Chinese New Year movie. What date is the Chinese New Year. Chinese New Year traditions and signs

Despite the fact that our country is Russia is a primordially Christian country, but it is impossible for a Russian to live without any innovations! So in Russia it has already become the norm to associate the New Year holiday with any animal, in accordance with the cycle of the Chinese or as it is also called the Eastern calendar. Many people confuse these same symbols with horoscope symbols, but this is a completely different topic ... You should not do this! In the Chinese (Eastern) calendar itself, there is 12 animals here they are:

And everything would be clear and simple if the cycle of these same 12 animals was repeated over and over again. But the Chinese turned out to be not so simple. Often we notice this behind them ... In addition to animals, they also have 5 natural elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, water.

Now about the specific, about dates and numbers. As we said, it is necessary to pay attention not only to animals - the symbol of the year, but also to the elements. After all, it is from the animal and the elements taken together that what will depend on the coming New Year.

So, in order to find out when and what year according to the Chinese (Eastern) calendar will be, when it starts, how long it will last and when it ends, we turn to the table.

Who will be in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and until 2067, what animal according to the Eastern (Chinese) calendar

To determine under the sign which animal will pass a particular year according to the Eastern or Chinese calendar, which is the same, you can use the table below. It is enough to be a little more attentive and find the year you are interested in to find out who's year and under what natural elements it will pass. In addition, in the table you can also find what color the element will be in the next New Year.

And here 2019 will be the year of the yellow (earthy) pig!

However, knowing the year does not mean knowing the number from which it will begin! Here, the start date of the year in the Chinese calendar is tied to the new moon, that is, when the moon begins to rise! It is not for nothing that all fortune-tellers and believers in omens start all the big things with the growing moon! So ours, or rather the Eastern New Year, begins every 12th new moon. Actually, the months in the calendar are also tied to the cycles of the moon ...

When does the New Year 2019 according to the Eastern (Chinese) calendar begin?

In order to determine the number-new moon with which the year will begin or end, you need to find the last numbers in one of the cells that would correspond to the year you are interested in.
So, for example, the New Year 2019 according to the Chinese calendar, according to the table, will begin on February 5, 2019 and will last until January 25, 2020. As you can see, everything is simple!

Videos about the dates and symbols of the new year 2019

Now, based on the material above, you can easily find out what year and who is expected, that is, it will be! We just have to wish that regardless of the sign (symbol) of the year according to the Chinese calendar, as well as the element and its color, your New Year will be happy and pleasant! We would also like to invite you to read the congratulations in verse for the new year of the pig.

If you are meticulous and boring, then you can probably find out all the little things and features from encyclopedias and reference books ... However, as far as holidays and fun are concerned, here it is better to give in to your feelings, intuitive currents, even emotions and desired fantasies. Well, in case you do not have inspiration for such research or you once again want to support your reflections with someone else's alternative opinion, then you have come to the right place! After all, here and now we will just dream up, draw logical conclusions on the theme of celebrating the New Year of the White Rat. This year will come to us in 2020, not so long before it!

The intrigue at the expense of the symbol of the new year begins to bother us every time, as soon as someone thinks about celebrating this have a wonderful holiday... After all, the carnival of impressions and emotions will circle us in its arms for more than one day, which means we really love this holiday! It is supposed to celebrate it with all the sweep of the soul, in all possible budget and fully armed. If something is missed, it is not forgiven!
That is why everything will be taken into account when preparing for the new year. Where, with whom, how and under what symbol of the new year the celebration will take place. And so that you do not poke around on the Internet in search of the secret and important in order to put everything together, we have already done it all for you! In this article itself, you will find answers for yourself on how to celebrate the new 2019 year.

Often the New Year's fireworks have not yet died down, the dishes have not been finished, all the events that have taken place on the holiday have not been retold, and already someone is in a hurry, in a hurry, looking, but what will happen next year - in 2030 ?! Well, this right is quite legitimate, and the curiosity of the latter must be satisfied! Here you can sing a little in order to pause a little and introduce intrigue about what kind of animal the year 2030 will be. However, we do not have a TV show when the viewer has nowhere to go, where everything is going according to plan and without the opportunity to “flip through” the uninteresting. Therefore, you should not pull too much, since you can simply skip a couple of lines with your eyes and still see that the new 2030 will be the Year of the Dog, or more precisely yellow or earthen dog ... This is because in China the land is yellow, almost sand and clay, and therefore yellow they have an earthen! They have not seen our black soil! Now let's talk about the celebration of the Year of the Dog. How should you prepare for it, what to do, and what is better not to do?

How to celebrate the year of the Monkey, what is it remarkable for, what you need to be ready for and what to foresee !? We will try to talk about this and tell you. The monkey animal is sometimes capable of being overly active, which we all know about. This means that the year will be eventful, not at all sluggish, but quite the opposite. Intense, lively, sometimes unpredictable. This is an example of 2016, which was last year red monkey. Everyone remembers the economic crisis around the world, the jump in oil, the uncertainty in political trends. It is very difficult, not easy, not predictable, just like the behavior of the monkey itself, if you communicated with them ...

A sheep is a harmless animal by nature, which not only does not climb on the rampage, but is also able to endure a lot. True patience also has its limits, because both a sheep and a goat can hook you with their horns, if there are reasons for that.

The New Year of the Horse can be described as follows ... A horse is natural strength the grace of an animal and the strength of a living tree, which is able to break through incredible obstacles on the way to their goals.
As a result, the year of the horse is, first of all, a year for purposeful people who are capable, can achieve the set results, even if not with the easiest work.

The snake is an all-crushing primal element of flexibility, dexterity, cold-bloodedness and a certain selfishness. The symbol of this year carries complex social and personal relations, but with due attention to the current situation and appropriate behavior, you will have the opportunity to radically change the situation in a beneficial direction for you.

Every year we celebrate the first secular new year and it always happens on December 31st. Then we wait for the eastern one, in order to once again meet him well with friends or with relatives, if it is so customary in the family, to celebrate the onset of this new year. What the year 2017 will be eastern calendar? This is the year of the Fire or Red Rooster. It comes into force on January 28, 2017. This means that children born from this period will be under the auspices of Fire Rooster.

What does fiery mean? This is the element. There are only eastern horoscope 5 and they are closely tied to each year. The elements change, for example, in 2017 the Fire Rooster, and in other years it can be made of wood, under the auspices of earth, metal, wood, water. Each element endows its owner with certain properties. Let's consider them for the Fiery one.

Fire element

It is believed that such an element is inherent in the middle of a hot summer or the height of the day. The fiery element bestows happiness on its owner. He is naturally beautiful, or at least very pretty. In addition to positive traits with a negative mood, the element can activate in a person a state of sensation of scorching heat or some kind of mental suffering.

Also, fiery people often possess clairvoyance. They feel great people, they are perceptive. Don't try to deceive them. You will not succeed, but you will lose confidence and the Fire Rooster will no longer want to do business with you. He does not like unnecessary and cowardly people. Respects the brave, resourceful, willing to take risks and achieve their goals. It doesn't matter in business it will be or while studying at school or institute.

New Year 2017 according to the Eastern calendar belongs to the Rooster, shrouded in fire. Strong energy... In addition, mature people born under the auspices of Fire are excellent teachers. They make talented and deeply thinking writers and journalists. In addition, the power of fire endows them with the opportunity to lead, to be a leader in some enterprise. Many in mature age start their own business and everything is going great for them.

Even the leader of some religious organization can be born in the year of the Fire Rooster. We look forward to the arrival of a talented generation of children on earth. In some children, you will notice a nose that is slightly crooked, or even altogether, like a Rooster. Take a closer look at the baby's skin, he could be born reddish and as an adult will have a slightly red skin. Not pale, like that of a comrade of the Earth sign, and not with a blueness, like that of an eternally freezing girlfriend under the auspices of Water.

On the Eastern calendar, 2017 has absorbed fire. In the body, it controls the blood and the main motor, the human heart, is subordinate to it. People born under this sign with a large supply internal forces... In their youth, they think that everyone is like that, and then they notice that their friends do not have enough energy to achieve their goals. By the way, they can share it - they are donors. The "Turgenev girls" often fall in love with such young people. They are somewhat cold, distant and dreamy.

What will the year of the Rooster give to humanity?

Roosters, although they love to throw dust in their eyes and show off, in fact, many of them are intellectuals. The patronage of the Fire Rooster can give humanity an impetus to make discoveries in various fields of knowledge. For example, invent a cure for many diseases that were previously considered incurable. There is a prediction of clairvoyants that such a medicine will soon be invented by Russian scientists. This is prestigious, it shows that Russians wear not only a hat with earflaps on their heads.

In addition to the medical field, there can be an impetus in the development of mechanical engineering. In fact, humanity has many inventions, for example, solar-powered cars and other environmentally friendly vehicles. But corporations producing gasoline and gas have multibillion-dollar profits. They will never allow ideas to come through that will deprive their families of this. profitable business... Previously, inventors died under mysterious circumstances. They were simply ordered. Now it is difficult to hide such a crime, but the great inventions of mankind are still gathering dust in the storage facilities of the special services.

In the political sphere, heated debate will rage. So the Fire Rooster will affect the people of this profession. The collapse of different coalitions and new alliances are possible. Those who are at the helm of power will change a little. Energetic people, pleasing to the frisky intellectual Rooster, will come. Do not be surprised if you open the horoscope of those people and they will be in a nesting relationship with the Rooster. They are considered the most favorable, conducive to a good career and strong friendship between people.


What is the Eastern calendar 2017? This is the year of the Red Wise Rooster. Among the people born into it, there may be such inventors, and given that now Indigo children are coming into the world, the probability increases by 100%. In addition, there are many healers or mature old souls among them. Such children are said to be born with the wisdom of the elderly. Often the kid does not play with his peers, but learns to read early and at the age of 5 learns various encyclopedias, quickly absorbs knowledge. Fire gives a quick exchange of information. Adults who do not know what these children are capable of are very surprised when a 3-year-old baby is able to maintain simple philosophical themes... As if in past life Uda finished her studies as a parapsychologist.

The mystical giftedness of the Fire Roosters is also manifested in the gift of healing. For example, treatment with the laying on of hands. Many go to qigong or reiki and learn the skill of managing their energy there. Of people born under Fire sign The rooster turns out to be talented chiropractors, who easily adjust the ridges and other joints and bones to people. If such a person decides to work as a massage therapist, clients will tell him that his palms exude warmth and that pleasant energy somehow permeates them.

Now you know that 2017 according to the Eastern calendar is under the auspices of the fire sign. If your son or daughter is born this year, rejoice! Do not bury your talents, let your child study according to his inclinations in medicine, for example, as an engineer, architect, etc.

There are still a few months, and all users on the Web are already beginning to actively search for information, 2017 is the year of which animal according to the Eastern calendar. It is to this topic that the editors WANT decided to devote this material.

It is known that the change in calendar years is accompanied by a change in the patron saint of each year from a twelve-year cycle. One specific animal, according to the eastern calendar and horoscope, conveys its patronage, character, tastes and preferences to the year. That is why many are eager to find out which animal is 2017.

This knowledge will make it possible to predict what will be next year, which promises each sign of the Zodiac, because the temperament of each animal is painted in a separate color and type of elements, of which there are five in the east: fire, water, earth, wood and metal. Therefore, further read about which animal is 2017 according to the eastern calendar and what to celebrate 2017 in.

What kind of animal according to the horoscope will 2017 be of interest to everyone in the first place in order to have time to prepare all the accompanying attributes of the holiday: interesting, as well as details appearance:, as well as which one to cook for yourself for this unforgettable night... So, it is known that in this regard, the next year acquires new colors and characteristics.

Recall that despite the fact that we meet on the night of December 31 to January 1, formally, the year of the Red Fire Rooster will begin on January 28, 2017, and will end on the night of February 15-16, 2018. If you were born this year, then the year will be the source material wealth, ideas for earning and accumulating them, an inexhaustible source for creativity and self-realization. For the rest of the signs, 2017 the year of the Red Fire Rooster will be difficult, but promising.

According to the eastern calendar, 2017 is the year of the Rooster, and since it is also red, fiery, the color symbolizes strength and energy, scrupulousness and self-confidence. They say that in the new year good luck will smile on the brave: those who make efforts to achieve a result, who systematically and persistently try to achieve their goals, in 2017 will reap the fruits of their labors.

What to celebrate 2017

On account of that, there are many opinions. Many experts are inclined to believe that 2017 is the year of the Rooster. The Fire Rooster favors red, ruby, carmine, scarlet, red, gold, crimson, crimson flowers with which you can combine black ( deep color soot), shiny white, mother-of-pearl, therefore it is in these colors of clothing that the year of the fiery Rooster should be met. When choosing a color, avoid passive or, on the contrary, very eccentric mixtures. Stop at noble fiery shades of reds, which are paired with rich golds, New Year's whites, and formal blacks to create perfect option for New Year 2017 celebration. Under no circumstances should there be any mention of predators in your outfit, especially such as a tiger or a leopard. Note that the Rooster will like the mention of him in clothes: a brooch, a colorful boa made of soft feathers, or a small feather accessory on a bracelet, bodice of a dress or on a hat.

2017 is the year of the animal

The traditions of the Eastern world are fundamentally different from the usual Slavic ones. Even the Chinese New Year in 2017 begins later than the common date in other countries. The Chinese are sure that for every event there is individual spirit... He can be kind and generous, or he can be evil and insidious. Depending on intentions fabulous creature it is customary to present and treat him or drive him away.

Chinese calendar

In China, residents are reckoning according to the lunisolar calendar, so the year will not be 2017. Surprisingly, when the whole world celebrated 2016, the Chinese celebrated the coming of 4714. And the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire use a different name - the Spring Festival, decorating their clothes with spikelets of rice as a symbol of the yield of the coming year. The name is translated literally, and the history of the Chinese celebration begins in 1911, although the New Year itself has been celebrated for more than 2 thousand years.

As the saying goes ancient legend, a long time ago, a terrible monster with huge horns on an ugly head came to Chinese villages. It lived in the sea, but once a year it crawled out onto land to feast on delicious things. For the arrival of the monster, residents began to prepare for a few days, collecting everything of value and leaving their own homes. According to the legend, the nightmare ends when a wise gray-haired old man with a cane and a bag visited one of the Chinese villages. In panic, no one paid attention to him, except for one woman, who took pity on the traveler. She advised him to run, because according to the calendar a monster was supposed to appear. However, the elder only grinned and asked to stay overnight in one of the houses. Unable to dissuade him, the villagers left the village.

The residents who returned in the morning could not believe their own eyes, because the grandfather not only survived, but also managed to drive out the insidious Chun. A fire burned peacefully in the hut, warming with its warmth, and the entrance to the house was painted red. As it turned out, the monster was frightened by the fun, noise, red color and flame of fire. Since then, laughter has reigned everywhere and garlands have been burning. The Chinese calendar uses a 60-year cycle that began in February 1984 and will end at the end of January 2044.

In the old days, the Chinese new year did not last less than a month and was celebrated with luxury and scope. Accelerated pace modern life does not allow such indulgences, and working people cannot rest so much. Holidays have been reduced to a crescent and traditionally end on the 15th day of the holiday. When does it start chinese celebration For the first five days, it is customary to meet with friends and visit each other. The final point is the grandiose Festival of Chinese Lanterns so that evil spirits do not accidentally enter new life... It is easy to calculate when the Chinese New Year 2017 begins and ends if you know the basics of traditions.

How is the celebration going

By tradition, the younger members of the family gather in the house of the elders, and the grown-up children return for a while to the parental hearth. No excuses are accepted, since it is customary in China to honor and respect the elderly and family customs... It is not customary to give gifts to each other for the new year, but the Chinese believe in omens. And on the first day when the countdown begins next year, parents present children with a small sum of money... Banknotes must be placed in a red envelope, as a symbol material well-being and wishes for financial stability.

Not even found in major cities in China and greeting card, since this tradition, popular on other continents, also did not take root in the east. If in other countries in the pre-New Year period, green is dazzling in the eyes, then on the streets of China everything turns red. It is considered the main color of the holiday, as it is able to expel evil spirits. Most of all, the Chinese are afraid that at the moment when the new year begins according to the calendar, an evil creature will enter the house and bring troubles with it. He is expelled with fireworks, fun, laughter and light, therefore, instead of postcards, scrolls with wishes and many bright red lanterns are presented.

Before the holiday, the Chinese change into new clothes, spend general cleaning in the house and cook delicious dishes... Clothes should be in bright colors:

  • Green;
  • Pink;
  • Gold;
  • Red.

The brighter the outfit, the more chances that an insidious and cunning spirit, capable of bringing grief and loss, will not penetrate into the house. The Chinese celebration begins and ends with the observance of all old customs... Young people do not have the slightest doubt that signs will help keep peace in the house and bring good luck. To do this, you need to build a talisman against evil and win over the owner of the new year.

Together with garbage and rubbish, the Chinese throw away the old stagnant energy, giving way to new and living energy. The main course on New Year's table dumplings become, which are similar in shape to a gold bar. The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire are confident that this symbol of prosperity and wealth will bring good luck with the first minutes of the new year. Chinese calendar 2017 year. Treats such as fish and soy tofu should also be on the table. With these dishes, the Chinese thank the patron saint of the outgoing year for their generosity and indulgence. It is customary to decorate houses with ripe juicy tangerines in the amount of 8 pieces, which means infinity.

/ New Year is a holiday that everyone is looking forward to and preparing for it in advance. New Year is a holiday that unites everyone: the poor and the rich, and the smart and fools, and fair-skinned and with a different skin tone, and Europeans and Asians.

New Year is expected both in Europe and in America. But it is from the East that the tradition of celebrating the Chinese New Year is already firmly established, because, firstly, there are few holidays for our people, and secondly, celebrating the Chinese New Year is fun, bright and extraordinary.

Probably the only one joyful holiday, which has centuries-old history... As you know, earlier, in distant Mesopotamia, it fell at the time of flowering nature and was celebrated in the month of March.

Perhaps, by this very people, paying tribute to the awakening of nature, they tied their hopes and dreams in life. By the way, the celebration then lasted 12 days. Exactly how many Mesopotamians walked, drank, had fun and did not work. They also gave each other gifts.

Chinese New Year, or Chun Jie, after 1911 is literally called the "Spring Festival" and has long been the main and longest holiday in China and other countries. East Asia... It has been celebrated for over two thousand years.

Once upon a time Chun (or "Nian" - means a year), this terrible monster with horns on its head, who lived in the sea, got into the habit of crawling into the nearest village once a year to get something edible for the whole year. They were afraid of him and prepared for his annual release in advance. Taking with them the most important things, everyone, young and old, left the village.

And so it went on until a feeble old man came to the village, as the legend says, with a silver mustache, a cane and a large bag over his shoulders (why not our Santa Claus?). A bustle and horror was going on in the village, everyone was in a hurry to hide in the mountains from the monster, and no one paid attention to the beggar old man.

Only one kind woman having told about the grief of the village, with a prayer she asked my grandfather to run from here to the mountains as quickly as possible. Grandpa smirked slyly into his silvery mustache and asked for one night's lodging. The woman allowed him to stay in view of the fact that his grandfather had already lived life and would not be able to quickly escape.

But what was the surprise of all the returning residents in the morning, when the grandfather, safe and sound, moreover, who managed to drive out the hateful Chun, was peacefully resting on the threshold of the house. A crackling fire burned in the hut, Entrance door was painted red, the remains of firecrackers lay on the floor. And the grandfather himself was sitting in a red painted dressing gown.

It turns out that Chun is afraid of fun, fire, red and crackling crackers! Since then, China began to celebrate the New Year cheerfully, noisily, with garland lights, firecrackers and other tinsel that drove out evil spirits.

Chinese New Year does not coincide with ours in any way. Gregorian calendar, therefore, the "Spring Festival" is celebrated every year in different dates... For example, in 2016, Chinese New Year came on February 8th (Year of the Monkey), in 2017 it starts on January 28th (year of the Rooster).

It is noteworthy that the Chinese calendar uses a sixty-year cycle, which begins with the year of the Wood Rat and ends with the Water Pig. This cycle began on February 2, 1984 and will end on January 29, 2044.

For changing Fire Monkey will come, that is, we have been living for two years under the patronage of two fiery symbols. Each year corresponds to one of twelve animals that have one of five colors and belong to the same element.

The color that will bring good luck in 2017 is bright red. The Chinese themselves consider the Fire Rooster to be almost the most interesting animal in the entire eastern calendar.

This year will be especially lucky for creative people striving for success. Lovers will be able to find their happiness, the lonely will find their soul mate. Especially the Rooster will help those who can selflessly throw themselves into the pool headlong, boldly discard the slightest doubts, will not be afraid of change, but, on the contrary, will open their hearts to everything new and unusual.

The Chinese call the night before New Years “the night of meeting before parting”, when the whole family gathers at one table and discusses everything that has happened during the year. There must be delicious traditional Chinese dishes on the table: fish, doufu soy cheese (our tofu), dumplings (jiaozi). So the Chinese give thanks for the generosity and spend the past year.

The main thing begins on the New Year itself and lasts 15 days. The Chinese are having fun, congratulating each other and giving small gifts, decorated in red (as a rule, this is money in a red envelope). The first five days they meet and visit each other.

Party clothes must be bright colors: red, gold, pink, green. The brighter the better. New Year's mass celebrations end on the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar.
