What are the signs of the onset of labor. Signs of approaching labor. Symptoms of the onset of preterm labor

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 5 minutes


Any woman expecting a baby knows that last weeks before the upcoming birth, they drag on for a long time. A special feeling of anxiety is inherent in expectant mothers, who will have to give birth for the first time.

The article will talk about ancestral harbingers - this information will be useful both for women expecting the birth of their first child and for women who have already given birth.

10 most sure signs of a close birth

  1. Belly sank
    About fourteen days before labor begins, abdominal ptosis may be noticed in primiparous women. This happens because the baby, preparing for birth, is pressed against the exit, dropping into the pelvic area. In women who are not expecting the birth of their first child, the belly may sink a couple of days before giving birth.
    After lowering the abdomen, a woman may experience ease of breathing, as well as discomfort associated with swelling and frequent urination. However, you should not be afraid of this. Swelling and increased urination will serve key feature approaching childbirth - that is, very soon your little one will be born.
  2. Incomprehensible weight loss
    The entire period of waiting for the baby, the woman is gaining weight, but before the onset of childbirth, she can dramatically lose weight by several kilograms. This indicates that soon you will meet with your baby. Weight loss occurs due to absorption fruit waters and should not cause excitement in the expectant mother. Weight loss is approximately one to two kilograms. In this case, the puffiness disappears.
  3. Mood swings
    Psychological metamorphoses occur in the female body, along with physiological changes... One - two weeks before the appearance of the baby, the woman feels the approach of this meeting and prepares for it. The strength for doing household chores appears. I want to do everything at once.
    Mood and character future mom becomes so changeable that she sometimes laughs, then cries. This is not very noticeable throughout the pregnancy, but it is perfectly visible before childbirth. Do not neglect this sign.
  4. Goodbye heartburn!
    V the last days before childbirth, the pressure from the diaphragm and stomach is eliminated, there is a feeling that it becomes much easier to breathe. The shortness of breath and heartburn that haunted the woman throughout the pregnancy disappear. At the same time, some difficulties appear - it becomes more difficult to sit and walk, it is difficult to find comfortable posture Difficulty sleeping.
  5. Unstable appetite
    For those who had a good appetite throughout the pregnancy, and suddenly noticed a decrease in it, this sign will be a signal to prepare for childbirth. An increased appetite for those who previously ate poorly at all will also testify to the approach of childbirth.
  6. Loose stools and frequent urination
    All nine months, the woman managed to run into the toilet. However, things are happening differently now. The urge to urinate becomes more frequent. The intestines first begin to cleanse - and here's diarrhea. The hormones that relax the cervix begin to affect the intestines, resulting in loose stools... These symptoms usually appear two to seven days before delivery. Some women may even confuse the onset of labor with some kind of poisoning.
  7. Nesting instinct
    Some time before giving birth, a woman has a desire to withdraw into herself, retiring from everyone. If you want to curl up in a ball or hide in a secluded place, you cannot see your relatives - congratulations, the birth is just around the corner, and, perhaps, the countdown has started. Female body will feel this, and requires a respite for the future woman in childbirth, so that she attuned herself to the appearance of the child psychologically.
  8. Fading baby
    Child's movements in mother's womb change significantly before the onset of labor. The crumb grows up, and there is not enough space for him in the uterus. This is why he can long time do not kick or push. CTG apparatus will show mommy that the child's activity and heartbeat are normal, there is no reason to worry. In the last four weeks before childbirth CTG it is recommended to do it at least twice a week, or better - every day.
  9. Drawing pain in the area pubic bone
    Immediately before the baby is born, a woman begins to feel a pulling pain in the pubic bone. This is due to the fact that for childbirth, softening of the bones is necessary to facilitate the process of having a baby. Accompanies the dull process It's a dull pain... These symptoms are not scary at all, you can prepare things for the hospital.
  10. Exit of the mucous plug
    Every woman has undoubtedly heard that the entire pregnancy protects the baby from various infections... In the process of opening the cervix, the plug comes out. Remember, during the first birth, the uterus opens rather slowly, and much faster in subsequent births.

All this - indirect signs the beginning of labor. And only an obstetrician-gynecologist during the examination can tell about the real beginning generic activity- he judges by the dilatation of the cervix.

Two signs of the onset of labor

  1. Outpouring of amniotic fluid
    The discharge of water from each woman in labor can take place in different ways. For some women, the water can still drain at home, for some they leak, and there are also cases when the water leaves after a puncture fetal bladder in the delivery chair.
  2. The appearance of regular contractions
    Contractions are exact sign early birth... It is impossible not to notice them. Contractions are like wave pains, starting in the lower back and going down to the lower abdomen. Pains appear with a certain period, the sensitivity increases over time.

Symptoms of the onset of preterm labor

  • Premature birth is comparable to the threat of termination of pregnancy. The beginning of the process - discharge of amniotic fluid at a gestational age that is still far from the planned due date.
  • Harbingers premature birth may be uterine contractions, pulling pains in the lower back, some tension in the abdomen ... At the same time, the discharge intensifies, streaks of blood appear.

Noticing such signs in herself, a woman should immediately apply for medical help to prevent premature birth. If the cervix begins to open, nothing can be done, you will have to give birth.

The site site warns: an incorrect assessment of your condition during pregnancy can harm your health and become dangerous for your baby! If you find signs of an imminent birth or any discomfort during pregnancy, be sure to consult a doctor!

However, sometimes the safety of the mother and baby can only be ensured through medical intervention.

Changes may occur in your body, indicating that the crucial moment is approaching. Women feel them several weeks before giving birth - with varying degrees of intensity - or they do not feel them at all.

The length of the difficult process of giving birth to a baby can be very different. For the first birth, it averages 13 hours, for repeated - about eight. The beginning of labor in doctors is considered to be the opening of the cervix with regularly recurring contractions.

Over the past 50 years average duration this process was halved, sincein severe cases, they do it in a timely manner cesarean section... Often, spontaneous contractions begin at night when the body relaxes. Many children prefer to look at this world for the first time in dark time days. According to statistics, most births take place at night.

What exactly is causing birth pains- a question, the answer to which is not yet known. It is only clear that important role the child himself plays in this process. But which mechanisms give the decisive impetus remains a mystery.

Recent studies suggest that contractions are triggered by a protein produced by the baby, the so-called SP-A protein, which is also responsible for lung maturation.

Gynecologist's consultation... Usually, Brexton Hicks contractions are difficult to distinguish from real birth pains. In the third trimester, false labor pains become more intense and frequent if you are living active life or you are dehydrated. If you feel them, sit in a cool place, raise your legs, have a drink and rest. If the intervals between contractions increase, and their intensity decreases, then they are false. If it becomes more frequent and severe (especially if it occurs every 5 minutes), call your doctor. I always tell my patients that no one else, giving birth to a child, has described their sensations as "spastic". As a rule, the intensity of labor pains, in which the child passes through the birth canal, is described as follows: "I can not walk and speak."

You've seen this in countless films. Sudden awareness: the woman in labor needs to be urgently taken to the hospital! The woman becomes a real fury, spewing curses ("You did this to me!"). Bending over in half from the terrible pain, she stops moaning only in order to give out another batch of curses at her unfortunate, panic-stricken husband, who suddenly forgets everything he learned in Lamaze's courses, loses a bag prepared for a trip to the hospital, and inevitably directs car straight into a traffic jam, where he eventually has to deliver the baby himself.

The truth is, most couples have plenty of time to realize that labor has indeed begun. No one knows exactly what triggers this mechanism, but they are approaching quickly enough. Here are some signs that tell you to grab your bag and your mother and get into your car.

Labor begins - signs of labor

Most women give birth to their children earlier or later than the estimated date indicated on the exchange card.

Moreover, most often the deviation in both directions does not exceed ten days. In the end, the estimated date of birth only plays the role of some kind of landmark. Only 3% to 5% of children are born exactly on this day. If the doctor said that your baby will be born on December 31st, you can be sure: new year's eve you will not give birth.

Loose stools

It's all to blame hormonal changes caused by prostaglandins.

And it makes sense: Your body begins to cleanse the intestines to free up more space inside the body for the baby.

Estimated Date of Delivery (PDD)

This is the day your baby will be born with statistical probability. Most give birth anywhere between 37 and 42 weeks. While many women don't give birth exactly on the expected date, you must know it in order to be ready. The closer she is, the more attention you need to pay to your bodily sensations and possible signals of the onset of labor. When you turn over your calendar sheet and see the month in which labor is due, you will feel anxious (and mildly anxious). Soon!

Contractions - the first signs of approaching labor

In 70-80% of cases, the onset of labor declares itself by the appearance of real labor pains. They may not be immediately distinguishable from the training ones that you may have noticed for the first time a few weeks ago. At these moments, the abdomen hardens and the uterus contracts for 30-45 seconds.

The pain caused by contractions is initially well tolerated: you can even walk a little if you want. As soon as a certain regularity is established in the contractions, you will put off everything without any prompting and listen to what is happening inside you.

With a gradual increase in contractions, it is recommended to perform breathing exercises you were taught in childbirth preparation courses. Try to breathe as deeply as possible, breathe in with your belly. Your baby also has to do during labor hard work... And oxygen will be very useful to him for this.

Braxton Hicks contractions (preparatory)... These contractions of the muscles of the uterus begin at early dates although you may not even notice them. You will feel tension in the uterus. These contractions are short and painless. Sometimes there are several of them, they follow each other, but usually they quickly stop. Closer to labor, Braxton Hicks contractions help prepare the cervix for the process.

Immediately to the clinic!

Regardless of the onset of contractions, if you stop moving the baby, open the fetal bladder or vaginal bleeding, you should immediately go to the clinic.

Braxton Hicks contractions are the "warm-up" before the start of real contractions. They can start and end several times and often stop when you are active (for example, when you are walking). Early labor pains will be uneven in intensity and frequency: some will be so strong that you can catch your breath, others will simply resemble spasms. The intervals between them will be 3-5, then 10-15 minutes. If for 15 minutes you talked with the doctor, discussing whether labor began or not, and never interrupted, this is most likely a false alarm.

Learn to recognize contractions

On initial stage During labor, contractions lasting about 30 seconds may occur every 20 minutes.

  • The first contractions are similar to cramping menstrual pain (radiating pain). The muscles of the uterus begin to contract so that the cervix opens up to 10 cm.
  • Late labor pains feel like severe menstrual cramps, or reach an intensity you never imagined.
  • When the contractions become very strong, and the rhythm of the contractions is regular, it means that it has begun for real!

There are no mandatory rules for when you can come to the hospital. But if contractions happen every 5 minutes for an hour and make you freeze in pain, no one will stop you from appearing in the maternity ward. Make an action plan with your doctor based on the time it takes to travel.

  • If you live near the hospital, then wait until the rhythm of contractions is 1 time in 5 minutes for an hour, and then call and tell your doctor that you are going.
  • If the hospital is 45 minutes away from you, then most likely you should leave even when the contractions are less frequent.

Talk to your doctor beforehand so you don't panic during labor. Remember that with the onset of the active stage, the cervix in most women opens by 1-2 cm per hour. So count: 6-8 hours before pushing. (But if at the last appointment with the doctor you were told that the disclosure is 4 cm, it is better to come to the hospital early.)

Gynecologist's consultation... I warn prospective parents, especially if this is their first pregnancy, that there can be several "false alarms". My wife is an obstetrician-gynecologist, and she made me take her to the hospital 3-4 times, being pregnant with each of our three children! If she couldn't tell for sure, who could? I always tell my patients: it’s better to let them come and get tested (if it’s premature, they’ll just let them go home) than to give birth on the side of the road.

Timing is everything

How to calculate the timing and rhythm of contractions? There are two ways. Just pick one and stick with it as you watch the events unfold.

Method 1

  1. Note the start of one contraction and its duration (for example, 30 seconds to 1 minute).
  2. Then note when the next contraction begins. If within 9 minutes it was not felt, then the regularity of contractions is 10 minutes.
  3. It can get confused if the contractions are more frequent. Always note the time from the start of one contraction to the start of the next.
  4. If a fight lasts a whole minute, and the next one begins 3 minutes after the end of the previous one, then the contractions occur 1 time in 4 minutes. When their frequency increases, it becomes difficult to concentrate on counting. Ask someone close to you to count the contractions for you.

Method 2

Almost the same, but here you start counting from the end of one fight to the end of the next.

Opening and smoothing of the cervix

Imagine your cervix as a large, plump donut. Before giving birth, it begins to thin and stretch. Expansion (opening) and thinning (smoothing) can occur within weeks, one day, or several hours. There is no standard for the time frame and nature of the process. As the due date approaches, your doctor will draw conclusions about the condition of the cervix as follows: "Opening 2 cm, shortening 1 cm."

Abdominal prolapse

This happens when the fetus descends to the entrance to the small pelvis and, as it were, "gets stuck" there, i.e. no longer moves inside. With Brexton-Hicks contractions, he is even more displaced into the lower pelvis. Imagine that the child is moving into the "launch" position. This process begins in all women in different time, for some - just before childbirth. For many, the message of lowering the fetus is both good and bad news. Breathing and eating is now easier, but the pressure on the bladder and pelvic ligaments makes you run to the toilet more and more. Some expectant mothers even begin to think that the child may simply fall out, because he is now so low. During the examination, your doctor will determine how low the baby is in the pelvis, or what his “position” is.

Abdominal ptosis occurs when the child seems to "fall", descends to the entrance to the small pelvis. Head forward, the baby moves into the pelvis, thereby preparing for the journey through the birth canal. However, for women who have abdominal prolapse a few days or weeks before childbirth, this symptom is "false evidence", and for some, this does not happen at all until the onset of active labor. The Braxton Hicks contractions get stronger, the baby gradually moves lower into the pelvis, the pressure on the cervix increases, and it softens and becomes thinner.

Rupture of the fetal bladder

In 10-15% of cases, the beginning of childbirth is announced by premature rupture fetal bladder, which occurs before the first contractions appear.

If the baby's head is firmly established in the small pelvis, then the loss of amniotic fluid will not be so large-scale.

You will learn about rupture of the membranes by abundant discharge from the vagina a clear, warm liquid.

The rupture of the fetal bladder does not cause any pain, since there are no nerve fibers in its membrane. Sometimes amniotic fluid can have green coloring: this means that the child has already allocated his first chair in them. Record the time of rupture of the membranes and the color of the fluid, inform the midwife or maternity ward of the clinic. Here you will receive instructions on how to proceed.

Very rarely, a rupture of the fetal bladder occurs in its upper part, while the amniotic fluid leaves only drop by drop. Then they can easily be mistaken for urine or vaginal discharge, especially with a little weakness. Bladder... If you suspect that amniotic fluid is leaving, call your doctor right away or go to the hospital. A short inspection will clarify the situation.

As a rule, rupture of the membranes does not lead to dramatic consequences. Usually, contractions occur spontaneously in the next 12-18 hours, and childbirth occurs. naturally... In the absence of contractions, they are artificially stimulated with appropriate medications to reduce the risk of infection for the mother and child.

Water discharge

Sometimes the fetal bladder is called the strange, biblically sounding term "bcolo-fetal sac". When it bursts (naturally or is punctured by a doctor), it means labor will take place within 24-48 hours. As a rule, the doctor decides not to take risks and not wait more than 24 hours after opening the bladder, especially if the baby is born on time, because there is a danger of infection.

If the waters have moved away

When the membranes burst, something like a small flood happens, and it is impossible to predict when and where it will happen. In the third trimester in the fetal bladder, a soft and comfortable "place of residence" of the baby, already contains about a liter amniotic fluid... (Pour a liter of water on the floor - something like this it might look like.) But remember:

  • some women have very little leakage.
  • The fluid will continue to flow out of the fetal bladder even after the water has left, as your body will continue to produce it.
  • In some women, water does not flow spontaneously, and to stimulate the labor process, the doctor performs an amniotomy by piercing the bag with a long plastic hook.
  • The liquid should be colorless. If it is dark (greenish, brownish, yellowish), this may mean that the baby has defecated right in the uterus (this original stool is called meconium). This could be a sign severe stress at the fetus. Call your doctor immediately.

Gynecologist's consultation... Profuse vaginal discharge in late dates pregnancies are completely normal. V 10-20% of women at this stage they are so significant that they have to wear pads all the time. The blood flow to the vagina and cervix increases in the third trimester, therefore increases and vaginal secretion... You may not immediately understand whether this is a discharge or water has moved away. If you feel "in a wet place", dry off and walk a little. If fluid continues to flow out, call your doctor.

Signal bleeding is a symptom of onset of labor

Usually, throughout pregnancy, the uterine pharynx remains closed with viscous mucus, which protects the fetal bladder from inflammation. When the cervix is ​​shortened and dilated uterine pharynx the so-called mucous plug comes out. This is also a sign of an impending birth. However, labor pains do not necessarily occur on the same day. Sometimes it takes several days or even weeks before real contractions appear.

Closer to childbirth, mucus may lose its viscosity and leave in the form of a clear liquid. In most cases, this is accompanied by a small, so-called signal, bleeding. It is much weaker than the menstrual period and is completely harmless. Still, to be sure, you should talk to your doctor or midwife about it - you must make sure that the bleeding is not caused by other reasons that could threaten you and your baby. Very often, a woman does not notice the separation of the mucous plug at all.

Small spotting, or spotting

They can appear due to changes in the cervix - it prepares to open. The contractions soften the cervix and the capillaries begin to bleed. Contractions intensify and arise bloody issues... Any pressure on the cervix can cause slight bleeding(due to exercise, sex, straining during bowel movements, or straining the muscles of the bladder). If you are unsure if this bleeding is normal, call your doctor.

Discharge of the mucous plug

The cervix softens and begins to open, while a mucous plug is released. Sometimes mucus flows out slowly or the plug may come out in the form of a thick knotted flagellum. Up to this point, mucus plays the role of a protective barrier in the cervix and is constantly produced by the body, especially much closer to childbirth. It is not a sign of an imminent birth - some women have mucus a few weeks before - but it is definitely a sign that something is starting to change.


Pain may occur if the baby is facing forward rather than toward your back. If the baby does not turn to his back, they can get worse. Pain can also occur due to the pressure of its head on your spine when the contractions begin.

Cozy nest: not just for birds

In pregnant women, even before the onset of labor, often occurs desire twine cozy nest... A burst of nesting energy, so much in contrast to the sweltering fatigue last trimester, forces expectant mothers to equip their habitat, turning it into a cute and clean "incubator". Another sign that you have begun a period of "nesting" is the speed with which you try to pull off all the affairs, with what exactingness you make requests to your family. Nesting is usually expressed in:

  • painting, cleaning, arranging furniture in the nursery;
  • throwing out trash;
  • organizing things of the same kind (food in the buffet, books and photographs on the shelves, tools in the garage);
  • general cleaning of the house or completing "renovation projects";
  • buying and unfolding children's clothing;
  • baking, preparing food and stuffing it in the refrigerator;
  • packing a bag for a trip to the hospital.

An important disclaimer: some pregnant women never have "nesting", and if such impulses appear, then future mom feels too lethargic to do anything.

Labor symptoms

False labor is a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, similar to pain during menstruation. If such contractions are not strong and not regular, you do not need to do anything on purpose: this is so far only preparing the uterus for childbirth. The uterus, as it were, is trying its hand at the forthcoming important work by collecting and relaxing your muscles. At the same time, you can feel the tone of the uterus - sometimes it seems to collect in a lump, it becomes more solid. The uterus can tone up without pain, since what closer to childbirth, the more sensitive and irritable she becomes. This is fine.

The third important harbinger childbirth may become a discharge of the mucous plug. This is a mucous content that "lives" in the cervix, as if clogging up the "house" of the baby. The mucous plug can leave in the form of thick and sticky discharge of a transparent pinkish color.

A woman may not feel the harbingers of childbirth, although most often the expectant mother still feels the preparatory contractions.

A normal first birth takes about 10-15 hours. Subsequent labor usually proceeds somewhat faster than the first, but this is not always the case. I am an example of such an exception, as my second birth was 12 hours longer (20 hours) than the first (8 hours).

If a woman's amniotic fluid has departed, then it is necessary to immediately go to the clinic. The amniotic fluid protects the baby, and he should not be without them for a long time. Therefore, if you feel the lukewarm transparent water flowing out, call the doctor and go to the maternity hospital.

Usually, after the water has departed, contractions begin (or they intensify sharply if you were in labor before). If the contractions have not started, it is most likely in maternity hospital they will try to induce labor (with the cervix ready) so as not to leave the baby unprotected for a long time.

Labor usually begins with contractions. Usually, women often begin to feel pain in the lower abdomen and aches in the lower back about a couple of weeks before giving birth. But how, then, to understand what it is: preparatory contractions of Braxton-Hicks or the beginning of labor?! Such a question and fears almost always arise in women who, theoretically or practically, come across precursors of childbirth.

Distinguishing preparatory contractions from the onset of labor is not at all difficult! When your stomach begins to stretch, be a little more attentive to yourself: is it such pain as usual, perhaps painful sensations dragged on a little, or something else intuitively seems unusual to you?

If you feel that these painful sensations are regular (appear and disappear with small frequency), it makes sense to start timing, counting contractions and writing them down.

Let's say at about 5 o'clock in the morning you decide that your stomach hurts a little in a special way or for quite a long time. Stock up on a stopwatch (it's on your phone) and start counting.

At 5 o'clock in the morning, pain appeared, the contraction began, it lasted 50 seconds, then there was no pain for 30 minutes.

At 5:30 the stomach starts to pull again, the pain lasts 30 seconds, then for 10 minutes nothing bothers you, etc.

When you see that the pain recurs regularly, intensifies, the duration of the contractions increases, and the interval between them is shortened - congratulations, you have begun labor activity.

Many women begin to see signs of the onset of labor in literally every insignificant detail already at the beginning of the third trimester (after reading about premature birth). And every little thing calls stressful situation... But since the mother is worried, it is bad for the child. Therefore, it is worth finding out the reliable, and not the probable, first signs of childbirth. Believe me, it is impossible not to notice them even by primiparous. Let's consider each feature in more detail.


The first contractions are very similar to the pain that many women experience in the first days of their period. These are quite tolerable pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Others may experience pulling pain in the lower back. It is very important to be able to distinguish real, true contractions from preparatory ones, which do not lead to the opening of the cervix. In true contractions, the head of the child and amniotic fluid(until it ruptures) put pressure on the cervix, under which it opens. And when the opening reaches 10 centimeters (opening 10 fingers - as obstetricians-gynecologists say), you can start pushing. But back to the question of the difference between contractions. False contractions are not regular, occur periodically, not often and have a very short duration. If you are in doubt whether you have already started labor or not yet, try taking a No-Shpy pill or even just lying down or taking a warm bath. If this is a false alarm, then very soon the state of health will return to normal.

Outpouring of amniotic fluid

In an ideal situation, amniotic fluid should be poured out closer to the onset of attempts, that is, when the cervix is ​​almost completely dilated - and this is by no means the first sign of labor in in this case... But it is worth noting that often water is poured out before the onset of contractions, and even if they do not start on their own, they are called in the hospital by medication, since the child cannot stay in the uterus for a long time without water, the longer the waterless gap, the higher the risk of problems in the fetus, the penetration of infection to it. However, in some cases, the doctor can use a special tool to open the fetal bladder, thus certain situations you can speed up the generic process.

By the way, the water can leave at any time, and the rupture of the fetal bladder can be small, and therefore the leakage of water is almost imperceptible. If a doctor diagnoses oligohydramnios on an ultrasound scan, and a woman notices that she has a clear or greenish discharge, a special test must be done to determine exactly whether it is water or not. Do such a test in a hospital setting, if necessary. They try to keep pregnancy as long as possible, because the longer the gestation period, the more likely the fact that the child will be born full.

The above two points are always present in childbirth. We will also describe the likely early signs of labor, so that you have an idea about them. However, if they occur, "sound the alarm" and urgently go to the hospital is not worth it.

1. Discharge of the mucous plug from the cervix.

This slimy "lump" protects the uterus from infection, that is, it plays a protective barrier role. The cork can move away both 2-3 weeks before the onset of labor, and with the onset of true contractions. It is possible not to notice the discharge of the mucous plug only if it happens precisely during childbirth, since it does not leave quickly, gradually. The volume of discharge is quite large. The mucus is thick, stretching, and may contain streaks of blood.

2. Decrease in the height of the level of the fundus of the uterus.“The belly has dropped,” experienced mothers say, which means you will become a mother very soon. Yes, this is understandable ... The abdomen sinks due to the fact that the child's head or other presenting part enters deeper into the pelvis. This happens at 35-40 weeks. Visually, this may not be too noticeable, however, the expectant mother begins to feel more comfortable, since the uterus stops pressing hard on the diaphragm, the symptoms of heartburn disappear, breathing and being in a sitting position becomes easier.

3. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, urination may increase. Often these signs of childbirth appear in primiparous and multiparous just before the onset of labor or even when the cervix begins to open. It is believed that in this way the body gets rid of the "excess". But it can also be due to the meal just before childbirth. However, these symptoms may indicate both rotavirus infection and poisoning. It is necessary to ensure that dehydration does not occur, drink often, but very little.

4. Weight is reduced by 1-2 kilograms. This is again due to getting rid of excess fluid. Such signs of childbirth in multiparous and primiparous are not uncommon. If a woman has scales at home and regularly weighs herself, then she will definitely notice this "weight loss". The swelling also subsides accordingly.

5. The child begins to move less often. This is due to the fact that there is already very little room in the uterus for a grown baby. This decline in activity is usually observed a few days before delivery. However, if a woman observes less than 10 series of perturbations per day, an urgent need to consult a doctor, perhaps the child has hypoxia.

6. The nesting instinct. If during the entire pregnancy, women observe a decline in activity, lethargy. Many people prefer to move less, apathy occurs, then a few days before giving birth, a woman wakes up with extraordinary activity. I would like to rearrange the apartment, make general cleaning, go to the store to purchase children's things, even make repairs! And this is quite normal, so the woman unknowingly creates best conditions for the life of the child.

Easy labor for you!

Individual-definite are always immovable things, as well as unique things, one of a kind (for example, M. Vrubel's painting "The Swan Princess", A. Rublev's icon "Trinity", M. Antokolsky's sculpture "Ivan the Terrible"). Things defined by measure, weight, number are generic.

The line between individually defined and generic things is not immutable, once and for all established. The status of a thing as individually definite or generic largely depends on the subject of which relations it is. The subjects of these relations can, by their own will, individualize the thing, distinguishing it from the generic ones, for example, if it is necessary to make a deal with it. So, cars of the Volga brand are generic things, and a Volga car purchased by a person with a certain number and body color is an individually defined thing. The buyer can select from the entire volume of grain available to the seller, the part he needs and place it in a certain package (bags, boxes) in order to

1 See: Art. 70 of the Land Code; the federal law dated January 2, 2000 "On the State Land Cadastre" // SZ RF. 2000. No. 2. Art. 149.

2 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 12, 1994 "On state registration of motor vehicles and other types of self-propelled equipment on the territory Russian Federation"// SZ RF. 1994. No. 17. Art. 1999.

purchase exactly the selected grain; such a seed can be called an individually defined thing. An individually defined thing in a particular transaction can act as a thing determined by generic characteristics. For example, the principal can instruct the agent to purchase for him a specific car specified by him (an individually defined thing), or maybe any of the cars that meet a certain set of characteristics (a generic thing).

The legal significance of the distinction between individually defined and generic things is that individually defined things are irreplaceable: their death terminates the debtor's obligation to transfer things to the creditor due to the impossibility of performance. The obligation does not terminate the destruction of a generic thing: proceeding from the principle rooted in Roman law, “a genus cannot perish”; in this case, the same amount of things of the same kind and quality is subject to transfer. If the subject of the transaction is a generic thing, then regardless of which of the existing set of things will be transferred under this transaction, the obligation will be considered duly fulfilled. If the subject of the obligation is an individually determined thing, the transfer of this particular thing will be recognized as its proper performance. Only individual things can be claimed from the obliged person in kind by means of a claim based on an obligation, or a property-legal (vindication) claim.

More on topic 2. Things defined by generic characteristics, and individually defined things:

  1. 1. Rights to other people's things. General characteristics of the rights to other people's things
  2. 2. Things as objects of civil rights (legal relations). Private law things. Types of things of private law
  3. § 23 Replacement of one performance with another. - Replacing a thing with its price. - Determination of the price upon return. - Russian law regarding the return of an estate to its rightful owner. - Cases of this replacement in the Russian law.

Signs of the onset of labor are a question that worries all women without exception in the third trimester of pregnancy. Sometimes the expectant mother can mistake training contractions for symptoms of incipient labor, and sometimes their bright signs do not attract the attention they deserve. In order not to be mistaken in her assumptions, every woman should know how to determine the onset of labor, and what sensations this process causes in a woman in labor.

When and why do the first prenatal symptoms appear?

Approximately 14-20 days before the onset of labor, the patient gradually changes hormonal background... The level of progesterone, which is responsible for the safety of the fetus inside the uterus, begins to decrease, and estrogen, which prepares the body of the expectant mother for upcoming birth on the contrary, it grows. The placenta is "aging", which is also one of the signals that very soon a happy mother will meet her long-awaited baby.

The first signs of childbirth is a collective name, implying the preparation of the birth canal for the soft and safe movement of the baby along them. This occurs gradually to reduce the risk of injury to the uterus and vagina during labor.

As for the question, when the precursors of childbirth begin to appear, this happens approximately 14 days before the baby is born. However, it all depends on individual characteristics the body of the expectant mother. In some patients, specific sensations characteristic of the incipient labor activity appear several days before the birth of the long-awaited crumbs. However, this usually happens.

In the second pregnancy, obvious or latent (this is also a purely individual factor) signs of imminent birth appear several hours before their onset. For the reason that the onset of labor can occur latently (even in primiparous), as well as for the purpose of constant monitoring of the patient's condition, the gynecologist may recommend her hospitalization 3-5 days before childbirth.

Why does labor start?

The first signs of the onset of labor appear in women when the uterus is fully ready for this process. This is one of the main reasons for its beginning. In addition to it, there are several more factors that play an important role in this issue. They are:

  1. Sufficient fruit weight and size.
  2. Absolute readiness of the neuromuscular apparatus of the uterus to contract.
  3. Complete maturation of the placenta.

For the full preparation of the patient's body for the upcoming childbirth, it is extremely important for the normal functioning of her nervous system... It is she who is responsible for the ability of the uterus to contract, which is the main guarantee of the birth of a child in a natural way (that is, without surgery).

Symptoms of an impending labor

The beginning of the process of expulsion of the fetus from the uterine cavity can be signaled various signs... First of all, this applies to:

  1. Contractions.

These are the sensations and signs that every pregnant woman will definitely notice before giving birth.

Are cramping pains a sign of labor?

Depending on the individual characteristics of the woman's body, pain syndrome when contractions may be minor, when she may well go about her daily activities. But it also happens in a different way: the pain syndrome develops so intensely that the patient has to take certain positions to alleviate the condition. Uterine pain is soon joined pulling sensation in the lower back.

Contractions are real, when they really signal that a woman is starting the process of childbirth, and training, arising when the body is preparing for the birth of a baby.

In addition, real swatches are distinguished by the presence of equal intervals between uterine contractions. This period of time is different for every woman - from 10 to 20 minutes. The less time is left before the baby is born, the shorter the time between contractions becomes. In order not to confuse real and training contractions, a pregnant woman should time the intervals between contractions of the uterine muscles.

There is another way to help distinguish real contractions from false ones. To do this, the expectant mother should take one No-Shpa pill and lie down for a while. If labor is really close, cramping pains will not go away, but, on the contrary, will intensify. If the contractions are false, then spasms in the area reproductive organ will soon disappear.

Contractions are the first signs of the onset of labor

Amniotic fluid discharge

Another signal indicating that labor is beginning is the rupture of the bladder with amniotic fluid. As a rule, after this, the process of expulsion of the fetus from the uterus does not drag on for more than 12 hours.

If the discharge of water was noticed, then the first thing a woman should do is to call the gynecologist and inform him about it. Among other things, you should inform the doctor about the color and smell of the amniotic fluid, and also name the time of its discharge.

In the absence of any pathologies in a woman, contractions must first begin, and only then (namely, before the onset of attempts) - to withdraw water. However, this is a purely individual phenomenon. In some patients, the fluid bubble may not burst until last moment, so the gynecologist has to pierce it with a special needle.

In other pregnant women, fluid is poured out long before due date, but this is not considered the norm. If this happens, you should not ignore such an anomaly - you urgently need to consult a gynecologist. A similar condition can be harmful to the fetus.

Other signs that occur before childbirth

There are several more options for how to recognize the onset of the process of expulsion of the fetus from the uterus. They are associated not only with physical sensations pregnant woman, but also with other, no less important, factors. In order not to miss the signs of the onset of labor, it is necessary to consider each of them in more detail.

Abdominal prolapse

At about 35 weeks of gestation, the expectant mother may notice the disappearance of discomfort in the diaphragm. In addition to the fact that shortness of breath disappears, heartburn also disappears, since the baby "hides" in the mother's pelvis, and the uterus no longer presses on nearby organs. This phenomenon in gynecological practice is usually called.

Decreased intrauterine activity of the fetus

As the fetus gradually increases in size, the uterus becomes smaller and smaller. free space... For this reason, the baby begins to behave more calmly, his activity is significantly reduced.

During this period of time, the expectant mother should be vigilant: if the child moves less than 10 times a day, it is necessary to urgently inform the gynecologist about this.

Dramatic weight loss

The fact that the expectant mother will begin labor very soon may be evidenced by a sudden weight loss. It is explained by the gradual disposal of excess fluid from the body. In this case, a woman loses about 2-3 kilograms for a rather a short time... For the same reason, a woman's edema may disappear, if any.

Discharge of the mucous plug

The mucous plug is a strong barrier that protects the uterus and fetus from infection with various pathogenic bacteria. It consists of a lump of mucus and blood streaks.

It can happen, both before childbirth, and directly during the passage of the baby through the birth canal.

Frequent urge to urinate and defecate

Approximately 7 days before childbirth, the woman's body begins to actively produce the hormone prostaglandin. It is he who is responsible for preparing the birth canal for the expulsion of the fetus. Thus, this hormone relieves the body of the expectant mother from excess fluid and solid products life activity.

There are other symptoms of labor onset or fast offensive... In particular, this applies to:

  1. Increased activity of the expectant mother, who wants to have time to complete all the planned tasks before the baby is born.
  2. Softening of the cervix.
  3. Vomiting,.
  4. Changes in the psycho-emotional state.
  5. Posture changes.

Such signs soon start childbirth can be observed in both primiparous and previously given birth women. Noticing similar changes, every expectant mother can be sure: happy event already very close.

Symptoms on the eve of childbirth in primiparous and multiparous women

In primiparous women, the symptoms of approaching labor are somewhat different than in expectant mothers who carry a second or third child under their heart. At the same time, many mothers cannot distinguish real contractions from false ones, since they have never encountered a similar phenomenon... For this reason, they begin to worry and panic, collecting things at the hospital when it is still very early to think about it.

Among other things, primiparous women may not show all the signs of incipient labor, but only some of them. However, it is not uncommon for cases when, for certain (often individual) reasons, the process of cervical dilatation is absolutely asymptomatic.

Signs of childbirth in multiparous

May differ from those observed in firstborns (expectant mothers expecting their first child).

Uterus experienced mothers shrinks faster, and it also has a wider lumen. As for what signs of approaching childbirth are observed in women who are pregnant for the second time, it is worth noting that they can be more pronounced and intense. However, they proceed much faster, and the interval between contractions is much shorter than in primiparous.

Among other things, it is worth noting the following differences:

  1. In women who have previously given birth, the stomach sinks almost before the very birth.
  2. The first generic signs occur a few days before the expulsion of the fetus from the uterus.
  3. Contractions cause a lot more pain than the first birth.

Not to be missed important point, when an urgent need to go to the hospital, the expectant mother should definitely listen to all the signals that her body gives. It does not matter at all whether she gives birth for the first or second time.

Doctors can use it artificial stimulation... This is a very unpleasant and painful process, so to avoid it, you need to follow simple rules a few weeks before hospitalization:

  1. Walk more in the fresh air.
  2. Play sports (in moderation).
  3. Do household chores in a vigorous rhythm.
  4. There are natural vegetable salads with unrefined vegetable oil.

Knowing what the signs and symptoms of impending labor may be, every woman will be able to properly prepare for this process. Let it be not as fast and painless as we would like - this will not be able to diminish the joy of the future from mother from a quick meeting with her long-awaited and beloved baby!