The cat sheds constantly for reasons. If a cat sheds a lot in winter and summer: how to help your pet

Usually, in the off-season, the cat sheds very much: in the spring, hair is shed from the thick undercoat, and vice versa in the fall, when the cat is warmed up, the light summer hair is replaced by denser, winter hair.

Cat owners do not build nests, and therefore they do not need a lot of wool, on the contrary, they try to protect themselves from lint: they put things in the closet and often do wet cleaning.

When caring for your pet, you need to pay attention to how much wool is shed during molting - a lot or a little. Molting can be a natural or pathological process.

Without shedding in any way!

Attention! Experts know that the molting process is directly related to the breed of cats.

Cats that are devoid of a fur cover practically do not shed, first of all, various types of sphinxes. Their few hairs on the body, of course, also change, but due to their small number and fine structure, molting is not at all noticeable.

Molting is poorly expressed in the short-haired Cornish and Devon Rex breeds, as well as Perebold and Levkoi.

Those cats that have not only long hair, but also a thick undercoat, for example, British or Scots, are susceptible to strong shedding. These cats shed very heavily all year round. It is the undercoat that becomes the reason why the owners of plush British have to constantly clean up the hairballs in the apartments.

A kitten of any breed sheds for the first time at 5-7 months, soft baby fur is replaced by an adult. This lasts until the end of the first year of life.

If a cat's shedding is a healthy physiological process, then the hair falls out evenly throughout the body, without forming bald patches or scuffs. And vice versa: if after stroking woolen scraps remain on your hands, then you should think about the reason for the premature shedding. The attention of the owner of the cat should also be attracted by the following symptoms:

  • at least one bald patch appeared on the animal;
  • traces of dandruff are visible on the coat;
  • ulcers appeared on the skin from the fact that the cat is constantly itching;
  • excessive licking leads to the fact that the cat is often sick with hairballs;
  • the pet is lethargic and passive.

Eating problems and cat appearance

Trying to understand why a cat sheds so much, it is necessary to check if the cat is eating properly. It is an unbalanced diet that can provoke a constant molt. Lack of vitamins A and E, trace elements, calcium, magnesium, fatty acids in the daily feed provokes hair loss. It doesn't matter if the cat is fed natural foods or special foods - the lack of a certain type of nutrient causes excessive hair loss.

In this case, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian who will select other types of food for the cat.

Hair is an indicator of a cat's health

The cat sheds very much, what is the reason for this process, because molting is a clear sign that the cat is not doing well?

A number of diseases lead to hair loss in cats:

  1. Allergy. The most urgent disease of our time has not spared animals, which suffer no less than people. Allergic processes in cats can be triggered by inappropriate food or frequent treats, as well as cleaning agents that are used in the house. Cat allergies are accompanied by itching, animals become irritable and nervous, often itch, and traces of dandruff appear on the coat. Another sign of allergy is lacrimation. To determine the cause of the allergy, it is worth changing the food and limiting the food of the animal, eliminating various excesses. It also does not hurt to give a tablet of activated charcoal once a day.
  2. Worms. If the cat sheds very much, the coat has become dull, an unpleasant odor comes from the mouth, there are problems with the intestines, it is likely that the animal has a worm infestation. It is necessary to give the cat an anthelmintic agent recommended by a veterinarian, and after 2 weeks repeat the procedure. In the future, antihelminthic prophylaxis should be carried out at least 1 time in 3 months.
  3. Fungal infections. Among them, the most dangerous disease for humans, transmitted from animal to owner, is ringworm. It is difficult for a non-specialist to recognize the types of fungal infections; for this, a laboratory study is carried out and a specific treatment is determined. Among the common features:
  • dandruff;
  • dull coat;
  • clear boundaries at bald patches;
  • hair breaks off in the middle;
  • there may be sores, blisters on the skin.

The development of fungal infections sometimes leads to excessive care of the owner, who scratches the cat too much - small scratches on the skin contribute to the development of a pathogenic environment. Frequent washing of the cat also helps to develop the fungus. Only a specialist can completely cure a fungal infection by prescribing treatment, which may consist of antifungal ointments, sprays and medications or injections. It is better to start the treatment of fungal diseases on time, especially if there is a small child in the house who rarely washes his hands after interacting with an animal.

What else causes hair loss?

There are a number of other reasons a cat sheds a lot:

  1. Stress. Cats worry no less than people. Moving, the temporary absence of the owners (for example, went on vacation), a new pet or child unexpectedly appeared in the house, a tense conflict situation, rude treatment of the animal - all this causes a stressful state in the cat. If the situation is corrected, excessive hair shedding will stop by itself.
  2. Dry air. And in winter, what to do if the cat sheds a lot? An experienced cat owner can easily answer: the central heating is on at this time. Dry warm air in apartments affects the appearance of the pet - the lipid layer of the skin surface is destroyed, the hairs become brittle and lifeless. To avoid such a problem, it is useful to purchase a device for humidifying the air - this will benefit not only the cat, but also people and houseplants.

Beautiful wool is a source of pride

If the cat is very shedding, the owner should determine with the help of the veterinarian the cause of this phenomenon and choose the right method of treatment.

It is necessary to visit a specialist for prevention in order to keep the condition of the cat under control, especially if she is pregnant. The veterinarian will tell you what vitamin supplements you need to give the animal to strengthen the immune system, or advise on which food to choose. Independent decisions in this matter lead to hypervitaminosis.

Important! Give your cat a bleeding paste regularly. When licking, the cat swallows a small amount of hairs, which, accumulating, can block the intestines.

The composition of pastes for removing wool includes a special oil, a derivative of milk sugar and ballast substances. By giving this paste to your cat, you can avoid the problem of belching hairballs.

If there are no health problems, and the cat sheds a lot, what should I do? Of course, comb out. It is necessary to purchase a brush, comb or slicker and teach the animal that once a day the owner will comb it out. Then, seeing a familiar object in the owner's hands, the cat will itself substitute its back for a pleasant massage.

Attention! Cats should be scratched from head to tail and back, while being careful with the ears, tail and abdomen.

Some cats do not like it when their belly is scratched - you need to do it as carefully as possible. But cats willingly turn their cheeks and necks, getting clear pleasure from the process.

For combing a cat, you can choose tools based on how long the pile and thick undercoat are:

  1. Comb:
  • with sparse teeth - help to untangle matted wool;
  • with different-sized teeth - for a thick undercoat;
  • with fine teeth - for short hair.

  1. Brush:
  • rubber base with metal teeth - for long hair;
  • on a plastic base with soft bristles - for short;
  • nylon is added to the bristles - for treating the cat with dry shampoo.
  1. Slicker - needed for combing out the undercoat. It is safer for the skin of the animal if the ends of the teeth are protected by balls.

A little effort and attention from the owner - and the cat will not have any problems.

If a cat sheds a lot in winter and summer: how to help your pet? was last modified: October 7th, 2016 by Ekaterina Efimova

Usually, pets choose a secluded corner for themselves, where they prefer to spend their free time from cat affairs. However, there is a period when the domestic cat is everywhere at the same time. This is a molt. With the onset of it, all horizontal surfaces in the house, like snow, are covered with wool. Molting in cats is a mandatory period, so the owner needs to know how long it will last and how to survive it.

Changing fur is a mandatory process for a cat. No matter how tired the owner of removing wool from everywhere, it is impossible to prevent its fall from the feline creature. Why do cats shed?

There are several reasons why cats periodically change their fur coat.


  1. Seasons. In the same way as a person gets warm in jackets and boots with the onset of winter, a cat acquires additional hair in the cold season. Despite the fact that cats have been tamed for a long time and most of them are not forced to spend the winter outdoors, the coat thickens due to genetic reasons. In winter - lush, in summer - a lighter version. Hence the molt.
  2. Microclimate. Sometimes it happens that the cat begins to molt "at the wrong time." It's winter outside, and he scatters his curls wherever he can throw. This is how an unnatural microclimate works. If it is too hot in the apartment in winter, the murka may begin to “undress”. If you are unable to eliminate the "Hawaiian" winter, comb your pet so as not to live in a woolen house.
  3. Nature. Some breeds are very fond of shedding. They change their fur coat gradually, but constantly. This is especially true for long-haired breeds, which have a chic undercoat.


  1. Lean dinners. If your cat's diet is not rich in minerals, the coat is likely to suffer. The body begins to throw all its strength into maintaining the internal organs, but there are not enough benefits for the wool;
  2. When changing the menu. A sharp transition to products unfamiliar to the body can provoke an attack of allergies. If the aggravation of molting coincided with reforms in the kitchen, it is necessary to return the cat to its usual menu;
  3. Stress. Cats get nervous too! The cause of neurosis can be a change of residence, the appearance of a new pet or repairs - all this leaves an indelible impression on the psyche of any cat;
  4. As a result of the disease. It often happens that treatment with "aggressive" drugs leads to a weakening of the immune system, as a result of which the coat can not only fade, but also begin to crumble.

Stress in cats is the cause of hair loss

Shedding types

Molting is different. Experts have classified it by type in order to make it easier to determine the cause of excessive hair loss:

  1. Baby shedding. The first planned hair loss occurs at the age of six months. At this time, the children's fur coat is replaced by a tougher and more contrasting one - an adult one.
  2. Seasonal. Cats molt twice a year. Spring molt is more noticeable than autumn molt. Both cases take about 2-3 weeks.
  3. Apartment. Pets who have not seen the streets for years begin to confuse the seasons, which can cause molting at any time of the year.
  4. Poor nutrition. A cat can lose hair if its diet is not balanced enough.
  5. Hormonal. Animals that have not been spayed, but are not allowed to mate, may experience hormonal disruptions, as a result of which an active molt may begin.
  6. Molting due to old age. Elderly animals have difficulty caring for their fur coat, so it often happens that fluffiness goes away with the advent of old age.

How to help a cat

Not every owner is ready to endure an active "wool pad" for several weeks in a row. Especially if a long-haired animal lives in the house. In this case, cats need help to wean.

Combing is a cat's pleasure

If the cat sheds heavily, the following methods should be used:

  • Combing out. For cats with long hair, there is a special furminator brush. Short-haired breeds can get by with a regular rubber glove soaked in water. During the molting period, combing should be done daily. This is the only way to reduce the number of hairs that fall from the pet's fur coat onto carpets;
  • Bathing. The method is less pleasant than brushing, however, it is effective. Bathe your pet more often using special shampoos and conditioners;
  • If your pet eats natural products, do not forget to treat him with vitamin and mineral supplements every six months. It is necessary to consult a doctor regarding a suitable complex;
  • To reduce the intensity of winter hair loss, humidify the air in the apartment;
  • If shedding occurs due to stress, try to remove the irritant from the impressionable pet's field of vision.

Endless molt

If molting does not stop within the prescribed period, or it has become rampant, it is necessary to visit a veterinarian. The doctor will examine the animal and determine the cause of the excessive hair loss.

In case of improper nutrition, vitamins can be prescribed, as well as a change in diet. If the cause is allergens, it will be necessary to determine the cause of the shedding. If hormonal disorders are detected, your veterinarian may advise you to neuter your pet.

It is imperative to consult a doctor if the cat's fur is pulled out in bunches, or falls out from the slightest impact on it!

Breeds and molt

The intensity of the coat change also depends on the particular breed. It is important to understand that some kind of coat is present in all cats. Even the seemingly bald sphinxes have some vegetation that varies with the season.

The most "shedding" breeds are:

  • Persian cats;
  • British;
  • Maine Coons;
  • Siberian breed;
  • Scottish cats.

All these breeds are united by a high-quality undercoat, which helps the animal to survive the cold.

For those who choose the breed of their future pet, but do not want to solve the "woolen" question, there are breeds that do not have an undercoat: Abyssinian, Burmese, Bengal.

If wool in the house is undesirable, even on a cat, you can purchase a bald kitten. Sphynxes, Cornishes and Rexes will not shed their hair due to its complete absence.

Wool in cats is both decoration and chores. When buying a kitten, be prepared for some vegetation on the upholstered furniture. And also be ready to forgive your pet for his little flaw.

If you have any questions regarding feline shedding, welcome to the comments section!

If you are not the owner of a sphinx, then you have repeatedly encountered the problem of hair loss in a cat. Sometimes the pet's coat begins to fall out more abundantly. When a cat sheds a lot, what to do? Is this normal or does your pet need treatment?

Why is my cat everywhere?

It's one thing when a cat is always with you, because it craves attention and communication, and quite another when it is in every corner and even outside the home. More precisely, his wool, which is, well, absolutely everywhere. If the cat sheds a lot, then what to do?

The cat can lose fur in such cases:

  1. This is what nature intended. Or rather, this is a seasonal change of wool, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. The cat, of course, is a domestic creature, but he still has a connection with nature. So for the winter, the pet overgrows with another fur coat, and closer to spring it begins to actively "take off" it. If the undercoat is long, then it will fall out in the cold season, but not as abundantly as during warming. Anyway, in the spring, every cat sheds, "What to do?" - you ask. Comb, bathe or even cut.
  2. This is how the microclimate affects. Everyone adapts to the environment in which they live. It looks like it's still deep winter, and the scraps of the pet are already everywhere. Perhaps it's too hot at home, and the dense fur just bothers the cat. Therefore, he decided to "throw it off" until he got heatstroke. It is completely not scary and completely natural. What if the cat sheds heavily in this case? If possible, then slightly reduce the temperature of the house. If not, you will have to comb your pet out to reduce natural hair loss.
  3. This is the breed's intention. Some cat breeds are more prone to shedding hair than others. This is especially true for long-haired cats and animals with a compacted undercoat. In their case, only proper care will help.
  4. So nutrition influenced. The cat may be shedding due to a lack of minerals in its food. Monotonous and poor feeding may well affect the condition of the coat. The body throws its strength into maintaining itself in a "working" state, and wool, in its understanding, is already superfluous. What if the cat sheds a lot because of this? Improve his diet and supplement it with vitamins.
  5. This is how the change in diet influenced. Not only a poor diet, but also changing it can affect hair loss. The pet may become allergic to the wrong food, and because of this, the cat will suddenly shed heavily. With this option, it is worth returning to the usual diet.
  6. This is how stress affected. Everyone is prone to over-worrying, including cats. So if the pet was very worried about something, then the loss of hair can be associated with stress. Moving, the appearance of another tenant, even a walk down the street can be a great experience for a cat. If your cat sheds due to stress, then she needs time to get comfortable or even heal for nervousness.
  7. This is how the disease affected. It is likely that the cat is shedding heavily due to the disease. The disease can affect the functioning of internal organs, the hormonal system and the skin. If the kitten not only sheds its fur, but also has lost its appetite, has become inactive and sad, then it must be urgently taken to the veterinarian. It is better to play it safe and find out that the pet is simply sad than to miss the opportunity to cure him.
  8. This is how the treatment affected. If, after treatment, the cat sheds heavily, then the reasons may be in the drugs themselves. Some diseases require "strong" drugs, which may well provoke hair loss. In addition, some medications treat only the disease itself, while the body remains weakened. So it's okay if a cat sheds after an illness, but what to do? Support her health with enhanced nutrition, vitamins and immunostimulating drugs.

Important! You definitely need to run to the doctor if the cat has noticeable bald spots or the hair is pulled out at the slightest impact. This clearly indicates serious problems.

If you are in doubt as to why your cat sheds a lot, talk to your veterinarian. He will examine the pet, perhaps do some tests and accurately report the reasons for the loss of hair. For prevention, you can "feed" your pet with vitamins.

Features of molting of some breeds

The coat changes in all cats. Even Sphynxes, Corniches and Devon Rexes can “warm up” and “undress” according to the season or due to changes in the temperature in the house. However, some breeds are more abundant and change their fur more often. Moreover, these are not only long-haired breeds, but also some representatives of short-haired seals. Not only purebred representatives are subject to molting, but also mestizo.

The most "molting" cats are Persians, Maine Coons, British and Siberian, and sometimes also Scottish. The whole secret is in their downy undercoat. It is very soft and light, which is why it falls out so easily, and it seems that the cat is shedding a lot. But for these breeds, this process is quite normal.

As soon as it became clear why the cat sheds a lot, you can start fixing this problem.

Every owner of fluffy pets sooner or later faces problems related to the health of their pets. If your cat sheds a lot, this article will tell you what to do. First of all, you need to understand what is molting in cats and how to cope with the fact that the cat is constantly shedding heavily. Most often, animals experience this period in autumn or spring, but in some cases the process can continue throughout the year.


Possible causes of shedding

Molting always brings a lot of inconvenience to the owners of cats, as scraps of fur are constantly appearing all over the house. If a cat sheds heavily, then hairs can be found on clothes, on a carpet, on a blanket - in general, on any surface accessible to the animal. There are many reasons why your beloved pet may begin to lose its coat. It is very important to know what to do if the animal sheds heavily and why this is happening.

Seasonal molt

It is important to understand that if a cat sheds in the spring or fall, then there is no reason to panic. The reason is simple: the pet coat is getting ready for change. It is quite logical that before the winter cold, the pet should prepare and “put on” a denser coat. You've probably noticed that cats look bigger and fluffier during these periods.

In spring, on the contrary, the cat wants to feel the most comfortable with the minimum amount of hair, and therefore gets rid of excess hair. Hence the wool in clumps all over the house - just your pet is getting ready for the warm days. Do not scold your pet. Why? Since this is a completely natural process, we will tell you what to do with it later.

Ambient temperature

In some cases, cats begin to shed heavily due to temperature "jokes". As it became clear a little higher, lowering the mercury column stimulates the pet to acquire a new coat. If the process has already ended, and there is still no cold weather, then the warm fur is rejected by the animals.

In cases where the cat lives indoors all its life, the molting schedule is somewhat confused and sometimes hair loss becomes permanent. The most important thing is not to panic, know what to do, and understand that molting in cats is completely normal.

Health problems

In some cases, if the cat sheds heavily, then it becomes a sign of health problems. It is important to understand that some breeds are prone to constant shedding. These include British cats, Siberian cats, and Maine Coons. This knowledge is needed in order not to mistake the usual hair loss as an indicator of ailment.

In the event that your pet does not belong to the indicated breeds, and it does not look good, then it should be taken to the veterinarian. In some diseases, fur from fluffy clumps climbs. The reason for this unpleasant phenomenon can be hormonal problems or any "malfunction" in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. You can recognize them by itching, redness of the skin, as well as the appearance of noticeable bald patches.

Change of feed

Sometimes problems with the gastrointestinal tract or the appearance of allergic reactions with hair loss can be associated with a change in feed. If you have recently changed your pet's diet, it is best to abandon the selected menu. Most likely, the beloved cat does not develop a relationship with some of the new ingredients, so the wool will climb.


Our four-legged friends are very impressionable creatures. Very often, a cat sheds if she is very frightened or nervous. In some situations, the pet reacts by molting even to a change in the situation in the apartment, since cats are very conservative creatures.

How to deal with severe shedding

When a cat sheds a lot, the life of the apartment owners turns into a real nightmare, because every few hours they have to start a raid to clean the hairs. There is no way to avoid molting, however, it is quite easy to reduce its abundance. This is pretty easy to do. In the event that the process takes place with additional symptoms, then the pet must be shown to the veterinarian in order to prevent possible problems.

The pet's diet should be adjusted and the intake of vitamins should be planned. There are special vitamin complexes aimed at reducing shedding and improving the quality of wool. Try to protect your pet from stress and not change his usual way of life.

So, we reduce the amount of hair falling out. What should be done when a cat begins to molt? A furminator comes to our aid, that is, a special comb. Regular brushing of your pet helps to significantly reduce the amount of hair. In addition, tangles can be prevented with this comb. Furminator treats the skin of the animal with care.

It is very important to wash your cat using special products. Check with your veterinarian as a specialist can recommend effective conditioners and balms that restore hair and keep cats from dry skin.

Video "How to get rid of excess hair with furminator"

In this video, you can see how to use the furminator correctly and what you need to do to make the molting process easier for your pet.

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Oh, this annoying wool! And on clothes, and on the bed, and even in soup - no matter how you clean it, the falling wool gathers in lumps in the corners of the rooms and sticks to the newly polished suit. Unfortunately, cats that do not shed are still a breeder's dream. But you can partially cope with the problem if you figure out why the cat constantly sheds.

Every cat hair has a lifespan. When it expires, a hair falls out, and a new one grows in its place. This is a natural process that affects the hair of any animals, including human hair. When choosing a kitten, many owners ask themselves the question "which cats do not shed at all?" We are in a hurry to upset the lovers of pussies - only naked cats, absolutely devoid of hair, do not shed. All the rest, regardless of breed, gender and other characteristics, shed to one degree or another.

If the family is categorically not ready for woolen surprises, you should not get a Persian, Siberian, Maine Coon or Briton, as cats with a rich lush undercoat often shed. If your ideal is a fluffy cat in an air fur coat, but the need to constantly clean the upholstery is intimidating, pay attention to Somali, Turkish Angora, American Curl or sacred Burma. By one year, these beautiful creatures grow rich pants and collars, but their undercoat is not as dense as that of the above breeds. Shorthaired cats that do not shed as intensely as other breeds are animals with smooth, well-fitting coats. These cats have almost no undercoat, and the guard hair normally falls out quite a bit: Siamese, Burmese, Abyssinians, Bengals, Singapura, Egyptian Mau.

And what cats do not shed in the conventional sense of the word? These are amazing breeds for lovers of everything extravagant - Cornish and Devon Rex, overgrown sphinxes. The fur of these fabulous creatures does not fray. But sometimes, just a few times in a lifetime, it changes completely - the cat “undresses” and sparkles with bald patches, and then grows back a fur coat. To be fair, there are also adherents of traditional views on cat molt among them - they change their coat gradually, from season to season.