How to wash your hair properly. Natural hair wash

Each of us is accustomed to wet our hair, pour in shampoo, and the more, the better, and go ahead. Then washed off and done. And in the future, problems begin with the appearance of dandruff, the scalp quickly becomes oily and other problems. How can this be done correctly?

Washing frequency

This factor is mostly determined individually. For some, once a week is enough, while others do it every day. The hair type is mainly taken into account here.

Hair types:

It is believed that frequent washing is harmful to the general condition of the hair. But this is not at all the case. If you choose the right shampoo, then everything will be in order. You should not wash oily hair very often, as the scalp can dry out, and this will lead to more intensive work of the sebaceous glands. It is recommended to do a mask 1-2 times a week.

Water temperature

The head does not need to be washed with very hot or cold water. If the curls are of the oily type, then the water should be a little cool. It is better if the water temperature is slightly higher than body temperature - 36-44 degrees.

The quality of the water also affects washing. Hard water, in principle, is not suitable for this procedure, since it does not cleanse enough and, moreover, spoils the hairs.

After using such water, a sticky grayish coating may remain on the scalp. It also leads to dryness and flaking and dandruff. After drying, the hair becomes hard, dry and brittle.

Water must be purified or boiled.

Hair washing process

The frequency of washing has already been determined, now, you should consider how to wash them correctly:

How to dry

How to wash without shampoo

Our grandmothers always had healthy and beautiful hair, and as you know, shampoos were in great shortage then. What helped them?

Washing with baking soda

To do this, you need to take 3 teaspoons of baking soda and dilute them in 65 ml. warm water.

This composition is applied to a damp head, after which it is rubbed in with massage movements for several minutes.

One or two yolks are removed from the film and added to 100 grams of water, then they must be stirred and applied to the head.

Rinse the curls with this product and rinse with warm water.

After such a procedure, the hair becomes clean and obedient. In addition, the yolk is able to cope with impurities.

To eliminate the unpleasant odor, the head can be rinsed with acidic water.

Washing soap

If it was decided to wash your hair with soap, then you should prepare for unpleasant situations, since the skin is very bad at getting used to this method of washing.

Basically, baby, tar or homemade soap is used:


This herb has many beneficial properties that are beneficial to the hair. It can be used both dried and fresh.

For cooking, you should take one liter of boiled water, and dilute 1 teaspoon of soda in it and add 300 ml. concentrated decoction of nettle.

It is necessary to rinse the head with this solution for 3-5 minutes. Then dry the curls naturally. After the first application, the hair will already receive shine, silkiness and shine.

Using balms, conditioners, masks

  • Balms are used to protect the cuticles, as they are damaged after washing. The balm is applied to the hair roots, where it fills in the lack of scales. In addition, the balm is a regenerating and nourishing agent. It is applied to clean, damp hair for 10-15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.
  • Conditioners. It is used to add shine and volume. It is also a moisturizer and repair agent.
  • Masks. Used to restore hair structure. They are used several times a week; for the best effect, you can use the mask in a warm form.

Long attractive curls are every woman's dream. If an excessive amount of hair falls out during shampooing, this is a sure sign that it is time to find out the cause of the situation and solve it as soon as possible.

There are many reasons for hair loss. They are always associated with problems in the body and external influences.

External factors:

Internal factors:

There may be several reasons, therefore, treatment should be started from all fronts: tidy up the body, rid the hair of negative external influences.

Hair washing procedure (how to do it right)

Very frequent shampooing, like rare shampoos, has a bad effect on the condition of the hair. The best option is considered to be 2-3 times one-time shampooing per week.

It is important to follow the rules:

How to stop hair loss

On the modern market, there are many cosmetic preparations for the treatment of this ailment. However, proven folk recipes are not inferior to them in terms of effectiveness.

Natural shampoos for hair loss (11 recipes)

Homemade shampoos are organically pure, healthy, and most importantly affordable means of combating hair loss.

Mustard shampoo

30 gr. of mustard powder, beat with a whisk with 2 egg yolks, add 10 ml of wheat germ oil (or burdock, olive).

After stirring, dilute the mixture with water to form a thick slurry. Apply the composition to dirty, but slightly damp hair, let it stand for 30 minutes, rinse thoroughly.

Soda shampoo

Stir 50 grams in 1.5 glasses of 36-degree purified water. soda.

Rinse your hair with the resulting composition, wait 10-20 minutes and wash the remaining shampoo clean. After washing, rinse the curls with chamomile broth.

Salt shampoo

40 gr. Mix sea salt with 1 chicken egg, add 2 drops of burdock oil. Apply the mixture to the head, rub well into the root area and distribute over the entire length.

Keep hair in this state for 25 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

An important point: rub in the salt shampoo carefully, with massage movements, so as not to damage the scalp and roots.

Egg shampoo

Stir four chicken yolks until foamy and apply on curls.

Wait 40-50 minutes, rinse.

With eggs, sea salt and grape oil

Take one whole chicken egg, froth, add 2/3 tbsp. sea ​​salt, 5 drops of grape oil and half a tablespoon of lemon juice.

Spread the mixture onto wet hair, rinse off after 90-120 minutes.

Bread shampoo

Take a few slices of rye bread, get rid of the crusts, remove the crumb. Pour the crumb with boiled cool water exactly at the level of the location of the bread, no more, no less. Remove the composition in a cool place for an hour and a half, then strain from small crumbs and liquid. Add 2 beaten chicken yolks to the bread porridge, mix thoroughly, add 4 drops of peach oil.

Apply the mixture to moisturized hair, rubbing into the roots. Soak for 25 minutes, rinse under high pressure of water to wash out the remains of the bread.

Rye flour shampoo

50 gr. combine rye flour with 0.5 l of low-fat kefir, add 2 chicken yolks, 2 tsp. fresh lemon juice. Stir until a thick, homogeneous porridge. Wear the composition on the head for 0.5 hour, rinse with contrasting water.

Kefir in this recipe can be replaced with water, then add 1 tsp to the mixture. any oil to choose from: olive, grape, peach, castor.

Clay shampoo

50 gr. gray (pink or green) clay pour 0.5 cups of milk, stir until thick sour cream. You need to keep the composition for no more than 20 minutes, otherwise you can dry your hair. To soften, you can add a couple of drops of your favorite oil to the mixture. Peach, burdock and olive are perfect here.

Herbal shampoo

Connect 3 tbsp. l. dry chamomile, 1 tsp. ivan tea and 1 tsp. motherwort, add 2 chicken yolks and 0.5 tsp. soda.

Keep the mixture on your head for 30-40 minutes.

Nettle shampoo

100 g fresh (3 tbsp. l. dry type of plant) pour 250 ml of boiling water, knead well. Add softened bread crumb and 1 tsp. coconut oil.

Soak on the head for 20 minutes, rinse.

Tar soap is a salvation for hair. It strengthens the hair shaft, promotes rapid recovery, eliminates itching and flaking, and also removes excess sebum and dandruff.

If you regularly clean your curls with tar soap for 3 weeks, you can achieve good results.

Tar shampoo recipe: grind the soap in such an amount to make 3 tbsp. l. soap crumbs. Then dilute them in 250 ml of water heated to 37 degrees, sprinkle with the juice of half a lemon. Apply to moisturized hair for 7-10 minutes, rinse with warm water. Rinse the curls in chamomile broth.

Basic rules for washing

To achieve a good result, you must adhere to the recommendations:

  • before washing your head with tar soap, you should achieve the optimal water temperature: about 37-38 degrees. Otherwise, foam will form and the hair will become dull;
  • you cannot use the soap bar in its usual form. The best option is to grind it into crumbs.
  • it is necessary to start washing from the roots so that the weak ends do not dry out even more;
  • you can use tar soap on curls for a maximum of 5 minutes, because it dries the skin;
  • after using tar, rinse hair with lemon or soda solution.

How to rinse your hair (5 recipes for balms and decoctions)

Herbal teas are a good alternative to cosmetic rinses and balms. They saturate the hair with useful substances, strengthen and prevent the death of hair follicles.

Anti-hair loss balm

50 gr. combine onion juice with 1 tbsp. l. vodka, add 30 gr. broth of burdock and 1 tsp. aloe juice.

Massage the mixture into the hair roots, wait 3 hours, then rinse.

Honey balm

2 tbsp. l. dissolve amber honey in 1 glass of water at 40-degree temperature.

Apply the product to the root zone. Do not rinse.

Hop cones rinse decoction

100 g put the hop cones in a glass or enamel bowl and pour 2 liters of water, boil in a water bath, cool, strain and squeeze.

Rinse your head with this broth after each wash.

Burdock broth

Pour a few burdock roots with water and boil over low heat until they become soft.

Strain, let it sit for 50 minutes, use as directed.

Calendula decoction

3 tbsp. l. boil dry inflorescences of calendula in 1 liter of water, pour in 1 tsp. coconut milk and 2 drops of lemon juice.

Use as directed.

How to care for your hair after washing

Hair treatment consists not only in the correct washing procedure, but also in the subsequent care measures.


An effective means of combating and preventing hair loss is head massage. It stimulates blood circulation, contributing to the saturation of the hair follicles with useful elements and minerals. This restores and strengthens the curls.

Basic manipulations during massage: warming up the skin, pinching, stroking, squeezing and stretching. It is necessary to start from the forehead and lead in circular movements to the back of the head along the hairline. To improve the result, you can use burdock oil.

You can do massage not only with your hands, but also with a brush. To do this, you need to take a comb with high-quality wooden bristles and gently move in circular movements along the head.

Massage Technique Tips:

  • thumbs for support, the rest for mechanical manipulation;
  • first you need to grind the skin, relax, and then proceed to intensified actions;
  • to consolidate the result, a self-massage session should be carried out every day for 2 to 3 months. After the expiration of the term - several times a week to prevent hair loss.

Hair loss masks (5 recipes)

Kefir mask

Heat 1 glass of fatty kefir, add 1 tbsp. l. warm liquid flower honey and 2 tsp. aloe juice. To stir thoroughly. Apply to the head warm, wrap with cellophane and a towel.

Leave the mask for 45 minutes, rinse with a neutral shampoo.

Mask "5 oils"

Mix in equal proportions (1 to 1, based on the thickness and size of the hair) wheat germ oil, burdock, castor, grape and coconut oil. Apply in a thick layer to the hair and then over the entire length. Provide warmth with a towel and rubber cap.

Hold for at least 1 hour, rinse thoroughly.

Mayonnaise mask

1/3 cup of ordinary mayonnaise (with the most natural composition or, best of all, homemade) combine with 2 tsp. aloe juice and 1 tbsp. l. peach oil.

Apply to wet, dirty hair for 40 minutes. Rinse thoroughly, rinse your head with a neutral shampoo.

Sea buckthorn oil mask

Beat 3 chicken yolks until foamy, add 4 tbsp. l. sea ​​buckthorn oil.

Lay on hair, cover with cellophane. Wash off after 1.5 hours.

Mustard Pepper Mask

45 gr. mustard powder combine with 1 tbsp. l. red pepper, add 3 chicken yolks and 0.5 tsp. soda. Mix the composition thoroughly, stand for 20 minutes and apply to the curls.

Wait 40-50 minutes, and then rinse under a contrast shower. Apply to head, provide warmth. Wash off after 2 - 2.5 hours.

The condition of the curls strongly depends on what they are washed with and how they are washed. In order for the curls to always be well-groomed and attractive, you need to be serious about the choice of care products, as well as take care of prevention.

Each person washes their hair. The frequency is different for everyone, but at least once in their life, anyone has come across this procedure and did not really think about how to wash their hair correctly. Manipulation has a lot of subtleties that you need to know if you want to have healthy and beautiful hair.

How to wash your hair correctly

The first question concerns the frequency of the procedure: how many times a week should you wash your hair? The answer is purely individual, because a person should be guided by the type of hair and skin, the length of the curls, the rate of pollution, the season. People who wash their hair once every 6-7 days (they don't need it anymore) can be called lucky, the rest have to resort to the procedure much more often. The average frequency of care is 2-3 times a week. Those who constantly use varnishes and gels need to wash their hair with mild shampoos every day.


How to properly wash a dirty head and do I need to prepare for the procedure? This stage is very important as it helps to make the hair beautiful and manageable. Important rules:

  • Comb your curls well before washing. This will remove dead skin cells from your skin and then wash them out. As a result, strands will shine with shine and purity.
  • The maximum water temperature is 37 ° C.
  • To prevent the hair from becoming coarse and dull, you must use soft melted water, spring or distilled water. You can boil it.
  • Prepare rinse water. After washing in hard water, rinse your head with a weak vinegar solution (for 1 liter, 1-2 teaspoons of vinegar). If you don't want to smell sweet with vinegar, replace it with lemon juice (for 1 liter of lemon). The water temperature should be about 22 ° C, which will help close the hair scales.
  • In some cases, cool water can make the hair harder. Watch the reaction of your hair: if a low temperature aggravates the situation, heat the water to 37 ° C.

Choosing a shampoo and conditioner

Give preference to a product with the most natural composition. The main task of the shampoo is to wash away the dirt from the hair well, but there are still a lot of requirements put forward to it. You need to choose a tool according to different criteria. The first criterion is hair type:

  • For owners of dry curls, shampoo with collagen, proteins, plant extracts is suitable. These components restore the structure of the curl, moisturize the scalp.
  • For a normal type, use a product that can maintain the optimal water-fat balance of the scalp. The shampoo should not contain drying components or an abundance of nutrients.
  • Fatty at the roots and overdried at the ends of the strands require a product containing microspheres, microsponges. They do an excellent job of removing oil and nourishing dry hair.
  • Good professional shampoos include mild ingredients: TEA lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, TEA laureth sulfate.
  • The more common constituents are ammonium lauryl sulfate, ammonium laureth sulfate. The latter cleanse the curls well, but can be harmful - dry out the scalp.

Another important point is additional functions: damaged strands need keratin, lecithin, B vitamins, jojoba oil or burdock oil. There are shampoos for colored, curly, fine hair, anti-dandruff, etc. It is advisable to buy the conditioner from the same brand as the shampoo. For preventive purposes, with a normal structure, use a lightweight remedy. A regenerating conditioner suitable for damaged hair, often used as a mask. It is not recommended to use the product with silicone on colored hair.

Washing and rinsing

How to properly wash your hair with shampoo? It is necessary to apply the product twice, since the dirt is partially washed off during the first run. Dampen the strands well so that there are no dry and barely damp areas. Pour the shampoo on the palm of your hand, lather it with water, and only then treat your hair. Using your fingertips, rub the product into the scalp, distribute along the length, moving from roots to ends. Do not keep shampoo on for more than 1 minute.

When your hair is clean, rinse it with warm running water. The strands should creak. Too hard water must be softened - acidified. To strengthen the curls, you can rinse your head with an herbal infusion. It is useful to use chamomile, nettle, peppermint, sage, calendula. In this case, be sure to take into account your hair type and color, tendency to dry or oily skin.

How to dry and comb your hair

It is not enough to wash your hair correctly, you must still not make mistakes when drying and combing it. All girls and women should know:

  • The strands cannot be twisted. Squeeze them gently to allow excess water to glass.
  • You need to wipe your head with a warm towel from roots to ends. All manipulations must be gentle.
  • Do not try to wipe the strands dry.
  • The best hair dryer is natural, but not cold. It is also not recommended to expose wet strands to direct sunlight.
  • Disassemble long curls with your hands and leave in a free position until completely dry.
  • If using a hair dryer, turn on the cold air and keep the device 30-40 cm away from your head.
  • Do not comb wet hair! Only when they are completely dry, use a thin comb or natural bristle comb (set aside hard).

Shampooing your hair

It is very difficult to find a natural remedy, so many more and more resort to washing their hair instead of shampoo with food or other harmless substances. They are no worse than industrial designs, and they treat hair more carefully. Folk recipes are still popular among the owners of beautiful strands. Having used grandma's funds once, you will understand why.


How to properly wash your hair with an egg so that it shines clean? For this purpose, use egg yolk. Oily hair must be treated with a mixture of yolk and lemon juice (50 ml). For the dry type, the composition is different: add 2 tbsp to the main ingredient. l. unrefined olive oil and 50 ml of cucumber juice. After the procedure, the hair may smell unpleasant; for this, rinse the strands with a solution of apple cider vinegar.

With soda

The proportion is as follows: add 2 cups of baking soda to 3 liters of water. Dip your hair into the solution and wait 3 minutes. Massage your scalp gently with your fingertips to create lather. The second method: prepare a thick gruel from water and soda, rub into the roots, beat a little foam. Rinse your head with a vinegar solution.

Laundry soap

After several treatments, you will notice that your hair is vibrant, healthy and manageable. Washing your hair with laundry soap is easy. First, prepare a solution: grate the soap and add water to it. Apply this liquid to your hair and scalp. To prevent the strands from getting sticky, rinse them with plenty of water and rinse with an acidified solution.

Rye flour

For medium hair length, take 3-4 tbsp. l. rye flour, dilute it with warm water. You can use brown bread instead of flour. Shake the mixture well to dissolve any lumps. The solution should turn slightly white. If desired, you can add egg yolk to it. Further actions:

  • apply the mixture evenly to the roots, distribute the residues through the hair;
  • go about your business for 3-5 minutes;
  • rinse your hair thoroughly: remove all grains of flour;
  • rinse the strands with water and apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.


The method is suitable for owners of oily hair. To prepare the mixture, you need 2 tbsp. l. mustard powder, 1 tsp. sugar, l of warm (!) water. To slightly soften the effect of mustard, add honey, egg yolk or kefir to the solution. Apply the composition to wet hair for 5-10 minutes. It is very important to rinse your hair well as the active substance particles dry out and become dandruff-like. Use a balm for your hair type, then be sure to rinse your head with acidified water.

Video: rules for washing your hair

Unfortunately, not all shampoos that can be found on store shelves are of high quality and healthy for hair. Those who do not trust the quality of commercial shampoos can use the recipes collected in this article. All of the listed ways to replace shampoo are available, simple and useful, making them an excellent alternative to purchased products.

  1. Instead of shampoo, you can wash your hair with an egg. Don't be surprised, egg yolk combined with water has excellent detergent properties. To make your egg shampoo, you need two yolks, half a glass of warm water, some lemon juice and olive oil. Stir all ingredients, then whisk well and apply to hair. After holding them on your hair for a few minutes, rinse off like a regular shampoo. Using this recipe every two washes, you will quickly see how soft and manageable your hair will become.

  2. Once upon a time, shampoos were not common, and instead our parents used soapy water successfully. However, if you wash your hair with any modern commercial soap - no matter whether it is for children or household soap, your head will most likely itch, and your hair will become dry and faded. Water made with your own hand-made soap will give a completely different result. Make your own soap, put the best oils in it - palm, coconut or any other according to your tastes, taking into account the type and condition of your hair. Such a composition will not harm your hair, since it will not contain substances harmful to the hair. You will see how pleasant and beneficial it is to wash your hair with such soap. We advise you to use this recipe every other time.

  3. Such available products as starch and mustard will also be able to replace the shampoo. They come in handy for creating dry shampoo. Rub a few tablespoons of starch with dry palms into the scalp, and then wipe your hair with a dry towel, removing the starch residues. By the same principle, you can use dry mustard or its solution. For the solution, you will need 5 tablespoons of mustard for two liters of water. It is necessary to rinse your hair with a mustard solution, massage your scalp and rinse your hair with water. If you wash your hair according to this recipe, for example, every other time, then after a month you will probably notice that your hair stays clean longer, and its appearance has noticeably improved.

  4. You can make your own shampoo. For example, here's a recipe for herbal and beer shampoo. To make such a shampoo, you will need a spoonful of calendula flowers, chamomile, a spoonful of oak bark and a glass of warm beer. Stir it all, strain after half an hour and use instead of your regular shampoo. The natural ingredients of such a remedy will help restore weakened hair by saturating it with essential vitamins.

  5. White clay has good detergent properties. It perfectly helps with seborrhea and dandruff, makes hair light and shiny. To use clay instead of shampoo, you need to dilute the clay powder to a mushy state, and then apply this gruel to your hair, massage and rinse. The result will certainly delight you, and most likely you will often start using clay instead of shampoo.

  6. There is an old alternative, rye bread. According to this recipe, the bread crumb should be soaked in water and left in a warm place for several days. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the head and hair and then rinsed with water. This method can significantly improve the condition of the hair and scalp, as rye bread contains, in particular, the B vitamin, which contributes to the growth and shine of hair. However, it is not a fact that even the constant use of rye bread, which is sold in the store today, will give the desired result. In addition, this method is very laborious and costly for daily use, it can be quite suitable when considered as a mask.

  7. Try baking soda. Soda is very good at cleansing hair from chemical formations. The recipe for this "shampoo" is extremely simple - it's just an aqueous solution of soda. Its concentration depends on the type of your hair. You can only find the right amount of soda empirically, and start from one tablespoon per glass of water. You can moisten your head with a saline solution and massage the hair roots, and then rinse off like a regular shampoo. There is no need to use the entire prepared solution in one wash. A glass of such a tool can last for a week or two with reasonable spending.

  8. Use apple cider vinegar as a conditioner. This product is very beneficial for hair, it makes it easier to detangle, regulates its pH-balance, smoothes the cuticle. A mixture of 1 tablespoon of vinegar diluted in a glass of water lasts for a long time. Unused mixture can be poured through a funnel into an old conditioner bottle and consumed as needed.

Constant use of the shampoo is addictive, and the first time after you stop using it, the hair will get dirty faster. This period can last from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, it all depends on the characteristics of your hair. Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with that, the hair just gets used to more gentle removal of dirt from the hair. Over time, excess sebum will no longer be produced. In any case, if the transition period is prolonged, you can use less vinegar if this is the recipe, or rinse your hair with lemon juice.

Too dry hair can be moisturized by using honey instead of apple cider vinegar as a conditioner.

Of course, giving up shampoo, it is worth giving up other hair care products - lipsticks, varnishes or gels. Yes, additional funds are not needed - the hair becomes obedient and lies surprisingly well.

It is very helpful to use alternative products when washing children when the scalp produces significantly less oil.

The last of the proposed methods, namely the use of baking soda and vinegar, will be very unsuitable for owners of dry hair. Baking soda and vinegar are very good for oily hair, because they significantly dry the skin and hair.

How to care for oily hair?

If your hair turns oily quickly, the ends are not split, after washing there is no feeling of tightness of the scalp - congratulations! You are the owner of oily hair! Let's try to figure out whether you should be upset about this, or is it better to be happy.

Oily hair is a real hassle. After all, they have to be washed almost every day, as they quickly become salted. And this happens due to a violation of the secretion of the sebaceous glands, which are located in the hair follicles. The concept of "oily hair" is not entirely correct, since the scalp is oily, but because the fat very quickly forms a thin film over the entire surface of the hair, the hair becomes oily too.

But oily hair also has a ton of positives. So, for example, thanks to the oily film, your hair will be reliably protected from external negative environmental influences. They are not afraid of either heat or cold. And the owners of oily hair do not face such a problem as split ends.

If you take proper care of your oily hair, it will no longer be a hassle for you. Experienced trichologists say that care for oily hair much easier than dry. A beauty pantry will tell you how to do it correctly.

General rules for the care of oily hair.

1. The most important rule is to wash your hair as needed. Forget about washing your hair too often. This is not true. If you find the right shampoo for oily hair care, it will only benefit them. Try to find a shampoo that is as low in additives and fragrances as possible.

2. Do not use soap instead of shampoo, as it dries out the hair, it loses strength and becomes brittle and dull.

3. Wash your hair in warm water, as hot water stimulates the sebaceous glands and hair becomes even more oily.

4. Lather your hair with shampoo several times.

6. Try to use a hair dryer to dry oily hair as little as possible.

7. Long hair becomes oily faster than short hair. Therefore, it is best to have a fashionable haircut. And it will become much easier to style your hair, and it will stay clean and well-groomed for much longer.

8. Watch your diet: as far as possible, exclude fatty, starchy, sweet, overly salty and spicy foods.

Oily hair care.

  • Now you can start washing your hair directly. Thoroughly lather the shampoo with water in a separate bowl, and apply to the hair and only then gently apply it to the hair. This method does not injure the hair. Foam is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the hair and gets rid of grease and dirt.
  • Rinse off the shampoo as thoroughly as possible.
  • After shampooing, apply a mask for oily hair that you can easily prepare yourself: 1 h. Mix a spoonful of vodka and 1 teaspoon of water with the yolk and apply the resulting mass to the hair. Leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • And do not forget to rinse your hair with homemade lotions for oily hair or infusions after each wash. Add lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to the water for a great hair rinse.
  • Hair is best dried naturally. Don't rub them too hard with a towel or blow dry.

Washing head- the most frequent hair care procedure, so it needs to be given special attention. Many people think that this is a simple procedure and it is enough to wet your hair, “lather” your head and rinse with water. But just while washing, girls make common mistakes that can damage their hair.
Read our updated article "".

Hair washing rules:

1. Comb your hair thoroughly before washing. Thanks to this, the hair will not get tangled up when washing, and the comb will remove some of the styling products, dandruff and dirt. It's just as good to do before washing.

2. If you are the owner of dry and colored hair, then it is advisable to do a head massage before washing. Massage should be done in a circular motion, while you can rub castor, hemp and other oils into the scalp. The procedure should be done for 10-15 minutes.

3. The water temperature should not be hot. Hot water provokes dryness and flaking. But you don't need to make it cold either. The temperature should be around 50 degrees Celsius. Such water well removes impurities and sebum, improves blood circulation in the head. At the end of the wash, it is useful to rinse them with cold water, thanks to which the hair will shine more and the pores that we opened with hot water will close.

4. Experts advise applying shampoo to the scalp, not to the hair, because it is the scalp that produces sebum. During washing, it will correctly move from the roots to the tips, since this direction coincides with the direction of the scales. Also, during washing, it is undesirable to tangle the hair and rub it against each other. Do not use your nails when massaging your head!

5. When washing, you need to rinse your hair well. The hair products we use, especially the shampoos, are very effective, so you shouldn't apply a lot of shampoo when washing, it won't make them cleaner. Rather, on the contrary, it is better to apply quite a bit of shampoo and rub it into the scalp. 6. Rinse off shampoo liberally. It is necessary to wash off the shampoo several times longer than to wash and lather your hair. If the hair is not rinsed well, it will quickly become dirty, look dull, and will not shine. Rinse off until hair "squeaks" under your fingers.

7. After washing, it is advisable to use balms. Apply the conditioner (balm) to the hair, slightly receding from the roots, keep as much as indicated on the package. Then rinse with cool water. 8. Dry your hair carefully. Never rub them with a towel. It is better if you lightly brush your hair with a towel, and then dry on your own. The hair dryer spoils and dries the hair very much. Always use a clean towel, otherwise bacteria on the towel can be a source of dandruff. Do not comb your hair immediately after washing, let it dry first.
Thanks to these manipulations, your hair will be beautiful, full of shine and health! Hair is a wealth that needs to be protected.