How to split loans taken marriage. How are loans for divorces - the rules of the section of credit obligations

According to the generally accepted legislation, the rules, all property acquired during a marriage, is recognized by the joint property of spouses. This provision applies to debt obligations. However, not everything is so unequivocal. Consider in the article by the situation in which the loan obtained by her husband is generally debt and is subject to paying both parties, and in which, recognized by the personal debt burden of the spouse and is not subjected to section.

Loans husband when divorced

  • It is not rare when pairs are disintegrated, it turns out that the parties have out of minded debts. For example, a standard situation: divorce, the husband took a loan, but did not have time to pay it, being in a registered marriage. If you do not take any action on this account, then the spouse continues to independently carry the burden of responsibility for the payment of the specified loan, unless otherwise provided by agreement of the parties. After all, according to the loan agreement, the borrower is a husband, and according to the general rule, no changes in the loan agreement, if this does not precede the mutual consent of the parties or the court decision.
  • In other words, the loan itself is not automatically divided by divorce if this provision is not agreed with the credit institution and there is no judicial act on this. Spouses together with the requirement of the division of property or as an independent statement, the issue of debts in court often decide.

According to part 3 of Article 39 of the Family Code, the total debts of the spouses in the section of the common property of the spouses are distributed between spouses to an equal degree - in accordance with them who awarded them.

  • Thus, for a start, it is necessary to recognize the debt "common", regardless of which one of the spouses was drawn up by a loan agreement. Judicial practice shows that if the loan is issued personally for her husband or wife individually and the target destination of borrowed funds is aimed at public easily needs, the court recognizes the debt together. And subsequently, on the basis of a court decision, changes are made to the loan agreement and the rest of the debt is paid by both parties.
  • For example, being married, her husband took a loan for a new technique in the house, or on a joint trip to the sea. As a result, the marriage breaks up to the complete closure of the loan, repayment of obligations assumed. And the husband in this case is quite reasonable, in court it is entitled to demand to divide the jointly acquired debt.
  • But there are also completely inverse situations. When the spouse comes into debt relations with a credit institution, contrary to the will of the spouse, without its knowledge or borrowed funds are spent on the needs of completely unrelated to the family. For example: on leisure husband, new decorations, personal belongings, and so on. In this context, it is impossible to say that debt to the lender "General". Of course, in court, any argument will have to justify, submit evidence, the circle of which the law is clearly not defined.

Credit after divorce

  • If during the scroll-proof process, the question of the fate of debts did not arise before the spouses, allow the situation after a divorce. It should be remembered that to declare the requirement of the section is allowed no later than 3 years of age after the official divorce. If the specified time period is missing, then the court simply refuses the party in accepting a statement due to the expiration of the limitation period established by part 7 of Article 38 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Another important point is that the loan must be signed during the registered marriage. If the debt obligations were married, but in fact the parties did not live together, did not lead a joint economy, the court had the right to refuse to meet the demands on recognition of debt with general.
  • Naturally, banks and other credit organizations do not greet such a practice when the borrower's already executed obligations have to share with the other party. Since in this case another citizen who was awarded to pay debt is not always creditworthy. Often it does not fall under general requirements by the Bank to borrowers. Therefore, many credit obligations remain not fulfilled.
  • Currently, if a citizen is married and takes a rather solid amount in debt, such as a mortgage, banks try to include another spouse as a coacher or guarantor. Thereby secure yourself at the stage of processing the application for the product. In addition to the client itself, the Bank checks his spouse to the level of income and the presence of so-called credit stories.
  • In order to protect themselves from possible trouble when divorced, many lawyers are advised to initially enter into a marriage agreement, in which, in addition to property relations, reflect the provision concerning the debt obligations of spouses. Or demand from the bank in the loan agreement itself to register the item relating to the order of repayment of debt in the event of a divorce.

In general, in order to share debts, decorated with one of the spouses in court, necessarily proves the fact that the borrowed funds were taken to the needs of the family. And only after establishing all the meaning of the moment, the court decides on the recognition of debt obligations to the credit organization shared debt and determines its size for each part. Or refers to the satisfaction of the stated requirements due to the unprotence of the objective orientation of a loan for joint needs, or for other reasons, recognizes the debt is not subject to section.

Marriage termination procedure takes up to 3 months. After a month, the decision of the court on termination comes into force. But the property section is much longer. It is doubly more difficult if the spouses, except for the feasible property, a loan section will have after a divorce. According to the Family Code, total debts during divorce are divided proportional to the spouses to the spouses. There are a number of nuances and difficulties that do not solve the problem quickly. The problem is based on the understanding of the concept of "common" debt.

Loans at the divorce of spouses: general principle of responsibility

Credits taken during marriage can be divided into large and small.

Large loans are drawn up or only per spouse (the second acts as a guarantor), or on both spouses at the same time (both are coachars).

Thus, the bank is striving to protect themselves from unscrupulous borrowers and risk to lose money. Also, the consolidation of mutual responsibility on the obligation is saved in situations when, after termination of the marriage contract, one spouse remains with debt obligations and without property, and the other with property, but without liabilities on the loan.

Small loans can make up one of the spouses without the participation of the second. In this case, when a spouse is divorced, an argument uses: "If my signature is not worth it, I will not pay. Let him pay the one who signed on the debt obligation. "

This kind of policy is not supported by the court. Credits that were obtained and spent on the needs of the family are considered by law as common debts. The collective responsibility is used, at which it is practically not taken into account, who acted as a borrower, and who is a guarantor.

Therefore, if one of the spouses is confident that the division of the loan is not fair, he will have to challenge that the debt obligation is not "common", and credit funds are really spent on the needs of the family.

How loans are divided when divorced spouses: general and not general

In some cases, it is possible to prove that the loan did not take into a common cause, and things purchased at the expense of credit commitments did not serve for the benefit of the family. Such cases are common in situations in which the spouses are legally married, but in fact they live separately from each other.

In such cases, the Court considers the criteria in which the debt is considered general, and the credit obligations are divided between spouses:

The loan was obtained by prior agreement of the parties;

The second spouse was aware that the benefits were purchased on credit;

The loan was purchased to meet the needs of the family.

Consider the implementation of the controversial situation in practice.:

Situation: The spouse bought a car on credit, and the family enjoyed them up to the divorce. The husband's loan during divorce remained under uncertain status. The plaintiff (wife) refuses to divide the debt, because the amount is too big. The defendant insists that the Family Code determines that the loan taken in marriage is considered total debt when divorced.

How does the case sees the case: Spouses bought a car on credit by mutual agreement, pre-determining the car brand, based on its target use. Both spouses were aware that the car was purchased on credit. The machine was used for family tasks. The court insists that the obligations must be separated.

Decision: The court takes into account the arguments of the plaintiff that the defendant performed the borrower on the loan. Therefore, initially the plaintiff was distorted about the loan conditions, the real price of the car was underestimated, and the conditions were intentionally softened. The court decision is made in favor of the plaintiff, despite the fact that the criteria were observed.

Important: Spouses will be hard enough to challenge the ignorance of credit circumstances or the targeted appointment of purchased goods. Those. The washing machine, bought on credit, a priori will be regarded as "satisfying the needs of the family", if from the moment of purchase and before the dissolution of marriage it was in the apartment of the spouses. Prove that the spouse was not aware of the purchase of the second spouse of the car, is also hard.

Ways to share credit obligations

There are 2 methods of section of credit obligations:

By mutual agreement (in the preparation of a marriage agreement);

Through court.

The first method is less painful. It is used if consent has been made between the spouses on the issue "whether loans are divided". The second way is suitable for conflict situations. The opinion that the participation of a lawyer is necessary only in the case when it came to court, - erroneously. Professional legal assistance will help in any of the cases. Below we will dwell on each of the methods of the obligations section more.

Section of credit obligations by agreement of the parties

Treaty is the best way to finish any legal conflict. Credit obligations are no exception. There are 2 ways to divide responsibility with the credit obligations assumed:

Before the dissolution of marriage (or even before the loan is design). Spouses make a marriage contract where conditions are prescribed that determine how to share a loan during divorce;

After breaking family relationships. In this case, an agreement on the division of property is drawn up. The document is drawn up at any time, even at the stage of judicial review. The document makes the conditions that arrange the participants in the conflict situation.

Important: Marriage contract - a document that requires the participation of a third party in design. Therefore, without the participation of the notary, such a document is invalid. The marriage contract can be made before marriage. There may be absolutely any arrangements between spouses if they do not contradict the current laws of the Russian Federation. Credit agreements are better to endure in a separate section of the marriage contract.

The agreement on the division of property differs from the marriage contract by the fact that it does not need to be assigned in the notary. It regulates relations between spouses at the same level as the marriage contract.

The separation of obligations under the Agreement is the least painful and most favorable costs, the way to solve the conflict. Therefore, many lawyers practice a pre-trial decision of this kind of disputes, and in some cases only court can put a point in conflict.

Section of the property with the attraction of the court

When spouses are not able to reach agreement on the issue of division of property, the court attracts the situation. The task of the court is to find out the circumstances and determine those responsible for loans upon divorce of spouses. In trials are determined by such parties to the conflict:

Plaintiff In this role, he is the spouse who believes that it is not responsible for credit obligations and does not want to share responsibility for them. But the plaintiff can be a person who is entrusted with the obligations to pay the loan alone (in case the spouse does not want to do this);

Respondent. A person who is in this position proves either the validity of existing credit conditions, or the need for their revision.

The court considers objective and subjective evidence of both parties. Certifications may be considered, proving that the spouse used purchased on credit cars for its needs, and another car used for family needs. Checks, accounts, receipts can also be attached to the case as evidence.

The work technique looks like this:

The court determines which obligations can be considered common, and which is not;

Obligations that have been identified as "common" are divided in proportion to the entire property separated between the parties.

Thus, the "common" debts are subject to the same principles as any other common property. The law determines that the common property should be divided into robust between spouses. In this case, it is necessary to draw the court's attention to the presence of children under the age of 16. Children significantly affect the separation of property share, incl. And on how loans are divided.

Important: "Common Property" does not consider material benefits acquired before marriage. The same applies to debts. But if the loan was obtained before marriage, but the credit funds are spent on things that served for the benefit of the family, the court can share the debt obligation between spouses. But it is rather an exception than the rule.

Debt obligations are divided proportional to property. Those. If the credit apartment is divided between spouses equally, the loan for it is divided by 50/50. If one spouse received only a quarter of an apartment, then the second spouse will pay 3/4 credit funds.

Mortgage loan when divorced: conflict spouse, spouses ... and bank!

If a consumer loan is simply divided when divorced, then in the case of a mortgage, the bank will definitely be sure to say. The mortgage section is one of the most complex situations in the section of credit property. Here, in addition to the spouses themselves, the side of the conflict is the bank. During the mortgage, the spouses are co-coaches, i.e. They both guarantee responsibility for the payment of the loan. After the dissolution of the marriage occurs the situation at which:

A) The spouses do not want to part with mortgage housing, but wish to reorganize the contract and get rid of the collective responsibility on the loan commitment;

B) the bank, even in the case of solvency of both spouses, does not want to share responsibility, offering to sell an apartment and get rid of the mortgage. The bank with a breaking of relationship loses customers with the status of "co-coaches". For him, the risks of non-payment and losses increase.

The law does not have a clear regulatory policy in mortgage issues. Therefore, relations with the bank from informal immediately go to the litigation plane. The bank will demand the sale of the apartment, the spouses can agree with this, and successfully challenge. Outcomes are possible:

If one of the spouses refused to pay the mortgage, and all means pays the second spouse. The court may decide on the recovery of debts on the loan from the second spouse or deprivation of his share in the credit apartment;

If both spouses are ready to stay in the apartment and pay for it separately, proving your solvency. The court makes a decision to revise credit obligations to the Bank and reorganize in accordance with the new conditions;

If both spouses do not want to pay for mortgages. The apartment is sold, and funds go on the repayment of mortgage debt.

Summing up: how to behave in a conflict situation

If the debt section occurs in an unfair form for you, lawyers advise adhere to such steps:

Voluntary agreement. You must try to solve the issue before the court attracting. This is the most economically advantageous way to get out of the situation;

If the first point did not work, you need to make a lawsuit on the division of debt property. If you want to attract a lawyer at this stage, pay attention to, first of all;

Enjoy the support of witnesses, prepare the evidence base;

Make sure the bank and the defendant received a notice of the upcoming proceedings (otherwise, the verdict will be challenged);

Enlighten the support of the lawyer at the stage of the trial.

Important: The task of the parties at the stage of litigation is to specify their testimony as much as possible. The more detailed and reasonable for those or other circumstances are described, the higher the chance that the Court listened to them and will make a fair decision.

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In Russia, getting a loan loan with each month is becoming more accessible and affordable. If a person refused one bank, he boldly goes to another bank. At least in one of the many banks he will be consent, and he will receive a long-awaited loan. If a person needs money, he does not think about interest rates. Most often, young people who want to get everything immediately, especially newlyweds. You also need a car, and housing. Then this housing should be equipped, it does not matter, it is removable or own, because I want a family nest to be the best, with a designer taste, was different from all familiar, but it was very comfortable and cozy. So, by typing loans and all kinds of loans, a young married couple may not always be extruded to debt. Copy and reproaches begin, there is a lack of funds. The case, in the end, comes to the divorce. Did you collect if there are debts? Who will pay a loan loan after a divorce?

Not only young couples, but also spouses who lived in marriage not one dozen years old are bred. Very often, such families have unpaid credit debts, mortgage loans and consumer loans. Deciding on the need for a divorce, husband and wife often think about the division of property, without taking into account the fact that their total debts will also be divided between them.

What joint loans come from spouses:

  1. Mortgage, when both spouses are owners of housing.
  2. Car loan when the car is not in equity property, but in the property of her husband or wife.
  3. Consumer loan for self-satisfaction. They are also divided between spouses.

The principle of division of credit debt between spouses

Commissioning, the spouses naively believe that who took the loan on himself, he should pay it. If the loan was decorated for her husband, then the husband, if his wife is on his wife. But it is not so. When spouses are legally married, then all credit obligations are divided equally.

Now it is very often a bank draws up a second spouse as a guarantor or even the coacher to inspire itself in case the borrower refuses to pay debt. Before signing a loan agreement, you need to familiarize yourself with it. If a person himself is not able to deal with a loan agreement, and an employee of the bank cannot or does not want to correctly respond to the questions raised, then before signing the contract it is best to consult with a lawyer, considering and option, if the husband and wife suddenly divorce for any reason .

If, according to the loan agreement, one of the spouses acts as the main borrower, and the other - the co-coacher, then in case of non-payment of debts, the main borrower even after the divorce obligations on the loan will be shared on the shoulders of the second borrower (co-serviceer).

If, in the loan agreement, nothing is specified, then the loan is divided into the same proportions as all the rest of the property. For example, all the property is 100%, the husband gets 2/3 of the entire property, and the wife receives 1/3. The credit debts will also be divided into the same way: the husband will be obliged to pay 2/3 of the debt on the loan, the wife is 1/3.

But the bank by and large still, in what proportions it is divided by the property of a declared husband and wife. If there is a credit debt, then it must be paid. After the divorce, the court decides on loan debt payments. But if for any reason a loan is not paid, the bank will look for the former spouse of the borrower. They were legally married, which means that all their debts at that time are also common. The bank can achieve through the court that another spouse pay the debt of his former second half. And the court in this case will be on the side of the creditor bank.

The presence of a minor child or children will not stop the creditor on the way to recover loan debt. It does not matter with whom the child stays after the divorce - with a mother or father, but the repayment of a credit loan must be implemented. And the court will again rise to the bank-lender.

How to divide with mortgage duty

Recently, credit banks when making a mortgage loan increasingly insist that the spouses are opposite to each other. When everything is in order in the family, it is not terrible to vouch for your second half, the husband and wife are sure of each other, they support each other, and the apartment will undoubtedly be the best family nest.

The mortgage loan has its pros and cons, this loan is given for a very long term - on average, the spouses acquire an apartment in a mortgage for a period of 10 years, but there are cases when the mortgage is executed for 20, 25 or more years. To each specific situation, the Bank is suitable individually, considering the financial and credit history of each particular client. For 10, 20, 25 years old with his family can happen anything: people who have once loved each other suddenly decide to disperse, and the mortgage remains.

As a rule, there are no marriage contracts in which the liabilities of the loan after a divorce would be prescribed when the mortgage does not exist. Therefore, mortgage debt after termination of marriage is divided into two equal parts, as well as apartment shares. If spouses are married and acquire an apartment in a mortgage, then the obligatory condition of the bank creditor is most often the equity participation of both spouses. Husband and wife receive on ½ loli from the purchased apartment, but also their loan commitments are also equal. And the payment of the loan after the divorce is the same.

If, after the divorce, the husband or wife shy away from the payment of a mortgage loan, then the Bank has the right to demand the repayment of all debt from another owner of the housing. Otherwise, both spouses can lose the apartment, because the burden before the bank is not filmed, no financial and legal transactions with the apartment are impossible.

Some banks offer their family clients when making a mortgage to draw up a special marriage contract. It will be indicated, to whom the spouses will fall on the obligations to repay the loan in the event that the pair disintegrates. To avoid legal proceedings, banks decide to discuss with spouses such questions in advance. Some spouses decide to divide the obligations of robust, others - in shares, and others take fully commitment to themselves.

Divorce and Credit for the purchase of a car

There are a lot of automotive salons, where with the participation of the bank creditor you can buy a car on credit, and both used and new.

The car is drawn up on a single owner, in the Thalon and the PTS passport (TCP), the surname, name and patronymic of the owner will be indicated. The guarantor on the car loan is usually the second spouse, one spouse is a borrower, the other is the guarantor.

It does not matter at which the car is specifically designed, and who is a loan agreement. Debt payment obligations fall on the shoulders of both spouses equally.

How to divide the car itself after the divorce? In a husband or wife, by mutual agreement or by the court decision, if the couple cannot agree peacefully, the car purchased on credit remains, and another spouse receives half the cost of buying. Duty they must pay off on time set by the bank lender and the court.

Credit for a marriage ceremony

It often happens that the young couple decides to get married, but there is no money for a wedding, and I do not want to take. One pair offers to take a loan for a wedding celebration. Credit is issued. This will be considered a consumer loan to meet your own needs. The loan amount is likely not so large, it is possible to get it without sure and the collateral of the existing property. The wedding ceremony was carried out, guests and newlyweds are satisfied. But it takes a little time, the couple decides to disperse, and the loan taken for marriage remains. Who should pay it? Payment of consumer loan when divorced if it was decorated earlier than the wedding dates, is the problem of the borrower.

There are several types of credit debts:

  1. Credit with cut spouses. When a contract for receiving a loan loan is issued, the spouses write receipt. The receipt indicates which it specifically lies with the debt repayment in the event of a divorce. Husband or wife undertake to fully repay the debt on their own, then the property purchased on credit after the divorce completely gets to him. This credit debt is called fictitious.
  2. Personal share. Debt for a personal share should be repaid by the owner.
  3. Common debt under the loan agreement, he shares half, paying a loan after the divorce is made jointly by both spouses.

Any young couple tieting themselves with the bonds of marriage, I am sure that they have it forever. From the very first days of living together, they build their dreams and try to realize them as quickly as possible. But, alas, sometimes there are no time understanding each other. People become strangers. And it comes to divorce.

Divorce: Who - What?

All property acquired together during the years of family life, according to the current legislation between spouses is divided equally. If the decision is made after one or two years of living together, then the common property is not so much. Worse, if the couple decided to disperse after many years, lived together.

If, for example, the spouse acquired an apartment during a marriage to his name, then the spouse claims one half of the real estate, and it is not important for whose money she was acquired. The same applies to the rest of the property, be it movable or immovable.

If the car, apartment, cottage and other were acquired for cash, then there are usually no problems with the section. But what about the property for which they have not yet calculated with the bank? Are the loans for divorce? And who will pay them?

How to deal with consumer loan?

When it comes to loans in cash or consumer loan, then the solution is quite simple. If the loan was taken for family needs, then his repayment, in essence, comes from the total budget. If an outstanding part of the loan remains at the time of termination of the marriage, it must be distributed among spouses.

How is the consumer loan shall with a divorce? The return of credit debts is not solved by the usual statement: "Your loan, you and pay." According to the Family Code, it is absolutely no matter how a loan agreement was issued on whose name, as it is believed that loans taken by a family man are coming to satisfy the needs of his family. Therefore, it is necessary to pay on the loan together.

There are nuances here: a loan is divided proportional to the part of the property that you got in the section jointly. If one third purchased property got, the same part of the debt for it will have to pay. That is, when divorced, loans are divided by half, if the property purchased for this money was divided as well. But the banks are still, what decision will be made. The main thing is that the debt is paid in full size and without delay.

Consumer credit taken before marriage is the personal debt of the borrower, but his worship, which occurred in marriage is the debt of both spouses.

Passed money for himself? You and pay!

If logically, the credit money borrowed by one spouse is allowed to pay him. But according to the law, the car acquired in marriage, even on credit, should be divided between both spouses. Therefore, it does not mean that if the loan is issued on his wife, she one after the divorce will have to repay the balance of debt.

How shall be divided when divorced? In each case there are their own nuances. For example, if the spouse took a loan to go abroad on vacation, and a wife at this time sat at home with children, then a loan commitment is considered exclusively it.

To refuse payments for this loan, you will need to provide a court of evidence. The fact that money went to personal needs, you will need a documentary confirmation.

Didn't know about debts? Do not think about it now

It happens, you live with a person, you live, you suspect anything, and at this time the second half acquires the car on credit, turns the credit card and spends the entire issued limit on drunks with friends. And these news overlap only a few years later, after the divorce, when the bank employees begin to search for the former spouse (spouse) to recover the accumulated debt.

How shall be divided when divorced in this case? Do not worry, even if the bank tries to recover a loan debt with you. It is only necessary to prove that you didn't know about the money taken, and they did not go to the satisfaction of family needs. As evidence, you can use testimony of eyewitness of the inappropriate behavior of the spouse (spouse). In this case, the bank will not even be able to prevent you with any complaints.

Communication obligation to pay a credit card - the problem of its owner

After the divorce whether a bank card is divided? "Credit cards" are considered personal cash resources. Prove that money was removed from the family needs, it is almost impossible. Therefore, to apply for a joint repayment of a credit card can only if there is a documentary confirmation that the money was spent on the acquisition of common property.

And it is worth noting that the court will not accept any other evidence other than checks, receipts and invoices to confirm your words.

How is a loan for the purchase of a car, depending on how, by whom and under what circumstances it was decorated?

Depending on the circumstances, the court makes different decisions as divided by a loan.

If the car on credit was taken before marriage, the return of the remainder of the debt lies on the shoulders of the borrower's spouse. Consequently, the car remains behind it under the division of property.

The car acquired in marriage on the target loan, after a divorce, in the absence of special circumstances, is divided between spouses in equal shares.

If the second spouse was not aware that the car was purchased on credit, and can prove it in court, the repayment of debt in full remains behind the spouse borrower.

And how is the loan divided after the divorce, if when receiving an auto loan before marriage, the second spouse performed the guarantor of the first? In this case, the remaining loan debt will be distributed between both.

Division of loans decorated

How shall be divided during a divorce, if it was taken on bail, because it differs not only by the fact that his amount is much higher than consumer loan, but also the fact that when divorced, besides him, you have to share and the object of pledge?

According to the Family Code, there are several options for the section:

  • The balance of debt is paid by former spouses in those shares that were defined in the division of the pledge object.
  • One of the spouses is committed to fully repayment of debt. In this case, after paying a loan, the mortgage property remains in its property, and the second spouse is paid compensation for a part of the debt paid in marriage.

If you cannot agree with my spouses with each other, in this case it is possible to sell collateral and repayment of debt on the loan. And then the question arises: "Is such a sale possible?" It turns out yes. It is only necessary to obtain the permission of the creditor bank and carry out a deal in the presence of his employee. Before selling, the encumbrance from the mortgage property is removed. The amount received from the transaction is made as early repayment, and the remaining money is divided between spouses equally.

How shall be divided into a car loan?

Since the separation of the car to any parts at a divorce is a rather stupid, the judge in a broken-separated process usually comes on the template: one carries the car, another - compensation for it.

And if the car was purchased on credit? Who will get a car, and who will have to pay the debt? When solving this problem, it has great importance when the car loan was issued, due to what funds debt paid, whether the second husband gave consent to the purchase of a car. According to the Family Code, the duty to the bank during marriage is divided between spouses in equal shares.

The spouse, whose name was issued a loan agreement, compensation is paid equal to half of the remaining debt. The same with the car. The one who, by the court decision, in the division of property, gets the vehicle, pays to another compensation equal to half of its value. Usually the right to the car remains for to whom it is more needed, or for those who have used it most actively.

Therefore, during the trial, the following documents must be provided:

  • Help on the average cost of the car.
  • Credit Agreement.
  • Extract from the decision of the court to dissolve.

Each broken-produced process passes individually, so it is impossible to say definitely how the loan is divided when divorced. Each family applies their rules.

The best solution is not to bring everything before the court.

In practice, the division of obligations under the loan is a rather complicated and time consuming. The lawsuit is usually delayed for many months, and financial costs require considerable. Therefore, it is better not to bring it to trial.

The most optimal solution is a credit lawyer consultation. It will correctly determine which part of credit debts must be paid to each of the spouses and will help consolidate such an agreement within the law.