Can pregnant women take sedatives? What sedative herbs can be pregnant. How to relieve stress during pregnancy

The emotional state of a woman during pregnancy becomes big problem both for herself and for her loved ones. Sudden mood swings, irritability, anxiety, outbursts of emotions - all this is quite understandable, but the realization of this fact does not make it easier. And although everyone around them says that pregnant women should not be nervous, the problem will not be solved by constantly repeating this phrase. Is it possible for a woman carrying a child to use drugs to relieve irritability and increased anxiety? And what criteria should sedatives taken during pregnancy meet?

What is the cause of excessive nervousness

Usually similar situations are observed in the first trimester, when a global restructuring occurs in a woman's body, in particular, changes hormonal background necessary to create favorable conditions for the development of the fetus. The price of such changes is tears, tantrums and other unpleasant emotions that a pregnant woman experiences.

But the culprits of irritability can be not only raging hormones. Often occurs at work or at home unpleasant situations forcing the sensitive future mother worry and worry. And if problems with bearing a baby are added to everything else, it becomes very difficult to cope with this load without taking sedatives during pregnancy.

What sedatives can be taken during pregnancy

Ideally, you should refrain from taking any drugs, including sedatives, during pregnancy. This is especially true for the early stages, when the formation of the placenta is just beginning and the fetus is not protected by anything. It is much better to try to distance yourself from the event that causes negative emotions. Try to just go out for half an hour: take a walk in the park, get some fresh air, or just lie down and relax. It is likely that when you calm down, you will understand the insignificance of the reason that previously caused irritation and anxiety.

But, unfortunately, such therapy does not help everyone. Very often stabilize emotional condition women can only by taking sedatives. Despite the fact that the choice of such drugs is quite wide, not all sedatives during pregnancy are safe. Before using this or that medicine, be sure to consult your doctor.

So, what sedatives can you drink during pregnancy? First of all, expectant mothers are recommended light herbal sedatives, including valerian and motherwort (both in the form of tablets and in the form of tinctures). Also, the list of approved drugs includes modern combined drugs Novo-Passit and Persen.

The most commonly used sedative today is Novo-Passit, which comes in the form of tablets and tinctures. Due to the fact that in stopping the drug lie herbal ingredients it can be taken during pregnancy. However, in this case, one nuance should be taken into account: doctors recommend opting for tablets, since the tincture contains alcohol. Novo-Passit helps relieve mental stress and get rid of anxiety, normalizes the work of the heart and relaxes the muscles. Despite the fact that the medicine does not affect the body of the pregnant woman and the development of the fetus, you should not use this sedative during pregnancy uncontrollably. Like any other drug, Novo-Passit has contraindications.

The second medicine that women in position can use is Persen. Valerian, mint and lemon balm extracts present in its composition help to cope with insomnia and improve mood. True, those future mothers who drive a car should take into account that Persen affects the reaction rate. In addition, this drug should not be used for hypotension.

If the cause of anxiety is beriberi

IN individual cases increased anxiety of a pregnant woman is not due to ongoing events, but physiological reasons, in particular, a deficiency of vitamins of group B. Since the body of the expectant mother must provide nutrients not only for herself, but also for the baby, their reserves have to be regularly replenished. In such a situation, the best sedatives during pregnancy are specially selected multivitamin complexes: Vitrum Prenatal, Elevit, Materna and others. But, of course, a woman should discuss any changes in her well-being with her gynecologist observing her - an excess of vitamins can be much more dangerous than their lack.

Aromatherapy as a sedative during pregnancy

If the pregnant woman does not suffer bronchial asthma and allergies to odors, you can restore shattered nerves with the help of essential oils. In particular, oils of coniferous trees, sandalwood, citrus scents. The latter, in addition to everything, cheer up, give vigor, which cannot but have a positive effect on the general well-being of the expectant mother. However, do not forget that the selection of essential oils is a purely individual process. What works for one woman as a pregnancy sedative may have the opposite effect on another.5 5 out of 5 (3 votes)

A sedative during pregnancy is used quite often. Modern man daily exposes his nervous system various influences from the side of society. Stressful situations, fast paced life, wide circle responsibilities - this affects psycho-emotional state person. A woman, especially during pregnancy, will feel more and more subtly. The body during this period experiences numerous physiological changes And extra stress there's nothing here. For this reason, doctors experts advise the use of sedatives. But it is far from always worth resorting to pharmaceuticals, and many of them are contraindicated in this position. What means can be used by pregnant women to calm the nervous system?

Phytotherapeutic agents that help the expectant mother to calm down

Factors disturbing enough. Sometimes even a new dad can be the cause of these stresses without realizing it. Depression, reassessment of values, material difficulties - future mom must face all these challenges. So what kind of sedatives can pregnant women? At a short period of pregnancy, you can use the methods of traditional medicine, which are distinguished by their safety and restorative effect on the body. With insufficient effect, they resort to pharmaceutical preparations.


This plant has a wide range positive impacts. A decoction of this plant has a positive effect on the nervous system and emotional state. Leaves a pleasant aftertaste and good flavor, promotes toxin removal, normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, restores healthy regimen sleep, improves appetite, is a good adaptogen.

Chamomile helps not only to calm down, but also relieve inflammation.

Copes well with diseases oral cavity, throat, inflammatory processes reproductive organs due to the pronounced antiseptic effect. In addition, chamomile facilitates pain, reduces puffiness, relieves fatigue, promotes rapid healing wounds and abrasions. Chamomile decoctions are indicated at any stage of pregnancy, during lactation. I don't call side effects and in babies. Do not resort to the use of decoctions with intolerance to the active substance of this plant.

Chamomile tea helps relieve nervous tension promotes relaxation. It is worth remembering that although chamomile is a safe remedy, it requires compliance with the dosage. It is necessary to make sure that the shelf life and the quality of raw materials are observed before use. For this reason, it is undesirable to buy grass outside of pharmacies.

Valerian herb

Valerian has long been valued for its pronounced sedative effect. In addition, the herb has the ability to enhance bile production, increase the lumen of the coronary vessels, and stimulate gastrointestinal motility. With the help of this plant, they overcome the conditions of migraines, spasms, excitability of the nervous system, depressive states in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Valerian can even suppress depression at an early stage

Decoctions of this plant are used for increased heartbeat, increased tone uterus, sleep disorders. Valerian is prescribed to patients with the threat of miscarriage already in the first months. Usually, experts prescribe teas from this herb no earlier than the 5th month and in tandem with other medicines. This is due to the fact that the active substances of this remedy are able to accumulate in the body, causing the opposite effect. A decoction of stems and flowers suitable for people involved in work that requires a quick response and increased attention.

The undoubted advantage is that valerian does not adversely affect the fetus even in the first weeks. The remedy is contraindicated only in case of intolerance to the active metabolites of the substance.

motherwort herb

This plant is in second place in terms of effectiveness after valerian. The pharmacological effect is similar. Use the drug in tablet form, in the form of tinctures and teas. The first option is distinguished by its availability, the third - by ease of use.

Motherwort perfectly relieves the tone of the uterus

And before using the second one, you need to consult a specialist, because the tincture is made using alcohol. Tea helps to normalize the tone of the uterus, reduces the risk of miscarriage, relieves overexcitation of the nervous type, has a hypotensive effect, normalizes sleep, and neutralizes the manifestations of tachycardia.


Mint teas and decoctions are distinguished by their availability and prevalence. Mint is aimed not only at calming the nervous system, but also helps to normalize sleep, relieve itching, eliminate toxicosis, and normalize intestinal motility.

Mint can improve digestion, but it should not be abused

But it is worth remembering that for all its safety on the fetus and the mother's body, it is advisable to limit yourself to a small dose. With the abuse of mint, the tone of the uterus can increase and there is a threat of miscarriage.

Linden flowers

The beneficial properties of linden are not known to everyone, but this is not a reason to exclude this plant. The tool has both a number of pluses and minuses.

Linden may also help with colds and coughs

Positive effects:

  • stress relief, chronic fatigue;
  • swelling prevention and inflammatory processes;
  • inflammation of the body's reserves of vitamin C;
  • decrease in irritability of the cough center;
  • lowering the concentration of sugar in the blood;
  • hypotensive action;
  • normalization of the excretory structures.

Negative properties:

  • dizziness;
  • dehydration in kidney disease;
  • decline and so low pressure leads to deterioration.
The decision on the need to use a pregnant linden should be made only after consulting with your doctor!

Sedatives from the pharmaceutical range

The use of synthetic drugs during pregnancy is approached with caution and resorted to their use when phytotherapeutics did not have the expected effect or intolerance to the active substances was revealed. Moms are more often prescribed Novopassit and Persen, these medicines are produced using medicinal herbs, enhancing the effect. If the patient does not have a contraindication to the use of any remedy, then valerian or motherwort in tablet form is more often prescribed. In this form, they act much faster.


Medication during pregnancy - safe and available remedy, its composition is dominated by active substances from valerian, mint and lemon balm.

Persen is one of the approved and safe drugs

The pharmacological effect is aimed mainly at solving problems with the excitability of the nervous system, with sleep and mood changes. It is produced in two forms: in capsules and tablets. The drug is contraindicated in hypotension, as it further lowers the level of pressure.


This drug helps to overcome psychosis, depression, muscle tension. It is aimed at normalizing the work of the heart, improving sleep and getting rid of panic attacks. Like the previous drug, Novopassit is completely synthesized from natural extracts.

When taking Novopassit during pregnancy, be careful during lactation - mint in the composition can cause it to stop

It is presented on the market of the pharmaceutical industry in the form of tablets and syrups. It has no side effects, but sometimes causes intolerance to the components in a group of people. It is not advisable to self-medicate, because the etiology of nervous manifestations can be different.

Drugs contraindicated during pregnancy

Many medicines contain active substances that have a detrimental effect on the mother's body and fetus. Some of them:

  • Corvalol. This medication in the first trimester of pregnancy has a negative effect on the fetus. This is due to the fact that the composition of the drug includes phenobarbital, which causes malformations of the embryo;
  • Hawthorn. This medicinal product not as dangerous as Corvalol, but its use is limited. It has a pronounced tropism for the heart muscle and normalizes blood pressure. It is forbidden to use the medication due to the high alcohol content;
  • tranquilizers and barbiturates. This group medicines has a teratogenic effect on the fetus.

Prevention of nervousness

To maintain the health of the nervous system of the expectant mother, it is necessary to adhere to some rules. Key tips to help prevent the manifestation of nervous conditions:

  • take long walks in the fresh air;
  • make a diet with a large number of products containing B vitamins in their composition;
  • lead a measured cultural life, listening to calm pleasant music and visiting cinemas and theaters;
  • to calm down, you can drink warm milk with the addition of a small amount honey;
  • doing needlework that calms the nerves. You can embroider, weave from beads, knit, weave, draw;
  • fill life bright emotions meeting with friends;
  • do not take everything to heart and focus on your position;
  • allow the use of your favorite sweets and aromatic teas;
  • be sure to rest during the day;
  • adhere to 8 hours of sleep;
  • observe the drinking regime.

These tips will help prevent depression and prevent nervous deviations.

If you are faced with a state of anxiety, tearfulness, causeless hysteria, irritability in the first months of gestation, then you should not immediately look for a remedy for these manifestations. First of all, you need to contact a specialist to assess the condition of the mother and fetus. After all, all these manifestations can be a consequence of changes in the body of a physiological and hormonal nature, sometimes it can indicate serious pathologies. Doctor in the best possible way will select the necessary drug suitable for a particular patient. To begin with, you can try without the help of a specialist to try to normalize nutrition and the regime of work and rest. Only after these manipulations, if there is no improvement, it is worth resorting to drug therapy.

Pregnancy is not only a happy period, but also a very difficult one. The worries and worries are different every month, and it is not always possible to cope with them on your own. A woman worries about the health of her unborn child, thinks about his upbringing. Increase anxiety and internal causes associated with natural changes that occur from the moment of conception to the birth of a baby.

Why do pregnant women often need sedatives?

During pregnancy, all body reserves are directed to ensure comfortable conditions for the growth of a fertilized egg. taking place during this period hormonal changes strongly influence emotional mood women. Depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive states are caused not only by anxiety about upcoming birth but also for physiological reasons. The most difficult for the nervous system is the first trimester of pregnancy.

In addition to the attack of hormones, a woman's body has to cope with a lack of vitamins. Particularly important during this period are B vitamins, in particular vitamin B 12, which is responsible for the growth and normal functioning of nerve fibers. Its deficiency causes irritability and causeless nervousness in a woman. You should not rely on your own willpower, the expectant mother needs the support of loved ones, as well as proper nutrition and taking multivitamins.

Rules for the use of sedatives in the 1st trimester

After fertilization and attachment of the egg, the formation of all organs and systems of the future baby begins, while placental barrier not yet created, so the woman and the fetus on early dates especially vulnerable. The realization that an increased tendency to fears and worries is one of the variants of the norm helps to reduce stress.

A woman should walk a lot, make short and tireless journeys. natural charm and the fresh air of parks, embankments, squares will not only saturate the blood with oxygen, but also help to relax and get distracted. Calming techniques also include cold and hot shower, swimming and water aerobics for pregnant women.

Soothing fees during pregnancy, such as teas, can be purchased at a pharmacy:

  • Linden blossom;
  • mint and lemon balm;
  • chamomile;
  • hawthorn.

sedatives in the 2nd trimester

In the second trimester, some work has already been done to shape the body of the unborn child, and doctors allow pregnant women to take drugs such as motherwort and valerian. Often the need for more active influence not for the psyche, since the hormonal background after 17 weeks stabilizes and unfounded fears disappear.

The child is getting bigger, actively growing and needs more and more nutrients. Many expectant mothers have a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, which must be replenished with special diet. At this time, it is worth including in your daily diet:

At the consultation, a pregnant woman may be given an appointment vitamin complexes. It is allowed to drink together with vitamins herbal infusions Or resort to aromatherapy. Pleasant smells help improve sleep, improve mood, but before using the method, it is worth consulting with a specialist, since not all essential oils have a relaxing effect. Traditional aromas for relaxation:

  • sandalwood;
  • rose;
  • mint;
  • Linden;
  • jasmine.

In the third trimester

In the third trimester, the hormonal background and emotional mood of a woman are quite stable, and if there are no anxiety symptoms no, and the pregnancy is developing normally, then there is no need for sedatives. It is quite natural for a future mother to experience excitement, because childbirth is approaching.

On later dates a woman who is very worried about the upcoming delivery, you can use folk recipes. For example, an infusion of hop cones helps with insomnia (two cones per glass of boiling water, insist for an hour, can be used at night with the addition of honey).

Overview of popular drugs and folk remedies

Most sleeping pills that are dispensed in a pharmacy without a prescription are recommended by doctors as a preventive measure. Some of them are quite safe and have additional benefits. In any case, a woman should notify the doctor of her intention to use one or another tranquilizer.

Glycine during pregnancy

Glycine is a sedative pill that helps everyone from students to retirees. The drug is also allowed during pregnancy, including in the early stages. Main active substance- amino acid glycine normal condition health is synthesized in the body naturally. Glycine in combination with a number of drugs for cardiology reduces the likelihood of seizures, stroke, improves the functioning of cerebral vessels.

The effect of glycine appears after one to one and a half weeks regular use(We recommend reading:). The regimen of administration, as well as the duration of therapy, is prescribed by a specialist. Indications for use:

  • stress;
  • depression;
  • mood swings;
  • distraction;
  • fatigue and insomnia.

Novo-Passit for pregnant women

Novo-Passit - sedative plant-based, which is not recommended for use in the first trimester, and after the 17th week it is allowed. The composition of the tablets includes extracts of valerian root, hawthorn, lemon balm, hops, St. John's wort, elderberry and passionflower. The drug gently relaxes, has a positive effect on the central nervous system, helps to overcome insomnia and normalizes sleep.

Novo-Passit is produced in the form of syrup and tablets. Pregnant women should choose last option, since the composition of the syrup includes two potentially dangerous substances- alcohol and sugar, which can be harmful for women with diabetes. The dosage of the medicine must be determined by the doctor.

Persen drug

ruler sedatives based on herbs continues Persen. It contains the active substances of motherwort, valerian and mint. It is worth taking Persen in cases where you are concerned about:

  • anxiety;
  • irritability;
  • in the first trimester - nausea and vomiting with toxicosis;
  • depression, fatigue;
  • as prescribed by a doctor with a threat of miscarriage as part of drug therapy.

Reception Persen lasts from 2 to 4 weeks, the dosage depends on the severity of the disturbing symptoms and is determined by the doctor. Maximum term reception is limited - no more than two months in a row, then a break is needed. Pregnant women suffering from arterial hypotension (low blood pressure), Persen is not recommended.

Motherwort for pregnant women

Motherwort tincture, a traditional and very common remedy for nerves, should be taken with caution by pregnant women. The drug has quite strong impact to the nervous system. Motherwort is effective, but one of its actions is to reduce blood pressure therefore, after taking the medicine, you should not drive a car for the next 2 hours.

Pharmacy forms of motherwort in the form alcohol tincture or tablets are not suitable for pregnant women. They should drink soothing tea or decoctions of motherwort herb. At long-term use This tool helps to cope with the effects of stress, chronic fatigue, reduces the level of anxiety. It is prescribed for neuralgia and hypothyroidism.

Magne B6

B vitamins are prescribed for a variety of indications. In particular, the complex with magnesium and vitamin B6 (Magne B6) effectively suppresses increased nervous activity pregnant. Vitamin B6 promotes better absorption of magnesium, which a woman's body during pregnancy needs 2-3 times more than usual. This trace element is essential for maintaining normal metabolism and proper development fetus.

Take Magne B6 with meals 3 times a day. The duration of admission is not limited, but it is worth notifying the attending physician about which vitamins the pregnant woman is taking.

Mint and Melissa

Means based on mint and lemon balm have a pleasant taste and aroma. Melissa has a pronounced lemon tint, mint - menthol. Teas and decoctions of these herbs have a calming effect and have virtually no side effects. In addition to being a sedative, these fragrant trakias help with digestive problems, flatulence, and headaches.

Products based on valerian extract

It is not advisable to take a sedative during pregnancy, but sometimes there is a real need for this. During pregnancy, significant changes occur in both physiological state women, and in her life, we are not always ready for this.

Tears and nerves in early pregnancy, the irritability of a pregnant woman are perceived as normal phenomenon, only now the expectant mother from this is not easier.

Late pregnancy means peace of mind, but other problems begin. big tummy interferes with sleep, torments discomfort and pain, as a result, sleep overcomes during the day, and cannot fall asleep at night. How to help yourself?

Sedatives during pregnancy seem to be an excellent way out, especially since everyone knows very well that almost all drugs are made on herbs. At first glance, drink pills or syrup, and everything will work out. However, the safety of sedatives is relative, most of them have not been studied during pregnancy, or are frankly dangerous. Let's see what sedatives you can during pregnancy and at what time.

The most famous sedatives during pregnancy are motherwort, and persen. While studying the issue, we came across a lot of sites in the search results that all these drugs are called safe for pregnant women. But is it really so? You need to follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Motherwort during pregnancy

A sedative herb that comes in the form of an alcoholic infusion. The instructions say not to use during pregnancy. The effects in pregnant women have not been studied, the alkaloids contained in the herb can be dangerous for the child. In addition, tinctures are made on alcohol, which is also contraindicated for pregnant women. Therefore, motherwort should not be in your first aid kit.

Novopassitis during pregnancy

We open the instructions and read - it is prescribed for pregnant women only according to absolute indications. That is, it can be used only as a last resort, when the benefit to the pregnant woman is higher than the risk to the fetus. But there really is a risk, not all sedative herbs during pregnancy are safe, and as part of Novopasit there is St. John's wort, this herb is categorically contraindicated for pregnant women. Thus, it is categorically impossible to take the drug, unless a doctor prescribes it in a hopeless situation.

Persen during pregnancy

Persen has a relatively safe composition, mint, lemon balm and valerian. This sedative collection during pregnancy is not contraindicated, almost any herb in its composition can be taken. However, pregnant women should not abuse mint - it contains phytoestrogens, which are not desirable for pregnant women. Therefore, in the annotation, we also read that the drug is used during pregnancy if the potential benefit for the expectant mother is higher than the risk to the fetus. We don't want to harm in any way developing baby- means, it is also better not to use persen.

Valerian during pregnancy

Valerian root has long been known as a sedative during pregnancy. You can buy as a plant in pure form, and brew it yourself, and tablets. In a pharmacy, you can also buy an infusion of valerian, it is made on alcohol, so it is definitely not advisable to take it during pregnancy. Valerian is the only sedative pill during pregnancy that is not prohibited by the instructions for use at any time. Pregnancy is not mentioned at all in contraindications. You can take valerian during pregnancy in tablets, and let them be in your first aid kit just in case. With irritability and insomnia, you can try to cope without medication.

Before taking sedatives during pregnancy, it is worth trying folk methods. Relaxation with soothing music warm shower, walks in the forest are much healthier for your little one. Fresh air helps to fall asleep faster, and the water in the shower washes away all the negative emotions accumulated during the day and ready to burst into tears. Help to calm down aromatic oil fir or orange, just one drop per aroma lamp - and your house will be filled pleasant aroma. You can drink soothing teas during pregnancy, preparing them yourself - brew green tea by adding a couple of fresh lemon balm leaves to the teapot.

Pregnancy itself is exciting for every woman. But often the expectant mother worries about whether everything is fine with her child, sometimes such nervous experiences become simply unbearable. In this regard, many are interested in what sedatives can be taken during pregnancy? We will talk about this.

Why are women nervous?

During the bearing of a child in the body of a woman, hormonal changes. Consequently future mother may become more nervous than usual and experience more negative emotions. She not only worries about the baby, but also worries about whether she will become a good mother, whether she will be able to bear the child normally, whether he is healthy, especially if this is the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

In addition, a woman tends to be often nervous due to a lack of vitamin B in the body. If the symptoms indicate this, you can consult a doctor who will prescribe special complex. It is important to fill your diet with products, the use of which will help fill the lack of this substance in the body:

  1. Nuts.
  2. Dried fruits (raisins, prunes).
  3. Cereals.
  4. Green vegetables.
  5. Eggs.
  6. Milk and dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk).

In order for 9 months to run smoothly, without nerves and negative consequences You can take sedatives during pregnancy.

Sedative drugs

The modern pharmaceutical industry has created a relatively safe medicines for mother and fetus. So, what kind of sedative can you drink during pregnancy?

To date, there are several popular remedies that are successfully used to treat women in position:

  1. Persen - consists of natural ingredients: lemon balm, mint and valerian. These are herbs that can be taken in their pure form. Persen provides a mild sedative effect and copes well with anxiety, excitability, helps to fall asleep with insomnia. Many are interested in the question: is it possible to Persen during pregnancy? The decision should be made only by a doctor, taking into account the symptoms, duration and condition of the woman. Contraindications for use: tendency to hypotension, individual intolerance.
  2. Glycine is an amino acid that helps protect neurons from harmful effects. By activating protective processes, glycine does not allow adrenaline to nerve cells resulting in CNS inhibition. Produced in the form of sublingual tablets intended for resorption. Contraindications: frequent changes in blood pressure.
  3. Novo-Passit is a drug whose composition is similar to Persen, however, the drug is supplemented with extracts of hops, St. John's wort and passionflower. It has a sedative and anti-anxiety effect. Recommended by indication only. Do not take this sedative during pregnancy for patients with diseases of the stomach or intestines, intolerance to components and myasthenia gravis.
  4. Magnesium deficiency in the body is directly related to nervousness, depression, insomnia and a low threshold for stress resistance. That is why Magne B6 is often prescribed for calming during pregnancy. Its reception allows you to cope with increased irritability, sleep disorders, increased fatigue and palpitations. This drug is not approved for use by women with diabetes and fructose intolerance.
  5. Another remedy that is used to provide a mild sedative effect during pregnancy is Sedasen. The medicine contains extracts of mint, lemon balm and valerian. Helps relieve stress, relieve anxiety, improves mood and sleep. Contraindications to reception: hypersensitivity to components.
  6. Tenoten is a drug containing antibodies to a brain-specific protein. Thanks to this, it has a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system, and also helps to cope with anxiety and depression. Contraindicated in persons under 18 years of age.
  7. Notta - homeopathic drops that are prescribed by a doctor to have a sedative effect. The composition of the drug is completely natural - oats, chamomile, caffeine, zinc valerianate. The tool has the property of increasing the ability to withstand emotional stress. In addition, Knotta helps to get rid of anxiety, insomnia and internal tension. Contraindications: individual intolerance.

Remember: you can not independently, without prior consultation with a doctor, take sedatives during pregnancy, so as not to harm yourself and the baby.

Pregnancy and sedation

Despite the fact that many may argue otherwise, taking sedatives, even made from natural ingredients, while carrying a child should be limited. It is especially important to follow this recommendation in the first trimester of pregnancy.

It was at this time that the baby begins to actively form and it is impossible to predict how the components of the drug will affect the child. Instead of drugs, you can brew tea from mint or lemon balm. Valerian will help well, it can be safely taken during pregnancy.

During pregnancy (especially in the 1st trimester), it is important not to be nervous, as this can lead to unpleasant consequences for the woman and the unborn child. Children in the womb very sensitively feel the mood of the mother, so you need to try to remain calm.

Sometimes it turns out vicious circle- the expectant mother is nervous, the baby feels it and begins to toss and turn restlessly. A woman is even more worried about this, because she worries about the child.

Peace of mind without drugs

If the expectant mother tries to avoid taking sedatives during pregnancy, anxiety can be managed with the help of other means:

  1. Hiking will be beautiful way dealing with anxiety and bad mood. Even slow measured walking is physical activity, which contributes to the production of endorphins, it is this hormone that gives us a good mood.
  2. To achieve a greater effect, you can attend yoga classes for pregnant women. Performing asanas and light exercises, you can achieve peace and tranquility.
  3. Laughter will be a good help. Yes, that's him. A woman can watch her favorite funny comedies, cartoons or read good books.
  4. Listening classical music not only perfectly calm the expectant mother during anxiety, but also will positive effect for the development of the baby.
  5. Aromatherapy can help you calm down during pregnancy. You can choose essential oils that will cheer you up and calm you down at the same time: mandarin, sandalwood, pine needles. However, it should be remembered that they should be used with extreme caution, since their effect on the fetus is not fully understood.

It is important to understand that in most cases it is the expectant mother who is responsible for her mood. You should try to avoid stressful situations, rest more (if you get tired too quickly), arrange hiking through the park. In addition, you can engage in various hobbies that will have the same effect as sedatives during pregnancy: embroidery, knitting, weaving macrame.

It is important for the expectant mother to rest more, recharge positive emotions, chat with friends and get rid of negative thoughts. And then you will not need any sedatives. Health and peace to you, future mothers.