Stone in the tales of the three roads. Fear and Passion. About a stone at a crossroads or why Ivan was more fortunate than Hercules. The most dangerous crossroads in Yaroslavl

Fear and Passion.
About a stone at a crossroads or why Ivan was more fortunate than Hercules.

Friends, I continue to publish excerpts from my book "The Road to the Thirtieth Kingdom. Slavic archetypes in myths and fairy tales." Today is the Jungian interpretation of the image of a knight at a crossroads.

Speaking about the direction of development, and overcoming fear, it is impossible to ignore such a fabulous metaphor like a stone at a crossroads in Slavic fairy tales. It must be said that even the ancient Greeks used the fork in the road as a symbol of a difficult life-determining choice. A very young Hercules, finding himself at a crossroads, met two women, one of them turned out to be Affection, the other - Virtue. The first tempted him with a life full of pleasure, the second called to take the path of serving people, full of trials, but leading to immortality and glory. The Young Hero deliberately rejected the easy path, choosing laurels.

However, the Slavic myth surpassed the Greek in many ways. Firstly, in our fairy tales, the Hero meets on the way not just a fork in the road, but a stone with an inscription. At the archaic stages of the cult, the sacredness of stones is associated with the idea that the souls of ancestors are embodied in them, hence the custom of placing stones near the tombs. They are eternal, just as the wisdom of the ancestors is eternal. Therefore, the inscription that the Hero sees on the stone is a direct message from another world. And, secondly and most importantly, the Russian fairy tale offers the Hero, not two, but three paths!

The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water says: “Driving along the way, along the road, whether it is close, far, low, high, soon the fairy tale will tell, but not soon the matter is done, he finally arrived in an open field, in green meadows. And in an open field there is a stone, on it the inscription is written: "You will go to the right - you will be rich, you will lose a horse. You will go to the left - to save the horse, be hungry and cold. If you go straight, you will be killed."

Let's take a look at all three paths.

"If you go to the right, you will be rich, you will lose your horse." In this case, wealth is understood only as “no worse than everyone else”, the possession of generally accepted benefits approved by the immediate environment. For this socially approved life of the "average Ivan", as the inscription on the stone rightly warns, you will have to pay with a horse. The horse, as we found out in the previous chapter, is a symbol of instinctive vital energy, and, what is most valuable, energy controlled and aimed at achieving true desires emanating from the Self. In fairy tales, this path is usually chosen by false heroes ̶ the elder brothers of the Hero of the present, who in the end do not get either the kingdom or the princess.

"You will go to the left - to save the horse, to be hungry and cold." This is a warning about social isolation, about a possible failure in a new endeavor. These are the voices that tell us: “What are you, you fool ?! Are you a successful lawyer, out of your mind? Who needs these stylists ?! Don't even think about it! "; "Divorce? Crazy ?! What will you live with your children for? You can’t do anything yourself! ”; “Marry? For this? !! You will die of hunger! " In reality, this, and indeed, can happen. But, as a rule, in those cases when the idea of ​​one's own individuation becomes a super-idea, a mania. When new beginnings come not from interest and real passion, but from the principle "I will do it to spite my grandmother, I will frostbite my ears", not from my own aspirations, but from the desire to "prove to everyone," "to show what I am capable of," etc.

So, Hercules, unlike Ivan, was offered only two ways. The number two is traditionally a symbol of the confrontation between the spiritual and material worlds, the struggle of opposites. Before the appearance of the cult of Jupiter in Rome, the god of the sky was the two-faced Janus, who in the morning unlocked the heavenly door and released the Sun, and locked it at night. It was believed that one head of Janus looks into the past, and the other - into the future. Isn't it a great symbol of that very neurotic "nowhere and never", absence in the present, absence in reality?

Thus, two most clearly reflects polarization. And as we remember, the presence of two extreme poles in the psyche, two oppositional, equally significant attitudes is a sign of a neurotic complex.

However, the Russian Hero, unlike Hercules, was more fortunate. The third path, exactly the one that leads directly, is precisely the transcendental area where opposites, as it would seem to Consciousness, can unite, where everything is possible at once: both prosperity and glory. However, this path, at first glance, is the most unacceptable and terrible:

"If you go straight, you will be killed." In the intrapsychic space, this road means only the death of the existing Ego-setting, which determines the current state of affairs, the real (for a specific person) picture of the world. It is this attitude that narrows the field of view to just two options from the infinite diversity of the world: “You can either be rich or honest”, “or be silent in a rag, or divorce and loneliness”, “either stability or an interesting life”, etc. ... etc. And only with the death of the familiar picture of the world, the world itself expands, new resources become available, opportunities that the bearer of the previous installation could not even dream of even in a dream.

It must be said that the process of initiation, a term that has firmly migrated into the discourse of analytical psychology, necessarily contains the rite of "death - burial - resurrection in a new quality." “Initiation implies the withering away of less adequate, irrelevant living conditions and the revival of renewed ones, more in line with the new status of the initiate. Here we are faced with transformation, change, which is why the rituals themselves are so mysteriously frightening. "

Stone, like earth, water, air, fire, is one of the primary elements of the world. From numerous written sources, legends, mythological stories, it is known that the Slavic peoples have long had a veneration of stones, especially those that were distinguished by their large size, unusual shape and special location. Stones were considered sacred, in which one could see an anthropomorphic or zoomorphic silhouette, marks resembling a footprint of a person or animal, as well as stones rising from the water. In Lake Ladoga, on one of the islands, a huge Stone Horse was revered, near which, according to the beliefs of local residents, spirits lived, protecting the herds grazing on the island from diseases and wild animals. It is known that as early as the 15th century, the Stone Horse and the guardian spirits were sacrificed every year a living horse, which died in winter, and, according to the belief of the peasants, served as food for the stone spirits.

The appearance of boulders, unusual in shape and size, is associated in legends and traditions with the petrification of giants - representatives of ancient generations of mythical creatures, people or animals, those who were cursed or punished for their sins. The mythological motive of petrification, which entails the final or temporary death of heroes, is widespread in epic epics and fairy tales. One of the characters with such a fate is the hero Svyatogor, who has so much strength that the earth cannot bear him. Death befalls him during the struggle with the earth's pull: Svyatogor's legs go into a stone or a stone slab, and he turns to stone. In the Orenburg region, not far from the village of Grigoryevka, there is a large blue stone of an unusual shape, the origin of which there is the following legend: the parents did not give their daughter a blessing for marriage, but despite this, she decided to get married; but no sooner had the trainees left the village than, as punishment for disobedience, the entire wedding train, petrified, remained forever on the road.

In cosmogonic representations, a stone is perceived as a support, a foundation, an earthly navel, a border between the worlds. In this regard, it is no coincidence that the image of a stone is very often found in myphopoetic texts, where it turns out to be one of the essential spatial landmarks and a magical object that are associated with changes in the fate of a particular folklore character or person. In conspiracies, for example, he acts as a sacred object, to which a mental journey is made in order to achieve the desired goal. The sacredness of the image of a stone is determined by its spatial fixation on the border between “our” and “alien” worlds. Therefore, the motive of locks is often associated with it: “Is the Alatyr stone lying white in the mori-okiyan, the circle of that stone is thirty iron locks?” Sometimes the stone itself acts as a lock: “The Kazan Mother of God applied her seal with her golden ring. Always from now to forever. Castle stone. Amen, amen, amen. "

The centuries-old use of stones in magical rites of medical and protective practice is explained by the characteristics of this natural phenomenon and their interpretation in mythological concepts, starting from ancient times. Significant features of a stone include hardness, strength, durability, heaviness, immobility, coldness.

In case of illness or misfortune, people made pilgrimages to the revered stones, made sacrifices to them in the form of bread, woven things - towels, scarves, ribbons, as well as money, which they left nearby or hung on trees growing nearby. On the territory of Belarus, even in the 19th century, the custom of leaving gifts on sacred stones was preserved. Russians still leave coins in the recesses on the surface of such stones. The water remaining in the hollows at the top of the stones, the fragments of the destroyed shrines, were, according to popular beliefs, healing. In healing magic, elongated belemnite stones were also used, called "thunderbolts" or "thunder arrows", the archaic ideas about which were discussed above. Rituals aimed at protection from diseases were performed near the sacred stones: for example, not far from Tula, a stone was known, around which, in the event of the death of cattle, the ritual of plowing was performed. In the Ukrainian tradition, so as not to have a headache, at the first thunderclap, they tried to touch their head with a stone three times. In Polesie, on Maundy Thursday, before sunrise, they jumped on a stone three times to be healthy. In economic magic, they tried to convey a sign of the strength of a stone to some garden crops: for example, so that the cabbage heads grew large, dense and hard, a stone was placed on the garden bed when it was planted. To prevent wild animals from touching the cattle during the grazing season, stones brought from three pastures were buried in the ground, with the words: "These stones are in the teeth of a wolf." It is interesting that the professional knowledge of the shepherd included magic techniques, during the performance of which, in the event of a bear appearing on the pasture, a dangerous animal instead of cows, according to legend, saw stones.

The use of stones in funeral rituals was of protective importance for the living. According to mythological ideas, the hardness, heaviness and immobility of the stone do not allow the dead to freely enter the world of the living. Therefore, for a long time among many peoples, including the ancient Slavs, stones were widely used in the practice of burials. This is how, for example, they built a grave near the Bodrichs - one of the ancient West Slavic tribes: over the ashes of the deceased, they erected a huge hill of earth and stones, surrounded it with regular rows of protruding stones, and a huge stone was laid on the top of the grave. The peculiarities of such a design of the graves were reflected in the funeral lamentations of the Russians:

They covered our hope from the mountains with yellow sand,

Rolled up here katuchi white pebbles.

The custom of setting tombstones and slabs, which came from ancient times, still exists in the cultures of many nations.

Determining the boundaries between worlds or "kingdoms" is one of the most important functions of the image of a stone in folklore. In a fairy tale and epic epic, the appearance of a stone on the path of a hero who is testing his fate almost always means that he will have to visit the kingdom of death, to come into contact with it. So, in the epic about the three trips of Ilya Muromets, the hero at the crossroads meets an unusual stone, which seems to predict different versions of fate:

A good fellow is going, but in a pure poly,

And he saw a good fellow and a Latin stone,

And from the pebble lies three rostani,

And on the pebble it was signed:

“First of all, ehati - I’ll be killed,

On another path, ehati - to be married,

The third path is ehati - I am rich to be. "

In this case, the stone acts as a border, beyond which the hero must find one of three destinies. However, as it turns out later, all three roads lead to death. On the first road, robbers are waiting for the hero; on the second - a meeting with the royal deceiver, who puts all the fellow travelers in the "cellar of forty fathoms", and the details of the description of this cellar leave no doubt that it is a burial space. Only Ilya Muromets is able to cope with the obstacles of these two roads. Going along the third, he finds a treasure, at the expense of which he builds a church, after which he nevertheless dies.

In fairy tales, the “alien” kingdom for the hero - the “thirtieth” - is usually located behind a stone fence, the height of which is sometimes designated as “from earth to sky”, so that “neither the beast will run, nor the bird will fly by”. To get there and get a strange object or a bride, to return a mother, sister or wife stolen by the enemy, the hero needs to jump over this wall, which is possible only with the help of a magic horse. In some fairy tales, when the hero returns from the thirtieth kingdom, the horse, jumping over the obstacle, touches the wall with one hoof and turns to stone. Penetration into a foreign state often requires not jumping over a stone wall, but testing the strength of a hero associated with a heavy stone: he must be moved, thrown over his shoulder, or thrown onto a mountain. In one of the fairy tales, the hero goes to look for the kidnapped mother: “I drove up to the mountain to a cast-iron stone of one and a half hundred pounds, the inscription on the stone: whoever throws this stone on the mountain, Ivan Tsarevich will throw it up the mountain with one fell swoop - and immediately in the mountain the stairs appeared. "

In mythopoetic texts, the stone becomes a symbol of an obstacle in general. This is especially clearly seen in fairy tales, where the hero, fleeing the pursuit when returning from the distant kingdom, throws a stone given by the magic assistant behind his back, and mountains grow behind, blocking the path of the pursuer.

According to the borderline position of the stone within the spatial structure of the mythological system, it is the center around which all kinds of magical powers are concentrated, which have an otherworldly nature. In conspiracies, characters are often depicted sitting on a stone, to whom they turn for help: diseases (pinches, aches, spoilage, commotion), melancholy pike and snake of a chthonic nature, a hellebore-red maiden, fiery adolescents, an old mother, and also characters of Holy Scripture - the Mother of God, Jesus Christ, St. Nicholas, evangelists, angels. Under a stone, from where there is no way out, in conspiracy texts, forces dangerous to humans are sent, for example: "You go all sorts of damage into the blue sea, into the depths of the sea, under a white stone, under a white island, and there will be no way out." In a fairy tale, under a stone live magic opponents - a snake, Baba Yaga, a little man with a marigold beard from an elbow and others, as well as helpers of the hero, which testifies to their alien origin in the perception of the carrier of mythological consciousness. The appearance of an assistant, which is only worth thinking about, may be, for example, the result of the hero's contact with a stone: “Ivan Tsarevich walks along the road and cries bitterly. He sat down on a pebble to rest, and remembered about Divya's husband. He looks, and the Divy husband stands in front of him, as if he had grown out of the earth. ”The magic assistant can also be called by scribbling a flint and a chair.

In the fabulous and epic texts under the stone there are magic items that the hero needs for his journey:

Ilya went to the capital city of Kiev.

I came to that motionless stone,

The signature was signed on the stone:

“Eli, Eli, rub the stone from the place of the motionless,

There is a heroic horse for you,

With all the armor of the hero,

There is a sable fur coat,

There is a silk lash,

There is a damask club ”.

In fairy tales, these magical objects, including an unusual horse, as a rule, turn out to be "grandfathers", that is, the gift of an ancestor for the hero.

Just as in medical practice a stone plays the role of a healing agent, in fairy tales the stone acts as a magical object that gives the hero heroic strength or unusual knowledge. So, in the Siberian fairy tale "About three heroes - Vechernik, Polunoshnik and Svetovik" the heroes meet a magical adversary who suggests: "Here a burning white fireplace has emerged from the rocks, lick it, and the power will arrive twice." In the Samara tale, the hero Stenka kills the monster Volkodir and licks a stone found in his stomach. This gives Stenka the knowledge of everything in the world.

Coldness, immobility, long-term immutability of the stone caused its perception in traditional culture as a symbol of inanimate nature and, accordingly, death. In a fabulous reality, death can materialize directly in the form of a stone; so, in one of their fairy tales, the serpent says: "There is a stone on the island, and in that stone a hare, and in that hare there is a vutka, and in that vutka there is an egg, in that reaper's egg, and in that reaper there is a stone: that is my death!"

In order to deprive the fabulous or epic hero of movement and the opportunity to act, his opponent, endowed with magical power, temporarily or forever turns him into stone. Temporary petrification is one of the main motives of the epic about the hero Mikhail Potyk. He turns to stone when his opponent wife Marya Lebed Belaya, possessing magical powers, touches him with a stone from an open field:

I took him to a clear field,

I grabbed here and the stone is white,

She beat him on the right cheek:

Petrify you, Mikhaila, for exactly three years

As three years pass, go through the ground!

Turned him around with a large stone.

When magic assistants wrap the hero of stone, he, like the fairytale heroes cut into pieces, and then revived by dead and living water, says: "How long have I slept."

Natural properties of stone - hardness and durability are widely used in the construction of houses. The stones laid at the base of the building served as a solid foundation. At the same time, according to legends, the stone can take offense at a person and take revenge for the fact that he was moved from his native place. Here is how it is described in one of the northern Russian bylichki. To build the barn, the owner took a large stone from the field and smashed it into pieces for the foundation. After the construction of the barn, the stone began to appear to the owner in a dream and ask him to pull out its fragments from the foundation, threatening punishment. The owner, not believing in dreams, did nothing until the cattle began to die in the stable. Then he had to return the fragments of the stone to the place where he lay before.

In mythological beliefs, the stone was related to the masculine principle on the basis of hardness, which was reflected in the Belarusian belief: if there is a stone in the ground under the matrimonial bed, then the woman will certainly become pregnant as a boy. It was also customary among Belarusians to cut the umbilical cord with a stone for a newborn boy, which, according to the popular worldview, contributed to the formation of masculine qualities in him and, in particular, strength.

The Church condemned the veneration of stones, as well as other natural elements and objects. Later legends claim that demonic spirits, hostile to the Christian faith, live in the stones. One of the ancient teachings against paganism contains an appeal: "Do not call yourself a god in stone." However, the worship of stones continued to persist for centuries after the adoption of Christianity, acquiring the so-called folk-Orthodox character. Under the influence of Christianity, the veneration of stones in the folk tradition began to be associated with the names of the Lord, the Mother of God and saints, both common Orthodox and locally venerated. Especially widely Christianized veneration of stones is widespread in the Russian North, where stones-shrines are called "worship". Often crosses were placed near such stones, on which towels, details of clothing, and money were brought “according to the covenant”. There are quite a few stones in Kargopolye, the veneration of which is associated with the name of St. Alexander Oshevensky, who founded a monastery near Kargopol. Legends relate the features of the form and markings of these shrines with certain actions of the saint.

In the Pskov region, which is also replete with revered stones, there is, for example, a "stone chair", on which, according to local legend, God fell, and for many decades the first collected wild berries are put on the shrine as a sacrifice. Far outside the Pskov region, a stone with the footprints of the Mother of God, located in a stream, located here on the territory of the Gdovsk region, is known. At present, many pilgrims come to the stone to honor the shrine and drink healing water from the footpaths for health and healing.

For a long time in the Pskov region, in the Nikandrovskaya desert, we also venerate the stone, which, according to legend, served as a headboard for the bed of St. Ni-kandra. In a local written document reflecting information for 1735, it is reported that during religious processions this stone was worn along with icons.

Many revered stones were associated with the idea of ​​fulfilling cherished desires. So, in the Novgorod region there is a stone, which, according to legend, was stepped on by St. Anthony Leokhnovsky at the entrance to his dwelling. To fulfill the desire, according to popular beliefs, you need to put your foot in the depression that has remained on the stone since the time of the hermitage of St. Anthony. In Tikhvin, there is also a stone in the monastery, on which people have been sitting for a long time, making their innermost desire, in the hope of its fulfillment.

| | "You will go to the right - you will find happiness, you will go to the left ..."

Everything is up to your Choice!

The significance of the Choice in a person's life is so great that there is a need for a deeper analysis and comprehension of it. If you pay attention to popular wisdom, you will notice that people from ancient times knew the value of the right choice. This is reflected in many fairy tales, especially Russian ones, where fairy tale characters (usually three brothers) set off on a journey in search of happiness or the meaning of life. This path almost always leads to a stone at a fork in the three roads. There is an inscription on the stone instructing the fairytale heroes to make a Choice, on which their whole future fate will depend: “You will go to the right - you will find happiness, if you go to the left - you will lose a horse, you will go straight - and you will lose your horse and lay your head down”. As a rule, the main character chose the most dangerous path, that is, straight ahead. Why? It is in this that the whole meaning of the correct Choice is hidden. Let's analyze the inscription on the fairy stone.

The first phrase reads: "If you go to the right, you will find happiness." Usually a brother who follows this path finds everything he was looking for: happiness and money, but remains spiritually dissatisfied. In the end, he leaves his happy life and returns to his father's house, harboring envy of his brother, who risked taking a dangerous path. The fact is that our unlucky hero was looking for happiness in satisfying his earthly desires, mistakenly believing that happiness is when you have a beautiful wife and a lot of money. And if he did not make any effort to acquire all this, then a person on top of bliss is a freebie, sir! Only in the end did he begin to understand that there is no limit to desires, they grow in proportion to well-being, but something most important passes by. This main thing is the ability to find oneself, which turns out to be impracticable within the framework of his idea of ​​happiness. The hero loses. And when he meets his brother, not afraid of difficulties and dangers, boldly stepping into the unknown, threatening death, overcoming all difficulties, finding himself and his true happiness, then, being unable to overcome his rage and envy, he kills him. In fact, he kills in himself the one who was supposed to be realized in life, but, having wasted his life potential on dreams and inactivity, he never came true.

The second hero chooses the path, about which it is prescribed: "If you go to the left, you will lose your horse." Let's figure out what the meaning is hidden in this. The horse in Ancient Russia was a cult, almost sacred animal. He was a symbol of a faithful and devoted friend, the loss of whom was tantamount to death. Choosing this path, the hero understood that on it he could lose not only a faithful friend.

What is a friend? We choose friends in accordance with our ideals, views, beliefs, creating a circle (system) of like-minded people. By acquiring them, we create a team that makes the same mistakes in life as we do. In this system, everyone is equal and the same, no one stands out in any way. All profess little differing values ​​in life, naturally, sharing the heavy burden of responsibility for the common wrong choice. Of course, they do not consider themselves to be guilty of their troubles and failures, blaming anyone and anything.

As soon as you change your attitude to life, breaking out of the system of like-minded people, they all immediately become opposition, expectantly cursing: “Let's see how it all ends. Look, you decided to get out, otherwise it was bad for him. " This is in the best case, and in the worst - they will also put a footboard. The opposition does not forgive those who leave its ranks. Our hero saw the meaning of life in the presence of like-minded friends, having lost whom he lost this meaning. Disappointed and devastated, he returned home. Just like the first brother, he cannot overcome envy, rage, indignation at the success of his more successful third brother. And he also takes part in fratricide. This hero also kills in himself the one who was supposed to be realized, but could not, due to the lack of correct space-time reference points.

The third hero chose the most difficult and dangerous path, which promised him the loss of a horse along with his own head. Having walked this path with dignity, overcoming all difficulties, curbing all desires, accepting events as they are, controlling and analyzing their actions, the third brother receives a reward from life - he finds himself. His happy resurrection after the brothers dealt with him indicates that a person who has found himself, who has the correct life guidelines, is not afraid of anything, Life itself protects him and gives all the blessings.

How should one understand the unambiguous warning “you’ll lay down your head,” which echoes the biblical requirement to give up your son to the slaughter? To lay down one's head means to lay down the powers of the brain, which has assumed the functions of the mental apparatus unusual for it, with all its basic values ​​and stereotypes of the material (subjective) world. A person is invited to reassess values, putting in the first place the spiritual values ​​of the invisible, but objective Subtle World. By giving up to the slaughter of a son is meant the cessation of the vicious practice of raising one's offspring on the basis of subjective, purely materialistic ideas about the world. It is proposed to include a chain reaction of connecting all subsequent generations to the brain of the Universe, to Its Energy-Informational Field.

It is not without reason that such importance is attached to the choice - the correct choice is associated with the evolution of a person, with his ability to find himself, abandoning the subjective and switching to the perception of the objective - everything that is necessary to create well-being. You already know that life flows between two opposing forces: creative and destructive. In each specific event, a person is put by Life before the choice of those forces in whose power he will be: creative or destructive. Everyone wants to deal with creative people, but you can only join them if certain conditions are met, which are very rigidly tied to human self-improvement. Based on the description of the Choice according to fairy tales, we can conclude that it begins with the choice of life orientation. Each of us is invited to make a Choice of one of three possible directions.

A person who has chosen the first direction is focused on himself, on the satisfaction of his physiological and psychological needs (emotions). He spends all his strength on the search for happiness, making money, and certainly with the expenditure of his own efforts and labor. The perception of the world is purely subjective, in full accordance with his ideas and beliefs. The objective world is entirely hidden behind the veil of subjectivism. He is completely disconnected from the real world, remaining in the cocoon of the original Dimension. The objective world is dangerous and scary for him. Such a person realizes himself only in physical labor, because he is not harmonized in the Consciousness - Human System.

A person who follows the second path is focused on blind, thoughtless copying of the programs of parents, friends, society. He is ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of society, Motherland, Humanity. It has a tendency towards heroism, messianism, healing. Psychologically, he is disposed to self-sacrifice for the common good. Tries to cognize objective reality, but through the prism of the subjective mood of sacrifice. Such people talk about universal love, morality, are fond of esoteric and other sciences in order to perpetuate the memory of themselves among the people. They read the Bible and live according to the commandments of God, in every possible way avoid and beware of the machinations of the Devil with his dark forces, while being at the mercy of destructive, and in fact, all the same dark forces.

Such people are between the subjective and the objective, but, as a rule, the sensual, subjective wins. They perceive the objective world only from the position: “This suits me, but this does not; I will accept this, otherwise I will not; I will do this, but I will not. " They try to control the objective world with the help of emotions and their subjective perception, trying to "take God by the beard." They dictate their rights to everyone and everywhere, impose their ideas and rules. These are people of emotions. But they have to reckon with objective reality, since their inner essence is directed towards the external world, towards caring for the common good. Self-sacrifice is their main credo, by realizing which these people are trying to change the world in accordance with the subjective notions "good - bad". Their logic is directed inward, into the world of their subjective ideas, and therefore, as in the first group, they lack common sense. They are socially and religiously law-abiding citizens. In a critical situation, they will follow the leader who promises common good and prosperity. They are indecisive and cannot start transforming their own lives. Immersed in the ideas of general prosperity, such people are capable of doing evil (everything that does not match their morality must be destroyed), and they are convinced that they are doing the right thing. These people are not harmonized in the Human - Human System.

A person walking straight ahead (analogy of choice in fairy tales) is completely focused on the real objective world. He develops a true, objective vision of the world, rational thinking, learns to manage emotions. He approaches events deliberately, purposefully, controlling his thoughts and actions. Builds relationships with people on mutually beneficial terms, taking into account not only their own interests, but also takes into account the interests of another person. Respects the will of other people, does not impose his beliefs on anyone. Begins to realize the perniciousness of the general direction of the movement of Mankind: in words - towards goodness, towards light, towards God, in fact - in the opposite direction.

Such an opportunist has to change his orientation contrary to the programs and opinion of the majority, cultivating his own creative programs. But only such a person is reunited with nature, subjectivism hates him and does not need sermons about universal love, morality, he lives by this. These are people - Creators of their own life, and of the entire living space. They are decisive, not afraid of difficulties, achieve their goals. Their logic is aimed at analyzing the objective world, at active interaction with it, through their own improvement and transformation. The absence of subjectivity, an accurate analysis of the objective helps them to take from life everything that it gives. They know that life will not give bad things, and they must not miss their chances. Often difficulties must be overcome to achieve what you want. These people cope with them, showing endurance, patience, self-confidence. It is about these that we can say: they do not expect mercy from society, the state, doctors, but create them themselves, relying on the creative forces of nature! All life is concentrated in this person and through him is realized. He Himself Creates Life!

Life is an objective reality that exists apart from the desires and "wants" of a person. And this reality can become aggressive towards a person if he has not found the right guidelines, first of all, he has not learned to use the Choice wisely. There is only one correct choice - to have an objective awareness of reality, when Consciousness should receive an orientation towards the real world, the world as it is, and not the one that a person would like to see it. Of the listed options for Choice, the correct one, of course, is the last one.

Remember the fabulous stone at the crossroads of three roads, on which it was written:
"You will go to the right ... You will go to the left ... Will you go straight ...?"
Here, too, everything is exactly the same.
Just like a fairy-tale stone put the heroes of Russian fairy tales before a choice: where to go, so, one might say, every minute there is such a choice before us: which path to choose, where to direct our efforts - on evolution or, conversely, on involution.
Nobody forces us to anything, we all have the right to choose, and it is this right that makes us free. Yes, and there is no point in coercion, because only on your own experience you can understand whether you are right or wrong in your choice. And the Creator gives us freedom of choice so that we ourselves can decide what to do in a given situation, and by our freely made decision can change it in one direction or another, changing ourselves, changing our images, thoughts, character traits and actions. ... And here it is important that a person makes a choice, relying not only on his mind, but also listens to his heart, his inner voice, the voice of his soul.
But back to our drawing. What happens if, at some stage of its development, the soul begins to deviate from the path outlined by its own design from point A to point B? Goes to the place where it can lose all the "mass" of consciousness accumulated during its evolutionary path? As we often say in such cases, the soul will begin to spray, and the person in whose body it is - degraded?
Then our subconscious, looking at how the unlucky heir spends everything accumulated by previous incarnations, begins to warn of the danger of destruction of both himself and his soul. It, as if in the language of problems and diseases, speaks to its careless owner: Stop! What are you doing? After all, you can lose everything, turn into dust, and then it will take millions of years to grow this clot of consciousness, which is now in you, to the state when it will again be ready to pass into a human body. To prevent this from happening, if you don't stop, I will end this journey. Return to your starting position! Again to point A. It can be seen that in this life you are not destined to achieve the goal for which your soul came into the world. In the next one you will start all over again ".
If a person does not respond to signals and stubbornly continues to strive for a sad ending, then consciousness for the sake of preserving more sacrifices less - the life of a person.
In this regard, it is interesting to cite the following fact for comparison. Experienced hunters say that a fox, having fallen into a trap and knowing that a hunter will soon come and take off its skin, often bites off its paw in this case. The fox understands that it will be hard for her without a paw, but her subconscious mind tells her: "Paw - we will lose, life - we will save"... Also, our subconscious is trying to preserve the achievements that were accumulated by consciousness in previous incarnations. And if a person does not understand that he is destroying himself, does not pay attention to signs and signals in the form of problems and diseases, then the defense mechanism turns on. Death stops destruction.
Of course, for many people, the word "death" means the end of everything. But you, dear reader, already know that