New Year's story with a dragon - a script for a home show. Interesting facts about the movie The Secret of the Dragon Seal

All children love attention and they want special attention. on my birthday... They want to receive not only a gift in a box and a cake. Boring gatherings with relatives who are several times older than the birthday person are not interesting for children and are irrelevant today.

Children want their birthday to be extraordinary, memorable, to have a lot of fun, joy and games. To do this, many parents use the services of animators, companies that are professionally involved in organizing holidays. This option is ideal, because parents will be able to relax at the child's birthday party and become direct participants in it, throwing all the problems out of their heads. Moreover, there is no need to think about renting a suit and persuade any acquaintance to put on this suit and entertain the children.
But if there is a desire (creative impulse) to organize a birthday on your own, then we hope that the contests and riddles below will help you with this.

Children 6 or 7 years old are curious are already quite independent and want adventure. Therefore, the birthday scenario for a child 6 years old or a little older should be adventurous, stimulating to knowledge, unusual, but not too abstruse!
You can choose for a birthday, but it is better for this age to concretize the topic, take as a basis a certain plot with specific characters. For example, loved by many cartoon "How to Train Your Dragon", according to which several episodes have already been released and there is a game.
We are offering to you an example scenario of a child's birthday based on this cartoon, but you can slightly change it to suit your home conditions by watching the cartoon in advance.

When inviting children to the birthday of your child, you must warn them that they will definitely need to watch the cartoon "How to Train Your Dragon" at home (1 part is enough).

Birthday invitations
In order to make invitations, you will need to print on a color printer pictures of dragons from the cartoon "How to Train Your Dragon".
By folding a sheet of colored cardboard in half, sticking a picture with a dragon on the outside, you can write an interesting message inside. Do not forget the date and place of the celebration.

Festive table
Here you need to show imagination. The fact is that children do not like intricate dishes, they like pizza, sausages, french fries, sweets. Italian salad may not be in demand.
The main rule is that you need to arrange food in a very unusual way. The Vikings sailed on ships, so it is worth making boat sandwiches with sausage and cheese strung on a skewer (sail), on the pizza you can put a dragon figurine using halves of olives or olives.
The cake must be in the form of a dragon.

Birthday stroke
Today we will go with you on an extraordinary journey, where adventure and danger will await us. Hope you're not afraid of dragons? Because you have to face different dragons.
Let's see how well you know the characters in How To Train Your Dragon.

1. What is the name of the boy of the main character of the cartoon? (Hiccup).
2. What did the warriors among whom Hiccup lived called themselves? (Vikings).
3. What is the name of the island where the Vikings live? (Goof).
4. What was the name of the most mysterious species of dragon, with which Hiccup later became friends? (Night fury).
5.With what device did Hiccup bring down the Night Fury? (Using a catapult trap).
6. What part of the dragon's body was damaged by the fall? (Tail).
7. Who was Hiccup's father? (Leader of the tribe).
8. What was the name of Hiccup's father? (Stoic).
9. What name did Hiccup give to the dragon of the Night Fury? (Toothless).
10. Why Toothless? Is it true that the Night Fury has no teeth? (No. The teeth are hidden in the gums).
11. What is the name of the girl with whom Hiccup is secretly in love? (Astrid)
12. What troubles did dragons bring to the Vikings? (Dragons stole food from the Vikings).
13. Why did dragons steal food from the Vikings? (To feed the giant dragon living in the cave).
14. What color is Toothless? (Black).
15. What trait (ability) does Toothless have? (He can breathe out a beam of blue flame and is also very fast.)
16. What is the name of the type of dragon that throws sharp thorns with the help of its tail? Does this kind of dragon have the hottest spewing flame that can melt steel? (Coil).
17. Who became the Serpentine rider? (Astrid)
18. What was the name of the dragon Astrid flew? (Thunder Guild).
19. What is the name of the plump boy, friend of Hiccup, who read the book about dragons seven times and later became its keeper. (Fishlegs).
20. What is the name of the type of dragon that has a mace at the end of its tail. In addition, it has a large head and small wings. Is this dragon spewing balls of hot lava? (Grommel).
21. What was the name of the dragon that Fishlegs flew on? (Sausage).
22. What is the name of the boy who loves to mock Hiccup and tries to look after Astrid. This boy is strong, muscular, tall, but stupid. (Blown her nose).
23. What is the name of the type of dragon that has a red color. This dragon is very strong and fast. He spits a burning sticky liquid. (Terrible Beast).
24. What dragon did Snotlout fly? (Terrible Beast).
25. What was the name of the dragon that Snotlout flew on? (Crooktusk).
26. What were the names of the twins' children, Hiccup's friends? (Bully and Bully).
27. What dragon did Bully and Bully fly on? (Nightmare Fasteners).
28. How many heads does the Nightmare Pinhead have? (Two).
29. What can the heads of the Nightmare Buckhead do? (One head exhales gas and the other ignites it.)
30. What was the name of the dragon on which the Bully and the Bully flew? (Leopard and Vepr).
31. What color are the scales of the dragon Ruffles and Tuffy? (Green).
Note: For the correct answer, you must give a token or candy. At the end of the quiz, whoever has the most answers becomes the deputy leader of the tribe. The leader of the tribe, of course, is the birthday man.

Presenter: So, we have chosen the leader and his deputy, now it is necessary to name our Viking tribe?
Children come up with a name.

Presenter: Each member of the tribe must have their own dragon. Do you agree?
Assignment: Each child is given a piece of paper and pencils. You need to draw your own dragon and come up with a species name and name, and then tell what abilities it is endowed with. Now each child has his own dragon, the image of which can be attached to the child's clothes with the help of scotch tape.

Presenter: Now you need to see which of the dragons is the most agile.
Task: Small objects (for example, buttons) are poured onto the floor. Each player is given a plastic cup, into which, on command, everyone begins to collect the scattered parts. The smartest one who collects the most parts.

Presenter: And now it's time to check which of the dragons is the most discerning.
Game: A bag is required to play. It is necessary to put various objects in the bag (even number), for example: a felt-tip pen, a ruler, a toy, a spoon, a coin, a part of a constructor, a flashlight, etc.
Then two players are selected and blindfolded. Seeing nothing, each player in turn must remove an object from the bag and say what it is. The winner is the one who names the most items.

Presenter: Now let's see how well the dragon can understand its master.
Game: To play, you need to choose four children and break them in pairs. In each pair, it is necessary to determine who is the rider and who is the dragon. Chairs are arranged in a chaotic manner in the room.
The child, who plays the role of a dragon, must remember the arrangement of chairs in the room, after which he is blindfolded. Blindfolded, the dragon must walk to the other side of the room without falling. In this he must be helped by his rider, who will stand and tell him what to do and where to go. Those. shout: step to the right, step to the left, to the left, three steps forward, etc.
At the same time, two dragons begin to walk and at the same time the riders shout their route to them. It is important to listen only to the voice of your partner. Whoever reaches the other end of the room first wins.

Presenter: Now let's check out how smart our adventurers are.
Game: One child is chosen to play. His task is to tell any fairy tale, replacing the main character with a dragon, and tell it to the children, and the children must figure out what kind of fairy tale it is.
For example: The grandfather planted the dragon, the dragon grew big, big, the grandfather pulls the dragon by the tail and cannot pull it out…. (The tale of the turnip).
There lived three dragon brothers, one built himself a house from straw, and the second from branches, and the third from stone…. (Tale of the Three Little Pigs).

Presenter: Everyone is probably hungry, and it's time to go to the festive table.
The birthday script is complete.

Hello dear readers, guests, friends. I am finishing my story about the preparation and conduct of Dasha's 8th birthday in the style of "How to Train Your Dragon." You asked me how the image of the whole event is born: immediately or gradually. I have it right away. I clearly understood what I wanted to do. It was supposed to be either a game quest or active games with animators.

But even earlier, I had to choose a room. I went to several play areas and chose the one that visually appealed to me the most. A bonus was the convenient location (on our metro line). I discussed the date with the administrators and decided to ask if they have animators that I need. We discussed many options and found the one! I was shown the costumes of Toothless and Icking. And this moment decided the outcome of the case. The place was booked (about 2 months before the expected date of the celebration), the presenters were chosen, it remained to prepare the little things: decorations for the photo zone, a sweet table and decorations.

I showed you in detail how we did it, to the guests and for them, as I am to the birthday girl. In parallel, the decorating team drew me cardboard dragons, which you can see in the photographs. Now Thunder Guild and a terrible horror live in our house. I think they are here for a long time. By the way, I really liked the quality of the cardboard figures and the fact that they were brought immediately to the booked play space, which saved me the headache of transporting them. True, one kind dad of our guest brought them home to me in his big car, since I was carrying three children and a trunk of gifts 🙂

About the sweet table. Last year I ordered a solid meal, this year I decided to limit myself to donuts and cake. I bought rum donuts before the holiday, and I ordered the cake in advance. It turned out to be incredibly tasty and beautiful (if the contacts of the pastry chef are needed, I will definitely share them in my personal correspondence).

Honestly, we didn't expect a single birthday. It was very exciting. Most of all, I and the guests were afraid that no one got sick, because viruses are raging in February. But! Everything went perfectly. 12 little Vikings set off on a journey with their beloved dragon. The whole holiday lasted 3 hours: 30 minutes for packing, 60 minutes of playing with animators, 30 minutes of a photo session and a sweet table, 60 minutes of free play. The combination was perfect. Had we finished the holiday right after the animators left, the children would not have played enough. And so they were able to run, jump, climb bridges, walls and all kinds of sports facilities to their hearts content.

They were all wet from head to toe. But all dressed up together, dried up and went about their business. I forgot to say, we did the holiday in the morning. It started at 11 am and it turned out to be very convenient, because having finished at 14.00, the children and parents had half a day off ahead and at the very holiday they were cheerful and cheerful.

If you still have questions for me, I will be happy to answer! And now I'll just show you the happy moments of our holiday.

Scenario of the "Chinese Dragon" holiday.

Q.1 Today we are gathered here to spend an unforgettable holiday - the Chinese New Year. To do this, we will go to this mysterious country in order to learn its culture and traditions, but on the way we face various difficulties and obstacles, and those who are not afraid of difficulties and pass all the tests will turn our holiday into a real Chinese miracle. Well, what New Year is without gifts? We have not forgotten about them. Because We look forward to your active participation.

Lead 2:
Will dragons and strange Chinese rituals scare you? Are you ready to celebrate?

Lead 1:
Fine! Then let's get acquainted! My name is Baozhei. I came from the Chinese province of Yunnan.

Lead 2:
And I'm Kingling. I come from Guangdong province, from the eastern part of China.

Lead 1:
Let’s you shout your names out loud. As loud as it happens only on the day of the purple sakura blossom on the Red Dragon holiday!

Lead 2:
China is a great state with a rich culture that arouses genuine interest among people all over the world. In 2008, the Olympiad was held in Beijing ... And what do you already know about this ancient state?

Lead 1:
We will help you. Let's play the game "I believe - I do not believe." You will be voiced assertions with China, and you must agree or disagree, saying yes or no. ":
Chinese students write on the chalkboard with a brush and colored ink. (Yes)
The Chinese were the first to learn to mine silk thread. (Yes)
In China, fortified pencils are produced for children who have a habit of chewing them. (Yes)
China is the birthplace of porcelain. (Yes)
In one of the Chinese circuses, crocodiles can dance tango. (No)
The Chinese have a tumbler doll called Daruma. (no, it's a Japanese doll)
Chinese people are taller in the morning than in the evening. (yes, but this applies not only to Chinese, but to people of any nationality)
The Great Wall of China can be seen from space. (Yes)
In Chinese schools, disposable boards. (No)
Gunpowder was invented in China. (Yes)
The first telephone was invented by a Chinese. (No)
Dumplings are also eaten in China. (Yes)

Host 2. Do you know how they write in China? Here in Russian - in letters, but in Chinese? (in hieroglyphs). Let's try to become real Chinese and try the writing of this country. (They write hieroglyphs based on examples)

Or the arigami competition.

Lead 1:
According to legend, the eastern part of the sky is guarded by a blue dragon, and the western part by a white tiger. The guard of the south is a red bird and the north is a turtle. Under the vault of heaven lies a square earth, in the center of which is China. Today you will also play the role of the guards of the Celestial Empire.
It is necessary to divide the children into two teams equally. The relay is held traditionally: the teams stand parallel to each other, at a distance from them there are two chairs that must be run around in order to return and pass the baton to the next member of their team.
However, in this case, the participants should not just run, but move in a certain way. The first participants from each team depict sluggish turtles: they must walk with the heel of the front foot to the toe of the back (that is, take very small steps).
The second depict birds: they wave their hands and raise their knees high, as if marching.
Still others are dragons: they spread their legs as wide as possible and walk on bent ones, also waving their arms.
The fourth depict a tiger and move on all fours.
If there are more than four people in the team, the fifth and the rest of the participants decide for themselves how they will move - like a turtle, a tiger, a dragon or a bird. The first team to complete the relay wins.

Lead 2: The dragon's fang was considered a powerful talisman in China. Do you want to have the same amulet?
The presenter puts in the center of the table at which the children are sitting, a box or box with “fangs”: these can be fang-shaped beads (commercially available) or “fangs” made of dough with a hole for threading. Also, the presenter gives the children a piece of silk thread long enough so that, after tying it, the amulet can be worn around the neck.
Assignment for children: string three canines on a thread, then tie the thread and put it around the neck. The three fastest winners receive small prizes. However, you need to wait until everyone succeeds. If someone does not succeed, have other guys help.

Lead 1:
In ancient China, the fan was not only used for its intended purpose, but was also an important sign of distinction: the decoration and elegance of the fan spoke of the wealth and authority of its owner. There was a code that determined who owned which fan. The family of the emperor was supposed to have a fan, decorated with gold and jade. Mandarins (dignitaries) used a fan made of silver and ivory. And the simplest was the scientist's fan - made of waxed paper.
I suggest you practice using a fan. Everyone gets a fan and a feather. It is necessary to wield a fan in such a way that the feather lasts as long as possible in the air. We are divided into teams. Each has 4 people. I am giving you fans and feathers. The music is turned on; whoever of the team has a feather that lasts the longest, he brought victory to his team.

Lead 2:

Fairy tale. In ancient China, a very beautiful sakura tree grew (the 1st child depicts a tree). He had very beautiful branchy branches (waving his arms), and his flowers were pleasing to everyone's eyes.
A nightingale always liked to circle over this tree (the 2nd child depicts a bird), he always liked to hum his song (he sings like a chik-chirik-chirp), and the tree always began to wiggle its branches (wiggle its hands), as if singing along with him.
From childhood, the little Samurai loved to study under the Kun-Fu tree. He always practiced his techniques (the 3rd child shows type of techniques). And the little nightingale always carefully watched him and sang his song to him so that he would not be bored (the 2nd child sings).
Once a samurai saw a princess surrounded by friends (4th, 5th, 6th child), they laughed and joked merrily, sang songs (4th - 6th sing trawl-la-la). He really liked this girl, the girl also liked him very much, but they did not dare to approach each other. (3rd 4th are embarrassed). Friends seeing this (5th, 6th) persuade them to meet tomorrow at sunset.
And the next day Samurai was sitting under a tree enjoying the sunset. The nightingale sang to him (the 2nd sings) a song, the sakura hid him from the sun under its branches (the 1st waves his hands).
Meanwhile, friends gathered the princess on a date (5th, 6th dress 4th). They helped her choose an outfit and jewelry.
And now, having gathered, she went on a date to the samurai (4th goes)
A little before reaching the tree near which the samurai was waiting for her (the 3rd sits) and the nightingale dog his sonorous song (the 2nd sings), she saw the dragon (the 7th child) .. The dragon began to growl very loudly and grabbed the princess and took away far, far away. The samurai saw this, rushed to the trail, but did not have time to catch up with them.
At this loud roar, the princess's friends came running and began to think with the samurai how to save the princess .. They gave him a horse (8th child), which was faster than lightning and a sword sharper than any blade (long ball).
The samurai took the sword and, jumping on his horse, rushed after the princess.
Sakura waved her branches in the trail, the nightingale sang its sonorous song, and the friends ate kept their tears.
And for more than one day a samurai was driving after his princess. He was very tired and was barely alive, the horse also did not run so briskly.
And so they finally got there. Seeing the princess and the dragon, they regained their strength.
The samurai summoned a dragon to fight. The dragon took his sword (2nd long ball) and went into battle. They fought for a long, long time. Both the samurai and the dragon were injured, but the samurai managed to thrust his sword right into the dragon's heart and defeated him.
The samurai took the princess, they jumped on their horse and galloped back. They returned to the tree, where their friends were waiting. The nightingale sang a song to them. The tree rustled with its foliage. They all hugged and lived long and happy. End

Lead 1:
After the games, children are invited to a sweet table with a tea ceremony, and children try to eat with chopsticks. Before dessert, the host talks about the peculiarities of the tea ceremony. Well, after dinner you can read fortunes at the "Book of Changes". In fact, this is the usual comic fortune-telling based on any book. Anyone who wants to know fate should name a page and a line. The fortuneteller reads the line and then tries to interpret it. For fortune telling at a children's party in the Chinese style, you can use a book of Chinese folk tales. If the children themselves cannot interpret, the facilitator should help. All predictions, of course, must be very positive.

Host 2: There is a legend in China about the mysterious flower of happiness. Many have tried to find it, but no one has succeeded yet. Today you are given a unique opportunity to find the flower of happiness right here.
Paper flowers are scattered all over the table. Children between the plates are looking for a flower marked with some sign, for example, a butterfly, because the Chinese character (butterfly) is consonant with the word.

Host 1: Let's raise the juice bowls to happiness. For the happiness of you and your parents. After all, we all know that, contrary to legend, happiness is not in the flower, but in those who are next to us - in our loved ones.

Requisites for 1 department:
1) Simple origami diagrams for children (5 pcs. Different)
2) Colored paper, or A4 sheets under origami (the more, the better)
3) 8 fans (not necessarily Chinese - any)
4) Delicious tea (pack)
5) Treats (fruits, pies, sweets, livers)
6) Juices (2 packages)
7) Chinese sticks
8) Plates, spoons, glasses
9) Paper flowers
10) Tablecloth
11) 8 prizes for the quiz "I do not believe"
12) The head of the Chinese dragon (where the hell is this?)
13) Chinese Dragon Tail (where the hell is this?)

How the presenters should be dressed, see for yourself by typing the word "Geisha" in Google

Scenario for a home show - NEW YEAR'S STORY. The roles were played by my daughter and I, as well as the corresponding soft toys.

The girl is alone in the room.

Girl (sings): "Soon, soon New Year ... Soon, soon New Year ..." Soon, soon, and for how long. Now it is still only morning, then there will be day, then - evening, and only then - night, twelve o'clock, New Year. Go wait ... Music, or what to listen to, so that the time will run faster.

Turns on the tape recorder, the song "While the clock strikes twelve" sounds, the girl sings along.

Girl: Stop, stop, stop. "While the clock strikes twelve!" It means this: the clock strikes twelve, the New Year is coming, everyone congratulates each other, Santa Claus puts gifts under the tree. That is what is needed for the New Year to come as soon as possible - to make the clock strike twelve times. Yes, this is a couple of trifles. We take the watch. We move the hands to twelve o'clock. And the clock strikes ...

Disturbing music and the chime of the clock are heard. The light goes out.

Girl: Oh-oh-oh! Why is it so dark? Who turned off the light? I'm scared.

The light comes on. Before the girl is the Keeper of Time.

Girl: Hello ... Hello ... Hello!

Time Keeper: Hello, hello, silly girl.

Girl: Why am I stupid? And who are you, anyway, to call me names? And where did I go?

Time Keeper: Well, I'll try to answer all your questions. Sit down and listen.
They call me the Keeper of Time
I save time and I keep
I cherish him carefully,
I don't rush it, I don't waste it, I don't drive it.
Everything in the world has its own time -
There is a time to rest
And there is - to teach a lesson,
There is a time - autumn, and summer, and spring,
There is time for the beautiful Winter.
And once a year,
At twelve, right on time,
New Year comes to people.
But you wanted to adjust the time
You wanted to become smarter than nature itself.
And as a result - here's a lesson for you
The holiday will not come to us just in time,
And you - you came to us, in the kingdom of fairy tales,
You have to live here without prompts
Without mom, grandmother, without grandfather, without friends -
This is what you have done out of your stupidity.

Girl: But I ... I didn't mean to do anything wrong. I just wanted to ... Oh, what a horror. Are you kidding? New Year's Eve is really not coming now? And I will have to live here always, in this kingdom of fairy tales? And there is no way out. (Crying)

Time Keeper: Well, well, well. Immediately into tears. Okay, stop roaring. Listen to who they are talking to! Stop roaring! There is always a way out - this is what I, the keeper of time, tell you. You can fix everything.

Girl: How? Move the clock back?

Time Keeper: Well, no, that would be too simple a solution to the problem.
Hit the road soon
Do not forget to take with you
A kind soul, a brave heart,
And, of course, mind about five pounds.
You will return home if ...

Girl: If what?

Time Keeper: New Year will come to us if ...

Girl: If what?

Time Keeper: Everything will work out, if only
You are on your difficult road,
You will do five good deeds
You will do five glorious deeds.

Girl: Should I do five good deeds? But which ones? Who should I defeat? Or, on the contrary, to release? What should I do?

Time Keeper: Well, you know, my dear, you want too much from me. Here is a land of fairy tales in front of you. Here is the road. Here's a bundle for your journey - there is bread in it, you won't die of hunger. Then rely only on yourself. And I've been talking to you for too long. Time is running out, I have to go ...

The time keeper disappears. The girl is left alone, goes to the sound of the song.

Girl: I'm tired of something. And I really want to eat. Well, as the tale says, I'll sit on a tree stump and eat a pie.

Mouse (not visible): Pi-pee-pee, pee-pee, feed me first.

Girl: What is this? Who is that beeping?

Mouse (out):
I'm a poor little mouse
Haven't eaten all day today
I live without a mother from the cradle,
My home is a rotten old tree stump.
You feed me, I ask,
Otherwise I'll die of hunger,
At least a pie, at least a crust of cheese
I will gratefully accept.

Girl: Wow "poor little mouse" - almost as tall as me! Okay, don't cry, get half the pie. And take all the cheese, I know how you mice love it.

The girl gives the mouse food. Loud music is heard, the voice of the Timekeeper says: "FIRST GOOD DEED!"

Girl: What is this? What was it? You heard?

Mouse: Heard, heard. Someone said: "The first good deed!"

Mouse: But you fed me!

Girl: Do you think this is considered a good deed?
That's amazing!
I didn’t wait, I didn’t wonder
It's so simple, easy
A good deed will come true,
I will only treat you!
I thought I would have to
I have to fight and fight
A whole century to search, save,
Days go, nights do not sleep.

Mouse: That sang, too, to me, the opera diva. I think I'll go, thanks for the treat.

Girl: Thank you! Gone. If only he would say, like the Swan Princess: "Do not worry that you will not eat for me for three days ..." Well, I must go, too.

The pitiful cries of a kitten are heard.

Girl: What is it? Who is crying here. Oh, kitty! How did you get in there, silly? Why are you crying?

Kitten: I, I, I ... I am a scared mouse.

Girl: What a fool! Yes, the same mice should be afraid of cats, and not vice versa. However, this mouse is so huge that you can be understood. Anyway. The mouse has already left. So you can safely go down.

Kitten: I can't. I climbed here, but I can't get down back. And if I don’t cry now, I’ll soon fall - I already have no strength to hold on.

Girl: That's great! What am I to do with you now. We need to film you, but I ... I myself am afraid to climb such a tall tree. But if I don't climb, the kitten will break. Okay, come what may. For courage, I’ll remember a song about little John - he was not afraid of anything.

To the song, he climbs a tree and takes off the kitten, until the end of the song he dances with him. Then a voice is heard: "SECOND GOOD DEED!"

Girl: Have you heard, heard? Second good deed! True, I saved you. But don't think, I didn't mean it at all. That is, on purpose, to save you, and not on purpose, just to do a good deed. Fu, I'm completely confused.

Kitten: Thank you, kind girl. Good luck! Goodbye!

Girl: Goodbye! Don't be afraid of mice anymore!

Goes humming a song about John. Nearly bumps into the Big Dragon.

Girl: Well, here's a dragon. Good afternoon.

Big Dragon: What? And you still dare to call this day good?

Girl: Me? Yes, but do you have a different opinion?

Big Dragon: Of course, different. Son, come here. (Little Dragon appears). Here, look at this unfortunate child.

Girl: Why is he moaning? What happened?

Big Dragon: How can this poor child not moan? For the fourth day, his tummy hurts! Can't eat anything! I didn't even want to eat you!

Girl: Me ... me ... me. This is bad. That is good. And now you, this is the very thing, eat me yourself.

Big Dragon: No, I won't eat you. I am a figure on the shore, now I only eat vegetables and fruits. But my son, poor son. He, at his age, needs to eat meat! And his tummy hurts!

Girl: How did he get sick? What did he eat before that? Did he wash his hands, that is, paws, before eating? And did he eat the food fresh?

Big Dragon: We dragons never wash our paws before eating. And the products were the freshest. I remember that just before his tummy got sick, he ate five knights, along with horses, of course. Then he ate the passing king with the queen and daughter princess. For this, I really scolded him. The king was already quite old, callous, the queen was too fat, and the princess was too mischievous and capricious. Generally unhealthy food. So, what else did he eat that day? And, I remembered - ten hares, three deer, two dozen partridges. So that is all.

Girl: Yes. Nothing at all. In general, everything is clear to me. Your dear son just has indigestion. Overeat, in a word.

Big Dragon: Is it dangerous? Can you cure him?

Girl: Me? Of course I can, but on one condition.

Big Dragon: Everything, I will do everything, just heal my dear son.

Girl: It's very clear to me that plant foods are good for your species of dragons and meat foods are bad for you. Therefore, let your son give his word never to eat knights, princesses, kings, people in general, and let him be more careful with animals.

Little Dragon: I give you my word.

Girl: Well, that's good. So, somewhere here I saw St. John's wort and chamomile. Yeah, here they are, great. So, for people, these medicinal plants need to be boiled, but for the dragon, it will probably be more useful to eat them like this. Eat!

The little dragon eats herbs.

Little Dragon: It's over!

Girl: Hurray!

Sings along with the dragons.

Good is stronger than all dragons in the world,
Come with kindness to the dragon,
And he will become nicer than a puppy in an apartment,
And he will become beautiful - look.
Of course, I'm glad to help the dragons.
But I'll tell you a secret
That for me is both joy and joy,
That I will also serve people.
You knights and kings and maidens,
Come quietly to this forest,
Dragons live here - don't be afraid
From now on, no one here will eat you!

Girl: Goodbye, lovely dragons! Try not to overeat anymore, kid! Are gone. And I'm tired of something. Now I have nothing to eat, so I must at least sleep for an hour or two. Here I will lie down.

The girl lies down and falls asleep. The monkeys appear. They argue over the nuts. The girl wakes up.

Girl: What are you getting out of your head? A person will not be allowed to sleep!

Monkeys (they all say together, interrupting each other): You want to sleep - but we eat. I want to eat, but we cannot divide the nuts. What if I get less? What if he has more? What if...

Girl: Stop, stop, stop! Let's figure it out. How many nuts do you have here? 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15. Fifteen. And there are three of you. You see how simple everything is. After all, fifteen is just divisible by three. So, get five nuts each and don't swear anymore

Monkey: I have five. And you have? And I'm five. And mine. Hooray! All equally! Glory to the best mathematician in the world!

Girl: Fourth good deed? But now what have I done?

Monkey: Yes, you reconciled us!

The girl and the monkeys are dancing to the song "As it should be for friends." Baba Yaga appears.

Baba Yaga: What kind of dancing is this? Who is this in the forest making such a noise, does not let me, Baba Yaga, sleep?

Girl: Excuse me, Baba Yaga, I didn't know that you were sleeping here, I didn't want to wake you up.

Baba Yaga: I didn't want to ... I didn't want to - but woke me up. For this I will eat you now.

Girl: Oh, don't eat me, please! This should never be done!

Baba Yaga: Why not? As far as possible!

Girl: You can't, Baba Yaga, you can't. First, how my mother, grandmother, grandfather will live without me. And secondly, if I do not do five good deeds, the New Year will not come to earth.

Baba Yaga: Well, what won't come? I don't care whether it's New Year or old.

Girl: How is it all the same? What about a holiday? And the fun? What about gifts?

Baba Yaga: I don't have any holidays, no fun. And no one gives me gifts. I live here alone, old, lame, with a bone leg and a hut on chicken legs. From such a life you can win like a wolf - even in the New Year, even in the old one.

Girl: Oh, what are you, Grandma Yaga, unhappy. I feel sorry for you.

Baba Yaga: Oh you! She feels sorry for me! You better have pity on yourself. Now I'll eat you - that's all.

Girl: Well, you eat me - what, this will add joy to you. No, Baba Yaga, this will not work. I have to do something with you.

Baba Yaga: How is it with me? Do I have me?

Girl: Well you're all about food, yes about food. Let's better think about how you can change your life. Do you have friends here in the Fairy Kingdom?

Baba Yaga: Friends? There were, of course. Yes, everyone swam. A hundred years ago I did not share one good fellow with the Serpent Gorynych - he wanted to eat him, but I regretted it, I helped to escape. We had a fight with Koscheyushka Bessmertny when we played cards. Goblin crushed my bone leg this summer, I don't talk to him now.

Girl: And there are no other prettier heroes in your kingdom?

Baba Yaga: Why not? In bulk! And kings, and kings, and good fellows, and maidens are red. They just today gathered at Tsar Saltan for a feast all over the world. And I was invited.

Girl: So go! Why are you sitting at home, but grumbling to the whole world.

Baba Yaga: Go! How smart! What am I going to wear? I don’t even have a dress, and I don’t know how to dance.

Girl: Dress is not the main thing. Come on, take off your scarves! So ... I'm going to comb your hair now. Well, let's wash. Now - she has already become like a person. Now let's learn to dance.

Baba Yaga and the girl are dancing.

Baba Yaga: I want to dance, I want to dance, until the morning ... Farewell, girlfriend! I'll run to the ball! I want to dance ...

Time Keeper: Well, you have done one more good deed, made Baba Yaga herself happy and kind. Well done! Now it's time to go home.
Everything is behind, worries and worries,
Five good deeds have already been accomplished,
And the New Year will come, no doubt,
And we will all see the holiday.
It's time for you to return
Now you have understood a lot
You don't have to wait for the good
When you do good yourself.
May the New Year be happy
For all your relatives, friends,
Bring goodness and happiness to people
Be kind, strong, do not be shy!

Girl: You looked at our fairy tale.
Her moral is very simple
To make life more fun
Rather become a servant of good.
Do not expect old deeds,
Dragons, princes and princesses
And help the one who is near.
And our fairy tale is over!

Igosheva Irina Ivanovna

R / n Magnitka

A New Year's song is playing (Dima Bilan "New Year")

Scenario of the New Year's ball for schoolchildren

"Meeting of the Black Dragon"

Leading: Frequent forest,

By the blizzard field

The winter holiday is coming to us.

So let's say together:

"Hello, hello, New Year!"

Song "Hello guest, winter"

The floor for Happy New Year is given to the director of the boarding school Tarusova Raisa Borisovna

Suddenly there is a ringing of bells, the snorting of horses, and Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden enter the hall.

Father Frost:

Happy New Year, you friends!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

They came to you with their granddaughter again,

Found your festive hall

Without labor, without slowing down,

To cheer you up!

Wish everyone good luck

Celebrate the New Year with you!

Snow Maiden:

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year's round dance!

To call luck in life

It is necessary to stand in a friendly circle to us!

Father Frost:

Come on, tree, revive it!

Shine the lights!

Call everyone to the merry circle!

A New Year's song sounds

"Song to the Little Christmas Tree."

(The tree lights are suddenly extinguished)

Father Frost:

Are the lights playing with us?

Or just amused!

Snow Maiden:

The lights will shine again

If guests ask

All your desires

They will amicably tell her "Burn!"

Father Frost:

Everyone thought, friends!

I made a wish too!

So that they are fulfilled,

We will tell the Christmas tree ...


"Burn" (the lights come on for 3 times)

Father Frost:

So that desires come true

To make your dream come true

Near the New Year tree

Dance together you!

Song: "New Year's Dreams"

Performed round dance by showing Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

For 1h. - all walk in a circle tapping.

For 2 hours - dance moves by show

Then the Snow Maiden takes everyone away with the "Snake" around the hall

Children sit in their places. (On high chairs)

Leading. Now let's play the Echo game. In the game, you can become a firefighter, astronaut, hunter. Is it possible to become an echo, guys?

Guys... But as?

Blizzard Sounds

Father Frost:

Something Blizzard played out,

Even the tree swayed.

We ought to go to her

With my good granddaughter.

Snow Maiden:

Who will be here with the guests

If we leave now?

Father Frost:

Do not worry! For a moment

Old year we will call

He will correct the inconvenience ...

Let him rule the ball for now!

Snow Maiden:

Old year! Go here!

(cat appears)

cat(old year):

What do you want, gentlemen?

Although I already understand.

I stay okay, okay!

Well, go, I'll stay ...

(Det Moroz and Snegurochka are walking)

I will be the king today!

I'll call my friends here!

Where are they? Ay, ay!

The game "To the Melody of the Lady" -Kostrina I.N.

The song "When I will be a cat" sounds

Cats come out, dance.

Leading. Let's play a game now"Echo". In the game, you can become a firefighter, astronaut, hunter. Is it possible to become an echo, guys?

Guys... But as?

Leading. Please tell me how does the echo answer the questions? For example, I will ask in the forest or in the mountains where there is an echo: "What time is it now?" What does it answer me? That's right: “Hour! hour!". And can, for example, an echo answer: "It is eleven o'clock, fifteen minutes?" Of course not. So I think the rules of the echo game are clear to you. We start to play. I just ask you to accompany your friendly answers with the same friendly clapping of your hands.

Get ready, kids! (ra-ra)

The game begins! (ra-ra)

Don't spare your hands (lei-lei)

Hit your hands more fun (lei-lei)

What time is it now (hour-hour)

How much will it be in an hour (hour-hour)

And not true, there will be two (two-two)

Think, think, head (wah)

How a rooster sings in the village (uh-uh)

Yes, not an owl, but a rooster (uh-uh)

Are you sure so (so-so)

And in fact, how? (how how)

How much is twice two? (two-two)

The head is spinning! (wah)

Is it an ear or a nose? (nose-nose)

(the presenter holds on to the ear)

Or maybe a hay cart? (cart-cart)

Is it an elbow or an eye? (eye-eye)

(the presenter points to the elbow)

But what is this with us? (us-us)

(the presenter points to the nose)

You are always good (yes, yes)

Or just sometimes (yes, yes)

Are not tired of answering (chat-chat)

(to give a prize to who was the most attentive, say Santa Claus and Snegurochka)

One of the cats:

Meow, meow, come out

Show the stage rather

(New Year's songs are playing)

Leading: Girls of the 1st group dance "Lambada".

(The dance "Lambada" is performed.) Group 1

Cat: There is one game for you:

I'll read poetry now

I'll start and you finish

In chorus, answer in unison!

It's snowing in the yard

Holiday is coming soon

(New Year)

The branches rustle faintly

The beads are bright


And the toys swing

Flags, stars,


Threads of variegated tinsel



Fragile fish figures,

Birds, skiers,

(snow maidens)

Whitebeard and red nose

Under the branches

(Father Frost)

And decorating the top,

It shines there as always

Very bright, large,



Well, the tree, just a marvel!

As smart as


Here the lights lit up on her,

Hundreds of tiny


The doors are wide open, as if in a fairy tale,

The round dance rushes into


And over this round dance

Talk, songs, ringing laughter ...


(Happy New Year)

With new happiness at once


cat: I want to dance by such a beautiful Christmas tree.

Performed "If there was no winter"

Cat: For many, many years in a row

The Christmas tree makes the guys happy.

Your moms, your dads, grandparents

They also had a round dance

Near the Christmas tree on New Year's

We sang a song about a Christmas tree:

"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

Let's sing it together!

Cat: And I can also dance Dragon with the Letka-Yenka guys, come out and dance with us

The Dragon:

This New Year is my turn!

A solemn march sounds or (PI Tchaikovsky from "Eugene Onegin" - polonaise)


Meet he is a dragon!

The throne will have to yield.

Dance "Letka-enka"

The Dragon:

Happy New Year, gentlemen

It's my turn

Black Dragon Year!

Consistency is black,

I will take you away from thunderstorms and troubles.

I will defend the weak

Do not offend anyone.

To live in a permanent world

To be friends with kindness, wisely!

I will try for you

To smile more often

To live happily in abundance

Will you be friends with me?


We will!

The Dragon:

Who agrees, get up in the circle!

Meet me all together! (Make a circle)

Near the Christmas tree immediately

Friendship circle will give you strength,

And health and good luck.

Let all tasks be solved

There will be a bright New Year

Song: "Tick - Tock"


I'm having fun in the new year.

I'll plunge into Brook!

The Dragon:

New year stream

Good luck to everyone.

A New Year's dance song sounds, the Cat and the Dragon invites everyone to dance


New Year's games, attractions:

a) (jump around the tree and take the magic prize! It contains a symbolic prize)

Presenter: Grandfather Frost is not coming. Maybe he lost track? What to do? How to be? Let's help grandpa. Let's make a blizzard, it will sweep the forest paths from the snow, and Santa Claus will come to us. Girls will do this: w-w-w, and boys will do this: y - y - y! Well, everything is together! (do). Oh, how good it is!

The ringing of bells is heard and Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden appear in the hall

Father Frost:

The New Year's ball is in full swing!

They are not too late to know!

Snow Maiden:

But where is the white cat?

The Dragon:

The Year of the Dragon has come!

Father Frost:

Well, we're all happy about that,

Year of the Dragon as a reward

For honest work, for respect

For patience, for embarrassment.

May it be New Year today

Only happiness brings you!

Happy New Year!

Firecracker fireworks

Dance –Kostrina I.N.

Game "Frost"

Leading: Santa Claus and the guys prepared today as a giftpoetry. Let's listen to them.

Children read poetry, Santa Claus gives gifts.

Father Frost: Well done, guys, thank you, respected the old man. I also noticed that some of the guys came in New Year's costumes.

Please stand in a round dance, and the Snow Maiden and I will reward all the guys who came in costumes

Parade of children in New Year's costume

Snow Maiden: Guys, today we congratulated everyone on the holiday exceptChristmas trees. Let's congratulate her, join hands and walk in a circle.

1,2,3,4 Oh, what a Christmas tree. (right)

- (and now let's go to the left)!, ”, 3,4 Beautiful Christmas tree!

- (and now let's go together to the Christmas tree. 1,2,3,4 Happy New Year, congratulations.

And from the Yolochka. 1,2,3,4. And we wish everyone success.

Song: "Two Christmas Trees"

Santa Claus: Oh, where is my mitten? Have you seen the Snow Maiden? The dragon finds her and, turning to Santa Claus, asks: "Santa Claus, is this not your mitten?" Santa Claus answers: “The mitten is mine, I’ll catch up with it, friends ”.Children pass a mitten to each other, and Santa Claus tries to take it from the children.

Father Frost:

I sincerely wish you happiness in your house, friends!

Snow Maiden:

And, of course, luck to everyone

And New Year's mood for everyone!

Together: (Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Cat, Dragon)

May the New Year come

Only joy for you will bring!


"Education of schoolchildren" No. 5 2009

"Class teacher" Moscow No. 5 2010