How to tie a hijab from a scarf. We tie a beautiful hijab - an interesting way. Option to tie a hijab on a high ponytail

At the request of some girls, we post lessons with a Muslim headscarf. Step by Step Lessons on dressing a hijab will also be useful for women who are going to visit the countries of the Middle East as tourists and want to feel the cultural traditions of these countries.

What is a hijab? Hijab is a scarf worn muslim women covers the head and neck. The word itself comes from Arabic word"hajaba", which means to hide or hide from view. Muslims follow the rules and wear the hijab to show their devotion and love for God. Women wear a headscarf when they go out in public.

There are many beautiful ways how to put on a hijab or muslim headscarf that you might want to know. Many Muslim women wear them as a display of modesty and morality, whether they live in the Middle East or abroad.

Options for how to tie a hijab beautifully

A Muslim headscarf covers the entire head, including hair and ears, with the exception of the oval of the face. When you wear a hijab, this includes tying or pulling your hair back, tucking the headscarf neatly along your forehead, pinning it under your hair, and pinning it to your chin. Your ears and hair must be completely covered by the hijab. When you finally look in the mirror, you will see the oval of your face, including the forehead, cheekbones, and chin.

The hijab can be worn in a variety of trendy and traditional styles, I will try to show some of the favorite styles to give you some inspiration for the near future.

Sea green hijab

Hijab with braid accent

The neck should be closed, as in the following hijab dressing options.

red hijab

And another interesting option

How to wear a square scarf

How to wear Amir's hijab

As a result, it turns out beautiful image with a thin colored scarf.

In order to learn how to wear a hijab, you need a little practice, but after a while you will be able to do it masterfully.

A few more options here

Headscarf helps Muslim women stop conversion unknown men with them as with sexual objects, and be more attentive to their personality. By covering up their beauty, Muslim women want to be judged for their intelligence and skills rather than their appearance and sexuality. Many women who wear the Muslim headscarf are full of dignity and self-respect. Wearing a woman's hijab hides sexuality but reflects true femininity.

Video tutorials on how to wear a headscarf

Hijab pashmina with earrings

Hijab Hana Tajima

For beginners

square scarf

Hijab for everyday wear

Two styles of how to wear a hijab

Elizaveta Krasnova

Stylist-image maker

Articles written

On the streets of cities, we increasingly meet charming Muslim beauties in hijabs covering their heads, necks, shoulders and chests. So the women of the East declare their femininity and modesty. The popularity of this element of the wardrobe is increasing every day. European fashionistas did not remain indifferent to this oriental decoration.

At first, you will have to spend time and gain skill in order to learn how to use this amazing little thing and look feminine and mysterious in an oriental way.

Hijab (hijab) in literal translation means "hiding from sight."

Not everyone knows for what purpose Muslim women wear it. The Quran instructs believing girls to wear this headscarf to demonstrate devotion, love for Allah and humility. Islamic canons require women to cover their heads from the moment of puberty (from about 11-13 years old). Girls cannot appear in public without covering their heads. With the help of a headdress, she shows that she is not a sexual object.

The hijab also allows oriental beauties emphasize individuality. By the way the scarf is tied, you can understand the mood of a woman.

Basic rules for wearing a hijab

Most often it is a scarf made of cotton, viscose, silk; it is decorated with rhinestones, embroidery. The choice of colors and textures is huge, there are no strict restrictions here. It is allowed to combine several tones of fabrics that are selected to match the shade of the outfit.

The Koran requires that hair, ears, neck, shoulders, chest be covered, only the oval of the face remains open.

To make it beautiful to tie a headdress, you need to choose a sufficiently long and wide one - at least 1.5 m. It is most convenient to tie it over a special cap, which will help hide your hair, even if the scarf moves back. Before this, the curls must be carefully collected in a bun, a tail. The scarf is laid along the border of the forehead, fixed below the chin, brought to the back of the head.

When choosing a hijab for your look, do not forget about proper clothes: you should not wear transparent, open, defiant outfits with a headdress. This is inappropriate.

Ways to wear a hijab

You can tie an oriental headdress in several ways: choose a traditional Muslim version or dream up, give it a more modern look.

Classic options

First, we will learn how to tie a scarf in accordance with strict Muslim canons.

  1. Put on a hat so that it covers the hairline. In this case, one edge should remain longer.
  2. Tie the ends at the back of your head.
  3. Circle the short end around the forehead, fix it in the temple area with a hairpin.
  4. The long edge is circled around the neck, under the back of the head, fixed below the opposite temple.
  5. The free end is pinned at the back of the head so that the scarf can sag freely under the chin.
  6. Drape the fabric in the neck and chest area with arbitrary folds.

Take a look at yourself in the mirror - you have become like a fabulous Arab princess.

A scarf tied on one side will diversify the traditional oriental style.

  1. Throw a stole over your head.
  2. Pin the fabric with a pin below the chin, leaving the long edges free.
  3. Throw the left end of the scarf over the left shoulder, secure with a pin in the back of the head.
  4. Take the right part by the edge, also throw it over the left shoulder, covering your head.
  5. Secure the fabric to the right with a hairpin.

It turned out to be a more flirtatious and cute version. Is not it?

And now an alternative to the traditional Muslim hijab. The main thing is that the headdress should cover the chest and neck.

  1. Take a long scarf.
  2. Throw on the head so that the tips are the same in length.
  3. Let's throw back both hanging parts of the stole back, pull it with a knot.
  4. We return the tips to the chest and twist each of them with a tight tourniquet.
  5. We wrap the tourniquets around the back of the head, tuck the ends and fix.

This option will help to emphasize the feminine profile, an attractive neckline.

Let's dream up

You can get creative and use a scarf. More precisely, you will need two long scarves in contrasting colors: the first is from thick fabric, wide, the second - light and narrow.

  1. We wrap a narrow scarf around the head, tie the ends at the back of the head, leave them hanging down.
  2. Wide - tie over the same way.
  3. From the free ends of both scarves weave a pigtail, tie it with a beaded thread.

wedding hijab

The wedding dress of a Muslim woman is not complete without this headdress. And in this case, variability is allowed.

  1. We cover the head with a scarf, fix its edges on the back of the head with a pin.
  2. We cross the ends at the back, we breed in different directions.
  3. The right one - we translate it forward, the left one - we twist it with a tourniquet.
  4. We circle the tourniquet around the head, fix the tip with a pin.
  5. We cover the pin with the remaining edge of the scarf, draw it from left to right through the neck and fix the end.

V summer days it is advisable to wear a veil light fabric, do not use black or dark tones; for the winter, it is better to choose an accessory made of wool, viscose.

They call it a paranja outerwear With long sleeves worn by women in the states of Central and Central Asia. It covers the body completely, on the face there is a mesh. This is the most strict attire for Muslim women.

The veil is much more hijab in size, thrown over the head, covering the whole body to the toes. Color is usually blue, black or White color. Often the veil is worn along with the niqab, it is not attached to the rest of the clothes, while walking it is held with hands.

The niqab is a type of veil. This is a headdress that covers the face, only the eyes remain open. Consists of two scarves and a bandage. The first is attached to the bandage in front, leaving a small hole for the eyes, the second covers the neck, hair at the back.

Oriental girls with early years teach how to use the hijab. Fashionistas and fans Eastern traditions can independently master the art of wearing a Muslim headscarf, it is worth making an effort and patience.

Hijab is an important part of the Muslim religion. Therefore, a woman who has become a Muslim or practices this religion must dress according to religious norms. The hijab is one of the traditional clothing but how to wear it correctly?

The hijab is a long and wide dressing gown with long false sleeves fastened with ribbons at the back. This clothing covers the entire body, face and hair at the same time. The costume also has a special mesh for the eyes. rectangular shape. The length of the mesh can be very different. Most often, this clothing is found in Central Asia (Afghanistan, etc.).

Before, how to tie a hijab, you need to remove and fasten the hair at the back. Together with the dress, a special cap is sold to collect hair, then this cap must be put on the head so that neither the front nor the back of the hair can be seen from under it. After that, tie a scarf over the cap so that it is not visible.
Throw a robe over your head over a scarf. Usually in such a dress special elastic bands or ties are provided to secure the fabric on the head. Tie them so that the robe does not move. Islamic clothing consists of several parts, so combine them correctly. Hair and neck must be completely covered.

How to wear a veil

Women who are not familiar with the Muslim religion should first clarify what exactly you want to try on. The veil is usually understood as the traditional women's clothing of the Muslim peoples, and this is just one of its types.
If you are going to dress in this costume in one of the Muslim countries, first check which religious direction there is to choose suitable type dresses.

The fact is that one of the directions forbids a woman to open her face, while the other direction leaves the woman to decide whether to cover her face or not. If you are unable to find out which type women's dress considered appropriate for the country you are traveling to, it is best to hide your face. This will help avoid misunderstandings from local residents. You can buy clothes on the Internet if you live in a small town, far from Muslim centers.

Video tutorials: how to tie a hijab

Hijab pashmina with earrings

Hijab Hana Tajima

For beginners

square scarf

Hijab for everyday wear

Two styles of how to wear a hijab

Hijab waves

The article will tell you in detail about what a hijab is and why Muslim women need to wear it.

V modern world, where every person has freedom of speech and action, the right to do what he wants, to travel around the world, occasionally there are women, as they say, "from another world." We are talking about girls who “hide” behind the canvases and therefore others will never know their hair color, hear their perfume aroma and see body features.

We are talking about Muslim women who can meet in any city in the world, be it Europe, Russia, the Baltic States or Asia. To understand why they wear such clothes, you can only find out all the nuances Muslim faith. These women have completely abandoned all feminine "advantages" like swinging their hips while walking, flirting at work, admiring men on the street and beach swimsuits.

The reason that a woman puts on a hijab is hidden "deep in her heart", because every Muslim woman faithfully and faithfully loves her patron - Allah. A hijab is a piece of cloth that covers a woman's head. This piece of clothing should hide almost all ladies' beauty: youth, smile, pleasant facial features, thin sexy neck, ears.

INTERESTING: Wearing a hijab encourages the Koran. However, no matter how much fabric a woman is supposed to wear on her head, if she doesn’t like it, she has the right to “slip away” from it. Holy Muslim scripture says that the real hijab "comes from the heart."

This statement should be understood as a voluntary desire of a woman to behave correctly, not to give ambiguous signs, allusions to free behavior, do not flirt with words and eyes. Muslim women perceive the hijab not only as a cloth, but also as an “invisible veil of faith” that covers them from head to toe.

Hijab is the behavior of a woman that will not tarnish the reputation of her husband, as well as her " business card". Despite the fact that all the feminine charms are hidden under the canvas, you can still enjoy them, but only to the husband alone, since he is fully responsible for his wife. A woman is also not obliged to cover her head to her parents and brothers, children and nephews. Muslims perceive feminine beauty, like a jewel that should be hidden from prying eyes and kept as something secret.

What can be seen around:

  • Person (in whole or in part, depending on the country and the family's views on the persecution of the faith).
  • Hands (some Muslim women also prefer to hide them).
  • Eyes (the only permissible part of the body for viewing).

INTERESTING: In the modern world, it is customary to call a hijab any women's clothing that could tell others that she is a Muslim.

When going out, a woman must follow the following dress code rules:

  • Clothing should hide the entire woman, from head to toe.
  • You can open the face (partially or completely), hands and feet (in some cases).
  • Clothing should not fit the body so that the hips, waist and chest do not stand out in any case.
  • In no case should clothing be transparent, so that through the fabric it is impossible to see the features of the figure and see the color of the skin.
  • Clothing on a woman should not resemble men's dresses
  • Clothing should not be overly bright or eye-catching.
  • Clothing should not be soaked in perfume
  • Ringing and too defiant shiny elements should not be hung on clothes.
  • Clothing must be clean and neat

It is difficult to list the advantages and disadvantages of the hijab, because despite the fact that the woman is completely hidden under it, it does not allow the body to be fried sunbeams. As a rule, the hijab is sewn from natural fabrics so that in summer a woman does not feel stuffy and hot.

Hijab and burqa: the difference

There is a variety of Muslim women's clothing, which has not only different names, but also the reason for wearing it, as well as territorial affiliation. Increasingly, in the modern world, Muslim women open their faces, simply wrapping their heads in a scarf (hijab), however, in families with a classical and strict religious way of life, one can also find a veil - clothing that completely hides a woman from head to toe.

How beautifully and quickly to tie a hijab on the head of a Muslim woman: instructions, photos

It is not necessary to be born a Muslim to be able to tie and wear a hijab. Many Slavic girls successfully marry Muslim men and, accepting their faith, undertake to fully fulfill their will, serve Allah, and not allow others to tarnish the honor of their spouse.

In addition, women can travel all over the world and therefore, getting into a Muslim country, they should definitely learn how to wear and tie a hijab. So a woman can show honor and respect local residents, do not cause unnecessary questions and do not hear criticism in your face.

IMPORTANT: When tying a hijab, you can fully open your face, but you should wrap your head tightly so that the hair is securely hidden.

How to tie a hijab:

Video: How beautifully and quickly to tie a hijab on the head of a Muslim woman?

Inventive Muslim women have found and invented many ways to tie a headscarf to look good and attractive. If you are having trouble tying your hijab correctly, watch the video carefully for detailed tips.

Video: "Three ways to tie a hijab"

How to make a hijab from a scarf?

If you are not a Muslim and you should cover your head only when necessary (traveling or visiting Muslims), you do not need to buy a special piece of fabric to cover your head. You can use the usual scarf or tippet (wide thin scarf). Tie it on your head correctly will help detailed advice and photo.

Why do Muslim women wear a hijab, at what age, what color should a hijab be?

Wearing a hijab for girls from Muslim family is considered mandatory upon reaching puberty or adulthood (15th birthday is considered). However, the Qur'an commands to teach children from a young age "teach children to pray from the age of 7 and beat them if they do not pray at 10." So is the hijab, it should be tied even for little girls, so that wearing it at an older age would be comfortable.

INTERESTING: The exact age for wearing the hijab has not been established. However, if the girl is worried puberty(the appearance of hair on the genitals or the first menstruation), she should definitely wear a hijab.

The hijab should not be provocative. Most often it has a black color, but in the modern world you can also meet light shades hijabs, as well as scarves, decorated with patterns. In some cases, the hijab is pinned with decorative pins and flowers. You should not hang ringing objects, bells, beads and anything that will attract attention unnecessarily on the hijab.

How to dress and wear a hijab?

Rules for wearing a hijab:

  • The hijab opens the face completely.
  • The hijab should be tied so that all the hair is hidden under it.
  • If you can’t hide your hair with a scarf, you should put on a special hat under it.
  • The hijab can be tied in a knot or secured with a pin, pin, brooch.
  • The hijab also hides the neck, if the neck is not hidden, a special shirt-front or turtleneck is worn under the hijab.
  • The hijab is put on when a woman leaves the house and in the presence of other men (husband's friends, guests).

Can you wear a hijab at school?

Wearing a hijab is a personal matter for every family. Modern Muslims do not impose on their women the desire to wear a hijab. However, there are still families who consider this headdress to be evidence of true faith. Wearing a hijab at school was generally allowed if it did not cause discomfort to the child and other students. However, some schools in Russia have announced a ban on the hijab, delimiting educational process and religion.

Video: “Can I wear a hijab at school?”

Can a Muslim woman not wear a headscarf?

The question "can" or "not" to wear a hijab is not the right one. Wearing a hijab is not determined by rules and voluntary desire. V Muslim countries with a strict lifestyle, it is considered a shame for the family to be on the street without a hat. At the same time, in Europe, as well as Muslims living in states with the Orthodox faith, you can not wear a hijab so as not to attract the attention of others. The true hijab for a woman is faith in Allah and following the laws of the Koran.

Beautiful girls in hijab: photo

A piece of clothing like a hijab can be beautiful. In order for a woman to look attractive in a hijab, you should properly tie a scarf on your head, choose clothes and complement your image with details (jewelry, accessories, shoes, makeup). Any woman is beautiful if well-groomed!

Photos of girls in hijab:

Wedding hijab: photos of girls

Wedding hijab - required element wedding dress. It differs from the everyday hijab in its pretentiousness and solemnity. The wedding hijab can be decorated with stones, embroideries, flowers, beads, lace.

The article is about ways to beautifully tie a Muslim hijab scarf with photo and video instructions.

Hijab, a scarf or stole, is an element of the traditional clothing of Muslim women. They should take it with pride and wear it all their lives to hide their charms (hair). If you tie this scarf correctly, it turns into a real decoration. Read the article on how to do it.

What is a Muslim headscarf called?

According to Islamic religious tradition, a believing woman must wear a headdress that covers her hair and neck, leaving only her face open. This scarf is called hijab.

The most preferred hijab tones are light, delicate. True, Muslims say that in fact, hijdab is not only a scarf or a scarf on the head, but also the entire attire of a Muslim woman, which freely covers her entire figure. However, now the hijab is most of all associated with a headdress.
In some countries of Central and Central Asia, a Muslim woman is required to wear a veil, clothing that covers both her face and body. Only slits for the eyes remain, which also turn out to be covered with a special mesh made of horsehair.

Another type of women's attire in Islamic countries is veil. The veil stipulates that the woman's eyes are not hidden, while the entire face is covered with a veil of black, less often, dark blue.

VIDEO: Why do Muslim women wear the hijab?

Cap under the headscarf of a Muslim woman

Muslim women usually have thick and long hair. It is impossible to tie on such a scarf beautifully so that it does not slip and fall off. Therefore, under the hijab, it is customary to wear a tight-fitting hat, which is called bone.

Bonnet is sewn from natural fabric, therefore, another of its functions is to protect the hair and skin of a Muslim woman from the effects of the fabric from which the scarf or stole is sewn.

How to properly and beautifully learn to tie a scarf on the head of a Muslim woman in stages?

  1. The first thing a woman does before tying a scarf is to collect her hair in a ponytail or bun.
  2. Next, she puts on a Bonnet hat.
  3. There is also a special scarf worn under the veil. It is called mihram. When put on, the ends of the mihram are crossed in the center of the head and tucked in at the back. It is advisable to choose a scarf under the veil so that it harmonizes in color with the main scarf of a Muslim woman.
  4. After that, the main scarf is put on. It is rectangular in shape. The scarf is worn in such a way that one third of its end is on one side of the head, and two thirds on the other.
  5. The woman lays the scarf in such a way that its shorter side is under the chin, and the longer one lies on top of it. She wraps her head with the long part of the scarf so that her neck and shoulders are covered.

VIDEO: Beautifully ties a scarf (Hijab)?

How do they pierce a needle on a Muslim woman's headscarf?

To secure the headscarf under her chin, a Muslim woman uses special pins.

  1. Most often, a pin is inserted above the ear or under the chin.
  2. While fastening the scarf with a pin, the Muslim woman makes sure that her tip passes through all the fabrics of the stole or scarf, otherwise it will fall apart.
  3. For reliability and beauty, it is permissible to fasten the scarf with additional pins that are pinned to the right and left.
  4. Some Muslim women adorn the places where the scarf is attached with special decorations in the form of flowers or brooches.

Ways to wear scarves on the head of a Muslim woman

Usually, Muslim women use a stole as a hijab. There are stoles different colors and made from different fabrics. A woman can choose any of them, focusing on the situation and the season. She can also choose from several ways to tie a scarf.

Muslim girls in headscarves: photo

The Muslim headscarf is used by many designers as a fashion item.

VIDEO: 25 ways to tie a HIJAB