "of a pickup truck. Know - you seriously hurt his pride.

These guys don't like to spend money on a girl. Most likely, from him you will not wait for bouquets and trips to restaurants, and forget about gifts. The maximum that a pick-up artist can spend on is a cafe. Such a man does not consider it necessary to spend money on a girl with whom he only wants to spend the night.

To be able to recognize a pick-up artist and to distinguish him from the bulk of guys is especially useful for girls who like to relax in clubs and other entertainment places. Special "gourmets" love to hunt in nature, in parks, squares. In any case, if you are faced with such an instance, then rest assured that a serious relationship with him will not work.

The origins of the pickup truck go back to those ancient times when women were seduced by Don Juan, Giacomo Casanova. Modern pick-up artist - who is this? A researcher of female nature or a man for whom sex is just entertainment, and girls are trophies in his exciting hobby?

Who is a pick-up artist?

On the Internet, the image of a pick-up artist has unattractive characteristics and causes outrage among the fair sex. Who is a pick-up man? This is a person who uses certain manipulative techniques to seduce girls in order to have sex and disappear from their horizon to conquer the next. The pickup can be compared to the image of a moth fluttering from flower to flower.

What is a pickup date?

What is a pickup truck? In 1992, American writer Paul Jeffrey, in his book How to Get the Woman of Your Dreams to Bed, called the process a dirty guide to seduction for men who are tired of being good but failing with the opposite sex. Pickup in translation from English. slang pick up - "pick up", "remove" - ​​the art of quick seduction, which came from the West. Pickup style dates are based on the 3 Date Rule:

  1. Preliminary stage- acquaintance. Search for girls in public places: metro, parks, clubs. The goal is to get a phone number (no more than 15 minutes).
  2. First date- the pick-up artist creates a trusting atmosphere, uses light touches, a soulful look. All the emphasis is placed on the girl's conversation about herself, constantly guiding her in this direction. The goal is to arouse interest (no more than an hour is given for this), and so that 2 dates take place.
  3. Second date- active seduction with hands: hugging, stroking, pressing, striving to show that he was carried away by a girl. Time is limited to 4-5 hours. The purpose of the date is a smooth transition into date 3 and its logical conclusion with sex, or if the girl is not ready, invite her to the third.
  4. Third date... The goal is sex. For this, the pick-up artist "by chance" recalls that there is one wonderful place, which is his apartment, or the apartment of his friends.

What is good about a pickup?

Any technique has negative and positive sides. The modern interpretation of the pickup is divided into currents: dirty pickup and deliberate seduction. Not all men know how to get to know each other and behave at ease with women. For some, this is natural shyness, for others it is a bunch of complexes at their own expense, but they are united by the desire to meet a girl for a long-term relationship. Pros of a conscious pickup:

  • see a woman as a person with her rich inner world;
  • learning body language to recognize signals when a girl is not averse to getting to know each other;
  • personal transformation;
  • work with self-esteem;
  • elaboration of fears arising from acquaintance

What's wrong with a pickup?

Pickup psychology is based on the manipulative techniques of the neurolinguistic programming (NLP) method founded by Richard Bandler. The use of tactics that actively use the channels of perception: kinesthetic, auditory, visual introduce the pickup victim into a kind of trance, charm by the seducer. "Dirty" pick-up artist - who is this? The category of guys for which the spirit of competition and superiority comes first. Techniques that pickupers use:

  1. They contradict ethical principles.
  2. Aimed at lowering the girl's self-esteem. In these cases, they use banter, various jokes (dressed out of fashion, wrinkled hairstyle, etc.).
  3. Feelings, emotions are imposed. They can come up with non-existent phenomena: love for animals, passion for travel and talk about it with enthusiasm. Girls respond to such emotionality, which means that the pick-up artist has almost reached his goal.

How to recognize a pickup truck?

Many women faced with dishonest male game asked the question: how to recognize a pickup artist in life, so as not to experience the painful feeling of “being used” again. Such a "macho" can be recognized by the following signs:

  1. Discomfort during communication.
  2. Incongruent state: actions, emotions, facial expressions, gestures, feelings contradict each other. Depicts joy - with the shoulders and corners of the mouth lowered, arms crossed in front of the chest.
  3. Much attention is paid to the appearance: impeccable hairstyle, expensive perfume.
  4. A novice pick-up artist seeks to immediately get a telephone contact from the girl and hide, with the "experience" will devote some time to the conversation.
  5. The conversation begins with non-standard phrases that do not imply familiarity.
  6. How to distinguish a pick-up artist from a genuinely interested one: pick-up artists themselves appoint dates where there is no need to pay for a girl.

Recently, representatives of the fairer sex have also picked up the pick-up relay. A pick-up woman - who is this and how does a woman's pickup differ from a man's? Girls use similar dating methods, but the end goal may be different: divorce for money, collecting men, or even marriage. A woman can date several men at once, and everyone will be sure that he is her only one.

How to communicate with a pick-up artist?

A pick-up artist is a person who goes to his goal, in this case to seduction and sex. A girl is an object that he does not strive to know, but takes as a prize for the fact that he made some effort. If a woman understands that there is a seducer in front of her, then in dealing with a pick-up artist, you can use the following techniques:

  1. Switch your attention from yourself to him, ask a lot of questions about his life and family.
  2. Ignore flattery and compliments in your address: answer "Yes, I know that beautiful (smart, athletic)."
  3. Focus on calmness and inner balance as soon as a feeling of discomfort arises in a conversation - stop the conversation, citing busyness.

How to fall in love with a pickup truck?

A man - a seducer - is an ordinary person with his own problems and he, too, is not immune from falling in love with his "victim". Relationships with a pick-up artist are possible and, for some time, he will be attached to the girl who caused him feelings, but it is important to understand that a strong relationship is hardly worth waiting for in the future. Men who are involved in a pickup truck and have experienced victory one after another become addicted to this lifestyle.

How to get a pickup truck off?

Pick-up tricks can also be used against the seducers themselves:

  • cause in him a feeling of insecurity (wrinkled trousers, old-fashioned hairstyle);
  • appoint the very place of meeting: a cinema, a cafe (the pick-up artist will not agree, he has his own “free” route prepared);
  • ask him to tell about himself and direct the conversation in the direction of him (he will not like this, since he loses control on his part).

Who is a pick-up artist? Pikaper is a man who loves to "hunt" girls, and sometimes women.

The pick-up artist not only meets and communicates with them, but also different ways trying to persuade into sex without obligation. Moreover, most often the girl does not even suspect that there is a pick-up artist in front of her. And, such an acquaintance for a girl often ends in disappointment and tears.

To prevent this from happening, you need to know exactly who the pick-up artist is and how to calculate it. And if you are not interested in one-time sex with strangers, then you will have to learn how to identify a pick-up artist and communicate with him correctly so that he lags behind you once and for all.

A man, whatever he may be, medieval knight or a modern pick-up artist, always dreams of becoming a woman's first love.
Oleg Roy. Man and woman. Secrets family happiness

Common myths about pickup trucks

After watching videos on YouTube and Russian film"Pickup. Shooting without rules ”, as well as reading on the net about such men, women have a mistaken opinion about what it is - a pickup.

This is also facilitated by the myths that have developed over the past few years, when this technique of quick release of girls has become more and more popular.

Among them, the most common are such beliefs that give an answer to the question, who is a pick-up artist:

The main features of a pickup truck

If a "one-time" relationship does not suit you and you want more, then it is better to know who the pickup artist is and immediately figure it out in order to stop communicating and not regret what was done in the future.

It is sometimes quite simple to do this, if you pay attention to some points.

To understand who the pick-up artist is and that he is in front of you, they will help you following signs such men:

  1. More often than not, pick-up men are very attentive to women., try to talk about themselves as little as possible and provoke their lady more to revelations and details.

    In ordinary conversation, both a man and a woman on the first date share information about life equally, trying to present themselves in the best possible light.

  2. In communicating with a pick-up artist, you get the impression that this man literally reads your thoughts and desires, and then expresses them aloud.

    This often bribes the interlocutors and deprives them of their usual caution. In fact, the pick-up artist only says what you want to hear, not your own opinion.

  3. The pick-up artist always tries to psychologically influence the woman.
    His posture during a conversation is open, his eyes look at you attentively, sometimes even with delight and admiration. He tries to be as close to you as possible, to touch you during a conversation.
  4. The beginning of a conversation with such a person is always unusual, intriguing.
    An example would be the almost classic phrase "Does your mother need a son-in-law?" or "What will you do after dinner with me at the restaurant tonight?" Already this manner of acquaintance should alert you.
  5. The pick-up artist is always well-groomed, handsome, in parade.
    Even if these are ordinary jeans, they emphasize his dignity, fit well on the hips.

    Smell plays an important role. To smite you on the spot at the first approach, such men use good perfume.

  6. No embarrassment or insecurity.
    Pikaper sees his goal and is ready to achieve it by any means. For this he comes up with original scripts or uses those that he gleaned on the pickup forums, in communication with like-minded people or on the Internet.
  7. The pick-up artist most often assigns the place of the second date himself, if there was no sex on the first.
    If you decide to change him, then, most likely, he will refuse to do it, while an ordinary guy will not care where to meet with the girl he likes.

    Typically, such men avoid public institutions, such as cafes, restaurants, cinemas and theaters, as they try to spend as little money as possible on seducing a girl.

  8. Pickupers are touchy.
    If he himself throws sharp jokes in the direction of the girl in order to provoke her and arouse interest, then he may be seriously offended in response or even leave you alone.

Remember: Correct word- "pick-ups", not "pick-ups", as many say.

In addition to all this, the pick-up artist will always be gentle and polite with you. Even your hair that has not been washed for several days and your hastily gathered ponytail will receive his compliment, and more than one.

It is worth noting that if a person has been engaged in a pickup truck for a long time, then he already has a wealth of experience. In this case, even if you know who the pick-up artist is, you may not immediately figure it out.

If you still made a mistake and met a professional, do not regret it. The invaluable experience of such communication will allow you to never again fall on the hook of an experienced tempting angler.

How to recognize a pick-up artist and not fall for his bait?

The Internet has become a part of our life, and now on the Internet you can find all the information you need. There are many tips on how to build relationships, but they can help, and they can hurt.

For example, a pickup truck was originally invented so that those who are in adolescence began to suffer from acne, got rid of, if not from her, then at least from the shyness that acne brings with them. So it was possible to find new friends, make acquaintances and even build romantic relationship... But lately, the pickup has become more of a bullying method than a way to help build a serious relationship.

Now the pick-up artists have new target... And if earlier pimply boys turned into handsome men, tried not only to seduce the girl, but now the main thing that needs to be done is to make her fall in love with you, and then part so that it hurts her. The more it hurts, the better. In addition, you need to captivate a girl so that there is a minimum of financial investment.

The philosophy of the pick-up artist is very simple - all that moves such men is cynicism. They seduce, tempt and just quit without explanation. At the same time, the woman does not really feel pleasant sensations some may even have mental breakdowns.

Think Casanova or Don Juan. The same is true for modern men... And, unfortunately, women very often fall into the traps of such scoundrels.

But let's face it: are these men really good in bed? If we recall the life story of Don Juan, then we can safely conclude that he was not good lover... Sex, as giving pleasure to a woman, for such individuals simply does not exist.

Read the forums, and you will find many similar reviews: "I met a pick-up artist, fell in love with no memory, and he did not even have sex with me." And this happens most often. I liked it, fell in love with myself and just dropped it.

Where can you run into a pick-up artist?

You can meet him anywhere. Most often they "hang" on different dating sites. They are in social networks... Moreover, if there are many of them on the Internet, then, unfortunately, there are even more of them on the street.

The danger of a young woman can be found everywhere. First, the girl will become interested in a man, then she will fall in love with him, and he will simply break her heart. And many women recover for a long time after such a shock, and the belief in male love just disappears.

In order to protect yourself from such misfortune, you first need to know how pick-up artists operate, which is the basis of their "methodology".

So, the behavior of a pick-up artist is built, first of all, not on love for a woman, but on hatred for her. These are mainly those men who previously failed to build happy relationship.

The main task facing them is to destroy the boundaries that the woman has set. After meeting, they try to quickly reduce the time " bouquet and candy period».

The persistence of such behavior should be alarming, as such individuals want to be dragged into bed as soon as possible. All their actions are aimed at touching the girl - their voice changes, it becomes more seductive. They say that it is she who is the best, they shower with compliments. And, if they feel that this bribes a woman, they immediately see her as a victim, which can be easily used.

How to protect yourself from a pickup truck?

If you suspect that something is wrong, first of all, you should avoid such a man. If you don't, you can easily fall for the hook that he prepared.

With each attempt at rapprochement with a woman, that line breaks that should not be broken. If a lady still falls for this "bait", she will soon sit constantly in front of the phone and selflessly wait for a call from him or, even worse, frantically write him SMS and hope to get an answer.

Pikaper behaves like this: he starts talking about sex, and all this is mixed with a bunch of compliments. He admires a woman. She, in turn, listens to him, and perceives only what she wants to hear.

At first glance, he may seem overly caring, and the woman will not even allow the thought that he just wants to take advantage of her right on the first date.

Such a man immediately begins to promise mountains of gold, not even caring how real his fairy tales look like.

As soon as a woman believed his words, compliments, we can assume that this is the end, and she is on a hook, from which it will not be so easy to break off.

If you are not in the mood to suffer, you want a serious and long-term relationship, then you just need to avoid such men. Of course, we are not talking about the fact that at the first compliment you need to run from a man wherever you look. But, if you feel that he is too assertive, then it is better to immediately refuse to continue communication, so that later you will not be abandoned.

How to communicate with a pick-up artist correctly?

If you have no desire to have any kind of relationship with a pick-up artist, then there are several ways to make such a man retreat himself and no longer bother you.

Here is some of them:

We give the pick-up "from the gate-turn"

  1. Ignoring compliments, not expressing any emotion.
    Just pretend that this man is not around, and after a while he will go looking for another victim. Only 3-4% of pick-up artists will make a few more attempts.
  2. Give him some unexpected but truthful and caustic comment. like "Before meeting girls, I would iron my shirt."
    This maneuver will also put him off.
  3. Talk less about yourself, ask him more questions.
  4. Ask to go to a movie or cafe with you.
    Pickupers do not like to spend money, so they usually disappear immediately after this offer.
  5. After the first meeting, do not return his phone calls.
    You can also constantly reschedule dates due to urgent matters. It will also scare off the pickup truck.
  6. Stop all attempts to touch or move you.
    Pickupers love contact, touch in the process of communication, and your actions and the cold will scare them away.

Video: Pick-up through the eyes of a girl


It cannot be argued that a pickup truck and the men who drive it are definitely a negative phenomenon. modern society... Sometimes women like unusual behavior seducers and non-binding sex.

When you know how to recognize a pickup truck and put it into practice, this type of man is not intimidating to you. If you liked him or you fell in love with him at first sight, then do not hope to re-educate such a man.

Cases when a professional pick-up artist fell in love with his victim and married her more often occurs in the cinema than in life. Therefore, do not flatter yourself with hopes in vain, so as not to regret your mistake in the future.