LPG massage: application of technology and contraindications. Reviews, photos before and after the procedure, as well as a lot of interesting and useful information about the unique technique of LPG massage

Correction of the figure and face only with the help of a surgical scalpel is a thing of the past. Today, the techniques of hardware exposure to the skin make it possible to model the body quite successfully. Up to 20% of the fair sex regularly use hardware procedures. LPG massage is a fairly young, but already popular body correction technique.

Basic principles of work

History reference

The technique of massaging the subcutaneous fat layer and the skin itself with the help of a special apparatus was invented forty years ago by Louis Paul Guite. An engineer by training, the Frenchman developed an ingenious apparatus consisting of several rollers. The rotating elements of the structure grabbed the skin and massaged the resulting fold mechanically.

Modern realities

Today, thanks to innovative technologies, there have appeared computerized devices with software that allow you to adjust the intensity of exposure and the speed of rotation of the rollers.

The principle of operation of the original devices is preserved: a fold of the skin is captured, the action is performed on the subcutaneous tissue with simultaneous massage of the skin surface, the whole operation is performed in a vacuum created by the apparatus. The possibilities of the adaptation allow you to treat places that cannot be corrected with sports and diets.

Apparatus for home use have also appeared, but the body correction procedure requires the skills of a specialist.

Types and fields of application of vacuum LPG massage

Endermoligia, due to its unique characteristics, has found application in cosmetology, medicine and sports. The main directions of using this technique can be distinguished:

  1. Aesthetic endermology. It is used for body shaping:
    • reduction of subcutaneous fat;
    • modeling and tightening the contours of sagging skin;
    • restoration of skin texture;
    • reduction of signs of cellulite.

    The procedure is carried out only in the salon by professional masseurs.

  2. Lipomassage. A new technology for using LPG massage with a more intense effect on subcutaneous tissue. The techniques of grinding, twisting, swinging, surging are used, while the patient is encouraged to do physical exercises. Lipomassage is recommended for the following disadvantages:
    • there are obvious fatty deformities;
    • fat deposits are asymmetric;
    • differences in the contours of the subgluteal folds;
    • significant lethargy of the skin;
    • advanced stage of cellulite
  3. LPG facial massage. The procedure gently affects the skin of the face and allows you to get rid of wrinkles, improve the contours and simulate a tightened face contour. It is carried out only in specialized offices and clinics, no more than 2 times a week. It has a number of contraindications, so a preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist is necessary.
  4. Sports LPG massage. The procedure for influencing the muscles is carried out when preparing an athlete for training or serious competition, as well as as a rehabilitation therapy aimed at restoring injured muscles and tendons, relieving pain and swelling.
  5. LPG massage is a physiotherapy in medicine. It was used in neurology to relieve pain in the back, lower back, joints. In surgery and traumatology for the healing of burns, scars.

Procedure technology

LPG massage does not affect individual parts of the body - it affects the entire body. The technology is in demand in cosmetology, medicine, sports medicine, as the results are superior to any types of vacuum and even more so manual massage. Simultaneously affects several areas: reduces fat deposits, tightens and smoothes the skin, reduces cellulite, gives the figure a clear contour.

For maximum results, it is necessary to carry out the procedure correctly and, accordingly, select the necessary roller modes:

  • Rollin regimen to reduce subcutaneous fat;
  • Rollout mode to improve skin elasticity;
  • Rollup mode for modeling contours;
  • Swing mode for influencing fat;
  • Curling to eliminate cellulite;
  • Grinding for grinding integuments and improving elasticity;

After selecting the required mode, the handpiece sets in motion the rollers that capture, massage and smooth out the folds of the skin under vacuum.

There are also modes of the device for working in intimate, delicate places and with sensitive skin, it is possible to process even the skin around the eyes and eyelids.

Indications, contraindications for massage

Any massage, and LPG also refers to medical procedures and has its own indications, contraindications.

When massage is needed

LPG massage - before and after the procedure
  • fat abnormalities and high weight;
  • various puffiness;
  • laxity and aging of the skin;
  • cellulite of varying degrees;
  • subcutaneous hematomas;
  • stretch marks, scars;
  • postpartum therapy;
  • the initial stage of varicose veins;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • restoration of posture, coordination of movement;
  • sciatica pain;
  • trauma, muscle spasms;

To whom massage is contraindicated

LPG massage is a safe, highly effective technique. But, like any other massage, it has the same contraindications:

  • Skin tumors: fatty, vascular. When performing the education procedure, you can be injured.
  • Infectious skin diseases. The procedure can provoke the spread of the infection.
  • Hernias - inguinal or lumbar. Increased muscle tone and blood flow can create favorable conditions for hernia incarceration.
  • Inflammation of blood vessels, lymph nodes. Massage improves the movement of lymph, blood flow, which may lead to the spread of abnormalities.
  • Phlebitis, thrombophlebitis. An additional load on the inflamed vessels will lead to an exacerbation of the process. Thrombus tears are possible.
  • Wounds, cuts, and other local injuries. Massaging the cuts is fraught with bleeding and even greater damage.
  • Malignant tumors. LPG massage helps cell division, which is not desirable for this diagnosis.
  • The onset of menstruation. The activation of blood circulation will lead to a profuse discharge.
  • Various diseases during an exacerbation. Massage is necessary for a healthy body, for a weakened one it is an additional unnecessary load.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Reasons for massage

  1. Painlessness of the procedure:
    • Compared to injection and laser treatments, which do not allow you to relax due to pain, LPG massage does not provoke unpleasant feelings. Patients with particularly sensitive skin integuments tolerate the procedure calmly.
    • The software of the devices and modern handles make it possible to change the speed of rotation of the rollers and the intensity of the vacuum, which allows you to customize the equipment for the individual characteristics of the patient.
    • Lack of a rehabilitation period.
  2. The versatility of the technique:
    • The LPG massage technique allows you to simultaneously eliminate a whole list of shortcomings in the figure. Massage aimed at reducing weight, heals cellulite, relieves swelling. Correction of the shape of individual areas is possible.
    • Ability to work with delicate and thin skin of the chest, neck and face. The massage gently evens out wrinkles, eliminates double chin and circles under the eyes.
    • Has a healing effect on the entire body by improving the functioning of blood vessels, lymphatic system, nerve fibers.
    • Suitable for recovery procedures after childbirth, surgery, liposuction.
  3. Helps people of non-standard build:
    1. Solves the issue of not only getting rid of subcutaneous fat and weight loss, but also helps with cellulite in patients of various constitutions.
    2. Helps correct asymmetrical proportions.

Reasons against massage

LPG massage instruction

To achieve the required results from the LPG massage, you must follow the sequence of the following steps:

  1. Elimination of contraindications. Before performing a massage, you should consult with your doctor or beautician and exclude those abnormalities in the body that may become contraindications for the procedure. And no matter how much you would like to experience the effect of the miracle massager, with pronounced contraindications, it is better not to risk your health.
  2. Diagnostics. If there are no prohibitions, the patient's body is examined to identify problem areas that the specialist will have to work with. Pictures are taken and the data is entered into a personal card.
  3. Preparatory stage. The patient puts on a special suit and takes a seat on the massage table. Problem areas are highlighted graphically on the massage suit. Places of work are also marked on the face and sensitive areas.
  4. Carrying out a massage procedure. The necessary modes are selected, and the massage itself begins.
  • Avoid food intake for three hours before the massage.
  • Remove makeup and take care of personal hygiene.
  • Before the procedure, you must drink two glasses of still water at room temperature.
  • After the massage, refrain from eating for three hours.
  • During the massage course, you need to drink up to three liters of water daily.
  • Slight swelling, redness after the massage disappears in a couple of days, and does not require additional intervention.

Effect after massage

A lasting effect after the massage is possible if the recommendations for nutrition and sports are followed. The procedure is carried out in conjunction with other programs for weight change, body shaping.

In addition, the result of the procedure largely depends on the professionalism of the cosmetologist-massage therapist.

Carrying out LPG massage, in accordance with all the recommendations and rules, you can achieve stable results:

  • weight reduction;
  • changes in the volume of the figure and subcutaneous fat;
  • improving skin tone and smoothing the relief;
  • getting rid of cellulite signs;
  • healing of scars, scars, burns;
  • relieving muscle pain;
  • getting rid of edema;
  • general relaxation;
  • positive effect on blood circulation.

Possible complications of massage

Complications of LPG massage are similar to the side effects of conventional manual lymphatic drainage massage:

  1. The soreness of the procedure is most likely caused by an incorrectly selected mode - it is necessary to adjust the settings of the device.
  2. After the first sessions, edema appears. The complication is caused by an increase in the work of the lymphatic system, and the inability of the vessels to cope with the volume of intercellular fluid.
  3. Chills at the end of the procedure are associated with irritation of the receptors. People with autonomic dysfunction are susceptible. Warm drink will restore normal condition.
  4. In patients with brittle and thin capillaries, despite a protective suit, small bruises are possible. No treatment is needed and disappears by themselves within a week.

All complications, side effects must be immediately reported to the beautician in order to timely adjust the massage treatment program or identify unwanted prohibitions.

Home LPG massager for face and body

LPG massage cost

The cost of the course depends on the level of the clinic and the beautician, the equipment used for the massage, the chosen course and the number of procedures. When choosing a suitable massage option for a price, pay attention to special programs and offers, discounts.

The price for one procedure can vary from 800 to 3000 rubles. Accordingly, for a minimum course of ten sessions, you must pay from 8,000 rubles. Additionally, you need to purchase a special suit. In a specialized salon it will cost more than 900 rubles.

LPG massage is quite popular, you can say it works wonders, because thanks to it you can even get rid of completely neglected cellulite.

Features of LPG massage

There are many sources of the hated "orange peel". The most common ones are:

  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • poor environmental conditions;
  • daily stress;
  • improper nutrition;
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • overwork;
  • slagging.

All these reasons give rise to pathological changes in the circulatory, nervous, lymphatic systems, which lead to the formation of irregularities in the epidermis. LPG massage is able to get rid of cellulite and prevent its development in the initial stages. By the way, this procedure helps to improve the condition of the body as a whole.

The drainage effect of LPG massage normalizes lymphatic systems and microcirculation, increases the rate of supply of nutrients to cells affected by cellulite, and promotes the elimination of toxins and toxic substances.

After undergoing the procedure, the amount of fatty deposits is gradually reduced, due to which the skin becomes elastic and smooth.

The device can be applied to the following areas:

  • abdominal wall;
  • outer and inner thighs;
  • face;
  • shoulder areas.

By massaging the above areas, you can achieve amazing results in no time.

Indications for LPG massage

  • at the initial stage of myositis, varicose veins, radiculitis;
  • during the rehabilitation period after burns and injuries;
  • to strengthen the muscles of the spine;
  • to maintain athletic tone during the training period before the competition.

LPG massage is most of all involved in the "Body shaping" cosmetology program, because its effect leaves:

  • cellulite;
  • localized fat deposits;
  • sagging skin;
  • swelling;
  • stretch marks and scars;
  • wrinkles on the face;
  • double chin.

How is the LPG massage procedure

The duration of the LPG massage session directly depends on the type of problem or disease, as well as their number, which varies from 10 to 20 visits to the beautician, 1 procedure per week. In the future, to maintain the effect obtained, you should come to the session once a month.

Before starting the first procedure, you will be interviewed and examined by a cosmetologist to determine problem areas in general and their condition in general.

Next, you will be prepared for the massage itself. You will be put on a kind of costume and, with the help of a special nozzle, they will walk through problem areas. The duration of the massage takes half an hour in normal mode and 50 minutes in extended mode. The wizard sets the operating mode you need and starts the program. Each area must be treated with an individual pressure force.

The device works quite simply. The bottom line is roller and vacuum action on subcutaneous fat. The operating mode is selected depending on the task. For instance:

  • an increase in skin tone and elasticity;
  • reduction in body fat;
  • impact on subcutaneous fat;
  • body contouring prevention;
  • getting rid of cellulite;
  • restoration of "blurred" body contours;
  • smoothing the skin of the face, décolleté and neck;
  • separate treatment of the skin around the eyes and eyelids.


The popularity of LPG massage is due to several key factors:

  • high efficiency, according to most cosmetologists, their clients and even doctors;
  • comfort and painlessness;
  • activation of metabolic processes in the body;
  • health-improving effect in general;
  • pleasant relaxation effect during the procedure;
  • solution to many common aesthetic problems;
  • a small number of contraindications;
  • ease of use;
  • mobility.


  • LPG massage has an impressive list of contraindications (more on that below);
  • After the course, in order to maintain the obtained form, you will have to monitor your body, that is, you will not be able to forget about diet and training forever;
  • For a full-fledged course, you will pay off a decent amount;
  • For personal hygiene, it's best to buy your own suit.


Contraindications for LPG massage are similar. At the consultation before the procedure, it is necessary to inform about all diseases so as not to harm yourself , do without negative consequences and achieve the desired result.

Vacuum roller massage is contraindicated:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with dermatovenerological diseases;
  • patients with oncology;
  • having a hernia (femoral, inguinal, lumbar);
  • with inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • for wounds and cuts;
  • after liposuction;
  • in the first days of menstruation;
  • with infectious diseases;
  • with high fever;
  • suffering from epilepsy;
  • patients with renal, hepatic, respiratory or heart failure;
  • with diabetes mellitus.

Over the past 15-20 years, there have been incredible changes in the field of cosmetic services, especially in hardware cosmetology. Today it is not difficult to remove excess fat or cellulite, and you can forget about exhausting trips to the fitness club. The lpg massage belongs to new and modern hardware methods, with the help of which it is possible to get rid of excess fat deposits in a few procedures. About what this procedure is and what the results are, see our article.

What is LPG massage?

The LPG company was founded in France in 1986, and its letters represent the initials of a person who is an engineer, creator and founder of the corporation - this is Louis-Paul Githey. He created an apparatus that allows for a special vacuum massage to remove fat folds, which later became known as endermologic. The entire system for the use of this type of massage was called endermotherapy, since the methods began to be used in the following areas:

  • Therapeutic endermology - when a rehabilitation period is required after burns, appearance, joint stiffness, liposuction.
  • Sports endermology - when it is required to treat microtraumas of ligaments, muscles, tendons.
  • Aesthetic endermology - when a figure correction is required.

The incredible effectiveness of the method is achieved due to the combination of safety and physiological manipulation. No wonder the method has such synonyms as liposculpture, cosmemechanics, lipomodeling.

From 1986 to 2012 inclusive, Louis-Paul Guitem created several types of equipment, with the help of which it became increasingly easier to correct the figure and obtain aesthetic results. Currently, you can find the seventh generation of devices, the use of which allows you to hone and model a figure in a short period of time.

The entire range of therapeutic procedures is carried out in a special underwear or lpg-suit, which is worn by the patient. The presence of underwear allows you to easily and painlessly carry out massage at a sufficient depth, where it is difficult to reach with the help of a conventional manual one. This technology helps to remove the most "stubborn" fatty deposits, which do not go away with diet or exercise.

What is the essence of the endermology method

What is the difference between LPG hardware massage and conventional manual massage and what is the essence of the procedure? For the impact, special rollers are used (Roll In, Roll Out, Roll Up), each of which has its own function and performs the assigned task. One roller captures a fold of skin with fat deposits, the other "grinds" it and breaks the membranes of fat cells.

Due to the formation of a vacuum in the skin folds, a rush of blood begins, which means that more oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the problem areas. At the same time, the outflow of lymph increases, through which broken adipocytes (fat cells), as well as cellular decay products, poisons and stale toxins (the cause of cellulite), are gradually removed.

The destruction of adipocytes does not pass unnoticed by the surrounding tissues, where collagen and elastin fibers are located. Renewal occurs at the level of the subcutaneous fat layer, where the production of new collagen and elastin fibers increases, providing a toned and fresh look to problem areas of the body.

The entire program is computer-controlled, and the intensity of the massage and the number of sessions are calculated separately for each patient. The uniqueness and positive impact of the method was noted by the American FDA (medical certification commission), which at one time managed to prohibit even the use of silicone.

Indications and contraindications for lpg massage

LPG vacuum roller massage, like any procedure, has its own indications, as well as contraindications for carrying out. So, the readings are as follows:

  • Fat deposits in problem areas (buttocks, abdomen, thighs).
  • Obesity of varying degrees.
  • The presence of cellulite.
  • Sagging skin and folds after pregnancy or drastic weight loss.
  • Swelling on the body.
  • Rehabilitation of the skin after plastic surgery.
  • Asymmetry of soft tissues.


  • Pregnancy period.
  • Period of menstruation.
  • Chronic illnesses.
  • Fever or fever.
  • Skin infections, including viral infections.
  • Taking certain medications (hormones, heparin).
  • Thrombophlebitis of veins.
  • The presence of oncological pathology.

How is the procedure carried out?

Before the session, the cosmetologist must diagnose and assess the condition of the problem areas. Next, a special protocol is drawn up, in which the existing problems are indicated, and also aesthetic programs for body modeling are selected. The patient puts on a suit, thanks to which the skating process of rollers on the body is improved, which eliminates the appearance of pain and meets the rules of hygiene.

Sessions of anti-cellulite massage lpg are carried out 2-3 times in 7-10 days, and the minimum number is at least 6. One session will take 30-60 minutes. If necessary and if there are individual indications, the number of manipulations can be increased to 10-15.


What effect can you expect?

Those grateful patients who have completed the course of therapy note that the effect persists for a long period of time. And this is not surprising, because lpg lymphatic drainage massage affects all the mechanisms of the formation of skin problems, which allows you to get rid of them in the same physiological way.

In general, the effect is as follows:

  • Body volumes change significantly.
  • The size of the clothes is reduced by 1-2 sizes.
  • Lymph and blood flow improves.
  • The skin becomes firm and elastic.
  • The body contours are re-modeled.
  • The work of all organs and systems improves (due to the improvement of microcirculation).
  • The subcutaneous fat layer is reduced.
  • Collagen and elastin production is stimulated.

Frequently asked questions:

How many massage procedures do you need? The number of sessions is at least 6, but with indications in each individual case, the duration of the course is determined for each patient.

The issues of beauty and well-groomed appearance will always excite the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.

With the advent of new technologies, more and more attention is paid to hardware cosmetology, which makes it possible to achieve results efficiently and for a long time. Women manage to get not only a beautiful figure, but also an attractive face.

One of the offered treatments is LPG massage. What is it, what is the essence of the procedure, how to do it correctly and how many sessions do you need to go through? More details on everything below.

What it is

LPG massage is based on mechanical action on the epidermis and adjacent muscle tissue.

It is also called vacuum roller. This is due to the specifics of the maniple used during the session.

This attachment consists of several rollers that pinch the skin 4 to 16 times per second, depending on the nature of the session.

The main apparatus, like the method, was named after its creator, Louis Paul Guite.

The computerized system allows you to customize the massage program based on the individual parameters of the patients.

There are three main types of session:

  • Therapeutic- intended for general strengthening of the body, for the treatment of muscle spasms, burns, pain in the lumbar spine.
  • Aesthetic- fights cellulite and stretch marks, aimed at breaking down the fat layer.
  • Sports- Tones muscles, is more often used to train athletes and recover from injuries.

Advantages and disadvantages


Based on the results of clinical studies, after a course of LPG body massage, the skin is tightened by an average of 30%.

This is a fairly high figure. This is noted by specialists and patients for whom it is important to tighten problem areas and get rid of cellulite.

After facial sessions, wrinkles are smoothed out, the color improves, the double chin is eliminated.


A deep and at the same time gentle effect on internal tissues has a calming, relaxing effect. Continuous improvement of technologies is aimed at minimizing painful sensations for the patient.


Natural stimulation of tissues allows you to achieve not only an aesthetic, but also a health-improving effect. The method can be used in the treatment of burns, varicose veins, radiculitis.

The main disadvantage is contraindications, in which the condition can worsen sharply. Therefore, all patients undergo a thorough diagnosis beforehand.

Indications, zones of influence

The main reason for working on the face and body with LPG massage is problem areas and the desire to get rid of them.

These areas include:

  • "Ears" on the thighs, abdomen and places that are not amenable to diet or exercise;
  • Cellulite of any stage;
  • Age, mimic wrinkles on the face;
  • Swelling;
  • Fat layers in the decollete area, on the face;
  • Double chin;
  • Flew.

See photos before and after LPG facial massage:


They practically do not differ from contraindications for regular massage.

General contraindications:

  • Skin diseases;
  • Oncology;
  • Pregnancy, lactation;
  • Heart disease;
  • Epilepsy.


  • Mechanical damage to the skin;
  • Benign skin tumors, protruding moles;
  • Hernia;
  • Phlebitis, thrombophlebitis;
  • Recent liposuction.

For face surgery:

  • Open wounds;
  • Herpes;
  • Couperose;
  • Acne.

Can I use after childbirth and caesarean section, when breastfeeding?

Many people gain extra pounds due to changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy and after childbirth.

It is quite natural to have a problem with the elongation of the skin, accumulated fat under it.

The question arises about the possibility of using hardware procedures during lactation, especially if the birth took place by caesarean section.

Doctors claim that LPG massage useful even after surgery... The main condition is complete healing of tissues after resection.

On average, this takes about a year, at about the same time you can start thinking about using the course. Sessions reduce body fat, improve lymph flow.

There is less likelihood of the formation of new fat cells under the skin, and it itself becomes more firm, elastic.

Preparation and implementation

It is necessary to undergo a mandatory diagnosis by a doctor who will determine the parameters of the figure, the condition of the skin and problem areas.

A person puts on a personal suit for LPG massage, on which problem areas are graphically highlighted.

This garment ensures a hygienic process as there is no contact of the device handpiece with the skin, allows the patient to be without clothes to improve skin grip on the rollers.

On the face, problem areas are also identified in advance. The procedure takes approximately 45 minutes.

During the session, the doctor can use several types of work with the device:

  • "Curling" helps to fight cellulite;
  • "Sliding" helps to correct contours;
  • "Resurfacing" makes the skin elastic, tones it up;
  • "Rocking" breaks up the fat lumps.

For a faster observation of the effect, it is advisable to do this already on the day of the session, since LPG massage has a lymphatic drainage effect, removes all toxins into the body's lymphatic system.

Physical activity and drinking plenty of fluids will help flush out toxins, and connecting to the right diet will reduce the likelihood of a recurrence of unpleasant deposits.

For the face, other settings of the device and attachments are used. The massage is performed on dry, cleansed skin.

We offer a photo before and after the apparatus vacuum-roller LPG body massage:

After the session, slight swelling and redness may appear in the treated area, but they disappear in 1 - 2 days.

Rehabilitation is not required, almost immediately after the session, you can continue to work, preferably go in for sports.

Each case requires a different approach, and for this, specialists have protocols for calculating a personalized course and the required number of procedures.


  • First stage: about 10 treatments at least twice a week.
  • Second phase: 6 - 7 procedures, first, twice a week, after the breaks increase.
  • Third stage: procedures are carried out no more than once every two weeks.
  • Supporting stage: sessions 1 - 2 times a month.

Video on how the vacuum LPG facial massage takes place:


  • First month: 6 to 8 procedures at least twice a week.
  • Interim period: from 4 to 6 procedures during the first week, then no more than two procedures in 2 - 3 weeks.
  • Supporting stage: one procedure per month as directed by your doctor.

The result begins to appear already at 6-7 procedures, after all sessions it remains for an average of a year.

What can be observed after the massage:

  • the skin is cleansed of toxins;
  • her tone increases;
  • body contours are modeled;
  • cellulite disappears;
  • fatty layers are broken.

One of the temporary side effects of a facelift is an increase in flabbiness in the middle of the first phase. This is due to the removal of excess fluid from the skin. and goes through one or two procedures.

Although the painful sensations are constantly reduced with hardware treatment, each patient has a different pain threshold, which may cause discomfort.

Source: Magazine "Beauty and Health", No. 8, 2009 (www.kiz.ru)

Which face and body shaping technique to choose - the newest or the one that has stood the test of time? This difficult question arises whenever we decide to take care of ourselves. For example, LPG is a method with 30 years of experience. It would seem ‚we should know everything about him. But is it?

Marya ROMANOVA, physician of restorative medicine, physiotherapist at the Le Colon Beauty Institute, IDEAL LINE Center
Nadezhda SOSNOVSKAYA , dermatologist of the highest category of the American Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine and Cosmetology "A-Clinic".

- LPG massage is used only for body shaping.

Marya ROMANOVA: Delusion. Special devices allow performing procedures on the face, neck and décolleté. Acting not only on the superficial, but also on the deep layers of the skin, they provide a pronounced rejuvenating and lifting effect. And various programs solve specific problems - they increase the turgor of atonic skin, smooth wrinkles, eliminate swelling and improve the condition of the breast skin.

- During the procedure, the skin is strongly stretched and becomes flabby.

M.R .: Just the opposite. According to research, LPG massage stimulates the activity of fibroblasts, prompting them to increase the synthesis of collagen fibers. This hardware method of body shaping has a pleasant side effect: after a course of procedures, the firmness and elasticity of the skin increases. In addition, the LPG machine has a special program for working with flabby skin.

- Vacuum and LPG massage are one and the same.

M.R .: No. Vacuum is an indispensable, but not the only part of endermologic massage. The essence of the method consists in mechanical volumetric kneading of the skin fold, which is formed and maintained by vacuum aspiration. The specialist's working tool is a maniple in which two rollers rotate. They move in one direction, then towards each other, then in opposite directions. One captures the skin fold along with the subcutaneous fat, and the second smoothes it. An individual elastic suit makes the procedure as hygienic and safe as possible: it provides painless sliding of rollers, reduces trauma to tissues and blood vessels, and prevents the formation of hematomas.

- During and after the course of procedures, you must follow a special diet.

M.R .: No, this is a myth. Any measures aimed at body shaping, volume reduction and cellulite elimination require compliance with some dietary restrictions. Endermology is no exception, but there is no special diet for the LPG cycle. The task of the specialist is to make recommendations on the diet, taking into account the individual characteristics and habits of the patient.

- LPG massage is effective only in combination with other cosmetic procedures.

M.R .: Of course, a comprehensive solution to a problem is always preferable. A course of LPG massage in combination with a balanced diet and procedures with a different mechanism of action (for example, mesotherapy or body wraps) allows you to achieve an optimal result. But in some cases, when the patient needs a slight correction, the apparatus massage is able to independently provide the desired effect.

- LPG facial massage cannot be combined with injection methods of rejuvenation.

Nadezhda SOSNOVSKAYA: This is only partly true. The procedure is prescribed two weeks after Botox and filler injections. Such a time gap is necessary for the adaptation of drugs in soft tissues. But mesotherapy can be carried out on the same day, and best of all right after LPG. In this case, the positive effect of both techniques is enhanced.

- LPG treatments help to recover from plastic surgery and sports injuries.

N. S .: Quite right. Initially, this method was developed for the rehabilitation of critically ill patients after massive surgeries. The LPG massage procedure improves the outflow of lymph from tissues damaged during surgery, helps to restore disturbed microcirculation, prevents the development of inflammation and enhances the regeneration of all layers of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

- After a session of hardware massage, there is a strong thirst.

N. S .: No, in healthy people without concomitant somatic diseases, the procedure does not cause thirst. This symptom is typical for patients with overt or latent diabetes mellitus. And that glass of water, which is recommended to drink before the session, is necessary to start the kidneys. Thus, they are prepared for enhanced drainage - the removal of excess fluid from the body.

- You have to wait a long time for a positive effect from LPG, but it passes quickly.

N. S .: Incorrect statement. A pronounced and lasting correction is provided only by an individually prescribed course of procedures. If it is carried out correctly - the parameters are selected correctly and the patient does not violate the schedule determined by the doctor - the result will be long-lasting. If these conditions are not met, the effect does not last long or a larger number of supporting sessions is required.

- The procedure has many contraindications.

N. S .: LPG massage, like other physiotherapeutic procedures, cannot be performed in case of violation of the integrity of the skin, cardiovascular diseases, malignant neoplasms and intolerance to the procedure itself. Specific contraindications include varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.