How to deliver at home? Physical preparation for home birth: Pilates, fitball. Late visit to the hospital

If a woman does not have time to get to the hospital, and the child is about to be born, you need to take delivery yourself. What needs to be done and how to help the baby to be born?

It may happen that childbirth is in full swing, and the child will be born in the near future, and you do not have time to get to the hospital. In this case, the main thing is not to panic and gather strength.

To hurry or not?

First, you need to determine at what stage of labor you are. If the uterus periodically tenses and then relaxes and this happens at regular intervals, then these are contractions. In the event that the maternity hospital is 2-3 hours away, you need to go urgently. There is a chance that you will have time to get to the hospital before the end of the birth.

If you feel that the uterus is contracting after 1-2 minutes and at the same time there are sensations as if you really want to go to the toilet "in a big way", then these are attempts. Then it is better to stay put and not strive to be in time in the hospital.

First steps

On the road
You need to decide if someone can help you. For example, if you are traveling by train, bus, etc., immediately notify the driver or conductor that you are giving birth. Ask those around you if there is a doctor among them, and if not, ask someone from the passengers to help you.

If you are alone at home, try to find a mate among the neighbors. And of course, call 03 and call an ambulance. A dispatcher or an ambulance doctor will be able to advise you by phone when receiving a call until the doctors arrive. You can also call the maternity hospital (the maternity hospital phone number is sometimes indicated in the exchange card). Its staff will be able to advise you on what to do and how to do it. If there is no helper, the main thing is not to panic, concentrate, as only you can help the baby to be born.

Preparing everything you need

During childbirth, the following things may be needed:

  • iodine or any other disinfectant solution (brilliant green, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, vodka, cologne);
  • clean diapers, sheets or shirts, T-shirts, any cotton cloth;
  • thread, a piece of bandage or strips of clean cloth;
  • scissors or knife, blade;
  • clean water (ideally boiled);
  • a rubber bulb or any thin elastic tube.

If possible, the knife and threads should be boiled or immersed in an alcohol solution.

Actions during childbirth with an assistant: what to do for a woman in labor

  1. Take off all clothing below the waist.
  2. Take a half-sitting position, resting your back on something hard, or lying down.
  3. Try to relax and focus on the birthing process.
  4. At the beginning of the push, you need to take a deep breath, hold your breath, press your chin to your chest and push hard, directing the effort to the perineum. Then you need to exhale smoothly, take a deep breath again and continue to push. For one fight, you should push 3 times.

Actions during childbirth with a helper: what to do for a helper

  1. Wash your hands with soap and water and then rub with alcohol, iodine, or other disinfectant solution.
  2. Place a clean sheet or diaper under the woman in labor.
  3. Treat the external genitals, perineum and inner thighs of a woman with a disinfectant solution (this should be done from the perineum to the thighs), after wetting a piece of cotton wool or bandage in it.
  4. Put your hand on the perineum as soon as the head begins to appear, and move its tissues from the fetal head (this will help to avoid tears).
  5. Manage the attempts of the woman in labor: as soon as the baby's head is half-born, the woman should be asked not to push, but to breathe frequently and shallowly, inhaling air through the nose and exhaling through the mouth.

After full birth of the fetal head

  1. After the full birth of the fetal head, ask the woman in labor to start pushing again, substituting her left hand from below under the baby's head.
  2. After the head of the fetus turns its face towards the woman's right or left thigh, you need to slightly raise it up - this will give the opportunity to give birth to the lower shoulder, and then gently pull it down - the upper shoulder will appear, and then the entire fetus.
  3. The newborn should be placed below the woman's crotch - on the floor if the woman in labor is lying there, or on a stool if she is on an armchair or sofa.
  4. Suck mucus and amniotic fluid from the baby's nose and mouth using a rubber bulb or tube.

Umbilical cord preparation and first newborn care

  1. Tie the newborn's umbilical cord with threads or a bandage in two places - 10 cm above the navel and stepping back from the first knot by another 10 cm.Then cut the umbilical cord with scissors or a knife, lubricate the cut with iodine, alcohol or vodka and make a bandage from the bandage.
  2. Wipe the baby's skin with a blotting motion to remove amniotic fluid and lubricant using a diaper or any clean cloth, then wrap the newborn in a clean diaper or sheet.
  3. Attach the newborn to the breast of the woman in labor.

How to help a woman in labor get out of labor

  1. Ask the woman to push after the separation of the placenta (signs of separation of the placenta are the release of blood and lengthening of the umbilical cord) and gently pulling the umbilical cord to remove it.
  2. Place the afterbirth in a plastic bag or wrap in a clean cloth.
  3. Place an ice pack, cold water bottle, or any freezer pack on the woman's lower abdomen, wrapped in a clean cloth.
  4. Wash or wipe the woman's crotch with a clean cloth, and if there are tears, then treat them with iodine or another disinfectant solution, and then cover the woman in labor with a sheet or blanket.

Actions during childbirth without a helper

Until the full birth of the fetal head

  1. Find a comfortable place and remove clothing from your lower body.
  2. Sit half-sitting, if possible, leaning your back on something hard, and bend your knees.
  3. Place something clean under yourself and for the convenience of monitoring the birth of a child, put a mirror in front of the perineum.
  4. It is necessary to push as described above.
  5. As soon as the baby's head is born, you need to place your hands underneath the buttocks and support it.

After the full birth of the fetus

  1. After the birth of the baby, it is necessary to gradually, slowly, stretch it along the pubis and put it on its stomach.
  2. Wipe the newborn's nose and mouth with a clean cloth.
  3. Place the baby to the breast.
  4. When a contraction appears, push for the afterbirth to be born.
  5. Tie and cut the umbilical cord as described above.
  6. Wrap the child in something warm, and if there is nothing, then place it on your chest and cover it with your clothes.

After childbirth - to the hospital

After the end of childbirth, the woman and the newborn must be delivered to the hospital as soon as possible. The obstetrician-gynecologist will examine the birth canal and, if ruptures are found, will suture them. And the pediatrician will examine the newborn and properly process the umbilical cord. After these procedures, the mother and baby will be transferred to the postpartum department and will be monitored for several days.

It is permissible to give birth outside the maternity hospital only if there is no way to get to it
no possibility. Deliberately giving birth at home is strongly discouraged.
Only in the maternity hospital will both the woman and the baby be provided with a qualified medical
assistance and all measures were taken to avoid serious complications.

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A hundred years ago, women gave birth at home. Most often, midwives or neighbors came to the rescue, whose knowledge about the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy and childbirth was mainly limited only by their own life experience.

It was customary in families to have many children, and the death of a baby or mother was perceived with the philosophical humility of believers in God and the afterlife of people.

With the development of medical science, society came to the need to organize special maternity hospitals, where women were provided with qualified medical care at the stage of pregnancy and childbirth. Thanks to this, the death rate of newborns has decreased tenfold. Fewer and fewer families lost their desired children and their mothers.

The organization of the obstetric service has undergone global changes in recent years. Pregnancy management, childbirth and postpartum care, examination and treatment of women and newborns are becoming more and more high-tech. Due to the enormous high cost of modern medical equipment, the cost of maintaining effective intensive care units, maternity hospitals with a small number of beds are gradually being closed. In parallel, large specialized medical centers are being formed, in which pregnant women from the moment of conception to childbirth, as well as infants, are provided with the necessary volume of medical care at the highest level. Thanks to the concentration of the best medical personnel in these institutions, their constant training and the rapid introduction of new progressive technologies, it was possible to reduce infant and maternal mortality to the level of the most highly developed countries of Western Europe.

What is home birth

Home birth is understood as a situation in which their labor period and the birth of a fetus occurs outside the walls of a medical institution. It can be:

  • home birth, when a gynecologist or midwife invited in advance is next to the woman in labor. This is the most favorable option;
  • rapid childbirth, catching a woman anywhere(public transport, at home, in a shop, in a clinic). Often, the opening of the cervix occurs so quickly that they simply do not have time to seek qualified medical help. In such cases, both the mother and the baby are at high risk of trauma, infection, hypothermia, bleeding, and the baby often develops pneumonia due to aspiration of amniotic fluid.
  • home birth or having a baby on the way to the hospital when the obstetric allowance is provided by the specialists of the ambulance team. This happens with late treatment or when a woman does not want to give birth in a maternity facility. Such situations can be led by the belief that one should go to the hospital not with the onset of labor, but only with severe contractions, the time interval between which does not exceed 10 minutes, or after the amniotic fluid has left. There are individual characteristics of the course of labor, in which the dilatation of the cervix at the final stage of labor after a relatively slow onset can occur very quickly and be taken by surprise.

Benefits of home birth

In the 70s of the last century, a wave of purulent-septic diseases among newborn children and their mothers in the postpartum period swept through obstetric institutions of all developed countries of the World. Pyoderma, pemphigus, omphalitis, pneumonia, severe gastroenteritis, meningitis, osteomyelitis, mastitis and endometritis were recorded with alarming frequency, difficult to treat, leading in some cases to disability and even death of babies and women. Very soon it was found out that the culprit of the epidemic was the staphylococcus microbe, which lives in the walls of maternity hospitals and is resistant to the antibiotics and disinfectants used. It was then that they began to look for ways to prevent nosocomial infection. One of the methods proposed for consideration was home birth.

What are the benefits of having a home birth?

  1. The child is in contact with a sharply limited number of people, which significantly reduces the risk of transmitting disease-causing microbes to him.
  2. There is no threat of nosocomial infection.
  3. By transferring her microorganisms to the newborn baby during childbirth and subsequent contacts with him, the mother simultaneously protects him from them thanks to the immune factors contained in breast milk.
  4. A woman giving birth in her usual home conditions, with the support of family members, experiences less psychological stress.

Today, almost all obstetric medical institutions have adopted the useful features of home birth. Widely practiced partner childbirth, when the father is constantly next to the woman in labor, first picks up the baby and cuts his umbilical cord. Postpartum wards function on the principle of permanent joint stay of the baby with the mother. Early initiation of breastfeeding is actively promoted. A woman with a normal postpartum period is discharged with a healthy baby home for 3-6 days. In order to minimize the time of contact of the postpartum woman with the hospital microflora, even after the caesarean section, the length of stay in the hospital is increasingly reduced, and the stitches are removed in the clinic at the place of residence.

Dangers of Home Delivery

Even a childbirth organized in advance and carried out in the presence of invited medical workers is a great risk to the health, and sometimes the life of the mother and baby. Indeed, during this very serious and complex process, it is almost impossible to foresee everything.

What is the risk of a mother during childbirth at home:

  1. The emergence of discoordination of labor, complicated by the threat of rupture of the uterus or, conversely, a pronounced weakness of contractions up to their complete cessation.
  2. Dense increment of the placenta with massive early postpartum hemorrhage. Undiagnosed endometritis complicated by late bleeding.
  3. The development of a clinical discrepancy between the sizes of the pelvis and the head of the fetus, requiring the urgent use of various auxiliary aids (for example, the imposition of a vacuum aspirator or obstetric forceps), up to a cesarean section. In such cases, delay can be complicated by a discrepancy or rupture of the pubic bones in a woman, severe trauma to the skull or spinal cord in a child, or intrauterine fetal death.
  4. The threat of an unproductive period of fetal expulsion due to a very short umbilical cord or not diagnosed prenatally congenital malformations (for example, a dermoid cyst in the neck). Without an urgent caesarean section, a viable and healthy fetus will inevitably die before birth.

What is the risk of the child? In the presence of a severe intrauterine infection or birth trauma, anomalies in the development of the lungs or heart, during intrauterine aspiration (inhalation) of amniotic fluid, emergency resuscitation may be required, which can only be provided by specially trained qualified specialists using expensive diagnostic and medical equipment. Clamping of the umbilical cord loops during the opening of the cervix and the rotation of the fetal body in the uterus is fraught with acute severe hypoxia, as a result of which, without emergency delivery, the brain is damaged or the fetus dies.

In the fiction of the 18-20 centuries, cases of the death of young women during childbirth or from postpartum fever, the suffering of mothers who gave birth to a still child or lost it in early infancy are often described. Even representatives of the upper strata of society and the wealthy estates were not immune from such a disaster. Even from school, we know about the death of the young wife of the aristocrat Andrei Bolkonsky from the novel by A. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Our generation is much more fortunate: we can use the latest achievements of modern medicine. This reliably insures us against unforeseen, hazardous to health and life, situations that may occur during pregnancy or childbirth. And after the death of the desired baby and the experience of birth pangs, it is very difficult to psychologically and physically recover and decide on a second pregnancy. So is it worth risking your future?

To begin with, let's figure it out: why are modern women interested in how to give birth on their own and decide to give birth at home? After all, now medicine has made great strides forward to provide comfort in institutions specially adapted for this.

It should be noted that childbirth at home can be both planned (when the expectant mother independently decides that the child will be born in such conditions and surrounded by loved ones), and emergency (when it is impossible for medical or any other reasons to go to the hospital and have to take delivery right in the apartment or elsewhere). This solution has its pros and cons.

The main advantages

Before making a choice, you should clearly realize that even minor complications can have an extremely negative effect on the final result. In the end, the choice is between full-fledged hospital care with serious equipment, but with the loss of time for delivering the woman in labor to a medical facility, and an emergency home birth.

The advantages of the latter option may be that the woman has almost complete freedom. Unlike the strict hospital regime, where every action of the patient is under the supervision of the staff, here the expectant mother can move independently, communicate with her loved ones, and so on.

In addition, a home environment is preferable in that women in labor can assume comfortable body positions for childbirth, whereas in a hospital setting they would have to adjust themselves to a standardized position that does not always seem comfortable and allows you to relax. The home environment relaxes and sometimes so relaxes expectant mothers that they are able to endure childbirth even without special pain medications.


Home birth without a midwife is not acceptable. If an experienced obstetrician can somehow compensate for the lack of serious equipment and resuscitation, then without him the chances of a successful birth are already very small. But even with the presence of such a specialist, there are a number of contraindications that should be taken into account in advance:

  • The presence of severe pathological diseases such as epilepsy, hypertension, or diabetes.
  • When childbirth was already underway using a cesarean section.
  • Identification of any pathologies or other problems in the baby on an ultrasound scan.
  • If the expectant mother as a whole does not cope well with her condition.
  • When psychotropic substances (alcohol, drugs) were used throughout the entire period of pregnancy.
  • If a woman is carrying two or three babies at once.
  • Breech presentation of the fetus.
  • When premature labor began (up to 37 weeks), or if vice versa, they are delayed and it is already 41 or 42 weeks.

Thus, home birth should be chosen only when the mother is healthy and there are no problems with natural birth.

Modern hospitals are equipped with everything necessary to ensure the comfort of women in childbirth. You can take an accompanying person with you, choose different options for childbirth: from classic to childbirth in the bathroom. You can always take with you a specialist whom the patient trusts to be there during the contractions. But the most important thing is the availability of special medical equipment and medical personnel ready to help in any emergency. All this is an undeniable argument in favor of hospital birth.

What you need to pay attention to

There are a number of warning signs that will need to be told to specialists if they arise in the process. Here are the symptoms to watch out for:

  • Identification of fecal residues in waste water.
  • Heavy uterine bleeding.
  • The emergence of problems with the exit of the child.
  • Contractions stop or don't progress as they should.

If childbirth is planned, then in the event of any of the above signs, the specialist involved in childbirth is obliged to immediately send the woman in labor to the hospital for emergency measures.

There are situations when you do not need to wait or specifically induce childbirth at home. These include fleeting labor that begins suddenly and the birth of a child can occur literally within half an hour. The second and third childbirth in a woman is most often impetuous. In such a situation, you should calm down and call an ambulance by requesting the help of a consultant by phone.

In the future, you will definitely need boiled water and disinfectants like iodine or alcohol, as well as a clean cloth or sheets. In addition, you need to prepare gauze, bandages, scissors and surgical suture, medical bulb or pipette. All instruments must be sterilized. You will also need underwear and diapers for the baby.

Help for a woman in labor

There is also a common situation - when the expectant mother is at home alone or together with a person who is unable to provide qualified medical support. In this case, a logical question arises: what should the assistant do, how to deliver? The answer is simple: specifically during childbirth, he can only wait until the baby's head appears and, if possible, support the expectant mother morally.

The assistant can support the pubis with one hand and the perineum with the other, preventing its possible rupture. When one shoulder of the child is already visible, the other must be gently turned around for free passage. After that, childbirth will go much easier. It is also necessary to constantly support the woman in labor morally so that she pushes and does not panic.

Preparing for childbirth

First of all, you need to try to catch the timing of contractions, by which the birth of a baby is determined. Their intensity will increase over time, and the intervals will decrease. But in some cases, the cervix opens too soon, and the contractions immediately turn into powerful attempts that drive the fetus out of the womb. If childbirth began at home, then it is recommended to first cleanse the intestines (make an enema) so as not to stain and infect the baby.

The first rule in case of rapid childbirth, when there is no way to get to the hospital, is not to panic. The very first action that both the woman in labor and those close to her should carry out is to soberly assess the existing supply of time and opportunities.

Determine the onset of labor

Consider how labor begins. The start of the generic process is the first stage, that is, contractions. These are strong and pulling cramps in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. Labor begins when these spasms recur regularly, with the duration of one contraction being 1-2 minutes with equal intervals between them. Completely, the first stage can last from 2 to 20 hours with a gradual reduction in the intervals between spasms.

Time estimation - will we make it in time or not?

Already at the beginning of labor, most pregnant women begin to panic and say that the baby is about to leave. This is due to severe emotional stress and is quite normal for a woman in this state, but you should not trust these words. You need to understand the very concept of childbirth and which stage the woman is in. If these are contractions, then there are still two hours left to get to the hospital. If these are attempts, that is, when the contraction of the uterus in a pregnant woman is observed every two to three minutes, then there is no spare time.

Actions to be taken by a woman in labor

The assistant helps the woman in labor morally, but she will have to cope with the rest on her own. First, the woman needs to undress and take a comfortable position for childbirth. The main task is to establish your own breathing. Concentrate on taking a deep breath and full exhalation. This will help relieve pain.

If, during contractions, the vagina protrudes and the back of the child's head begins to appear, then he is already ready to be born. An important point: a woman does not need to touch her crotch with her hands.

Attempts are the most difficult period

The second stage of childbirth begins - the intensification and frequency of contractions, the belly of the expectant mother is bursting, the abdominal muscles are strongly strained. Even before you start trying, you can enter a bath with 37-degree water - this will facilitate the process. Although contractions may stop, then the water should be cooled a couple of degrees, while gently massaging the nipples.

When the attempts began, during the contractions, the woman needs to breathe air into herself and, keeping it inside, begin to push, trying to push the fetus out of the body.

It is very convenient to do this while sitting in the bathroom; besides, a woman can lean on her own hands behind her back during attempts. Another common position is to squat across the bathroom, holding onto the sides with both hands, and push in this position. If the birth does not take place in water, it is better to give birth on all fours or squatting.

The right approach to pushing

It is necessary to learn the main thing: no matter what position the expectant mother chooses in advance, its correctness and convenience depends on the individual structure of the pelvis and the genital system. In the hospital, women in labor are often stimulated by external factors, using forceps, incisions. But at home, to speed up the process of childbirth, you can just change the position.

Thus, preparing for childbirth at home should also include the choice of a comfortable position for pushing - it is best to practice even before childbirth, based on your feelings.

The baby's head appears gradually during the attempts. This is the most painful period, because the muscle tension at this moment is simply incredible. It is important not to strain the perineum too much, try to relax and push constantly.

Just before the baby is born, blood is released from the vagina, so if the birth takes place in the bathtub, the assistant will take care of changing the water. The child comes out within two or three attempts. If he is born entwined with an umbilical cord, then it must be carefully unwound. After giving birth, the woman must be put to bed.

Exiting the placenta and cutting the umbilical cord

The withdrawal of the placenta, which occurs 20-40 minutes after the birth of the child, is accompanied by the release of a large amount of fluid. After the end of childbirth, you need to let the baby touch the mother's breast - this stimulates the separation of the placenta. Placenta delivery is not painful. The umbilical cord should be cut when the pulse inside it disappears.

How to cut and trim the umbilical cord correctly

The most important step to take after childbirth is to sever the mother's physical bond with her baby by severing the umbilical cord that connects them. It is necessary to tie the umbilical cord with a disinfected thread in two places - first at a distance of 10-12 cm from the child, and then after another 10 cm.Then cut the umbilical cord with sharp and sterile, preferably special medical scissors, and then treat it with a disinfectant. Make a cotton-gauze bandage.

What to do after the baby is born

Any healthy newborn will immediately start screaming, and over time, his body turns pink. When screaming, the lungs expand. It is recommended to clear the baby's nasal cavity from mucus with a rubber bulb so that he can breathe normally. If the child is not breathing, then he must be lifted upside down and lightly hit on the heels with your fingers. If after that the baby did not scream, then it is necessary to carry out resuscitation actions in the form of artificial respiration and indirect heart massage with two fingers. In the worst case, you need to pour cold water on the baby and rub his limbs. The main thing is to try to the end and not to panic.

Newborn care

The wet and slippery newborn is wrapped in fresh swaddling clothes. It should be placed next to the mother and the umbilical cord cut. A clean, sterile pad is placed on the woman's crotch and an ice pack is placed on her abdomen. Mom should hug the baby to her chest and in this position wait for the arrival of an ambulance, which will take a closer look at the condition of both.

This article will help you in an emergency not to get confused and to properly deliver at home.

With premature and rapid childbirth, a situation may arise when a woman has already begun to give birth, and the ambulance has not yet arrived. How to give birth and what kind of help a woman needs to be provided, we will describe below.

First, it is worth considering who falls under the risk group, the possibility of developing premature and rapid birth:

  • women under 20 and those over 30;
  • multiparous women;
  • if the threat of rapid or premature birth was previously indicated in the anamnesis;
  • multiple pregnancies, often prematurely.
Even if your case does not fall under the above risk groups, you should be ready for childbirth after 36 weeks. Gather documents and necessary things in advance, also think and plan how you will get to the hospital.

How to give birth at home

If you need to deliver at home, you need to know some information.

Signs that labor has begun:

  • discharge of amniotic fluid is approximately 1-1.5 liters. liquids. But do not confuse drainage with leakage, as it can only mean the threat of premature birth. In such a situation, immediately call an ambulance. The amniotic fluid should be transparent whitish. If the liquid is of a different color, this is a bad sign, and may mean a lack of oxygen in the child.
  • contractions are the next sign of labor. With rapid labor, contractions may be imperceptible, or felt as constant pain in the lower abdomen, since they are very frequent and prolonged, the uterus hardly relaxes. If you feel pain similar to menstrual pain, go to the hospital immediately.
  • the manifestation of attempts, when a woman feels the desire to push, means that the child will be born in a few minutes.
If you feel the above symptoms, you need to call an ambulance immediately. If you are caught on the road, for example on a train, or an airplane, ask the staff, they should know how to deliver, at least they should have a first aid kit.

If you feel that you cannot get to the hospital, then you should take the situation into your own hands. It is good for the woman to have someone to calm her down and help her.

In this situation, call for medical attention - this is the first thing you should do. They can tell you what to do on the phone. Panic shouldn't stop you from thinking - so calm down.

List of things you shouldn't go without when giving birth

  • alcohol or vodka;
  • bandages and cotton wool;
  • warm water;
  • clean sheets or diapers;
  • pear;
  • scissors.
The woman should take a comfortable lying position, or half-sitting on her side. Do not let the woman sit down, otherwise she risks pinching the fetus.

Wash your hands with rubbing alcohol (vodka).
When a baby is born, the head will first appear. Sometimes the baby is born in the fetal bladder, so it must be carefully pierced with scissors. Then use the pear to suck mucus from the baby's nose and mouth. Until the baby is born, fully support his head. If the baby's neck is wrapped around the umbilical cord, try to gently unwind it.

Before cutting the umbilical cord, tie it two centimeters from the baby's belly. Treat the baby's umbilical cord with iodine and wrap the baby in a heated diaper or sheet. Place the baby on the mother's chest.
Then the woman must give birth to the afterbirth, it must be carefully put in a plastic bag and handed over to the doctors when they arrive. Do not try to pull the umbilical cord!

Physicians, upon arrival, must immediately hospitalize the mother and child in the hospital to avoid complications.

We have all at least once heard a story about how "before women gave birth in the field, and nothing." Today, fortunately, every woman has the opportunity to give life to her baby in comfortable conditions under the supervision of experienced doctors. There are many at the service of expectant mothers - free and paid. But even now, not every woman is insured against the circumstances that force her to take such a step as giving birth at home. We are talking, of course, about or childbirth. There are factors that increase the risk of having a baby prematurely. These include:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • too young or, conversely, mature age of the expectant mother (less than 20 and more than 35 years);
  • a history of premature / rapid labor.

Also, the possibility of premature birth can be identified by the doctor in advance.

Moms at risk, of course, together with doctors, are taking measures so that the appearance of the baby does not catch them by surprise. Still, even increased caution does not always allow you to cope with the circumstances. In addition, women who are not at risk may suddenly experience premature birth. Therefore, information on how to give birth at home itself will be useful for any future mother. Remember that if a baby begins to be born, and you are at home alone or find yourself in a public place without loved ones, you must definitely ask someone for help. You can’t give birth to yourself! Throw away all doubts and timidity - after all, the health, and even the life of your crumbs, can depend on this. If you are at home, talk to your neighbors. If in a shopping center, then to one of the workers. Was there a police or fire brigade officer nearby? Consider yourself lucky. After all, they attended first aid courses, and they also tell how to give birth.

If your accidental assistant has little idea of ​​how to give birth to children at home, as well as how and what to do personally for him, then he needs to call an ambulance and ask for advice. He will be given detailed instructions. You can also dial the number of any maternity hospital.

How to deliver at home

The fact that the baby has already begun to be born, and your loved ones will have to give birth at home, are evidenced by several signs:

  • discharge (not leakage) of amniotic fluid;
  • contractions;
  • attempts.

If so far the waters have just receded, and the contractions have not yet made themselves felt, you can try to get to the maternity hospital (naturally, not alone, but accompanied by relatives). If you do not have a car and other opportunity to urgently get to the hospital, you need to call an ambulance. Do the doctors are late, and other signs have appeared, indicating that "the baby is getting out"? Then your family has no choice but to deliver at home.

Your household will need:

  • boiled water;
  • alcohol-containing solution (for example, vodka);
  • enema pear, pipette or tube;
  • sheets;
  • cotton wool;
  • scissors (they must be sterilized);
  • bandages;
  • very strong sanitized threads or fishing line.

Any items used during childbirth should be as clean as possible, if possible, sterilized or disinfected.

Before giving birth, you need to take care of the future mother herself and help her to take the most comfortable position by placing a clean sheet or diaper under her. Remember that you should never sit for a woman in labor! After all, so she can squeeze the head of the crumbs. The optimal position is half-sitting (on the side) or lying down.

You need to try to create the most relaxed atmosphere for the woman in labor, protecting the woman from extraneous noise and other external stimuli. It is necessary to provide the expectant mother with psychological support, massage her lower back, wipe her face with a damp cotton swab. It is necessary to monitor the woman's breathing: between contractions, it should be deep, through an open mouth.

The person giving birth must thoroughly wash their hands, treat them with an alcohol solution, and then lubricate their nails and fingers with iodine. If you have sterile gloves at home, you should definitely use them.

With a normal presentation of the fetus, the baby's head comes out first. At first she will appear as the back of her head, and then she will turn so that her face will "look" at the woman's thigh. After the turn has occurred, you need to free the mouth and nose of the crumbs from mucus. It can be sucked off with a pear, pipette or clean tube: hold the head with the left hand, and carry out the necessary actions with the right hand. Don't have any of the above? Then you need to take a clean napkin, put it on the baby's nose, and then gently squeeze out the mucus. When the head has come out, it must be held firmly. When the little body appears, it should also be held. You cannot pull the baby outward by force - there is a risk of damaging his spine.

Surprises for which the delivering person should be prepared for:

  • The baby may be born in the fetal bladder

This does not happen often, but you still need to keep it in mind. If the head appears outward in the bladder, this shell must be carefully torn off. Otherwise, it will interfere with the baby's breathing.

  • The umbilical cord can wrap around the neck of the baby

The head came out. The neck is shown outward. If the recipient sees that it is wrapped around the umbilical cord, then it must be carefully removed. In this case, the umbilical cord should not be pulled! If you cannot remove it from the neck without using force and tension, then you should not touch it!

The baby was born. It must be wiped off with a clean sheet or diaper. If the baby does not scream or does not breathe, then you need to slap him several times on the ass, back or heels, and then once again free the mouth and nose from mucus (using an enema, pipette, etc.). If there is no breathing after the elimination of mucus, the baby should be given artificial respiration.

Now you need to cut the umbilical cord. Remember, you cannot do this while it is pulsing. The fact is that when the baby comes out, a decent amount of blood (about 200 ml) flows from its body into the umbilical cord. This is necessary in order for the baby to "shrink" and be able to move in such tight conditions. When the baby is born, the blood from the umbilical cord flows back into his body. This usually takes 15-20 minutes. Therefore, it is necessary to cut the umbilical cord not earlier than the pulsation in it stops. Otherwise, the baby's body will have to cope with a lack of blood, and this is stressful for him. Some experts recommend waiting even longer (up to a day), but this is far from always feasible.

First, you should treat the areas of the umbilical cord that will be bandaged with a disinfectant solution. The first section is a few centimeters (2-3) further from the baby's umbilical ring. It must be tightly tied with a thread or fishing line. Then retreat from this site further ten centimeters. Make another dressing at this point. Now you need to take sterilized scissors and cut the umbilical cord in the very center between the above two dressings. The ends of the umbilical cord should be treated with a disinfectant (alcohol or iodine).

Now the baby can be dressed in diapers and given to a happy mom. It remains only to wait for the placenta to come out. The afterbirth is placed in a clean package (for example, a plastic bag) and given to doctors.

After a woman's birth at home has successfully taken place, she and her baby must be sent to the maternity hospital. This is necessary so that the doctors examine the happy mother and her baby and make sure that there are no complications and that nothing threatens their health.

Can I give birth at home of my own free will?

Not every expectant mother wants to give birth in a medical facility. She may have a lot of reasons for this. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to give birth at home without an emergency need arises.

The answer to this question is yes, but with a few caveats. Firstly, the birth of a baby at home must necessarily take place under the supervision of an experienced obstetrician. Secondly, if this is your first birth, it is better to trust a medical institution after all. You have not yet experienced in practice how it happens, so you do not know what to be ready for. Thirdly, even if you are perfectly prepared and know how to give birth at home, no expectant mother is immune from complications during childbirth. And if a medical institution has both personnel and everything necessary to eliminate the danger in time, then even the most highly qualified obstetrician may simply not be able to cope alone. In any case, this issue should be discussed with your doctor.