Is it possible to remove capillaries on the face. Hormonal imbalance and dysfunction of the sex glands. Home remedies

If you find small red streaks on your face, then it is not at all necessary to leave everything as it is. If you want to regain clean smooth skin, then modern cosmetology can offer a lot of ways to get rid of the capillary network.

Anyone sooner or later discovers small red streaks on their skin. If you do not react to their occurrence in time, the veins will begin to change color and increase in size. It is especially unpleasant to observe this phenomenon on the face. Why does this cosmetic defect occur and how can it be removed?

Red streaks on the face are common vasodilatation. Healthy capillaries have elastic walls, so they freely increase in diameter when needed, and then return to their previous state.

If the muscles of the vessels lose elasticity, something like the following happens: with an increase in blood flow, the capillary expands, and more than is required from it, but then it cannot decrease to its previous size. As a result, we see red streaks on human skin.

Cosmetologists call this phenomenon rosacea. Dermatologists use more complex terminology and non-inflammatory vasodilation is called telangiectasia. Why do small blood vessels fail and how to deal with it?


The capillary network on the face appears for a variety of reasons.

  1. Skin type. The vascular mesh on the face is most often manifested in the owners of fair skin. If at the same time the skin is also thin, dry, then the risk of encountering this problem increases. But this does not mean that red streaks cannot appear on oily or darker skin - it just happens less often.
  2. UV radiation. Ultraviolet rays are not every skin type's best friend. Direct sunlight accelerates photoaging and damages blood vessels. Dealing with the harmful effects of UV rays is easy: on sunny days, you should use an SPF 30+ sunscreen and try to avoid sun exposure.
  3. Temperature drops. Excessive exposure to low temperatures, as well as frostbite, destroy the walls of small vessels. The same can be said about being in too hot temperature conditions: people who are forced to constantly work in "hot" workshops often observe dilated vessels on their faces.
  4. Improper skin care. If you use harsh cleansers and scrubs ineptly, it is possible to damage too thin and sensitive skin, and with it the blood vessels. Do not rub scrubs too vigorously into the skin - you must observe the measure in everything.
  5. Alcohol abuse. The vascular mesh has long been the hallmark of alcohol abusers. Alcohol literally burns out the vessels from the inside. To find red streaks on your face, it is not at all necessary to be an experienced alcoholic - it is enough to drink alcohol at a certain frequency, and problems with blood vessels will not be long in coming.
  6. Nicotine abuse. More than one scientific article has been written about the dangers of nicotine. The cardiovascular system also does not stay away from the harmful effects of nicotine, which primarily affects the small vessels and capillaries on the face.
  7. Various diseases. The cause of rosacea can be diseases of the internal organs - first of all, the liver and circulatory system.

Is rosacea dangerous

Is rosacea dangerous for health? Should treatment be started immediately? Couperose is, rather, a cosmetic problem that does not pose a threat to human health. Only isolated isolated vessels expand and become visible - this phenomenon does not in any way affect the processes of blood supply to organs and tissues.

However, multiple damage to small capillaries can cause the skin to age prematurely and become flabby, wrinkled.

In cases where a vascular "mesh" appears on the face due to any chronic diseases, it is best to undergo diagnostics and begin treatment of the failed organ in order to avoid the subsequent spread of this cosmetic defect to other areas of the skin.

It is not difficult to remove red streaks from your skin - for this, cosmetologists have developed a lot of means.

How to remove "stars" and "meshes"

It is not at all necessary to wear a vascular mesh on your face for the rest of your life. Cosmetologists have come up with several ways with which you can mask or even remove red streaks forever.

Cosmetical tools

You can visually hide the capillary mesh with a concealer. It is better that it is made on the basis of the green color, since the green shades perfectly overlap the red color. Having camouflaged the vascular mesh with a concealer, you can apply the usual foundation or powder on top of it.

Vitamin A cream

Creams with vitamin A do not make dilated capillaries disappear, but, according to cosmetologists, they improve the condition of the walls of blood vessels and make red streaks less noticeable.

However, if you continue to spend a lot of time in the sun, the cream will be powerless. Also, do not count on any effect from its use if the capillary mesh has appeared on the face due to age-related changes.


Treating dilated capillaries with electric current is inexpensive and effective, but the method is not without the risk of earning complications in the form of scars. The fact is that the removal of red veins in this case occurs due to their evaporation with an electric current. During the procedure, the cosmetologist, in the area where the expanded capillary has formed, inserts a needle under the skin and passes a current that destroys it.

It is important to take a serious approach to the choice of a specialist, because an incorrectly performed electrolysis procedure can leave small scars behind.

Laser therapy or IPL

Laser treatment of ruptured small vessels is one of the most popular and safest methods, but it is more expensive. For three procedures lasting twenty minutes, you can forever say goodbye to the capillary mesh on your face.

Removing red streaks with intense pulsed light is as effective as laser. After the procedure, slight redness may remain, which will disappear after a couple of days.

Treatment with micropuncture is approximately as follows: the cosmetologist guides the necessary area of ​​the skin with a special roller equipped with many needles - the needles, in turn, crush the capillaries and thereby help the body to process them faster.

Radio waves

The radio wave method is similar to the treatment of ruptured capillaries with intensely pulsed light. But the removal of red streaks with radio waves has its advantages: after the procedure, there is practically no redness.


Sclerotherapy is usually used to combat capillary networks in the legs, but sometimes this method is also suitable for the face. Removal of the capillary occurs at the moment when the beautician inserts a sclerosing agent into it with a needle.

The main disadvantage of sclerotherapy is that the effect does not occur immediately after the first procedure: to get rid of the vascular network, a whole course of treatment is required.


So that you do not have to then treat capillary stars on the face and spend decent funds on expensive procedures, it is better to engage in the prevention of rosacea.

  1. Proper skin care. Any type of skin needs proper care, especially thin and sensitive skin. The ideal option is to get diagnosed by a specialist and take care of the skin in accordance with his recommendations.
  2. Mesotherapy. From time to time, mesotherapy with the use of vaso-strengthening drugs will help get rid of many skin problems - including preventing the formation of a capillary network.
  3. Sunscreens. You need to protect your skin from UV radiation all year round. For the winter time, SPF 15+ protective products are suitable, and for the summer - SPF 30+.
  4. Regular beauty treatments. The condition of blood vessels, as well as the skin in general, is improved by such cosmetic procedures as lymphatic drainage massage and Beautytek therapy.

Removal of capillary networks has become possible with the advent of new technologies. But after undergoing laser or any other procedures, there is no guarantee that red streaks will not appear again. The only thing that can be safe is the observance of preventive measures and constant care of your skin.

Skin defects that appear in the form of vascular networks on the face can occur regardless of the age category. Couperosis is a pathological varicose expansion of the subcutaneous blood vessels. Capillaries on the face are more of an aesthetic problem. But nevertheless, many people are worried about how to remove capillaries on the face at home and how to prevent their further occurrence. In order to get rid of the capillary network, an integrated approach is required. A phlebologist or a dermatologist can help with this.

Cosmetologists do not recommend using harsh methods for facial cleansing, scrubs and acid cleansing. It is better to refuse visiting a solarium, chemical peeling, steam baths if there is a capillary mesh on the face or a capillary on the face has burst. You should not use manual pore cleaning at home, use ice cubes for washing, or do vacuum massage.

As for cosmetics, any cream for rosacea should be prescribed by a dermatologist or cosmetologist, but you can use it at home. The healing cream contains natural ingredients. One of the most effective ingredients is grape seed oil. You can strengthen blood vessels by holding a contrast shower after waking up. In addition, you can strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries using a sport such as swimming.

After washing, do not use a hard face towel. Thin delicate skin on the face needs constant moisture and protection from exogenous factors. It is worth refusing to visit the sauna or bath, as a result of this, burst capillaries on the face, a mesh may appear. Multivitamin complexes, which are taken orally, can help to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries. But before you strengthen your body at home with the help of such drugs, you should definitely go through a diagnosis and find out which vitamins and minerals you need to replenish.

It is not recommended to use the advertised massagers to remove the capillary network at home. The maximum that can be done is a light firming massage, which improves blood circulation, strengthens the vascular walls. This procedure involves tapping the skin of your face with your fingertips. Before starting the procedure at home, you can apply rosewood oil or a light moisturizer to the epidermis of the face.

Before using any treatment at home, it is imperative to contact a doctor who will tell you why the problem appears and how to get rid of it, who is suitable which method. The reasons for the appearance of burst capillaries can be different - endogenous or exogenous. Often this problem occurs against the background of varicose veins.

Removal of capillaries on the face is possible not only in the operating room, it can be done at home, and you do not need to go to the attending physician. And it is not at all necessary to get rid of capillaries on the face with a laser, since the price of the procedure is not small. You just need to consider a few simple guidelines:

  • It is worth getting rid of coffee, eat less fatty, fried, spicy and salty. It is advisable to exclude smoked meats if a capillary network has already appeared.
  • It is recommended to exclude alcohol and tobacco completely, since often dilated capillaries on the face appear precisely because of bad habits;
  • Active lifestyle. If you can't go to the pool or gym at least once a week, try jogging in the morning.
  • Cosmetics that contain alcohol - we recommend getting rid of it once and for all! (note the tonic, face make-up remover).
  • You should not often visit baths and saunas, as capillaries expand, and they will be more clearly visible on the face. The same goes for hot tubs.
  • Before going to sunbathe, be sure to use sunscreen;
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables to help get rid of capillaries on your face.

Observing simple tips will definitely help you, even if you cannot completely remove capillaries on your face at home, at least you will not let a new one appear.

To cure pathology, you need to adjust your lifestyle.

The use of folk methods

Treatment of capillaries on the face is possible not only in a beauty salon, but also at home. Phlebologists (vascular surgeon) talk about several recipes for face and chest masks.

A visible effect in the treatment of rosacea on the face with folk remedies is brought by face masks using natural ingredients. Before applying them, it is recommended to make sure that there is no allergic reaction. You cannot treat rosacea at home with agents with aggressive ingredients - onions, mustard, citrus fruits.

The mask with green tea and ascorutin is one of the most popular in the treatment of rosacea on the cheeks and chest. With the help of green tea, the skin is toned, and a large amount of vitamin C in ascorutin strengthens blood vessels.

  1. Brew strong tea.
  2. Crush the tablets.
  3. Pour powder into tea and add a tablespoon of milk and white clay.

Stir, apply the resulting gruel to your face for a quarter of an hour. In those places where the problem is expressed, where the vessels are too visible, the mask is applied in a thick layer. Remove it with a soft sponge or cotton pad. After the procedure, rub the skin with grape seed oil. This mixture can replace an expensive cream for rosacea on the face.

Berry-starch face mixtures are also effective at home. Sea buckthorn, strawberries or wild strawberries are crushed. All components are mixed, add potato starch to the resulting gruel, mix. Apply on face for 20 minutes, rinse. The mixture can be used in the armpits (armpit) and on the chest - here the mask can be removed after 20-25 minutes.

An effective home remedy is a herbal face mask.

Another effective home remedy for your face is an oatmeal and chamomile mask. Oatmeal helps to successfully fight redness, and the medicinal plant gently affects the red capillaries, strengthening them. The mixture is used every day until the symptoms disappear completely. With the help of such methods, even children can be treated for rosacea, since they are natural and safe, do not contain aggressive substances.

Thanks to folk methods in cosmetology, you can overcome the problem of rosacea on the face. In parallel, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of this phenomenon from the inside. Before starting any treatment at home, it is recommended to consult with a specialist who will tell you why they can burst and how to get rid of capillaries, since in each case the methods may be different. But it is worth remembering that after treatment, the capillary network may reappear after a while.

« Couperose tortured! What to do, how to stop its development? " (From comments)

Couperose can deliver a lot of negative emotions to its owners, because the bright red-blue vascular network can ruin even the most attractive face, which means.

However, a cosmetic defect is rosacea flowers. Berries - early wrinkles, rosacea and other dangerous diseases.

Knowing the cause of rosacea on the face and body, the peculiarities of nutrition and skin care, you can stop the development of the disease and the aging process, ozone therapy will help eliminate the cosmetic defect quickly and safely.

Couperose. How does it manifest

Essential oils of eucalyptus, cloves, anise, cinnamon and dill are not suitable for rosacea.

Helps to reduce the manifestation and stop the development of rosacea massage with rosewood oil of the collar zone... Details about the concentration of the oil mixture and the massage technique.

Facial massage is useful(soft, stroking) with a mixture of jojoba oil (50 ml) and essential oils of rose and blue chamomile (5 drops each). The natural elasticity of blood vessels is restored, the complexion improves.

Rosacea mask: yogurt (50 ml) + neroli and juniper essential oils (5 drops each) + rosemary (2 drops). Wash off after 15 minutes with boiled water or herbal infusion at room temperature. You can do it once a week.

Oils are a must have, be sure to research and test for individual response.

Nutrition for rosacea

The diet should be aimed at strengthening blood vessels.

Useful: melons (and pulp), feijoa, dogwood, rosehip infusions and nectar. Greens, fruits and vegetables, oily sea fish, green tea. Take extracts of chestnut, blueberry, mimosa, arnica, echinacea, myrtle.

Eliminate or minimize the use of chocolate, coffee, citrus fruits, alcohol (especially red wine), spicy. Don't overeat!

Vitamin therapy: rutin, potassium and ascorbic acid are required.

Potassium reduces permeability and increases the density of vascular walls, and also protects our skin from aging, while maintaining its elasticity.

Rich in potassium: thyme, marjoram, basil, oregano, celery, parsley, clover, spinach, lettuce, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower, mushrooms, tomatoes, turnips, green beans, prunes, plums, strawberries, kiwi , blackberry, avocado, olive and soybean oils, rye, oats, wheat husks, green tea.

Vitamin C necessary for the formation of collagen, which reduces capillary fragility and permeability. In addition, ascorbic acid constricts blood vessels.

Rosehips, garlic, cabbage, currants (black and red), red peppers, etc. are rich in vitamin C.

Rutin strengthens capillaries and prevents permeability and fragility of their walls,

Contained in buckwheat, pomegranate, pollen, sea buckthorn, black currant fruits, rose hips, bananas, black chokeberry and red mountain ash, St. John's wort, walnuts, etc.

You can buy the pharmacy venotonic and vaso-strengthening drug Ascorutin, which contains rutin and ascorbic acid.

Couperose treatment methods

Cosmetologists offer the elimination of rosacea by electrocoagulation, laser, photo and ozone therapy.

Ozone therapy is currently the most effective procedure; it does not leave scars, age spots, or skin imperfections. With the help of a microneedle, a mixture of ozone and oxygen is injected into the vessels, which leads to the complete disappearance of the couperose network from the skin surface.

Contraindications: myocardial infarction, thyroid disease, alcohol intoxication, diabetes mellitus.

I suggest you watch a video in which Elena Malysheva with the candidate of medical sciences, head of plastic and reconstructive surgery, David Grishkyan, demonstrate the wonders of modern medicine.

Be beautiful and successful!

I would be glad to receive feedback on this article and additions. Do you have similar problems? Share your experience!

Elena Valve for the Sleepy Cantata project

Vascular mesh on the face is often perceived as a minor aesthetic defect. In fact, this vascular pathology, in the scientific language called "rosacea", can be a sign of a serious illness. Before dealing with red streaks with cosmetology and medicine, it is necessary to determine what caused the expansion of the capillaries.

A mesh of thin vessels that shines through the skin and forms redness foci on the face is due to several factors:

  • surface arrangement of capillaries;
  • their dystonia;
  • thinness of the skin.

In the development of pathology, a hereditary predisposition may play a role. If parents have pronounced rosacea, it is highly likely that it will appear in children, regardless of concomitant diseases and lifestyle. But much more often the spider web is formed due to temporary or chronic health problems:

Owners of dry sensitive skin are more susceptible to the appearance of a capillary network on the face. However, dense oily skin does not at all guarantee the absence of defects: if the vessels are dilated and are located close to the surface, they will still be visible to the naked eye. With age, the incidence of rosacea increases many times over, but in people genetically predisposed to it, problems begin from a young age.

Couperose develops gradually. First, on the cheeks, wings of the nose, on the chin, less often on the forehead, single streaks of a red or bluish tint, spider veins appear. These areas of the face are most exposed to external influences, therefore, they are the first to suffer from impaired blood circulation.

With the progression of the disease, the area of ​​localization of rosacea expands, forming whole hyperemic spots. Pathological areas differ sharply from the general background of normal skin and can cause not only aesthetic discomfort, but also physical - itching and inflammation are not excluded. In the severe stage of the disease, pustular eruptions and swelling join the redness.

Treatment of dilated vessels on the face

Treatment of the vascular network on the face should begin with general health measures and strengthening the capillary walls from the inside. If the vessels are not brought to normal tone, all procedures are useless. Sooner or later, the defect will reappear, since its cause has not been eliminated.

The diagnosis of rosacea must be confirmed by a dermatologist. He can involve other specialists in the search for provoking factors: an endocrinologist, a gastroenterologist, a gynecologist. In parallel with the treatment of the underlying disease identified as a result of the examination, the treatment of the vascular network on the face includes:

  • normalization of nutrition;
  • changes in lifestyle;
  • gentle skin care;
  • taking medications that strengthen the vascular walls;
  • the use of local drugs;
  • folk remedies;
  • cosmetology procedures.
Diet for rosacea

Weak blood vessels are a reason to exclude a number of foods and dishes from your diet:

Food should be enriched with silicon, rutin and vitamins K, C. These are elements that help strengthen the vascular walls. On the list of preferred foods:

  • oatmeal;
  • buckwheat;
  • legumes (beans, peas);
  • corn;
  • earthen pear;
  • cauliflower and brussels sprouts;
  • tomatoes;
  • paprika;
  • spinach;
  • citrus;
  • Cherry;
  • blueberry;
  • rose hip;
  • currant;
  • blackberry;
  • Walnut.
The value of a healthy lifestyle

Strict nutrition and avoiding harmful addictions (smoking, drinking alcohol, coffee mania) should be combined with a healthy lifestyle. The patient's goal is to restore normal microcirculation and eliminate aggressive effects on the skin of the face. How to achieve this:

How to care for vascularized facial skin

It is necessary to take good care of the skin of the face and blood vessels: do not stay for a long time in the wind and frost, in the sun, regularly use protective equipment against ultraviolet radiation and cold. It is important to properly care for your skin and refuse aggressive cosmetics and procedures:

Collagen masks bring tangible benefits to the skin with rosacea. They thicken the tissues, make them more elastic, as a result of which the capillaries are less transparent and better protected from the external environment.

Of the massage techniques for the face, lymphatic drainage and Spanish are recommended - they relieve puffiness, activate the outflow of blood from damaged capillaries and make them less noticeable, strengthen the skin, muscles and blood vessels. If peeling is required, a gentle enzyme-based treatment is allowed.

Another method for removing the vascular mesh on the face is a special "gymnastics" of simple exercises:

  1. Press your palms to your face, gently lift the skin up and lower it into place - 10 times.
  2. Take air into your mouth, alternately inflate one or the other cheek - at least 20 times.
  3. Smile, stretch your lips to the limit and purse them. Try to make up and down movements with your closed lips. 10 repetitions in each direction.

The mode of training is daily.

To strengthen the vessels from the inside, the intake of vitamin and mineral preparations and dietary supplements containing high concentrations of vitamins C, P, K, silicon, omega-3 is shown. With rosacea are useful:

  • ascorutin;
  • collagen;
  • grape seed oil;
  • echinacea extract;
  • blueberry extract;
  • horse chestnut extract;
  • tincture of myrtle.

All these substances can be purchased at the pharmacy and applied independently according to the annotation to the product.

Ointments and creams

Local preparations have an anti-cuperose effect - medicines in the form of creams and ointments and therapeutic and prophylactic cosmetics as prescribed by a doctor:

Pharmacy ointments fight capillary fragility at the local level, directly affecting the vascular walls.

The problem of how to remove the vascular network on the face can be solved with the help of folk remedies. The principle of home treatment is the same: strengthening from the inside and out, restoring normal blood circulation, tightening the skin, prevention.

Let's start with folk recipes for oral rosacea:

  1. Mix 20 gr. rue herbs, 40 gr. elderflower and tricolor violet flowers. Pour 1 tbsp. l. mixture with a glass of boiling water and insist. Reception mode: twice a day, half a glass.
  2. Dilute 30 drops of horse chestnut extract in 100 ml of water, drink between meals 3 times a day.
  3. 30 gr. parsley, 40 gr. rue, 20 gr. Pour hot water over horse chestnut (1 glass). Insisting 3-4 hours, take 1 tbsp. l. twice a day, before meals.
  4. Mix the grape leaves with elderberry and violet grass (40 g each), insist on a glass of boiling water, add 3 drops of lingonberry juice. Consume 2 tsp. after breakfast and dinner.
  5. Add 40 g to hot green tea. rue, 30 gr. horse chestnut, 15 drops of sea buckthorn oil, insist. You can drink at any time for 1 tsp. at least 2 times a day.
  6. Add 1 tbsp per liter of boiling water. l blackberry berries, 2 tbsp. l. hawthorn and mistletoe flowers. Insist in a thermos, take half a glass three times a day.

There are a lot of recipes for external remedies for the vascular network on the face. These are masks, tonics, and compresses:

In treatment with folk methods, the main thing is systematicity and regularity. If you are concerned about the question of how to remove the vascular network on the face without resorting to invasive procedures, please be patient and continue to use infusions and decoctions that tone the capillary walls every day.

How to get rid of and remove permanently?

Modern procedures performed by a cosmetologist in a clinical setting allow you to quickly and effectively get rid of the vascular pattern on the skin. These are radical methods that give an almost instant aesthetic effect: pathological capillaries are irreversibly destroyed. Many of the manipulations are quite painful and require time for rehabilitation.

For the treatment of rosacea are used:

Despite the impressive effect of salon procedures on capillary cobwebs on the face, these methods cannot be considered as a full-fledged treatment of rosacea. This is a short-term solution to the problem, and in the absence of a comprehensive approach, relapse is just a matter of time. For prevention, you should adhere to the entire proposed treatment regimen: from diet to proven folk advice.

Redness on the face can be associated with more than adolescent problems. One of the causes of local red spots is the early stage of rosacea, and if individual spider veins and capillaries are visible, and sometimes whole nets, then this is an alarm bell to urgently begin treatment of the skin. Usually couperosis on the face appears in those places where the skin is thinnest - on the wings of the nose and bridge of the nose, cheekbones, cheeks and in the area around the eyes. But it can appear in completely unexpected places, if the state of the vessels is too neglected or the skin has been exposed to intense exposure, as a result of which it has become thinner.

In my case, rosacea has three reasons: a genetic predisposition with light thin skin, incorrect selection of acidic cosmetics, and an unsuccessful ultrasonic face cleansing procedure. All this led to the fact that imperceptible pink spots near the wings of the nose grew into thin threads of capillaries, hardly noticeable so far. Now, when I'm only 27, they can still be easily disguised with makeup, but there is a predisposition and a high probability that another star can pop out anywhere. I decided to take control of the problem and study the topic thoroughly.

Is it possible to cure rosacea once and for all, or at least how to strengthen the blood vessels on the face so that they are not so noticeable? Is there medical cosmetics for rosacea and how to choose care for rosacea skin in the early stages? We'll figure out.

Fast and short or slow and permanent?

As with varicose veins, some damaged facial capillaries can be removed with a laser. In some cases, this is the only way to prevent rosacea from growing into a more severe form - rosacea. But in my case it is expensive, scary and irrelevant because there are no serious problems. In general, I think that radical surgical intervention in the activity of the body should be performed only in the most serious cases, if possible, dispensing with less radical therapy and complex prophylaxis. And for this you need to understand how and because of what you got into the risk zone.

Causes of rosacea:

Age-related changes and local thinning of the skin

Photo-aging due to solar UVA activity

Hormonal changes and changes in the body

Inflammatory processes of the cardiovascular system

Hereditary predisposition

Liver dysfunction

Excess weight

As you can see, the reasons are the sea. Although the most severe damage to the capillaries appears as a result of skin aging. Over the years, the production of collagen and elastin decreases, which is why the skin becomes thinner, loses its firmness and elasticity, and in some places the vascular network begins to appear. An inactive lifestyle, unhealthy diet and excessive stress on the body due to smoking and alcohol lead to the destruction of the capillary structure. Therefore, rosacea should be treated in a comprehensive manner and in several stages.

  • First, you need to get rid of or reduce the influence of negative factors. In my case, this is a mandatory proper nutrition in order to reduce the burden on the liver. Plus, the diet should be moderate with an eye on the cardiovascular system and my personal heart problems. Apparently, vegetarianism is inevitable - to be.
  • Secondly, you need to choose cosmetics for rosacea so that prevention is included in the daily care program. So all procedures and treatment will be regular, habitual and as long as possible without interrupting daily activities.
  • Thirdly, it is worth thinking about supporting the body from the inside - collagen, vitamins, antioxidants, venotonics and a number of other dietary supplements that can improve the condition of the walls of blood vessels and facial skin.
How to get rid of rosacea on the face at home?

Once I went for an ultrasonic face cleansing and the cometologist girl began to clean my nose with such frenzy that as a result, after the procedure, it was all scratched. After this sadism, the stars on the wings of the nose intensified, and I earned paranoia in relation to salons in principle. Therefore, the care system began to be selected with the possibility of independent home use.

Compresses with cold tea or custard chamomile do not smile at me. Thank God we do not live in a dense century and medicinal cosmetics for rosacea have existed for a long time. It will not remove burst capillaries, but it will help remove redness, make the vascular mesh less noticeable, and most importantly, it will work with skin tightening. The principle of operation of any cream for rosacea on the face is very simple - to raise the top layer of the skin over the circulatory system as much as possible, thereby hiding the capillaries. This is an effective program not only for rosacea, but also as an anti-aging course in general.

Stages of couperose skin care

Step 1: gentle cleansing... Even for problematic, oily and active skin, you will have to choose a delicate cleansing with a neutral PH - to remove impurities, but maintain the natural balance of the skin. No sudden changes in water temperature, the use of masks only locally, especially when it comes to acids, peels and clay. No face brushes and scrubbing particles in the area of ​​rosacea. The ideal option is non-contact foam washing.

Step 2: strike a balance... The most difficult thing is to find a cream. It should not only meet the needs of your skin type, but also work with rosacea. You can choose a cream for use locally (it's easier), you can - for the whole face. A moisturizer should not only stimulate collagen synthesis, but also soothe the skin in irritated couperose areas, relieve inflammation and redness. The treatment should contain antioxidants, tonic anti-aging ingredients and a stimulating regenerating complex.

Step 3: vitamins A and C... Exclusively local application in problem areas to slow down skin aging and increase elasticity and firmness. It is not necessary to build all the care on it, a serum with a stable form of vitamin C and a slow-acting form of vitamin A is enough.

Step 4: sun protection... Sanskrin must be included in the care scheme, both in summer and in other seasons, in order to exclude the factor of photo-aging. This will not only help get rid of unnecessary pigmentation, but also protect the skin from the damaging effects of UVA radiation.

Step 5: internal support... As in the case of varicose veins, it would be more correct to get rid of the asterisks from the inside, restoring the harmonious work of the vascular system. And this means taking venotonic drugs, bioflavonoids, vitamins, strengthening antioxidants, drugs that thin the blood and facilitate its passage through the vessels.

What I would choose for myself, I will write in more detail in the next post. In the end, I just want to say that the treatment of rosacea, even in a not very acute stage, takes at least 3-4 months of regular and intensive care. To prepare the skin for laser removal of capillaries, it is recommended to carry out similar prophylaxis for at least 1-1.5 months. Only in this case, the result will last for a long time.