Folk festive costume. Open lesson of fine arts. Topic: Folk festive costume. Grade 5 Also read

MBOU "Selikhov secondary school"

Public lesson Visual arts Theme: Folk festive costume 5th grade

Fine art teacher: Ilyushchenko O.D


Topic: "Folk festive costume".

Target: Educational : To uncover:- folk festive costume as a holistic artistic image;- North Russian and South Russian clothing complex;- a variety of forms and decorations of folk festive costumes in various republics and regions of Russia;- the shape and decor of women's hats; expression of the idea of ​​the integrity of the world, the indissolubility of the earthly and heavenly in the figurative structure of folk festive clothing.Developing: continue the formation of skills and habits of making sketches of a festive costume of different regions and peoples of Russia using various techniques and materialsEducational: to form students' aesthetic and artistic taste,foster respect and love for folk traditions.

Equipment (materials: paper, paints, pencils, eraser); training presentation, video "Woman in folk costume".

During the classes.

    1. Organizational moment.


A new lesson has arrived. I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other. And you will think: how good it is that we are all here together today. We are humble and kind, welcoming and affectionate. We are all healthy. - I wish all of us a good lesson!
    2. Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson
On this note, we begin our lesson. Today we continue to work on the section "Ancient roots of folk art", our lesson in studying new material is devoted to the topic: "Folk festive costume". The purpose of our lesson is To reveal the constituent elements of a festive costume; see various forms of jewelry, headdress decor, touch the history of our Motherland, our native village, feel the beauty and breadth of our native land, our Russia.
    3. Presentation of new material.
I. Updating knowledge.

Teacher: - Children! Do you like to wear nice clothes?

The class includes a student dressed in a Russian folk costume.

Teacher: - The costume of which people are represented on our assistant?

Teacher: Your great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers also sported in national dress. The life of the peasants was inextricably linked with nature, the cultivation of the land and the corresponding labor cycles. The holiday either ended some stage of a difficult peasant life, or preceded the next important stage. We were waiting for the holidays, we were preparing for them.

Festive clothing was very colorful, always decorated with elements of embroidery, stripes of trim, beads, cord, sequins and other details that, as a rule, were not in everyday clothes.Today a computer presentation will help us to see all the beauty of the festive Russian costume.For many peoples, ancient festive clothes had a three-tiered system of decorations.Headdresses and the upper part of the costume are associated with the image of the sky, therefore the compositions of the patterns are based on the appeal to the sun, stars, birds, which connect the sky and the earth. The ribbons coming down from the hats symbolize rain. The patterns and embroidery are dominated by the image of a fertile land.

We wear caps, berets, hats on our heads. And in ancient times, women wore kokoshniks, magpies, covering them with scarves on top. These hats consisted of 2-5 elements and sometimes weighed several tens of kilograms.
Women have always paid special attention to the hats of the most conspicuous part of any costume. Headdresses were extremely varied, but they were always clearly divided into girls' headdresses and those of married women.

According to the ancient custom, a married woman had to carefully cover her hair from prying eyes. It was impossible to leave the house with a bare head, to do household chores.

But young girls were not forbidden to show their hair: "A girl's braid is a beauty to the whole world." Hence the differences: the girls have light air bracelets, koruns, crowns, kokoshniks, ribbons, hoops, and women have deaf magpies, kicks, warriors, scarves.

The clothes of a girl in central and northern Russia consisted of a shirt, a sarafan, an epanechka, and in cold weather, soul warmers.

Folk festive clothing could tell a lot of interesting things about its owner: where he was from, how old, for what occasion he was dressed like that. The clothes of each region (province) of Russia had its own ornaments, favorite colors, finishes, shapes and styles. In the Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Novgorod, Kostroma, Yaroslavl regions, combinations of a white base with a red pattern were common.

Over the course of several centuries, the tradition of creating and wearing those forms of clothing that were most functional and adapted both to climatic conditions and to convey certain information about their owners was developing. For Russia as a whole, 2 types of women's costume set are characteristic: the North Russian, which is based on a shirt and a long sundress, and the South Russian, the second component of which is a short and voluminous poneva.

The festive shirt was decorated with embroidery, which protected the woman from the evil eye. The collar, mantle, chest, hem were especially decorated.

It was believed that the richer the shirt is decorated. The happier is its owner. Touching the ground with the hem of her shirt, a woman received vitality, and embroidery with symbols of fertility gave the earth fertile strength.

The hem of the shirt or skirt was decorated with ornaments symbolizing the sown arable land. These are triangles, rhombuses, rectangles with dots. The ends of the braided belts were decorated with the heads of lizards, which symbolized the underwater world.

Teacher: What forms of ornament do you know? Where are they used?

Students' answers:

Ornaments are classified into three forms: centric, ribbon and mesh.

CentricAn ornament is a pattern, the decorative elements of which are grouped so that they create a closed movement. This ornament is used to decorate tablecloths, napkins, plates, windows and other frames.

Tapean ornament is a pattern, the decorative elements of which create a rhythmic row with an open two-way movement that fits into the ribbon. The ribbon ornament is widely used in decorating clothes in the form of an embroidered collar, sleeve edges, belt, headbands.

Reticulatean ornament is a pattern in the form of cells that are filled with decorative elements. Woven things were decorated with such an ornament.

Teacher: What colors prevailed in the folk ornament and what is their meaning?

Pupils' answers: White, red, black, yellow, brown colors prevailed in embroidery. Sometimes delicate blue and natural green.

White color in folk ideas was associated with light, purity and personified the feminine principle.

Red was the color of the sun, fire, life, beauty and personified the masculine principle._ And now we are going to watch an interesting video. In it you will see paintings by great artists who depicted the beauty of folk costumes.Video "A woman in a folk costume."

    4. Practical work.
Now, let's get down to practical work.The purpose of which is the creation of a Russian festive costume.Now you will try to depict a Russian festive costume, do the work in color, not forgetting about the main colors and embroidery motifs.Stages of work:- choose a suit option; - build the overall shape of the suit; - to outline the places of decorations and ornaments; - determine the color (color) of the suit; - to do the work in color.And so guys, let's get to work.
    5. Consolidation of knowledge.

Game "Chamomile" for recognizing the element of the costume you like. The assistant holds a chamomile-shaped flower with detachable petals, on which the name of the elements of the Russian folk costume is written. Interested students take turns tearing off the petals and answering the question.

    6. Reflection

1. What was the most interesting in the lesson?

2. Continue the phrase: "The most difficult thing in the lesson was when ...".

Thanks for your work. Lesson grades.

    7. Home building: Finish the work in color.




Goals: to acquaint students with the peculiarities of the Russian festive costume, to talk about the variety of forms and decorations of the folk festive costume.

Materials: illustrations of various types of Russian folk costume; paper, scissors, glue, brushes, gouache.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

(Greeting, checking the readiness of the students for the lesson.)

2. Teacher conversation

Each of you was interested in what our ancestors looked like, what they were wearing. Today we will talk about this.

2.1. Folk festive costume

In ancient times in Russia there were two types of costumes: everyday and festive. The traditions of sewing Russian costume have been developing over the course of many centuries. The images that we find in the decoration of towels can be seen in the embroidery of the folk costume.

The basis of a woman's costume was a shirt. They sewed it from homespun linen or hemp linen. The woman wore an elegant shirt only on holidays. In the north of our country, they sewed a kind of long-sleeved shirts, the sleeves of which reached two meters. The shirt was certainly decorated with embroidery. We talked about embroidery at the last lesson.

- What do you think was the purpose of the embroidery on the clothes of our ancestors? (The embroidery on the shirt served as a talisman and protected people from sorrows and diseases.)

The shirts in which women mowed were called hay-mowing shirts. They were worn without a sundress. The richness of the shirt decoration promised happiness to its owner.

In the early days of marriage, a woman in Russia was called a young woman. Her costume was richly decorated to symbolize her blossoming age. A sarafan and soul warmer were sewn from a patterned damask. Soul heat was often trimmed with gold stripes, which gave the outfit even more beauty. The head was decorated with a high kokoshnik, decorated with stones. A silk shawl was tied over it, which passed into a cape. On weekdays, a headband was used as a decoration for the head.

The women's outfit of the Russian North is often called a sarafan complex, because its main elements were a sundress and a shirt. The shirt has been worn in Russia since ancient times, and it was believed that it should never be sold. She was the main, and sometimes the only clothing in Russia. For beauty and convenience, the shirt was tightened with a belt.

In the southern part of Russia, instead of a sundress, they wore a poneva - a homespun wool skirt, which was reinforced at the waist with a belt. An apron was attached to it, on which the symbolism of the earth was present. He served as a talisman for a pregnant woman. On holidays, a top made of elegant fabric was worn over the poneva. Women put their whole soul into making a festive costume.
The headdresses of the northerners are very beautiful and unusual - basically, these are kokoshniks decorated with gold thread and river pearls. The maiden's coruna resembled a royal crown, like a brocade braid decorated with pearls. On weekdays, girls adorned their heads with a ribbon or scarf.

The Siberian festive costume was peculiar in its own way. Men and women wore the Nenets malitsa (long clothes without a single cut) made of reindeer fur with wool inside, with a hood and mittens. Sundresses were sewn mainly from cotton daba (cloth such as coarse calico or canvas brought from China, usually bleached or dyed blue). The festive clothes were made of oriental silk.

The wedding suit was the most elegant, solemn and richly decorated. The ancient peasants believed: how the wedding will go, such will be the life of the young. The wedding suit was usually complemented with various beads and necklaces. And his most precious part was his headdress. It was used to determine the woman's age. A wedding suit was sewn long before the celebration, as it required a lot of effort and a huge investment of time.

The man's suit was less intricate. It was based on a shirt-shirt, which was sewn from white, blue and red fabric. Ports were tied around the waist - short, long pants. They put sandals on their feet. A zipun was worn over the shirt, and a hat made of cloth or felt covered the head.
As for footwear, it must be said that people in Russia wore not only bast shoes (although they were the most durable footwear). There were no bast shoes in Siberia and Pomorie. There, most often they wore leather shoes - boots, ankle boots, shoes. There were also some cats - shoes that looked like loose shoes so that a leg in a woolen sock could easily fit into it. The shoes were decorated as carefully as the costume. Various patterns made the shoe more fun and festive.

2.2. Decorations

Jewelry in Russia served as a talisman. They were usually placed on the head to protect the mind and mind, on the neck and chest to protect the soul and heart, on the arms and legs to prevent bruises and injuries. The material from which the amulets were made had to be of good quality and be a good conductor of good energy. Gold symbolized light, silver - purity. Most of the jewelry was worn by young women and mothers.

Headdresses in Russia were crowns, kokoshniks, and diadems. They protected the heads of women. The headdress symbolized the sky, and in shape it could resemble bird heads, combs and crests. They were usually decorated with gold or silver threads, various stones and ornaments.

There were headgear pendants. Ryasny - vertical stripes running from the kokoshnik to the chest, which resemble rain streams.

In Russia, rings were worn (temporal rings - temples), they served as an identification mark. In some places there were rings with semicircular shields with seven rays, somewhere there were spiral or bracelet-like rings. Slavs from Lake Ilmen wore rhombic rings. The circle and the spiral symbolized the sun.

Bracelets and hoops were common throughout Russia. They were worn by both men and women. For men, they served as a symbol of courage and courage. The classic theme on the bracelets is earth and water. Bracelets and hoops were made of different materials: silver, gold, bronze, glass, copper, etc. Wire bracelets were very common. They wore them on both hands, sometimes even several pieces at once.

Rings and signet rings were also adornments in Russia. They talked about the noble origins of their masters. Even small children wore them. Such jewelry was most often inherited from mothers to daughters. There were three square hallmarks on the rings, each with an incantatory meaning. There were ritual rings that were used to make rain.
There was one more type of jewelry, mostly for girls, which was called a lunar. Such an ornament was in the shape of the moon or the sun, and was worn on the chest. The sun was male, and the moon was female. This decoration was a symbol of marriage.

The combs were used as pendant charms. Most often they consisted of two animal heads or a two-headed bird. The Russian comb was considered a powerful weapon against evil spirits. Having a comb at home meant being rich. They were made mainly of wood or bone. It was believed that he could protect against all diseases.

But the most beloved adornments of women were beads and necklaces. The necklace was woven mainly from multi-colored beads. Green beads indicated the wealth of the hostess.

Slavic jewelry-amulets are divided into male and female. A horse was present on women's amulets, which gave them wisdom and happiness. Birds are quite common among amulets. Some amulets were made in the form of two spoons, which meant: it belongs to the newlyweds. The spoons symbolized well-being.

For the safety of household property, key amulets were used, and small keys were a symbol of a dowry. Hatchets protected both men and women. The ax was the sign of Perun (God of thunder and lightning). Such amulets protected people from sudden evil.

3. Creative task

And now we will try to draw a Russian folk festive costume with gouache. The costume can be both female and male (headwear, main set, shoes).

First you need to sketch the costume, capture the main details, and only then complete the drawing in color. At the end, decorate the costume with ornaments.
(The work can be accompanied by Russian folk melodies.)

4. Lesson summary

(Students showcase their work.)

Along with this, they also read:

GBOU NAO "Secondary school of the village of Haruta"

Abstract of a fine arts lesson in grade 5

"Folk festive costume"

fine arts and drafting teachers

Taleeva Marina Valentinovna

Haruta village, 2015

Lesson type: combined

Kind of activity: individual

The intended result is:

Artistic and creative:

    creation of a collective creative composition "Russian round dance";

Metasubject: (UUD)

    cognitive actions - the ability to build an artistic image;

    regulatory actions - the ability of students to determine the purpose of their work, to identify the stages of work, to find the appropriate means and tools, to carry out stage-by-stage control and assessment of their actions;

    communicative actions - the student's ability to cooperate, the ability to understand the intentions and interests of people interacting with him.


    a sense of pride in the culture and art of the Motherland, its people;

    understanding of the special role of culture and art in the life of society and each individual person;

    the ability to form aesthetic feelings, artistic and creative thinking and fantasy;

    the ability to cooperate with friends in the process of joint activities under the guidance of a teacher;

    the ability to discuss and analyze one's own artistic activity and the work of classmates from the standpoint of the creative tasks of a given topic.

Targets and goals:

    To acquaint students with the figurative structure of the Russian folk costume, the concept of "ensemble", the meaning of color in clothes, the symbols of ornament and color.

    To educate national identity for Russian folk art.

    To form the skills and abilities of students when using various types of technology in work.

    To develop aesthetic and artistic taste, creative activity and thinking of students, to intensify independent creative search in solving artistic problems.

Musical row: Russian folk songs

Materials for students: Glue, scissors, fabrics, braid, beads, thread, needle.

Materials and equipment for the teacher:

    PC, multimedia, screen

    Presentation "Treasures from an old chest"

    Handout - Human Shape Template.

    Reproductions of paintings by Russian artists - I.P. Argunov "Portrait of an unknown peasant woman in a Russian costume", K.E. Makovsky "Girl in a kokoshnik", A.P. Ryabushkin "Wedding train in Moscow", "Russian women of the 17th century in the church" , "Sunday Day", V. Vasnetsov "Snow Maiden"

During the classes:

artistic task.

Lesson summary:

Lesson stage

Slide number

1. Organizational stage. Leading up to the purpose of the lesson.

Objective: the inclusion of students in activities at a personally meaningful level.

Report of the class attendant, checking the readiness of students for the lesson, greeting.

2. Stage "Statement of the goal and objectives of the lesson." Motivation to study the topic. Students' choice of the task they would like to achieve by the end of the lesson. Mastering new material.

Objective: to get acquainted with the traditional Russian costume, its meaning, decoration.

"The red maiden is walking,

Like a pavushka is floating

She's wearing a blue dress

Scarlet ribbon in a braid,

There is a feather on the head "

What image does this song refer to?

(This song talks about a Russian girl.)

Can we say the same about the modern woman? Why?

(He compares her to a “pavushka” who is dressed in a beautiful Russian costume, on her head a crown or kokoshnik, decorated with pearls and pendants. She acted as a hostess, holding her head high, her back straight, “like a pava”, “swam like a swan”, a young girl always put up a braid for display: “a braid is a maiden beauty” they used to say in the old days)

The image of a woman has long been revered in Russian folk art, folklore, and often it cannot be separated from the image of a bird - the most ancient symbol of goodness and well-being. "Swan", "Pava", "Utyushka", "Dove" are epithets that have long been called in folk poetry, emphasizing the plastic side of the image of the Russian beauty.

It turns out that the appearance of a person, his costume plays an important role in everyone's life. It is no coincidence that they have long said: "They meet according to their clothes, they see them off according to their minds."

What are we going to talk about today? What to do in the lesson?

Today in the lesson we will take a trip into the past, get acquainted with the traditional Russian costume, learn how to create a sketch-image of Russian women's clothing. What is needed for this?

Let's outline our lesson.

Get to know the history of the costume

Learn the rules of decorating

Do creative work

Rate your work

So, we will go to the distant past times - to the vastness of our vast Motherland, to the village with the smell of freshly taken from the oven fragrant bread, with the aroma of mown juicy grass. Plunge into the life of the simplest Russian people.

What can you say about the life of a Russian family? What kind of life was it? Children's answers.

That's right, indeed, the Russian family had a hard life in the past centuries. In spring and summer, hard work in the field. In the fall, they gathered crops and made preparations for the winter. Work began with the first rays of the sun, and ended when it was already completely dark. And when did the peasants rest?

(When the holiday came, it was joyful and desirable for the peasants.)

The holiday was expected and prepared for it.

How did you prepare for the holidays? ( Everyone was wearing their best, holiday clothes. They sewed it themselves, and everyone wanted to show their outfits, their skills)

They took great care of any clothing, because it was obtained with great difficulty, and each thing had to serve for many years, often passed down from generation to generation by inheritance. We kept such outfits in a special box with a lid - a chest.

The usual idea of ​​a Russian woman's costume is usually associated with a shirt, a sundress, a belt, and sometimes an apron.

In the north, sundresses were often supplemented with open-cut bib clothes - epanechka, and in cold weather a long-sleeved soul warmer was worn on a sundress.

Both in the north and in the south, the shirt was sewn from homespun canvas, generously decorating it with embroidery, patterned weaving, compositions of braid, galloon, and sequins.

In the southern regions of Russia, another type of clothing was widespread, consisting of a shirt, poneva (skirt), an apron, a headdress - a cap (magpie).

This clothing was, in contrast to the sundress, only peasant. Poneva was sewn from woolen checkered homespun material. It was decorated with embroidery, lace stripes, ribbons, beadwork.

And the headdress completed the costume of the Russian woman. Special attention was paid to him.

By the headdress it was possible to find out from which locality its owner, to which age group she belongs.

Girls everywhere could leave their hair uncovered, a headband was enough. They also wore "dressing", kokoshniks. A married woman had to hide her hair, so the hats were covered, for example, "warrior".

Look how beautiful they were, of different shapes in the works of the Russian artist Konstantin Makovsky!

Consider on the slides the clothes of different provinces, as well as paintings by Russian artists, which depict women in folk costumes.

3. Stage "Knowledge update". Answers on questions.

Task: repetition of the studied material necessary for the "discovery of new knowledge", identification of difficulties in the individual practical activity of each student.

What is an ornament?

Why was the ornament embroidered?

What symbols were used in ornaments?

The ornament could be floral, geometric, zoomorphic or mixed. It was believed that the ornament, along with the red color, has a protective effect, and therefore it was placed in those places where the clothes ended. At the same time, by surrounding the hand with symbols, the person wanted to increase its strength and dexterity.

Dressed in her traditional costume, a peasant woman was like a model of the Universe: the lower earthly tier of clothing is covered with symbols of earth, seeds, vegetation, at the top of the clothes we see birds and the personification of rain, and at the very top all this is crowned with clear and indisputable symbols of the sky: the sun , stars, birds.

While singing songs, the girls spun, weaved, prepared a dowry for themselves, they walked around the village singing on warm summer evenings, they intended their best outfits for round dances and festivities - this is how an inextricable link between a costume and a song arose and made them akin to the originality of rhythms and harmonic combinations.

And of course the theme of the costume found its reflection in folk crafts: clay toys, matryoshka dolls. And in folk music.

4. Stage "Preventive". Physical minute.

Task: carrying out warm-up exercises for the prevention of hypodynamia.

We're kicking top-top
We clap-clap with our hands
And then jump-jump
And one more time.
And then squat down,
And then squat down,
And then squat down,
And again - in order.
We will run along the path
One two Three!
And clap your hands
One two Three!
And shake our heads
One two Three!
Everybody dance with us
One two Three!

5. Stage "Initial check of understanding and consolidation of skills." Staging

artistic task.

Task: the choice of ornament and color solutions for creating a folk costume in the material.

Based on what we saw about the costume, we will apply the costume. You can use the drawing of a human figure. Build the general shape of the costume, and then outline the places of decoration and ornamentation. Determine the color and character, the type of headdress. To help you, the chalkboard shows the sequence of the application. Read it.

Safety precautions when working with scissors and a needle.

6. Stage "Application of the mastered in practice"

Objective: practical implementation of the assignment, independent creative work of students.

Getting started ( music sounds quietly)

The teacher makes targeted walks:

    control of the organization of the workplace

    control of the correctness of the work methods

    helping students with difficulties

    control of the volume and quality of the work performed.

7. Stage "Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it"

Objective: search work in the visual comparison of various folk costumes.

Tutorial, page 50-59, task 3

8. Stage “Reflection (summing up the results of the lesson). Evaluation of results.

Objective: to include students in activities at the analytical level.


it was interesting to me…

I was surprised ...

it was difficult for me ...

I wanted…

Pupils go to the blackboard with their work.

Looking at the wonderful costumes, we can truly say: "WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL."


1.Andreeva A.Yu. Russian folk costume. Travel from north to south. - SPb .: "Parity", 2005

2.Goryaeva N.A., Ostrovskaya O.V. Decorative and applied art in human life, a textbook on fine arts, grade 5 / - M .: Education 2012.

Technological map of the lesson on fine arts in 5 Target: To acquaint students with Russian folk costume, with its elements; show the meaning of symbolism and color in clothes.

Planned results: In the cognitive sphere:

Define the concepts learned:

suit, shirt, sundress, paneva, epanechka, soul heat, coruna, pants-ports, zipun;

Describe the elements of folk costume;

In the value-orientational sphere:

Analyze and evaluate the role of symbols in costume decoration;



Knowledge of folk traditions;

A sense of pride in Russian culture;

Ability to manage your cognitive activity.


- Set a goal and analyze the conditions for achieving the goal.

Predict the situation of future events.


Search for information using various resources.

Establish causal relationships.

Define concepts.


Ability to organize educational cooperation and joint activities with partners

Ability to enter into a dialogue and participate in a collective discussion of the problem, to argue their position

Forms of work:

Individual work on a sketch of a Russian folk costume (female or male

Basic concepts: Suit, shirt, sundress, paneva, epanechka, dushegreya, coruna, ports, zipun.

Resources: Textbook, handouts, teacher-designed presentation, drawings depicting Russian folk costumes



Teacher: Bisenaliev N.I.

Subject: IZO

Class 5

Topic: "Folk festive costume"

Target: To acquaint students with Russian folk costume, with its elements; show the meaning of symbolism and color in clothes.

Planned results:In the cognitive sphere:

Define the concepts learned:

suit, shirt, sundress, paneva, epanechka, soul heat, coruna, pants-ports, zipun;

Describe the elements of folk costume;

In the value-orientational sphere:

Analyze and evaluate the role of symbols in costume decoration;



Knowledge of folk traditions;

A sense of pride in Russian culture;

Ability to manage your cognitive activity.


- Set a goal and analyze the conditions for achieving the goal.

Predict the situation of future events.


Search for information using various resources.

Establish causal relationships.

Define concepts.


Ability to organize educational cooperation and joint activities with partners

Ability to enter into a dialogue and participate in a collective discussion of the problem, to argue their position

Forms of work:

Individual work on a sketch of a Russian folk costume (female or male

Basic concepts:Suit, shirt, sundress, paneva, epanechka, dushegreya, coruna, ports, zipun.

Resources: Textbook, handouts, teacher-designed presentation, drawings depicting Russian folk costumes

Technological map of the study of the topic

Lesson steps

Teacher activity

Students' activities


1-stage of motivation (self-determination) for learning activities;

Good afternoon guys! You have three emoticons on the tables, choose the one that suits your mood.

How many smiles lit up. Thanks!

And this is my mood ... I am ready to productively cooperate with you. Good luck!

Choose an emoticon and show their mood


2nd stage. Updating. Determining the topic of the lesson

Notes those present. Welcomes students.

Choosing effective ways to organize your workspace.

- In order to determine the topic of our lesson, we must solve a crossword puzzle.

1) what people used in ancient times to protect themselves and their homes(symbols)

2) the constant companion of peasant women(spinning wheel)

3) the color that personified the masculinity(Red)

4) a subject for a newborn(cradle)

5) spinning wheel element(blade)

6) the main symbol in ancient folk art(Sun)

Determination of the topic of the lesson in cooperation with the students

Guys, what tasks should we set ourselves in order to find out what the Russian folk costume is?

Got Keyword Lesson- COSTUME

- Today we will look at Russian folk costumes.

View images of male and female suits

Determine what elements a woman's and a man's suit consists of;

Consider the images of the costumes of the peoples of Russia

Let's define the difference in costumes of different territories of Russia.

Meaning formation.

Formulation of an educational problem based on what is already known and mastered, and what is still unknown.

Self-selection of a cognitive goal,

Stage 3 identifying the place and cause of the difficulty

Do you know what costume your great-great-grandmother could wear?

What did the folk costumes look like, how and why were they decorated?

Everything in the suit reminds of the beauty of the native land. Over the course of several centuries, in different parts of the Russian land, their own characteristic features in clothing took shape, and people strictly adhered to local traditions.

What elements does the folk costume consist of, what secret does its elegant ornamentation keep?

Show presentation and sketches of costumes prepared by high school students

Ability to analyze and discuss;

Assessing objective difficulties

Problem formulation;

Self-creation of ways to solve creative problems.

Ability to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy.

Stage 4 of building a project for overcoming difficulties

Offers the game "Dress up the doll".

Show the progress of work on the board (the teacher performs a step-by-step sketch of a costume on the blackboard)

(Students are invited to choose the necessary elements of the costume for the doll

Correction (making the necessary additions to the plan and method of action in case of discrepancy between the standard and the actual result)

Formulation in a communicative form of a specific
goal their future actions to eliminate the cause
the difficulty that has arisen;

Ability to cooperate with interlocutors, use of speech means of communication

Stage 5 independent work with
self-test by reference and


Independent creative work:

Based on what you saw about the costume, sketch a costume of your choice (male or female). When doing the work, you can use the templates of the human figure.

Individual work

Demonstrate their ability to work on a sketch of a Russian folk costume;

Ability to manage behavior and activities

Ability to organize educational cooperation: independently create ways to solve problems of a creative nature.

Stage 6 of primary reinforcement with pronunciation in external speech

Offers to present creative work

Demonstrate their work

Analyze the work

Ability to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy.

Self-regulation as the ability to mobilize strength and energy

Ability to express and defend your point of view, to accept someone else's point of view, to oppose the interlocutor

Stage 7 Reflection

Organizes a discussion of the results of work, solving a problem, fulfilling a set goal

What did we learn in the lesson?

What new and interesting things have you learned?

What are the main elements in Russian folk costume?

What is the difference between the "North" suit from the "South"?

Deliberately draw conclusions

Express their own opinion about the work and the results obtained

Evaluate the correctness of the actions performed, introduce the necessary results and correct them

Carry out final control

Moral and ethical orientation, assessment of the assimilated content, providing a personal moral choice.

Evaluation (highlighting and awareness by students of what has already been mastered and what is still subject to assimilation, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation.

Stage 8 - homework

Sets and comments on homework

Offers to find material about Russian folk holidays and rituals.

Level 1 - easy to find:

Level 2 - submit in writing;

Level 3 - submit in writing with presentation

Choose a level

Perceive information

Consciously capture information