The best homemade body scrubs. How to prepare body scrubs at home? What should be a homemade facial scrub for dry skin

Homemade facial scrub is an effective pore cleanser. Dirt, dust, accumulated sebaceous secretions are easily removed. After the procedure, dead particles are removed from the surface of the epidermis, the skin freshens, restores an even tone.

Regular use of pharmacy and home scrubs prevents acne formation. No clogged ducts - the risk of inflammation is reduced several times.

Deep cleansing of the skin raises many questions. Before using for the first time, find out:

  • how cleansers work;
  • for whom do-it-yourself compositions are suitable;
  • what products are used as abrasives;
  • are there any contraindications for use.

How to use a face scrub? For you - useful information about simple, inexpensive, effective formulations for caring for your skin. Read the advice of cosmetologists, experience the effect of wonderful products prepared from the available ingredients.

The benefits of home scrubs:

  • abrasive particles, during the application of cleaning compositions, like a vacuum cleaner, remove all unnecessary substances from the depths of the pores;
  • natural ingredients during the procedure moisturize, nourish, preserve youth;
  • massage movements improve blood circulation, increase the tone of the epidermis.

Output: the use of home scrubs simultaneously cleanses, nourishes, rejuvenates the skin.


  • products with abrasive particles are recommended for all skin types. Deep cleansing is required for everyone.


  • outside, the skin is polluted by natural factors plus sebaceous secretions.

Important! The drier the epidermis, the finer the particles should be.


  • microcracks, wounds, scratches;
  • too sensitive, thinned skin (only mild products with ground oatmeal are suitable);
  • dilated capillaries;
  • allergy to ingredients;
  • foci of inflammation of a large area;
  • manifestations of skin diseases.

Fillers for home scrubs:

  • chopped walnuts, almonds;
  • coffee grounds, ground natural coffee;
  • sugar (brown is better);
  • table salt, sea salt;
  • grape, peach, apricot seeds;
  • baking soda;
  • berries;
  • cereals (ground buckwheat, oatmeal).

How to carry out the procedure? Your actions:

  • steam up oily skin, wash with normal and dry;
  • massage your face for about three minutes;
  • do not press hard, do not rub the area around the eyes; Leave the mixture on your face for 1 minute or more if required by prescription;
  • use cool water for water procedures;
  • cover the epidermis with a regular moisturizer.

Homemade scrubs: 30 best recipes

Any girl or woman can easily prepare a composition that interests her. The components are affordable and can be found in the refrigerator, the nearest mall, or in the vegetable garden near the house. Consider the type of skin integument - and feel free to choose any recipe.

Formulations for oily skin

Many components are suitable. Do not use abrasive cleansers more than twice a week. Do not perform procedures if abscesses or irritation appear.

Homemade coffee scrub

Grind the grains (2 tablespoons) in a coffee grinder, combine with kefir or sour cream. The proportions are 2: 1. The mixture perfectly cleanses, refreshes, makes the face velvety, pleasant color.

Coconut scrub

Combine a tablespoon of coconut flakes, combine the same amount of brown sugar, dilute with sour cream (how much will be included). If you don't find brown sugar, use regular sugar.

Protein honey scrub

Grind small oatmeal (a couple of dessert spoons) with the same amount of honey, add a fluffy mass of whipped protein. Also use as a mask.

The power of grape seeds

Grind the seeds well in a coffee grinder, take a teaspoon of the mass, combine with crushed grapes (1 tablespoon), the pulp of half a banana. Dilute the product with honey and sour cream (each dessert spoon). The mixture not only draws out grease, dirt, but also moisturizes the epidermis.

Black clay cleanser

Connect 3 dec. l. black powder, 2 tbsp. l. low-fat sour cream. Add 1 tbsp. l. ground peach kernels. Cleansing and hydration guaranteed.

Yeast scrub

You will need a tablespoon of sea salt, fresh yeast - 15 g, grapefruit juice - a dessert spoon. Combine juice, yeast, put in a water bath, for a couple of minutes, add salt.

Soda scrub for face

Take ingredients in equal proportions. You will need baking soda, cinnamon powder, and oatmeal. Mix everything, dilute with water to medium density.

Facial salt scrub

Simple, fast, effective! Mix a teaspoon each of common salt and baking soda. Add low-fat sour cream. Massage your face very gently!

Soap-soda composition for washing

Take liquid or regular soap, lather, add 1 tsp. baking soda, lather the mixture over your face. An excellent cleanser.

Blackhead scrub

Apple Cider Vinegar Cleanser

Combine equal amounts of ground coffee, white clay, lemon zest. Pour in apple cider vinegar diluted with water 1: 2.

Add to the mass of hot water as needed. After a light massage, keep the mixture on the skin for 10 minutes.

Proven acne remedy or oatmeal facial scrub


  • ground oatmeal - 2 dess. l .;
  • lime or lemon juice - a teaspoon;
  • thin honey - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • whipped protein.

Grind oatmeal, mix with juice, honey, add protein. After the massage, leave the mixture on your face for 5 minutes.

Scrub for problem skin

Combine ground oatmeal flakes (2 tablespoons) with a dessert spoon of ground rice, a tablespoon of coconut or almond oil.

Lavender Cleansing Paste

Ideal for problem skin. Combine a couple of dessert spoons of ground oatmeal, a teaspoon of dry powdered lavender. Add 4 drops of lavender oil, pour in a little water, rub until smooth.

You can also check out the best homemade face mask recipes on our site. For example, masks from black dots are described, kefir masks are described in the article, moisturizing masks, and whitening masks on the page.

For the epidermis without problems

Young, healthy skin also needs care. Dust and dirt clog the pores and cause blackheads to appear.

Use products for deep cleansing of the epidermis once a week. Recipes - for every taste.

Avocado and sugar for acne

The product gently cleanses the epidermis, nourishes and gives a radiant look. Grind the pulp of a medium avocado with a blender, pour in 2 tbsp. l. green tea infusions, the same amount of almond oil. Add two-thirds of a cup of brown sugar, stir well.

Toning berry scrub

Mash a couple of tablespoons of fresh raspberries or strawberries, add a drop of ylang-ylang and mint oils. Use as usual.

An effective tonic

Put a dessert spoon of currant berries, cranberries, strawberries in a bowl, rub. Add 1 tsp each heavy cream, ground walnuts, a little wheat flour. An excellent remedy for young skin.

Cleansing Orange Blend

Rub the orange peel. Take a tablespoon of the mass, add a dessert spoon of ground almonds, dilute the mixture with water. Treat the epidermis for three minutes, wash.

Nutrition, cleansing, pleasant color

The oatmeal face scrub requires:

  • almond oil - 1 dec. l .;
  • ground oatmeal - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • cranberries or currants - a couple of dessert spoons;
  • orange oil - 4-6 drops.

Prepare the mixture, leave for 10 minutes to swell. Use as usual.

Light cleanser

You will need yogurt without additives - 50 g, grapefruit or lemon or lime juice - 1 tsp, ground oatmeal - a dessert spoon. Gently wipe the epidermis, wait, do not wash off the mass for another 5 minutes.

Recipes for dry and aging skin

Most cleansers are made with oatmeal powder. At the same time, the formulations nourish, moisturize, tone up.

Oil and salt mixture for acne

Gentle cleansing, moisturizing. The composition has an emollient effect. Take coconut, olive, or almond oil - 2 tbsp. l., add sea salt - 1 tsp. Massage your skin lightly.

Oat Flake Exfoliating Scrub

Grind the oatmeal, combine with warm coconut, linseed or almond oil. The proportions are 2: 1. Massage your skin lightly. Duration - 4 minutes.

Oat acne scrub

Nasty inflamed comedones annoy not only the owners of oily skin. Experience the action of this composition.

Full-fat milk - 5 tablespoons, ground oatmeal - 3 tbsp. l. Wait 5 minutes, let the flakes swell slightly. Massage your skin, hold the mixture like a mask for another 15 minutes, wash yourself.

Moisturizing cucumber scrub

Grated medium cucumber, combine a couple of tablespoons of ground oatmeal, let it brew for 5 minutes. Treat your face in circular motions, leave the mass for another 15 minutes.

Cleansing for delicate skin

Mash 2 dec. l. ground walnuts, 2 yolks of very useful quail eggs, a couple of teaspoons of ghee. Give a light massage with a nutrient mixture.

Coffee extravaganza

The first option for a coffee grounds scrub:

  • mix 3 tbsp. l. squeezed coffee grounds, the same amount of thick fat sour cream;
  • gently treat fading skin.

Second option:

  • combine in equal proportions moisturizer, coffee grounds, stir thoroughly;
  • gently hammer the composition into the skin, rinse off after 2 minutes.

Rejuvenating agent


  • oatmeal - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • ground peeled almonds, bran - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • wheat flour - 1 dessert spoon.

Mix the ingredients, fold in a bag of cheesecloth folded in several layers. Before the procedure, wet the mixture, massage your face for 10 minutes.

Fruit scrub

In a blender bowl, add a medium peeled apple, cut into slices, half a banana, a tablespoon of cream, ground oatmeal, and a teaspoon of any honey. Apply the resulting puree to the face, gently process. The procedure takes 2 minutes.

Strawberry miracle

Wash 3-4 large berries, mash, combine with a dessert spoon of high-quality powdered milk, add a couple of drops of mandarin oil and tea tree oil. The mixture perfectly cleanses, nourishes, gives the skin a pleasant color.

Find the right recipe, remember the rules for using cleansers. After a few procedures, you will see that homemade face scrubs are no worse than ready-made formulations. Your skin will certainly become soft, fresh and pleasant to look at.

Further, a video from which you can find out another recipe for a homemade scrub that is suitable for any skin type:

Body scrubs are easy and simple to make at home. Home remedies are just as effective as professional cosmetics, and preparation does not take much time. There are thousands of peeling recipes, each of which works in its own way.

The visible effect of the peeling will appear only with regular use. The scrub should be used weekly if the skin is dry, and twice as often if the skin is oily.

The product is always applied to clean, heated skin. It should be rubbed in with gentle movements so as not to injure it with abrasive particles.

To avoid the negative consequences of using the prepared products, it is advisable to check the sensitivity of the skin to the composition. To do this, a little of the prepared mixture is applied to a small area of ​​the skin. If after a while irritation does not appear, this remedy is used without any fear.

Sweet peels

Homemade sugar body scrub is a very simple and popular remedy. Dissolving, it gently removes dead cells and activates the dermis renewal process.

To make a sugar body scrub with your own hands, you need to mix:

  • 100 g granulated sugar;
  • 50 ml vegetable oil (for example, corn or olive oil).

It is permissible to use any sugar: both ordinary white and still quite brown cane sugar. Before making a sugar scrub, it should be remembered that sugar dissolves quickly when stirring; peeling must be applied immediately after preparation.

Interesting! The peeling will be softer with brown sugar.

This body peeling recipe is universal and can be safely used regardless of skin type. However, it's easy to make a sugar scrub at home by adding other ingredients as well.


Thanks to the antioxidants it contains, coffee quickly tones the skin and helps to eliminate wrinkles, fights puffiness. Sugar-coffee scrub, with regular use, makes the skin's relief smoother, moisturizes it. To prepare the peeling you will need:

  • 60 g ground coffee beans;
  • 75 g sugar (white or cane sugar);
  • 20 ml olive oil.

All components must be mixed and immediately applied to problem areas. Cosmetologists advise to massage the skin with light movements for about a quarter of an hour, then rinse off the scrub. The water should be warm.

With green tea

Green tea is widely known for its pronounced tonic effect on the skin. To prepare such a tool you will need:

  • 150 g sugar;
  • 3-5 g of dry green tea;
  • 50 ml olive oil.

Pour oil over the green tea leaves, then add sugar. To start peeling immediately after a hot shower, since the beneficial substances are absorbed deep into the skin only through fully opened pores.

From sour cream with cocoa

Sweet scrub with sour cream not only cleanses the skin well, but also serves as a source of additional nutrition for it. In addition, with regular use, the skin noticeably improves its color, and the pleasant aroma of cocoa during the procedure contributes to relaxation. You can make a sugar body scrub from the following ingredients:

  • 50 g granulated sugar;
  • 25 g cocoa;
  • 50 g sour cream.

It is necessary to apply the product with light movements, lightly massaging the skin, and it is recommended to wash off the composition a quarter after application.

With oat flakes

  • 150 g oatmeal;
  • 5 g sugar.

The scrub well removes dead cells of the epidermis and nourishes the deep layers of the skin.

Advice! For those with dry skin after peeling, it is better to use a moisturizer or nourishing milk.

With lemon

This version of the sweet scrub is designed to even out the color of the skin, for example, in the case of age spots. For cooking you will need to take:

  • 75 g granulated sugar;
  • 5 ml lemon juice.

Mix the components, apply the resulting product to cleansed skin. It is strictly forbidden to use such a scrub in the presence of symptoms of irritation.

With sea salt

Sea salt is rich in minerals and trace elements, thanks to which the skin quickly becomes toned. Sea salt scrub is effective against cellulite and stretch marks. To prepare it, you will need to take:

  • 50 g granulated sugar;
  • 50 g fine sea salt;
  • 75 ml of vegetable oil.

It is necessary to thoroughly mix salt and sugar, add any vegetable oil. Massage the skin with this tool for a quarter of an hour, pay special attention to problem areas. Apply the remedy for stretch marks once or twice a week for three to six months.

"Salty" recipes

Salt scrubs are the most popular of all types of exfoliation. After such a procedure, local blood flow improves, and large abrasive particles easily exfoliate the upper layer of the epidermis. Salt body scrub is suitable for the fight against stretch marks and cellulite, as well as for maintenance courses.
Salt scrub consists of 3 main components:

  • 300 g of salt;
  • 200 ml of any vegetable oil;
  • two drops of essential oil.

It is better to choose a salt of medium grinding, since small particles will not have the desired effect, and too large crystals can injure the skin.

It should be remembered that salt is irritating to small wounds and cracks. Therefore, if there are abrasions or scratches on the body, it is better to refuse to use salt exfoliators at home.

There are various recipes for making a salt body scrub:

  1. You can add oatmeal. They will help prevent irritation on delicate and sensitive skin.
  2. To improve the anti-cellulite effect of the salt scrub, you should add finely ground coffee or coffee grounds.
  3. You can also include glycerin soap in the components, it will make the texture of the product more delicate.
  4. The shower gel will also help soften the product.

It is not necessary to make a choice in favor of any one variant of a sea salt scrub; you can always experiment with the composition.

What scrubs are best done in a bath?

The bath significantly increases the effect of peeling. The pores of the heated skin are open, through them harmful substances are removed from the body, and useful compounds are absorbed into the deep layers of the skin. You can make various bath scrubs at home.

It is important to follow one rule: after the first visit to the steam room, toxins come out through the open pores, so they must be washed off in the shower, the scrub should be applied after the second visit to the steam room.

Advice! It is better to warm up the peeling composition before applying.

Honey with cinnamon

DIY bath scrubs can be made with honey and cinnamon. The components of the composition enhance local blood circulation and help to remove toxic compounds from the skin. To make a peel, you need to mix two parts of honey with one part of cinnamon.

Apply the product with gentle massaging movements, and to enhance the effect, you can leave the scrub for a couple of minutes. But since cinnamon and honey can provoke an allergic reaction, a skin sensitivity test is needed before the procedure.

Advice! For honey peels, cosmetologists advise choosing thick candied honey.

Honey with coffee

This composition has a pronounced anti-cellulite effect. You will need to mix two parts of honey and one part of coffee, you can add a little olive oil. With regular use of such a scrub, the skin will even out and acquire an even shade.

Honey with salt

A scrub with the addition of honey and salt actively helps oily skin, the result is noticeable after the first application. Honey and salt are mixed in equal proportions and then massaged. Salt should be of medium grinding.


To moisturize dry skin, use a grape seed scrub. You need to combine them with butter in equal proportions and mix.
Apply a self-made bath scrub to the heated skin with massaging movements. You can leave the product for a quarter of an hour, then rinse with warm water.

Soap scrub

The scrub soap gently removes impurities and exfoliates dead cells of the epidermis. And the advantage of this type of peeling is extremely simple: the product does not need to be prepared immediately before use, it has a long shelf life. But how do you make a scrub soap?

For reference! Scrub soap for oily skin can be used every other day, for dry skin - weekly.

When making soap, you can pour different layers into the mold in stages. For example, one side of a soap will contain abrasive particles, the other will contain more nutrients. To make a do-it-yourself scrub soap at home with your own hands, you will need the following components:

  1. Basis for soap. Better to take baby soap that does not contain any impurities. Or you can use a ready-made soap base.
  2. Filler. Poppy seeds and ground coffee beans, grape seeds and nuts are great.
  3. Butter. It is one of the basic ingredients that is essential for skin regeneration. You can take either sunflower or olive oil, or essential extracts.
  4. Additionally - cocoa beans and chocolate, sour cream and green tea.
    Natural dye.

It is better to use these components in the following proportions: add a tablespoon of filler and about 30 ml of vegetable oil to one hundred grams of baby soap or soap base.

First you need to melt the soap base in a water bath. The soap should dissolve until smooth, but not boil! Next, you need to add the rest of the ingredients, mix well and pour into molds. It is most convenient to use silicone. Wait until the prepared mass has hardened and remove it from the molds. You can wash the whole body with prepared soap, as well as exceptionally problem areas.

Advice! Cream soap is much easier to remove from the mold by first placing it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

Greetings, friends!

You, of course, have heard the word "scrub". A scrub is a composition of substances that easily exfoliates the top layer of the skin. It is used for the mechanical removal of dirt and dead skin cells (exfoliation). During the application of the scrub, the skin is massaged, skin irregularities are smoothed out, the process of its renewal is accelerated, and blood circulation is enhanced.

To maintain a slim silhouette, beauty and velvety skin, it is necessary to pay special attention to deep cleansing of the skin (peeling). This procedure removes dead cells and stimulates the process of their renewal. Home peeling helps to improve the condition of the skin, its color, makes it elastic and smooth. Our skin needs hydration and nutrition, and the application of nourishing masks, creams, etc. on unprepared skin will do little good.

The advantage of home peeling is that each time you prepare a new portion, you can add different active ingredients and aromas to it. You can start with a light oil scrub, and then complicate and improve it (adding different essential oils, creams, etc.) ingredients.

Universal formula

The main function of the scrub is exfoliation, the filler (particulate matter) is responsible for this. The softer the area of ​​your skin to which you apply the scrub, the finer the filler particles should be.

A body scrub can be made with the addition of ground coffee, sea salt, sugar, apricot kernel (walnut, grape), etc.

To make a body peeling at home, you need to mix the selected crushed particles with a base (cream, gel, cosmetic clay, base oil). You can enrich it with essential oil. If you choose a liquid oil, keep in mind that the scrub is likely to be soft (maybe even stringy). And if in the manufacture of the scrub you took only solid oils, then it will be difficult to wash it off the skin. Therefore, the best manufacturing option is to use a mixture of solid and liquid oils.

A scrub using an emulsion can be easily washed off with water. It contains a filler (for example, coffee, sugar), an emulsifier (soap base), any essential oils, and you can add some color if you wish.

You can try making the simplest scrub. It is enough to take particles that do not dissolve in water (for example, crushed apricot pits) and add them to cream, cream or sour cream. It is advisable to apply the mixture to the skin for no more than 10-15 minutes. And do not forget to check the components of the product for individual intolerance.

How to apply

Perform home exfoliation regularly for deep cleansing and removal of dead skin cells. After peeling, the penetration of nutrients and moisturizers into the layers of the skin improves.

If you are the owner of dry skin - do home peeling no more than once a week, for oily skin - up to two (three) times a week. Try to carry out the peeling procedure before bedtime.

For proper body skin care, you need to carefully select peeling products. Home peels can be based on natural abrasive substances such as sugar, ground fruit seeds, ground coffee, etc.

Body exfoliation dries the skin slightly, so use a moisturizing body cream after this procedure.

Favorite recipes

Coffee blend

Two tablespoons of sugar;

A tablespoon of ground coffee or two tablespoons of drunk coffee grounds (can be replaced with cocoa powder);

Two tablespoons of sour cream (for dry skin, use fatty sour cream, for oily skin - with a small percentage of fat).

Mix all the ingredients, use the resulting mass immediately. Massage it all over the body, paying special attention to problem areas - thighs, buttocks, knees and elbows. Leave it on for five minutes. Then rinse off with water at a pleasant temperature and pat dry.

Home SPA - peeling

(small) - one glass;

Natural honey - 3 tablespoons;

aloe vera juice - a tablespoon.

Mix everything and apply the resulting mass with massaging movements on wet skin of the body. Honey nourishes and moisturizes the skin, salt serves as an abrasive substance, and aloe vera juice is an excellent conductor of nutrients.

Citrus peeling

half a glass of salt;

Olive oil;

Lemon or orange juice.

Massage onto skin, then shower. This home peel is ideal for your morning routine. The citrus aroma will cheer you up and invigorate. Applying this scrub will leave your skin feeling silky and soft.

Modern life, living conditions, everything that surrounds us affects the skin. A scrub, a gentle peeling of the skin with natural abrasive substances, will help to cleanse the excess of dead cells. Read how to make a scrub at home in the article.

Skin cells under the influence of negative external factors, pollution, die off, which makes the skin of the face rough and loses its elasticity. Therefore, the skin requires constant cleansing. Often, an exfoliating facial scrub is used at home, which is made from natural substances.

You need to take care of your skin regularly and correctly. The main goal of mechanical face peeling is to remove dead skin cells, allow pores to breathe, remove dirt particles, excess fat, and improve the work of the sebaceous glands. Clean skin better absorbs other cosmetics, moisturizing, rejuvenating action.

When a layer of dirt and dead cells settles on the face, daily washing, using lotions, helps to cleanse the skin, but not enough. The atmosphere and environment around us does not allow us to keep the skin clean for a long time. We clean oily skin with peeling at least twice a week. Therefore, a home scrub for the face is the most affordable, effective means for personal care in these conditions.

Any scrub is a mixture of natural or synthetic abrasive particles of various grinding and nutritive mass, which softens the effect of particles on the skin. Almost anything that has a solid structure can be used as an abrasive powder.

Such recipes not only cleanse the pores, but also restore blood circulation in the vessels, which stimulates cell regeneration, they are renewed faster and filled with oxygen. Thanks to this, the face is leveled, becomes soft, elastic, and acquires a healthy color.

What you can do yourself

It is very easy to make a cleansing mask at home. To do this, it is best to use natural products, which, unlike chemical, synthetic products, will definitely not harm. In addition, products nourish, moisturize, heal not only from the inside, but also from the outside.

First you need to determine your skin type. If the skin is prone to dryness, it needs to be nourished with more oily masks. Rather, use a fatty composition as a nutrient mass in a composition with an abrasive. People with dry epidermis can use a cleansing recipe once every two weeks.

Oily skin needs to be cleansed about twice a week, although it all depends on the weather, frequency of pollution, and lifestyle. You should not use fatty creams, masks, which will only aggravate the situation.

For the mixed type, you can use abrasives such as:

  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • baking soda;
  • any berry mixtures with small seeds;
  • raspberries;
  • Strawberry.

How to peel

The scrubbing procedure is called face peeling. To clean effectively, you need to follow a few rules.

  1. The mask is applied only to clean skin.
  2. The face must be moist.
  3. Abrasive particles are rubbed with fingertips.
  4. You do not need to rub your face hard, so as not to injure the surface layers of the epidermis.
  5. It is advisable to do the peeling in the evening before going to bed.
  6. After taking a bath or shower.
  7. After massaging the skin, the scrub is left for a while.
  8. The mask is washed off with warm water.

There is no doubt that the scrub will be effective at home. Such recipes are time-tested, and, most importantly, have their own advantages:

  • naturalness;
  • abrasive ingredients clean;
  • natural vitamins nourish and preserve youth;
  • facial massage improves blood circulation.

Here is what is often used as an abrasive for facial care at home:

  • berries, preferably with small seeds;
  • soda;
  • grain for cereals, coffee;
  • pits of apricot, grapes, peaches;
  • nuts;
  • table or sea salt;
  • sugar;
  • eggshell, or nuts.

All these ingredients, except for salt, soda, sugar, are crushed, and only then are used in combination with cream, milk, or other product.

Home scrubs

Today you can buy ready-made scrubs at any pharmacy, but it is much more useful to make them yourself. We bring to your attention recipes for home peeling masks.

The recipe is great for dry to combination skin. Mix the coffee grounds with fat cottage cheese, this mask is applied to the face. Massage areas of the face with light movements for several minutes. For the next ten minutes, we keep the mask so that the pores are saturated with vitamins. We wash off with water.

Ground coffee with walnut flour will quickly restore a healthy face, make the skin fresh, taut and smooth. The mass, mixed with a small amount of water, is massaged onto the skin and left for fifteen minutes.

  • lemon juice;
  • a spoonful of sugar;
  • you need sugar to be saturated with juice;
  • add a spoonful of mashed potatoes (cooled).

We repeat the cosmetic cleansing procedure described above. And here is a universal sugar scrub at home:

  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons medium-ground almonds
  • three tablespoons of oatmeal.

As a liquid foundation, you can use whatever is right for you.


Homemade grape face scrub can be done like this:

  • we grind dried grape seeds to the state of flour;
  • add the pulp of grapes, a tablespoon;
  • banana and honey, teaspoon each;
  • nutritious base - cream or fatty sour cream.

We use oils

It will not be superfluous if the scrub contains various oils, each of which plays a role in saturating the skin and nourishing it with vitamins.

  1. Sesame is suitable for everyone, rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for the regeneration of skin cells.
  2. Cedar nut oil helps with dermatitis.
  3. Ginger has antiseptic properties.
  4. Castor oil relieves inflammation.
  5. Olive oil nourishes, moisturizes, anti-inflammatory.

After deep cleansing with a scrub, a nourishing mask is required to soothe the pores. Contrast washing may work.

The article will show you the best recipes for body scrubs that you can make yourself.

Human skin is an amazing product of evolution. And although it does not protect a person as much as the thick skin of an elephant, for example, it still has a number of amazing properties:

  • Human skin breathes. Many metabolic processes take place through it, without which life is impossible.
  • The epidermis is the outermost layer of the skin, its cells regenerate the fastest
  • The life of a cell in the epidermis ranges from 4 to 6 weeks. The younger the person, the faster the regeneration
  • The skin fulfills the most important protective and regulatory properties, it is one of the organs of interaction with the outside world

As already noted, the older a person is, the worse his cells are restored. That is why older people cannot boast of delicate skin. But we ourselves are able to help our skin recover faster. There is a simple way to do this - scrubbing the skin.

How to use a body scrub?

  • The skin needs natural protection, which is produced by the subcutaneous glands. Scrubbing destroys this protection
  • People with oily skin can use a body scrub once a week, with a dry type - once every 2 weeks.
  • If the scrub contains oils, then after applying it, you need to keep the product on the skin for up to 5 minutes
  • The scrub should be applied to damp, steamed skin. Then its effect will be maximal.
  • After scrubbing the skin, it must be lubricated with a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Can i make a body scrub at home?

  • A home scrub can not only be prepared, but even necessary. This scrub will have many benefits.
  • You can be sure of its composition, that there are no preservatives, dyes and harmful chemicals. This is especially important for people with allergies or sensitive skin.
  • The price of a home scrub will be significantly lower than the purchased one
  • In a home scrub, you can adjust the size of the scrubbing particles at will. After all, some people like, for example, small scrubs
  • You can literally make a scrub at home from improvised products.
  • Some homemade scrubs need to be prepared just before use.
  • Any home scrub should be composed of an emollient base and particles that will exfoliate dead skin cells. If desired, you can add additional substances to improve the home cosmetic

Anti-cellulite body scrub at home, recipe

  • An anti-cellulite scrub works on several levels: microparticles stimulate blood circulation in the skin, and nutrients smooth it
  • Anti-cellulite scrub can be prepared according to several recipes
  • Recipe 1. Coffee-based scrub. We take pomace from custard coffee, add a spoonful of olive oil and a couple of drops of orange essential oil to it. We mix everything thoroughly and massage it onto the skin, paying special attention to the areas with cellulite
  • Coffee has long been famous for its ability to accelerate blood circulation, and orange oil is the best remedy in the fight against cellulite. The complex of these funds is a powerful remedy for the "orange peel"
  • Recipe 2. Mix a spoonful of sea salt with a spoonful of base oil (for example, almond oil), add 2 drops of rosemary oil and 1 drop of orange oil
  • Sea salt flushes out excess fluid, while rosemary oil improves blood circulation. If the salt is too coarse, grind it in a coffee grinder
  • Any of the anti-cellulite scrubs should be actively rubbed into problem areas, and then left for 5-10 minutes.
  • After scrubbing, the skin must be lubricated with a moisturizing lotion with a drop of orange essential oil

Homemade coconut body scrub

  • Coconut body scrub - a real heavenly delight for the skin
  • The particles that cleanse the skin will be coconut flakes. It is not too harsh, so exfoliation will be gentle.
  • This scrub is suitable for people with sensitive skin
  • Coconut flakes for scrub must be dye-free
  • Recipe. The shavings, if necessary, are additionally ground in a coffee grinder. Then mix it with a few tablespoons of almond oil and a spoonful of white sugar. Optionally, add a drop of peppermint essential oil for aroma
  • Depending on how much sugar is added, the scrub will be harsh. Adjust the amount based on your skin type

Homemade honey scrub

  • Honey is an irreplaceable cosmetic product. It not only provides the skin with beneficial substances, but also helps to cleanse the skin of acne and red spots.
  • The honey scrub with coffee will become your favorite skin care product. By adjusting the amount of coffee, the scrub can be made rougher or softer.
  • We need: 3 tablespoons of honey, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and a spoonful of ground coffee. All ingredients must be mixed and slightly heated in a water bath
  • You need to scrub all the skin. But pay special attention to the elbows and knees - there the skin coarsens the fastest.

Homemade sugar body scrub

  • Sugar is a versatile exfoliator. Both white and brown sugar can be used
  • For a sugar scrub you need: 4 tablespoons of fat sour cream, 3 tablespoons of sugar. Stir the product thoroughly before use.
  • Sour cream or cream is rich in animal fats that nourish and moisturize the skin
  • Sour cream can be used only natural, without impurities and additives. It is best to take sour cream 25% fat

Salt body scrub at home

  • The best way to scrub your skin is sea salt. If it is too coarse, grind it in a coffee grinder.
  • Salt must be dyes and flavorings
  • The best base for a salt scrub is oil. Therefore, add 2 tablespoons of salt to 3 tablespoons of oil (olive or almond)
  • In order for the scrubbing procedure to bring us pleasure, add a couple of drops of essential oils. For example, 1 drop of bergamot oil and 1 drop of clove oil. Stir the scarb thoroughly before use.

Homemade chocolate body scrub

  • Chocolate is not only a delicious treat. It is also a powerful antioxidant and remedy for dry and aging skin.
  • Chocolate can be used not only for scrubbing, but also as a wrap. To do this, after the scrubbing procedure, wrap the problem areas with cling film and hold the product for 30 minutes.
  • It is best to use dark chocolate with a high content of cocoa products for cosmetic procedures.
  • The chocolate scrub can be kept in the jar in the refrigerator for a long time.
  • We need: 3 tablespoons of white sugar, a bar of dark chocolate grated on a fine grater, 3 tablespoons of almond oil, 2 drops of orange essential oil and 2 drops of cinnamon oil. Everything needs to be mixed thoroughly

Home Firming Body Scrub

  • Certain essential and cosmetic oils, which must be added to the composition, create a firming effect on the skin. Also, honey and coffee have a lifting effect.
  • Let's create a fragrant, soapy scrub. The scrub will turn out to be gentle, while it can be used more often than a regular scrub
  • We need: 3 tablespoons of very fine coffee, 4 tablespoons of shower gel with a neutral scent, 2 drops of clove oil and 2 drops of small cinnamon
  • This scrub lathers like a regular shower gel. Because of this, it is very convenient to apply.

Home moisturizing body scrub

  • For people with very dry skin, scrubs should be used no more than once every 2 weeks.
  • The best base for a moisturizing scrub is heavy sour cream or cream
  • Prepare a scrub: mix white sugar with sour cream, add a little liquid vitamin E and 3 drops of orange essential oil. Mix all ingredients thoroughly
  • Sour cream-based scrubs should not be prepared in reserve. It should be used as soon as it is prepared.
  • Be sure to moisturize your skin with lotion after scrubbing.

  • Remember that the scrubbing procedure is not only beneficial for the body, but also a source of pleasant sensations.
  • Choose the essential oils you like. Any recipe can be modified at your discretion
  • Don't overdo it with scrubs. Frequent use will worsen skin condition
  • After the scrubbing procedure, the skin accepts massage and wrapping better.

Video: Cooking a body scrub at home