When can you give a banana to your baby. When to introduce a banana into complementary foods. Here you can buy antiques of various subjects

A delicious and satisfying yellow exotic crescent is adored by all children. The sweet pulp of a banana without seeds and slices, whole, fragrant, gives indescribable pleasure and brings many benefits to the body of a little man. Absolutely hypoallergenic, it is perfect for baby food. Naturally, what parents are interested in is at what age to introduce a banana to a baby.

All children are very fond of bananas, however, the smallest need to introduce them into complementary foods gradually

What are the beneficial substances in a banana?

In addition to being hypoallergenic, banana boasts a rich composition. The tropical fruit contains:

  • The most important vitamins and minerals that support the correct development of all systems of the baby. Due to the presence of fluoride, potassium, magnesium, sodium, the work of the heart improves, vitamins enrich the blood composition, minerals form bone and muscle tissue.
  • The fruit is 20% starch, which serves as a glucose supplier. Once in the body, it is easily broken down, ensuring good assimilation of the product and supplying the glucose necessary for the overall development of the baby.
  • B vitamins are needed by the baby's nervous system, they are involved in the construction of skin and hair cells, and are responsible for restful sleep of the baby.
  • Fiber is a source of energy and an element that has a positive effect on the child's digestive system.
  • The totality of all the beneficial substances of the fetus affects the concentration of attention. The fruit has the ability to lift your spirits by reducing the whims of babies and setting up school-age children for academic success.

If we talk about the medicinal properties of the tropical fruit, then it is well known for its help in the treatment of the early stages of bronchitis and cough. The pulp of the fruit is crushed in a blender, mixed with milk or water, boiled and given to the baby warm as a medicinal drink. To give a healing effect to the dish, many mothers add lemon juice and bee honey to the resulting mixture.

A banana with hot milk and honey will quickly relieve a child of an annoying cough

When planning to give a banana, moms should be aware of how much a child can eat. Limiting the amount is recommended for:

  • colic, constipation, diarrhea and other digestive problems;
  • high blood sugar (prevention of diabetes);
  • spasms and problems with muscle relaxation, so as not to provoke muscle hypertonia;
  • the fruit is not recommended to be eaten before the main feeding, it can kill the appetite.

Some diseases exclude the sweet exotic fruit from the baby's menu completely. The fruit should not be consumed:

  • with serious problems with the cardiovascular system (congenital defect, abnormalities in the work of the heart valves);
  • if an increased calcium content and bone fragility syndrome are detected;
  • malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • with neurological diseases (epilepsy, spontaneous seizures and fainting);
  • if prohibited by a pediatrician or other pediatric specialists based on medical indications.

For colic or any digestive problems, bananas should be temporarily removed from the dietCan bananas cause allergies?

Cases of allergy to the sun fruit are so rare that it can be safely given to babies from 5-6 months. Banana has long lived in our store counters, so it is natural that the body has adapted to it. At the genetic level, the mother gives the baby information about the product as safe and familiar. Nevertheless, using a banana for complementary foods, you can sometimes encounter a negative reaction of the child's body.

The reason is not in the fruit itself, but in the way it is stored. Fruits are brought to us from distant countries, they travel a long way. Naturally, the seller tries to preserve the presentation, uses chemical compounds, so they become the culprits of allergies. Penetrating under the skin of the fruit, chemical compounds infect its pulp, which leads to allergies in the baby.

When to introduce babies into the diet?

Pediatricians differ on the age at which a banana can be given to a child. Some doctors believe that the fruit should not be given to a baby earlier than 8 months. Others do not see anything wrong with complementary foods introduced to a 6-month-old baby. The only experts are united in that it is undesirable to start feeding with a banana. It is better to give the crumbs a taste of vegetables, otherwise, after the sweetness of the tropical fruit, he will turn away from tasteless products. A table by age and number will help you navigate:

Cut into pieces or a whole banana can be given to the baby closer to the year

By the way, the fruit takes a long time to digest, so you shouldn't give your baby this tropical fruit in the evening feeding. The infant's developing digestive system does not accept such food well, which leads to sleep disturbances and discomfort in the tummy.

Maturity and storage conditions

The long road from banana plantations to the store counter is the main reason why fruits of varying degrees of ripeness appear before us. Which banana is better for a child:

  • Green fruit. These fruits are loaded with unhealthy tannins. Entering the intestines, tannin is fermented and provokes the fermentation process, gas formation increases.
  • Overripe fruit. The fruit is easily recognizable by its black spots and darkened skin. Eating it causes constipation in infants. In addition, it contains a lot of glucose, which can cause allergies.
  • Ripe fruit. The optimal choice for an infant. The fruit is evenly colored in a bright yellow-lemon color, the peel is smooth, without spots and cracks. If you see the fruit is a little unripe, keep it at room temperature for two days and it will ripen.

The tropical sweetness doesn't last long, but there are a few little secrets to keeping it in good shape for several days. Storage conditions:

  • keep fruits in a cool place out of the reach of light;
  • in the refrigerator, the fruit quickly deteriorates and is saturated with other odors, so it is not recommended to store it;
  • store no more than 5 days;
  • provide air access, do not store the fetus in a plastic bag;
  • a banana ripens faster if it lies with an apple.

When stored properly, a banana will keep its freshness for a long time. How can you cook a banana?

Obviously, bananas should be mashed to a 5-month-old baby. They are prepared with the addition of breast milk or milk formula so that the taste of the dish is familiar to the baby. In addition, by diluting the thick pulp with milk, you get a puree consistency that is better absorbed by the baby's digestive system. How to properly prepare a fruit for consumption?

Taking a banana for the first feeding, peel the fruit from the peel and excess streaks. Then subject the fruit to heat treatment: boil in a water bath or in a double boiler. Cut the fruit into small wedges, put it in a steamer bowl or bowl, cook for 6-7 minutes. Take out the well-heated pulp and mash in mashed potatoes, add a small amount of milk or mixture. We offer you several ways to serve fruit:

  • Place the fruit in a nibbler and serve as such to the baby. A safe way to massage the gums of the crumbs at the same time.
  • If you want to quickly make mashed potatoes, scrape the pulp from the whole fruit with a spoon.
  • You can get mashed potatoes from the fruit in several ways: grind the pulp with a fork, pass through a blender, grate. You get a liquid consistency if you add mixture or breast milk to the banana puree.
  • Buy the finished product at the store. Small jars can be taken for a walk, they are conveniently stored. Store-bought puree can be made by combining banana with other fruits.
  • Kids love the taste of banana and apple. Purée with these ingredients.
  • For children over 3-4 months old, a banana can be added to kefir or yogurt. The taste of the fermented milk product will improve.
  • Bake the fruit in the oven, collect the separated juice, pass the pulp and juice in a blender. The puree will be tender and tasty.

Banana-apple puree will definitely please the baby with its unusual taste (how to cook delicious applesauce?) What dishes can you cook?

7-month-old babies begin to cook banana dishes when they are ready to switch from dairy food to a variety of foods. Pediatricians recommend preparing cereals and casseroles with a banana closer to 9-10 months or a year. Our recipes will help you complement your treasure's menu with a delicious banana flavor. When choosing dishes, be guided by the taste of your child.

Cottage cheese-banana dessert

Dessert is prepared for children closer to the year. Sugar is not added to the dish, the sweetness of the fruit itself is enough. You will need:

  • cottage cheese - 50 grams;
  • half a medium banana.


  1. Cut the fruit into small pieces and beat in a blender.
  2. Add cottage cheese to the whipped banana. Top up with a tablespoon of drinking water.
  3. Whisk the mixture in a blender again until smooth. Dessert is ready.

For children, it is better to grind the curd-banana dessert with a blender.

We offer you a recipe for a delicious milk-fruit porridge for children from 1 year old. The dish is hearty, it "charges" the child well with energy. We need to take:

  • round grain rice - 150 grams;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • drinking water - 150 ml;
  • large banana;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt to taste;
  • butter - 30 grams.


  1. We wash the rice well, fill it with water, bring to a boil. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes, close the pan with a lid. Salt.
  2. Boil the milk.
  3. Pour milk into porridge, add sugar, boil for another 7 minutes, turn it off.
  4. Knead the banana with a fork and add it to the finished porridge, stir.
  5. Add butter when serving.

What kind of puree to buy in the store?

Many mothers choose to buy ready-made baby food in the store. Let's pay tribute to the manufacturers, they try to strictly adhere to the recipe, produce a really useful and high-quality product. The consistency of ready-made purees is ideal. A variety of packaging - from traditional glass jars to disposable sachets. Jars can be taken for future use, sachets are suitable for a walk. How to choose the right puree in the store:

  • Choose products from well-known and well-established brands: Hame, Diaper, Gerber, Fruto Nyanya.
  • When starting bananas, use only banana puree. Apple or peach puree can be given to the child after he gets used to the first taste.
  • Take jars packed with plastic or duct tape on top. This choice will save you from buying a fake.
  • See the composition of the puree so that there is no sugar in it. The best product is offered by the company Diapers.
  • Give preference to a product in a small package. A jar with a weight of 80 grams is the best option. The kid will eat all the puree, and you do not need to collect the leftovers.

Having decided on the age when you are ready to offer your baby a new fruit, do not hesitate. Treat your baby to a sweet exotic fruit. Now you know that it is safe, highly digestible, and is liked by most children. In addition, we described how you can cook a banana. Perhaps you will come up with your own recipes, knowing what your child loves, but in any case, a banana will bring benefits and pleasure to the baby.

Banana is a delicious and nutritious product, the only tropical fruit that can be introduced into the diet of a baby. Bananas satisfy hunger well and saturate the body with important vitamins, minerals, and useful elements. Some pediatricians recommend giving this product to babies as early as six months, others believe that up to eight months, the fruit can be dangerous. Let's take a closer look at how many months from how many months to give a banana to a child and in what quantities.

Beneficial features

Tropical fruits contain a large amount of vitamins and nutrients, including B vitamins, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), potassium and magnesium, iron and sodium, starch and fiber. The great advantage of bananas is that they are easily and quickly absorbed, which is important for the child's body. The product performs the following useful functions:

  • Improves blood composition and increases hemoglobin levels;
  • Forms bone and muscle tissue;
  • Stimulates brain function;
  • Charges the body with energy and improves mood;
  • Relieves fatigue and restores strength;
  • Promotes the growth of the body as a whole;
  • Increases concentration of attention;
  • Normalizes bowel function;
  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels and the heart;
  • Improves the condition of teeth, mucous membranes and skin. ;
  • Boosts immunity.

By the way, a banana will be an excellent remedy for a mosquito bite if nothing else is at hand. Simply rub the bite with the inside of the banana peel and the itch will subside. What else will help a baby with an insect bite, read the link

When to give a banana to babies

The second month of complementary feeding is considered a suitable age. The banana can be given to the baby after the inclusion of apples and pears, zucchini and potatoes, broccoli and cauliflower, carrots and some other vegetables. At six months, the baby can be given a taste of half a teaspoon of banana puree, in the future, feed the child with such a dish no more than once every 7-10 days.

After eight months, the puree is given in a thicker consistency, and after nine you can feed it with a fresh, whole fruit (a quarter of the fruit). After ten months, it is allowed to include multi-ingredient banana dishes, including fruit salad, casserole, porridge. Also at this age, they are already giving half a whole fresh fruit.

In any case, when it is possible to give a banana to a baby, parents decide. But you can not give adult complementary foods in the first months of life! It increases colic in newborns, provokes poisoning and the appearance of an allergic reaction. Infants begin to give adult food no earlier than six months, children on artificial or mixed feeding - at about four months. For more information, at what age you can give your child a banana, vegetables, fruits, cereals and other complementary foods, read here.

How to properly give a banana to a child

Start with half a teaspoon of liquid banana puree. At first, dilute the dish with breast milk, boiled water, or diluted milk formula. Children under one year old are not recommended to cook with salt and pepper. You can add a few drops of vegetable oil for flavor. At first, give the fruit only after heat treatment. After 8-9 months, you can give a fresh banana and mix the product with other ingredients.

After the first sample of a tropical fruit, carefully monitor the baby's well-being, as an allergy to bananas in babies, poisoning and stool disorders may occur. If you notice such symptoms, immediately exclude the product from the food of the crumbs and contact your pediatrician. He will correctly diagnose, select the appropriate nutrition and treatment. For more information on what a banana allergy looks like in children and what to do in this case, read the article on food allergies in infants.

If the baby is not allergic to the product, then banana puree is given to the baby without fear once a week, then they begin to introduce new dishes with this fruit. Choose and store the fruit carefully. It is important that it is a fresh, ripe fruit of an even yellow color without blackheads, spots and rot. By the way, to make it ripe faster, you can put the product together with the apple.

Bananas are stored in a dry, dark and cool place for up to five days. Do not store the fruit in the refrigerator, as it will spoil faster and absorb the smells of other foods! In addition, fruits should not be stored in a tied bag, as air must flow to the fruit.

Bananas are not recommended for children who are overweight and prone to obesity, with problems with stool (especially constipation, intestinal upset), since the product contains a large amount of starch and sucrose. Bananas are strictly prohibited for children with diabetes. And do not forget that this is a hypoallergenic fruit, so introduce the product into the baby's diet carefully.

Banana recipes for babies

The first banana puree for complementary foods

Take the fruit and carefully peel and remove the veins, cut off the ends. Then boil half of the fruit for 5-7 minutes in a water bath or double boiler. After that, beat the fruit with a blender or mixer, or crush with a fork, dilute with boiled water, breast milk or freshly prepared milk mixture.

Older babies can puree fresh fruit. To do this, peel the banana and mash with a fork or grate. Then you can add natural yogurt or low-fat baby kefir to the dish.

Apples and banana puree

Take half a peeled apple and a banana. It is better to take green apples for babies, as they are less allergenic. Cut the apple and simmer in water (¼ cup) until boiling, then simmer for another seven minutes. Mix the resulting product with a banana, you can beat in a blender. Add a little natural yogurt or low-fat kefir (1-2%).

Porridge with fruit

  • Banana - ½ pc.;
  • Apricot or peach - 2 pcs.;
  • Water - 4 tablespoons. spoons;
  • Rice groats - 2 tablespoons. spoons.

Boil rice porridge in water separately. Peel apricots or peaches. To make it easier, make a criss-cross cut and then into hot water for a few minutes. Then the skin will be easy to remove. Remove the seeds from the fruit and cut into small pieces. Simmer the chopped fruits in water, covered for ten minutes. Then whisk together with the peeled banana in a blender and mix with the finished porridge. By the way, instead of rice porridge, oatmeal is suitable.

Cottage cheese casserole with banana

  • Cottage cheese - 200 gr;
  • Banana - 1 pc.;
  • Flour - 100 gr (½ cup);
  • Milk 100 gr (½ cup);
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc. (you can take three quails);
  • Raisins or dried apricots - 50 gr.

Soak dried fruits in water for 15-20 minutes, cut dried apricots. Mash cottage cheese with a fork and add an egg, add flour. Mix the mass and pour in milk, mix thoroughly. Peel the banana from the peel and veins, remove the ends and cut. Add the fruit to the milk-curd mixture, add the dried fruit and mix again. We spread the resulting mass in a baking container and bake for 15 minutes at two hundred degrees.

Banana cottage cheese cookies for little ones

  • Cottage cheese - 250 gr;
  • Banana - 1 pc.;
  • Flour - 4th table. spoons.

Peel and mash the banana with a fork, add the curd and stir. Add flour gradually and stir again. From the resulting mass, mold cookies of any shape and put on a baking sheet with baking paper. Alternatively, the mixture can be divided into molds. Bake for 10-12 minutes at 180 degrees, then turn over and leave for another ten minutes. You can also add chopped dried fruits to the dough, and sprinkle the finished cookies with powdered sugar.

The overseas origin of the banana does not diminish its benefits for our babies, so it can and should be given to children. But at what age does he not harm, but, on the contrary, help the development of the baby? I started asking this question when my son was 4 months old. I had a lot of milk, but the baby was large and still did not gorge itself.

The overseas fruit has taken root well with us.

When to start banana feeding

According to information on the Internet, it is impossible to decide in how many months to introduce this type of complementary foods. One site advises starting at six months of age, while another says it’s better to wait until eight months. So I decided to get an expert opinion from our pediatrician.

Due to the fact that the mass of my baby was large for his age, we were advised to wait until 7 or 8 months. The doctor said that from four months, mashed potatoes are given to children with underweight or suffering from rickets. And here if the baby is prone to allergies, then the reception should be started from one year old.

Before the age of four months, it is not recommended to feed a child with a product. It takes a long time to digest, and the digestive system of a newborn may not be able to cope with it. As a result, the baby will develop gastrointestinal diseases.

I myself really love bananas for quickly satisfying the feeling of hunger. But, as it turned out, the baby should not be given them as the first complementary foods. The sweet taste of the delicacy will discourage the desire to eat something else. Therefore, you should start with not so tasty zucchini or cauliflower.

I eat such yummy food on my own.

Useful properties and vitamins

To many children banana puree can replace one meal. This complementary food satisfies hunger well and is pleasant to the baby due to its pleasant taste. My boy ate mashed potatoes as a dessert after the main course.

The whole fruit, thanks to its dense peel, is convenient to take on the road. It is possible to give it to a child from eight months, when the first teeth have already appeared, in a natural form. The baby will grind soft fibers and gums.

Product hypoallergenic and causes a negative reaction of the child's body in very rare cases. It contains many substances useful for the development of the baby:

  • potassium- strengthens blood vessels, promotes better heart function and muscle development;
  • magnesium- promotes the processing of substances entering the body with the help of enzymes;
  • iron- raises the level of hemoglobin;
  • phosphorus- promotes the formation of bone tissue, including teeth;
  • starch- inside the body it is digested into glucose, which serves as a source of energy, its content in the product is about 20%;
  • vitamin E- promotes the assimilation of proteins, fats and vitamins of groups A and D;
  • vitamin C- helps to increase immunity;
  • vitamin B6- increases the content of serotonin in the body, which is responsible for a good mood;
  • carotene (vitamin A)- is responsible for the condition of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • cellulose- improves bowel function.

Folk remedy: when a mosquito bites, the inside of the peel rubs the site of inflammation. It reduces itching.

Many parents use the treat to treat coughs and even early stage bronchitis in babies.

To do this, the pulp, whipped with a blender into porridge, must be mixed with water or milk. The mixture is brought to a boil and given to the patient warm.
For the best effect, honey and lemon juice are added to it.

Mom gets in the way of the goodies and gets the medicine.


Despite the hypoallergenicity, it is necessary to introduce a new product into the diet with caution. If you want to save your baby from trouble, pay attention to the contraindications:

  • High blood sugar. With this violation, mashed potatoes and the fruit itself cannot be given categorically.
  • Increased body weight of the child. The pulp of the fruit is extremely high in calories, so the weight situation will worsen.
  • Digestive disorders. These can include constipation and bloating. With rotavirus disease, the doctor recommended that we eat the fruit as a natural anchorage. The product contains pectin, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive processes of babies.
    And here unripe fruit, on the other hand, can be used as a mild laxative. There is little pectin in them, but a lot of starch.
  • Allergy. It can be caused by the chemical processing of the fruit, so at the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods, the banana should be given little by little and without other new dishes.

Sveta, mother of seven-month-old Dasha, expressed her opinion at the forum:

"... maybe it's not an allergy, but a liver reaction to a heavy new product."

The banana is very tasty, and the kid will gobble it up with pleasure. Mom's task is not to overdo it in feeding this energetic dish. Everything is good in moderation!

Mom, are you sure you won't get me out?

At what time and at what dose the appetite will be pleasant

And now your child tastes a new sweet for the first time. Naturally he likes it, and he would eat it instead of the first, second and third. But there are norms for the correct introduction of a banana into complementary foods:

Complementary foods of this kind are not given at night.

The product takes a long time to digest, which can lead to indigestion and poor sleep.

Features of introducing an apple and pumpkin into complementary foods for a baby →

Which puree is better - factory or homemade

This question cannot be answered unequivocally. Manufacturers are trying to produce really healthy baby products with added vitamins. Their consistency will be ideal for the age indicated on the package.

The release form can be selected based on the situation. Home you can take mashed potatoes in jars, and for a walk - in a convenient bag with a cap or packaging with a straw. But keep in mind that products of the same brand in different containers are different.

From the review of Natalia - mother of two children:

"The banana puree in a glass jar differs from the puree in the carton both in composition and taste."

If you choose such a puree, it should be:

  1. Famous brands. The most popular are banana baby food from the firms Spelenok, Gerber, Hame, Fruto Nyanya.
  2. No other products added. If this is your first time introducing banana into complementary foods, you do not need to give banana-peach, apple-banana, and similar combination products. Leave them for later.
  3. With protective packaging in the form of a film covering the container and lid, adhesive tape, etc. This will protect you from fakes.
  4. Sugarless. Look at the composition. The best will be a mixture of puree fruit and water, like the brand "Spelenok".
  5. In small containers, about 80 gr. In this case, the baby will eat everything at once and there will be no leftovers that cannot be re-fed.

If you decide to feed your baby a homemade meal, you need to carefully select the fruit. To do this, follow the tips:

  • Don't take green. It has a high tannin content. It causes fermentation in the baby's intestines and promotes gas formation.
  • Fruit with a blackened skin can lead to constipation. It also has an increased glucose content, which affects sugar levels.
  • Ripe fruit should be picked without damaging the skin. The color should be even, yellow. If the product is not ripe, you can put it at home to ripen for several days before cooking. Although, Dr. Komarovsky claims that the absolute ripeness of the overseas delicacy is black specks on the peel and a light brownish color inside. It is with such a product that he advises feeding babies.

So different and so delicious.

The main plus of homemade puree is that you know exactly what you put in it. In canned products, this is not always clear.

Here is a review by Anna, mother of one-year-old Valerik:

“The bananas sold in the middle lane have no useful ingredients. If we take banks, then only imported ones ”.

Homemade banana recipes

As the first complementary food from this fruit, I gave my son Hame puree. It was at the age of eight months, and there were no special reasons to fear the body's reaction. Everything went well. But a baked dish won't hurt either. This is the recipe mothers advise us on one of the forums.

  1. Take 2 bananas and 125 ml of water.
  2. Do not peel the skin. Wash the food and place in a dish covered with baking paper.
  3. Preheat the oven to 120 degrees and place the dish in it.
  4. Bake for 30 minutes.
  5. Put the finished product on a plate and clean in it. A lot of juice will come out. It's delicious, so it's best to leave it on your plate.
  6. Cool and test for the baby.

He ate mine with pleasure.

If you want to offer your child fresh fruit, you can push it through cheesecloth, grind it on a blender or grind it on a grater. If the consistency is too thick, the puree is diluted with breast milk or boiled water.

A kid over 9 months old will love the banana puree with cottage cheese.

The recipe is as follows:

  1. Take half a medium-sized fruit and 50 gr. cottage cheese.
  2. Beat the pulp in a blender.
  3. Add cottage cheese and 1 tablespoon of water. Beat again.

A beautiful and healthy dish for babies from 9 months.

The overseas delicacy is not only tasty, but also very healthy. It can be given to babies both naturally and in the form of mashed potatoes, casseroles, mixed with other fruits. The main thing is to follow the recommendations for age and diet. We are read by caring and loving mothers, and I am sure that such complementary foods will only benefit your child!

Tatiana Koshkina

After 6 months for the baby, the period of acquaintance with "adult" food begins and each mother seeks to pamper the baby with new tasty and healthy products from the table of adults. Despite this, it is important to get acquainted with cereals, vegetables, protein products according to the scheme agreed with the pediatrician. After six months of age, it is possible to use fruits in the diet of children. As a rule, bananas become the favorite tropical fruit of many babies. This fruit has a pronounced sweet taste and pleasant aroma. In order for the delicate pulp to benefit the baby, the mother needs to figure out at what age to start dating, how to choose the fruit and make a healthy banana puree.

Useful properties and possible harm

Eating a banana is good for both children and adults. The fruit is characterized by a unique composition, rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements. It contains a lot of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, vitamins A, C, E, B6 and fiber. The combination of these components determines the positive effect of the fruit on the child's body.

The systematic use of the fetus affects the processes in the baby's body in the following way:

  • improves the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • increases fermentation;
  • raises the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • strengthens bone tissue;
  • increases the body's immune forces;
  • improves the condition of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract.

Banana is a high-calorie food. 100 g of pulp contains 100 kcal. If the fruit is green, the figure is 108 kcal, and in dried fruits it is 298 kcal.

These tropical fruits belong to the group of hypoallergenic foods. Fruit allergies are rare. Most often, negative manifestations are associated not so much with the composition of the fruit, but with the use of chemical components to extend the shelf life, improve the appearance. If a baby is trying the pulp for the first time, it is important to carefully monitor the baby's well-being throughout the day. It is worth giving up the consumption of overseas fruit in case of violations. Negative reactions in this case may be diarrhea, an allergic rash. This situation requires a mandatory visit to a pediatrician and appropriate treatment. It is worth remembering that if you are allergic to banana, cross-allergic reactions to gluten and plantain pollen are possible.

Despite the significant benefits of this tropical fruit, there are cases where it can harm children. You can not treat this high-calorie fruit to a child with obesity, diabetes mellitus or babies in case of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. High glucose levels can cause bloating.

Introduction to complementary foods

It is necessary to choose a fruit for cooking according to its external characteristics. The most important factor is color. Green fruits are not worth buying, since they contain the harmful substance tannin, which causes fermentation and gas formation in the large intestine. Overripe bananas are also not healthy because they contain excess glucose. Preference is given to fruits with a bright yellow color without spots and damage. It is better to buy a slightly unripe fruit and leave it for a few days to ripen.

Store bananas in a dark and dry place at a temperature of 10-15 degrees. Do not leave them in a bag or put them in the refrigerator.

If the child is healthy and has already received complementary foods, you can give him a raw banana, scraping the flesh with a spoon. Experts recommend to heat the fruit for the first 2-3 times and beat it using a blender. You can steam the fruit for a few minutes or cook it in the usual way, often young mothers use a slow cooker. Exposure to high temperatures is necessary to eliminate harmful substances and make food more prepared for the child's imperfect gastrointestinal tract.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that for children who do not experience digestive problems, it is possible to prepare banana complementary foods without heat treatment.

Banana goes well with pumpkin, apple, sour berries and fruits. Banana puree can be added to fermented milk products: curds and yoghurts. The exotic fruit goes well with oatmeal, semolina and rice porridge. After 7 months, you can acquaint your baby with a multicomponent puree based on a yellow fruit.

It is not advisable to store the ready-made mixture: the puree becomes gray and loses its useful properties. The maximum time spent in the refrigerator is 1 day, an open jar of industrial banana puree is allowed to be stored for no more than a day. Banana can be harvested for the winter, mashed, jam, jam, dried and even dried. However, there is no need for such preparations, because the fruit is on sale all year round, which allows you to prepare banana puree and other dishes for babies from fresh fruits.

At what age is a banana introduced into the diet of a baby

Pediatricians and children's nutritionists note that they offer the baby with mashed fruit after getting to know vegetables and cereals. Having tasted the sweet flesh, the baby may not want to eat more bland squash, pumpkin, or broccoli. The first attempts at acquaintance are carried out after acquaintance with applesauce and no earlier than six months. The best age to start eating tropical fruit is 8-9 months.

Banana can be given to babies, observing the principles of acquaintance with a new product. If the little one starts to get sick, prepares for vaccination, it is foreseen to move to a new place, it is better not to experiment with the menu, you should introduce a new fruit step by step. The first test is carried out in the morning. Give your baby half a teaspoon. During the day, observe the behavior of the crumbs. The portion can be gradually increased. At this time, it is better to cook the banana in the form of a homogeneous puree, for which you can dilute the fruit gruel with breast milk (if the baby is breastfed) or milk formula.

How much you can give a baby puree depends on age. At 8 months, the toddler can eat 3 tbsp. l. mashed potatoes or half of a whole fruit, provided that its teeth have already erupted. A one-year-old toddler eats half or a whole banana (no more than 60 g per day). It is worth remembering that acquaintance with a new product completes breastfeeding (with HB) or formula.

Effect on the gastrointestinal tract: strengthens or weakens

Fresh flesh holds the baby's stool in place. If a child suffers from constipation, then it is better not to aggravate the situation and not to overuse the fruit in the baby's diet. If the child has a tendency to loose stools, a serving of raw banana will help stabilize the digestive tract. Obviously, the fruit should not be used as a remedy for diseases accompanied by constipation or diarrhea. Heat-treated banana-apple puree has a laxative effect. It is important to understand that, despite the accepted norms, the child's body may not react at all to the appearance of a banana in the diet.


There are many banana recipes for kids. Try different options, choose the most suitable recipe and make your baby's diet varied and healthy.

The first banana puree for babies

For cooking, you need one ripe fruit.

  1. Choose a suitable fruit, pour over boiling water, remove the peel.
  2. Cook a half of a banana for 5-7 minutes in a water bath, double boiler or slow cooker.
  3. Grind the pulp with a blender or mash with a fork.
  4. Add breast milk or ready-to-use formula, give a smooth consistency.

Apples and banana puree

  1. For a healthy sweet dessert, use ½ apple and ½ banana.
  2. Peel the apple and remove the seeds.
  3. Cut into pieces and cook for 10 minutes over low heat.
  4. Add a banana to the boiled fruit, beat with a mixer.
  5. Can be diluted with low-fat yogurt or kefir puree.

Banana curd pudding

Kids over 1 year old will love the banana curd pudding. You can give a delicacy provided that there is no allergy to the components of the dish. To make pudding you will need:

  • 600 g of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 100 ml of milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. semolina;
  • 1 banana.
  1. Beat eggs with sugar.
  2. Combine cottage cheese, semolina and milk in a separate container.
  3. Add the peeled and diced banana to the resulting mass.
  4. Lubricate the mold with butter and spread the dough on it.
  5. We bake the dish for 40-50 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees.

Banana is the favorite fruit of kids. As you age, you can make new treats using a banana. The child will definitely like the chocolate-banana manna, cocktail and homemade yogurt with exotic fruit. When coughing, children can make delicious banana jelly without adding starch.

A delicious and satisfying yellow exotic crescent is adored by all children. The sweet pulp of a banana without seeds and slices, whole, fragrant, gives indescribable pleasure and brings many benefits to the body of a little man. Absolutely hypoallergenic, it is perfect for baby food. Naturally, what parents are interested in is at what age to introduce a banana to a baby.

All children are very fond of bananas, however, the smallest need to introduce them into complementary foods gradually

What are the beneficial substances in a banana?

In addition to being hypoallergenic, banana boasts a rich composition. The tropical fruit contains:

  • The most important vitamins and minerals that support the correct development of all systems of the baby. Due to the presence of fluoride, potassium, magnesium, sodium, the work of the heart improves, vitamins enrich the blood composition, minerals form bone and muscle tissue.
  • The fruit is 20% starch, which serves as a glucose supplier. Once in the body, it is easily broken down, ensuring good assimilation of the product and supplying the glucose necessary for the overall development of the baby.
  • B vitamins are needed by the baby's nervous system, they are involved in the construction of skin and hair cells, and are responsible for restful sleep of the baby.
  • Fiber is a source of energy and an element that has a positive effect on the child's digestive system.
  • The totality of all the beneficial substances of the fetus affects the concentration of attention. The fruit has the ability to lift your spirits by reducing the whims of babies and setting up school-age children for academic success.

If we talk about the medicinal properties of the tropical fruit, then it is well known for its help in the treatment of the early stages of bronchitis and cough. The pulp of the fruit is crushed in a blender, mixed with milk or water, boiled and given to the baby warm as a medicinal drink. To give a healing effect to the dish, many mothers add lemon juice and bee honey to the resulting mixture.

A banana with hot milk and honey will quickly relieve a child of an annoying cough

Who shouldn't eat the fruit?

When planning to give a banana, moms should be aware of how much a child can eat. Limiting the amount is recommended for:

  • colic, constipation, diarrhea and other digestive problems;
  • high blood sugar (prevention of diabetes);
  • spasms and problems with muscle relaxation, so as not to provoke muscle hypertonia;
  • the fruit is not recommended to be eaten before the main feeding, it can kill the appetite.

Some diseases exclude the sweet exotic fruit from the baby's menu completely. The fruit should not be consumed:

  • with serious problems with the cardiovascular system (congenital defect, abnormalities in the work of the heart valves);
  • if an increased calcium content and bone fragility syndrome are detected;
  • malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • with neurological diseases (epilepsy, spontaneous seizures and fainting);
  • if prohibited by a pediatrician or other pediatric specialists based on medical indications.

For colic or any digestive problems, bananas should be temporarily removed from the diet.

Can a banana cause allergies?

Cases of allergy to the sun fruit are so rare that it can be safely given to babies from 5-6 months. Banana has long lived in our store counters, so it is natural that the body has adapted to it. At the genetic level, the mother gives the baby information about the product as safe and familiar. Nevertheless, using a banana for complementary foods, you can sometimes encounter a negative reaction of the child's body.

The reason is not in the fruit itself, but in the way it is stored. Fruits are brought to us from distant countries, they travel a long way. Naturally, the seller tries to preserve the presentation, uses chemical compounds, so they become the culprits of allergies. Penetrating under the skin of the fruit, chemical compounds infect its pulp, which leads to allergies in the baby.

When to introduce babies into the diet?

Pediatricians differ on the age at which a banana can be given to a child. Some doctors believe that the fruit should not be given to a baby earlier than 8 months. Others do not see anything wrong with complementary foods introduced to a 6-month-old baby. The only experts are united in that it is undesirable to start feeding with a banana. It is better to give the crumbs a taste of vegetables, otherwise, after the sweetness of the tropical fruit, he will turn away from tasteless products. A table by age and number will help you navigate:

Cut into pieces or a whole banana can be given to the baby closer to the year

By the way, the fruit takes a long time to digest, so you shouldn't give your baby this tropical fruit in the evening feeding. The infant's developing digestive system does not accept such food well, which leads to sleep disturbances and discomfort in the tummy.

Maturity and storage conditions

The long road from banana plantations to the store counter is the main reason why fruits of varying degrees of ripeness appear before us. Which banana is better for a child:

  • Green fruit. These fruits are loaded with unhealthy tannins. Entering the intestines, tannin is fermented and provokes the fermentation process, gas formation increases.
  • Overripe fruit. The fruit is easily recognizable by its black spots and darkened skin. Eating it causes constipation in infants. In addition, it contains a lot of glucose, which can cause allergies.
  • Ripe fruit. The optimal choice for an infant. The fruit is evenly colored in a bright yellow-lemon color, the peel is smooth, without spots and cracks. If you see the fruit is a little unripe, keep it at room temperature for two days and it will ripen.

The tropical sweetness doesn't last long, but there are a few little secrets to keeping it in good shape for several days. Storage conditions:

  • keep fruits in a cool place out of the reach of light;
  • in the refrigerator, the fruit quickly deteriorates and is saturated with other odors, so it is not recommended to store it;
  • store no more than 5 days;
  • provide air access, do not store the fetus in a plastic bag;
  • a banana ripens faster if it lies with an apple.

When stored properly, a banana will keep its freshness for a long time.

How can you make a banana?

Obviously, bananas should be mashed to a 5-month-old baby. They are prepared with the addition of breast milk or milk formula so that the taste of the dish is familiar to the baby. In addition, by diluting the thick pulp with milk, you get a puree consistency that is better absorbed by the baby's digestive system. How to properly prepare a fruit for consumption?

Taking a banana for the first feeding, peel the fruit from the peel and excess streaks. Then subject the fruit to heat treatment: boil in a water bath or in a double boiler. Cut the fruit into small wedges, put it in a steamer bowl or bowl, cook for 6-7 minutes. Take out the well-heated pulp and mash in mashed potatoes, add a small amount of milk or mixture. We offer you several ways to serve fruit:

  • Put the fruit in and serve as such to the baby. A safe way to massage the gums of the crumbs at the same time.
  • If you want to quickly make mashed potatoes, scrape the pulp from the whole fruit with a spoon.
  • You can get mashed potatoes from the fruit in several ways: grind the pulp with a fork, pass through a blender, grate. You get a liquid consistency if you add mixture or breast milk to the banana puree.
  • Buy the finished product at the store. Small jars can be taken for a walk, they are conveniently stored. Store-bought puree can be made by combining banana with other fruits.
  • Kids love the taste of banana and apple. Purée with these ingredients.
  • For children over 3-4 months old, a banana can be added to kefir or yogurt. The taste of the fermented milk product will improve.
  • Bake the fruit in the oven, collect the separated juice, pass the pulp and juice in a blender. The puree will be tender and tasty.

Banana-apple puree will definitely please the baby with its unusual taste (we recommend reading :)

What kind of dishes can you cook?

7-month-old babies begin to cook banana dishes when they are ready to switch from dairy food to a variety of foods. Pediatricians recommend preparing cereals and casseroles with a banana closer to 9-10 months or a year. Our recipes will help you complement your treasure's menu with a delicious banana flavor. When choosing dishes, be guided by the taste of your child.

Dessert is prepared for children closer to the year. Sugar is not added to the dish, the sweetness of the fruit itself is enough. You will need:

  • cottage cheese - 50 grams;
  • half a medium banana.


  1. Cut the fruit into small pieces and beat in a blender.
  2. Add cottage cheese to the whipped banana. Top up with a tablespoon of drinking water.
  3. Whisk the mixture in a blender again until smooth. Dessert is ready.

For children, it is better to grind the curd-banana dessert with a blender

Rice milk porridge with banana

We offer you a recipe for a delicious milk-fruit porridge for children from 1 year old. The dish is hearty, it "charges" the child well with energy. We need to take:

  • round grain rice - 150 grams;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • drinking water - 150 ml;
  • large banana;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt to taste;
  • butter - 30 grams.


  1. We wash the rice well, fill it with water, bring to a boil. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes, close the pan with a lid. Salt.
  2. Boil the milk.
  3. Pour milk into porridge, add sugar, boil for another 7 minutes, turn it off.
  4. Knead the banana with a fork and add it to the finished porridge, stir.
  5. Add butter when serving.

What kind of puree to buy in the store?

Many mothers choose to buy ready-made baby food in the store. Let's pay tribute to the manufacturers, they try to strictly adhere to the recipe, produce a really useful and high-quality product. The consistency of ready-made purees is ideal. A variety of packaging - from traditional glass jars to disposable sachets. Jars can be taken for future use, sachets are suitable for a walk. How to choose the right puree in the store:

  • Choose products from well-known and well-established brands: Hame, Diaper, Gerber, Fruto Nyanya.
  • When starting bananas, use only banana puree. Apple or peach puree can be given to the child after he gets used to the first taste.
  • Take jars packed with plastic or duct tape on top. This choice will save you from buying a fake.
  • See the composition of the puree so that there is no sugar in it. The best product is offered by the company Diapers.
  • Give preference to a product in a small package. A jar with a weight of 80 grams is the best option. The kid will eat all the puree, and you do not need to collect the leftovers.

Having decided on the age when you are ready to offer your baby a new fruit, do not hesitate. Treat your baby to a sweet exotic fruit. Now you know that it is safe, highly digestible, and is liked by most children. In addition, we described how you can cook a banana. Perhaps you will come up with your own recipes, knowing what your child loves, but in any case, a banana will bring benefits and pleasure to the baby.

The beginning of complementary foods is an exciting moment for every mother. But of course, because the baby is getting older. At this time, I really want to please him with something delicious! But little crumbs do not always agree to try porridge and vegetables. And then it occurs to many mothers that introducing a banana into complementary foods will be very useful. Most often, children enjoy eating this overseas fruit, which has long become familiar to us. Isn't it harmful to give a banana as a first food?

How to add banana to your diet

Many experts say that it is best to start giving a banana to babies after eight months. In no case banana should not be the first food! The fact is that many kids, having tasted a delicious and sweet banana, begin to refuse other dishes - then it is very difficult to feed the fastidious vegetable puree or porridge.

Don't go too far ahead and offer this tropical fruit earlier than six months... Do not forget that complementary foods too early can negatively affect your baby's gastrointestinal tract, because it has not yet fully formed.

Before giving a banana to your child, first mash it or you can peel it and sweep it along the fruit with a spoon to form a puree on it. The first time it will be enough to give a half teaspoon. If no allergic reaction was observed during the day, the dose can be increased the next day. Fresh banana can be spotted on ready-made store-bought fruit puree.

An older kid can cook banana-rice puree at home. To prepare it you will need:

  • 1 small ripe banana
  • 2 tsp baby rice porridge,
  • 2 tbsp breast milk (can be replaced with formula).

First you need to make mashed banana. Then separate the rice porridge with breast milk (or a ready-made mixture). Mix mashed potatoes and rice porridge. You can make any consistency of the dish, depending on the preference of the baby. If your baby loves thick food, then you can add rice porridge, and if liquid - milk or mixture.

Why is banana good for babies?

  • This is a pretty valuable product. It is rich in substances such as potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron and fluoride. All of them are needed so that the baby's bone and muscle tissue is formed, the blood composition improves, the brain and other systems work well.
  • They also contain starch, which is converted into glucose when broken down.
  • B vitamins, which are contained in bananas, normalize the functions of the nervous system. As a result, sleep is normalized, the condition of hair and skin improves. These tropical fruits contain significant amounts of carotene, choline and other beneficial minerals. There are also vitamins PP, E, K and many others. By the way, bananas can easily compete with citrus fruits in terms of vitamin C content.
  • Energy plays a lot in the development of a growing organism - fiber will help to find it, which is contained in very large quantities in these fruits. In addition, thanks to fiber, intestinal function is normalized.
  • And they also have a unique property - they can improve attention and cheer up.

Despite the fact that bananas are, in principle, low-allergenic, sometimes children are allergic to them. This is due to the fact that these fruits contain serotonin - it is to this substance that sometimes there is a negative reaction.

If your child develops a rash after eating the fruit, consult your doctor.

The banana is the first sweet fruit that is given to an infant. It is the overseas banana, and not the native apple, that is the most adaptable product for the child's body. Due to the fact that the content of plant fibers in banana is one of the lowest, it is just perfect for the delicate stomach of the baby.

This hypoallergenic product contains a lot of useful substances. It contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals for the normal growth and development of a child.


This product is ideal for long journeys. Thanks to its peel, it is reliably protected from the ingress of germs or dirt on the edible part. It can become a dessert for a child, as well as a main course.

Banana can be the first natural medicine for a child. It is an excellent treatment for bronchitis. Prepare the mixture in a banana blender and add a teaspoon of squeezed lemon to it. When the child is over twelve months old, you can start adding half a teaspoon of honey. Mix everything with warm milk and give the child to drink until complete recovery.

At what age can you give a banana to a child

The first complementary foods for an infant are not fruits and berries, but vegetables and meat. Fruits with berries are introduced into the diet no earlier than six months. Some pediatricians advise to completely postpone the period until the eighth month. As you know, children on artificial they receive groundbait earlier than their peers who breastfeed.

Such a decision - to put sweet fruits and berries after vegetables, cereals and meat - is caused by the fact that children, having tasted a sweet aromatic dish, will demand it instead of fresh boiled vegetables. You can always have time to give a banana to a child. It is sold all year round and never disappears from store shelves.

From the age of six, babies are given two teahouses tablespoons of mashed banana no more than once a week. At eight months, the consumption rate increases to two tablespoons, and already at ten months, the child can be given half of the whole fruit.

When the baby is one year old, he will begin to eat porridge or casserole with small slices of banana.

Children who are on artificial feeding are given a banana at four months. That is, two months earlier.

Forbidden give any complementary food up to two months of age. The baby's stomach is very sensitive to foods other than milk, and therefore painful colic occurs.

When and how to incorporate banana into your diet

As with any new product, the banana is introduced in small quantities. After a serving, which is half a teaspoon, the body's reaction should be monitored. This will take a few days. If the baby does not have colic, and a rash does not appear on the skin, then the banana can be continued to be given in the future.

How to properly prepare a banana for the first feeding

The fruit is washed with the skin and cleanse... After which it is kept for several minutes in a water bath. For the first feeding, half a teaspoon is enough. So it doesn't make sense to put it through a blender. Just scrape the banana with a spoon and you have your first rate. In the future, when it increases, you will grind it in a blender, and then completely cut it into slices for making salads and casseroles.

Pulp for the first feeding should be uniform, without lumps. To do this, it is advised to get gauze and squeeze out the juice. In the future, the banana mixture will be thicker, and already at ten months they give a whole fruit.

What dishes can be prepared for babies

It can be combined with many products. Add to cereals, mixes, casseroles, dilute with yogurt and milk. They usually start by mixing fresh banana puree with mashed baked apple.

Dishes for kids:


Banana is considered hypoallergenic. In addition, from the point of view of nutritionists, it is completely safe. But for a child's body, which is at the stage of formation, it can bring some inconvenience. The most common problems faced by parents of babies are:

Which puree is better to buy

You can make your own banana puree or buy it at the store. How best to act is up to the parents. There is an opinion that only natural, freshly prepared products are healthy, and ready-made ones are harmful. But this is not at all the case. Manufacturers of baby food have long learned to make products that are as close to natural as possible. In addition, vitamins are added to their composition, which cannot be said about home cooking.

For example, for products produced in the EU countries are very closely monitored. Bananas selected for processing go through several stages of control. At the same time, you can buy fresh banana of suspicious origin on the market, which has been stored in unsanitary conditions. And the consistency of the finished puree is optimal for the baby's stomach and there will definitely be no lumps and villi in it.

There are many products, both overseas and domestic manufacturers. The most popular types of puree are Fruto Nanny, Gerber, Speleonok and Hame. The packaging has protection against counterfeiting and a reliable cover that keeps air out. Banana puree is produced in cardboard boxes and glass jars.

The best dosage is an eighty gram pack. The kid usually eats it completely. It is advisable not to store the remains of mashed potatoes.

There are some exotic fruits that have already firmly established themselves on the Russian market and are considered almost an original Russian product. Banana is one of these "friend". This fruit is extremely healthy, because it contains potassium (a source of good mood and great well-being), as well as vitamin C, carotene, calcium, iron and much, much more. Banana has a beneficial effect on children's brain development, and is also recommended for children with indigestion and other digestive problems.

But when can you start giving your child a banana?

Interestingly, the banana is the only exotic fruit that can be given to young children. It is optimal to introduce a banana as a complementary food to breast milk or artificial formula, from 8 months... Previously, you should not give a banana - the child's still immature stomach simply cannot digest this product and will remove it from the body almost undigested. Also, after consuming a banana at an early age, diathesis, small red rashes may appear. In this case, it is necessary to suspend the consumption of the banana and seek the advice of a pediatrician.

Very carefully, you need to introduce a banana into the children's diet if parents are prone to allergies or overweight.

You should also think about the amount of banana at a time. After a year, it is enough for a child to offer half or a third of one banana.

Banana is a fairly bland food, but it can also be chopped with a blender or a simple fork. Then the banana will make an excellent tasty puree, but you can make, or. As they grow older, the baby can be given a banana without first kneading. This will help your child learn to chew solid foods. Banana can also be given to your child as a commercial baby puree.

Banana can be cooked before eating. To do this, you need to cut the banana into several pieces and boil them slightly in a double boiler or in a water bath.

You can introduce your baby to a banana in this way.: chop a banana, heat it slightly, add breast milk or formula to the resulting gruel.

When the child reaches the age of five, the banana can be offered to him in a new form. This can be dried banana and specialty banana chips. They can be added to fruit salads,.
Russian pediatricians are unanimous on the question of when a child can have a banana. The main thing here is not to rush too much, so as not to harm.