Find a project on knitting. Creative technology project on the topic: knitting on the needles. Identify the main parameters and restrictions

Purpose. The creative project makes it possible to know the technique of knitting with crochet, also allows you to learn how to make items and make items, pleasant in appearance and made with your own hands. To achieve the goal, I set several tasks in front of myself: 1. Make a project beautiful and neat. 2. Get to the end, and realize the beauty of the fact that this product I made myself!

Choosing equipment. When crocheted, the main tool is hook. There are two kinds of hooks, short, which are used for simple mating (air loops and columns), and long-mating long crochet (Tunisian knitting). The thickness of the hook is selected by the thickness of the material, and the selected pattern. By purchasing a hook, you need to pay attention to its tip. It is necessary to watch the hook to have a fairly incision, then they are easy to hold the thread. The tip of the hook should not be too round, because then it will be difficult to capture the thread, but it should not be too sharp, they can be hurting fingers. If it still got a bad hook, then at home it can be fixed, the tip of the tip. Hooks are made from various materials - metal, plastics and wood. They are different thickness. Hooks are divided into numbers, the hook number is the diameter in millimeters.

Organization of the workplace. When preparing the workplace, special attention should be paid to lighting. The workplace should be well lit, the light should fall on the left side. The duration of work should not exceed three study hours with a mandatory break after each academic hour. Properly organized workplace contributes to a better product performance.

Technological sequence of manufacturing. 1. You need to buy threads, hook. 2. It will take the ability to knit with crochet. White thread tie a chain of 6 V.P. and closer in the circle. 1st r .: 5 V.P. Raising, 5 st .S / N, between them Arch from two V.P.6 Arch is inclusive. Head to finish social. 2nd r .: 4 V.P. Lifting, 4 st .c 2 / N in the arch of the previous row, 4 V.P., 5 st .c 2 / n in the next arch. All 6 times. Posted by 3rd: 4 V.P. Lifting, 4 st .c 2 / n in the following st. Conducting row, 6 V.P., 5 st .S 2 / N in a trace. Finish social. Next to knit according to the scheme. 17th R.: Attach the red thread and knit according to the scheme. Cut thread.

Output. I believe that I got a fueling napkin a fairly good assessment. During the execution of this work, I have acquired a little experience in this type of activity. During knitting, a person calms down, they say that the person who knits it is balanced and not nervous. This is another plus in this type of activity.

Crochet. Creative project

Practical work

Pedagogy and didactics

Project goal: Tie a crochet Beautiful careful product that must like the grandmother. Project Objectives: Conduct research and analysis of ideas of my products to develop a sketch of my design product to organize a workplace to choose tools and fixtures for various operations. Choose a material for the product with the right combination of color quality control of my work. Evaluation of the finished product. Environmental rationale for crochet. History and not only crochet's knitting is very famous and ...

Problem Situation:

My grandmother has a birthday soon, and I don't know what to give her. At first I wanted to buy her something useful or beautiful for home. I urgently needed to come up with what to give my grandmother, and I decided that I needed to do something with my own hands. I think a little, I remembered that she loves beautiful knitted things, and here I had the idea to tie something on her birthday.

Objective of the project:

Crochet is a beautiful, careful product that must like the grandmother.

Project tasks:

  • Research and analysis of ideas, options for my product
  • Develop a sketch of my project product
  • Organize workplace
  • Pick up tools and devices for various operations
  • Pick material for the product with the right color combination
  • Quality control of my work
  • Evaluation of the finished product
  • Environmental justification

Crochet. History and not only ...

Crochet - very famous and old craft. At first, only men engaged in this, but gradually knitting passed into the hands of women. Now a rare man will take a knitting needles or hook. Crochet appeared in England and in France, it was developed in the 16th century. But there are reliable facts that testify that the Indian tribes also possessed all the secrets of this art, samples of their ancient works were discovered by scientists at the beginning of the 20th century. Accurate data on where and how exactly crochet appeared, no. But there is an opinion that it takes this occupation of its roots from the ancient form of Chinese embroidery.
At the end of the 19th century, crochet has spread in Russia. Women engaged in needlework, gathering in the evenings for joint gatherings. Basically, the girls created beautiful laces consisting of patterns of folk topics.

Crochet - the procedure is simpler than knitting knitting. And the products are obtained very beautiful, elegant Openwork, lungs And attractive. Nowadays, needlework acquires a second life. Manual work is very valued. Crochet has become fashionable and useful. Now it is at the peak of popularity.

Crochet allows you to create openwork patterns, very thin, similar to lace, and dense embossed images. With hooks knit and warm things, and thin stylish bathing suits. Crochet can recreate whole works of art. This knitting method is used to configure individual elements, decorations, such as buttons, collars, and to create whole clothes, for example, dresses, sweaters, and to obtain interior elements, such as napkins, tablecloths, pendants for pots with flowers and so Further.

For crochet, only threads and hooks will be required. Threads are suitable in a variety of: and woolen, and silk, and cotton. Hooks are also different. They can be made of plastic, metal, bones, wood. They have different thickness, the smallest size is 1 mm, the largest - 8 mm. The thinner the hook, the smaller and elegant pattern. But we must take into account that the thickness of the yarn is also important. Hooks whose diameter from 3 to 6 mm are suitable for knitting things from thick synthetic or woolen yarn. And thin hooks, the diameter of which from 1.5 to 2.5 mm are suitable for Moulin, Garus, Iris. The hook thickness is selected so that it is twice as much as the thickness of the chosen thread.

Crochet - a fascinating process. The results are always beautiful, crocheted products can be an excellent gift.

Development of ideas, product options

Resourceing product options, I stopped my choice on a napkin with flowers under No. 1

Study of molds of napkins

Napkins are:

The napkin chosen by me has a radiatic shape.

Knit such napkins start from the center, from the ring of air loops. Unlike a round napkin, the loop here is added in each circle in the same place. As a result of such addition, the napkin turns out to be divided into segments. You can add a loop in six or ten places, and in the end, get six - or ten-hour napkin. For the shape of the napkin to be symmetrical, you should always add an even number of loops.

Crochet Tools

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - knitting hooks №1,5

6 - hooks for marking hinges

7 - Universal Scissors

8 - Thread Circuit

9 - Thin Embroidery Scissors

10 - metric tape

11 - Tangle Holder

12 - Pins

Selection of material

When crocheted crochet use yarn from wool, flax, silk, cotton or synthetic threads. Materials choose depending on which it is to knit.

For your napkin, I chose a white cotton thread.

Organization of workplace

When preparing the workplace, special attention should be paid to lighting. The lighting value is very large, it is a component of art perception. The workplace must be well lit. The light should fall to the workplace on the left side. In the evening, it is better to equip two types of artificial lighting: luminescent and incandescent lamps so that the fluorescent lamp creates multiple light, and the incandescent lamp directed on the left side directly to the workplace. The duration of work should not exceed three study hours with a mandatory break after each academic hour. Properly organized workplace contributes to a better product performance.

Safety Instrumentation Rules for Crochet

  1. Hooks and other devices must be well ground; It is necessary to store them in special polarms.
  2. You can not make sharp movements with a crochet in the direction near the sitting person.
  3. It is impossible to use rusty needles and pins. It should be stored needles and pins in a box with a lid.
  4. Scissors should lie with closer blades, transfer them to rings forward.
  5. Wet-heat treatment of products on ironing board or specially equipped table with a good iron.

Safety regulations when performing humid-thermal works.

When the napkin is ready, I will have to fly it, so I will need to follow the safety instructions when performing wet-thermal works.

Before performing wet-thermal works, you need to check the integrity of the cord, the purity of the iron soles and the presence of a rubber rug.

While you need:

  1. Stand on a rubber rug;
  2. Include and turn off the iron with dry hands, taking care of the body of the fork, not the cord;
  3. Put iron on a special stand;
  4. Make sure that the cord does not touch the sole of the iron, and the iron did not overheat;
  5. Use to moist a tissue with a pulverizer;

At the end of the work, you need to turn off the iron and put it on a special stand.

That's what I did:

The napkin, which I tied, will be an excellent addition to the interior of your home. A knitted napkin can be used as coats for wine glasses, glasses, vases, souvenirs and similar interior details.

This is the simplest combinations of loops capable of creating a real miracle!


  1. Steiner Knitted napkins.
  2. Plyonich N.M. Crochet. From hobbies to skill.
  3. Dmitrieva N.Yu. Napkins and tablecloths. Crochet.

Kozlova Maria

Performed: student 6 "b" class

MBOU school number 51.

Teacher: Kukushkin Larisa Nikolaevna.

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Kurbaleeva Marina, student 8 class

We all love to receive gifts. But, you see, nice and yourself to give them. And give gifts made by their own hands, is doubly pleasant.

In the technology lessons I received a lot of knowledge about crochet and decided to create a beautiful gift with your own hands.



MBOU "Nemiengskaya Main Communication School"


Graduate student 8

Kurbanghaleeva Marina

Teacher Technology:

Saltykova L.N.


year 2012


Tie a crochet comfortable and practical pockets for little things as a gift sister for a birthday.


  1. Find knitting literature and choose an interesting scheme for pocket.
  2. Apply the knowledge and skills obtained in technology lessons.
  3. Observe the rules of safe work when crocheted.

Project execution sequence:

1. Justification of the problem arising;

2. Determination of a specific task and its wording;

3. Requirements for work;

4. From the history of knitting;

5. The scheme of thinking;

6. Detection of basic parameters and restrictions;

7. Development of ideas and options;

8. Analysis of ideas and choosing the optimal option;

9. Choosing materials and tools (devices);

10. Rules for labor protection during crochet;

11. Sequence of product execution. Scheme and knit description.

12. Calculation of the cost of the product;

14. Literature used.

1. Justification of the problem arising:

We all love to receive gifts. But, you see, nice and yourself to give them. And give gifts made by their own hands, is doubly pleasant.

In the technology lessons I received a lot of knowledge about crochet and decided to create a beautiful gift with your own hands.

Knitting is an exciting occupation. It develops in man perhaps and patience. Each generation opens his attractiveness for himself. DIY-related modern model is unique and more affordable than the finished product. The possibility of using a variety of threads and models made crochet for me to your favorite activity. Knitting soothes me, helps to get together with thoughts.

Crochet has a fairly simple technique that does not require special equipment, perhaps except hook and yarn. But despite this, products made in this technique are affected by a variety of originality. Knitting will help make a useful, and sometimes the necessary thing for the house. It may be not only objects of clothing, but also interior items.

And most importantly, this work contributes to the development of a creative principle, which will help in the future to become a good mistress. Rational use materials, create beautiful things, for family and apartments.

2. Definition of a specific task and its wording:

Soon my sister has a birthday. And I would love to give her something right. She has a lot of things that need to be folded somewhere. Therefore, for your project, I chose the topic of "Pockets for Small Thoms", putting a goal - to tie a pocket as a gift from the sister. My product should be beautiful, multifunctional, inexpensive, and must decorate the interior of the room.

3. Requirements for work:

The work should be neat, original and bright;

The product must be noticeable, i.e. It should be beautiful and stand out and comply with all requirements;

The product must have a making scheme understandable to me;

The product must have a low cost and cost as little as possible.

4. From knitting history

And now let's turn to the history of knitting, this beautiful and unusual species of decorative art.

The birthday of knitting is lost in the depths of history. Now scientists are trying to prove that for a long time before the start of our era, people already owned knitting technique and knit at first without any special devices, but simply on the fingers.

Knitted things were found in the ancient burials of Egypt, Greece and Rome. While the most ancient knitted thing - a decorative knitted belt with a poultry of the hummingbird - found in Peru and refers to the beginning of the III century. AD The complexity of the pattern, the fineness of execution and colors indicate a high knitting technique.

About knitting tells one of the legends of ancient Greece:
Athena Pallada was one of the most revered goddesses. She gave people wisdom and knowledge, taught their arts and crafts. All the girls of ancient Greece, without exception, worshiped Athena for taught them the skill of needlework. Among the masters, the weaves are transparent as the air fabric, Arachna was famous for. She was proud of his art and once decided to call the goddess of Athena to the contest. Under the guise of gray, terrible, the born old woman appeared before the Arachian Goddess of Athena and warned the Gardechka - it is impossible to be above the gods. But Arachna did not obey the old woman. She woven the cloth to present it to the court of all the gods. But they did not recognize her victory. Inciphence Arahans did not know the limit, and she could not bear such a shame. She committed suicide. Athena, being wise and merciful, saved the girl. But I did not leave her to live in human relationship, and turned it into a spider. And since then, Spider-Arachna is eternally busy web. He is a dinner and nouncing his own web. But not only in myths and legends, but also in real life, people have repeatedly tried to use a web as a yarn. So, in ancient China from the web silk sewed dresses.

Interestingly, knitting was at first exclusively male craft, and women performed only utility work. And the hook looked like a smooth wand. After crusades to the East, somewhere in the 9th century, crochet penetrated into Europe.

In Russia, crochet got spread much later, andwomen became a woman.

Nowadays, this art continues to develop, enriched by new motifs, composite techniques, modern materials. Manual knitting allows manufacturing unique, unique models. Knitted products are convenient and durable, practical and elegant, heat and cozy in them.
Manual knitting allows you to express your personality, conceived image with the help of the selection and color of yarn, its weave, design and style products.

5. Thinking scheme







Pockets for little things




Cost price

6. Detection of basic parameters and restrictions:

have not very high cost



My future product shouldbe



7. Development of ideas and options:

№ 1

№ 2

№ 3

8. Analysis of ideas and choosing the optimal option:

Pockets No. 1st 2 are beautiful, bright, interesting in the method of mating. But we need pockets for small things, so they are not suitable.

Pockets number 3 - exactly what is needed. It is practical and has a not a complicated knitting scheme.

9. Choosing materials and tools (devices):

The quality of the product depends on the correctly selected yarn. It must correspond to the appointment of the product. Because I love to knit, then I always have a few at home in stock there are several motors of different color and quality of yarn, as well as different hooks. So, the following materials are chosen for knitting by me:

1) Yarn (50% wool, 50% acrylic) - yellow and pink colors.

2) Hook metallic (steel) No. 2.

3) Satin ribbon pink color.

4) scissors.

10. Rules for labor protection during crochet:

The light should fall on the left or in front of the working, the scissors lie on the right side, the hook, threads for knitting and sewing - in a special box; Needle - in the needle. When performing work, I followed the rules for labor protection, i.e., rules for safe work with stitching, cutting tools.

Rules for labor protection during operation:

1. During operation, the scissors must lie on the right on the table with closer blades, rings to the running.

2. To take and transmit scissors you need closer blades to yourself, rings forward.

3. Needles, hooks, scissors, hook stored in a special box with a lid.

4. If the needle is not needed, it should be chuck in a needle.

5. Cannot use rusty, bent the needle.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements:

1. Before starting work, wash your hands.

2. The light source must be left.

3. Every 1 - 1.5 hours, a 30 minute vacation is required. Break and relaxation are necessary to restore eye functions.

4. To preserve health while working it is useful to make workout for hands, eyes and backs.

5. It is impossible to bite the thread with teeth; From this spoys the enamel of the teeth, in addition, you can hurt the lips, gums and language.

11. Sequence of product execution.

Scheme and knit description.

1. Tie the 1st part according to the scheme (description).

2. Tie the 2nd Detail according to the scheme.

3. Perform the strapping according to the diagram simultaneously connecting the items.

4. Put the loop.

Work description:

Pockets for trifles consists of 2 parts, which are consequely connected with the strapping.

1st Detail: yellow thread to dial 3 c. P. Knit direct and reverse rows.

1st p .: 4 tbsp. S / N in 1st V.P.

2nd p

2nd Detail: Yellow tread to dial 3 c. P. Knit direct and reverse rows.

1st p .: 4 tbsp. S / N in 1st V.P.

2nd p .: 3 V.P. Lifting, 1 tbsp. S / N in 1st V.P. Lifting, 3 tbsp. s / n in the following 3 tbsp. from the previous row, 2 tbsp. s / n in the next art. from the previous row, only 7 tbsp. s / n.

Assembly: both details are sipped, folded the finishing side inside. Attach the pink thread and tie pockets in a circle according to the strapping scheme by one next, while connecting the parts at the same time.

Perform a loop from in. n. required length.

Finished pockets moisten, stretch in size and leave up to dry. Revenge.

Scheme pocket:

12. Calculation of the cost of the product:

1. Yellow yarn 2/3 Mumps - (price 1 MOCK 26 rub.; 2/3 ~ 17 rub.)

2. Yarn pink color - home residues - 0 rubles.

3. Hook and pink ribbon - existed at home - 0 rubles.

Total: approximately 17 rubles spent on the manufacture of this pocket, everything was staying at home (it was bought for a long time).

I am satisfied with the work done. The result fully met my expectations. I really liked the appearance of pocket, color scheme, and I believe that it will perfectly complement the interior of the room. When I knit pockets, I did not have difficulty. The product is connected from environmentally friendly threads, will not pollute the interior of the room, does not hurt health.

I really liked the sister of pockets. Now the necessary little things are always at hand. And I decided to tie the same pocket for myself.

Don't goubi you life idleness

Take a handicraft!

Shey, knie - do not be sad

Or smoothly embroider.

Here are the needles, threads, the chamber

For agile fingers.

Fabrics, ribbons, border -

Head is spinning!

Files, books, Internet

(Oh, forgot about lunch!) ...

What I Love - Knit

Everything diligently design.

The result is to joy to us

Our loved ones and friends.

And the work is finished,

There is a new concern

Re-plots choose.

Knit them and knit ...

14. Literature and site used:

1. Vlasova A. A. Knitting: from the ability to skill .- St. Petersburg .: Lenazdat, 1992.- 384С., IL.

2. Kondrashova M. V. Knit easily, fashionable, beautiful. Hook and spokes-Rostov N / D: "Phoenix", Moscow: "Citadel", 2004.-320 p.

3. Valya - Valenina №14 (201) / 2008

4. Maksimova M.V., Kuzmin M.N. Unforgettable crafts. - Minsk: Hollow, 1993.

5. Technology: Purchasing plans for the "Knitting" section. 5-7 classes /AVT.Sost. E. A. Gurtina.- Volgograd: Teacher, 2006. 200С.

"Secondary School No. 5"

Maou South Dubrovinskaya Sosh

Fulfilled student grade 9

South Dubrovinskoe

Proskuryakova Nastya.

Leader: Koltysheva G.V.

Technology teacher.

South Dubrovnoy

Problem situation, project goal, project tasks .................................... .3

Crochet. History and not only ................................................ .........................four

Development of ideas, product options ...................................................... ..5-7

Study forms of napkins ............................................................................. 8-10

Crochet tools ........................................................... 11

Choosing a material ........................... ......................................... ................................12

Organization of the workplace .................................................................. 13

Safety regulations when crochet .........................................................................

Safety regulations when performing wet-thermal works ...... 15

Knitting the product ........................................................................ .16

Table for decrypting the scheme ...... ............................................ ...................... 17-18

That's what I did……………........................................ ..............................nineteen

Calculation of the cost of the product ............................................................... 20

Self-esteem, assessment, economic rationale and quality control ...... ... ... .22

Literature ........................................................................................23

Problem Situation:

My grandmother has a birthday soon, and I don't know what to give her. At first I wanted to buy something useful or beautiful to her, but then I found that my pocket money was not enough for a good gift. I urgently needed to come up with what to give my grandmother, and I decided that I needed to do something with my own hands. I think a little, I remembered that she loves beautiful knitted things, and here I had the idea to tie something on her birthday.

Objective of the project:

Crochet is a beautiful, careful product that must like the grandmother.

Project tasks:

    Research and analysis of ideas, options for my product

    Develop a sketch of my project product

    Organize workplace

    Pick up tools and devices for various operations

    Pick material for the product with the right color combination

    Quality control of my work

    Evaluation of the finished product

    Environmental justification

Crochet. History and not only ...

Crochet - very famous and old craft. At first, only men engaged in this, but gradually knitting passed into the hands of women. Now a rare man will take a knitting needles or hook. Crochet appeared in England and in France, it was developed in the 16th century. But there are reliable facts that testify that the Indian tribes also possessed all the secrets of this art, samples of their ancient works were discovered by scientists at the beginning of the 20th century. Accurate data on where and how exactly crochet appeared, no. But there is an opinion that it takes this occupation of its roots from the ancient form of Chinese embroidery.
At the end of the 19th century, crochet has spread in Russia. Women engaged in needlework, gathering in the evenings for joint gatherings. Basically, the girls created beautiful laces consisting of patterns of folk topics.

Crochet - the procedure is simpler than knitting knitting. And the products are obtained very beautiful, elegant openwork, lungs and attractive. Nowadays, needlework acquires a second life. Manual work is very valued. Crochet has become fashionable and useful. Now it is at the peak of popularity.

Crochet allows you to create openwork patterns, very thin, similar to lace, and dense embossed images. With hooks knit and warm things, and thin stylish bathing suits. Crochet can recreate whole works of art. This knitting method is used to configure individual elements, decorations, such as buttons, collars, and to create whole clothes, for example, dresses, sweaters, and to obtain interior elements, such as napkins, tablecloths, pendants for pots with flowers and so Further.

For crochet, only threads and hooks will be required. Threads are suitable in a variety of: and woolen, and silk, and cotton. Hooks are also different. They can be made of plastic, metal, bones, wood. They have different thickness, the smallest size is 1 mm, the largest - 8 mm. The thinner the hook, the smaller and elegant pattern. But we must take into account that the thickness of the yarn is also important. Hooks whose diameter from 3 to 6 mm are suitable for knitting things from thick synthetic or woolen yarn. And thin hooks, the diameter of which from 1.5 to 2.5 mm are suitable for Moulin, Garus, Iris. The hook thickness is selected so that it is twice as much as the thickness of the chosen thread.

Crochet - a fascinating process. The results are always beautiful, crocheted products can be an excellent gift.

Development of ideas, product options

№2 Nappet.

№3 Napkin "Star"

№4 Oval Nappet.

Resourceing products, I stopped my choice on a napkin under No. 3

Study of molds of napkins

Napkins are:






The napkin chosen by me has a radiatic shape.

Knit such napkins start from the center, from the ring of air loops. Unlike a round napkin, the loop here is added in each circle in the same place. As a result of such addition, the napkin turns out to be divided into segments. You can add hinges in six or ten places, and eventually get a six or ten-hour napkin. For the shape of the napkin to be symmetrical, you should always add an even number of loops.

Crochet Tools

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - knitting hooks №1,5

6 - hooks for marking hinges

7 - Universal Scissors

8 - Thread Circuit

9 - Thin Embroidery Scissors

10 - metric tape

11 - Tangle Holder

12 - Pins

Selection of material

When crocheted crochet use yarn from wool, flax, silk, cotton or synthetic threads. Materials choose depending on which it is to knit.

For your napkin, I chose cotton threads of different colors.

Organization of workplace

When preparing the workplace, special attention should be paid to lighting. The lighting value is very large, it is a component of art perception. The workplace must be well lit. The light should fall to the workplace on the left side. In the evening, it is better to equip two types of artificial lighting: luminescent and incandescent lamps so that the fluorescent lamp creates multiple light, and the incandescent lamp directed on the left side directly to the workplace. The duration of work should not exceed three study hours with a mandatory break after each academic hour. Properly organized workplace contributes to a better product performance.

Safety Instrumentation Rules for Crochet

    Hooks and other devices must be well ground; It is necessary to store them in special polarms.

    You can not make sharp movements with a crochet in the direction near the sitting person.

    It is impossible to use rusty needles and pins. It should be stored needles and pins in a box with a lid.

    Scissors should lie with closer blades, transfer them to rings forward.

    Wet-heat treatment of products on ironing board or specially equipped table with a good iron.

Safety regulations when performing wet-thermal works

When the napkin is ready, I will have to fly it, so I will need to follow the safety instructions when performing wet-thermal works.

Before performing wet-thermal works, you need to check the integrity of the cord, the purity of the iron soles and the presence of a rubber rug.

While you need:

    Stand on a rubber rug;

    Include and turn off the iron with dry hands, taking care of the body of the fork, not the cord;

    Put iron on a special stand;

    Make sure that the cord does not touch the sole of the iron, and the iron did not overheat;

    Use to moist a tissue with a pulverizer;

At the end of the work, you need to turn off the iron and put it on a special stand.

Product knitting pattern

Dissate 16 air loops, close the circle 1 with a connecting column and continue working according to the scheme.

Tables for decoding scheme

That's what I did:

Calculation of cost





yarn (x / b 100%, 20g)

The napkin, which I tied, will be an excellent addition to the interior of your home. A knitted napkin can be used as coats for wine glasses, glasses, vases, souvenirs and similar interior details.

This is the simplest combinations of loops capable of creating a real miracle!

Self-esteem, assessment, environmental rationale and quality control

I believe that I got an openwork napkin, which deserves a sufficiently high marks.

I asked for my work of the teacher, parents and classmates, and she really liked it. I hope that grandmother will also appreciate the napkin that I tied to her.

My napkin turned out to be an inexpensive, knitted from an environmentally friendly product and complies with the quality of the quality of the finished product. During the execution of this work, I have gained a little experience in this kind of activity, which is very important for me. In addition, during knitting a person calms down, they say that a person who knits he is balanced and not nervous. This is another plus in this type of activity.

I'm not going to stop there. I liked to knit with a crochet, and in the future I plan to further develop the ability in this form of activity.


    Steinert Knitted napkins.

    Plyonich N.M. Crochet. From hobbies to skill.

    Dmitrieva N.Yu. Napkins and tablecloths. Crochet.

Slide 1.

MOU "LSOSH № 7" G.Likhoslavl Presentation of a creative project on technology "Crochet" theme "Butterfly"
Developed: student -7B class Aleksandrov Anna Teacher Vorobyeva's technology T.Yu. G.Likhoslavl 2014

Slide 2.

Slide 3.

Purpose: Tie a crochet unusual, beautiful tack "Butterfly" as a gift to mom's mother's day. Tasks: 1. Find knitting literature and choose an interesting chart for tag. 2. Apply the knowledge and skills obtained in the technology lessons. 3. Consider the rules for safe work when crocheted.

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Justification of the problem that has arisen: crochet is a hobby that has become an integral part of my life. Crochet for me has always been one of the most interesting activities. Crochet-related things are distinguished by amazing air beauty and openweight. Crochet is very simple, sufficiently a little patience in order to learn the main techniques of knitting. Products manufactured by our industry are often faceless and ugly, which leads to the need to do a lot of them. Crochet allows me to express my personality, give warmth and love with my own people for me.

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From knitting history 1. Like any art - knitting has its own origins, their roots. It is known for certain that for more than three centuries a person knows how with the help of one (hook) wands can turn the long thread in the canvas. Knitting is also known. This is the saturated sun North Africa. And served ancient knitted products to protect not from frost and snow, but from heat and sand. 2. It is known that the first masters of knitting craft were not women, but men. And women in those distant times assigned the secondary role of assistants: to treat fiber or wool, hide the thread.

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Development of ideas and options:

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Analysis of ideas and the choice of the optimal option: Package number 1 is easy to manufacture, but proposed for mating white threads, therefore it will be quick to get enough and it will often wash it - it does not fit. Plots number 3,4,5 - beautiful, bright, interesting in the method of mating, but there is no "raisa" in them, no originality - are not suitable. Package number 2 is what I was looking for. The mating scheme is not complicated, there is something fabulous, unusual. There is something to surprise mom.

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The scheme of thinking (project activity planning) "Butterfly" tack
Cost price
Tools fixtures
Occupational Safety and Health
Manufacturing technology
Problem Need

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Rules for labor protection when crocheted: The light should fall on the left or in front of the working, the scissors lie on the right side, the hook, threads for knitting and sewing - in a special box; Needle - in the needle. When performing work, I followed the rules for labor protection, i.e., rules for safe work with stitching, cutting tools. Rules of labor protection during operation: 1. During operation, the scissors should lie on the right on the table with closer blades, rings to the operating. 2. To take and transmit scissors you need closer blades to yourself, rings forward. 3. Needles, hooks, scissors, hook stored in a special box with a lid. 4. If the needle is not needed, it should be chuck in a needle. 5. Cannot use rusty, bent the needle.

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Rules for labor protection when crocheted: Sanitary and hygienic requirements: 1. Before you start work, wash your hands. 2. The light source must be left. 3. Every 1 - 1.5 hours, a 30 minute vacation is required. Break and relaxation are necessary to restore eye functions. 4. To preserve health while working it is useful to make workout for hands, eyes and backs. 5. It is impossible to bite the thread with teeth; From this spoys the enamel of the teeth, in addition, you can hurt the lips, gums and language.

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Calculation of the cost of the product: 1. Yarn of green color 2/3 Moves - (price 1 MOCK 26 rub.; 2/3 ~ 17 rub.) 2. Yarn pink, burgundy flowers - home residues - 0 rub. 3. Hook - I was at home - 0 rubles. Total: for the manufacture of this tag, I spent about 17 rubles, everything else had a house (it was bought for a long time). Having connected with my own hands will not harm health, it is environmentally friendly.

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Self-assessment of the project: I am satisfied with my work, since I achieved the desired goal - the tag is connected on time and donated to mom! When knitting were small difficulties, but I overcame them. Who is looking for new options, he is full of new ideas and is constantly striving for perfection. In addition, the product associated with 8 - 10 rubles. Cheaper than in the store. I am very pleased that my gift I liked my mother .. the tack turned out the original, neat; Crab tight. The performed product complies with certain requirements. And most importantly - I got another new order for the manufacture of tape!