The nail does not adhere to the nail bed. Detachment of the nail from the nail bed causes. Causes of peeling fingernails


Detachment of the nail is always a very unpleasant event, but the emptiness under it can appear quite suddenly, even on well-groomed hands. This disease is called onycholysis, and can be localized both on the leg and on the arm. At the same time, the nails move away and change their color to a yellow or brown tint, in some cases they become whitish.

Causes of nail detachment

There are many reasons why onycholysis occurs:

  1. Taking antibacterial agents.
  2. Damage to the nails as a result of trauma or chemical damage. In the latter case, even a simple washing powder can become the cause.
  3. Skin diseases - psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis.
  4. Emptiness under the nail occurs as a result of prolonged use of a number of medications. This type of onycholysis does not require separate treatment; after stopping the use of medications, everything is restored on its own.
  5. The cause of the pathology can be diseases of the digestive system, blood vessels and heart, as well as as a result of disruption of the endocrine organs.
  6. Thus, a fungal infection of the nails and the skin around them may appear, the treatment of which is necessary, since such a problem does not go away, and close people are at risk of infection in this case.

Signs of a problem

The disease manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms:

  • the nail changes color and becomes thicker;
  • scales appear around the skin;
  • bubbles appear near the fingers or toes;
  • the patient complains of skin redness, itching and burning sensation.

Treatment principles

Since this disease is most often secondary, the main treatment is to eliminate the cause of the pathology, without affecting the etiological factor, you can only slightly alleviate the condition, but then, with the slightest impact, all the symptoms will arise with renewed vigor:

  • After a traumatic injury, it is enough just to wait until a healthy nail plate grows back. To prevent infection, you can stick a bactericidal patch to it.
  • Treatment with local remedies does not make sense if the void under the nail was formed as a result of another disease. In this case, you should take all measures to cure it, or bring the body into a state of compensation.
  • In case of damage by contact, you must protect the skin on your hands with rubber gloves before using chemicals.
  • Onychomycosis, which is caused by a fungus, is treated only with antimycotics for local and systemic use.

Natural remedies

Treatment with natural remedies for onycholysis involves the use of baths, lotions, various techniques to strengthen nails and get rid of the fungus.

Iodine bath to improve nails

Such warm baths are very effective for improving the condition of the nail plate:

  1. Heat vegetable oil until warm (half a glass).
  2. Add three drops of iodine and vitamin A.

Apply daily for 15 minutes until the result is obtained. You can use apple cider vinegar instead of iodine.

Bath with sea salt for nails and skin

It is good to use sea salt for the procedure, without dyes and aromatic additives. To this end, add a large spoonful of salt to two glasses of water. The duration of the bath is at least 10 minutes. This treatment should be done every week for an effective result in improving the condition of the nails and the skin around them.

Bath with butter and honey

Mix and heat in a water bath for two large tablespoons of olive oil and honey. After cooling down, add one egg. Place fingers for 10 minutes, then wash thoroughly and spread with cream.

Healing decoction for nails with chamomile and green tea

For one glass of boiling water, take a tea boat and the same amount of green tea. Dip your fingers in a warm broth for 30 minutes. It can be prepared in advance (no more than three days) and then reheated before use.

Strengthening nails with calendula tincture

You can strengthen the nail with a pathology such as onycholysis using. To do this, it is recommended to lubricate it daily with a cotton swab dipped in an alcohol solution. The juice of black or red currant works in the same way..

Lemon for healthy nails and finger skin

You can improve the condition of the skin of the fingers and nails with the help. It is cut in half and just put your fingers in the pulp for 10 minutes. Then hands should be washed with water.

Beeswax trays

With a fungal infection

Such a serious reason for the development of onycholysis, as infection with a fungal infection, requires not only the use of special drugs, but also long-term treatment with folk remedies. This requires perseverance and patience.


It is very beneficial to fight the fungus with ordinary iodine. They need to lubricate the damaged nail twice a day for 20 days.

Propolis tincture

Propolis tincture (20%) can be a real salvation for this disease. It is recommended to moisten a diseased nail in a solution with a tampon for 10 minutes. In a few days, the plate will be able to move away, and a new one will grow in its place.

It is not always necessary to resort to expensive medicines if problems arise with the nails, minor injuries can be cured with folk methods. But when a serious problem arises, consulting a specialist becomes a vital necessity.

Today, it is quite common to meet people who have diseases associated with damage to the nail plate and the skin around it. Even if a person takes great care of their hands and nails, this is not a 100% guarantee of protection against fungal infections.

In addition, according to doctors, many factors affect the condition and health of nails: both the external environment and the internal replenishment of nutrients and vitamins.

The main common deformity of the nail plate is detachment. Such a structural disorder causes a number of negative emotions, so many women seriously think about why their fingernails are moving away from the skin.

In order to give the correct answer and prescribe an effective treatment, you should first of all determine the exact diagnosis and identify the cause.

Common causes for nails to pull away from the skin

To the common fairly common reasons, when the nail leaves the skin, doctors refer to:

  1. Taking strong antibiotics for a long time.
  2. Finger injuries.
  3. Eczema.
  4. Psoriasis.
  5. Atopic dermatitis.

Treatment of the nail plate should be immediate so that no infection gets into the wound.

Yellowness of the nails is a symptom of the disease

Common symptoms of nail disease

The symptomatology that accompanies the disease, in the early stages, may be without pain., but at the same time the following signs will certainly appear:

  1. Detachment of the nail.
  2. Air accumulation under the plate.
  3. The nail plate gradually begins to change color, acquiring an unhealthy jaundice shade.

If you do not pay attention to the initial symptoms in a timely manner, then the nails on the hands can begin to move away from the skin on literally all fingers and then it will be quite late to ask the question why this happened.

Onycholysis: causes and symptoms

Quite often, the cause of peeling nails from the skin is a nail disease - onycholysis. To rule out this cause in the fight for nail health, it is important to know why this disease occurs.

Onycholysis is caused by the following factors:

  1. Diseases of fungal origin.
  2. Major injuries to the fingers.
  3. Somatic hereditary diseases that occur in an acute form.
  4. Infectious diseases during which the nails are affected.
  5. Due to poorly done manicure, build-up (poor processing of instruments, incorrect technology for performing the procedure).

Finger injury can lead to onycholysis

Note! In order not to engage in long-term treatment later. It is better to visit only proven beauty salons or use personal manicure sets.

Knowing the main causes of onycholysis, it becomes clear why the nails on the hands move away from the skin.

However, in order to correctly identify the disease in question, you need to know its symptoms.

Symptoms of the disease:

  1. Significant thickening of the skin under the edge of the nail plate.
  2. Change in color tone (the nail acquires an unhealthy yellow or bluish tint).
  3. A curved border appears on the plate, which separates the healthy segment of the nail from the patient.
  4. The shape of the nail plate changes.
  5. The plate begins to separate strongly over time.
  6. Bad smell.

These are the main symptoms, which first of all should be paid special attention to in order to correctly diagnose the disease. In especially difficult cases, it is necessary to carry out additional laboratory examinations to accurately determine the pathology.

Complete classification of diseases in which nails peel off

Usually, trachyonychia occurs against the background of immunodeficiency, hormonal imbalance, frequent stressful situations... In this case, the disease arises sharply and manifests itself on all nail plates at once.

Symptomatic manifestations:

  1. The surface of the nails is dull. They have a lifeless, sandy appearance.
  2. Sometimes you can observe thin grooves that stretch along the entire nail surface.
  3. Serratedness or obvious cracks.

For an accurate diagnosis of this disease, it is imperative to conduct a biopsy of the bed.... With an obvious disease, spangy matrices will be identified, which spread very quickly, which is why the disease is characterized by a lightning-fast course.

the disease arises sharply and manifests itself on all nail plates at once

In this case, the fingernails begin to completely move away from the skin on almost all fingers within a minimum period.

Mostly occurs after injury. In this connection, the delamination of the nail plate begins from the base. Often the disease is accompanied by inflammatory processes.

To understand why, with this disease, the nails on the hands begin to move away from the skin, it is necessary to consider and other causes unrelated to trauma to the nail plate:

  1. Fungal infection.
  2. Infectious diseases.
  3. Inflammatory processes.
  4. Ingrown nail into soft tissue.

The process of development of the disease lasts for six months... Only after this period of time will the first changes in the nail plate begin to appear: an icteric tint will appear, the nail will either thicken or exfoliate.

Ingrown nail - the cause of onychomadesis

Any dermatologist can diagnose the disease, who will prescribe individual treatment.


A disease that leads to delamination of the nail plate in the center of the nail. In this case, stratification occurs only in rare cases. The main feature is a saucer-shaped notch. At the same time, the nail plate retains a smooth surface, color and thickness.

Most often, peeling of the nail from the skin occurs against the background of fungal or infectious diseases.

In order to promptly start treatment that will prevent irreversible consequences, it is necessary to visit a dermatologist who will determine the cause of the disease, prescribe a special, individual course of treatment.


Onychorexis is characterized by a fracture of the nail that runs along the entire plate, starting from the very edge to the base. Several cracks may appear on one plate. At first, the cracks are hardly noticeable, but if timely treatment is not carried out, then they become deeper.

This disease can often be found in elderly people. This fact is explained by a violation of the circulation of blood flow.

The main reasons for the occurrence:

  1. Eczema.
  2. Injuries.
  3. The use of cheap cosmetic decorative varnishes. Frequent use of acetone to remove it.
  4. Various types of infections.


With this disease, the detachment of the nail from the skin occurs across the nail. At the same time, there are no inflammatory processes, painful sensations.
Almost always, the disease occurs against the background of chemical or mechanical influences. Very often, onychoshisis is called the "occupational disease of pianists."

The main direction of the treatment course is strengthening the nail plate.

Diagnosis is by visual examination. In addition, a laboratory examination is prescribed for the presence of a fungus. The main direction of the treatment course is strengthening the nail plate.


With this type of disease, the nail breaks easily due to the fact that the nail plate is very soft.

This can happen for the following reasons:

  1. Due to external adverse factors.
  2. As a result of chronic diseases of various types.
  3. Hereditary predisposition.
  4. Hormonal disruptions.
  5. Improper diet.
  6. Injuries.

Important to remember! If signs of one of the types of disease are found, it is necessary to visit a doctor who can identify the exact type of onycholysis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Treatments for flaking nails

Treatment of the symptom of peeling of the nail plate is usually carried out with the help of medications and folk recipes in a complex manner.

Drug treatment

To successfully and effectively get rid of the disease, it is recommended to carry out a comprehensive treatment, consisting of the following points:

  1. As a rule, the patient must be prescribed vitamins of the group "A" and "B", since they are among the strengthening agents.
  2. In addition, agents containing calcium and iron are prescribed. Since the lack of these elements leads to the destruction of the nail plate.
  3. To achieve good results, local treatment with medicinal ointments or gels is necessary. The most effective include "Heliomycin ointment", "Radevit".

Radevit is an effective remedy in the complex treatment of the disease

Also, for a month, the following topical preparations should be rubbed into the hole of the diseased nail:

  1. "Bifonazole" (medical antibacterial cream).
  2. Cyclopirox.

In that case, if the disease is fungal, the doctor will prescribe antimycotic drugs... In the absence of positive results, it is possible to change the drugs to other stronger ones, for example, hormonal drugs.

Amorolfine should be rubbed into the socket of a diseased nail

Carefully! In no case should you interrupt the course of treatment without the consent of medical specialists. This can lead to various kinds of complications, up to the complete loss of the nail.

Recommended recipes for folk remedies for the treatment of the disease

With a disease such as onycholysis, it is recommended to do different baths or lotions based on folk recipes. However, popular recommendations should be used as additional means to the main therapy with medication.

Among the popular recipes, the following are considered the most effective:


To avoid the question of why the nails on the hands are moving away from the skin, it is necessary to monitor the nails, carry out various preventive actions that will help not only prevent the onset of the disease, but also strengthen the nail plate, and heal the body as a whole.

It is necessary to treat not only the hands with creams, but also the nail plates.

In order to avoid trouble, make it a habit for yourself:

  1. Constantly monitor your health.
  2. Carefully choose a beauty salon for a manicure, or acquire your own special tools for this procedure.
  3. Treat not only hands with creams, but also nail plates.
  4. Be sure to carry out hardening and health baths. Such procedures significantly activate blood circulation.
  5. To treat nails with special nourishing and strengthening agents: serums, medicinal varnishes, then there will be no questions about why the nails on the hands move away from the skin.

a symptom when the nails on the hands move away from the skin may indicate a lack of vitamins and nutrients in the body. Vitamin complexes can be taken to strengthen and healthy nails.

When the nail plate on the hands begins to move away from the skin, it can lead to a complete loss of the nail. That is why it is important to correctly diagnose the disease and select the necessary treatment, which, in order to achieve the best effect, should be comprehensive, include medicines and folk remedies.

What treatment is needed for fungus on the fingers:

How to get rid of nail fungus at home:

Experience in treating nail fungus:

We are used to considering nails as a kind of decorative part of our body. We monitor their external condition, we try to decorate in all available ways. And sometimes we forget that the horny plates located in the boxes at the tips of the fingers and toes are originally designed to protect soft and vulnerable tissues.

Nails do not hurt, therefore, when something is wrong with them, we ignore the ailment to the last, and go to the doctor in an extremely neglected case. But nail diseases disfigure our appearance and often damage the health of the body as a whole.

They meet very often, it is enough to remember onychomycosis, panaritium, which we have already talked about in the articles on our website. Another common nail disease is onycholysis.

Due to certain internal and external reasons, which will be discussed below, the nutrition of the nail plate is disrupted, a void forms under it. The nail moves away from soft tissues, exfoliates, deforms, changes its color beyond recognition.

Reasons for the appearance

External manifestation Possible reasons
The nail turned yellow



Lichen planus

Contact with dye

The nail turned white


Mechanical damage


Internal diseases (then, usually, all nails change color)

The nail is thickened


Circulatory disorders


Internal illnesses

The nail is twisted



Liver diseases and other internal diseases

The nail comes off

Psoriasis and other internal diseases


Taking certain medications

Internal illnesses

If parents find out that their child's toenails are peeling and coming off, he must be shown to a pediatric dermatologist so that the specialist can identify the cause of the pathology and select the correct treatment.

Detachment of nails of an infectious and non-infectious nature is otherwise called onycholysis. Infections (mainly mycoses) account for 40% of all cases.

There are more than 200 varieties of mycoses of the hands, feet and nails. Some tend to literally corrode the connection between the nail and its bed.

Without treatment, the nail plate can be lost, and the fungus will spread further: to the feet, other nails, between the toes, etc.

Non-infectious causes of nail detachment

One of the most common causes of onycholysis is trauma to the nail plate. Detachment of the nail plate can often be seen after a blow to the phalanx of a finger with the formation of an insignificant hematoma, burns, mechanical "tearing" of the nail due to such neurosis as onychotillomania and onychophagia.

Another cause of onycholysis is an infection, most often a fungal infection. However, a bacterial infection can also cause nail detachment. As a rule, onycholysis is a consequence of a pronounced or prolonged inflammatory process.

Much less often, contact with allergens becomes the cause of the development of onycholysis. As a rule, in this case, the disease is caused by prolonged exposure of the nails and skin to an irritating substance, for example, an allergy to latex.

Sometimes onycholysis, like onychochisis, develops against the background of other diseases, for example, psoriasis, eczema, endocrine disorders, vascular and neurological diseases.

There have been cases of onycholysis due to the use of antibiotics, especially if a long course of treatment with antibacterial drugs is required.

Nails can exfoliate both due to various diseases and under the influence of external factors. To find out why the toenail is moving away, you need to consider the main reasons for the development of this pathology:

  • Diseases of the endocrine system, against the background of the progression of which the nail plates can peel off and peel off.
  • Infections, fungi and bacteria.
  • An allergic reaction of the body, due to which nails can fall off.
  • Wearing shoes that are too tight.
  • Poor-quality extension of artificial nails leads to the separation of the plate at the very bed.
  • Mechanical impact on the nail plate.
  • Prolonged contact with chemicals can also lead to onycholysis.

Very often, the nail plate departs from the soft tissue due to trauma. Many men face this problem, as they pay little attention to the area of ​​the feet, fingers and nails.

Due to the lack of proper hygiene, they develop a fungal infection on their big toes. If you do not undergo medical treatment, your toenails will begin to flake off and may fall off.

The disease is rapid. The nail completely exfoliates from the bed within six months.

One thumb plate on the hand is most often affected. Gradually, the process can move on to others.

If you refuse therapy, you can lose your nail forever, which is why it is so important to immediately consult a doctor.

Some people, especially men, do not attach much importance to this and very late begin to wonder why nail plates fall off on their hands or feet. The following factors may be the causes of onychomadesis.

  • Fungal disease.
  • Toe phalanx injury.
  • Somatic hereditary or acquired diseases in the acute phase.
  • Violation of the growth of the nail plate.
  • Infectious lesions.
  • Improper treatment of infection.
  • Reaction to medications and other chemicals.
  • Poorly conducted nail extension procedure.

Before starting treatment, you will have to eliminate the cause that caused the fragile nail to separate from the bed. We will tell you about what to do if the nail plates are peeling off in the next part of our article.

Types of pathology

Detachment of the nail plate or onycholysis is classified by modern medicine as follows:

  • the nail departs across the growth of the plate - onizoschisis;
  • nails move away from the soft tissues in the center of the plate - kailonhinia;
  • the nail came off at the very base - onychomadesis.

At the moment when the nail on the big toe departs, people may experience discomfort and pain. If the discharge occurred at the base, then most likely the patients will also have to face the inflammatory process.

Symptoms of onycholysis

Often, onycholysis signals certain systemic pathologies. Among them:

  • Disruption of the cardiovascular system;
  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • endocrinopathy;
  • violation of the state of the nervous system.

Onycholysis develops with eczema or psoriasis, bullous or atopic dermatitis.

The main indicator by which one can judge the presence of the disease is the detachment of the edge of the nail plate. Subsequently, this process can go deeper and even affect the area of ​​the hole, that is, the person is in danger of complete falling off of the nail.

Regarding other symptoms of the disease, they differ depending on the causes of onycholysis. So, the main symptoms can be added:

  • unevenness, thickening of the nail plate;
  • discoloration of the nail;
  • pain, redness, swelling, suppuration - these symptoms are characteristic of the infectious nature of the disease;
  • brittle nails, the appearance of small punctate depressions on them;
  • hematomas, bleeding from under the nail - with mechanical injuries.

In order to prevent onycholysis, you need to know how changes occur in the nail coating.

  1. On the root of the nail there are white projections with a straight line. In the presence of a disease, this line becomes curved.
  2. The shape of the nail itself also changes, it looks unnatural.
  3. The color changes, from yellow to blue, depending on the degree of the disease.
  4. In some cases, a black spot appears under the nail.
  5. The skin becomes thicker.
  6. Painful sensations appear with a neglected disease.

People who have a flaking toenail describe the following symptoms:

  • severe pain syndrome;
  • bleeding, in the place where the nail departs from the nail bed;
  • the nail plate lags behind the soft tissues;
  • under the nail, in the voids, air collects;
  • peeling nail turns yellow (may darken);
  • an inflammatory process begins under the detached plate.

The medical name for a disorder in which nails peel off the bed is onychomadesis. It is very easy to find it in yourself, it is enough to know the main symptoms.

  • The nail comes off the skin.
  • Air accumulates under the peeled plate.
  • The part of the nail that has moved away from the bed changes its color: it becomes yellow, bluish or brown.
  • The plate begins to move away from the tip of the finger, gradually the process spreads to the entire nail.

Neither the course of the disease itself, nor its treatment are initially accompanied by pain. The skin under the peeled nail does not bleed.

But if an infection gets on an unprotected bed, ulcers and even pus may appear. If nothing is done to eliminate the violation, then soon the nails can completely move away from the skin.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of onycholysis is based on an external examination of the nails. An analysis for the fungus is mandatory, since onycholysis may be the result of a fungal infection. A fungal infection can also cause diseases such as onychomycosis.

In addition, if the reason for the development of onycholysis is unclear, it is necessary to send the patient for a complete examination to identify the disease that caused the detachment of the nails.

Treatment of onychodystrophy

In the treatment of onycholysis, doctors do not prohibit folk remedies, on the contrary, they consider it advisable to use them in parallel with traditional ones. So, the use is approved:

  • potassium permanganate
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • sea ​​and table salt
  • baking soda
  • essential oils
  • infusions and decoctions of herbs

RECIPE # 1: Mask made from olive and essential oils. In 1 st.

a spoonful of olive oil must be dissolved from 1 to 3 drops of essential oils of coniferous trees, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to this mixture.

They rub their nails with the mixture, put on plastic gloves and cotton gloves (put on socks), so they go to bed all night. The procedure is performed every 3-4 days for 2-3 months.

If necessary, after a break of 1 month, the course is repeated.

RECIPE No. 2: Salt bath. Sea salt (with additives) is diluted in warm water at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon 0.5 l. Dip hands or feet in salted water for a quarter of an hour. The procedure can be repeated every other day, also 2-3 months.

Only a doctor can determine exactly why the nails on the hands exfoliate and move away from the nail bed. Think of onycholysis as a signal your body uses to let you know about a current problem.

Find out the cause of the delamination, undergo a course of treatment, and you will completely get rid of the disease and the cosmetic defect. Tried and tested home remedies for nail peeling will help you with this.

What will the doctor advise?

In any case, a course of fortifying vitamins and microelements is prescribed: vitamins of groups A and B, iron and calcium preparations. It is recommended to take gelatin daily for a long time (3 months).

People suffering from nail detachment should trim the nail close to where it separates from the nail bed. A doctor can help you do this. Long nails are more susceptible to injury.

How is hand nail detachment carried out? It depends on the cause of the problem:

Poor absorption of trace elements and vitamins can cause nail detachment.

The method of treating onycholysis depends on the reasons that caused the detachment of the nails. If the detachment of the nail plates is caused by a general disease, it is necessary to visit a specialized specialist and undergo the course of treatment prescribed by him.

In such cases, the use of only local therapy is ineffective, since the cause of the development of the disease remains unresolved.

It differs depending on the causes of the onset of the disease. Therefore, below we will consider how the therapy of diseased nails is carried out in the infectious and non-infectious nature of the disease.

Some women are worried about the question: "Is it possible to paint nails with onycholysis?" Doctors categorically do not recommend doing this, because one of the reasons for the appearance of the disease is the use of low-quality decorative nail coatings - varnishes, gel varnishes, acrylics.

But in some cases, doctors advise patients to cover their nails with a special compound.

We are talking about when the doctor removes the patient's part of the nail plate, and in its place applies high-quality acrylate or gel material. It provides good adhesion of the nail to the bed, prevents further detachment of the plate.

Sea salt baths. Every day it is recommended to make a bath for hands or feet in a salt solution (1 tbsp of salt is needed for 1 liter of water). You can add a decoction of chamomile, calendula there. It relieves inflammation, saturates the nail plate with useful substances.

Gelatin trays. They ensure the rapid growth of a healthy nail plate, saturate the nails with protein, which is so lacking for the formation of healthy nails. For medicinal baths, you will need regular culinary gelatin.

Pour half a bag of powder with a small amount of water, stir, set aside for half an hour so that the gelatin swells. Then put the mixture in a water bath, wait for the crystals to completely dissolve.

In no case should the liquid boil, otherwise all the beneficial properties of gelatin will evaporate. Then cool the solution in a natural way, lower the handles in warm liquid for 15 minutes. You need to carry out the procedure 3 times a week.

Rubbing nails with tea tree essential oil. It is a strong antiseptic. It has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.

Treatment of onycholysis with tea tree oil consists in applying it regularly (up to 7 times a day) to the nail plate. In this case, drops of oil must necessarily fall both under the nail and on its surface.

After application, it is advisable to rub the product into the nail. The duration of oil use is determined on an individual basis. It is often used until complete recovery.

Iodine baths. They have antifungal, antimicrobial effects. Iodine relieves redness, swelling, soreness. Add 5 drops of iodine to a warm bath of water.

The time for taking such water procedures should not exceed 15 minutes. After that, you need to carefully cut off the protruding edges of the nail plate with scissors, treat the nail with hydrogen peroxide and apply a gauze bandage. Repeat this procedure 2 times a day.

Aloe juice compresses. This plant has anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibacterial properties. Aloe not only prevents further spread of the fungus, but also helps to get rid of unpleasant foot odor.

Compresses from this plant can be safely used for onycholysis of an infectious nature. For this method, old leaves of a plant that is at least 2 years old are suitable.

The cut sheet must be washed, cut lengthwise, divided into small pieces. Apply with a wet side over the entire nail, glue on top with a plaster, wrap with a bandage.

Soak for 30 minutes, then remove the compress, and lubricate the nail and the skin around it with a nourishing cream.

The duration of treatment for onycholysis caused by a fungal infection can be from 2 weeks to 3 months.

With a weak nail plate, the nails on the hands are exfoliated. We have already discussed the possible causes and various symptoms.

Now let's talk about strengthening them, because it is better to prevent a disease than to cure it:

  • You need to wash your hands correctly, do not use soap, if the nails are brittle and exfoliate, it is better to use oils;
  • Nails need peeling, like all skin, so they need to be brushed at least once a day;

Drug therapy

After the doctor has determined why the nail has peeled off, the patient is prescribed complex therapy. Some drugs that are used in cases where the nails are detached should be taken by patients only under the supervision of specialists. This is because they have many side effects. As practice shows, people who have a nail plate on their feet in the center or along the edge should take local or systemic medications for 3 months. Antimycotics prescribed to patients who have begun to peel off the nail include the following drugs:

  • Terbinafil;
  • Fluconazole;
  • Intraconazole;
  • Griseofulvin;
  • Ketoconazole, etc.

If the nail has begun to flake off or has already come off, patients are advised to do special baths. Experts recommend using several time-tested recipes: with soda, potassium permanganate or sea salt.

The injured plate will recede as the nail grows back, so it must be carefully cut or filed off.

In addition to drug therapy, which involves taking such drugs as synthomycin emulsion, heliomycin ointment (5%), Radevit cream, etc., patients whose nails fall off are prescribed:

  • vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • taking gelatin as part of various dishes;
  • physiotherapy procedures.

Onycholysis - peels off and leaves, nails on fingers and toes exfoliate - treatment with folk remedies: recipes

The main weapon against brittle and flaking nails is strengthening baths and lotions. We offer several types of them.

Potassium permanganate and salt

Add a few grains of potassium permanganate to warm water for the bath, dissolve. Also dissolve a full tablespoon of sea salt. After the bath (20-30 minutes) dry your feet with a towel and apply synthomycin emulsion or heliomycin ointment on problem nails and around them.

Butter and garlic

Crush five cloves of garlic in a garlic press or grate and mix them with 1 to 1 butter. Cover the whole damaged peeling nails with this mixture, rub in the composition.


This recipe is against fungus and other infections. Use propolis tincture with alcohol. Apply cotton pads, abundantly soaked in tincture, on sore nails.

Herbal bath with oak bark

What to do if a toenail comes off? A bath of herbs and oak bark will help. Mix three tablespoons of chopped bark with chopped celandine (1 tablespoon table) and tablespoons. flowers of lilac and calendula. Leave the mixture in a water bath, pouring two glasses of boiling water over it.

Prevention measures

You have successfully dealt with nail detachment with medical advice. What's next? Now follow the simple prevention guidelines


Prevention of onycholysis consists in observing hygiene standards and careful nail care. In addition, your nails should be protected from injury and chemicals.

When the first signs of onycholysis appear, do not postpone a visit to a dermatologist. Early treatment will allow you to cope with the problem faster.

In order not to have to ask the question: "How to get rid of onycholysis on the legs or arms?" this problem should not be allowed to appear.

It is always possible to prevent the phenomenon of nail delamination problems.

To do this, you must follow a few simple rules.

  • Take proper care of your nails;
  • Monitor nutrition;
  • It is important to protect the nails from injury, even the smallest;
  • Observe hygiene;

Clean nails free from varnish have access to air, which is important
  • It is worth refraining from a long stay of hands in the water;
  • File your nails regularly;
  • If there are at least some changes in the nail coating, you should immediately contact a dermatologist.

That's all, nothing complicated. You can add a few words also about the need to take breaks between nail polish procedures. One way or another, this is a load on the nail plate, and it needs to "breathe". Do not forget about it and be healthy!

After the patient has come off the nail, he should be more attentive to himself and his health. He must know what to do to prevent the recurrence of this pathological process:

  • Regularly and thoroughly care for the nail plates, in particular, trim them as they grow back.
  • Minimize contact with harmful and toxic agents. If household chemicals are used when cleaning the house, then personal protective equipment should be used.
  • Take vitamins periodically.
  • Treat chronic diseases in a timely manner.
  • Maintain personal hygiene, always wash your hands after visiting the street.


  • burning;
  • peeling;
  • yellow nails;
  • sweating and odor.

Have you forgotten when you were in a good mood, let alone well-being? Yes, problems with a fungus can seriously ruin life! But there is a solution: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and Honored Doctor of Dermatologist of Russia Sergeev Yu.V. tells the details ... >>>

Nutrition to strengthen nails

You need to eat right so that your nails receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.

  • To saturate the human body with vitamin C, you need to add boiled chicken, turkey, liver, fish, legumes to the diet. Oranges, grapefruit, lemon, pomelo, tangerine, kiwi, red bell pepper, cabbage, parsley, onions, spinach, celery, tomatoes, raspberries have a large amount of vitamin C.
  • Copper-rich foods: peanuts, hazelnuts, peas, shrimp, rice, wheat, buckwheat, lentils, oatmeal, beans, pasta.

  • Zinc is found in boiled beef, turkey meat, egg yolks, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and coconuts.
  • Iron can be obtained by consuming spinach, corn, buckwheat, cashews, pistachios, pine nuts, oatmeal, and barley.
  • Fruits such as avocado, papaya, pineapple, banana, and mango will help saturate the body with enzymes. Cheese, garlic, and cottonseed oil also contain enzymes. When heated, they are destroyed, so the listed products should be eaten raw.

Water is also very important.

When the nail plate moves away from the skin, then the nails seem to be unkempt, and, therefore, there is an opinion that a person simply does not know how to take care of himself or is simply lazy.

But, often it is behind the peeling of the nail that various kinds are hidden. diseases.

In addition to the fact that such a deformation as a phenomenon is unpleasant in itself, but it is also entails other violations For example, germs can accumulate under a peeled plate and cause fungal diseases.

If you notice the slightest signs that your nail plate is starting to separate, you should find out why this process began in order to start surgical treatment.

Negligence in the deformation of the nail, can lead to complete separation of the plate from the skin not just one finger, but the rest. Let's take a look at the main reasons that cause peeling nails and symptoms.

Have you ever heard of onychomadesis? This is the disease in which the nail plate moves away from the bed. The symptoms of this disorder are very simple:

  • the nail plate begins to move away from the skin;
  • air accumulates under the nail;
  • a yellowish, and sometimes brown or even blue color of the nail appears;
  • peeling of the plate begins from the end of the finger, and not in time, the help provided leads to spread over the entire nail.

Such symptoms are completely are not accompanied by pain syndrome... There are no signs of bleeding under the plate either.

But, if bacteria get in ulcers occur, and then purulent discharge from under the plate begins.

This disease progresses rapidly and, after six months, you lose your nail. This lesion is significantly characteristic of the thumb, and then it spreads to other nails.

The danger of onychomadesis is that you can lose a nail forever if you do not apply timely therapy. Therefore, at the first noticeable symptoms, seek the advice of a mycologist.

In most cases, onychomadesis is a huge problem for men, since initially they do not attach importance to this type of disease. As a result, the nail plates are permanently lost. Agree that this does not look aesthetically pleasing on men's fingers (even the saying that a man is painted with scars does not save him).

Factors that induce flaking of the plate:

  • fungal nail diseases;
  • an allergic reaction to drugs and chemicals;
  • infection during nail extension (be sensitive to the choice of the master);
  • introduction of an infection, and then its incorrect treatment;
  • hereditary diseases (may be acquired);
  • injury to the finger, namely the phalanx;
  • impaired nail growth;
  • wearing tight shoes.

In addition, there are such types of nail diseases:

  • kailonhinia disease (flaking of the plate in the middle of the nail);
  • onychoshisis (there is a detachment across the growth);
  • onychomadesis (we have already mentioned this type of disease above);
  • (fungal disease);
  • dystrophy of the nail.

What should be done to avoid the separation of the nail from the skin?

Many are already beginning to think about the reasons for the flaking of the nail during the course of the disease, but rarely does anyone take preventive measures.


  • contamination of nails should not be allowed, so you need to trim and file them in time, and then lubricate with a nutritious agent or essential oils;
  • have individual manicure devices, as well as pay special attention to tools during manicure and pedicure procedures in salons;
  • always use protective gloves when handling household chemicals.

How to treat a nail that is loose from the skin?

Let's consider the main popular problems - fungus and nail dystrophy as they occur most often. More serious diseases are treated strictly under the supervision of a physician.

Prevention of nail dystrophy

Dystrophy of the nail - this disease is characterized by excessive lamination and brittle nails and appears with weak blood microcirculation. To prevent its development, adhere to these rules:

  • the body always requires vitamins during illness, therefore, a course of multivitamins is required, as well as a balanced diet;
  • stabilization of blood microcirculation, for this purpose daily finger massage procedures are used;
  • carrying out disinfection procedures. To do this, take a bath for hands or feet with a manganese solution.

Nail fungus

Nail fungus is one of the most unpleasant infectious diseases during which there is intense exfoliation of the nail plate from the skin, which is accompanied by itching. Folk remedies for the appearance of nail fungus:

  • processing the affected area with iodine solution;
  • using a kombucha compress. I apply a small piece to the nail, wrapping it with a plaster or cellophane. The compress is not removed during the day, and after removal, the nail is treated with an iodine solution;
  • a similar compress is made from propolis. Such procedures can be alternated;
  • soda baths also help with fungal diseases. They are taken twice a day.

Proper hand care and quality manicure help preserve the healthy appearance of your nails. In case of the first signs of deformation of the nail plate, you should seek the advice of a mycologist.

The nail moves away from the finger: how to treat.

Onycholysis is a disease characterized by detachment of the nail plate. You can, of course, mask such a noticeable external defect with colored nail polish. But such a cosmetic measure is effective only at the onset of the disease.

Very soon it will be impossible to hide the damaged area with varnish. Therefore, it is better to start treatment faster, otherwise the consequences will be irreversible: you can completely lose the nail plate.

The disease can affect even people who are very attentive to their health and appearance. It's just that the first signs of the disease are suddenly found, and you have to quickly begin treatment.

What is the cause of damage to the nail plate, and what measures should be taken to get rid of the symptoms of this disease?

Why is the big toe nail coming off?

  • The progression of the onycholysis disease leads to the destruction of the nail plate and its separation from the nail bed. A void appears under the nail, filled with air.
  • The damaged part of the nail is gradually separated from the soft tissues of the finger. In this case, the color of the entire nail changes: it becomes bluish or yellowish.
  • The inflammatory process begins with a barely noticeable detachment, which at first is easy to mask with dark varnish. But the fight against nail detachment should be started immediately.
  • Onycholysis can affect both the entire nail and part of it. The use of various antifungal agents without the appointment of a dermatologist is fraught with a more serious spread of the infection.

You cannot start the onycholysis process! It is also impossible to self-medicate: without consulting an experienced specialist, it is impossible to identify the cause of the disease and only a doctor can prescribe the correct treatment.

Causes of onycholysis

The non-infectious nature of the disease is a change in the nail plate under the influence of various external and internal factors:

  • The disease can begin to develop after taking antibiotics (cessation of antibiotic therapy leads to the restoration of the nail plate).
  • Mechanical damage is distinguished among external factors.
  • The toenail may begin to separate from the toe from tight shoes (in women, the big toenail is especially affected by wearing stiletto heels that squeeze the toes).
  • The reason may be a decrease in blood flow to the extremities or a violation of neuro-humoral regulation.
  • The nail is affected when the skin comes into contact with various allergens (it can be a washing powder, a solvent, or a chemical reagent). In this case, the action of the provoking factor should be excluded.
  • Detachment of the nail is possible after infection.
  • Fungal skin diseases also cause nail damage (spreading, the disease begins to manifest itself on the toes and hands).

Fungal nail infection is the most common cause of nail separation from the nail bed. 2-5% of people with weak immunity are susceptible to fungal nail infection.

You can pick up such an ailment in public baths, saunas, swimming pools, sports clubs, even in a shower hospital. Tactile contact with the patient also leads to the development of the disease.

Therefore, you can not wear shoes of a person affected by fungal diseases. It is difficult to find out that the nails are affected by a fungus simply by visually examining the nail plates. Laboratory tests will be required.

  • At the first signs of the disease, you should consult a dermatologist. In the laboratory, a sample of the material is examined, which will determine the causative agent of the disease. Only then will the doctor be able to prescribe the appropriate treatment.
  • In addition to damage to the nail plates on the hands and feet, onychomycosis (fungus) affects the skin and hair. Therefore, it is important to start treatment as soon as possible.
  • Self-treatment of the fungus leads only to the relief of external manifestations. But the fungus is not completely cured, which ultimately becomes the cause of the re-development of onychomycosis.

Internal factors in the development of onycholysis:

  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system
  • chronic diseases
  • psycho-neurological disorders
  • disruption of the endocrine glands

The development of onycholysis leads to and skin diseases:

  • eczema
  • psoriasis
  • various dermatitis
  • dermatoses

Toenail can begin to separate from the nail bed after injury due to mechanical, physical or chemical factors.

What is primary symptoms of the disease, allowing you to quickly determine the presence of the disease?

  • separation of the nail from the tissue of the finger
  • the presence of an air-filled void under the nail
  • inflammation
  • the affected area bothers with aching pain
  • the nail bed may bleed
  • the appearance of yellowish or grayish spots on the nail plate
  • nail plate starts to thicken
  • the nail exfoliates, its structure becomes loose and disintegrates into crumbs

The nail can start detach from a finger

  • in the middle of the nail plate
  • across the growth of the nail plate
  • at the very base with severe inflammation

The nails on the hands move away from the nail bed: reasons

  • The separation of the nail from the nail bed on the hand can be accompanied by pain and discomfort. The reasons for the detachment of the nail plate on the hands are the same, which lead to damage to the toenail.
  • For the fair sex, the separation of the nail plate becomes a real nightmare. You really want your hands to be well-groomed. This is only possible if the skin and nails on the hands are healthy.
  • Often, the reason for the separation of the nail in women is their excessive enthusiasm for the guidance of beauty on the hands and feet. For example, products with acids are used for a long period.
  • These can be gel polishes, use without the need for an acid-free primer (bonder) designed to adhere the base coat to the nail.
  • The procedure for extending nails with gel or acrylic can also lead to the development of onycholysis: during the procedure, a fungal infection may be introduced under the nail bed.

What to do if nails are moving away from the skin on hands and feet, how to treat?

  • Treatment of a damaged nail should be started early in the development of the disease. The sooner the cause of the damage is identified, the more chances you have to maintain the integrity of the nail plate.
  • If the nail begins to flake off due to mechanical damage, then in addition to treatment, it is important to keep it clean. When the nail begins to grow back gradually, the damaged area must be carefully partially cut off.
  • By gluing an antibacterial patch to the nail, you can avoid getting an infection. Over time, the nail will fully recover and you can forget about the emptiness under the nail.
  • If an infection enters the damaged area under the exfoliated part of the nail, the consequences can be very serious. Even a finger amputation is not excluded.

How to treat nail fungus, you can learn from the article:

And this article contains information on antifungal drugs:

Treatment should be accompanied by the intake of vitamins.

Onycholysis often begins after a fungal infection. Compliance with the basic rules of safe behavior in these places will save you from fungus:

  • You cannot walk barefoot in such a room.
  • It is better to put on your own pair of shoes, rather than use the one that is offered in this institution.

The nail, which is just beginning to flake off, does not bother with unpleasant sensations, there is no pain. The surface of the nail does not bleed.

But an infection quickly enters the affected space, which leads to damage to the soft tissues of the skin on the fingers.

  • Ulcers begin to form under the nail plate, pus appears, the affected area becomes inflamed. If delayed with the start of treatment, the nail may completely separate from the finger and fall off. A finger without a nail plate is not a sight for the faint of heart.
  • Treatment of onycholysis is long-term. Only a dermatologist will be able to determine the exact reason for the separation of the nail from the nail bed, and, depending on it, will prescribe the necessary medications or ointments.
  • If the nail begins to separate from the nail bed due to a progressive disease, then it is necessary to go to the doctor and identify the cause.
  • If the nail is damaged by chemicals, you need to protect your hands from interacting with them. Wear gloves if necessary.
  • The hospital may prescribe treatment with antimycotics (ketoconazole, griseofulvin, or others). But they are taken only under the supervision of a doctor, since side reactions are possible. The duration of continuous treatment with them is from 3 months to a year.
  • In parallel with the treatment, it is necessary to devote at least 20 minutes daily to baths with sea salt, potassium permanganate, baking soda. After the procedure for 15 days, lubricate the affected area with an anti-fungal cream. As soon as the nail plate begins to grow, it needs to be cut down a little.
  • But after the complete restoration of the nail plate, the treatment does not stop: you need to continue to rub the ointment into the nail hole. In this way, the development of such dangerous diseases as eczema and dermatitis can be prevented.

Folk remedies for getting rid of onycholysis

if there are contraindications to the use of oral antibiotics (if the kidneys or liver are sick), you can start treatment with herbal infusions, olive oil.

Traditional methods of treating onycholysis are quite effective. Only the fight against the disease should be carried out consistently and continuously, until the symptoms of the disease are eliminated. If traditional methods of treatment are used irregularly, then there will be no effect from them.

Olive Oil Recipe for Onycholysis Nails


  • 1 part olive oil
  • 1 part lemon juice


The components are mixed and applied to the nails. Cotton gloves are put on hands. The mixture is left overnight. It is necessary to repeat the treatment with olive oil at least 2 times during the week. The full course is 3-4 months.

Compress recipe for the treatment of nails based on glycerin and alum


  • water - 70 g
  • glycerin - 20 g
  • alum - 5 g


All ingredients are mixed and the resulting mixture is applied to the nails and left overnight. You can use the composition for baths: immerse your fingers in a warm mixture for 10-15 minutes.

Sea salt recipe


  • 500 g warm water
  • 1 tablespoon sea salt


The salt is added to the water. The resulting mixture is used for baths. Hands are immersed in warm water for 10-15 minutes. The baths should be repeated 3-4 times during the week.

Sea salt does an excellent job of treating nail lesions, and also strengthens the nail plate and is a good prevention of various diseases on the nails.

Sea salt baths strengthen nails

Such means will not cure the fungus, but its spread can be avoided. The procedures contribute to the rapid and intensive growth of the nail plate. The nails become healthy and firm.

In addition to treatment with medication or folk methods, you should increase the diet with alkaline foods, fresh vegetables and fruits. Eat more vitamins.

Regular care of your nails on the hands and feet will help you notice changes on the nail plate in time and react to them.

Video: fungal diseases of the skin and nails Treatment methods