How to understand if a husband loves you? Faithful signs. How to understand whether a man loves

How to understand that a man really loves you? The opinion of the psychologist on this topic cannot be unequivocal, because all people are different and manifest their feelings in their own way.

Everyone has special features, as well as circumstances in which the interpretation of certain behavioral changes can be really two. On the other hand, there are certain nuances responsible for a common female question "or not?"

The opinion of psychologists regarding certain emotional states cannot be unequivocal. No respected psychologist will decide to equate all over one comb. Psychologists do not consider banal chemistry or instinct of continuing. Their view converges on the fact that both such as internal impulses and social nuances, but still based on something instinctive. Roughly speaking, a man loves, and society dictates how to love.

Socience, psychologists consider, imposes certain stereotypes of behavior. This applies to the manifestations of love. Suppose a man allegedly should always be the initiator of relations. And there is also an opinion that he must certainly give the girl flowers if she loves her. And give some stupid toys, again, if he loves.

Psychologists have the opinion that most, even if it is against their nature. This is originally the problem of understanding male feelings. If socially acceptable templates of behavior will be pretended in case of love, but he makes himself follow, it looks ridiculous and insincere. Outcome: The man understands distorted, and the woman strenuously asks the councils from girlfriends and psychologists on the topic of the strange behavior of a young man.

How do men love?

Differently. Therefore, it is impossible to definitely say about how to understand that a man loves truly.

Unfortunately, a woman, unfortunately, is quite often interested in some amorphous external manifestations, which usually and turn out to be artificial.

Candy, flowers, compliments and invitations to the restaurant are not signs that the man loves you, it is just the most banal and brought type of courtship.

How to understand if a man loves you, not knowing his individual features? Psychologists are confident that everyone has something really special.

  1. There are men who love loudly. They cannot and do not consider it necessary to keep inside their feelings, therefore they begin to commit really amazing actions. As a rule, it is an extrovert.
  2. Some men love silently. They keep feeling somewhere inside themselves, it inspires them. They have no need to notify everyone in a row that they love them, they just feel it. They will always be able to really understand you and listen, and they are rarely lying when they love.

These are just examples, individual opinions. Someone jumps around and is in an euphoric state, and someone quietly emits warmly from the inside. If you really know a man, you have more chances to understand that he still loves you than psychologists from the side.

How to understand that this is really love for real?

If you wish, you can find thousands of instructions and opinions of psychologists about how to understand that a man loves you. Do they really work? Psychologists allocate three categories of the interaction of men and women for which you can try to understand whether he loves.


Psychologists are confident that this is really the most important point, not a chatter and facial expressions. After all, it is logical.

How to understand that a man loves you and you need you, if it is not for what he takes towards you. It is important what he does, and nothing he says and how.

To understand that the man truly loves, according to psychologists, the following habits will help:

  • he holds his word;
  • it helps when there is a need for this;
  • he does not try to limit you;
  • he really tries to understand you;
  • he supports your undertakes and contributes to your further development as a person.

Non-verbal signs

The body language will not answer the question of how to understand whether a husband loves you or not. It can tentatively give to understand about interest in you or the desire to burn out. Or about indifference. But these signs will not give you the opportunity to really understand what the man is in the soul.

The following signs can really speak about his sympathy:

  • extended pupils;
  • watching you with some general interaction with society (for example, when someone is joking, he subconsciously looks at your reaction);
  • a sincere smile (with "smiling" eyes - "goose paws" appear);
  • hands in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt (pockets, belt) - in this case, you can really talk about a particular sexual interest;
  • an attempt to touch (for example, to acquire, remove the sortie).


The conversation itself, the manner of him to lead and, in fact, its content can give to understand that he loves you, only indirectly. Like non-verbal signs, communication may indicate soon for the presence of sympathy and interest in man, and not that someone really loves someone. Psychologists are confident that love is a serious emotional state, and not a fleeting burst in the form of butterflies in the stomach.

According to psychologists, a man respects you and really interested in you if:

  • when talking, he was sincere;
  • the conversation, established by him relate to your general topics;
  • a man is not trying to negate the conversation relating to you.

How to check what you need?

The opinion of psychologists converges on one thing: if someone needs a person, it is impossible to be called really self-sufficient. Feel flawed due to the lack of a person nearby - a sign of non-independence and inequalities to take themselves with anything.

Therefore, think a hundred times over whether you really want you to need your young man. What he loves you does not mean that he is experiencing an acute need and cannot live without you.

In the matter of how to understand that a man loves you, psychology can give a few tips that do not usually like women. Why? Because it is not an accusation or analysis of someone else, but take responsibility for yourself. How to check if a man loves you truly?

In no way. Surely - really no way. Since from all people in your environment you are really responsible for yourself, psychologists offer to be angry at the root.

Psychologists consider if you are asking for such a question, there are two options:

  1. You have a low self-esteem that warms your doubts in your own attractiveness in your chosen one.
  2. You really understand somewhere inside that your actions, actions, the attitude itself, in the end, cannot contribute to love.

If we talk about self-confidence, then the opinion of psychologists is definitely and at the same time trite: if you start to actually work for yourself, self-sustain will change much. Do not do it for the sake of the man, for the same psychologist or for a page in the social network!

If your goal is to improve one or other faces, you will feel a completely different person.

You will understand that it makes no sense to compare ourselves with others, as well as try to be good for everyone. And questions like "how to understand, a man loves you or not?" You do not even want to drive into the search string. You will not need it. Psychologists believe that there will be no doubt.

The second option deserves a separate lecture on psychologists. The opinions of psychologists converge on the fact that women often throws in extremes in relation to representatives of strong sex.

There is an opinion that there are two radical poles when a woman is really convinced of her rightness, but at the same time behaves extremely destructive to relationship.

First Pole:

  • cystricia from the category "I am a woman, which means I am a goddess";
  • ladies who believe that they are all obliged simply because they are;
  • hysterical, transforming any substance in the scandal.

The second pole:

  • table connoisseurs of the separation of functions in life by sexual sign;
  • amorphous Amey, who hid their opinion in the deepest and ugly chest, and now they indulge in all (including a man);
  • the girls who are looking in love with her man and really see in it the meaning of all their lives.

Psychologists believe that if you have signs of some of these groups, it is time to change something in yourself. If you decide to create a new relationship or develop old, all with a high probability will go on the usual scenario, where you will find a bad victim and stay again at the broken trough.


If you are interested, how to check if a man loves you to truly, the test will not help. Of course, you can lie, which is pregnant, and look at his reaction. You can flirt with other men in his eyes.

But will this reaction be proof that he loves? And will your behavior in relation to a man really honest? If it is not, then if you can really require a decent relationship from him?

The opinion of psychologists is that if you really curious about his feelings, then the optimal "test" will be a human conversation, where you will find out everything for yourself.

Perhaps just uses?

Well, yes, it is quite possible. If you look globally, we all use each other. In most cases, of course, psychologists do not deny sincere altruism.

But! Agree when someone "makes sacrificing," doesn't he expect some kind of reaction from? Psychologists believe that this is the purest water to manipulate, which implies the acquisition of its own benefit.

Wonder: Do not you use it? Psychologists advise not to lie at least to themselves. If an honest answer is positive for yourself, then do not be surprised that the use will be mutual. It is believed that people around really are mirrors ourselves, remember this.

If you are carefully looking for materials on the network about how to understand, the husband loves you or not, then:

  • or really have some kind of precedents;
  • either you are just boring, so you decided to organize a problem in the exactly place.

The opinion of psychologists regarding the second option is definitely: in this case, you must first work and our development, and not try to look for trick in the behavior of your man. Because let's talk about the first.

So, how to understand if a man loves you or just uses? If you really want to understand your man, there are approximate signs of its potentially mercantile behavior.

  1. He turns to you only when something needs something.
  2. He is not interested in your personal development, and he will demand from you the victims of the sake of him.
  3. He does not help you if he is not asked about it a hundred times and in addition not to promise something in return.
  4. If you have any problems that need to really decide, he has no time.


  1. The opinions of psychologists on this topic cannot be described somehow specifically, because everyone expresses what he is inside, in his own way.
  2. Some recommend paying attention to features when talking or on the body language.
  3. But how to understand, if not for his actions? The way he behaves in relation to you, the most eloquently suggests that he loves or not.


Listen, about the most often the guy speaks. A truly in love is often talking about his future, which includes a loved one. If he builds plans for years ahead, he says what he will do in a year or ten years, and constantly mentions you, most likely he is in love with you.

Pay attention to the compliments from it. Guys are often doing quite often, but they are different. If the guy simply displays your appearance, it is a regular compliment. If he complements his words to the significance of your appearance for himself, for example, he says that he is very nice to see you, the likelihood is that he is in love. In addition, if the guy is really in love, the number of compliments will not be large, but they will be very sensual.

He seeks to be more often with you and he likes to spend together time. Although, of course, this does not mean that he will cease to communicate with his friends. But still he finds a reason to go somewhere together, and in humans tries to be close to you. He likes your communication, and your opinion is important for him. However, even loving couples have periods when they get tired of each other's society. Especially when they closed in the narrow world of their relationship. Therefore, you should not blame a man that he pays a lot of time to friends or a hobby, or just wants a little one. You both should have some kind of personal space, this is the best way to not get tired of each other.

He is not indifferent to the people you love - parents, friends, and he tries to find a common language with them. He introduces you to his friends. But even more faithful sign that he loves you - if you are a divorced woman or a lonely mother, and he loves yours. Because - part of you. If he seeks to meet only together, perceives the child as a burden, pretends that he does not exist, or he freshers to you, having learned about the child - this is a faithful sign that he really does not like.

He plans your collaborative future. If he behaves as if you are everyone in itself (they just met and ran away), it looks frivolous. If, of course, you meet quite a long time. Although you need to say, the family is not the only form of relationships. It happens that he and she meet, without living together and living every life. The question is whether it is satisfied with you and whether you will arrange such relationships in ten years. Separately, it can be said about the extramarital relationship when a woman is a mistress. If he promises to divorce and marry you, but does not take any steps, no need to decede. He is comfortable in such a situation, you lose time. And also the opportunity to meet a man who will love you so much so that you are for him the only one.

He loves you what you are. It does not inspire complexes about a small breast or excess weight, and admires your miniature figure or your magnificent forms. In addition, loves you not only for appearance, but also loves your character. Loves to see you natural, without makeup, as well as when you wake up with disheveled hair. (Only you do not need to abuse.)

You just feel that he loves you. If so, you do not need any words, and no other confirmation. You just feel your beloved and no doubt it. But if it were so, you would not read this article, right?

Therefore, you can use another method based on intuition. Just ask him a direct question, whether he loves you. The main thing is not his answer, but how he behaves at the same time. Whether the look displays whether it is strained, draws a question in a joke or grins, as far as he is honest, etc. True, this method has one disadvantage: Men do not like this question. They are very annoying when a woman is constantly asked "you me?" You can say, they are most annoying exactly that. If you want to know the answer to, ask. But only one-only time.

Relationships in any pair can begin to disturb instability. Most often worried about this woman. Even when, at first glance, everything is quite safe, the wife feels barely noticeable changes to the worst. The most important thing at such moments - try to find out everything, objectively look at the situation and take action. First of all, for this it is necessary to determine whether the man has a love for you. After passing the simple tests, a small analysis of relationships, you can immediately move to specific actions. It is worth noting that such a "mini-study" is desirable to be carried out regularly, even when a doubt about the attachment of the spouse does not arise. So you will be able to prevent possible conflicts, cooling feelings and parting with your beloved husband.

How do you know if the husband loves? Several ways and details
Remember that relationships with your spouse always need attention. Are you sure you have everything in your family? Try to take advantage of simple techniques. You already have doubts, marriage durability does not cause confidence? There are suspicions that the husband changes, or did you think about divorce? Then be sure to make it right now!
  1. Observation. Start watching your husband. Pay attention even to barely noticeable nuances: views, answers and reactions, tone and expression. The little things here does not happen. Do not miss anything.
  2. Objectivity. Try to treat everything you find, as objectively as possible. Do not transfer your attitude to your husband and do not make your own emotions.
  3. Equilibrium. Have you already convinced that your husband's relationship is not at the most favorable stage? Keep yourself in your hands, do not get into panic. Remember that your stressful state will only reduce the chances to restore the former atmosphere in the family.
  4. View from the outside. Contact your advice to your familiar and friends. Take into account some nuances:
    • discuss such a delicate question better with very close and reliable friends or relatives, it is desirable that the husband does not know about your "intelligence";
    • if you want to find out the opinion of the not very close familiar (it will certainly be more objective), use only leading topics of conversations and questions, but do not interest anything.
  5. Diary. We bring a brief but meaningful diary of my wife. Check in it Communication with the spouse, details and trifles, write down everything you interested. Then you can see the dynamics of your relationship when you want to find out if your husband loves you.
  6. Various reactions of her husband. Especially carefully treat various reactions of your spouse to external stimuli, your behavior, etc. You should alert the following:
    • the husband asks "duty" questions on the themes of life, but does not even listen to your answers;
    • you are trying to start with my spouse talk about something, but he always finds the pretext of getting away from the question and interrupt the conversation;
    • you do not do something, causing a sharp irritation of your husband, although it used to be much tolerable;
    • when you touch the spouse, accidentally hurt him, he remains indifferent or even becomes unhappy;
    • seeing you in a new outfit, my beloved says nothing about your appearance, taste, does not ask if you are interested in: it is only interested in the price, he is distressed with your expenses;
    • your requests cause irritation;
    • your comments and advice are either ignored or criticized.
    All these signs can signal the cooling of your spouse's feelings.
  7. Romance. Offer your favorite weekend together, arrange dinner with candlelight. By his response, you can judge his feelings for you.
  8. What is alarming? Think exactly what we assign you to the thoughts about the cooling of the feelings of her husband. A good option is to make an approximate list on the leaves. It is important to think about how to eliminate the negative moments.
  9. Joint business. Offer a spouse to help at home, contact him for advice. But remember that your favorite can refuse for good reason: suddenly he is really very busy? It also depends on the complexity of your problem. It is possible that your husband will rightfully decide that you will cope.
  10. Husband's behavior. Remarkure the behavior of your beloved. When something changes dramatically, the usual order is disturbed, it plays a big role. The deterioration of relations can signal the following:
    • the husband is delayed at work, but it does not upset it;
    • the spouse has become noticeably less common to talk about you and your relationship, love;
    • you have not heard from your favorite compliments, praise;
    • you have not rested together for a long time;
    • you do not have a desire to go with my husband in movies, the theater, even the TV you are looking separately, do not discuss seen;
    • discussing problems with children, you quickly go to mutual reproaches.
  11. Be patient and prudent. Pay attention not only to negative factors, but also positive. Maybe a lot of reasons, because of which it will seem to you that the husband does not like you. Sometimes people have different temperatures, and regular quarrels for them are a normal phenomenon. Often, spouses evaluate certain moments in different ways. For example, a husband is saving to take care of you, strengthen the family budget. He does not tell a lot of affectionate words, but always supports the case. He does not want to pay a lot of time to raise children, because he trusts you and thinks - you will do it better. And he will work work.
Direct question
Sometimes, wanted to find out if the husband loves, women ask about this spouse straight. For this it is important to remember several subtleties.
  1. Correct form of question. Resort to this method in cases where you are sure that you will deformulate your question quite correctly. It should not contain hints, ambiguity. Do not put your negative attitude into question, any suspicion.
  2. Positive formulation. Remember that the question should not make a negative answer: immediately lay a positive meaning in the wording. For example: "Favorite, we have everything all right?", Not the opposite, unsuccessful question: "Cute, do we have something bad?". A brief positive response to your question should be a positive meaning. Use only "positive" lead questions.
  3. Right moment. Of course, for such a conversation it is necessary to choose a convenient moment. Your spouse is in a good mood, he is not in a hurry and is ready for a conversation with you? Then you can ask.
Small test
Pass a simple test to find out if your husband loves you. Not only the reaction and behavior of your spouse have the value, but also your own attitude towards your beloved. When the claims of his wife accumulate, it is necessarily reflected in the feelings of her husband.
  1. What do you think your husband is pleased now that once married at you? The answer must be affirmative. If you understand that your spouse is already allowing doubts about choosing a bad sign.
  2. Your spouse shares with you with your secrets, problems, asks your advice? Usually, the husbands who love their wives and trust them, prefer to discuss with them. However, this sign in itself will not be determining - perhaps your husband is simply used to solve everything alone. But if earlier such conversations were, and now they stopped sharply, you should think about the reasons for change.
  3. Do you think about the likely divorce? When such thoughts occasionally appear, the same can be thought out and your husband. It is important to change the relationship, your behavior so that the question of divorce does not get up even as theoretical.
  4. Do you often swear, argue with your loved one? Do you regularly make it comments? If you answered "yes" is bad. Surely your claims will cause a response negative reaction from the spouse.
  5. How has your favorite changed over the past year? If he became more balanced, confident - this is great. The appearance of irritability, aggressiveness or melancholism says that your husband feels uncomfortable in marriage.
You tried to find out if my husband loves you. Now it is important to appreciate everything, to think about and take the necessary measures to strengthen your union.

Love is a very difficult thing. Sometimes we ourselves wonder: "Do I love this person?," Is I ready to live all my life next to him? "," Will I get married about him? " It is so difficult for us to sort out our own feelings, which and talk about the inner world of another person. Women are peculiar to torment about the attitude towards them a strong half of humanity. "Does this man love me?" - Such thoughts visit both married and unmarried girls. How to try to solve this riddle? Let's figure it out!

Such different men ...
Men are different: high and low, bald and with chic champions, thick and thin, with a mustache and without mustache. But all representatives of the strong half of humanity unites one thing: they do not like to talk about their experiences and feelings. In most cases, men are not too generous to gentle words, for they consider it a manifestation of weakness. Over the years, the word "love" practically disappears from the help of men. But women do not despair! Day after day they are looking for in their beloved signs of the very real feeling and ... find!

15 signs that a man really loves!

  1. A loving man will never allow you to go out in thin demi-season boots and a light coat on the street into a twenty-graduate frost. It will always be important for him that you are not cold, and not how you look. The man in love will not allow you to freeze in a thin jacket with autumn evening, but will throw your raincoat from above or invites you to warm up in a cozy cafe.
  2. A man in love will always find a way to please your choices. He will never forget when his beloved birthday, and in the case of financial difficulties, never says: "I have no money, so I will not give you anything!". A loving man will always find funds to make a pleasant surprise with his lady of the heart, and in the very crisis situation - will prepare her a gift with his own hands or organizes a breathtaking walk around the city.
  3. If you have problems, your man will always try to help you solve them. Phone broke, crane drifts, fled a favorite cat - a loving partner will always be near you to help you cope with all life difficulties.
  4. A man in love will never transfer your meeting or prefer the evening with you at the bar with friends. At the same time, the ladies should not be too loaded by their man with their own society. Let your chosen one sometimes choose friendly sites with friends.
  5. A loving man is absolutely no important what you are dressed. Of course, he can make preference, for example: "Favorite, I want you more often to carry dresses, they go to you!". But he will never say: "How is your trousers terrible style. With your distant from the ideal, hips wearing such - just a crime! ".
  6. A loving man will never allow himself to turn off the mobile phone and the abyss of your field of view for a couple of days or a week. If something suddenly makes it go (work, family circumstances, etc.), he will definitely find a way to warn you about it. After all, for a loving man there is nothing more important than the calm of his beloved.
  7. A man in love is always happy to acquaint a woman with his friends or relatives. It is not necessary to wait for the public manifestation of feelings from him, for a real man will leave all tenderness until you stay alone.
  8. The partner who appreciates and respects you will never bring the case to a quarrel. He will avoid unpleasant situations by any ways, because harmony and mutual understanding in the house are important. If a quarrel happens, a loving man will not allow himself to be offended by weeks or months. After all, it will hurt not only to him, but also you. Therefore, do not be surprised if your favorite person comes to you with a desire to make it possible.
  9. A loving man will never seek intimate proximity to the first evening. He will wait patiently when his woman will be ready to spend the night with him. During love affection, the partner will take care to delight his partner.
  10. If a woman from the previous marriage has children, then a real man will treat them as belonging to his beloved. In no case will he not put her condition, choose between him and children. A loving man will certainly agree to get acquainted with the children of his woman. He sincerely tries to establish contact with them, because it is important for him that the children of his beloved belong to him well. In consequence, a man will try to become a good father for children with his beloved woman. He will never make differences, sharing children on "their" and "strangers", and will love everyone equally strongly.
  11. A loving man will always be considered with his beloved. It will not matter if it is connected with the acquisition of a new car or choosing a mixer in the bathroom. If a man really loves you, his opinion will be important for him. He will never dismiss his second half with the words: "I decided everything, you still do not understand this."
  12. A loving partner will always defend his second half, whether it is an unpleasant situation in public transport, on the street or in the store. A loving man will always take a blow to himself and will not allow a woman to deal with a drunk passenger, who decided to insult her, young hooligan and other "pleasant" moments of life. In addition, a man will always take the side of his beloved, even if not right. For example, if his woman has a conflict situation at work, in which her wines will be, a real man will never tell his heart lady: "You yourself are to blame!" He will surely comfort it, it picks up, and then carefully try to explain, in what moments the woman did wrong.
  13. A man who really values \u200b\u200bhis second half will always share with her his thoughts and experiences. Naturally, on the parish home, the partner will tell his beloved, as he passed his day, what happened at work, what conflict situations occurred that he was disturbed or glad. If a man is silent, perhaps he is just tired. However, if a man is disgusting from his second half systematically, not wanting to discuss any affairs with her, hides what happens in his life without her - this is a reason to think so much!
  14. If your man really loves you, he will definitely build overall plans with you. Take a mortgage and buy a spacious apartment, go to the rest to the sea next summer, buy you a mink fur coat, and he will all be discussed and should be discussed for evening tea in normal families. If your man does not build any plans, or you in these plans appear very blurry, know, this person does not seek to stay in your life for a long time.
  15. If you doubt whether a man loves you, trust your intuition. Surely, she never let you down!
A few words about ...
In conclusion, I would like to say a few words about fussing feelings. Perhaps your man really sincerely loved you dedicated and loosely ... But household problems, financial difficulties, the birth of children, etc. Cool your feelings. If you are really confident that next to you is exactly the one who you need, act! Organize a romantic dinner for you for two. Prepare the dish that your man loves. Spend at least one evening together and discuss the accumulated problems. Try to stay alone more often, without children and other relatives. This will help your relationship become even more harmonious.

If you are not sure that there is a perfect man next to you, let go of it. Perhaps somewhere he is waiting for the perfect woman ...

How to see love? How to feel it? And how do you like to find out? After all, men are often so restrained. Maybe love can be read in the eyes of a man? Hear in his words? See in actions? In all likelihood, yes.

And what signs are peculiar to men when they are in love? With boys, for example, everything is clear. If the girl likes the boy, he will not hide her his attention: he will pull for braids, throw snowballs and with pleasure to carry her briefcase from school to the house. He will still try more often to come across the girl on his eyes. And hang around the clock under her windows, hoping that she will come out into the courtyard. So that again stick to the braid or throw a snowball. And how do men behave when in love? How to find out if a man loves?

Answer, chamomile: Does he love me?

"They are all lying." "They need only one." Such words are likely to tell you your girlfriends about men. Yes, and you came such thoughts.

Well, someone and lying. And to someone from men only need to put the woman liked in bed. But what is given a woman's very powerful natural intuition? A woman can completely recognize a lie and distinguish the habit of real delight, and feelings - from simple desire to like. Of course, the soul of man, if he does not want himself, it is impossible to understand. But if you look at a man, you can see a lot.

And you do not need to guess and tear the daisy petals, looking for a response to the question: " does he love me"? This answer lies in the look of a man, his words and actions. And if someone has to ask: "Does the guy love me, which I like," so it is only myself.

There are, there are signs for which you can define the love of men to you with a greater or less reliability. With a dozen such signs it is accurate. It is only necessary to see them. And understand, unless of course understand for yourself ,.

What to pay attention to? As mentioned, it is:

  • eyes;
  • the words;
  • acts.

Let's try?

And I looked, I do not answer the eye.

It's easy: a man does not bring a look with you. Your appearance just attracts his eyes, and he can't do anything about it.

He does not notice other women. They do not exist for him. Pass now by him Angelina Jolie under a handle with Sharon Stone, he does not even hold them with a look.

In his eyes admiration and delight. Do you know what it is? These are the feelings that accompany love. And protect it as a car airbag protects the driver. Catching such a gaze addressed to you, of course, you will realize that it is love.

Ba, what a meeting!

A man under any prepositions is looking for a meeting with you. He will find out where you live, find out the number of your phone, podkaralit at the stop or at the subway. You will "accidentally" face him in the most incredible places. But all meetings will be scheduled for them.

It is not love yet. But when he will try to spend with you all his free time, will forget about football, sitting with friends and Saturday beer - this can already be said about many. What is this: the desire to be with a man every hour, every minute; talk to him; Watch his eyes? No doubt love.

Any joke makes sense.

The guy often crams up with you. Podkes you. You and him is funny. But it is ridiculous otherwise than others. Since jokes and jokes have a special meaning for both of both.

Joke in your direction is a mark of attention. After all, he is no longer joking with anyone, right? So, besides you for him and no more than anyone. Only you. Isn't it in you?

I will be frank with you.

The guy is very frank with you. Much talks about yourself, their family. Even divided by dreams.

Why did it happen? After all, not just like that? And if the guy is so frank, trusting you completely, then you have become a close person for him. This is possible only with a friend or a person you love. And since the friendship between a man and a woman without love - as smoke without fire, what then? Do the correct conclusion yourself.

Tell me about yourself.

He falls asleep you with questions. Everything that concerns you is terribly interesting. Where were you born? If you have brothers and sisters? What do you like, and what you can't tolerate?

He wants to know your thoughts. Your intentions. He expects you to be as frank with him as he himself just had with you.

He is interested in your personal life. He wants to know everything about you. Why do you ask? And you really like him. And even more. However, it is already clear to you.

I remember a wonderful moment.

The guy or man remembers everything connected with you. And literally your words and phrases will lead, and with intonation with which they were told. He remembers all your meetings with him, starting from the first minute and ending with the last second, not to mention the first. And all your actions are captured in his memory forever.

He delicately feels your mood. And always read the desire in your eyes, which will immediately rush.

It cannot be that he does not notice a new dress or shoes on you. About the hairstyle and not worth talking. Moreover, even the new varnish on your marigolds will not be easily. What does it mean? Only one thing: you are loved by this man. And which of such a man will get a husband. Dream!

You are elected.

The appeal of a guy with you is different than with other girls. He highlights you. You are elected to them. What he would never do for an outsider, he gladly makes for you.

He pleases, as it seems from the side. But you understand that this is just attention and care. And he gives it only to you. And he literally glows when he is near you. If this is not love, what?

I will give you Moscow.

He is absolutely sorry for him. Neither the strength or time or money.

Ask him to remove the last shirt for you, give the last ruble, and it will do it without any regret. At the right moment it is always there. And always ready to help, be it day, night, heat or bite cold. In his love you can not doubt you.

Do you want to go to the sea with sails?

This sign is associated with the previous one and also most of all indicates that the man loves you. For the best proof of love is a deed.

He loves you if the sake of you is ready to throw everything and leave to an unfamiliar city. And if it is ready to rush into the water, without knowing how to swim.

And he is able to get the star to you from the sky, that shines brighter others.

But that is not all. If a man loves, he:

  • does not suit scandals on scratch;
  • completely trusts a woman;
  • respects her opinion;
  • keeps this word;
  • always tacty and delicate;
  • hugs so that it intercepts breathing;
  • making love, as if it was for the first time;
  • proud of his woman.

It turns out that the question is: " how does he love me"- quite solvable, because it is not difficult. And to get an answer to him, you need to love yourself. Without the possibility of waste. Love a man - as in the pool with your head. After making mistakes, I don't regret them completely. And listening to only your heart.