Beautiful statuses about a daughter and a little son. Cute statuses about two daughters

Statuses about little daughters and sons make up most of all the statements that are filled with social networks. And no wonder - such an important event in the life of adults as the birth of a child cannot go unnoticed. We offer options for statements for social networks about the birth of a daughter.

Statuses about little daughters original

  • "The most sincere hugs are childish. They do not need to be earned. A child hugs you just for being you."
  • "I never grumble at my daughter for making a mess. After all, she gave me much more - the meaning of life."
  • "Before a daughter is born, parents never feel so powerful and helpless at the same time."
  • "Daughter is an angel sent by heaven to protect the family."
  • "A woman never tries so hard to take care of herself as when she becomes the mother of a girl."
  • "With the birth of a daughter, parents remember that in life you can enjoy everything."
  • "The thinking of a child is much broader than that of an adult. The kid believes that toys are alive, that trees, swaying, create wind, and all people without exception are kind."

Statuses about daughter: beautiful

  • "A child's hands smell of fresh spring wind, wild flowers and mother's love."
  • "More fairy tales are collected on the eyelashes of a sleeping child than in all the books in the world."
  • "The love of parents when looking at the pink leg of their little daughter will not fit any status."
  • "A daughter's year is such an important period in her life that cannot be compared with any graduation from school and marriage."
  • "They say there is always a meaning to life. But you never feel it as strongly as after the birth of a baby."
  • "The beauty of a girl in the future depends on how much her parents loved her in childhood."
  • "A little daughter is a combination of the most subtle tenderness, the greatest joy and the highest love."
  • "A daughter is the only gift of fate that you don't want to be separated from even for a second."
  • "When God gives parents a daughter, he blesses them with it."

The statuses about the daughter are beautiful, like the feelings themselves that overwhelm her parents. Therefore, do not be afraid to express them.

Meaningful sayings about daughter

Statuses about little daughters in every word are filled with meaning. It is important to be able to convey this feeling - the feeling of being aware of yourself as a parent.

  • "In front of no woman does a man try so hard to be courageous as in front of his daughter."
  • "It's always spring in the house, as long as the sonorous laughter of a child sounds in it."
  • "There is no more sincere person in the world than a baby."
  • "The forgiving heart belongs to little children."
  • "In the eyes of our daughter - the whole world."
  • "The calmest and happiest child lives in a family where parents love each other."
  • "Kissing a little daughter is like touching heaven."
  • "A wife allows her husband to love only one woman more than herself - their daughter."
  • "There is nothing a man is more proud of than his beautiful and happy daughter."
  • "With the first smile of our daughter, we realized that we had not known beauty before."
  • "We need to live in such a way that our daughter, looking at us, would dream of becoming the same."
  • "It turns out that happiness can be held in the hands. Kiss and cover with a blanket."
  • "I'm never ashamed of my daughter. I should only be ashamed of myself."

Funny statuses about daughter

Statuses about little daughters are always the funniest. After all, every step and new word of a child causes a smile not only among his relatives, but also among ordinary observers.

  • "With the birth of our daughter, our house turned into a warehouse of hairpins, ribbons, handkerchiefs and dolls."
  • "A daughter's mother faces a difficult choice every day - a hairpin with a butterfly or a flower?"
  • "Our daughter taught the cat to stand still when combed with a broom."
  • "The most delicious tea in the world - from roots and leaves, prepared by my daughter."
  • "If the house has become quiet for a moment, perhaps the flower pot has already been turned over, and the cat is being bathed in the toilet."
  • "Our newborn daughter has her own opinion from the first days. For example, she is absolutely sure that 7 am is night and 11 pm is morning."
  • “Only with the birth of my daughter I realized that I was already an adult. After all, I can give my candy to someone.”
  • "Nothing changes a man's mind about discos and alcohol like a growing daughter."

Daughter Quotes - I am his crazy, love-spoiled, one and only daughter.

A good daughter is worth two bad sons.

Daughters are harder than in war.

The main joy in my daughter's life is getting smeared with chocolate.

Watching your daughter get ready for a date is like handing a million dollar Stradivarius to a gorilla. Jim Bishop

There is no greater joy for the elderly than a daughter. At least until the granddaughter appears. - Euripides

I don’t know what it’s like to have sons, but I’m sure that there are more positive emotions from daughters (not to mention the fact that you can just admire them). Stephen King. Duma Key

Every mother hopes that her daughter will find a better husband than hers, and is convinced that her son will never get such a good wife as his father. Martin Andersen-Nexe

I will not let my daughters learn foreign languages, because it is enough for a woman to know one. John Milton

The mother was most afraid that her daughter, in addition to her talents, would also inherit a sharp tongue. - R. Sheridan

A mother can hope for unquestioning obedience to her daughter only if she constantly serves her as an example of prudence and a model of perfection. Alexandr Duma

What mother would not sacrifice herself and anyone else for the happiness of her daughter? Helen Bronte

You are warmer than sunlight and much more valuable than any precious stone, my dear daughter.

The only marriage that gives a man unfeigned joy is the marriage of his daughter. Marcel Achard

It is the daughter that is the subject of special pride of the pope.

For a father, there is no suitable person for his daughter. He will show paternal rights to everyone.

Life sucks. Am I happy? Something like that. I have a daughter, which means I'm happy. Ben Affleck

Spout, sponge, hair,
rosy cheeks,
genuine beauty,
It's all from my daughter.

Don't limit the child... Don't clip his wings... Let him choose his own path. Know that once he spreads his wings, he will not let yours fall.

Three daughters - ruin. Japanese proverbs and sayings

If daughters always obeyed certain mothers, they would certainly never become grandmothers.

Mom looks at her daughter and tries to get used to her happiness. But how can you get used to it, to such happiness? This is now a surprise for the rest of my life: I am the mother of a daughter.

Every mother should remember that one day her daughter will follow her example, not her advice.

She was born into the world
For the whole family to enjoy.
Shouting AGU - hello,
Having warmed up a little.

A daughter is a blessed creature!

Why do you think an adult daughter goes to her mother, whom she has not seen for a long time? You do not know? Ask for help, even if she doesn't understand it herself. Oleg Roy. Daughters-mothers, or holidays in Atyashevo

Only my daughter will be cooler than me!

A modest daughter is a good night, a father's happiness, a sage's sapphire. Muhammad Okar

If you want to raise good children, spend half as much money and twice as much time on them. Esther Selsdon

  • "What am I missing?" I asked, turning in front of the mirror. "Smiles," my mother answered me.
  • My mother instilled in me a feeling of boundless love. I may have been insufferable when I was young, but I have always been loving. (Angelina Jolie)
  • I want my daughter to be able to put dots where I put commas.
  • Maaam, I love you despite all the quarrels, screams, insults, you are the most for me. And without you I am nothing.
  • The best sedative is mom. You sit, roar, and she will come up, hug you and say that everything will be fine. - Statuses about mother and daughter.
  • Only mom, asking the question: "How are you?" and having heard in response: "Everything is in order", he will ask ten times: "Exactly ?!"
  • I am afraid in the world of one that I will come home one day, I will say “Mom, I am at home”, and in response I will hear only silence.
  • I'm not looking for a soul mate, it just so happened, my mother gave birth to me whole!
  • Every mother hopes that her daughter will find a husband more worthy than her own ... But she is sure that her son will never find a wife as good as the one his father found.
  • I will bind your life, daughter. And then I will give from the bottom of my heart. Where do I get threads? I never confess to anyone. To tie your life - I secretly dissolve mine.
  • I do not want to say anything about the fact that we must unquestioningly obey our parents in everything. But, damn it, maybe mom really knows how to do it better?! I've been convinced many times. Appreciate the advice of loved ones.
  • Around the age of 18, I realized that you should always obey your mother, but there was no way to fix a lot.
  • There may be several girlfriends in your life... There may be several husbands in your life... It may happen that in your life there will be several fathers... But there will always be only one mother.
  • Do you also have 32 missed calls from your mother on your mobile phone if you forgot your phone in another room for 33 minutes?
  • I love this life! But more I love the one that gave me this life ... I love you, Mom!
  • Statuses about mother and daughter - Thank you mom for your kind words. Because you dedicated yourself to me. You are the only one for me. You are my family.
  • Mom will never change, because her love for you is holy.
  • I envy only one person in the whole wide world ... This is my Mom, because she has such a smart and beautiful daughter ... =)
  • Sometimes I go, frozen to the bone, and I remember how my mother said: "You need to listen to your mother and dress warmly!"
  • Mom really wanted a girl. Kind, caring, loving, decent and attentive. I was born :D
  • You will always be a child for your mother, even when you have your own family and your own child ...
  • Once upon a time, my mother decided what clothes to wear, what to look good. Now she asks me what clothes she should wear to look good!
  • All mothers cry when their daughter gets married, and my mother says: “Let the one who takes away cry ...”)
  • Now you think that your mother does not understand you at all, and you do not want to communicate with her when she asks. And once upon a time you sat at the window for long evenings and waited for only one thing - when your mother comes home from work ...
  • Mom, I love you.) Thank you for me.)
  • And today my mother told me: “What a pity that I raised a monster, not a daughter” ...
  • 5 years old - mom knows everything, 15 years old - well, mom doesn’t know everything, 20 years old - yes, what does mom know! 30 years old - you should have listened to your mother ...
  • Every mother should remember that one day her daughter will follow her example, not her advice.
  • And I promised to be happy - I gave my word to my mother ... - Statuses about mother and daughter.

I didn’t listen to my mother in vain, she told me: “Don’t fall in love, daughter, early.” As a result - I love Roman!

Any mother cherishes the hope that her daughter will marry more successfully and happier than her. And none of them believes that a son's marriage can be more successful than his father's.

The daughter tells the latest news: - Today our class visited a gynecologist, and it turned out that we have only one girl. I'm hoping it's you! - No, mommy, this is our class teacher!

For young mothers, grown children, especially beautiful, sexy, grown-up daughters, are their exact copies, useless.

Best Status:
- Hello, hello! Dad got his laundry dirty, spilled coffee, soak it or what? - Don't touch your father, throw the rest into the typewriter, I'll come and figure it out.

It's hard to watch mom cry, but there is nothing to help her.

A daughter for mom is a bead, a scarlet flower, the most beloved little man.

I go in a little. I observe the following picture - a five-year-old daughter fumbles at the computer and types in the browser search engine: “How will she quit kindergarten?”

Friends of my mother say: “What a beauty you have!”. Am I imagining this or is this some kind of prank?

The daughter's nickname is an avatar, it is clear that her father is an Avar, her mother is a Tatar.

Mom taught me to overcome the impossible: “Shut your mouth and eat soup”

I say to my 4-year-old daughter: - Put away your toys!

And in 15 years, when I have a daughter and she grows up, and asks: “Dad, who was your first love?” I will answer: “Your mother, the one that I loved, love and will love!”

Love your mother, because mother is alone She will not forget you until she closes her eyes.

Friends can be - a lot! And mom is alone!

The phrase said by a girl at the sight of a raccoon: “Dad, and he is more beautiful than my doll!” Makes you think ...

Only our daughter will be more beautiful than me! ..

The baby daughter came to her father and asked the baby: “Two strips is good?”. Dad got sick...

Mom, your eyes should shine! Do not cry, do not suffer!

And you try, when it's bad, just spend time with your mother more often, just communicate. Personally, it helped me, and she is pleased. After all, mom is the most precious thing! And we pay so little attention to her!

Someone said such nonsense that with the advent of children, life ends ... Mine is just beginning. I play ball again and draw, watch cartoons. I have kindergarten and first grade ahead of me, first love, final exams. And I'm a Happy Mom!

- Dad, am I beautiful? - For an amateur daughter, for an amateur

It seems that mom does only what dad wants, and yet we live the way mom wants. The future of the nation is in the hands of mothers. The future of the nation is in the hands of mothers. Your girl has grown, mother, has grown. She does not sleep for a long time at night, often does not come at all, and her voice in the receiver whispers to you with a cold - I'm fine, mask, I'm fine.

Mom is a lifelong Deity who not only gives us life, but also protects us timelessly.

Mom is a person who will replace everyone. But no one will replace her

For some reason, a man’s views on “crotch trading”, “friendship sex” and other “rules of behavior for a girl” change dramatically when his daughter grows up ...

Mommy, Happy Mother's Day to you! You are the dearest person to me, I'm sorry that sometimes I'm such a fool ... I love you!

Soon I will be a YEAR! I have to be in time everywhere: With my mother - for groceries, With my grandmother - for fruit, With my aunt - for wine, With my godmother - FOR A BIG CAKE!

Remember that treating your parents well is the key to making your children treat you well.

Daughter (4 years old) inspects the apartment of family friends whom we came to visit. “Ah, my mother has the same mirror! She looks into it when she shaves her armpits.” Noticing my look, he corrects himself: “Or he pulls out his mustache.”

Daughter, 5 years old, asks dad in the garage: - Dad, why are Zhiguli made in Russia, and cars in Japan?

Only Mom will understand me ...

I live for Mom, because she lives for me... And I am ready to give my life for Mom, because she is ready to give it for me!

The phone rang, I shouted to my mother “I'm not there!”, Mom from her room “me too”))

I always want to see your smile. The most sincere and dearest. I love you mommy!

A mother's heart is an abyss, in the depths of which there is always forgiveness.

For many, happiness is two liters. And for many - it's just two grams. And for me, happiness is to see how my Mom smiles!

Mom, your eyes should shine! Do not cry, do not suffer!

You become an adult when you change “mom” to “mom” on your phone!!!

Love your mother while she laughs and her eyes burn with warmth. And her voice pours into your soul, holy water, pure as a tear. Love your mother - she is the only one in the world who loves you and is constantly waiting. She will always meet you with a kind smile, she alone will forgive you and understand ...

Who else can love you so much besides that mother? Take care of your parents ....

And only Russian Radio and my mother confidently tell me every day that everything will be fine ... Apparently, I have become too distrustful.

My mom has the best daughter!

When mom is in a bad mood, dad and I go out for bread for the whole day.

Mom is the only person you can always ask for advice and she will answer you and be right! So take care of your moms!

Mother's hands are the embodiment of tenderness ... (Victor Marie Hugo)

Beloved, make me the happiest - give me a daughter ...

You wear it for 9 months, you give birth for 15 hours, you don’t sleep at night for half a year, but you see, she looks like her dad :)))

They become adults not when they stop listening to their mother, but when they realize that their mother was right!

Give us the best mothers and we will be the best people.

Happiness is lying on the very edge of the sofa, at a time when a small star lies in the center, and this is YOUR DAUGHTER!!!

The meaning of life is the smile of a mother.

We are sitting in a cafe, at the next table, dad and daughter of 6 years old. Dad got up and walked towards the facilities. The daughter shouts after the whole hall: - Just don't miss!

The five-year-old girl gathered her favorite toys into a bundle and headed for the door. There her father met her: - Where are you going, daughter? “Mom always swears at me,” the girl sobbed. - I decided to return to the stork.

The most honest face I've ever seen in my life is on my little daughter after she messes something up! =))

Summer daughter, assembling a mosaic: - Mom, why do everyone have husbands, but Beauty has a Beast?

Does your mother need a son-in-law?

I love only one little man who, to the question: "Do you love me?" Answers: "Yes, mommy!"

And even if it hurts, smile. Mom taught me that

She looked at the whole mess, and says to me in a philosophical way: - Time will put everything in its place ...

my daughter is the spitting image of an angel: golden curls and a pretty face, all went to dad and doesn’t look like me. Once in a shop. Woman: Oh, what a sweet daughter you have. I smiled, but the smile immediately left my face when she added: Is it really yours?

They released their children into the life, like white doves into the sky! But he is not destined to fly who managed to forget his father and mother!

No one can misunderstand a child as much as his mother...

We all get offended sometimes. Hour we hate our Moms. But they feel everything and hold back tears. Let's try not to upset them, because a mother's smile is more precious than all the smiles in the world!

A mother's heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles. (Pierre Jean Beranger)

Let's say thank you moms for carrying us under their hearts!

Knowing people, you understand that it is worth loving only your mother.

She is a miracle... many say... well, still... because they did not see her house and tears. There thoughts are different and lonely. Dad drinks and refuses to work. Mom is seriously ill, but she excuses herself from her daughter's consolations ... She says the hospital is not needed at all, it's just a cold. Where should she go, where? She thinks that no one will need this ... she does her homework, studies well ... Dad says that it’s necessary, be decent .. Study daughter, mother says, I can’t help you, mine will soon die. The girl is crying, but at school she smiles, does not tell anyone. The problems are not recognized ... And no one will ever guess what is going on in her family ..

Don't hurt girls! After all, each of them is someone's daughter, someone's sister, someone's dream ....

Daughter 3 years old. I tell her: “But you don’t know how to stand on your head, but I can!” The daughter does not yield: - No, I can! - You can not! - No, I can! And with these words, the monster stands on ME with both legs! I lost...

Our life is priceless! Tell your moms, "Thank you"!

Remember baby: “Only my daughter will be better than me!!!”

Daughter (6 years old): Mom, you are so beautiful today! Mom: Oh, thank you, love. Daughter (16 years old): Mom, you are so beautiful today ... Mom: How much?

Mom, dear, don't worry, everything is fine! just your daughter is a bitch!

He doesn't love me mom...

I think Girls should be born only in prosperous families where there is a father and mother and they love their daughter very much. After all, every daughter should be a little princess and not see the cruelty, dirt, hardships of this evil world, so that from childhood her worldview is set only to kindness and giving light to others ...

A mother's tears are drops that burn and make even her own blood more painful.

My daughter, 5 years old, in the store quickly begins to put bell peppers in my basket, while choosing the largest one. - Daughter, but you will not eat it. - Mom, but they are with meat !!!

The world would be a better place if everyone acted like their mother was watching us.

Mom, I want a tattoo. - Bring the belt, now we'll fill it ..

A 5-year-old daughter sings a song: “I’m going like this all DAUGHTER OF THE BOAR ...” dad has not heard yet ... he will probably be glad. =)))

- I love only mom, dad and sister - But what about me? - And you are not them ...

- Mom, why does the bed creak every evening in your bedroom with dad? “It’s just that I can’t sleep, and dad has to rock me to sleep!”

The five-year-old daughter said: Mom, dad and I saw such a thin aunt in the store - even WORSE than you!

You said that I would be nice… mom said that I would be smart… and dad silently waved his hand… … dad was right… P.S-daddy love you…*.

Never hurt your mother, because with every tear a minute of her precious life flows away ...

The cat gets up, stretches, mom says: - What, cat, do you want a cat? Daughter gets up, stretches, mom says: - What, daughter, didn’t you get enough sleep? ?

Evening, it's already dark. In the kitchen, where the lights are out, there are baby crackers on the table. The daughter whimpers and stumbles uncertainly on the threshold, for she is afraid of the darkness, then sighs deeply and resolutely walks into the darkness of the kitchen. Husband: "She turned to the dark side for cookies." 🙂

In all the languages ​​of the world, crossing the oceans, the first word of a person is the word Mama… ?Beat Hoween

Mom is a person who can replace everyone, but no one can ever replace her!

When I sit in contact and my mother calls me to go to the store, I go and sit down at the computer again, and she says that I need to go to the store again. That's when I get angry.

We are going to walk, the dog actively asks to come with us. Daughter about a dog: she can talk like a person, but she doesn’t train.

If a man's toenails are painted with varnish, this does not mean that he is a transvestite. Most likely, he just has a little daughter growing up. =)))

Just know how to tell mom “I’m sorry” and “I love you” we say too many words, and sometimes they need only this.

I'm not looking for a soul mate, it just so happened, my mother gave birth to me whole!

It doesn’t matter what kind of mother, she is your own person, she endured you, fed you, raised you, so be kind enough to take care of your mother and her health, and not to her to tears every day !!!

Nothing shortens a message like a mom standing behind her.

A gentle face, every dash, a snub-nosed nose sniffs ... Money, a career - it's not important. Important side by side sleeping!!! I love my daughter!!!

Love your mother while she laughs and her eyes burn with warmth. And her voice pours into your soul, holy water, pure as a tear. Love your mother - she is the only one in the world who loves you and is constantly waiting. She will always meet you with a kind smile, she alone will forgive you and understand ...

Take care of your moms. Do not offend them, do not quarrel. After all, in life, mom is the dearest and closest person. She will always support and will always be with you.

it's easier for us to live in the world!

- Daughter, it's already 3 o'clock in the morning, why are you not sleeping? – Mom, you don’t understand, he’s still online…*

Thank you for everything that you have done for us, I love you for every little thing, for the caress, for the care given to you! You have not just been and will always be a mother, you are my friend. I love you mommy

Here are collected the most touching, kind, beautiful words of gratitude for the daughter from the mother. The texts are written in prose (not in verse) and are intended both for public speech (at a wedding, anniversary, birthday and other holidays), and for private conversation. They can also sign a postcard, a gift, include it in a letter, or put an end to a quarrel.

Daughter! When you were little, you gave me a feeling of tenderness and tenderness ... Now you have grown up and give me a sense of pride! Thank you for the most wonderful experience in my life.

Daughter! I always asked you to do so that I would not be ashamed of you! Today I want to thank you for the fact that I have never been ashamed of you. Moreover, I am proud of you, thank you for that too.

Favorite daughter! You often thank me for a lot ... I want you to know that I am also grateful to you for a lot:

  • for the fact that you are a true patriot of your family and have always done everything to strengthen it, and not destroy the bright world in which you were born and raised;
  • for making me happy as best she could and trying to add a little sun to my life during bad weather;
  • for the fact that I can turn to you for advice or help and count on your support in difficult times;
  • for bringing your fresh, youthful energy into my elderly and measured life;
  • for the fact that you are a fidget and constantly pushing dad and me to new “exploits”;
  • for your kind, sensitive, sympathetic heart - it inspires me with optimism and new hopes;
  • for the fact that you are a caring daughter and I am not afraid to grow old next to you;
  • for the fact that you are active, quick-witted and purposeful - I am calm from this and I hope that if you are left without our help with dad, you will not disappear in life;

But most of all, daughter, I am grateful to you for the love that you have always brought into my life.

Dear daughter! They say a person has 2 families: the one that gave birth to him and the one that he himself gave birth to. You have always been the sun in our family and brought only love and happiness to it. Now you have grown up and now you can start your own family. I am sure that you will make your new family a bright and happy place ... you know how to do it. I am grateful to you for the warmth that you always gave me, for your love, friendship and kindness. Be happy!

My girl! I often tell you that I love you, but that's not all. I have not yet said that in my heart there is always a feeling of deep gratitude to you for:

  • your kindness and condescension - they relieved me of guilt when, in moments of fatigue, I was angry with you and was not pedagogical;
  • for your wisdom, which helps us create a warm, cozy world of our family;
  • for always sharing with me her amazing discoveries and joys - this brought beauty, brightness and liveliness to my world;
  • for the fact that she regularly bravely took care of household chores and gave me moments of rest from everyday troubles - this inspired me, helped me not to become limp;
  • for trying to cheer me up when I'm sad;
  • for the fact that from year to year I had the happiness to enjoy the sincerity, trust, honesty and disinterestedness of my child - you, daughter.

But my special “thank you” to you, daughter, for continuing to do all this now.

I want to thank you for putting in a lot of effort and honestly trying to grow up to be a wonderful daughter ... And you did it! Thanks to you, I always felt like a happy mother and enjoyed my motherhood. These are unforgettable feelings, they serve as reliable support in my life and help me in difficult days. I will always be grateful to you for this and I promise that I will be the same strong support for you as long as I have enough strength.

As I watch and hear enough of TV and neighbors, I understand that my daughter is a gift version of a child. Thank you, dear, for always trying not to upset me and in every possible way to ease my maternal lot, reduce my anxieties, help with household chores and, at an opportunity, please me. It is thanks to you that my motherhood did not become a feat and I am very glad about it. Thank you for this!

My dear! I am very grateful to you, because you have done a lot for me and continue to do, although you probably don’t even suspect it. I want to tell you:

  • Thank you for the sleepless nights that were given to me in my childhood, for anxiety during illnesses and excitement during my school years ... I grew up with you, became wiser, more patient and even more resilient;
  • Thank you for the first victories and the joy that you generously shared with me when you succeeded in something ... All this made me happy, filled me with pride and satisfaction;
  • Thank you for the sorrows that sometimes happened and which you trustfully carried to me, expecting support ... In trying to help you, I became more inventive, resourceful, bolder, more persistent and stronger in spirit;
  • Thank you for your humility and obedience when I had to punish you because my patience was running out… Thanks to these moments, I knew that I was doing something wrong and tried to become better;
  • Thank you for the desire to please me and earn my love, for the fear of upsetting me and unwillingness to disturb me over trifles ... It touched me, touched my soul and made my world kinder, gentler and brighter;
  • Thank you for your unconditional trust in me ... I was afraid of losing it, destroying it, it made me justify it (trust). Thanks to this fear of not justifying trust, I developed and mastered many new personal heights.

But most importantly, I am grateful to you for the fact that you were and remain my closest, dear and loving person. I promise that I will try to be not only a good mother to you, but also your best friend, reliable support, support and guide in life.

Docha! You and I had everything ... Both good and not very good. I am grateful to you for both, because I know that you tried ... You tried to be better, smarter, meet my expectations, not disappoint me ... Sometimes we both lacked patience, sometimes we lacked wisdom, kindness or a modicum of understanding. I'm not angry with you, I'm not offended, I remember only the good and love. You are beautiful, sensible, caring, positive, independent… What is there… you are wonderful. You will succeed. And everything will be fine. Thank you for being around.

My precious girl! Thank you for always decorating my life... When you were little, you gave me joy with your first steps, new discoveries, thousands of naive questions and homemade wonderful postcards. When you were growing up, you adorned our family with your warmth, care and efforts to learn all the best. Now that you have grown up, I myself often turn to you for advice and support - you have graced my world with pride that I have such a daughter, a wonderful reliable friend and a wonderful continuation of me.

But most importantly, daughter, thank you for decorating my life with your pure heart and selfless love.

Daughter! You can’t even imagine how grateful I am to you for being sensitive, caring and very sensitive to my problems. This helps our family to be friendly, avoid conflicts and not make relationships tense. Your wisdom has saved me a lot of nerve cells. Thank you dear for:

  • that you don’t leave the house in winter without a hat, even though you can’t stand it. I know you do it to keep me calm and because I asked you to;
  • for not hanging out at night, although sometimes you really want to play pranks with your girlfriends until late - from this I have much less gray hair than I could have;
  • for the fact that you do not spend time in dubious companies and are responsible for the choice of the people around you - this reduces my eternal anxiety for you and I feel better knowing that if anything happens to you, it is not because I overlooked you too confused with anyone;
  • for the fact that if you leave home, you always tell where and call 20 more times with a report ... Thanks to your courtesy, I can calmly go about my business, and not endlessly dial your phone number;
  • for trusting me and leaving all the phone numbers and names of your friends whom I can turn to in search of you - thanks to this I know all your wonderful friends, they are not strangers to me and I am calm for you;
  • for listening to doctors when you're sick. I know for sure that you will regularly drink all the prescribed medicines exactly when they need to be taken. Your punctuality and attentiveness to health give me hope that you will not die by a stupid accident, from some nonsense infection if suddenly I am not around;
  • for following the rules of the road and not risking your life in vain ... When I remember your reasonable behavior on the road, I manage to enslave my panic attacks, because of which it sometimes seems to me that a car ran over you;
  • for the fact that you learned to cook yourself and prefer most often to eat your own food. I have a hope that you will not get poisoned in public catering, consuming all sorts of garbage;
  • for the fact that you choose smart and decent men (partners) and I am not afraid for your future offspring. I am not ashamed of either you or myself, looking at your relationship with the opposite sex.

Dear, I can list for a long time what I am grateful to you for ... The main thing is to know: I notice everything, remember and appreciate everything. You are an exemplary daughter, I have nothing to reproach you for, thank you. I only wish you that in the future such a way of life would not be a burden, bring you only joy and be easy. I really don't want you to be unhappy for doing so much for my peace of mind.

Dear daughter! When I look at you, I can't help but admire. You grew up to be a wonderful person, independent, responsible, kind, sympathetic and smart. I am grateful to you for all the time spent together and now that you have your own family, I am waiting for you to make me a grandmother. I'm sure you will have the same wonderful children as you yourself. And I can't wait to see them. I promise, I will try to become an exemplary grandmother and help you raise new wonderful people.

Dear daughter! You know, motherhood has become the most important part of my life for me, I attached great importance to it and devoted most of my time to it. It was important for me that it was successful and that I had nothing to blame myself for. Looking at you, I understand that it has become prosperous: you evoke in me a feeling of satisfaction and pride, and I have no guilt. I want to thank you for the fact that this is your considerable merit. Indeed, without your efforts and participation, I would not have had such a wonderful result, which you are. Thank you for helping me become a quality mother.

  • If the selected text seems too long for you, you can easily shorten it without losing its meaning. To do this, select the first sentence of the text you like and, also, select the last sentence from any sample you like. Between them, insert one item from the list (select this item in those texts that contain a bulleted list). This way you will get your own short acceptance speech. The samples are compiled in a special way so that you can create the desired text by combining sentences without compromising the meaning.
  • If the selected text seems too short, you can easily combine it with other texts. They quite complement each other. However, make sure that the selected texts are not about the same thing, otherwise it will seem as if you are repeating the same thought over and over again. This is possible because some samples contain separate sentences that may be similar in meaning to sentences from other texts.
  • If you decide to write out the words of gratitude in writing, then take a long text, it can become a full-fledged letter that does not require other additions.
  • Remember, these texts have an author and he is categorically against publishing any of them in their entirety or its fragments on any other resources (both printed and electronic). Don't forget about copyright. Use the texts only for personal, non-commercial purposes.