The best birthday for a husband. Happy birthday wishes to husband: kind words for your beloved. Warm congratulations to her husband on his birthday

When your husband's birthday is coming up loving wife is preparing for this event, probably much more and more carefully than the hero of the occasion himself. And it is not surprising, because the woman wants so much that this holiday will be remembered by him for many days, become the happiest event for the whole year, so that on your birthday your loved one believes in miracles, as if in childhood!

And, of course, for her beloved husband, every woman wants to find the most beautiful, unusual and original congratulations. Indeed, on this day there is a lot to say, you need to express a lot of feelings, utter such special words, which in everyday life we forget to pay attention. So let's find best congratulations husband to truly remember this wonderful holiday!

The longer you're married, the more harder year over the year to find all new words for congratulations on the birthday of a dear spouse. But if you use your imagination, don’t be too lazy and search, you can find the most interesting and beautiful congratulations that will sound in a new way and will definitely make a splash!

For this to happen in such a way, for it to be a wonderful surprise, it is worth knowing one important and simple secret: the main thing is not to beautiful words but sincerity and soul. So open your heart, do not hesitate to say out loud, with guests, how you love, appreciate and respect your spouse, show him your feelings on this anniversary. It's very simple! And the way how to congratulate your husband on his birthday, choose to your taste:

  • Touching text message.
  • Solemn speech at the table.
  • Prose.
  • Birthday toast.
  • Happy birthday poems for husband.
  • Beautiful wishes.
  • Happy birthday wishes to husband and dad.

Choose how to wish your husband a happy birthday - simple or original, solemn or creative, romantic or funny, in your own words or in verse, from yourself or with your children. The main thing is that it comes from the heart, and the rest is the details!

From a loving wife

There is nothing more valuable than a real, sincere birthday greeting to a husband from his wife - beautiful words that will awaken the most warm feelings and touch him to the core. It can be prose, and poems, and humor, and toasts, and short messages… Anything. Choose and delight your favorite birthday boy!

1. Beloved worker, despite his holiday, is at work all day, and you just can’t wait for the evening to please him? Beautiful and touching sms greetings happy birthday husband created especially for you! Your man will be in a great mood all day, he will be very pleased to receive a romantic SMS, and the feeling of a holiday will not leave him for a long time! And most importantly, that he will see how you love him and take care that you remember his holiday from the very morning, this is very pleasant and touching!

2. For festive table there will be many words from relatives and friends, but you, as a wife, can cook something unusual for the hero of the day. Kind, romantic or funny congratulations happy birthday to her husband, said in prose, will make the best impression on him!

In addition, birthday greetings for a husband in the form of prose may contain wishes, words of gratitude, respect, admiration, and much more. Tell that your chosen one is the best in the world, tell how lucky you are with him, how happy and proud you are, mark his best qualities, remind you how much you love him. This is the best gift!

3. You can just say: “Happy birthday,” or you can make it interesting - with the help of poetry, which always enhances feelings and creates good mood! As wonderful congratulations happy birthday to a beloved husband, you can take short or long verses, you can memorize them or read them out, choose a poetic text with humor, cool or, on the contrary, beautiful and romantic. This is very unusual, dignified and festive!

4. Do not forget that toasts will definitely sound at the festive table, there is no escape from this tradition, and not a single celebration will be considered held without raising glasses and speeches. But a toast for a husband from his wife on his birthday should be special: cheerful, beautiful, wise, romantic - what else, you decide!

It can be a parable or wisdom, funny poems with humor, declarations of love, admiration best qualities birthday boy. The main thing is that your toast to your husband on the day of his anniversary is original and that your words come from the heart. Raise a glass to your “soulmate” and give your dear husband your warmth for his birthday!

5. How else can it be interesting, unusual and worthy to present your congratulations on your birthday to your beloved and only husband for him to appreciate? Great option, one of the best is happy birthday greetings to her husband in your own words. Think for yourself, what does your heart want to say?

After all, everyone good husband He loves his wife very much and expects from her reciprocity, love, respect, recognition. And on his holidays he wants to hear a lot of warm words. It is one thing to speak ready-made phrases written by someone, and another to make a speech from yourself.

And let it not be very pathetic, not literary and artistic enough, but for real! Take as a basis the proposed birthday greetings to your husband in prose, dilute them own thoughts and give the birthday boy real emotions!

From the whole family

Beautiful and sincere, warm and funny - happy birthday greetings to her husband can be different, but he will be especially pleased if the whole family pleases him. After all, he is also a father, and the children also want to please dad on his anniversary! Touching congratulations from children and spouses - a wonderful surprise for a precious husband on his birthday!

1. From children and spouses, the most beautiful birthday words for dad and husband are congratulations in verse! Do not be too lazy to prepare such a wonderful surprise, it will make a splash and will not soon go out of memory. Even if your spouse has never been a big fan of poetry, it doesn't matter.

Believe me, poetry will impress him, and beautiful lines from the lips of a beloved woman will be a great gift that will cause tears of tenderness and happiness in his eyes! Poems from a wife and children (and maybe grandchildren, if any) are suitable for any age, for any anniversary or anniversaries. Enjoy!

2. A very solemn, sincere and beautiful birthday greeting to her husband and beloved daddy can be in prose. With the help of prose, you can say a lot, about the most important thing, and not miss anything. You can take a ready-made text that will be worthy of your birthday, or supplement the speech with your own words.

Be bolder, do not be afraid - you do not need to be a poet at all to tell about the main thing, especially to a loved one. Prose from his beloved wife and children will be a precious gift for the anniversary and will leave the best emotions!

3. From the wife and children, birthday greetings to dad and husband can be cool and humorous - it doesn’t have to be a serious speech. If the hero of the day is a comedian, if he is always young at heart and loves funny jokes, then try to please him and cheer up with a cheerful, fervent speech!

The main thing is not to overdo it, so remember that even a humorous speech must be worthy so that it does not offend the hero of the occasion and does not cause mixed feelings in him. Words should be kind and contain only love!

4. Speaking of toasts, do not forget that the birthday boy can be pleased with the whole friendly family. Speak joint toast from the wife and all the children, it will be both pleasant and appropriate. Such a surprise will please any man, all the guests at the table will appreciate it and see how beautiful he has, loving family. This is worth a lot and will be highly appreciated by the hero of the occasion!

If you do not like ready-made texts, do not be afraid to supplement them, change, correct them to your taste. After all, this is your spouse, and only you know him more than anyone else. Only you really know what words will touch the birthday man to the core, which will make a great impression on him, what he wants to hear from you.

So take prose or poetry as a basis, add any words you see fit, feel free to put into words whatever is on your mind. And it will be the best thing you can give your loved one on his holiday!

It's no secret that most men value actions and deeds much more than words, and your precious spouse is no exception. But the exception is a holiday, an anniversary! On this day, words are actions, because it is precisely beautiful phrases and with speeches you can prove your sincere love, endless affection and real respect for the dearest person in the world.

So do not feel sorry for love, kind words and romance - on this day there are not many of them! May it be your congratulations for dear husband happy birthday to him the best gift, which will remain a bright memory for a long time and will warm your heart on this birthday wonderful holiday which only happens once a year! Author: Vasilina Serova, sources:,,,,,

My dear man, my wonderful man, on your birthday I wish you to remain the best husband and reliable support of the family. Beloved, may you have enough strength for all your plans, may undoubted luck and success pursue you in everything and always.

With all my heart, my dear, I want to congratulate you on your birthday! Together we walk a long road and I wish it never ends. You gave me both joy and happiness, and an incredible amount of emotions and impressions. I wish you good health, career development and true friends. And the rest we will achieve together. Happy holiday!

My beloved husband, happy birthday! Every day I thank the fate that allowed us to be together. For me, you are the most precious person in the world, and for our children, you are a wonderful dad. You are a reliable wall, the support of our family. I wish you good health and success in your work. And I will try to make it always pleasant for you to return home.

Thank God for you - the most kind, wise, strong and patient! I wish all your wonderful good qualities over the years they only shone brighter and warmed me and all of us with warmth, affection, attention and trust! So that your soul is full of harmony and joy, love and tenderness! So that everything is passing, and our love, like music, is eternal! Good health for 120 years, wisdom and prudence! Admiration for the beauty of this world, good spirits and bodily strength! So that work brings joy, and the soul rushes home, where love, loyalty and understanding await!

I congratulate you on your birthday! I want to wish you health, patience, progress in work, loyal and honest friends! So that you always remain the same gentle, caring, loving, attentive and faithful. So that all your efforts bring you only joy and success, and I will always support you!

My dear husband, my soulmate! Happy Birthday to You! On this day, accept my wishes of happiness and prosperity, good luck in business and always Have a good mood. I wish that troubles and failures bypass you, and if they cannot be avoided, then that you always have enough strength and energy to overcome them! Congratulations, my love!

My dear and beloved husband, I want to congratulate you, dear, on your birthday and wish you more miracles and joyful emotions, a surge of energy, great finances and earthly happiness. May your plans come true in right moment, good luck is always walking by. I send you a million kisses and tender hugs. Your joy!

The family you gave me is a great miracle. I thank God that we met, for our love and our marriage. I adore you and wish you great luck, great success, good health, prosperity, prosperity and love. Happy birthday my very native person in the world!

Let your beloved be in front of you, all paths will always be open. Always go straight to your goal and let there never be obstacles in front of you. I wish that you always achieve everything and always return to our house with a satisfied smile. Where you are always expected and loved, where it is cozy, warm and calm. Where you can always relax, gain strength, for a new day. I wish you good health. And on your birthday, I want to congratulate you and say that you are the most wonderful husband in the world.

My dear, today you have become another year older, more determined, more courageous and wiser! I madly appreciate you and I want everything to work out for you, not knowing illnesses and ailments! Be happy, love!

Dear baby, congratulations
Happy Birthday to You.
Don't be surprised:
I composed the verse.

Although we are newly married,
It hasn't even been a couple of years.
You became the main ally
You are more important to me than candy.

I'm sorry I don't cook
I don't wash clothes
I'm just saving time
To kiss you more often.

I congratulate you
My favorite!
You are the light of my life
Native kitten.

Forget about the problems
We are with you
We will find a solution
For any task.

Crash at work
And a new surprise:
Suddenly in full time trouble
The computer froze.

All this is irrelevant
All this will pass
And multi-storey
Happiness will come!

Which words to choose
To express my love
To you, the head of my family.
We congratulate you again.

Aging is a sad fate for all,
But you are without doctors
Didn't lose weight, didn't gain weight
You are fit and healthy.

So always, always be like that
No sadness or problems.
And with your picaresque look
Shine for the joy of all.

My dear husband! Of course, the best birthday present for you would be new wife who doesn't grumble, doesn't wear shoes, has never heard of a MEGA sale, and cooks like your mom. But such women hardly exist. So I give you all my love, you, yourself best man who accepts me for who I am. You are the personification of strength and tenderness, beauty and masculinity, simplicity and spirituality. Take care of it, and I will help you. Happy birthday!

Darling, I congratulate you on your birthday. Those who say that marriage is what is left in the memory of love are lying. My feeling for you is still as strong as in the first year of our meetings. I wish you to experience the same for the rest of your life and not know disappointments. You are the most wonderful man in the world, stay that way always.

Happy Birthday, my Dear! I wish that all your dreams come true, and health only grows stronger over the years. So that your ambitions and wallet are not empty, and your friends remain loyal and reliable. I wish you not to forget how to relax and appreciate what life has given you, the way I appreciate it. You are the best husband in the world. Happy birthday!

There are no necessary words in the world,
To express my love.
I give you a birthday
From kisses congratulations!

My wonderful man
You are the reason for me
Therefore, I wish you
Fun and prosperity.
You are beautiful, kind, strong,
The man of my dreams.

Not easy to find original congratulations happy birthday to my husband, when we have been together for more than one year. Many wives limit themselves to a standard set of congratulatory texts, deciding that this will be enough to please their beloved. But in family life the main thing is to always find something new and pleasantly surprise your partner. Don't hesitate to find original text congratulations to hit your man.

Sometimes women who do not know their men well enough have problems choosing a gift. They donate socks, shaving supplies, perfume, or worse, something for themselves. But, in addition to choosing a gift, attention should be paid to the selection of the text of congratulations.

Such requirements are put forward to him.

  1. Correct intonation. Depends on the type of greeting. If it's funny, speak lively. If beautiful and touching - slowly and with small stops. The pitch and sound of the voice should be medium.
  2. Good facial expression. It is important that it reflect emotional condition wives. Do not be afraid to gesticulate - raise an eyebrow, give a flirtatious look, send a kiss at the end of a spoken speech.
  3. Well-chosen congratulatory speech. Fill your words with speech turns, beautiful metaphors, unusual epithets. Add some romance and tenderness.

Present congratulations to your husband in an original way. It can be a flash mob, a song that you wrote yourself and decided to give to your soulmate, a touching video series, or beautiful joint pictures. You can arrange a quest around the city, where at the end a gift and wishes will be waiting for him. The main thing is in Once again remind him that he is the dearest and desirable man in the life of his wife, and she paid much attention to preparing for his holiday.

Best congratulations

You can wish your husband a happy birthday different ways. If he likes to joke and has an excellent sense of humor, it is better to choose the appropriate cheerful congratulations. If a loved one is a romantic and tender nature, say beautiful or touching words. For a husband who always makes wise decisions and loves foresight in everything, a philosophical wish text will be needed.

The text of congratulations should not contain dirty jokes. This is pronounced in private and depends on the mood of the birthday man.


Suitable if the relationship between husband and wife is funny, comical and at times resembles a friendly one. Their everyday life filled with humor, often sharing anecdotes with each other. The main thing is that the wife does not overdo it and comic congratulations did not turn into an insult.

An example of a comic congratulatory speech:

Happy birthday, my dear!

Even though you got out of hand

But ready, so be it

To give you love and tenderness:

Enjoy kisses in the morning

And on Fridays - hugs and impressions,

Remember, laughter and joy on your birthday -

No limits at all!


Designed to once again remind you of the sincerity of your feelings. Their basis is beautiful words that will help to renew in memory pleasant moments experienced together. They help to return romance, sensuality, tenderness to relationships. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the content of the congratulatory speech and the emotions that will be present during pronunciation.

Possible variant beautiful congratulations happy birthday to husband in the form of a verse:

I'll light candles for romance

And pour wine into glasses.

You hug so gently on the shoulders,

You can say "I love you" so sweetly.

We are together, and we do not need anyone,

We celebrate your birthday.

I am pleased with you, my dear and beloved husband,

We have been through so much together.

Let all the blizzards bypass you

Let the steep starfall swirl.

Let everything happen as we wanted

To be sincerely happy with life!

Used if the husband and wife are highly intelligent people who love wise sayings. Contains quotes from great people interesting phrases. They are presented in the form of toasts-parables, instructive stories. They cover important life topics.

Choose not too long philosophical congratulations. Optimally - up to 3 minutes. Of course, the husband wants to say so much and wish on his anniversary, but there is no need to be intrusive. Remember, there are other guests who also want to congratulate the birthday man.

An example of an original and wise birthday greeting for a husband in the form of a parable:

One day a student asked his teacher, "What would you say if I fell again?" The teacher replied, "Get up." Then the student said: “What if I fell again?” The teacher says: "Get up!" Then the student asked in surprise: “And how many times do you need to fall and rise?” Then the teacher looked at him and said, “Fall and get up as long as you are alive! After all, if you could not get up, you would not be alive! My beloved and dear, on this holiday I want to drink for you, for you to always be ready to help, to be able to find a way out of any difficult situation, for the fact that I have you!


The most common option. Men do not always like such congratulations, but a little tenderness and romance on such a holiday will not hurt. It is important that emotions and facial expressions convey all the sincerity of the spoken words. It's okay if they bring tears to the wife or husband. It will be a pleasant experience.

One example touching congratulations happy birthday beloved:

Thank you, my dear, for what you are,

Happiness cannot be counted next to you!

You wake up for adventure, life is in my interest,

We have learned so much joy and miracles together!

I love and appreciate you very much!

I will save our love for life!

I admire and am proud of you!

I always stay by my side!

I wish you wealth, good luck, health,

Be a winner! I send you many kisses!

I congratulate you on your birthday!

Forever yours, without a pinch of doubt!


In this case, congratulations are important. It's great if it's your own song written on the eve of the celebration, or a video with your favorite photos. Can arrange romantic dinner and independently invite her husband on a date. Other options are to organize a trip to a place that he has long wanted to do homemade gift, bake an unusual cake, etc. But you should not forget about the text of the congratulations. It also has to be unique.

Possible version of the original wish:

Depths brave conqueror,

Exquisite connoisseur of rhymes,

Blue-eyed and romantic

With an aristocrat inside.

The vagaries of fashion are not alien to you,

You are drawn to distant countries.

When it's time to hunt

You are among the first - right there.

May your success be immodest

And jump over your head ...

Let fortune wait in the waiting room

And expects a tip!

Let all ideas come true

And new heights in business,

After all, uphill, no matter what they say,

Only the smart one will go!

I wish you strength and inspiration

Let the doctors rest!

We wish you happiness! Happy birthday!

In honor of the husband-birthday boy URA!

Ways to send congratulations

It happens that a loved one went on a business trip, is on a job in another country, or is temporarily absent due to accumulated cases, and there is no opportunity to personally congratulate him. Then the wife is saved various ways sending congratulations.

Method nameDescription
SMSSuitable if the husband rarely turns on the Internet and enters instant messengers or social networks. send greeting card or a photo in this way is not very convenient. It is better to send just beautiful, good, sincere congratulations to your husband on his birthday.
EmailSuitable if the second half is a busy person who checks mail many times a day. You can send and decorate congratulatory text, send a message to the resource with wishes, etc.
Social networksOn a social network, you can post a photo with your husband and sign it beautifully. Only the picture should be beautiful, not erotic. Another option is to send a message with emoticons, GIF images. You can take a picture with your child (if you already have one) and send the photo early in the morning. One caveat - it is important to send SMS in the social network that the husband actively uses.
MessengersAn excellent solution for congratulating a man who does not use social networks as a way to communicate. You can send in messengers beautiful pictures, stickers, emoticons, personal photos. 2 great features that will make greetings more sincere and enjoyable are the ability to record a voice message or send a video clip.

Send messages in the morning so that your beloved husband can see them in the stream of other congratulations! This is especially important if he often conducts business correspondence with partners. The best solution- highlight your SMS with a bright font, a cute picture, write the title in big letters, etc.


You need to congratulate your husband beautifully, in an original way and from the heart. He must feel all the sincerity of his wife’s words, re-confirm her love feelings. Comic, original, beautiful, touching and wise congratulations. The choice depends on temperament and life position beloved.

Mother of two children. I'm leading household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I always try various means, ways, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

For your beloved husband, prepare the most sincere Happy Birthday. Of course, congratulations in verses composed by yourself will be the most original, even if the verses are not quite coherent, but congratulations to your husband will be from the bottom of your heart.

Words are usually pronounced in the form of a toast at the festive table. We offer huge selection interesting congratulations for my husband's birthday.

Happy birthday greetings to her husband in verse

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart, dear husband!
Happy birthday to you, my dear!
I love you, I will be with you all the time,
All years, all summers and all winters.
I wish you always stay
Kind, sweet, cheerful and cheerful.
And let all our years go by
You and I will overcome all adversity.
Joy, happiness, success and good luck - catch,
And sorrows and troubles - destroy.
Be loved and you yourself be full of love,
My husband is the best in the world.

Congratulations to your beloved husband

My beloved husband!
This evening
I want to tell you:
For our union, for our meeting
I am so grateful to fate!
For every look, touch,
For every moment, for every year,
Because on this birthday
Spring sings in my soul.

Well, my sweet, this holiday is yours!
May the day you were born be glorious.
Even if the formidable beauty-blizzard
to our house with great congratulations knock.

But only I want to steal her words.
I want to be the first to congratulate you.
May your life be cloudless
And luck will never leave.

Happy Birthday Husband

With you I feel comfortable, warm and easy,
And I'm glad for every minute.
You don't have to go far for happiness
It smiles around!

And he will give a hand, and substitute his shoulder.
I'm all in his gentle power.
Darling, hug me warmly
After all, you are my pride and happiness!

And I congratulate you on your birth,
I wish everything succeeds.
Loving infinitely with all my heart,
Be best wife will try.

When you coming after have a hard day,
Warmly hugging your shoulders
I understand that you love me
My glorious, dear little man!

I wish you on your birthday
My most best person,
To wonderful moments
Merged into one happy age.
May constant luck
Not separated from you.
With sincere, warm love
Congratulations, my dear!

Funny birthday wishes for husband

Happy holiday, beloved husband!
Be healthy and happy,
Don't be lazy, don't beat the bucket
Drink not too often!
I'm kidding, of course!
What is so dull?
I just want to say:
Happy birthday, honey!
You are the support of the whole family:
Me and our children.
We are all proud of you
The best husband in the world!

We speak in different languages.
And contrary to all assurances,
I don't understand what I should be looking for
All over the apartment I am your socks?
hot dinner- here's another attack!
But why? Because I want a salad!
I keep silent about the fact that they interfere with my sleep
Computer, beer, lights, football and snoring!
But the logic is yes, yes, women have
She - gives here for some reason a failure.
And the heart reigns supreme here,
Between us. Happy birthday dear!

Happy birthday, I congratulate you
The closest, dearest person,
And I wish you health
Not for a year, but for your long life!
In the midst of intense heat, bad weather,
Among grief, deceit and lies
We wish you only happiness
Only devotion and love!

Happy birthday greetings to her husband in prose

My dear, what do you wish? So that you are always healthy, that you smile cheerfully at everyone, that when you meet the dawn, you always see my smiling face.
To you, to yourself best husband, my congratulations on your birthday!

Thank you for the warmth and peace that you radiate through your kindness. All the good things in my life are due to the fact that I have you.
I wish you great happiness, a clear and cloudless sky, creative success.
Live long, long and never get sick. I very love you!

Dear spouse! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you good health, happiness, joy, great success in your work. May your plans and dreams come true.

Dear and beloved husband, the one and only man of my life!
On your birthday, I wish you as much money as there are leaves in autumn forest, as much health as there are drops in the ocean, and as many happy moments How long will my heart beat!

Happy birthday sms for husband

Short SMS congratulations to her husband from his wife on his birthday

What do you wish your husband on his birthday?
Wife can not wish bad!
Hope, love and prosper
Let the Lord help you in everything!

My dear beloved husband,
I congratulate you on your birthday!
I want the unity of our souls.
I love you and hold you to my heart!

Warmth to you in your family
On a fine day and on a rainy day.
We wish you earthly joy,
Health, vivacity and happiness!

My dear husband, my faithful companion life,
My hope, joy and dream.
Happy birthday today,
I give you only gentle words ...

Our lives are so full of daily domestic problems that you just can’t miss the chance that is given to us only once a year, and give your husband a piece of happiness on his birthday - congratulate him so that your congratulations will leave your spouse’s memory for a long time pleasant memories about this wonderful day.

A prerequisite for successful happy birthday wishes for husband is a happy and sincere smile, joy and warmth emanating from you, and love expressed in your every look and action.

Sources of information:
